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企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-07-18 ArtNo.39760(651/1140)
【ムンバイ】Tata SteelやArcelorMittal等、内外の総合鉄鋼会社がここ2年ほどの間に相次ぎ数十億米ドルの新規鉄鋼プロジェクトを発表したが、鉱業省のウェブサイトに掲載されたリスト(6月22日に更新)には、韓国のPoscoを除きこれらの企業が提出したはずの鉄鉱山開発申請が含まれていない。(...続きを読む)
◆Domestic steel cos' ore plans stack up
【MUMBAI】Even as Tata Steel, ArcelorMittal and other integrated steel companies in the country announce multi-billion-dollar greenfield projects, none of these companies' applications for iron ore mines finds mention in the updated list put up by the ministry of mines on its website except for the Korean major Posco's application.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39761(652/1140)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点のRKKR Steels Ltdはアンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamに500クロー(US$1.22億)を投じて総合的な鉄鋼プラントを設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆RKKR sets up Rs 500-cr integrated steel plant in AP
【Chennai】The Chennai-based RKKR Steels Ltd plans to put up a integrated steel project at Krishnapatnam, Andhra Pradesh at an investment of Rs 500-crore.
【金奈】位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的 RKKR Steels有限公司计划投资50亿卢比在安德拉邦克里讲议纳帕特南兴建总合性钢铁厂。
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39762(653/1140)
【ムンバイ】公共投資局(PIB)は、セキュリティー問題に絡んで2年以上の遅れが生じていたムンバイ港湾局(MBT:Mumbai Port Trust)の1500クロー(US$3.66億)沖合コンテナ・ターミナル・プロジェクトを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt clears Mumbai Port`s container terminal project
【Mumbai】The Public Investment Board (PIB) has cleared Mumbai Port Trust's Rs 1,500-crore offshore container terminal project, which was delayed for more than two years owing to security clearances.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39763(654/1140)
◆Ashok Leyland、シーメンスVDOと自動車部品合弁
【ムンバイ】地元商用車メーカーAshok Leyland Ltd(ALL)は16日、ドイツ企業Siemens VDO Automotive AGと、インフォトロニクス製品の設計/据え付けと運輸業界向けサービスを手掛ける合弁協定を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ashok Leyland, Siemens VDO set up auto-component joint venture
【MUMBAI】Ashok Leyland Ltd announced on July 16 signed a joint venture agreement with Siemens VDO Automotive AG, Germany, to design, develop and adapt infotronics products and services for the transportation sector.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39764(655/1140)
【ジャカルタ】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)はインドネシアのKarawangにこのほど完成したステップスルーの開発・製造施設を梃子に、国際市場の開拓に本腰を入れる。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS to go global by leveraging its facility in Indonesia
【Jakarta】TVS Motor Company Ltd, the India's third largest two-wheeler company, is putting in place a strategy to go global by leveraging its step-thru development and manufacturing facility that it has just finished setting up here in Indonesia.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39765(656/1140)
◆Videocon invests Rs 2,500-cr to set up chip unit
【NEW DELHI】Consumer electronics major Videocon will set up a semiconductor unit in India with an initial investment of Rs 2,500 crore and is currently working on finalising the location for the same.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39766(657/1140)
◆地場PCメーカーRP Info、HP州に第3工場建設
【ニューデリー】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のR P Infosystems Private Limited(RPI)はヒマチャルプラデシュ州Parwanooに第3の製造施設を設けた。(...続きを読む)
◆RP Info opens the third PC factory in Himachal
【New Delhi】Kolkata-based R P Infosystems Private Limited has set up a third manufacturing plant in Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh.
◆RP Info在喜马偕尔设立第3工厂
【新德里】总部位于西孟加拉邦州加尔各答的R P Infosystem私人有限公司已经在喜马偕尔州帕尔瓦努设立第3工厂。
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39767(658/1140)
【ムンバイ】Anil AmbaniグループのFlag Telecomは、米国拠点のイーザーネット・サービス・プロバイダーYipes Holdings Incを3億米ドルの現金で買収した。これによりFlagは光ファイバー・ネットワークを拡張し、米国市場に足場を築くことができる。(...続きを読む)
◆RCom buys US ethernet firm Yipes for $300 m
【Mumbai】Anil Ambani Group firm Flag Telecom has acquired US-based Ethernet services provider Yipes Holdings Inc for $300 million in cash - a deal that would scale up its optic fibre network and give a footprint in the American market.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39768(659/1140)
【ムンバイ】中国の通信機器業者Huawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)は、今後さらに4億~6億米ドルの通信ネットワーク・アウトソーシング契約をインドのテレコム・サービス会社から獲得するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Huawei likely to bag $600 mn deals in India
【Mumbai】A Chinese telecom equipment vendor Huawei Technologies Co Ltd is close to bagging $400-600 million network outsourcing contracts from service providers in India.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39769(660/1140)
【チェンナイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のKamala Groupはカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のMPPL Renewable Energy Private Ltdと共同で特殊会社(SPV:special purpose vehicle)Future Energy Zone Private Ltd(FEZ)を設立、タミールナド州Kancheepuram県Chengalpattu talukaに再生エネルギー産業向けの特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する。(...続きを読む)
◆A renewable energy SEZ to be set up in Tamil Nadu
【CHENNAI】Mumbai-based Kamala Group has teamed up with the Bangalore-based MPPL Renewable Energy Private Ltd. to float a special purpose vehicle, christened as Future Energy Zone Private Ltd. (FEZ), to set up a renewable energy special economic zone in Chengalpattu taluka in Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu.
【金奈】总部设在马哈拉施特拉州孟买的Kamala集团和位于卡纳塔克州班加罗尔的MPPL Renewable Energy私人有限公司联手设立特殊机构,名叫Future Energy Zone私人有限公司,而在泰米尔纳德州坎契浦兰县Chengalpattu taluka发展再生能源经济特区。
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39770(661/1140)
◆Reliance Life Sciences、米国で提携先、欧州で買収対象物色
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Life Sciences(RLS)は米国と欧州市場におけるプレゼンス確立に努めており、2009年までに一連の後発医薬品を欧米市場に投入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Life seeking partners in US, acquisition targets in Europe
【Mumbai】In a bid to strengthen its presence in the world's largest pharmaceuticals markets, the US and Europe, while Mukesh Ambani-promoted Reliance Life Sciences (RLS) is seeking partnership models for setting its footsteps in the US generic drug market, it will be acquiring a European contract research organisation (CRO) to play a key role in the European clinical research industry. The company is going to launch its first drug in the US and Europe in 2009.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39774(662/1140)
◆Hindalco、AlcanからUtkal Alumina45%権益買収
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco)は18日、Utkal Alumina International Ltd(UAIL)の45%権益をカナダ企業Alcanから買い取ることを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco acquires Alcan's 45% stake in Utkal Alumina
【Mumbai】Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco) on July 18 agreed to buy Canadian mining giant Alcan's 45 per cent stake in their joint venture Utkal Alumina International Ltd.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39775(663/1140)
◆Uttam Galva、マハラシュトラ州に新鉄鋼プラント計画
【ムンバイ】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は、同社が特別経済区(SEZ)を開発する予定のMumbai-Pune街道沿いに鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam Galva plans to set up new steel plant in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Uttam Galva Steel is to set up a steel plant along the Mumbai-Pune highway, where its proposed SEZ projects are coming up.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39776(664/1140)
◆Tata Metaliks/クボタ/メタルワン、合弁契約に調印
【コルカタ】Tata Metaliks Ltd(TML)/クボタ/メタルワンは、150クロー(US$3659万)を投じて西ベンガル州Kharagpurにダクタイル管(ductile iron pipe)製造施設を設ける合弁契約に調印した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata, Kubota, Metal One signed a JV agreement
【Kolkata】Tata Metaliks Ltd, Kubota Corporation and Metal One Corporation have signed a joint venture agreement for setting up a 1.1-lakh tonnes per annum capacity ductile iron pipe manufacturing plant at Kharagpur in West Bengal at an estimated investment of Rs 150 crore.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39777(665/1140)
◆Sona Koyo、ダイカスト/鍛造施設建設計画
【ニューデリー】ジェイテクトが20.1%出資するSona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd(SKSSL)はビジネス・スコープを拡大する狙いからアルミニウム・ダイカスト/鍛造施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Sona Koyo plans to set up aluminium die casting, forging unit
【New Delhi】Sona Koyo Steering Systems Ltd, in which JTEKT Corporation holds 20.1% stake, is looking to set up an aluminium die casting and forging unit in order to expand the scope of its business.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39778(666/1140)
◆エリクソン、Bharti AirtelとUS$20億GSM通信網契約
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンの通信機器メーカー、Ericssonは18日、Bharti Airtel Ltd(BAL)と、後者の15サークルにおけるGSMネットワークと23サークルにおけるプリペイド・プラットフォームの設計/企画/設置/最適化/管理を引き受ける総額20億米ドルの契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharti to seal a $2-b network deal with Ericsson
【New Delhi】Swedish telecom equipment supplier Ericsson, on July18, bagged a US$2 billion order from Bharti Airtel. Under the deal, Ericsson would design, plan, deploy, optimise and manage Bharti Airtels GSM network across 15 circles in India as well as for its pan-India prepaid platform across 23 circles.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39779(667/1140)
【ニューデリー】Yahoo Incは18日、ハリヤナ州Gurgaon拠点のTyroo Media Pvt Ltd(TMPL)の35%権益を買い取ると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Yahoo picks up 35% stake in Tyroo Media
【New Delhi】Yahoo Inc on July 18 announced it will acquire 35 per cent in Gurgaon-based ad-network, Tyroo Media Pvt Ltd.
◆雅虎购买Tyroo Media的35%股权
【新德里】雅虎7月18日宣布收购印度网络广告公司Tyroo Media私人有限公司35%的股份。
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39780(668/1140)
◆RPG group invests $2.9 b in power
【Mumbai】The RPG group is preparing to invest Rs 12,000 crore(US$2.927 biliion) for power and Rs 450 crore(US$110 million) for carbon black as two of its thrust business focus areas over the next 2-3 year.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39781(669/1140)
【ニューデリー】デリーの配電会社2社、Tata Power Company (TPC)傘下のNational Delhi Power Ltd (NDPL)とReliance Energy Ltd(REL)傘下のBombay Suburban Electric Supply(BSES)は、デリー州内と周辺に合計5つのガス火力発電所の建設を計画、州政府に用地の割当を申請している。(...続きを読む)
◆NDPL and BSES plan 5 power plants in and outside Delhi
【New Delhi】Delhi power distribution companies, Tata-owned National Delhi Power Ltd (NDPL) and Bombay Suburban Electric Supply(BSES) of Reliance Energy, plan to set up five gas-fired power plants in and outside Delhi and have written to the Delhi government for allotting them land for the purpose.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39782(670/1140)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industriesn Ltd(RIL)は17日、インド東海岸沖合Cauvery海盆で大型ガス田を発見したことを確認した。これによりRILは恐らくOil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)を追い越し、インド最大の化石燃料生産会社になる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance confirms a gas discovery at Cauvery basin
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd, on July 17, confirmed a gas discovery in the Cauvery Basin, off the country's east coast, potentially becoming the country's largest producer of the fuel overtaking Oil & Natural Gas Corporation.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39783(671/1140)
【ニューデリー】公共部門企業Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd(RCF)は、第11次五カ年計画期間に目下閉鎖中の2つの肥料工場の操業再開と既存施設の拡張に1万500クロー(US$25.61億)を投資することを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆RCF plans to invest Rs 10,500 cr during the 11th Plan
【New Delhi】The public sector Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd (RCF) is considering to revive two closed fertiliser units and to expand existing projects during the 11th Five-Year Plan period with an investment of around Rs 10,500 crore.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39784(672/1140)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecom)は、ワイヤレス広帯域通信WiMaxサービスを提供するためのロードマップを作成した。(...続きを読む)
◆DoT discloses road map for WiMax rollout
【NEW DELHI】The Department of Telecom (DoT) has laid out a road map for wireless broadband (WiMax) rollout in the country.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39786(673/1140)
【ニューデリー】Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)/Infosys Technologies/Wipro Technologiesは、ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)の2006-07年度情報技術(IT)/IT対応サービス(ITES)産業雇用主番付トップ・スリーの座を占めた。(...続きを読む)
◆TCS, Infy, Wipro top three employers in IT-ITeS
【NEW DELHI】Nasscom's top 20 employer rankings for financial year 2006-07 has ranked Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys Technologies and Wipro Technologies as top three IT and ITeS employers.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39788(674/1140)
◆PC sales rise 26% in 2006-07; sharp decline in the southern cities
【New Delhi】The total sales of personal computers desktop and notebook combining crossed 6.3 million units in 2006-07, a growth of 26 per cent from the previous year.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39789(675/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営放送会社Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India)がTV視聴者やTVメーカーへの課税を計画、電子メーカーらが市況への影響を懸念しているものの、2007年1-5月期のカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)販売は台数で30.6%増加、特にフラットCTVの販売は台数で70%以上の伸びを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Flat colour TV sales increase by over 70%
【New Delhi】Even as the state-owned Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India) tried to levy taxes on television watchers and manufacturers, compelling industry players to fear a slow down in sales, the industry recorded an increase of 30.6 per cent in CTVs for January-May 2007, especially the sales of flat tube CTV showed an increase of over 70 per cent.
【新德里】虽然印度公共广播公司Prasar Bharati企图向电视收看者和电视制造商征税,从而行业界操心行情下降,可是2007年1-5月之间的彩色电视机销售增加30.6,其中尤以平面屏幕电视机的销售记录了70%以上的成长。
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39790(676/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営海運会社Shipping Corporation of India(SCI)は第11次五カ年計画期間(2007/08-2011/12)に手持ち船団のキャパシティーを410万重量トン拡張する計画で、そのために約1万3135クロー(US$32.04億)を投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Shipping Corpn. prepares mega tonnage addition in Eleventh Plan
【New Delhi】Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has prepared an ambitious plan to add over 41-lakh deadweight tonnage (dwt) in the Eleventh Five Year Plan period of 2007-08 to 2011-12, entailing an investment of about Rs 13,135 crore.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39792(677/1140)
◆Tata Steel、オリッサ・メガ鉄鋼事業の工事契約発注
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は先週、総額4000クロー(US$9.76億)の工事契約を発注、オリッサ州における年産600万トンの野心的鉄鋼プロジェクトが終に離陸した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel place mega-order for Orissa plant
【MUMBAI】Tata Steel's ambitious 6-million-tonne-per-annum project in Orissa has finally taken off with the company placing orders worth Rs 4,000 crore for the upcoming steel plant.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39795(678/1140)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のCauvery海盆における大型ガス田発見の報に、Chevronを含む国際石油メジャーが関心を高めており、RILが新ガス田の開発に際して外国パートーナーと手を組む可能性が高まっている。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance may seek foreign partner for Cauvery asset
【New Delhi】The successful Cauvery asset of Reliance Industries Ltd may result in an international partner's joining in the project. International oil companies including Chevron are said to have envisaged interest.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39796(679/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)の4500万GSM回線拡張計画を巡るドラマは依然継続、一番札を入れたMotorolaの失格で、契約交渉権を獲得したスウェーデン企業Ericssonが入札価格の引き下げを拒絶したことから、先週発注量を2250万回線に縮小するよう指示したA Raja通信情報技術相は、BSNL労組が同指示に反発する中、今度は新規に6000万回線の入札を改めて募集するよう指示した。これは1テレコム企業が募集するものとしては史上最大の入札と言え、その額は40億米ドル前後に達する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆BSNL plans fresh tender for 75 m GSM lines
【New Delhi】The controversy over Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)'s tender just refuses to die down. Quick on the heels of halving the GSM tender of BSNL to 22.5 million lines after price differences with the L1 bidder, communications & IT minister A Raja has now asked the PSU to float a fresh tender to add around 60 million lines. The tender would be among the biggest to be ever floated by a telecom company and is likely to be valued at around $4 billion.
【新德里】国营电话企业巴拉特散查尔尼戈姆电话公司增设4500万线的移动网络计划的戏剧似乎继续下去。摩托罗拉被判失格而获得合约交涉权的爱立信公司拒绝降低标价之后,A Raja通信信息科技部长指示该国营电话公司把订货规模缩小一半到2250万线。但是该电话公司工会抗议部长的这个指示而宣布实行无限期罢工以后,他再指示该公司重新招增设6000万线全球移动通讯系统设备投标。这对一间通信公司的招标来说,可说是有史以来最大规模,总额预料40亿美元左右。
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39797(680/1140)
◆Nokia, Flextronics and Dell's vendors invest Rs 11,000-cr
【Chennai】Investments of about Rs 11,000 crore, including Nokia, Flextronics and Dell's 'mother units', that will lead to creation of over one lakh jobs, are expected to be made in the Sriperumbudur-Oragadam region, near Chennai, within the next couple of years.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39798(681/1140)
【ニューデリー】コンピュータ・メーカー、Lenovo Group Ltd(LGL)は向こう5年間に1100万米ドルを投じヒマチャルプラデシュ州Baddiにインドにおける2番目の工場を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Lenovo plans to set up $11 mn new plant in Himachal
【New Delhi】Computer maker Lenovo Group Ltd plans to invest $11 million over five years and to set up its second manufacturing plant in the country at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39799(682/1140)
【ムンバイ】フランスのカー・メーカー、Renaultは、地元二輪・三輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)と12万ルピー前後の価格帯の小型乗用車(car)を製造する交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Renault is in talks with Bajaj on small car
【Mumbai】French car maker Renault is in talks with Bajaj Auto, the two and three-wheeler maker, for producing a small car worth around Rs 1.20 lakh.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39800(683/1140)
【バンガロール】三菱重工業はカルナタカ州Bangaloreを拠点にするVST Tillers Tractors Ltd (VST)と合弁でカルナタカ州Mysoreに小型ディーゼル・エンジンの製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsubishi Heavy, VST to set up a JV for small diesel engines
【Bangalore】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan, and Bangalore-based VST Tillers Tractors Ltd have agreed to set up a manufacturing facility for small diesel engines in Mysore, Karnataka.
【邦加罗尔】三菱重工业与总部位于邦加罗尔的VST Tillers Tractors有限公司已经同意设立联营公司而在卡纳塔克州迈索尔制造小型柴油内燃机。
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39801(684/1140)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏は25日、Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相と会談し、オリッサ州とジャールカンド州に合計年産2400万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける方針を伝えるとともに、キャプティブ鉄鉱山をできるだけ早く割り当てるよう要請した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal sets up 24 MT plants in Orissa, Jharkhand
【New Delhi】Steel tycoon LN Mittal on Luly 25 met with Steel Minister Ram Vilas Paswan and told him that his company ArcelorMittal would set up a fresh steel capacity of 24 million tonnes。 through separate plants in Orissa and Jharkhand and asked the Centre to expedite the allocation of captive mines for the purpose.
【新德里】钢铁大王拉克什米·尼瓦斯·米塔尔先生7月25日见面Ram Vilas Paswan钢铁部长的时侯告诉他,他的阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司将在奥里萨州和贾坎德州都设立各年产1200万吨的钢厂。从而他也要求中央政府尽快给他的公司分配铁矿床。
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39802(685/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営鉄鋼会社Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)と世界最大の鉄鋼グループArcelor Mittalは、ジャールカンド州Chiria鉄鉱山の開発や研究開発(R&D)面で提携する可能性を探っている。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL, Mittal may tie up
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Arcelor Mittal, the largest steel maker in the world, are exploring opportunities to synergise capabilities. This may involve sharing the Chiria iron ore reserves in Jharkhand and joint research and development (R&D) activities.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39803(686/1140)
◆Ispat Inds、US$5億投じ事業拡張
【コルカタ】マハラシュトラ州Dolviの総合的鉄鋼プラントの年産能力を500万トンに拡張中のIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は年産100万トンのコークス炉と年産450万トンのペレット製造施設をアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakapatnamに設ける方針を決めた。同社またマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiの手持ち不動産に商業不動産を増設する50:50合弁契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat Inds plans Rs 2025cr capex to expand its capacity
【Kolkata】Ispat Industries Ltd, which is in the process of expanding the capacity of its integrated steel plant at Dolvi, Maharashtra to 5 million tonne a year, has decided to set up a one million tonne a year coke oven plant and a 4.5m tonne a year pellet plant in Vishakapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. The company is also venturing into real estate development by entering into a 50:50 joint venture with a realtor to construct commercial properties on its Mumbai property.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39804(687/1140)
【ハイデラバード】Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited(BHEL)とAlstomの合弁チームは、アンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamにおける1600MW(メガワット)発電プロジェクトに超臨界圧設備を納入するEPC(engineering, procurement, construction)契約の獲得を目指し、東芝と競争しており、Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation (APGenco)は、両者の競争のお陰でプロジェクト・コストを大幅に引き下げることができそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆BHEL-Alstom cometes with Toshiba to bag a super-critical power project
【Hyderabad】Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited-Alstom joint venture is competing with Toshiba of Japan to bag the EPC (engineering, procurement, construction) contract for the 1,600-Mw super-critical thermal power project at Krishnapatnam. As a result, the Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation (APGenco), the state-owned corporation which is developing the plant, is expected to get a benefit from a substantially lower project cost.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39805(688/1140)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、1万クロー(US$24.39億)を投じアンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆で採取したガスを用いた合計4000MW(メガワット)の発電施設を複数の地域に設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL to set up 4,000 Mw capacity leveraging its gas from the KG basin
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is planning to set up 4,000 Mw of gas-based power generation capacity at multiple locations at an investment of Rs 10,000 crore, leveraging its gas from the Krishna-Godavari (K-G) basin.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39806(689/1140)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は25億米ドルを投じ、東海岸沖で採取した天然ガスを原料に用いる国内最大の肥料工場を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance plans a $2.5 b fertiliser plant
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries plans to invest over $2.5 billion to set up India's largest fertilizer plant that will use natural gas to be produced from its fields off the east coast.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39807(690/1140)
◆Mitsui, Marubeni intend to invest in India
【New Delhi】Japan's Mitsui & Company and Marubeni Corporation intend to invest in the transport and power sectors in India.
【新德里】正式访问日本的Ashwani Kumar工商部政务部长报告说,日本综合商社三井物产和丸红很感兴趣在印度运输和电力部门投资。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39812(691/1140)
◆Moser Baer、US$8.8億シリコン購買契約
【ムンバイ】光学ディスク製造会社Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)の子会社Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd(MBPVL)は、ノルウェー企業REC Groupと、2008年から8年間にわたり多結晶シリコン・ウエハー(multicrystalline silicon wafers)の供給を受ける総額8億8000万米ドルの確定契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer Voltaic bags $880mn deal
【Mumbai】Moser Baer Photo Voltaic (MBPV), an optical disc manufacturer Moser Baer India's subsidiary, has signed an eight-year (starting 2008), $880-million definitive contract with Norway-based REC Group for sourcing multi-crystalline silicon wafers.
【孟买】光学储存设备制造商摩斯巴尔印度有限公司属下的摩斯巴尔光伏有限公司跟挪威企业REC Group签订从2008年开始为期8年的购买多晶硅最终协议。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39813(692/1140)
◆ルノー/Bajaj Auto、提携協議を確認
【ムンバイ】フランスの乗用車メーカーRenaultとインドの二輪/三輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は7月28日、両社が事業協力問題を話し合っていることを確認したが、この日発表された共同声明は、両社の協力がルノーが計画する3000米ドル・カーに関係するものか否かに特に言及していない。(...続きを読む)
◆Renault, Bajaj confirm early talks for joint venture plan
【New Delhi】French car maker Renault and India's two and three wheeler major Bajaj Auto said they were in talks for exploring joint business opportunities in a joint statement. However, they did not mention whether it pertained to making a US$ 3,000 car.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39814(693/1140)
【ニューデリー】民間航空省は、Indian Airlines(IA)とAir India(AI)が合併して発足したNational Aviation Company(NAC)が新たに航空機約60機を購入することを認めるよう計画委員会(Planning Commission)に提言する方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆National Aviation may buy 60 more planes
【New Delhi】The civil aviation ministry will soon submit a proposal to the Planning Commission for purchasing around 60 aircraft for National Aviation Company, the new merged entity of Indian Airlines and Air India.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39815(694/1140)
【ニューデリー】鉄道省は軌道の敷設に要する建設工事や余りに多い構造物の撤去作業を配慮し、『貨物専用鉄道(DRFC:Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor)』プロジェクトのルートに見直しを加える。(...続きを読む)
◆The ministry reviews freight corridor routes
【New Delhi】The railway ministry is going to review the routes for the dedicated rail freight corridor project, given that laying lines for them may require construction or removal of too many structures.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39816(695/1140)
◆Orissa steel project to come up before Jharkhand: Mittal
【Bhubaneswar】ArcelorMittal's proposed 12 million tonne steel plant project with an investment of $9 billion in the Keonjhar district of Orissa is progressing faster than its 10 million tonne project in neighbouring Jharkhand.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39817(696/1140)
【ブーバネスワル】カナダ企業2社Ivana Ventures Inc(IV)とHarappa Investment(HI)は、3200クロー(US$7.80億)を投じ、オリッサ州にニッケル製錬施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Canadian consortium mulls to set up a nickel refinery in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Two Canadian companies, Ivana Ventures and Harappa Investment, have offered to invest Rs 3,200 crore to set up a nickel refinery in Orissa.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】两间加拿大企业Ivana Ventures和Harappa Investment计划投资320亿卢比在奥里萨州兴建镍提炼厂。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39818(697/1140)
【コルカタ】RPGグループのCESC Ltd(旧社名Calcutta Electricity Supply Company)は2012年までに電力/小売/不動産事業に1万9400クロー(US$47.32億)を投資するとともに、様々な方法を通じ拡張資金を調達する。(...続きを読む)
◆CESC to invest Rs 19,400cr for expansion
【Kolkata】RPG group company CESC Ltd (formerly known as Calcutta Electricity Supply Company) plans to invest a massive Rs 19,400 crore in power, retail and real estate sectors, and will explore various avenues for raising funds for expansion.
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39819(698/1140)
【ムンバイ】State Bank of India(SBI)に率いられる金融機関コンソーシアムは、パンジャブ州Bhatindaに年間原油処理能力900万トンの製油所建設を計画するGuru Gobind Singh Refinery Ltd(GGSRL)に対する7793クロー(US$19億)の融資を引き受けた。(...続きを読む)
◆Bhatinda refinery gets Rs 7,793 cr loan from SBI team
【Mumbai】A State Bank of India-led consortium of lenders has committed Rs 7,793 crore to Guru Gobind Singh Refinery Ltd, which is setting up a 9 million tonne refinery at Bhatinda in Punjab.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39821(699/1140)
◆Telcos invest Rs 60,000 crore this year
【New Delhi】Indian telecom companies are carrying out a massive expansion of their mobile networks, infrastructure and subscriber numbers entailing an investment of over Rs 60,000 crore in 2007-08.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39822(700/1140)
【ニューデリー】Essarグループのモーリシャス・ベースの持ち株会社Essar Communications Holdings (ECHL)が、テレコム・インフラ及び通信タワー会社Essar Telecom Tower Infrastructure(ETTI)の持ち分を現在の48.98%から100%に引き上げることを申請したのにに対して、外国投資促進局(FIPB)は判断を保留した。ECHLはVodafone-Essarの22.04%の株式も保有している。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar wants to hike stake in tower co
【NEW DELHI】The Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) has deferred a proposal by the Essar group to make its telecoms infrastructure and tower company, Essar Telecom Tower Infrastructure(ETTI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of its Mauritius-based offshore holding company, Essar Communications Holdings (ECHL). Currently, ECHL holds 48.98% stake in ETTI. ECHL holds 22.04% in Vodafone-Essar too.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2007
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