内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009
【ニューデリー】インド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)は、2018年までに公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式に基づき貨物専用鉄道沿いに4つの『複合一貫ロジスティクス・ハブ(MMLH:multi-modal logistic hubs)』を開発する方針を決めた。
◆Four logistic hubs to dot freight corridors
【New Delhi】Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd (DFCCIL) intends to develop four multi-modal logistic hubs via public-private partnership (PPP) model along the dedicated freight corridors, by 2018.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42785(302/362)
【ニューデリー】中央調査局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)は先週木曜(22日)電信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunications)オフィスを突然捜査した。これは同局が2008年1月に新たに8社に第二世代(2G)移動体通信サービス・ライセンスを発行したが、その際違法な手続き処理がなされたとの訴えに基づくもの。当時当該ライセンスを発行したのはA Raja通信情報技術相だった。CBIは翌23日も引き続いて通信省オフィスと関係企業のオフィスに対する手入れを行った。
◆CBI raids DoT, C & IT Minister under lens
【New Delhi】The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Thursday (Oct 22) searched the office of the Department of Telecommunications in response to complaints of irregularities in the way 2G (second-generation) licences were awarded to nine new operators in January 2008 by communications and IT minister A Raja. The CBI on Friday (Oct 23) searched offices of the Telecom Ministry for the second day and also visited a number of private operators.
【新德里】中央调查局星期四(22日)对电信局办公室突然查抄因为某些方面投诉电信局2008年1月不恰当地向9间企业发行第2代移动通信准证。那时现任A Raja电信部长发行该准证。中央调查局星期五(23日)继续对电信部办公楼和有关企业的办公室查抄。
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42786(303/362)
【ニューデリー】A Raja通信情報技術相は、通信ライセンスの発行と周波数域の割当を巡り電信局(DOT)のDS Mathur当時事務次官の強い抵抗に直面していた。Mathur次官の抵抗は極めて頑強で退任するまで如何なる書類にも署名することを拒むほどだった。このためラジャ通信相は2007年12月31日にMathur次官が退任するのを待って、2008年1月末までに民間企業8社に問題のライセンスを発行した。
◆A conflict between Minister and Secretary behind CBI raid?
【New Delhi】Communications and IT minister A Raja had faced severe opposition from his then secretary DS Mathur over the entire licensing and spectrum allocation process. The opposition from Mathur was so strident that he refused to sign any files on the matter till his retirement. Mathur retired on December 31, 2007 and licences were granted to the 8 companies towards the end of January 2008.
【新德里】A Raja电信部长在发行电信准证与分配频率域的整个问题上面对过当时的电信局事务部长DS Mathur的严厉抵抗。Mathur的抵抗很强,他到退休之前拒绝签署任何手续。因此Raja等到Mathur2007年12月31日退休,2008年1月才给8间私人公司发行电信准证。
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42787(304/362)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunications)は、修正した第3世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域入札ガイドラインを公表するとともに、入札締切期日を2010年1月14日にすると発表した。800MhzのCDMA周波数域と広帯域無線アクセスWiMAXの入札は3G入札の2日後に催される。
◆3G auctions to begin on Jan 14
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications has announced revised guidelines for auctioning third generation (3G) spectrum with a new deadline of January 14. Auctions for CDMA spectrum band in 800 Mhz and broadband wireless access (WiMAX) will be held two days from the close of the 3G auctions.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42792(305/362)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は10月27日、インフレ圧力を抑制する狙いから、市中銀行が預金の一部を政府証券に転換し、中央銀行に預けることを義務づけた法定流動性比率(SLR:stautory liquidity ratio)を25%に100ベイシス・ポイント引き上げた。しかし他の主要金利は据え置いた。
◆RBI hikes SLR by one percentage point to 25%
【New Delhi】Aiming to tackle inflationary pressures, the Reserve Bank on October 27 raised statutory liquidity ratio (SLR), the portion of deposits that banks are required to keep in government securities by 100 basis points to 25 per cent. However, it kept other key rates and ratios.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42795(306/362)
【ニューデリー】インド国民会議派(INC:Indian National Congress)は2009年国会下院選挙における勝利の弾みを依然保っており、マハラシュトラ州では三期連続政権を維持、アルナチャルプラデシュ州では地滑り的大勝利を実現、ハリヤナ州では過半数議席には届かなかったものの、政権維持の望みをつないだ。その反面、インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)を初めとする野党連合は予想外に不振な結果に終わったようだ。
◆Cong wins Maha, Arunachal; may retain power in Haryana,too
【New Delhi】Continuing its success in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress retained to power in Maharashtra for a third term in a row and won a landslide victory in Arunachal Pradesh. In Haryana it fell short of a simple majority, but may still be able to form the Government. Results come as a shock for BJP-led coalitions, following Assembly elections in the three states.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42796(307/362)
【チャンディガル】Bhupinder Singh Hooda首席大臣に率いられるハリヤナ州のインド国民会議派(INC:Indian National Congress)は、国会下院総選挙における勝利(10議席中9議席獲得)を好感し、任期を6ヶ月余して州議会を解散したが、賭けは裏目に出、解散前の67議席を下回っただけでなく、過半数(46)にも及ばぬ40議席を獲得したにとどまった。
◆Haryana: Return of uncertainty?
【Chandigarh】The Congress, led by Bhupinder Singh Hooda, took the plunge six months before the expiry of its term following an overwhelming victory in the recent Lok Sabha elections when the party bagged nine of the ten seats. The gamble did not pay off and the party has been left struggling for even a bare majority. Its tally of 40 is far less than the strength of 67 it enjoyed in the outgoing House.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42797(308/362)
【ニューデリー】計画委員会(Planning Commission)は12月の中期見直しにおいて第11次五カ年計画期間のインフラストラクチャー投資目標額を5140億米ドルから4200億~4500億米ドルに940億~640億米ドル下方修正する。これは主に幹線道路や港湾建設プロジェクト投資が大幅に減少した上、銀行の融資条件を満たす公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)プロジェクトが極めて少ないため。しかしアナリストらは4200億~4500億米ドルにしても依然として到達し難い目標と評している。
◆Centre to scale down infra targets
【New Delhi】The Planning Commission's mid-term appraisal in December will revise the infrastructure investment target for the current Plan from the original $514 billion to $420-450 billion, which many analysts think would still be a tall order due to a sharp decline in highway and port sector investments, coupled with the absence of bankable public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42799(309/362)
【バンガロール】電力不足に悩むカルナタカ州政府は目下、同州Uttara Kannada県Tadadiに2100MW(メガワット)の天然ガス発電所を建設する計画を進めているが、別に4カ所に合計8000MWの同様のガス発電所を設ける野心的計画を立案した。
◆Karnataka plans 4 gas-based power plants
【Bangalore】Power-starved Karnataka state government, which initiated work on the state's first gas-based power project with a capacity of 2,100 Mw at Tadadi in Uttara Kannada district, has drawn up an ambitious plan to develop four more such projects with a combined capacity of 8,000 Mw.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42807(310/362)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP)は月曜(26日)、移動体通信周波数域の割当を巡る疑惑追及の矛先をManmohan Singh首相に向け、直接砲火を浴びせた。
◆PM targeted on spectrum controversy
【New Delhi】The BJP on Monday brought Prime Minister Manmohan Singh directly into the line of fire, an attack launched to accuse the government on the spectrum controversy.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42809(311/362)
【ニューデリー】Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は10月30日、「第2四半期と第3四半期の経済成長率を検討した上で出口戦略(exit strategy)を決める。このため2009-10年度末以前に景気刺激措置を停止することはない」と明言した。
◆Stimulus may not end by March: FM
【New Delhi】Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on October 30 clearly hinted that the withdrawal of fiscal stimulus packages might not come before the end of 2009-10 as he would take a call on the policy issue only after scrutinising the growth numbers of the second and the third quarters.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42810(312/362)
◆重大汚職調査室、2003年以来の帳簿操作でSesa Goaを調査
【ムンバイ】Vedantaグループ傘下のSesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は10月29日、ボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)に対し、「法人事務省が10月23日付けで重大汚職調査室(SFIO:Serious Fraud Investigation Office)にSGLとその子会社Sesa Industries Ltd(SIL)の調査を指示した命令書のコピーを10月28日に受け取った」と報告した。
◆Serious Fraud Investigation Office to investigate Sesa Goa
【Mumbai】Vedanta Group firm Sesa Goa said on October 29 in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange, "On October 28, 2009, the company received a copy of an order dated October 23, from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India ordering an investigation by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) into the affairs of the company and that of its subsidiary, Sesa Industries Ltd."
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42815(313/362)
◆3G fee to get capital assets status
【New Delhi】The finance ministry has decided to clear the proposal to allow the amount paid for the third generation spectrum to be treated as capital asset, which would be amortisable for tax computation purposes over a 20-year period, the tenure during which the 3G licence is valid.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42816(314/362)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は10月29日、中央政府と、同州に『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region)』を開発する計画の重要な一環を成す、待望の『Nayachara島化学ハブ計画』覚書に調印した。
◆Centre, Bengal govt ink chemical hub pact
【Kolkata】The Centre, on October 29, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the West Bengal government for setting up the much-awaited chemical hub at Nayachara island, which is a critical component of the proposed petroleum, chemical and petrochemical investment region (PCPIR) in the state.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42824(315/362)
【ニューデリー】A Raja通信情報技術相にとって一層厄介な前途を暗示するかのように、中央調査局(CIB:Central Bureau of Investigation)は調査の範囲を拡大、電気通信局(DOT:department of telecom)前次官のDS Mathur/Siddhartha Behura両氏と、電気通信委員会(Telecom Commission)のManju Madhavan委員の事情聴取を行う方針を決めた。
◆CBI to quiz ex-secys, telecom panel member
【New Delhi】In what could be trouble ahead for communications & IT minister A Raja, the Central Bureau of Investigation has decided to widen the scope of its enquiry into the spectrum scam, by seeking details from former DoT secretaries DS Mathur and Siddhartha Behura and Telecom Commission member Manju Madhavan.
【新德里】中央调查局已经扩大调查发行电信准证与分配频率域疑惑的范围而决定向两位前电信局事务部长DS Mathur和Siddhartha Behura以及通信委员会的 Manju Madhavan委员听取情况。这会暗示A Raja电信部长将面对更困难的情况。
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42825(316/362)
【ニューデリー】中央調査局(CIB:Central Bureau of Investigation)は中央政府にVK Sibal炭化水素総局前総監が現職時に民間業者と不適切な関係を築いたとし、同氏に対する全面的な捜査を許可するよう政府に求めた。
◆CBI wants a thorough investigation against former DGH
【New Delhi】The Central Bureau of Investigation has sought government permission for a thorough investigation to probe the accusation against former director general Hydrocarbons, VK Sibal, who was said to collude with private parties during his term.
【新德里】中央调查局请中央政府允许该局全面地调查前碳氢化合物总监VK Sibal。Sibal被批评他做碳氢化合物总监时跟私人企业勾结。
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42832(317/362)
【コルカタ】インド政府は、証券取引所に上場した中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)が事業拡張のための投資や合弁に際してより大きな裁量権を持つことができるよう、来月、既存の『Navaratna』よりも上位に分類される『Maharatna』ステータスを導入する予定だ。
◆Maharatna status for top PSUs to be in place by December
【Kolkata】The Centre is likely to introduce Maharatna status next month as a new standard above Navaratna to give central public sector enterprises (CPSE) listed in the bourses more freedom to decide on investment, joint ventures and capacity expansion.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42833(318/362)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は5日、より積極的な公共企業の政府持ち分売却政策を発表した。同政策の下、既に上場済みの中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)は株式の公開比率を最低10%に引き上げ、全ての黒字経営未上場CPSEは株式の公開を求められる。このことは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)を含む国営企業100社以上が公開公募(IPO:Initial Public Offerings)を行うことを意味する。
◆Govt unveils bold divestment plan
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government on November 5 announced a bold disinvestment policy that all listed Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) would offload 10 per cent of their holding in the public domain and all unlisted profitable state-owned entities should go public, a move that may see public offers by over 100 companies, including telecom behemoth Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42834(319/362)
◆Bid soon for 6 mega highway projects
【New Delhi】In the next four to six months, the surface transport ministry will be bidding out the first of the mega projects, comprising 400 km to 600 km of highways, that will entail an investment of Rs 5,000 crore or about $1 billion.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42835(320/362)
【ニューデリー】民間開発業者のより積極的な参入を促すため幹線道路建設プロジェクト通行料徴収期間(concession period)の条件を既に緩和したインド全国幹線道路局(NHAI:National Highways Authority of India)は、幹線道路プロジェクト入札書類の利害関係条項(conflict of interest clause)についても協力者(associate)の定義を明確化することを通じ簡素化を図っている。また有限責任事業組合(LLP:Limited Liability Partnership)の導入を通じ資金調達に腐心する道路事業者に新たな金融手段を提供する可能性も検討している。
◆Easier norms for highway projects to lure private parties
【New Delhi】While the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has eased termination clause for the concession period to make highway projects more attractive for private developers, the conflict of interest clause in the bid documents for highway projects will be further simplified by clarifying the term 'associate' and the road, transport & highway ministry is also exploring a new funding mechanism for the cash-starved highways sector— roping in limited liability partnerships (LLPs) to invest in the sector.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42836(321/362)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(PMEAC:Prime Minister's Economic Advisory)は2009年経済調査報告書の中で原子力発電領域に外国直接投資(FDI)を導入し、外資上限を49%に設定するよう提案している。このため商工省も今後同問題を検討する方針だ。
◆Commerce min weighs FDI in N-power sector
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (EAC), in its Economic Survey of 2009, called for allowing foreign direct investment nuclear power sector, with a cap of 49 %. The commerce and industry ministry will be looking in to the possibility of allowing FDI in the sector.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42837(322/362)
◆Centre finalises 6,000 Mw nuclear power project in Gujarat
【Ahmedabad】The proposed 6,000 Mw nuclear power project in Gujarat involving an investment of Rs. 60,000 crore will come up in six phases of 1,000 MW each, for which the Cabinet has approved Mithivirdi site in Bhavnagar.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42844(323/362)
【ニューデリー】今年のカリフ(kharif:初冬収穫作物)収量が昨年の1億1770万トンから9663万トンに2107万トン減少するとの農業省の予測が、首相経済諮問委員会(PMEAC:Prime Minister's Economic Advisory)を慌てさせている。
◆Kharif foodgrain output to dip 21.07mt; Agriculture Min
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (EAC) was surprised by the Agriculture Ministry's projection of a 21.07 million tonne (mt) dip in this year's kharif foodgrain output (from 117.70 mt to 96.63 mt).
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42846(324/362)
【ニューデリー】タマネギ、ジャガイモ等の基本野菜(staple vegetables)の値上がりから10月31日までの1週間の食品インフレーション(food inflation)は13.68%と、前週の13.39%に比べさらに加速した。
◆Food inflation rises to 13.68%
【New Delhi】Higher prices of staple vegetables such as onion and potato pushed food inflation, based on wholesale prices, higher to 13.68 percent for the week ended Oct 31 from 13.39 percent for the week before.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42859(325/362)
【ニューデリー】公共民間協力審査委員会(PPPAC:Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee』は12日、8件合計1万883.89クロー(US$23.62億)の幹線道路プロジェクトと3件合計7700クロー(US$16.71億)の港湾開発プロジェクトを認可した。
◆Highway and port projects worth $4 bn get PPP clearance
【New Delhi】The Public Private Partnership Appraisal Committee on November 12 approved eight highway projects and three port projects entailing estimated costs of Rs 10,883.89 crore($2.36 bn) and. Rs 7,700 crore ($1.67 bn) respectively.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42862(326/362)
【バンガロール】面積40平方キロの『バンガロール=バンガロール国際空港会社情報技術(IT)投資地域(Bangalore-BIAL IT Investment Region)』プロジェクトが6ヶ月以内に離陸する。
◆IT Investment Region to be ready in six months
【Bangalore】Bangalore-BIAL (Bangalore International Airport Ltd.) IT Investment Region (ITIR), covering 40 sq. km, will be "ready for occupation within six months".
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42865(327/362)
◆HITS policy norms get Cabinet nod
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet on November 12 cleared the much awaited policy for a satellite multiplex service "Headends in the Sky (HITS)".
【新德里】印度政府11月12日在内阁会议上批准可以利用通信卫星公司提供的共用前端设备的HITS(Head-end In The Sky:空中前端)方法和有关政策。
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42866(328/362)
【ニューデリー】Vir Bhadra Singh鉄鋼相は13日、「Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とNational Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)の政府持ち分を売却する最終方針は既に決まっている。来月閣議にかけられ、承認が求められる」と語った。大蔵省政府持分処分局(DOD:Department of Disinvestment)のSunil Mitra次官も向こう数ヶ月間に株式が公開される公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)に触れた際、規模の大きいBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)、SAILそしてCoal India Ltd(CIL)の名を挙げた。
◆Govt lists 60 PSUs for sell-off
【New Delhi】Union Steel minister Vir Bhadra Singh on November 13 said that the proposal to divest government's stake in the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is final and would be sent to the Union Cabinet next month for approval. Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra too identified some of the country's largest the public sector undertakings(PSUs)—the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), SAIL and Coal India—among those to hit the market in coming months.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42876(329/362)
◆Interim dumping duty on DVD-R, DVD-RW recommended
【New Delhi】The Designated Authority in the Commerce Ministry has recommended imposition of preliminary anti-dumping duty on the import of Digital Versatile Discs-Recordable (DVD-R and DVD-RW) from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42879(330/362)
【バンガロール】生物工学局(DOB:department of biotechnology)は、200クロー(US$4340万)を投じ、カルナタカ州Bangaloreに、インド初の本格的な幹細胞研究所『inStem (The institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine)』を設ける。
◆India's first stem cell institute to come up in Bangalore
【Bangalore】India's first major stem cell institute, called inStem (The institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine), will be set up in Bangalore by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), government of India at an investment of Rs 200 crore.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42884(331/362)
【ニューデリー】民間航空会社の中でParamount Airways(7.26クロー=$1.57m)とIndiGo(2.16クロー=$0.46m)だけが2008-09会計年度に利益を計上した。Praful Patel民間航空相は19日の国会下院における答弁の席上以上の消息を明らかにした。
◆Most airlines posted loss in '08-09
【New Delhi】Only two domestic private sector airlines, Paramount Airways (Rs 7.26 crore) and IndiGo (Rs 82.16 crore), registered profits in the financial year 2008-09, according to data given by the Minister of Civil Aviation, Mr Praful Patel, in the Lok Sabha on November 19.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42887(332/362)
【ニューデリー】国防省が1920 MHzから1980 Mhzまでの周波数帯の内25MHzの周波数域を12月7日までに明け渡すことを認めたことから、第三世代(3G)周波数域割当入札を1月に予定通り行えることになったが、落札者が同周波数域を実際に使用できるのは2010年6月以降になる。
◆3G winners can use spectrum only after June
【New Delhi】The defence ministry has agreed to release 25 MHz of 3G (third generation) spectrum in the 1920 MHz-1980 Mhz band before December 7 so that 3G spectrum auction process will happen on schedule in January. However the successful bidders in the auction would be able to utilise the spectrum only after June 2010.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42888(333/362)
【チェンナイ】インド政府は『ジャワハルラル・ネール全国ソーラ計画(JNNSM:Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission)』の下、送電網に接続した太陽発電の設備能力を2013年までに1100MW(メガワット)、2017年までに3000MW、2022年までに2万MWに拡大する。
◆20,000-mw grid solar power by 2022
【Chennai】India is to develop an installed capacity of 1,100 MW of grid solar power by 2013, 3,000 MW by 2017 and 20,000 MW by 2022 under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.
2009-11-27 ArtNo.42898(334/362)
【ニューデリー】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC)はおよそ1万8000クロー(US$39.1億)を投じウッタルプラデシュ州Chitrakoot県Bargarhに4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所を建設する計画だ。稼働するまでには少なくとも6年を要する。
◆UP's first ultra mega power project to come up in six years
【New Delhi】The National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC) will take at least six years to set up the proposed 4,000-mw plant envisaging an investment of about Rs 18,000 crore ($3.91bn) at Bargarh in Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42905(335/362)
【チャンディガル】「ドバイの金融危機がインド経済の土台を揺るがすようなことはない。現状で全面的な影響を判断するのは困難だが、非常ベルを押す必要はない。」Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は11月28日、以上の見通しを語った。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42905.htm
◆No need to press panic button: FM on Dubai crisis
【Chandigarh】"The Dubai debt crisis will not have earth shaking impact on the country's economy. The full impact of the Dubai debt crisis is yet to be assessed, but there is no need to press the panic button," the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on November 28 said.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42906(336/362)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、ドバイ金融危機の国内海運業への影響を調査するため、DP Worldと関係を有する全ての国内港湾に詳細を報告するよう求めた。
◆Shipping sector on alert; Dubai financial crisis
【New Delhi】The Indian Government has sought detailed information from all ports associated with DP World to assess the impact of Dubai debt crisis on Indian shipping sector.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42910(337/362)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート鉱業開発公社(GMDC:Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation)は、米国拠点のAlu Chem Inc(ACI)及びAshapura Minechem Ltd(AML)と、各年産100万トンのアルミナ製錬合弁契約を結んでいるが、グジャラート州政府鉱工業部が最近採用した新政策により、総投資額4400クロー(US$954.8m)のこれら2件のプロジェクトが加速する見通しだ。
◆Gujarat new policy puts alumina projects on fast-track
【Ahmedabad】Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation (GMDC) has JVs with US based Alu Chem and Ashapura Minechem for setting up alumina projects in the state with a capacity of 1 million tpa each. These two major alumina refinery projects worth about Rs 4,400 crore, has been put on a fast track on account of a new resolution, which the Industries and Mining Department, Gujarat, has recently come out with.
【艾哈迈达巴德】古吉拉特州矿业开发公司计划与总部设在美国的Alu Chem投资公司和阿沙布拉矿业有限公司在该州各设立100万吨矾土提炼厂。因为古吉拉特州工业和矿业部最近采取的一项新决议。这两项总值约440亿卢比的矾土提炼项目,已进入快速轨道。
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42912(338/362)
◆Wind power generation to be doubled by 2022
【New Delhi】The government plans to double wind power generation capacity in the country to over 20,000 MW by 2022.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42913(339/362)
【コルカタ】インド国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は全国の所有地10カ所にオートモービル・ハブを設ける計画に着手、Mamata Banerjee鉄道相が11月28日、西ベンガル州Howrah県Shalimarに設ける最初のオートハブの起工式を主宰した。
◆The first of 10 Rlys auto hubs launched
【Kolkata】Railway minister Mamata Banerjee on November 28 laid the foundation stone at Shalimar in Howrah, West Bengal for the first of 10 automobile hubs which the railways had proposed to create on its land across the country.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42915(340/362)
◆India's food industry to reach $318 bn by FY20: Ficci
【Mumbai】The food industry is expected to reach $258 billion by FY15 and $318 billion by FY20 from the current level of $181 billion.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42919(341/362)
【ジャイプール】ラジャスタン州のAshok Gehlot首席大臣はこのほど、第12次五カ年計画期間に総発電能力4780MW(メガワット)の6発電所を建設する計画を明かにした。
◆Six more power plants to be set up in Rajasthan
【Jaipur】Six more power plants worth 4780 MW will be set up in Rajasthan during the upcoming XII five-year plan, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot announced.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42920(342/362)
【ニューデリー】電力部門においてウルトラ・メガ・プロジェクトが良好な成果を上げていることから、鉄鋼省は州政府の協力も得て先ず4~5カ所の候補地を確定した後、ウルトラ・メガ・スチール・プロジェクト(UMSP: ultra mega steel projects)を推進する計画だ。
◆Govt to introduce ultra mega steel project scheme
【New Delhi】After the success of ultra mega projects in the power sector, steel ministry in co-operation with state governments will initially identify four to five locations closer to the iron ore mining sites for developing ultra mega steel projects (UMSP).
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42928(343/362)
◆$162.75b needed to create 500 m skilled workforce
【Mumbai】The Planning Commission has requested the government to grant Rs 7,50,000 crore ($162.75b) for achieving its mission of creating 500 million skilled people, both in organised and unorganised sectors over the next decade.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42930(344/362)
【モスクワ】インドのManmohan Singh首相とロシアのDmitry Medvedev大統領は7日当地で首脳会談を行った。両国はその後、記念碑的民用核協力協定と国防関連3協定に調印した。核協力の拡大、新たな国防協力、貿易の拡大、査証問題の処理は、シン首相の3日間のロシア訪問の主要アジェンダとされる。12月6日にモスクワ入りしたシン首相は今日(8日)訪問日程を終える。
◆India, Russia signs landmark nuclear pact
【Moscow】India and Russia signed a landmark civil nuclear pact and three other agreements in the defence sector yesterday after talks between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who had arrived in Moscow on December 6, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at the Kremlin. Expansion of civil nuclear ties, new defence deals, boosting trade and visa-related issues are high on Singh's agenda in his three-day visit to Russia which comes to an end today.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42932(345/362)
【ニューデリー】ウッタルプラデシュ州Allahabad高裁は4日、Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG)がウッタルプラデシュ州Ghaziabad県Dadriに世界最大のガス火力発電所を建設するために準備された2500エーカーの農地の買収は無効と判決した。
◆Court cancels the acquisition of land for ADAG's power project
【New Delhi】The Allahabad High Court on December 4 in effect cancelled the acquisition of 2,500 acres of agricultural land for the Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(ADAG)'s world's largest gas-based power plant at Dadri in Ghaziabad district of Uttar Pradesh.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42934(346/362)
◆Govt may put 8 sick fertiliser units on the block
【Hyderabad】The Government is considering to put on the block eight State-owned fertiliser units that were closed down years ago due to feedstock and other problems as part of efforts to revive these sick units.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42935(347/362)
【ニューデリー】初の医療機器パーク(medical devices park)、即ち医療機器の製造を専門に手がける産業クラスターが先ずグジャラート州に設けられ、次いでタミールナド州とアンドラプラデシュ州にも設置される。
◆Clusters for medical devices manufacturing to be set up
【New Delhi】The first medical devices park, a dedicated cluster for medical devices manufacturing, will come up in Gujarat followed by Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42939(348/362)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(PMEAC:Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council)は今会計年度の資本純流入(NIC:net capital inflow)予測を、これ以前に発表した550億米ドルから500億米ドルに下方修正した。
◆PMEAC revises downward estimate of capital inflows
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has lowered its estimate of net capital inflows into India during the current fiscal to about $50 billion from an earlier estimate at $55 billion.
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42941(349/362)
◆India to invest $16 bn to cut CO2 emission
【New Delhi】India is set to invest over Rs 74,000 crore($16.058bn) within the next five years to improve energy efficiency and cut carbon emissions from its power sector.
【新德里】印度计划在未来5年内投资超过7400亿卢比相等于 160亿5800万美元而提高其电力部门的能源效率同时减低二氧化碳排放量。
2009-12-11 ArtNo.42942(350/362)
【ニューデリー】このほど前任のAnil Kakodkar氏に代わり原子力委員会(AEC:Atomic Energy Commission)委員長に就任したSrikumar Banerjee氏は、「インドは核設備のグローバル・ハブに成ることができるが、適切な方式により後押しする必要がある」と語った。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42942.htm
◆India can become a global hub for nuclear supplies
【New Delhi】"India can become a global hub for nuclear supplies. But the right sort of push is required", said Dr Banerjee who has just taken over the post of chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission from Dr Anil Kakodkar.
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2009