内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008
【ニューデリー】米国上下両院を通過したインド米国民生用核協力協定は、今日(10/3)ニューデリーに到着する予定のCondoleezza Rice米国国務相とインドのPranab Mukherjee外相の間で正式調印される運びだ。
◆N-deal to be inked today by Rice and Mukherjee
【New Delhi】The India-U.S. nuclear deal, which has already been cleared by both House in U.S., is now ready for being inked by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice when she arrives in New Delhi today(October 3) for her rescheduled trip with External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41501(302/399)
【ニューデリー】コンドリーザ・ライス米国国務長官は10月4日、インドのPranab Mukherjee外相と印米核協定に調印するためニューデリーを訪れたが、インド側がブッシュ大統領が先ず調印し法律として発効したのを確認した後でなければ、調印することはできないとの立場を堅持したため、結局調印には至らなかった。
◆Rice and Mukherjee unable to ink N-deal
【New Delhi】U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in New Delhi on October 4 to sign the path-breaking civil nuclear agreement with Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee. However they were unable to ink the deal with New Delhi making it clear that it would do so only after President George W Bush signs it into a law.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41503(303/399)
◆Inflation below 12% for 1st time in 12 weeks
【New Delhi】For the first time in the last 12 weeks, inflation fell below the 12 per cent-mark to 11.99 per cent for the week ended September 20 from 12.14 per cent in the previous week, as some food items turned cheaper.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41505(304/399)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈開発公社(DMICDC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation)は、向こう6~12ヶ月間に合計4件、総コスト2万クロー(US$42.55億)の鉄道インフラ・プロジェクトを、公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式により実行する。これらにはデリーとラジャスタン州Jaipurを結ぶ高速列車計画も含まれる。
◆4 rail infrastructure projects identified for industrial corridor
【New Delhi】The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) will undertake four "early bird" rail infrastructure projects, including a high-speed rail link between Delhi and Jaipur, at an investment of over Rs 20,000 crore, in the next six to 12 months through public-private partnership.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41508(305/399)
【ニューデリー】外国企業が地元企業と組まずに単独で第三世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域入札に参加するのを認めると言う電信局(DOT)の計画に、内務省と産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)が強く反対している。
◆DIPP demurs to 3G bid without Indian partner
【New Delhi】The home ministry and the department of industrial policy and promotion (DIPP)raised strong objection to the department of telecom's plans to let foreign telcos bid for 3G spectrum without an Indian partner.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41510(306/399)
【ニューデリー】産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)は内閣通達(Cabinet note)を送付し、スポーツ用品と電子製品の小売り部門に100%外資を導入する可否を検討するよう求めた。
◆Cabinet revisiting 100% FDI in sports goods, electronics retail
【New Delhi】The department of industrial policy & promotion (DIPP) has been circulating a Cabinet note to propose to allow 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in electronics and sports goods retail.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41513(307/399)
【ニューデリー/ワシントン】インドと米国二国関係に新時代を開く民生用核協力協定がいよいよ明日発効する見通しだ。スケジュール通りならインドのPranab Mukherjee外相は、米国のコンドリーザ・ライス国務長官とともに関係協定に明日(米国時間10日4時、インド時間11日)サインする。
◆India, US to tomorrow deal today
【New Delhi/ Washington】India and the US are set to sign the landmark civilian nuclear agreement tomorrow, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee will sign the agreement with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41515(308/399)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は10月6日、金融システム中の流動性逼迫を緩和するため、支払準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)を50ベイシス・ポイント引き下げると発表、10日にはさらに100ベイシスポイントの追加引き下げを発表した。これによりCRRは現在の9%から7.5%に下方修正される。
◆RBI cuts cash reserve ratio 150 basis points
【New Delhi】In a move to ease liquidity in the financial system, the Reserve Bank of India on October 6 and 10 announced 50-basis-point and 100-basis-point reduction respectively in the cash reserve ratio (CRR) to 7.5 per cent from 9 per cent.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41516(309/399)
【ニューデリー】金融危機が全世界に波及する勢いを示す中、P Chidambaram蔵相は、インドが今会計年度も8%の成長を実現できるとの見通しを改めて示した。
◆Growth rate likely 8% this fiscal: FM
【New Delhi】Even as the financial storm is blowing across the world, the finance minister P Chidambaram has said that by the end of the current fiscal, India might be able to have an 8 per cent growth rate.
【新德里】尽管金融危机正波及全世界当中,财政部长P Chidambaram说,印度在这财政年还可以实现8%的经济成长。
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41519(310/399)
◆Govt mulling to abolish the subsidy on diesel for cars
【Vadodara】Ministry of petroleum and natural gas is mulling to introduce a dual pricing framework for diesel to reduce the burden on central government's coffers. It may cost more to car owners.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41522(311/399)
【ニューデリー】GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication)携帯電話会社の組織、インド・セル式電話業者協会(COAI:Cellular Operators Association of India)は、同一グループ内の携帯電話ナンバー・ポータビリティー(MNP)に反対する立場を表明した。
◆GSM lobby opposes internal number portability
【New Delhi】The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), the GSM lobby, has objected to "internal" mobile number portability.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41525(312/399)
【ニューヨーク】インドのPranab Mukherjee外相と米国のCondoleezza Rice国務長官は先週金曜(インド時間土曜)、米印民生用核協力協定を発効させるためのいわゆる123協定(123 Agreement)に調印した。インド側は同協定が両国を法的に拘束することを重ねて強調したが、米国側からの明確な保証はなされなかった。123協定の条文自体は同協定は1つの法的枠組み及び基礎を成すものと述べており、解釈上の不一致が生じることは避けられそうにない。
◆123 agreement is legally-binding" on both sides: India
【New York】The Indian External Affairs Minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee and the U.S. Secretary of State, Ms Condoleezza Rice signed the 123 Agreement, which operationalises the nuclear deal, on Friday. Despite India reiterated that the accord is "legally-binding" on both sides, no such reassurance was forthcoming from the U.S. side. It is clear that problems of interpretation are likely to persist as the 123 text itself calls the Agreement a legal framework and basis.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41528(313/399)
◆Inflation dips marginally to 11.80%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation dipped to 11.8% for the week ended September 27 compared to 11.99 per cent, the previous week.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41530(314/399)
【ムンバイ】インド航空会社連盟(FIA:Federation of Indian Airlines)は、搭乗客の減少、コスト・アップ、業界全般を通じた資金繰りの困難を克服するため、政府に財政措置や規制緩和を含む10億米ドルの救済パッケージの実行を求めた。
◆Airlines ask for $1 bn bailout
【Mumbai】The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) has sought a $1 billion bailout package from the government in addition to many other fiscal sops and easing of regulatory measures to counter slowing passenger traffic, rising costs and an industry-wide liquidity crunch.
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41533(315/399)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、最近電力設備製造合弁事業4社--BHEL-Siemens/L&T-三菱/東芝-JSW/Bharat Forge-Alstom--が誕生したのを機に、インドを電力設備製造ハブにする計画だ。
◆India to becom a power equipment manufacturing hub
【New Delhi】With four new power equipment manufacturers - BHEL-Siemens, L&T-Mitsubishi, Toshiba-JSW and Bharat Forge-Alstom - entering the market, the government is looking to make India a manufacturing hub for electrical machinery.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41537(316/399)
【ムンバイ】General Electric、東芝傘下のWestinghouse、ロシアのRosatom、フランスのAreva等、指導的な国際原子力施設製造業者が、地元企業と合弁でインドに次世代軽水炉や関係設備を製造する施設を設ける可能性がある。
◆Toshiba, GE, Areva may set up JVs to make reactors
【Mumbai】General Electric, Toshiba Corporation's Westinghouse, Rosatom of Russia and Areva of France, which are all leading global nuclear equipment manufacturers, may form joint ventures with Indian companies to manufacture new generation light water reactors (LWR) and related equipment in India.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41538(317/399)
【ムンバイ】全国の州電力局(state electricity boards)は、十分な天然ガスの供給が確保できないため総コスト2万クロー(US$42.55億)、5000MW(メガワット)の発電施設を遊休させている。
◆5,000-Mw capacity left idle due to gas shortage
【Mumbai】The state electricity boards have left around 5,000 Mw of gas-based electricity generation capacity, built at a cost of about Rs 20,000 crore, unused owing to the shortage of gas in the country.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41542(318/399)
◆Steel cos urge govt to impose 20% import duty levy
【New Delhi】India's steel imports have shot up by 50% to about 3 million tonne (mt) during the past six months as compared to the corresponding period in the last fiscal. Primary steelmakers have urged the government to levy 20% import duty on steel or completely ban its imports for the next three months.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41549(319/399)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は14日、投資信託の流動性需要に銀行が応じられるよう、2万クロー(US$41.24億)を上限に年利9%の『スペシャル14日レポ(special 14 day repo)』を導入する方針を決めた。
◆RBI to conduct a special 14 day repo to help MFI
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), on October 14, decided to conduct a special 14 day repo at 9 per cent per annum for a notified amount of Rs 20,000 crore with a view to enabling banks to meet the liquidity requirements of mutual funds.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41550(320/399)
【ニューデリー】インド中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は15日、支払準備率(CRR)を再度100ベイシス・ポイント引き下げて銀行体系に4万クロー(US$82.47億)を注入することを含む一連の措置を発表した。
◆RBI announces a host of measures
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India on October 15 announced a host of measures including another 100 basis points reduction in Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) to infuse Rs 40,000 crore into the banking system.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41551(321/399)
【ブーバネスワル】Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相は14日、一部領域の輸出入税免除に関する鉄鋼業界の要求を検討することを約束した。
◆Govt to consider duty rationalisation to bail out steel sector
【Bhubaneswar】Union minister for steel Ram Vilas Paswan on October 14 assured the country's steel producers that it would consider their demands for waiving import and export duties in some sectors.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】钢铁部长Ram Vilas Paswan10月14日向国内制钢业诺言他考虑它们的要求而检讨免除进出口税的可能性。
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41552(322/399)
◆Govt to take steps to bail out airline cos
【Hyderabad】In an effort to provide some breathing space and fund support to the struggling aviation industry, the Union Minister for Civil Aviation will meet the Finance Minister and representatives of banks and financial institutions soon.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41557(323/399)
◆Govt to introduce competitive bidding for coal blocks
【New Delhi】The government is set to introduce competitive bidding for allocation of coal blocks to consuming industries like power and steel.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41560(324/399)
◆Polls in 5 states next in month, J&K stalled
【New Delhi】The Election Commission on October 14 announced a mid-November schedule for the assembly polls in five states — Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Mizoram. Howeve the poll body stalled the decision on holding elections in Jammu & Kashmir.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41561(325/399)
【ニューデリー】これまでに銀行体系に14万5000クロー(US$298.97億)の流動性を注入した中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は20日、短期貸出金利の指標とされるレポレートを即日100ベイシス・ポイント引き下げ、8%とした。レポレート(Repo rate)の引き下げは2004年以来初めてのこと。
◆Reserve Bank cuts repo rate by 100 bps to 8%
【New Delhi】After shoring up the banking system with Rs 145,000 crore funds, the Reserve Bank of India on October 20 slashed its key short-term interest rate – Repo rate by 100 basis points to 8 per cent. The reduction, the first since 2004, is effective immediately.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41563(326/399)
◆N-trade only after bureaucratic process is over: US official
【Washington】Hoping the "bureaucratic process" to be over soon, a top Bush administration official has said that India could be engaged in nuclear trade after completion of all certifications under the nuclear deal, including those concerning the US' NPT obligations and enrichment technologies.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41565(327/399)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼価格の値下がりと鋼材輸入増加に直面する主要鉄鋼メーカーらは17日、鉄鋼省に熱間圧延鋼に対する15%の輸入税適応、輸出業者に対する関税免除パスブック(DEPB:duty exemption passbook)スキームの復活、輸入最低価格の設定、消費税率の14.4%から8%への引き下げ等を求めた。
◆Steel industry demands 15% import duty, revival of DEPB facilities
【New Delhi】In the face of falling steel prices and rising imports, the major steel producers on October 17 urged the Steel Ministry to impose 15 per cent import duty on hot rolled steel, revive DEPB(duty exemption passbook) benefits on exports, set a floor price and cut excise duty from 14.4 per cent to 8 per cent.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41572(328/399)
◆内閣委、Aditya Birla Telecomの外資導入計画承認
【ニューデリー】内閣経済問題委員会(CCEA)は、Aditya Birla Telecom Ltd(ABTL)がモーリシャス拠点の投資基金P5 Asia Holdings Investments (Mauritius)から2704.21クロー(US$5.58億)の外国直接投資を導入する計画を承認した。
◆FDI in Aditya Birla Telecom approved by Cabinet
【New Delhi】Aditya Birla Telecom Ltd's proposal to bring in foreign direct investment of Rs 2,704.21 crore from P5 Asia Holdings Investments (Mauritius), a Mauritius-based private equity fund, has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41573(329/399)
【東京】インド高級官印らによれば、麻生太郎首相のたっての意向に基づいて調印されたとされる日印安全保障宣言が署名されたその日、訪日中のManmohan Singh首相は、日印両国業界のリーダーらに対して中印両国の往復貿易は過去1年の増分だけで、日印両国の往復貿易の総額を遙かに上回ることを改めて指摘した。
◆New security ties with Japan not directed against China: PM
【Tokyo】On a day that saw India and Japan sign a declaration on security cooperation, which senior officials concede that the document is largely the product of Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso's exertions, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh introduced a harsh dose of reality by reminding an elite gathering of Japanese and Indian businessmen that the increase in India's bilateral trade with China in the past one year alone is more than the whole of India's total trade with Japan.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41580(330/399)
◆3G auction to be floated by Jan 15
【New Delhi】The Government has finally decided to conduct the auction for third generation spectrum by January 15. The Department of Telecom had earlier planned to conduct the auction by December 31 but the operators and bankers sought extension.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41583(331/399)
【ムンバイ】インドの企業界は中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)が基準金利を引き下げたことにを一様に歓迎しているが、銀行界がその恩恵を直ちに顧客に還元することには懐疑的だ。
◆Cos sceptical about repo cut benefit
【Mumbai】India Inc has welcomed the Reserve Bank of India's move to cut the key interest rate. However it also expressed doubts on lenders' response to pass on the benefits to customers.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41585(332/399)
【東京】Manmohan Singh首相は麻生太郎首相とともに当地で日印安全保障宣言(security cooperation agreement)に調印した翌23日、「インドと日本は大国として、また新生アジアの2本の主要な柱として国際社会の相応の役割を担う用意がある」と語った。
◆India and Japan ready to play a "commensurate global role"
【Tokyo】Minister Manmohan Singh on October 23, a day after inking a landmark security cooperation agreement with his Japanese counterpart Taro Aso here, said India and Japan are ready to play a "commensurate global role" in world affairs as "major powers" and "two major pillars of new Asia".
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41587(333/399)
◆Financial crisis hits new telecom players
【New Delhi】India's new telecom players are currently drawing up plans to roll out their networks. However they could be the latest victims of the ongoing liquidity squeeze.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41593(334/399)
【チェンナイ】国営企業3社-Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd(NPCIL)/Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)/National Thermal Power Corporation Limited(NTPC)-は合弁会社を設け、国産核反応炉を輸出する計画だ。
◆3 PSUs to jointly export nuclear reactors
【Chennai】Three public sector companies, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, have decided to set up a joint venture for the export of nuclear power reactors.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41595(335/399)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は10月24日に発表した『年次金融政策中期見直し(mid-term review of the annual Monetary Policy』報告書の中で、基準金利を一層引き下げる必要性を強調したものの、この日は全ての主要レート、即ち短期貸出金利指標のレポレート(8.0%)、政策金利のリバースレポ、公定歩合(6.0%)、そして支払準備率(6.5%)を据え置いた。
◆RBI keeps all rates steady
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India on October 24 kept all key rates (repo, reverse repo and the Bank Rate) and the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) unchanged in its mid-term review of the annual Monetary Policy. However it made a formidable case for further easing key rates.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41598(336/399)
◆DoT mulling to put off 3G auctions by 3 months
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications (DoT) is mulling to postpone the 3G spectrum auctions by three months, taking cognisance of the global liquidity crunch. Earlier, the auctions were being planned in mid-January.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41602(337/399)
◆Airlines get a relief package
【New Delhi】Cash-strapped airlines on October 22 got from the government a relief package including giving them six more months to pay their outstanding fuel bills.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41605(338/399)
【ニューデリー】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は、国営National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)管理下の350万トンの鉄鋼資源を、国営鉱物貿易会社Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC)に割り当てることに異議を唱え、Manmohan Singh首相に介入を求めた。
◆Essar asks PM to intervene in allocation of iron ore
【New Delhi】Essar Steel has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to intervene in Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC) getting allocation of 3.5 million tonnes of iron ore reserved by mining giant National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC) for exports.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41608(339/399)
◆Over a dozen export sectors slip into negative growth
【New Delhi】While over a dozen job-oriented export sectors slipped into disarray showing up to 70 per cent negative growth last month over a year-ago period, the Commerce Ministry is likely to recommended lifting of export curbs on items like steel and agro products.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41609(340/399)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は11月1日、支払準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)及び法定流動性比率(SLR:stautory liquidity ratio)の各1%ポイント引き下げと短期貸出金利の指標とされるレポレート(repo rate)の0.5%ポイント引き下げを含む一連の金融措置を発表した。これにより銀行体系に8万5000クロー(US$175.26億)の流動性が新たに注入される。
◆RBI cuts CRR, SLR and Repo rate
【New Delhi】Reserve Bank of India on November 1 announced a slew of monetary measures including a one percentage point cut in cash reserve and statutory liquidity ratios besides a 0.5 percentage point cut in key short-term lending (repo) rate to inject an additional estimated Rs. 85,000 crore into the banking system.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41611(341/399)
◆Cabinet clears Insurance Bill; to hike FDI cap to 49%
【New Delhi】After 4 years of debate, the government on October 31 approved the comprehensive insurance bill, which seeks to raise foreign direct investment (FDI) cap in private sector to 49 per cent from 26 per cent, and said it would be tabled in the Parliament in December.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41612(342/399)
◆Govt scraps export duty on steel and customs duty on aviation fuel
【New Delhi】The Government October 31 withdrew the export duty on certain steel products to encourage Indian steel makers to export despite falling global prices and also scrapped the customs duty on aviation fuel.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41615(343/399)
◆Global carriers keen on 3-G permits
【New Delhi】Operators in the US, UK, France, Italy and Australia are interested in bidding for a permit to offer high-speed services in the country, said the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on October 29.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41617(344/399)
◆Haryana to add 5000 MW by 2012
【Chennai】The state of Haryana is set to invest around Rs 25,000 crore to add 5000 Mega Watt (MW) of power by 2012 to the current capacity of 4,600 MW through conventional power.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41620(345/399)
◆Edible oil duty revision is a tough call for Govt
【New Delhi】It is a tough call for the government, which has been battling hard to bring down prices of oilseeds in recent time, to strike a balance between the interests of oilseed farmers and consumer's demands on the back of crashing global edible prices, that is dragging down local rates, especially ahead of the state and federal elections.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41621(346/399)
【ニューデリー】銀行不良資産(NPA:non-performing asset)の一層の拡大が予想される中、インド政府は特殊目的会社(SPV:special purpose vehicle)を設け、銀行のNPAを買い取る可能性を検討している。
◆Govt may set up SPV to buy NPAs of banks
【New Delhi】Even as bank non-performing assets(NPAs) are expected to enlarge over time, the government is considering floating a special purpose vehicle (SPV) to buy NPAs from domestic banks.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41630(347/399)
【ニューデリー】中国の発電設備メーカー東方電気集団公司(DEC:Dongfang Electric Corporation)は、インドに製造拠点を設ける準備を進めているが、Jairam Ramesh電力事業担当国務相は、「中央電力局(CEA:Central Electricity Authority)によれば、国内に製造拠点を設けた中国企業は1社も存在せず、中国企業は設備の納入と、EPC(engineering procurement and construction)契約のみを手がけている」と国会に報告した。
◆Dongfang Electric plans to set up production facility in India
【New Delhi】Chinese power equipment maker Dongfang Electric Corp plans to build a production facility in India though a parliamentary committee has said that no Chinese firm is manufacturing here, but only supplying equipment.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41635(348/399)
◆Inflation inches up to 10.72%
【New Delhi】Following declining for five weeks in a row, India's inflation rate as measured by wholesale price index (WPI) inched up to 10.72 per cent for week ended October 25 from 10.68 per cent in the previous week, thanks to rising prices of certain essentials such as vegetables, pulses and cereals coupled with some manufactured items.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41644(349/399)
【チェンナイ】Manmohan Singh首相は11月4日ニューデリーでP. Chidambaram蔵相及びA. Raja通信情報技術相と会談、第3世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域入札を既定方針に従って来年1月に実施することを承認した。
◆3G spectrum allocation by end-Jan as scheduled
【Chennai】Tthe Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gave his nod for the auction of spectrum for providing third generation (3G) cellphone services to be held as scheduled during the meeting with Finance Minister P. Chidambaram and Communications and Information Technology Minister A. Raja in New Delhi on November 4.
【金奈】曼莫汉・辛格总理11月4日在新德里跟财政部长P Chidambaram以及A Raja通信与信息科技部长会谈而批准第三代移动通信服务频段的拍卖会按照既定日程实行。
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41646(350/399)
◆Centre to back 4,000MW power project at Bijapur
【Bangalore】The Union government will support and extend all benefits to Karnataka State government to set up the 4,000MW power project at Kudgi in Bijapur, but may not give it the status of an Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP).
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2008