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投資 Investment in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-03-30 ArtNo.39259(201/872)
【ニューデリー】国営放送会社Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India)は30クロー(US$677万)を投じモバイルTV/高精細度TV/カーTVのパイロット・プロジェクトに乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆Prasar Bharati runs pilot projects on mobile TV, HDTV
【New Delhi】Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) will run pilot projects on mobile TV, high-definition TV and car TV at an investment of Rs 30 crore.
【新德里】印度广播公司Prasar Bharati计划投资3亿卢比进行移动电视/高清晰电视/车载电视的试验计划。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39260(202/872)
◆Blue Star Infotech、東京に事務所開設
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のソフトウェア製品エンジニアリング・サービス・プロバイダー、Blue Star Infotech Ltd(BSIL)は東京オフィスを開設した。(...続きを読む)
◆Blue Star Info sets up office in Tokyo
【Mumbai】Blue Star Infotech, Mumbai-based provider of software product engineering services, has opened a branch office in Tokyo, Japan.
◆Blue Star信息通信技术设立东京办事处
【孟买】总部设在马哈拉施特拉州孟买的软件产品工程服务供应商Blue Star Infotech有限公司已经在东京设立办事处。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39261(203/872)
◆India will go ahead pipeline project with Iran
【New Delhi】Ignoring US' objections, India on March 25 said it will go ahead with the proposed gas pipeline project with Iran.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39263(204/872)
【ニューデリー】政府の10年に及ぶ独占経営に終止符を打つ序曲になると見られる大蔵省募集のアヘン加工ライセンス入札にRanbaxy/Dr Reddy's/Cipla/Nicholas Piramal等の地場製薬大手が長蛇の列を成している。(...続きを読む)
◆Pharma majors forme a queue for the licence to process opium
【NEW DELHI】In what could pave way for ending the decades-old government monopoly in this business, a clutch of pharmaceutical majors, including Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's, Cipla and Nicholas Piramal, has formed a queue before the finance ministry, asking for the licence for processing opium on industrial scale.
【新德里】这可能是十多年来的政府专营结束的序曲,本地主要制药公司为了获得鸦片加工准证纷纷向财政部提交意向申情书。财政部大门前排成龙的包括Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's, Cipla and Nicholas Piramal等等。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39264(205/872)
【ムンバイ】ヤクルトはフランスの乳製品大手Groupe Danoneと合弁会社Yakult Danone Indiaを設立、今年からインドで乳製品の製造を開始するが、食品加工大手Britannia Industries LtdにDanoneと共に出資するWadia一族が異議を唱えている。(...続きを読む)
◆Yakult sets up Indian JV with Danone
【Mumbai】Japanese company Yakult plans to set up a joint venture with French dairy giant Danone to manufacture dairy products in India from this year. But Danone's Indian partner, the Wadias of Bombay Dyeing has raised objection to the joint venture.
【孟买】日本饮料制造商养乐多计划跟法国乳制品厂商达能设立联营公司进军印度乳酪市场。可是达能的另一间联营公司的本地伙伴Bombay Dyeing的Wadia家属对这个联营计划表示异议。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39265(206/872)
◆Delays make cost of central projects overun Rs 25,500 cr
【NEW DELHI】The cost of centrally funded 476 projects has overrun almost Rs 25,545 crore because of delay in executing. Especially projects in the power, petroleum and railway sectors have witnessed the maximum delay.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39268(207/872)
◆Arcelor-Mittal securs 6,000 acres land in Orissa
【NEW DELHI】Arcelor-Mitta, which plans to invest Rs 40,000 crore and set up 12-million-tonne greenfield steel plant in Orissa, has identified 6,000 acres of land along with water sources in Keonjhar district in the state.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39269(208/872)
【コルカタ】国内最大の鋳造グレード銑鉄(foundry grade pig iron)製造会社Tata Metaliks Ltd(TML)は、クボタ及び株式会社メタルワンと合弁で150クロー(US$3434万)を投じ西ベンガル州Kharagpurにダクタイル管(ductile iron pipe)製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Metaliks forms JV with Kubota and Metal One
【Kolkata】The country's largest producer of foundry grade pig iron Tata Metaliks Ltd plans to set up a ductile iron pipe manufacturing facility in Kharagpur in joint venture with Kubota Corporation and Metal One Corporation at an estimated investment of Rs 150 crore.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39270(209/872)
【ブーバネスワル】国営National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco)は、湾岸諸国に適当な候補地を見出すことができないことから、オリッサ州に新アルミニウム精錬所を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco to set up greenfield smelter in Orissa
【BHUBANESWAR】Cntral sector National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco), which has failed to find out a suitable environment for setting up aluminium smelters in a Gulf country, is planning to set up a greenfield aluminium smelter plant in Orissa.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39271(210/872)
【チェンナイ】小松製作所が完全出資するKomatsu India Pvt Ltd(KIPL)は、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Oragadamに50クロー(US$1145万)を投じて構内作業用ダンプ・トラックの製造工場を設けた。(...続きを読む)
◆Komatsu sets up dump truck plant near Chennai
【Chennai】Komatsu India Pvt Ltd, the Indian fully-owned subsidiary of Komatsu Ltd of Japan, has set up a plant for producing off highway dump trucks, at Oragadam, near Chennai at an investment of Rs 50-crore.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39272(211/872)
【ニューデリー】米シリコンバレーのインド系ベンチャーキャピタリストらが新たに創設した半導体会社Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)はインド政府が3月22日に半導体政策(semiconductor policy)を告知したわずか1週間後、40億米ドルを投じて半導体工場を設置する計画を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆A group of non-resident Indians plans $4 b chip unit in India
【New Delhi】A week after the fab policy was notified, Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC), promoted by a group of non-residents in the Silicon Valley in the U.S., on March 22 unveiled its plans to invest over $4 billion in chip foundries in India.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39273(212/872)
◆仏Air Liquide、半導体ファブに特殊ガス供給
【パリ】フランスの工業・医療用ガス大手のAir LiquideがHindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)の半導体工場に特殊ガスを供給する。(...続きを読む)
◆Air Liquide to supply specialty gases for Indian first chip facility
【PARIS】Air Liquide, the French Company specialised in industrial and medical gases and related services, is to supply specialty gases for Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39274(213/872)
◆MW Zander、半導体製造施設請負に注力
【ニューデリー】シュトゥットガルトを拠点にハイテク・ビルディングや産業設備の建造を専門に手掛けるドイツ企業MW-Zander GmbHはインド半導体産業の設備構築を一手に引き受けるべく準備を整えている。(...続きを読む)
◆MW Zander to focus on chip foundries
【NEW DELHI】MW-Zander GmbH, Stuttgart-based one of the world's largest builders of hi-tech buildings and industrial plants, works hard to get contracts and intends to give shape to India's semiconductor industry.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39275(214/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は『デリー/ムンバイ貨物専用鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai dedicated freight corridors)』に平行して開発される『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』の準備作業に着手した。(...続きを読む)
◆Work on Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor gets going
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government has put its hand to the preparation work on the proposed industrial corridor along the Indian Railways' Delhi-Mumbai dedicated freight route.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39277(215/872)
【ニューデリー】Gammon Infrastructure Projects Pvt Ltd(GIPPL)とBarmaco Energy Systems Ltd(BESL)は、共同でハリヤナ州内の8カ所に再生可能エネルギー発電所(RPGP:renewable power generation plants)を建設する。(...続きを読む)
◆Gammon, Barmaco jointly set up biomass power plants in Haryana
【New Delhi】Gammon Infrastructure Projects Pvt Ltd and Barmaco Energy Systems Ltd will soon jointly set up renewable power generation plants at eight places in Haryana.
【新德里】Gammon Infrastructure Projects私人有限公司和Barmaco Energy Systems有限公司将合作在哈里亚纳州的8个地区兴建可再生发电厂。
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39280(216/872)
【チェンナイ】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は2010年までに、タミールナド州政府が最近発表した『ウルトラ・メガ総合自動車事業政策(Ultra Mega Integrated Automobile Projects Policy)』奨励措置の条件を満たす見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai Motor to scale up investment in TN
【Chennai】Hyundai Motor India is on course to be eligible by 2010 for incentives offered by the Tamil Nadu Government under a recently announced "Ultra Mega Integrated Automobile Projects Policy".
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39281(217/872)
◆Tata Motors、第3の新工場プロジェクト準備
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は、西ベンガル州Singurとウタランチャル州Pant Nagarに続き、2年内にインド国内に新自動車工場を設ける第3の計画を準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Motors mulling third plan for new plant
【Kolkata】After Singur and Uttarakhand, Tata Motors is mulling its third greenfield project to set up one more automobile plant in the country within two years.
【加尔各答】塔塔汽车公司计划在西孟加拉州Singur和北安查尔州Pant Nagar兴建汽车厂之后,正在考虑两年内兴建另一间商用汽车厂。
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39285(218/872)
◆Moser Baer、映画制作/エンタメ事業にUS$1億投資
【ニューデリー】世界第2位の光学記憶メディア・メーカーMoser Baer India Ltdは年内に少なくとも2本のヒンディー映画の制作を計画、また各種言語の映画およそ7000本のDVD/VCD販売権の獲得を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer plans to spend Rs 500-cr in the entertainment biz
【New Delhi】Moser Baer, world's second largest optical storage manufacturer, is ready to produce at least two Hindi films by this year end and to acquire rights of around 7,000 DVD/VCD films in various languages.
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39287(219/872)
【ムンバイ】Tata Power/Reliance Energy/Torrent/CESC/Essar/Sterlite/AES Corporation等、内外の企業21社が、チャッティースガル州Bhaiyathanにおける1200~1500MW(メガワット)火力発電所プロジェクトの入札書類を購入した。(...続きを読む)
◆21 firms join race for Chhattisgarh power plant
【MUMBAI】In all, 21 firms have purchased tender documents from the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board (CSEB) for the 1,200-1,500 mw Bhaiyathan power project. These bidders are including Tata Power, Reliance Energy, Torrent, CESC, Essar, Sterlite and global power major AES Corporation.
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39288(220/872)
◆AV Birla、US$2.6億投じビスコース製造能力拡張
【ムンバイ】Aditya Birlaグループは2億6000万米ドルを投じ、国内国外に展開するビスコース短繊維(VSF:viscose staple fibre)既存製造施設のキャパシティーを2008年第2四半期までに3分の1ほど拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆AV Birla group plans expansion of VSF capacity
【Mumbai】The Aditya Birla Group has embarked on a $260 million brownfield expansion programme for its viscose staple fibre (VSF) business across geographies.These brownfield expansions are slated to be competed by the second quarter of 2008 and will increase the group's VSF capacity by a third.
2007-04-04 ArtNo.39289(221/872)
◆DSM Engg、US$2千万投じプラスチック原料工場建設
【プネー】オランダを拠点に多角的事業を展開する多国籍企業DSM Engineering Plastics(DEP)は、インド国内の特殊プラスチック需要に応じるため、2000万米ドルを投じマハラシュトラ州Ranjangaonにポリアミド及びポリエステル顆粒の製造工場を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆DSM to set up $20 mn plastic materials' plant
【Pune】DSM Engineering Plastics, Netherlands-based diversified multi-national manufacturing company, will set up a greenfield facility at Ranjangaon for the manufacture of polyamide and polyester pellets to cater to demand for specialty plastics in the domestic market at an investment of $20 million.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39290(222/872)
【ニューデリー】インドの国営製鉄会社Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) は1万1262クロー(US$25億7830万)を投じてフラッグシップ工場Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP)の粗鋼年産能力を現在の393万トンから700万トンに拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL invests Rs 11,262 cr to expand Bhilai plant
【NEW DELHI】Public sector steel firm Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) will invest Rs 11,262 crore to expand production capacity at its flagship entity Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) from the existing 3.93 to 7 million tonne per year.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39292(223/872)
◆Vedanta Alumina、オリッサ州政府とUS$28億投資覚書
【コルカタ】オリッサ州にアルミナとアルミニウムの製錬所、およびキャプティブ石炭火力発電所を設けることを計画するVedanta Alumina Limited(VAL)は4月5日、オリッサ州政府と関係覚書(MOU)を取り交わした。(...続きを読む)
◆Vedanta Alumina inked a pact with Orissa Govt on $2.8b projects
【Kolkata】Vedanta Alumina Limited, which is setting up a refinery, a smelter plant and a captive power plant at tow different locations in the state, on April 5 signed a fresh memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Orissa government.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39294(224/872)
◆半導体政策は幸先良いスタート:Raj Singh氏
【チェンナイ】このほどインドに45億米ドルを投じて半導体ウエハー製造施設を設ける計画を発表したHindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)の創設者の1人、Raj Singh取締役は、「インド政府が発表した半導体政策は必要条件を満たしており、インド半導体産業は幸先の良いスタートを切った」と語った。(...続きを読む)
◆Support under the chip policy is at the `threshold point' : HSMC
【Chennai】The founder and Director of Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC) Mr Raj Singh said, "The semiconductor policy, recently notified, is a fairly good start. The government's support is at the threshold point." The company recently announced a $4.5-billion investment for chip manufacturing in India.
【金奈】这次发表投资45亿美元在印度兴建晶圆厂的印度半导体制造公司董事和创办人Raj Singh说「印度政府最近发表的半导体政策是好的开始,政府的支援措施也满足必要的条件。」
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39295(225/872)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州は公共民間協力(PPP:public-private participation)コンセプトに基づき『Salt Lake Electronics Complex』内に14階建ての『半導体ビル(semiconductor building)』を建設、チップ&ツール・デザイン・センターとプロットタイプ組立施設を一つ屋根の下に設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆West Bengal plans to develop a semiconductor building
【KOLKATA】The West Bengal government will develop a 14-storey semiconductor building at the Salt Lake Electronics Complex, using the public-private route, to set up a chip and tool design centre with a prototype fabrication facility under one roof.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39296(226/872)
【ニューデリー】LG Electronics India(LGEI)は、マハラシュトラ州Pune県Ranjangaonに設けた工場で液晶表示装置(LCD)テレビジョンの製造を開始した。(...続きを読む)
◆LG starts making LCD TVs in its Pune facility
【NEW DELHI】LG Electronics India has commenced manufacturing Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) television at its Ranjangaon facility in Pune.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39298(227/872)
◆Haldia Petro、ガス発電検討
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Purba Medinipur県Haldia拠点のHaldia Petrochemicals Ltd(HPL)はガス燃料を用いたキャプティブ発電により、将来の事業拡張計画の電力需要を賄うことを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Haldia Petro considers gas-based power generation
【Kolkata】Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL), based in Haldia, Purba Medinipur district, West Bengal state, is mulling gas-based captive generation to support the future expansion plans.
2007-04-09 ArtNo.39299(228/872)
◆Haldia Petro、新ポリマー製品の製造計画
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州を拠点にする石油化学会社Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL) はプロモーターの西ベンガル州政府とThe Chatterjee Group(TCG)の長引く紛争に関わらず、州都Kolkataから約110kmのHaldiaに設けた既存工場の敷地(1120エーカー)内に新施設を設け、新ポリマー製品の製造に乗り出す準備を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Haldia Petro plans new polymer products
【Kolkata】Despite the legal battle between the West Bengal government and The Chatterjee Group, the two founding promoters, integrated petrochemicals company Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL) is mulling setting up new plants within the existing plant spread over 1,120 acres of land at Haldia, about 110 kms from Kolkata to enter into production of new polymer products.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39302(229/872)
◆FDI outflows record $23 b in Jan, Feb
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investments (FDI) made by Indian companies during January and February of the current year were estimated at $23 billion, higher than $21 billion made in the whole of 2006.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39305(230/872)
【ニューデリー】平均500キローの4ルートから成る高速旅客鉄道(HSR:high-speed rail passenger corridor)の建設を計画するIndian Railways(IR)は、1ルート当たり3万クロー(US$68億)と見積もられるプロジェクト資金を捻出するため、各種オプションを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Rlys evaluates financing options for high-speed passenger corridor
【New Delhi】Indian Railways is evaluating various financing options for developing four high-speed rail (HSR) passenger corridors, given that each of these 500 km long corridor is expected to cost about Rs 30,000 crore.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39307(231/872)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Retail Ltd(RRL)は『Reliance Digital』と命名した耐久消費財の小規模小売店舗400店を農村や準都市部(semi-urban)に展開する一方、中古車市場進出も準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance mulls durables and used vehicle markets foray
【Mumbai】Mukesh Ambani-controlled Reliance Retail is looking at opening 400 small format consumer durables stores under the 'Reliance Digital' brand in the rural and semi-urban market and also planning a second-hand car market venture.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39308(232/872)
【コルカタ】Intel Corpはインド半導体産業の成長を支援する狙いから西ベンガル州の理工系公立高等教育機関と提携し、『VLSI(very large-scale integration)訓練&方法論開発センター(VLSI training and methodology developing centre)』を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Intel intends to set up training centre in West Bengal
【KOLKATA】Intel Corp intends to set up very large-scale integration (VLSI) training and methodology developing centre in collaboration with the state's engineering colleges for the growth of semiconductor industry in the country.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39309(233/872)
【ニューデリー】スリランカ企業Brandixのアンドラプラデシュ州Vishakhapatnamにおける404haのアパレル特別経済区(SEZ)事業の告示(notification)が5日、特別閣僚グループ(Empowered Group of Ministers)により認可されたのに続き、別のスリランカ企業MAS Holdingsが7億米ドルを投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Nelloreの700エーカーの土地に繊維SEZを開発する計画も間もなく承認される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆2 Lankan cos plan to set up apparel & textile SEZs
【NEW DELHI】Following the Sri Lanka-based Brandix on April 5 got the clearance from the empowered Group of Ministers for notification of their 404-hectare apparel SEZ in Vishakhapatnam, another Sri Lankan premium inner-wear manufacturer MAS Holdings proposed investment of $700 million in a textile SEZ at Nellore in Andhra Pradesh is likely to be cleared at the next month meeting of the board of approval.
【新德里】位于斯里兰卡的Brandix在安得拉邦维沙卡帕特南发展404公顷服装特区项目的通告措施在4月5日的特权部长团会议上被批准之后,另一间斯里兰卡的著名内衣制造商MAS Holdings在安得拉邦Nellore的700英亩土地上投资7亿美元发展纤维工业特区的申请也似乎在下个月的贸工部商业司核准局的会议上被批准。
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39310(234/872)
【ニューデリー】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC)は、向こう数年間に3件、合計6000MW(メガワット)の原子力発電プロジェクトを手掛ける計画で、設備機器や燃料の調達交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆NTPC to set up 3 nuclear plants
【NEW DELHI】National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) plans to set up 3 nuclear plants, total generation capacity 6,000 MW, over the next few years and is talking to equipment and fuel suppliers for the purpose.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39311(235/872)
◆Coal India、US$41億投じ年産能力1.6億トン拡張
【コルカタ】Coal India Ltd(CIL)は2011-12年に終了する第11次五カ年計画期間に1万8000クロー(US$41.21億)を投じ、年間石炭生産能力を5億2150万トンから6億8000万トンに、1億6000万トンほど拡大する。(...続きを読む)
◆CIL invests Rs 18000 cr to expand capacity
【Kolkata】Coal India (CIL) will invest Rs 18,000 crore for raising annual coal production by 160 million tonne (mt) from 521.5 mt to 680 mt during the Eleventh Five Year Plan period ending 2011-12.
2007-04-11 ArtNo.39312(236/872)
【レペッカタ】Manmohan Singh首相は9日アッサム州Dibrugarh県Lepetkataにおける5460クロー(US$12.5億)のアッサム・ガス・クラッカー事業の定礎式を主宰した。(...続きを読む)
◆PM lays stone for Assam gas cracker project
【Lepetkata】Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh on April 9 laid the foundation stone of the Rs. 5,460-crore integrated petrochemical project known as Assam Gas Cracker project at Lepetkata, Dibrugarh district in Assam.
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39314(237/872)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州は、『インド米国民生用原子力条約(Indo-US civil nuclear deal)』の発効後、他州に先駆け輸入大型原子力発電施設6基を導入することになる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Maharashtra to get 6 imported mega N-plants
【Mumbai】When the Indo-US civil nuclear deal comes through, Maharashtra will first get six imported mega atomic plants ahead of other states.
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39315(238/872)
【ハイデラバード】多額の現金余剰を有する国営鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation(NMDC)は1万クロー(US$22.89億)以上を投じて炭坑、発電、再生エネルギー、新製鉄所の建設等、事業の多角化に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆NMDC forays into steel making, coal mining, power
【Hyderabad】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is set to invest over Rs 10,000 crore and will diversify into coal mining, power and renewables and also set up a greenfield integrated steel plant taking advantage of its rich cash reserves.
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39316(239/872)
【コルカタ】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/National Mineral Development Corporation(NMDC)のトップ経営陣は、チャッティースガル州に1万クローを投じ、年産300万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける合弁計画に関して近く正式の話し合いを行う。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL,RINL, NMDC talks on steel JV
【Kolkata】A meeting of Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL) and National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is slated to be held soon to discuss to form a Rs 10,000 crore joint venture for setting up a 3 million tonne steel plant.
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39321(240/872)
◆Bajaj Auto、ウッタラーカンド州新二輪車工場オープン
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は9日、ウッタラーカンド州Pantnagarに設けた年産能力100万台の新自動二輪車工場の開所式を行った。BALは年産能力を将来300万台に拡大することも検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto's Uttaranchal plant on stream
【PUNE】Bajaj Auto on April 9 inaugurated its one million capacity two-wheeler plant in Pantnagar, Uttaranchal, which can be expanded to three million vehicles.
【浦那】巴贾吉汽车公司4月9日在北安查尔州 Pantnagar正式开动新工厂。这个工厂一年可以生产100万辆二轮车,也可以把这个年产能力扩张到300万辆。
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39322(241/872)
◆Moser Baer、半導体ウエハー・ファブ建設検討
【ニューデリー】スロベニアの太陽電池専用シリコン・メーカーSolarvalue Proizvodnjaの株式の40%を取得したMoser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd (MBPV)は太陽電池の製造に用いるウエハーを社内生産することを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer mulls to set up own waferfab
【New Delhi】After having acquired stake in the Slovenian company, Solarvalue Proizvodnja, Moser Baer Photovoltaic Ltd (MBPV) is now mulling to set up its own unit for manufacturing wafers that would be used to produce solar cells.
【新德里】摩斯巴尔光伏电公司购买位于斯洛文尼亚的太阳级硅材料厂商Solarvalue Proizvodnja的40%股权之后,正在考虑兴建晶片制造厂的可能性。晶片是太阳电池的主要材料。
2007-04-13 ArtNo.39323(242/872)
【コルカタ】中国の通信機器メーカーHuawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)が、Reliance Communications Limited (RCOM)に対する10億米ドル移動体通信機器納入契約獲得競争の先頭に立ったようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Huawei may bag $1-bn Reliance Com contract
【KOLKATA】Chinese telecom equipment vendor Huawei Technologies Co Ltd has emerged the frontline contender to bag a $1-billion mobile equipment contract from Reliance Communications Ltd.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39326(243/872)
【ニューデリー】自己資本(equity only)をベースにした外国直接投資(FDI)の流入額は、2006年4月から2007年3月の間に118億9000万米ドルをマーク、前年同期の43億1000万米ドルを176%上回った。(...続きを読む)
◆FDI inflow increased 176% in the first eleven months
【NEW DELHI】Foreign direct investment (FDI) flowed into India during from April 2006 to February 2007, reached $ 11.89 billion, increased 176% compared to $ 4.31 billion during same period last year.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39328(244/872)
◆It unlikely gives India edge:Chip policy (1)
【Mumbai】Although Indian government has finally announced a semiconductor policy and hopes to put the country on the world map of semiconductor (wafer fab) manufacturing, most analysts and some industry players are wondering whether government incentives alone will suffice.
◆只靠政策是不够:半导体政策 (1)
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39329(245/872)
◆Still a logic in having a fab plant:Chip policy (2)
【Mumbai】Tthere's still a logic in having a fab plant in India. Chip designing, which India excels in, accounts for around 30 per cent of the total high-tech manufacturing revenues. Assembling, testing, marking, packing (ATMP) and chip manufacturing account for the remaining 70 per cent which India loses out on.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39330(246/872)
【ムンバイ】インド政府はIntelなどにインド進出を求める考えだが、Texas Instrumentsはインドに半導体工場を設置する考えはないとしており、オランダのNXP Semiconductorsも同様だ。
ビジネス・スタンダードが4月12日報じたところによると、NXP Semiconductors IndiaのChandak営業部長は「当面、進出計画はない」と語る。(...続きを読む)
◆Multinationals' cold response : Chip policy (3)
【Mumbai】Even as Indian government plans to reopen negotiations with Intel and other companies to explore possibilities of them setting up units in the country, Texas Instruments has stated it will not set up a semiconductor manufacturing plant in India. So dose NXP Semiconductors.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39331(247/872)
【コルカタ】地場家電大手Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)は西ベンガル州Kolkata付近に半導体チップ・デザイン及びプロットタイプ製造施設を設ける方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon to set up chip unit near Kolkata
【Kolkata】Videocon Industries Ltd, a local major consumer electronics company, has decided to set up a semiconductor chip design and prototype fabrication unit near Kolkata, West Bengal.
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39332(248/872)
【コルカタ】中核ビジネスの積極的多角化を図る地元消費者用電子会社Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)は13日、西ベンガル州における一連の新プロジェクトを明らかにした。これらには、Taratalaにおける液晶表示装置(LCD)組立工場、SiliguriとKharagpurにおける情報技術(IT)/バイオテック特別経済区(SEZ)の開発、Salt LakeにおけるITタワーの建設、Kolkataにおける半導体チップ設計・製造事業(別項参照)が含まれる。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon sets up LCD unit, IT & biotech SEZs, etc in West Bengal
【Kolkata】The Videocon Group, the diversified local electronics company, on April 13 unveiled a slew of projects for West Bengal state. These include assembling LCD unit at Taratala, creating two IT and biotech SEZs in Siliguri and Kharagpur, building an IT tower in Salt Lake, setting up a semiconductor facility near Kolkata.
【加尔各答】积极把业务多元化的本地消费电子厂商Videocon集团4月13日发表在西孟加拉州实行一系列新投资项目。这包括在Taratala制造液晶显示电视机项目,在Siliguri和Kharagpur发展信息科技与生命科技特区项目,在Salt Lake建信息科技大厦项目和在加尔各答附近设立半导体芯片设施项目。
2007-04-16 ArtNo.39336(249/872)
◆Alcan、Utkal Alumina事業から撤収
【コルカタ】モントリオール拠点の世界第2位のアルミニウム会社Alcan Incは、地元パートナーAditya Birlaグループとのオリッサ州における45:55のボーキサイト採掘/アルミナ製錬合弁事業Utkal Alumina International Ltd(UAIL)から手を引く方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Alcan decides to exit Utkal Alumina
【Kolkata】Alcan Inc, Montreal-based world's second largest aluminium producer, has decided to exit Utkal Alumina International, its 45:55 joint venture project with the Aditya Birla group, which is developing a bauxite mine and setting up an alumina refinery in Orissa.
【加尔各答】总部位于加拿大蒙特利尔的世界第2大铝业厂商铝包装工业公司(Alcan Inc)已经决定从乌特卡尔氧化铝国际公司撤退。铝包装工业公司跟埃迪亚·贝拉集团的45:55联营而成的乌特卡尔氧化铝国际公司计划在奥里萨州生产矾土和兴建矾土提炼厂。
2007-04-20 ArtNo.39338(250/872)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は投資額450億~500億米ドルと見積もられる日本との合弁事業『デリー/ムンバイ産業回廊(Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor)』の詳細プロジェクト報告書の完成を待って、2008年1月に着工、2015年までの完成を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Work on Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor to begin in January
【NEW DELHI】Indian government is moving ahead with its plan to build the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor, a joint venture between India and Japan, entailing an investment of $45-50 billion. The project work will be launched in January 2008 and completed by 2015.
投資 Investment in 2007
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