投資 Investment in 2006
【ムンバイ】Aditya BirlaグループのHindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)は、米国企業Almex Incと共同で航空産業/陸上海上交通産業(surface transportation industries)/スポーツ業界向けに強化アルミニウム合金(high-strength aluminium alloys)を製造する合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Hindalco ties up with US-based Almex
【Mumbai】Hindalco Industries Ltd(HIL), an Aditya Birla group company, has entered into a joint venture partnership with the US-based Almex Inc for the manufacture of high-strength aluminium alloys for applications in the aerospace, sporting goods and surface transport industries.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38668(852/976)
【ニューデリー】イタリアの自動車メーカー、Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd(PVPL)は近くインド二輪車市場に復帰する計画だ。
◆Piaggio plans to re-enter 2-wheeler market
【NEW DELHI】Italian auto maker Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd plans to re-enter the Indian two-wheeler market shortly. Piaggio earlier had a stake in the Kanpur-based scooter manufacturer, LML, and a technical tie-up with the later, which ended in 1999.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38671(853/976)
【ニューデリー】Intel Corporationは、インドに先端的検査製造(ATM:Advanced Testing and Manufacturing)施設を設ける最終方針を決めるに先立って、半導体政策の奨励措置の内容が発表されるのを待っている。
◆Intel eyeing semi-conductor policy
【New Delhi】Intel Corporation is currently waiting for the incentive package of the proposed semi-conductor policy to take a final decision on its Advanced Testing and Manufacturing (ATM) unit in the country.
【新德里】英特尔公司对在印度兴建先端检查和制造(Advanced Testing and Manufacturing)设施计划做最后决定前,正在等待印度政府发表半导体政策下的一套奖励措施的内容。
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38673(854/976)
【ニューデリー】インド最大のGSM(Global System for Mobile)携帯電話サービス会社Bharti Airtel Ltd(BAL)は、フィンランドの電気通信機器メーカー、Nokiaと、8サークル(Mumbai/Maharashtra & Goa/Gujarat/Bihar/Orissa/Kolkata/West Bengal/Madhya Pradesh)におけるGSM/GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)/EDGE(Enhanced Data GSM Environment)管理サービスの拡張と全国的なWAP(wireless application protocol)ソリューションの導入に関する総額4億米ドルの3年契約を結んだ。
◆Bharti, Nokia ink $400 mn network outsourcing deal
【NEW DELHI】India's largest GSM operator, Bharti Airtel has awarded another network outsourcing deal, a $400m three-year-contract to Finnish telecom vendor Nokia for expanding its managed GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks in eight circles which includes Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Bihar, Orissa, Kolkata, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh and deploy a pan-India wireless application protocol (WAP) solution across its network.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38674(855/976)
Sushilkumar Shinde電力相は、2日以上の消息を確認するととも、政府が同発電所の売却を図っているとの噂を否定した。
◆Dabhol power plant restarts, no plans to sell the project
【New Delhi】The Dabhol power project has been re-started, the Power Minister Mr Sushilkumar Shinde said on November 2. Mr Shinde, however, said there were no plans to sell the Dabhol project.
【新德里】达波尔电厂11月1日重新开动。Sushilkumar Shinde电力部长11月2日证实这个消息,可是他否认转让达波尔项目的风声。
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38675(856/976)
◆Hindustan Petroleum、Vizagに製油所コンプレックス計画
【ハイデラバード】国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)の特別経済区(SEZ)内に3万クロー(US$66.68億)を投じメガ製油所コンプレックスを設ける計画だ。
◆HPCL plans setting up a mega refinery complex in Vizag
【Hyderabad】State-owned Hindustan Petroleum Corporation plans to invest Rs 30,000 crore for setting up a mega refinery complex in the special economic zone in Visakhapatnam.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38676(857/976)
◆Hindustan Petroleum、小売り/ホテル事業に進出
【ムンバイ】国営石油精製/マーケッティング会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は向こう5年間に3万2000クロー(US$71.127億)の資本支出を行い、小売り網を強化する。
◆Hindustan Petroleum has big plans for non-fuel retailing
【Mumbai】State-run oil refining and marketing giant, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) plans to spend Rs 32,000 crore on capital expenditure in the next five years and concentrate on upgrading retail outlets.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38679(858/976)
【ムンバイ】Shipping Corporation of India、Container Corporation of India(Concor)、Central Warehousing Corporation(CWC)等、インドのトップ海運/ロジスティクス公共企業は、Dubai PortsやPort of Singapore Authority(PSA)等の国際港湾会社に対抗するため、コンソーシアムを組織し、見積もりコスト5000クロー(US$11.11億)のJawaharlal Nehru Port Trust(JNPT)第4ターミナル・プロジェクトに入札する準備を整えている。
◆Mega Public cos' alliance to bid for JNPT 4th terminal project
【Mumbai】Public sector majors like State-owned Shipping Corporation of India, Container Corporation of India (Concor) and Central Warehousing Corporation are in the process to jointly bid for the Rs 5,000 crore fourth terminal project at Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust as part of their strategy to take on international port operators like Dubai Ports and the Port of Singapore Authority.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38680(859/976)
【コルカタ】インド第2の鋼線(Steel wire)メーカー、Ramsarup Industries Ltd(RIL)は、52クロー(US$1156万)を投じて進めるTMT(thermo-mechanically treated)製品及び線材セグメントの拡張計画を12月までに完成させることを目指している。
◆Ramsarup Ind aims to complete expansion by Dec
【Kolkata】India's second largest steel-wire maker, Ramsarup Industries Ltd aims to complete its Rs 52-crore ongoing expansion programme in the TMT and wire segments by December.
【加尔各答】在印度第二大的铁丝造企业Ramsarup Industries有限公司想要到今年12月底前完成当前进行的TMT钢筋和线材制造设施扩张工程。
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38681(860/976)
◆Kalyani、ST Kineticsと合弁で国防ハイテク製品製造
【プネー】マハラシュトラ州Puneを拠点に主に自動車コンポーネントの取引を手掛ける年商15億米ドルのKalyani Groupは、シンガポールの年商21億米ドルの国防産業企業Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics)とインド国防産業市場向け重要ハイテク製品の設計/エンジニアリング/製造を手掛ける合弁会社を設立する。
◆Kalyani forms JV with ST Kinetics to tap the Indian Defence market
【Pune】The $1.5-billion Pune-based Kalyani Group, a leading player in the global auto components sector, signed a joint venture agreement with the $2.1-billion Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics). The joint venture will be engaged in the design, engineering and manufacture of high technology and critical systems for the Indian Defence market.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38682(861/976)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点にするMurugappa Groupはウタランチャル州政府が認めた消費税と法人所得税優遇措置を利用して向こう2年間に一連の製造施設を設け、同州に製造業クラスターを形成することを目指している。
◆Murugappa to set up a cluster of manufacturing units in Uttaranchal
【Chennai】The Murugappa Group plans to have a cluster of manufacturing units in Uttaranchal over the next two years to take advantage of the excise and income-tax incentives.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38683(862/976)
【チェンナイ】台湾企業2社、コンピューター・ハードウェア製造業者ASUSTeK Computer Inc(ACI:華碩電脳)と石油化学やエネルギー産業に関わる多角的事業を展開するFormosa Plastics Group(FPG:台塑関係企業集団)がタミールナド州への投資を約束した。
◆Two of Taiwan's largest cos looking to invest in Chennai
【Chennai】Two of Taiwan's largest companies - ASUSTeK Computer Inc and Formosa Plastics Group are committed to investing in Tamil Nadu. The former is a computer hardware manufacturer and the later has diversified interests including petrochemicals and energy.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38684(863/976)
◆カナダ企業Tundra Semiconductor、インドR&D活動強化
【ハイデラバード】カナダのファブレス半導体デザイン会社Tundra Semiconductor Corporation(TSC)はインドにおける研究開発(R&D)活動を拡張、インドR&Dチームを通じて開発した製品を数多く発表する計画だ。
◆Tundra Semiconductor to expand R&D work in India
【Hyderabad】Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, a Canadian fabless company. plans to expand its R&D work out of India centre here and launch several products developed by the India R&D teams.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38685(864/976)
【チェンナイ】米国ミズリー州セントルイスに本社を置く携帯電話端末用コンポーネント納入業者Laird Technologies(LT)は、タミールナド州Chennai近郊SriperumbudurのNokia SEZ (special economic zone)に同社にとってインド初の製造拠点を設ける。
◆Laird to set up unit in Nokia SEZ
【Chennai】Laird Technologies, a global leader in the design and manufacture of components supplied to mobile phone makers, plans to set up its manufacturing facility at the Nokia SEZ (special economic zone) in Sriperumbudur near Chennai.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38689(865/976)
【ハイデラバード】多国籍製薬メジャー、Novartis Incは向こう5年間に500クロー(US$1.11億)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに外国企業がインドに設けるものとしては最大規模の研究開発(R&D)施設を設ける。
◆Novartis plans to set up an R&D facility in Hyderabad
【HYDERABAD】Global pharma major Novartis Inc, plans to set up a huge research and development facility near Hyderabad with an overall investment of Rs 500 crore in the next five years.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38691(866/976)
◆Govt expects Rs 22,500 cr investment in SEZ for power
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government expected an investment of Rs 22,500 crore over the next five-six years in a proposed Special Economic Zone for manufacturing renewable energy equipment.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38692(867/976)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は7日、Anil Ambaniグループに率いられるReliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France)チーム/オーストラリアのArrow Energy/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industriesと、第3次炭層メタン鉱区(CBM-III)入札にかけた10ブロック中9ブロックの生産分与協定(PSC)を結んだ。
◆PSCs for 9 CBM blocks have been awarded
【NEW DELHI】The government on November 7 signed production sharing contracts (PSCs) for 9 of 10 blocks offered under CBM-III with three consortia, namely, the one led by the Anil Ambani group's Reliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France), Australia's Arrow Energy and Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries.
【新德里】印度政府跟3企业联盟包括阿尼尔·安巴尼集团领导的瑞莱恩斯自然资源公司-瑞莱恩斯能源公司-Geopetrol International/澳大利亚风云能源公司/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries签署9个煤层气区块的产品分成合同。
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38699(868/976)
【バンガロール】ベルギーの官民共同研究機関IMEC(Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center)は、SemIndiaとアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに開発が予定されるFab Cityへの入居に関する覚書を交換した。
◆IMEC to set up a research unit at Fab City
【Bangalore】IMEC, a Belgium-based public-private research institution, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with SemIndia to set up a research unit at the proposed "Fab City" in Hyderabad.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38700(869/976)
◆Celestica opens its first Indian mfg facility in Hyd
【Hyderabad】Celestica, a Canadian electronics manufacturing services company, on November 7 formally opened its manufacturing facility which had built with an investment of Rs 30 crore in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38703(870/976)
【チェンナイ】韓国の電子会社Samsung Electronicsの子会社Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd(SEIPL)は、1億米ドル=約450クローを投じてタミールナド州Chennai近郊Sriperumbudurに第2工場を建設するため、10日タミールナド州政府と関係覚書を交換した。
◆Samsung plans to invest $100 million for 2nd facility in Chennai
【Chennai】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung Electronics, will invest up to $100 million for setting up a manufacturing complex, its second manufacturing facility in the country, at Sriperumbudur, near Chennai. The company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu government on November 10.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38704(871/976)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のBartronics India Limited(BIL)は、シンガポール企業Watchdata Technologies Ltd(WTL)の支援も得、160クロー(US$3563万)を投じてハイデラバードにスマート・カード・チップ製造施設を設ける。
◆Bartronics plans to make smart card chips
【HYDERABAD】Bartronics India is going to set up a smart card chip manufacturing facility in Hyderabad at an investment of Rs 160 crore with Singapore-based Watchdata Technologies' collaboration.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38705(872/976)
【ムンバイ】日産はMaruti Udyog Ltd(MUL)と共同で15億米ドルを投じ年産35万台の新工場を建設する交渉(SEAnews:2006-09-11号参照)を中止し、代わりにマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のMahindra and Mahindra及び主要株主のRenault SAと手を結んだ。
◆Nissan scales down Maruti pact
【Mumbai】Nissan has called off talks with Maruti Udyog Ltd(MUL) to invest $1.5 billion for a 350,000 unit capacity plant. Instead, it will join the alliance between Mumbai-based Mahindra and Mahindra and France's Renault SA, which owns 44 per cent of Nissan's equity. However, Nissan remains committed to the deal signed with Maruti, under which MUL will make 50,000 cars for Nissan for exports.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38706(873/976)
【ムンバイ】Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd(M&M)とRenault SAは9日、51:49の出資率で当初年産30万台の自動車製造施設を設ける合弁覚書を交換した。
◆Renault, Nissan, M&M jointly build a new plant
【Mumbai】Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd(M&M) and Renault SA on November 9 signed a memorandum of understanding to jointly build a new assembly plant with an initial capacity of 300,000 cars per year. M&M owns 51 per cent of the venture and Renault the remaining 49 per cent.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38708(874/976)
◆Reliance Logistics、航空貨物輸送に進出
【ニューデリー】Mukesh Ambani氏のReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)傘下に属するReliance Logistics Ltd (RLL)は、およそ800クロー(US$1.78億)を投じ、航空貨物輸送ビジネスに進出する。
◆Reliance Logistics forays into air cargo business
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Logistics Ltd (RLL), part of Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries group, is foraying into the air cargo segment with investments of up to Rs 800 crore.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38709(875/976)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州における年産1200万トンの製鉄プロジェクトを実行するため、子会社Mittal Steel India Ltd(MSIL)を設立した。
◆Arcelor-Mittal sets up Indian subsidiary for Orissa project
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formed an Indian subsidiary, Mittal Steel India Ltd, for implementing its 12-million-tonne-per-annum steel plant project in Orissa.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38710(876/976)
【ニューデリー】マドヤプラデシュ州Sasanとグジャラート州Mundraのウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power projects)はほぼ軌道に乗った感が有るが、残りの3つのUMPPは様々な難題に直面している。
◆Ultra mega powerprojects facing difficulties
【NEW DELHI】While the 4,000 mw ultra mega power projects in Sasan(Madhya Pradesh) and Mundra(Gujarat) appear to be on track, there is trouble brewing for at least three of the remaining projects.
【新德里】中央邦州 Sasan和吉吉拉特州Mundra的4000mw超级大型发电计划看起来顺利地运行轨道上,可是剩下的只少3个计划面对不少难题。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38711(877/976)
【ムンバイ】Supreme Petrochem Ltd(SPL)とSupreme Industries Ltd(SIL)は、合計1415クロー(US$3.145億)を投じ、マハラシュトラ州にそれぞれプラスチック関連の製造施設を設ける。
◆Supreme Ind, Petro to set up plastic manufacturing units in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Supreme Petrochem Ltd and Supreme Industries Ltd will together invest Rs 1,415 crore to set up units for manufacturing plastic products in Maharashtra. The companies on November 7 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Maharashtra Government.
【孟买】Supreme Petrochem有限公司和 Supreme Industries有限公司投资总共141亿5000万卢比在 马哈拉施特拉州各兴建塑胶关联制造厂。这两间公司11月7日跟马哈拉施特拉州政府签署有关备忘录。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38712(878/976)
◆Textile investment at $7.3 bn in 06/07
【NEW DELHI】India sees investment in its textile sector at Rs 330 billion(US$7.3 bn) during the current fiscal year, compared to Rs 219 billion the year before.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38714(879/976)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、今月末に予定されるManmohan Singh首相の東京訪問を機に経済協力協定(EPA:Economic Partnership Agreement)もしくは包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に関する交渉に拍車をかけるものと見られる。
◆India, Japan to spur negotiation on economic agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan are expected to spur negotiations for a possible Economic Partnership Agreement or a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with the proposed visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Japan later this month.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38719(880/976)
【ニューデリー】連邦直轄地Delhiとアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadの国際空港近代化計画を請け負った2コンソーシアムを率いるGMR groupは、ハイデラバードに航空産業特別経済区(SEZ)を設けることを計画している。
◆GMR to set up an aviation SEZ in Hyderabad
【NEW DELHI】GMR which has led the consortium modernising Delhi and Hyderabad international airport is planning to set up an aviation special economic zones (SEZ) in Hyderabad.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38724(881/976)
【チェンナイ】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)は1万1000クロー(US$24.45億)を投じ、タミールナド州に2000MW(メガワット)の原子力発電所を建設することを計画している。
◆NTPC to set up nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu
【CHENNAI】The National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) is planing to invest about Rs 11,000 crore to set up a 2,000 mw nuclear power plant in Tamil Nadu.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38726(882/976)
◆国営製鉄会社Rashtriya Ispat、US$55億拡張計画立案
【コルカタ】アンドラプラデシュ州のVizag steel plant(VSP)を経営する国営製鉄会社Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は向こう14年間に2万5000クロー(US$55.57億)を投じ、販売可能な鉄鋼製品(saleable steel)の年間製造能力を現在の320万トンから1600万トンに拡張する。
◆Rashtriya Ispat chalks out Rs 25k-cr expansion plan
【KOLKATA】Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL), the corporate entity for Vizag Steel Plant (VSP) which makes 3.2mt of saleable steel currently, has chalked out an aggressive roadmap to raise its total steel making capacity to 16m tonnes (mt), entailing a total investment of Rs 25,000 crore over the next 14 years.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38727(883/976)
【ムンバイ】鉄鋼王Lakshmi Mittal氏の2人の弟、Pramod Mittal会長とVinod Mittal重役(MD)に率いられるIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、5000クロー(US$11.11億)を投じマハラシュトラ州Dolviに設けた製鉄所の年産能力を500万トンに拡張する方針を決めた。
◆Ispat to invest Rs 5000 cr in Dolvi plant
【Mumbai】Ispat Industries, global steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal's two brothers, Pramod and Vinod Mittal-controlled steel company, has decided to invest Rs 5,000 crore to scale up its production capacity in Dolvi in Maharashtra to 5 million tonne a year.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38730(884/976)
◆Chinese bike makers try to ride into India again
【NEW DELHI】After a few Chinese bike makers failed to ride into India, other motorcycle makers from across the Great Wall are again preparing to enter the burgeoning Indian two-wheeler market.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38732(885/976)
【バンガロール】米国テキサス州Austinを拠点にワイヤレス/ネットワーキング/消費者用/工業用製品の組込システムの設計・製造を手掛ける年商58億米ドルの半導体企業、Freescale Semiconductor Inc(FSI)は、インドにおける市場シェアの拡大を目指し、亜大陸における事業拡張を図っている。
◆Freescale Semiconductor expands operations in India
【BANGALORE】Freescale Semiconductor Inc., the Austin (Texas) headquartered $5.8 billion global leader in design and manufacture of embedded systems for wireless, networking, consumer and industrial products, is scaling up its operations in India for increasing its market share in the subcontinent.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38733(886/976)
【ニューデリー】地元ソフトウェア・サービス会社HCL Technologies Ltdは、カナダの電子製造サービス会社Celestica Incと合弁会社を設立し、OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturers)顧客にコンセプトから製造(C2M:concept-to-manufacturing)に至る製品のライフサイクルを通じた総合的なソリューションを提供する。
◆HCL forms JV with Celestica to provide OEMs C2M solutions
【NEW DELHI】HCL Technologies Ltd has formed a joint venture with Canada-based electronics manufacturing company, Celestica Inc, to provide complete concept-to-manufacturing (C2M) solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) customers, including product concept, design, engineering and manufacturing among others.
【新德里】HCL技术公司和总部设在多伦多的电子生产服务提供商天弘公司合作向原始设备制造商提供从概念到制造(C2M) 的整套无缝合线的解决方案,包括产品概念,设计,工程,制造等等。
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38734(887/976)
【ハイデラバード】商工省は15日、情報技術特別経済区(IT-SEZ)プロジェクトの激増に鑑み、最早プロジェクト申請に対する『原則認可(in-principle approval)』は行わない方針を決めたと発表した。
◆No more in-principle approvals to IT SEZs
【HYDERABAD】Union commerce ministry on November 15 announced that in view of the proliferation of proposals for setting up IT SEZs, the ministry had decided not to give any in-principle approvals to IT SEZs.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38735(888/976)
【ニューデリー】石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions)専門委員会(task force)は、ケララ州Kochi/西ベンガル州Haldia/カルナタカ州Mangalore/オリッサ州Paradip/ハリヤナ州Panipat/グジャラート州Dahej/アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)をPCPIRの候補地としてリストアップしたが、最近の閣僚グループ(GOM:group of ministers)会議の席上、アンドラプラデシュ州のKakinadaを追加することが提案された。
◆Kakinada chosen as the 8th petrochem investment region
【NEW DELHI】While the Task Force on Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions has identified Kochi in Kerala, Haldia in West Bengal, Mangalore in Karnataka, Paradip in Orissa,Panipat in Haryana, Dahej i Gujarat and Visakhapatnam(Vizag) in Andhra Pradesh for setting up of petrochemical hubs, the government has mooted an additional location, Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh where such a complex can be set up.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38737(889/976)
【ムンバイ】Larsen & Toubro(L&T)は三菱重工業と、石炭火力発電プロジェクトで用いられる超臨界圧ボイラー(Supercritical Pressure Boiler)の製造に関わる技術移転契約を結んだ。
◆L&T, Mitsubishi sign pact on supercritical technology
【Mumbai】Local engineering giant Larsen & Toubro today has signed an agreement with Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd for technology transfer of supercritical boilers used in coal-fired power plants.
【孟买】本地建筑工程企业Larsen and Toubro有限公司和三菱重工业公司签署燃煤电厂超临界技术转让合约。
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38738(890/976)
【ニューデリー】インドと中国は21日、訪印した胡錦涛国家主席とManmohan Singh首相の会談後、両国間の経済関係を強化する10項目の戦略を盛り込んだ共同声明を発表するとともに、13協定に調印した。
◆India, China sign 13 pacts, a joint declaration
【New Delhi】India and China signed 13 agreements and announced a joint declaration incorporated a "ten-pronged strategy" to expand cooperation after the dialogue between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao. Joint declaration describs the two countries as partners for mutual benefit and not as rivals or competitors and confirms Tibet is a part of China but there is no mention of Sikkim or Arunachal.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38739(891/976)
【ニューデリー】中国の胡錦涛国家主席の訪印を1週間後に控えた11月16日、インド政府は中国と二国間投資促進保護協定(BIPA:bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement)を結ぶことを閣議承認した。
◆Cabinet nods to investment pact with China
【NEW DELHI】A week before Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to India, the Union Cabinet on November 16 gave its nod for signing a Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) with China.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38740(892/976)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本合同調査グループにより立案された時限付き遂行目標を実行するための合同委員会(joint task force)が近く組織されるため、両国の経済連帯に弾みがつく見通しだ。
◆Joint task force to boost India and Japan's economic ties
【NEW DELHI】India and Japan are going to set up a joint task force in order to implement the timebound agenda set by a study group earlier. Therefore efforts to propel India-Japan economic ties to a new trajectory will get a fillip soon.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38742(893/976)
◆Global Auto、10万ルピー・カー製造準備
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のGlobal Automobiles Ltd(GAL)は、中国政府が所有するGuangzhou Motors Company(GMC:広州摩托集団公司)と協力して来年7月までにインドの核家族をターゲットにした最も低コストな乗用車(cheapest car)を発売する計画だ。
◆Global Auto to roll out sub Rs 1-lakh car
【New Delhi】Kolkata-based Global Automobiles Ltd is planning to put the cheapest car on sale in the Indian market in collaboration with China government-owned automobile manufacturer Guangzhou Motors' Company by next July.
◆Global Auto在明年7月前发售10万卢比汽车
【新德里】总部位于加尔各答的Global Automobiles有限公司计划在中国国营广州摩托集团公司的协助下到明年7月前发售10万卢比以下的全国最便宜的轿车。
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38743(894/976)
【ニューデリー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)はヤマハと国内市場向け及び海外向けにハイエンド・モーターサイクルを製造する合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Bajaj hold talks with Yamaha for high-end bikes' JV
【NEW DELHI】Bajaj Auto is having talks with Yamaha for setting up a joint venture company to produce high-end motorcycles both for the domestic market and for export.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38744(895/976)
◆Dell to increase its staffs, make PCs from '07
【New Delhi】Global PC maker Dell will increase its total headcount in India to 20,000 in the next couple of years and will start manufacturing all its products including desktops, laptops and computer peripherals in the country by the first half of 2007.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38746(896/976)
◆Railtel/GailTel/Power Grid、巨大通信会社組織
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)傘下のRailtel Corporation of India Limitedと、Gas Authority of India Ltd(GAIL)傘下のGailTel、そして自ら通信事業を手掛けるPower Grid Corporation of India Ltdは、共同で国内長距離電話サービスを提供することで合意した。
◆RailTel, GailTel and Power Grid to form a giant telco
【NEW DELHI】RailTel, GailTel and Power Grid have agreed to form a single national long distance (NLD) operator and will enter the commercial telecom space soon. This yet unnamed telecom joint concern will have an optic fibre cable capacity of 75,000 kms nationally in addition to thousands of kms of intra-city networks.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38747(897/976)
【ムンバイ】ロンドン拠点の金属/鉱山会社、Vedanta Resources plc(VRP)傘下のSterlite Industries India Ltd(SIIL)はオリッサ州Jharsuguda県に19億米ドルを投じ2400MW(メガワット)の発電所を建設、商業電力ビジネスに乗り出す。
◆Sterlite to set up 2,400-MW power plant in Orissa
【Mumbai】Sterlite Industries India Ltd, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources plc, the London-headquartered metals and mining group, will be foraying into commercial energy business by setting up a 2,400 MW green field power plant in Jharsuguda, Orissa, involving an investment of $1.9 billion.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38750(898/976)
◆FDI rises 100 per cent in six months
【NEW DELHI】Foreign direct investment inflows have recorded a 100% increase in the first six months with cumulative inflows amounting to $4.4 billion as against $2.2 billion in the same period last year.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38751(899/976)
【コルカタ】Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)は、ジャールカンド州のChiria/Gua/Kiriburu/Meghahatuburu、オリッサ州のTaldih/Bolani、チャッティスガル州のRowghatに位置する新鉱山の開発や既存鉱山の拡張に4000~5000クロー(US$8.89億-11.11億)を投資する計画で、取り分け新鉱山の開発に本腰を入れる。
◆SAIL to invest Rs 5000 cr in existing and new mines
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) plans to invest between Rs 4,000 crore and Rs 5,000 crore to develop new mines in the mining blocks of Taldih and Bolani in Orissa, Chiria, Gua, Kiriburu and Meghahatuburu in Jharkhand and Rowghat in Chhattisgarh and to increase production from existing mines.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38752(900/976)
◆Pratt & Whitney、エンジン修理施設設置計画
【ムンバイ】航空機用エンジン・メーカーPratt & Whitney(P&W)はインドに航空機エンジンの修理工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Pratt & Whitney to set up engine MRO unit
【Mumbai】Airplane engine major Pratt & Whitney is about to set up an aircraft engine workshop in India. This comes close on the heels of aircraft makers Airbus and Boeing announcing plans to set up aircraft repair facilities. India is fast becoming the favourite destination for international aerospace majors, with the carriers in India placing orders for over 300 aircraft.
投資 Investment in 2006