貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2009
【ニューデリー】インドの指導的鉄鋼メーカーは2日、鋼板価格をトン当たり1500ルピーほど引き上げた。これらのメーカーにはTata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)/Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)が含まれる。
◆Steel makers raise flat product rates
【New Delhi】Leading steel makers, including Tata Steel, Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Ispat Industries, on September 2 increased flat product prices by an average of around Rs 1500 per tonne.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42621(252/338)
◆August truck sales see 13% rise
【Kolkata】Having posted an 8.33 per cent growth in July after almost a year, truck sales (five to 49 tonnes) were up 13 per cent to 17,549 in August compared to the same period last year.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42624(253/338)
◆August oilmeal exports decline 50%
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports declined 50 per cent to 215,000 tonnes in August as compared to 427,000 tonnes in the same month last year.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42628(254/338)
◆India drifts away from Russia
【New Delhi】India has been concentrating on "Look US/EU" and "Look East" policy and has drifted away from its long time ally, in the Soviet Bloc, officials dealing with Russia said.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42630(255/338)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)の発表によると、8月の二輪/三輪/四輪車の合計販売台数は100万8702台と、昨年同月の81万1341台に比べ24.33%増加した。
◆Automobile sales jump 24% in Aug
【New Delhi】According to the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), the domestic auto industry posted a robust over 24 per cent jump in August sales at 10,08,702 units against 8,11,341 units in the same month last year.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42631(256/338)
◆India overtakes China in auto exports
【New Delhi】India this year overtook China in auto exports and is challenging Thailand and South Korea as an alternative production centre in Asia.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42635(257/338)
◆Naphtha demand declines further
【New Delhi】The local sales of naphtha in July saw a decline by 19.4 per cent as against the same month last year. Naphtha seems to be steadily losing its preferred feedstock status among power and fertiliser consumers. The demand for the fuel continued its downward trend for the fourth consecutive month in July and this is projected to continue.
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42643(258/338)
◆Exports dip for 11th consecutive month in August
【New Delhi】India's exports contracted for the eleventh straight month in August by 19.7 per cent to $14.3 billion compared to $17.8 billion in August 2008, albeit the lowest contraction since January this year as some product categories showed signs of an uptrend.
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42647(259/338)
【ムンバイ】Mahindraグループ傘下のMahindra Two Wheelers Ltd(MTWL)は10日、パワー・スクーター2種、Mahindra RodeoとMahindra Duroをお披露目した。
◆Mahindra unveils 2 new scooters
【Mumbai】Two-wheeler manufacturing arm of the Mahindra Group Mahindra Two Wheelers Limited on September 10 unveiled two new power scooters — the Mahindra Rodeo and the Mahindra Duro.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42657(260/338)
【ニューデリー】乗用車や貨物輸送車の輸出を奨励する狙いから外国貿易総局(DGFT:Directorate General of Foreign Trade)は、オーストラリアとブラジルを含む13カ国に輸出される乗用車と貨物車に対する新たな奨励措置を発表した。
◆More sops to boost export of automobiles
【New Delhi】In a move to stimulate export of automobiles from India, the Directorate General of Foreign Trade has announced additional incentives on overseas shipments of cars and good carriers to 13 countries, including Australia and Brazil.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42658(261/338)
【ムンバイ】中国の携帯電話端末製造会社Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd(宇龍)は、インドでGSM/CDMAデュアルモードの携帯電話端末を共同で販売するためReliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG)と話し合いを進めており、協議は来月初にも妥結する見通しだ。
◆Chinese mobile maker in advanced talks with Reliance ADAG
【Mumbai】Chinese handset maker Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. (Yulong Telecommunication) is in an advanced stage of talks with the Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) for a tie-up to sell dual mode mobile handsets in India. A deal on this is expected to be signed early next month.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42665(262/338)
【ムンバイ】原子力委員会(AEC:Atomic Energy Commission)のAnil Kakodkar会長は、このほど、少なめの低濃縮ウラン(LEU:Low Enriched Uranium)とトリウムを燃料として用いる、次世代安全基準も満たした改良型重水炉(AHWR:Advanced Heavy Water Reactor)新バージョンの設計を完了したと語った。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42665.htm
◆India designs new atomic reactor
【Mumbai】India has designed a new version of Advanced Heavy Water atomic reactor which will use lesser low enriched uranium along with thorium as fuel and having next generation safety requirements, according to Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission Anil Kakodkar.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42669(263/338)
【ニューデリー】韓国のHyundai Motor Coが5000米ドルの小型車新モデルをインドで製造することを計画すれば、GM DaewooはMatiz Creativeを武器にインド・ミニ・カー市場進出を準備しているが、Maruti-Suzukiはかつての国民車Maruti 800をEuro-IV排ガス基準を満たしたグリーン・カーにアップグレードする可能性を検討している。一方、ニッサンは、タイ/中国/日本工場の需要に応じるため、2010年にインドで総額2000万米ドルの自動車部品を調達する計画だ。
◆Hyundai, GM Daewoo,Maruti to introduce mini-car
【New Delhi】South Korean carmaker Hyundai Motor Co plans to produce a new model in India priced as low as $5,000, GM Daewoo too hopes to make inroads into the mini-car market and then Maruti-Suzuki is mulling to upgrad Maruti 800 to meet Euro-IV emission norms. Meanwhile Japanese automaker Nissan will source components worth $20 million in 2010 from India for its plants in Thailand, China and Japan.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42670(264/338)
【ニューデリー】India Yamaha Motor Ltd (IYML)は、インドからの二輪車輸出台数を2010年末までに2倍の14万台に拡大することを目指すとともに、インド国内市場における重心を実用車から徐々にレジャー及びライフスタイル車にシフトする。
◆Yamaha to double exports from India
【New Delhi】India Yamaha Motor Ltd (IYML) plans to double its exports from India to 140,000 units by 2010 and also to shift gears to transform the Indian market from utility to pleasure and lifestyle.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42673(265/338)
◆Durables cos expects $3.12bn sales
【New Delhi】Cashing in on a strong buying sentiment this festival season, consumer durables' companies are looking to garner sales of up to Rs 15,000 crore($3.12bn) during the ongoing period.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42675(266/338)
【ニューデリー】インドの8月の工学製品輸出(engineering exports)は、米国や欧州等の主要市場の需要軟化から、26億米ドルと、昨年同月の38億米ドルに比べ31%下降した。
◆Engineering exports down 31% in Aug
【New Delhi】India's engineering exports dropped 31 per cent to USD 2.6 billion in August compared to USD 3.8 billion in the same month last year as demand weakened in major global markets like the US and Europe.
2009-09-22 ArtNo.42676(267/338)
◆India's garments exports tumble 6 pc in July
【New Delhi】India's garments exports fell by over six per cent to USD 879 million in July compared to USD 936 million in the same month last year due to the ongoing global economic slowdown,
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42678(268/338)
【ニューデリー】インド商工会議所協会(Assocham:Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India)の最新調査報告によると、インドの自動車及びテレコム業界は2008-09会計年度に広告・宣伝費を削減したにも関わらず、顕著な売上げの増加を見た。
◆Auto, telecom sales up despite spending lesser on ad outlay
【New Delhi】India's automobile and telecom companies were able to increase their sales volume significantlyin 2008-09, despite spending less on their advertisement and promotion campaigns, industry body the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India said in a study.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42684(269/338)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のNatco Pharma Limited(NPL)は、来月末までに豚インフルエンザ治療薬Natflu100万服(doses)=1000万錠を発売すると発表した。
◆Natco to release 1 mn doses of swine flu drug by Oct end
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based drug maker Natco Pharma Limited announced that the company would be releasing into the market over 1 million doses (10 million tablets) of Natflu, its medicine for treatment of swine flu, by the end of next month.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的Natco Pharma有限公司发表说,该公司到西个月底之前发售该公司开发的猪流感药叫做Natflu100万服相等于1000万片。
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42693(270/338)
◆Pharma exports up 29 pc to $8.24 bn
【Hyderabad】India's exports of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals increased 29 per cent last fiscal to Rs 39, 538 crore ($8.24 bn) compared with the year-ago period.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42696(271/338)
【カンプル/バンガロール】Munjal一族に率いられるHero Groupは9月25日国内初の高速電動二輪車E Sprintを発売したが、翌26日には英系Ultra Motor Company (UMC)も電動スクーター2モデルを発売すると発表した。
◆Hero Group, Ultra launch new electric bikes & scooters
【Kanpur/ Bangalore】While Munjals-promoted Hero Group on September 25 launched its first high speed electric two-wheeler in the country, Ultra Motor Company (UMC) on Sepember 26 announced the launch of two new electric scooters.
【坎普尔/邦加罗尔】莫加尔家属领导的英雄集团9月25日发售国内第一个高速电动二轮车。另一方面,英国电动车制造商Ultra Motor Company9月26日发表将发售两种电动速可达。
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42697(272/338)
【プネー/コルカタ】地場二輪車大手Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、10月5日に川崎製モーターサイクルNinja 250Rを発売する。一方、India Yamaha Motor Ltd (IYML)は今後3年内に自動変速スクーターの発売を計画している。
◆Bajaj to launch Kawasaki Ninja, Yamaha to enter scooter market
【Pune/ Kolkata】Bajaj Auto Ltd is all set to launch the Kawasaki Ninja 250R motorcycle in India on October 5. Meanwhile Yamaha plans to enter the automatic scooter market in India, in the next three years.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42707(273/338)
【ニューデリー】ヒンドゥーの忌み月『Shradh』には、取り分け北部地区では、大部分の消費者が購買活動を控えるが、Hyundai、Honda、General Motors、Ford等は9月に過去最高の乗用車販売を記録した。
◆Car sales hit record high in Sept
【New Delhi】Even though most consumers, especially in the north, traditionally refrain from purchases during Shradh period(i.e. the date of death according to the Hindu calendar), Hyundai, Honda, General Motors and Ford sold record number of cars in a month in September.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42708(274/338)
【チェンナイ】ルノーと日産の合弁に成るRenault-Nissan Automotive India Private Ltd(RNAI)は、タミールナド州Chennai郊外Oragadamに建設中の大型工場の商業生産を2010年5月末までに開始、2012年末までに9モデルを発売、内5モデルはインド国内で製造する計画だ。
◆Nissan to start production by May '10, to sell nine models
【Chennai】Renault-Nissan Automotive India Private Ltd, the first joint venture between the global alliance partners Renault and Nissan, which is set to commence commercial production of their mega car plan at Oragadam, near Chennai, Tamil Nadu by May 2010, plans to have as many as nine models by 2012 out of which five will be locally made as it aims to garner around 5 per cent of the market here.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42709(275/338)
【コインバトール】Panasonic India Pvt Ltd (PIPL)は、今会計年度の消・メ用電子製品部門の売上げが昨年の三倍近くに拡大するものと予想している。
◆Panasonic expects its consumer electronics sales to be treble
【Coimbatore】Panasonic India Pvt Ltd (PIPL) is confident that its consumer electronics division will nearly treble sales during the current fiscal compared with the previous year.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42714(276/338)
【ニューデリー】二輪車販売の好調は9月も持続、Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML)とTVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の9月の二輪車販売台数は共に約4%増加、India Yamaha Motor(IYM)のそれは倍増、Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMIPL)のそれは26%アップ、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)も約14%の伸びを実現した。
◆Two-wheeler sales continue good run
【New Delhi】Sales of two-wheelers continued on its recent good run in September. Hero Honda and TVS Motors both sold 4% more, Yamaha Motor doubled, Suzuki Motorcycle gained 26% and Bajaj too posted 14% rise.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42721(277/338)
◆Organised retail shows early signs of revival
【Mumbai】The Rs 1-lakh-crore ($20.8b)organised retail industry has grown 20% in the September quarter of this financial year, showing strong signs of revival, after seeing its worst slowdown in the second and the third quarters of 2008-09.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42723(278/338)
◆Export decline by 19% in August; imports drop 32.4%
【New Delhi】India's exports declined 19.4 per cent in August for the 11th straight month, at $14.28 billion, against $17.72 billion in the same month in 2008.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42726(279/338)
【ムンバイ】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)やHyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL)等のインドの小型車メーカーは過去数ヶ月35~40%の輸出成長を実現して来たが、ここに来て一部の欧州諸国が燃費の良い車への買い換えを奨励する廃車スキーム(scrappage programmes)を停止したことから、輸出が頭打ちになり、残る国々も今年末までに奨励措置を停止する見通しだ。
◆Small-car exports to Europe starts shrinking
【Mumbai】Exports by Indian small-car producers such as Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai Motor, which saw their exports shoot up 35-40% in the last few months, have started shrinking as scrappage schemes in various European markets are set to lapse by year-end.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42733(280/338)
◆Oilmeal exports revive in Sept on soya factor
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in September increased 19 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes (lt) against 1.93 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42736(281/338)
【ニューデリー】インドとタイは両国間の自由貿易協定(FTA:Free Trade Agreement)を、商品取引のみならずサービスと投資も含む包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に格上げする交渉を進めている。
◆India, Thailand set to expand FTA into a comprehensive pact
【New Delhi】The India and Thailand, both the countries are engaged in lifting their free-trade agreement into a comprehensive pact to include services and investments.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42737(282/338)
◆Essar Steel、5000店小売り網構築目指す
【バンガロール】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は既に300店以上の小売り網を擁するが、新たに5000店を増設する計画で、今年だけでこうした小売り網を通じた売上げが3500クロー(US$7.29億)に達すると予想している。同社は今後2年間に小売り網を通じ300万トンの鋼材を販売することを目指している。
◆Essar Steel plans to set up 5,000 retail outlets
【Bangalore】Essar Steel Ltd, which Currently has over 300 outlets across the country, plans to set up 5,000 retail outlets of various formats soon. It expects revenues of around Rs 3,500 crore this fiscal from its retail outlets and hopes to sell 3 million tonnes through this channel in two years.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42746(283/338)
◆TOA appoints Awan as an exclusive authorised dealer
【Bangalore】Japanese Audio Video (AV) company TOA Corporation has appointed Awan, a Bangalore based AV solutions company, as the only authorised dealer of TOA audio and video products in India.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42751(284/338)
◆Steel cos demand protectionist measures to stop Chinese import surge
【New Delhi】While Chinese steel makers are facing a glut and pushing their products into the other markets including India, steel manufacturers in India are demanding duty wall to stop Chinese import surge.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42753(285/338)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)が13日、発表したところによると、今年9月の乗用車(passenger car)の国内販売台数は昨年同月の10万7517台から12万9683台に20.61%増加した。
◆Car sales zoom in Sept
【New Delhi】According to the figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) on Tuesday(Oct 13), domestic passenger car sales have recorded a 20.61 per cent increase at 1,29,683 units in September from 1,07,517 units in the same month last year.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42754(286/338)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)は13日、今年9月の商用車(commercial vehicle)販売台数が昨年同月の4万2693台から4万5451台に6.46%増加、3ヶ月連続のプラス成長を実現したと発表した。
◆Commercial vehicle sales rise by 6.46% in Sept
【New delhi】The sale of commercial vehicles also reported an increase for the third consecutive month and grew by 6.46 per c ent in September to 45,451 units from 42,693 units in the year-ago period, the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers said on Tuesday(Oct 13).
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42755(287/338)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)の13日の発表によれば、今年9月の自動二輪車販売台数は昨年同月の77万8424台から83万8150台に7.67%増加した。
◆Two-wheeler sales grow by 7.67% in Sept
【New Delhi】According to the figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) on Tuesday(Oct 13), the total two-wheeler sales in September grew by 7.67 per cent to 8,38,150 units compared with 7,78,424 units in the same period last year.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42757(288/338)
【ムンバイ】今年9月の植物油輸入量は90万5000トンと、昨年同月の66万7000トンに比べ39%増加、包括輸入許可(open general licence)制度の下に、植物油の輸入が開始された1994年以来の最高をマークした。
◆Vegetable oil import in Sept rises 39%
【Mumbai】Vegetable oil imports in September rose 39 per cent to 9.05 lakh tonnes compared to 6.67 lt in the same period last year. It hit the highest figure for any month since these were allowed under an open general licence (OGL) in 1994.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42763(289/338)
◆Coal India、US$20億機械設備調達準備
【コルカタ】Coal India Ltd(CIL)は今後5年間に海外で20億米ドル相当の機械設備とスペアパーツを調達する計画だ。
◆CIL to procure equipment worth $2 bn from overseas
【Kolkata】Coal India Ltd(CIL) plans to procure spares and equipment worth $2 billion from the overseas market in the next five years.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42767(290/338)
【ニューデリー】新参のGSM携帯電話サービス業者、Tata DoCoMo及びReliance Communicationsの値下げ攻勢は奏功し、Bharti Airtel、Idea Cellular、Vodafone Essar等の古参オペレーターらは後退を強いられた。
◆New GSM operators steal the thunder
【New Delhi】The tariff war unleashed by newer players of GSM mobile services, i.e. Tata DoCoMo and Reliance Communications, is starting to take its toll on the incumbent operators, such as Bharti Airtel, Idea Cellular and Vodafone Essar.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42775(291/338)
【ニューデリー】指導的自動車/耐久消費財/FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)ブランドのディーラーや小売り業者は、祝祭日シーズンがスタートする9月の販売がかなり大幅に増加したことから通年の販売目標を上方修正している。
◆Sep sales pick up by 30%, retailers upgrade targets
【New Delhi】The dealers and retailers of leading automobile, consumer durable and FMCG brands have noted that September, the first month of the present festive season, saw a substantial jump in sales for products across segments. They are now revising upwards their year-end targets, according to a survey conducted by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42782(292/338)
【ムンバイ】インドの主要自動車メーカー3社-Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)/Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)/Ashok Leyland Ltd(ALL)-との提携を相次ぎ発表し、地元紙をにぎわしたCarlos Ghosnルノー日産社長は水曜(10/21)、東京モーター・ショーの会場で「我々の希望はこれら3社との提携を続けることだが、もしそれが不可能なら、少なくとも内1社との関係を維持したい」と語った。
◆Renault-Nissan looking for a strategy shift in India
【Mumbai】After announcing partnerships with three of India's top auto makers — Bajaj Auto, Mahindra & Mahindra and Ashok Leyland — Carlos Ghosn, head of Renault and Nissan, on Wednesday said at the Tokyo Motor Show "Our intention is to continue with the three but if it is not possible, I can tell you that we need at least one."
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42783(293/338)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)が募集した農村地区向けWiMaxベースステーション7000基の購買入札には7社が応札、一番札を入れた①タミールナド州Chennai拠点のGemini Communicationsと、それに次ぐ低価格をオファーした②中国の通信機器メーカーZTE、③米国拠点のHarris Stratex、④イスラエルの製造業者Alvarionの合計4社が契約を手に入れた。
◆Gemini Comm is lowest bidder for BSNL WiMax deal
【New Delhi】A total of seven companies had put in their bids for the supply of 7,000 WiMax base stations to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd in the rural areas, of which the lowest four will be picked for the contract. As a result Chennai-based Gemini Communications, Chinese equipment maker ZTE, US-based Harris Stratex and Israeli manufacturer Alvarion have emerged as the four lowest bidders.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42789(294/338)
◆Hino to launch luxury buses by Dec, studying launch Dutro range
【Chennai】Hino Motors of Japan, part of Toyota group, is preparing to launch luxury buses for Indian roads by December and also studying the Indian market to introduce its 'Dutro' range of light commercial vehicles.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42790(295/338)
【コルカタ】三菱化学(MCC)が西ベンガル州Haldiaに設けた高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)製造合弁会社MCC PTA India Corp Pvt Ltd(MPI)は、Haldia工場の製造能力拡張に伴い増産された製品を全量インド国内市場に供給する計画だ。
◆MCC PTA India bets big on Indian market
【Kolkata】MCC PTA India Pvt Ltd, a joint venture company for Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC) to make Purified Terepthalic Acid (PTA), will look to supply the entire output from its expanded capacities in Haldia to the Indian market.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42794(296/338)
【ホアヒン】Manmohan Singh首相はこのほどタイで開かれた第7回インド東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)首脳会議の席上、インドとASEANの関係を一層強化するための五項目の提案を行った。シン首相はASEAN首脳会議の場外で、日本の鳩山由紀夫首相及び中国の温家宝首相と個別に会談、二国間関係や双方が関心を有する地域・国際問題に関して意見を交換した。
◆PM proposes 5-point plan to boost Asean ties
【Hua Hin】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh proposed a fivepoint programme to further strengthen the India-Asean links at the 7th India-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Thailand. Singh also held talks with Japanese and Chinese counterparts, Yukio Hatoyama and Wen Jiabao, separately on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual concern on the margins of the ASEAN summit.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42805(297/338)
【バンガロール】Hitachi Data Systems(HDS)は火曜(27日)、『Agile Cloud Services』と銘打ったクラウド・サービス(ネットを通じた仮想コンピュータシステム一式のリース・サービス)を提供すると発表した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42805.htm
◆Hitachi offers cloud services
【Bangalore】Hitachi Data Systems, on Tuesday, announced the availability of its cloud services dubbed 'Agile Cloud Services'.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42813(298/338)
【ニューデリー】これまでに月間販売台数を発表した主要メーカー9社の10月の乗用車(car)及び多用途車(utility vehicle)の販売台数は15万8207台と、リーマン・ブラザーズの倒産事件が発生した昨年同月の販売台数12万1794台に比べ29.89%増加した。
◆Auto sales vroom 30% in October
【New Delhi】Domestic sales of nine major car and utility vehicle makers, which has already announced their sales figures, jumped by 29.89% to 158,207 units compared with 121,794 units in October last year—the month that followed the Lehman Brothers' collapse.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42814(299/338)
◆Two-wheeler sales maintain the positive growth
【New Delhi】The festive spirit has boosted auto sales in October. Even two-wheeler sales continued to maintain the positive growth.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42818(300/338)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はCairn Indiaがラジャスタン州の鉱区で採取した原油を民間企業に販売することを認めた。ケインは、公共部門製油所が生産した原油を全量購入することができないことから、輸出も認めるよう政府に求めている。
◆Cairn allowed to sell Rajasthan crude to private firms
【New Delhi】The Indian government has allowed Cairn India to sell crude oil from its Rajasthan fields to private firms. The company has also sought permission to export the oil on the public sector refineries' continued failure to buy the entire output.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2009