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貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-07-17 ArtNo.42439(201/338)
【ニューデリー】Dayanidhi Maran繊維産業相は来週代表団を率いて訪日し、インド繊維産業のプロモーション活動を行う。インド商工会議所協会(Assocham:Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India)も商工省と手を携え、経済特別区(SEZ)への投資誘致を目指し、代表団を率いて26日に訪日する。一方去る14日には、日本代表団がMamata Banerjee鉄道相と会見、西部貨物専用鉄道(Western Dedicated Freight Corridor)プロジェクトへの融資問題を協議した。(...続きを読む)
◆Two delegations to Japan, Rly Minister meets Japanese delegats
【New Delhi】Union Minister for Textiles Dayanidhi Maran is planning to lead a trade delegation to Japan next week to promote the industry. The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (Assocham) in collaboration with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry will also lead a 46-member delegation to Japan on July 26 to attract investments in special economic zones (SEZs). Meanwhile a Japanese delegation called on Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee to work out the details of part-financing the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor on July 14.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42440(202/338)
【バンガロール】日野自動車は水曜、カルナタカ州Bangaloreでトラックを発売したのに続き、木曜にはバンガロール拠点のCauvery Motorsを通じ初のディーラー店をオープンすると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hino Motors forays into Indian market
【Bangalore】Hino Motors Corporation (HMC), which had rolled out its truck in Bangalore on Wednesday, announced the launch of its first dealership in India through Bangalore-based Cauvery Motors on Thursday.
【邦加罗尔】日本日野汽车公司星期三在邦加罗尔发售卡车之后,星期四发表说通过位于邦加罗尔的Cauvery Motors开第一个经销店。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42441(203/338)
◆PC sales post negative 7% growth: MAIT
【New Delhi】Personal computer (PC) sales in the country recorded a negative growth for the first time due to the global economic slowdown. Total PC sales during the last fiscal (2008-09) were 67.9 lakh units, registering a decline of 7 per against the previous year's(2007-08) 7.34 million.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42442(204/338)
【ニューデリー】ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)会長も務めるBPO企業GenpactのPramod Bhasin重役(CEO)は15日、今年(2009-10)の情報技術(IT)/BPO(business process outsourcing)産業の成長率が、各種の指標から見て0~5%にとどまると予想した。(...続きを読む)
◆IT, BPO sector to grow by 0-5% this fiscal: Nasscom Chairman
【New Delhi】Genpact CEO and Nasscom Chairman, Mr Pramod Bhasin, on July 15 predicted that the IT and BPO industry may show 0-5 per cent growth during FY10 based on the current indicators.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42446(205/338)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の地場製薬会社Zydus Cadilaは、同社の酸性非ステロイド性抗炎症皮膚張りつけ吸収薬(transdermal patch)『NuPatch』に対する米国等の海外市場における需要が旺盛なことから、アーマダバード近郊の傘下特別経済区(SEZ)内に新施設を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Zydus invests $20m to meet demand for 'NuPatch'
【Mumbai】Keeping in view of the rising demand for its diclofenac transdermal patch 'NuPatch' in the overseas markets like the US, Zydus Cadila is setting up a new unit in its special economic zone (SEZ) near Ahmedabad.
【孟买】本地主要的制药企业Zydus Cadila公司考虑在美国等海外市场对该公司制造的『NuPatch(治疗炎症的双氯芬酸透皮贴剂)』的需求激增,在古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德附近的旗下经济特区内设立新设备。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42447(206/338)
【チェンナイ】外国産植物油の大量流入は依然持続、2008年11月にスタートした今油年(current oil year)に輸入された植物油の量は、6月までに582万4000トンと、前年同期の356万7000トンに比べ63%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Vege-oils import continues to flood the country
【Chennai】Vegetable oils import continued to flood the country. For the current oil year that began in November, the imports till June totalled 58.24 lakh tonnes (lt) against 35.67 lt during the same period a year ago, a 63 per cent increase.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42455(207/338)
◆広告支出急増、景気復調の兆し:Zenith Optimedia
【ムンバイ】大部分の業種の広告支出が急増しており、このことは2009年第3四半期もしくは第4四半期の景気復調を暗示している。グローバル・メディア・サービス会社Zenith Optimedia (ZO)オフィシャルはこのほど以上の見通しを語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Ad spends robust growth, signs of revival
【Mumbai】Indian companies' advertising expenditures in most sectors have seen a robust growth. These show signs of revival in Q3/4 2009, an official from Zenith Optimedia (ZO), a leading global media services group, said.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42459(208/338)
【シャルムエルシェイク】インドのManmohan Singh首相とマレーシアのNajib Abdul Razak首相は、エジプトの紅海に面した海岸リゾート、シャルムエルシェイクで催された第15回非同盟諸国首脳会議(Non-Aligned Movement summit)に出席した際会談し、インド東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)自由貿易協定(FTA)の調印問題を話し合った。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian, Malaysian PMs discuss signing of India-ASEAN FTA
【Sharm El Sheikh】The signing of the India-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement was discussed during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Najib Abdul Razak on the sidelines of the Non-Aligned Movement summit here. India and the ASEAN countries have finalised the free trade agreement and have been awaiting only the formal task of being signed upon.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42475(209/338)
◆Tyre cos set to invest $1.2bn for radial push
【New Delhi】Rising popularity of radial tyres in the commercial vehicles (CV) segment is making international brands sit up and take notice. Indian tyremakers too are rolling out investment plans worth Rs 6,000 crore ($1.2bn) for greenfield facilities and for increasing capacity at existing plants for new-age tyres.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42482(210/338)
【ニューデリー】経済全般が低迷する中、インドのFMCG(fast moving consumer goods)産業は、農村部の強い需要に支えられ、2008-09年にほぼ15%の成長を実現した。(...続きを読む)
◆FMCG sector grows 15 per cent in 2008-09
【New Delhi】Riding on high demand in rural India, country's fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector grew by almost 15 percent in 2008-09, despite the economic slowdown.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42483(211/338)
【ニューデリー】世界的な景気の後退に伴い米国や欧州等の主要市場における需要が軟化する中、インドの今年5月のエンジニアリング輸出(engineering exports)は28億米ドルと、昨年同月の36億米ドルに比べ22%減少した。(...続きを読む)
◆Engineering exports drop 22% in May
【New Delhi】India's engineering exports dipped in May by 22 per cent to $ 2.8 billion as compared to $ 3.6 billion in the same month of 2008 due to the global slowdown and falling demand in the major markets like the US and Europe.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42489(212/338)
◆Mall vacancy increases to 19% in Q2 of 2009
【New Delhi】Mall vacancy increased to 19% in the second quarter of the calendar 2009 from 10% during the first quarter because of slowdown in uptake of mall space and churn amongst the existing clients.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42493(213/338)
【ニューデリー】衣料品輸出振興委員会(AEPC:Apparel Export Promotion Council)は27日、米国拠点の衣料品小売り業者GAP Incがインドからの輸入拡大を計画していると発表した。報道によれば、GAPは、同社のインドにおける下請け業者中の1社が2007年に法定年齢以下の児童を労働者として使用していたとしてインドからの輸入を禁止した。(...続きを読む)
◆GAP to increase orders, says AEPC
【New Delhi】The Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC) on July 27 said the US-based clothing retailer GAP Inc, which was said to have banned the import of textiles and clothing from India, due to the alleged use of child labour by one of its Indian sub-contractors in 2007, plans to increase orders to India in the near future.
【新德里】印度成衣出口推广协会27日说,位于美国的衣料零售商盖普服饰(Gap Inc)计划不久的将来从印度订购更多产品。根据报道盖普服饰禁止从印度进口纤维和衣料产品,因为它的之中一个印度籍转包供应商使用儿童工人。
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42495(214/338)
【グルガオン】地元のデジタル・プリンティング・ソリューション・プロバイダー、Texsoco Incは27日、ハリヤナ州Gurgaonで記者会見し、日本の指導的印刷機メーカー、ミマキエンジニアリングと、アジア市場における繊維用印刷機と工業用印刷機の流通事業で合弁を組むと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mimaki-Texsoco JV for distribution of printing solutions
【Gurgaon】Digital printing solutions provider Texsoco Inc on July 27 announced a Joint Venture with Mimaki Engineering Co. for Asian operations of textile and industrial printing Machinery at a Press Conference in Gurgaon.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42498(215/338)
◆Maruti Suzukiの乗用車国内販売28%アップ
【ニューデリー】Maruti Suzuki India (MSI)の7月の乗用車(car)国内販売台数は、景気の復調を先触れするかのように、昨年同月比28%増の6万7528台を記録した。(...続きを読む)
◆Maruti car sales grow 28% in July
【New Delhi】In what seems to be the green shoots of recovery, Maruti Suzuki India's car sales in the domestic market registered a 28% growth to 67,528 units in July.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42499(216/338)
◆Two-wheeler sales grow 24% in July
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler makers have reported 24 per cent growth in sales in July, on the back of 14 per cent growth in sales in the first quarter of financial year 2009-10.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42500(217/338)
【チェンナイ】情報技術(IT)-BPO(business process outsourcing)産業の今会計年度(2009-10)の輸出収入は、昨年比4~7%増の480億-500億米ドルと、インドソフトウェア産業史上初の一桁成長にとどまる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Nasscom projects a 4-7% export growth for IT, ITeS
【Chennai】The IT-BPO export revenues are expected to grow between 4-7% to stand between $48-50 billion in the financial year 2009-2010. For the first time in the history of the Indian software exports, the sector will grow at a single digit rate, said the IT industry body Nasscom.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42501(218/338)
【ニューデリー】インドの娯楽メディア(E&M:entertainment and media)産業は過去5年来年率平均16.6%の成長を遂げて来たが、今年は広告支出の減少から成長率が8%に半減する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆E&M industry's growth to halve this year: PwC
【New Delhi】The Indian entertainment and media (E&M) industry's growth is expected to halve to 8 per cent this year after growing at 16.6 per cent over the last five years on account of lower advertising spends.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42508(219/338)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は7月23日、少なからぬ閣僚の反対や懸念を推しきり東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)との自由貿易協定調印を閣議承認したが、ケララ州政府は中央政府に調印を思いとどまるよう直ちに要請した。一方、Anand Sharma商工相は8月7日にソウルでインド韓国包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に調印する。(...続きを読む)
◆FTA with Asean cleared by Cabinet, CEPA with Korea to be signed
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh steamrolled serious concerns voiced by his own ministerial colleagues and cleared the free trade agreement (FTA) with the ten-member Asean grouping at the Cabinet meeting on July 23. However the Kerala Government has urged the Centre to reconsider the decision to sign the FTA with ASEAN. Meanwhile the India-South Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement(CEPA) will be signed by commerce minister Anand Sharma in Seoul on August 7.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42511(220/338)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のSical Logistics Ltd(SLL)は、商船三井と共同でチェンナイ近郊Ennore港に輸出や輸入される車輌の駐車場を設け、自動車ヤード管理サービスを提供する。両社はこのほど関係覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sical Logistics in JV with Mitsui O.S.K.
【Chennai】Chennai-based Sical Logistics Ltd has signed a memorandum of understanding with Japan's Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd to set up a joint venture for an automotive management yard at Ennore port, near here.
【金奈】总部位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的Sical Logistics有限公司跟商船三井达成协议,在泰米尔纳德州金奈附近恩洛尔港合资设立货场而给汽车出口商提供存货管理服务,双方已经签署有关备忘录。
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42512(221/338)
◆Regional FTAs may overtake India's automobile plan
【New Delhi】The Indian government should examine the whole issue of free trade agreements (FTAs), like the one between South Korea and the European Union, that might make the manufacture and export of cars cheaper between them and more expensive if they are exported out of India.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42513(222/338)
◆Garment exports dip 15% in Q1
【New Delhi】India's garment exports fell 15.4 per cent to $2.41 billion in the quarter ended June 2009, as compared to $2.85 billion in the same period last year.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42514(223/338)
【ニューデリー】上場FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)企業は、都市と農村双方の持続的な消費支出の伸びに支えられ、第1四半期(2009/4-6)に平均15%の売上げ増を実現した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sales of consumer goods cos on an overdrive
【New Delhi】Sales of the listed FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) companies have expanded by an average 15 per cent for the June quarter, as the spending power in both urban and rural areas remain strong.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42515(224/338)
◆Exports dip by 27% and imports by 29% in June
【New Delhi】India's merchandise export contracted for the ninth month in a row during June, while imports dipped for the sixth month on a trot on account of the continued economic slowdown and recession in the U.S. and the European Union.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42525(225/338)
◆July truck sales rise 8.33% after year of decline
【New Delhi】Truck sales have turned positive in July after after four consecutive quarters of double-digit declines.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42526(226/338)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)が月曜に発表したところでは、今年7月の乗用車(car)の国内販売は昨年同月比30.91%、二輪車販売は同20.07%、商用車販売は同9.61%、それぞれ増加、久々に揃ってプラス成長をマークした。(...続きを読む)
◆Car sales jump 31%, two-wheeler up 20% in July
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales recorded 30.91 per cent increase, the total two-wheeler sales surged by 20.07 per cent and the sale of commercial vehicles also increased by 9.61 per cent in July, according to the figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) on Monday.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42529(227/338)
◆Oilmeal exports dip 63% in July
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports in July this year declined by 63 per cent to 173,329 tonnes as compared to 474,590 tonnes in the corresponding month last year with a gradual decline in overseas demand due to recessionary pressure coupled with the government's intended punitive action.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42531(228/338)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は、最近、一部閣僚の反対を押し切り東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)との自由貿易協定(FTA)を閣議承認したものの、マレーシアやインドネシア等の一部のASEAN加盟国はまだ同協定を批准しておらず、より大きな外的障害に直面しそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India-Asean FTA faces Indonesia, Malaysia's cold feet
【New Delhi】Although Prime Minister Manmohan Singh countered dissent from some of his Cabinet colleagues on the India-Asean free trade agreement (FTA), could hit a fresh external roadblock. Asean members like Malaysia and Indonesia are unwilling to ratify the pact just yet.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42532(229/338)
【ソウル】インドと韓国は7日、両国間の貿易・投資機会を開放し、二国間往復貿易を100億米ドルの大台に乗せることを目指す包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に調印した。これにより韓国製消費財や自動車部品がインド国内においてより低価格で手に入るようになる。(...続きを読む)
◆India, S Korea sign Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
【Seoul】India and South Korea on August 7 signed the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)which would open up trade and investment between the two countries, make Korean consumer products and auto-parts cheaper in India and help double bilateral trade to $10 billion.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42535(230/338)
◆July exports decline 26.2%, according to an official
【New Delhi】India's exports declined by 26.2% to $13.6 billion in July 2009 compared to $18.4 billion in the same month last year according to an official. This is the tenth consecutive monthly decline.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42540(231/338)
◆Pharma sector posts 11 per cent sales growth for Q 1
【New Delhi】The pharmaceutical sector post 11 per cent sales growth for the quarter ended June 2009, compared with the same period a year ago. However there is the wide divergence in performance within the sector.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42548(232/338)
【バンコク】インドと東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)は13日、自由貿易協定(FTA:Free Trade Agreement)に調印した。双方の貿易品の80%に相当する4000品目の関税が撤廃され、17億の域内消費者市場の開放が目指されている。とは言え情報技術(IT)およびソフトウェア製品は関税撤廃の対象に含まれていない。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Asean ink free trade agreement
【Bangkok】India and the Association of South East Asian Nations on August 13 signed a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) that will eliminate tariffs on around 4,000 products that account for more than 80 per cent of total trade between the two sides and open up the 1.7 billion consumer market in the region, albeit excluding software and information technology.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42549(233/338)
◆Steel export may dip 35% in FY10: CMIE
【Mumbai】India's export of steel is projected to fall by a whopping 35 per cent to 3.2 million tonnes during the current fiscal on account of healthy domestic demand.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42566(234/338)
【ニューデリー】ベトナムはインドと東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)がこのほど取り交わした自由貿易協定(FTA)の一部条文への調印を見合わせており、このため同国は関税減免の恩恵を享受できない。一方、インド共産党マルクス主義派(CPI-M)のPrakash Karat書記長は水曜(19日)、左派戦線がインドASEAN-FTAに反対するキャンペーンを展開する方針を明らかにした。同協定はインド農民に致命的不利益を与えると言う。(...続きを読む)
◆Vietnam yet to fully ratify, Left to launch anti FTA campaign
【New Delhi】Vietnam has only partially signed the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with India and will not be able to enjoy any import tariff benefits arising out of the Indo-Asean FTA. Meanwhile CPI-M General Secretary Prakash Karat on Wednesday said the Left would launch a campaign against India's free trade agreement with ASEAN which he claimed had dealt a "mortal blow" to farmers in the country.
【新德里】越南还没有签定印度东盟自由贸易协议的所有的条文。所以它不能享受该协议下的关税优惠。另一方面,印度共产党马克思主义派总秘书Prakash Karat星期三说,左翼阵线将展开反对印度东盟自由贸易协议的大众运动,因为该协议给国内农民的利益致命伤。
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42575(235/338)
◆Printer, copier market down 13% in the first half: Gartner
【New Delhi】The total printer, copier and multifunctional products (MFP) shipment during the first half of 2009 fell by 12.7 per cent to 1.133 million units compared to 1.297 million units in the same period last year.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42576(236/338)
◆South based IT/ITeS firms operating income grows 15%
【Chennai】The information technology (IT) and IT-enabled Services (ITeS) companies, based in the South reported an operating income of about Rs 60,000 crore in 2008-09, an increase of 15 per cent over last year.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42579(237/338)
【ニューデリー】不順な雨期にともなう干魃の被害が拡大、当初の豊作見通しがあえなく潰え去ったばかりでなく、必需食品価格の高騰が生じる中、Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は21日、如何なる食糧品目にしろ不足が生じるなら政府は躊躇することなく輸入し、不足を補填すると語った。(...続きを読む)
◆India to import food items to bridge any shortfall: FM
【New Delhi】As the prospects of a good agricultural output are turning grimmer due to drought and the drought begins to adversely impact on prices of essential commodities, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on August 21 said the government would not hesitate to import food to bridge any shortfalls.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42581(238/338)
◆New foreign trade policy aims $200 bn export next fiscal
【New Delhi】India on August 27 unveiled its Foreign Trade Policy for the next five years, which contained a mix of fiscal sops and procedural reforms in a bid to reverse 10 consecutive months of decline in merchandise exports.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42590(239/338)
【ニューデリー】2009年度予算は、陸地から200海里の排他的経済水域(EEZ:Exclusive Economic Zone)におけるサービス税の徴収に関する条文に重要な変更を加えた。『1976年領海・大陸棚・排他的経済水域・その他の海事領域法(TCEO法:Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act, 1976)』は、陸地から12海里の海域を領海としている他、陸地から200海里までの大陸棚をインドの主権が及ぶEEZと定めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Taxation of services in the EEZ effected fundamental changes
【New Delhi】Budget 2009 has effected fundamental changes in the provisions relating to service tax on activities carried out within the limit of 200 nautical miles therefrom, which comprises the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of India. While the territorial waters extend up to a distance of 12 nautical miles from the landmass, the Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act, 1976, (the Act) extends the sovereign rights to the Continental Shelf of India (CSI), which significantly beyond the territorial waters up to a maximum of 200 nautical miles from the landmass.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42594(240/338)
【ニューデリー】輸出振興資本財(EPCG:Export Promotion Capital Goods)スキームの下、生産性向上やコスト削減に必要な資本財であれば、輸入関税が完全に免除される。(...続きを読む)
◆Capital goods imports under EPCG at 0%
【New Delhi】Under the Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) scheme, exporters don't have to pay any duty, raise their productivity or lower your costs.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42595(241/338)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、8月27日よりフォーカス市場スキーム(focus market scheme)の関税クレジット(duty credit)をFOB価格の2.5%から3%に引き上げるとともに、同スキームの適応対象にラテン・アメリカ及びカリブ海の16カ国とアジア・オセアニアの10カ国を追加した。(...続きを読む)
◆26 new markets added to focus market scheme
【New Delhi】The government has raised the entitlement of duty credit scrip from 2.5% to 3% of freight on board (FOB) value for exports to 16 new markets in Latin America and Caribbean, 13 in Africa and 10 in Asia-Oceania under focus market scheme starting from August 27.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42596(242/338)
【ニューデリー】商工省は、このほど発表した新外国貿易政策(FTP:Foreign Trade Policy)の一環として、輸入品急増の脅威に晒される国内産業を支援するため、貿易救済措置総局(DTRM:Directorate of Trade Remedy Measures)を新設する。(...続きを読む)
◆New directorate of trade remedy measures to be set up
【New Delhi】The commerce ministry will set up a directorate of trade remedy measures in an effort to support the domestic industry in seeking counter-measures on import surges. The announcement was made while releasing the Foreign Trade Policy.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42597(243/338)
◆Govt to set up diamond bourses
【New Delhi】The Government has introduced a plan to establish diamond bourses in order to make the country an international trading hub and boost the gems and jewellery exports.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42605(244/338)
◆GDP grows 6.1% in April-June quarter
【New Delhi】The gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 6.1% in the first quarter (April-June) of this fiscal, the highest quarterly growth since the onset of the global economic slowdown in September 2008, albeit this is below the 7.8% year-on-year increase for April-June 2008-09.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42607(245/338)
◆Exports drop 28.4%, imports decline 37.1% in July
【New Delhi】Hopes for a turnaround on the foreign trade front were belied. India's exports fell an annual 28.4 per cent in July to $13.62 billion, the 10th straight monthly fall. While imports dropped 37.1 per cent to $19.62 billion in July, the eighth consecutive month.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42609(246/338)
◆Iron ore exports up 2% in July
【New Delhi】India's iron ore exports rose around 2% in to 5.9-million-tonne in July over the same period last year after clocking 26 million tonne during the April-June quarter, the same as the year-ago period.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42613(247/338)
◆Car sales move into fast lane in August
【Mumbai】Buoyed by easier availability of credit coupled with higher consumer confidence and the festive season, most car makers in India achieved record sales in August.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42614(248/338)
◆Two-wheeler sales rev up
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler sales growth for the month of August were also accelerated by the festive season and most players recorded double digits growth.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42615(249/338)
【チェンナイ】Clarks/Ecco/Gabor/Florshiem/Espirit/Sears/JC Penny/Pierre Cardin等、世界の著名な履き物ブランドが製造拠点を設けているタミールナド州Vellore県の町、Amburは、2014年までに、年間履き物輸出額を現在の1524.04クロー(US$3.17億)から2倍に拡大することを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Vellore footwear cluster aims to double exports
【Chennai】Ambur, a small town in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu where many leading international footwear brands like Clarks, Ecco, Gabor, Florshiem, Espirit, Sears, JC Penny, Pierre Cardin and others are produced, aims to double the current annual export value of Rs 1,524.04 crore ($317m) by 2014.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42617(250/338)
【ニューデリー】内需が引き引き続き成長を牽引しているものの、製造業部門の8月の成長率は鈍化、マージンの下降も著しい。こうした中で製造業部門の健康状態を測る代表的指標とされる『購買管理指数(PMI:Purchasing Managers' Index)』も7月の55.4から8月の53.2に下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Manufacturing growth slowest since April
【New Delhi】The growth in the domestic manufacturing sector slowed in August, though domestic demand continued to drive recovery despite lower margins. The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), a seasonally adjusted headline index designed to measure the overall health of the manufacturing sector, stood at 53.2 last month down from 55.4 in July.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2009
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