電子/電気 Electronics/Electrical in 2006
◆Canon aiming Rs 500-cr sale by next year
【NEW DELHI】Canon which has identified India as a key market for the South and South East region, plans to invest about Rs 40 crore in brand building exercise and aims to touch a turnover of Rs 500 crore by next year.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38614(302/354)
【デリー】スマートフォーンの製造で知られる中国の指導的携帯端末製造業者、宇龍計算機通信科技深セン有限公司(Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific Shenzhen Co Ltd)は、インド市場への製品売り込みと製造拠点設置の可能性を検討している。
◆Yulong plans to enter Indian mobile mart
【New Delhi】A leading Chinese mobile handsets manufacturer, Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co Ltd, which is specialising in smart phones, is planing to enter the lucrative Indian market and also to set up manufacturing base.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38618(303/354)
【ムンバイ】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)はベルギーのプライベート・エクイティー会社RHJ Internationalと共同で、韓国第3位の家電会社Daewoo Electronics Corporation(DEC)の97.6%の権益を、7000億ウォン(US$7.3億)で買収した。
◆Videocon consortium to buy Daewoo Elec
【Mumbai】Videocon Industries Ltd, with its consortium partner Brussels-headquartered private equity firm RHJ International, has inked a deal to acquire Daewoo Electronics Corporation, Korea's third largest electronics company, for about Korean won 700 billion (around $730 million).
【孟买】Videocon工业有限公司和位于布鲁塞尔的私募股权投资公司 RHJ International联手以7亿3000万美元收购韩国第三大消费电子企业大宇电子公司的97.6%股权。
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38619(304/354)
◆Nakamichi wants to build pan-India presence
【Kolkata】The Japan-based audio-visual major, Nakamichi, will invest close to Rs 20 crore in India in the current financial year. The company is looking at a pan-India presence by the end of 2007.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38620(305/354)
◆SemIndia project cost could double because of delay
【NEW DELHI】SemIndia, a $3-billion chip fab project, has delayed its first chip's roll-out to June 2007 from March 2007 due to the hold-up of chip policy and the project cost can escalate to $6 billion on further delays.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38621(306/354)
【バンガロール】IP(internet protocol)ネットワーキング・ソリューション・プロバイダー、Huawei-3Comは2005年にCyberstarをインドにおけるディストリビューターに指名して以来、法人ネットワーク製品領域において目覚ましい成長を実現した。
◆Huawei-3Com got strong growth in enterprise networking market
【BANGALORE】Huawei-3Com, a leading global provider of IP networking solutions, has seen strong growth in India for its full series of enterprise networking products since appointing Cyberstar as its Indian distributor in 2005.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38637(307/354)
◆FinMin, Plan panel nod semiconductor policy
【New Delhi】The proposed semiconductor fabrication policy, which allows companies unlimited loss carry forward facility, have been approved by both the Planning Commission and the finance ministry. Only the approval from the Cabinet is awaited.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38638(308/354)
【コルカタ】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)と中国の通信機器メーカー、ZTE Corporation(深セン中興通信)が50:50の合弁でCDMA(code division multiple access)携帯電話端末および固定電話ワイヤレス端末(FWT:fixed wireless terminal)を製造する計画はエアポケットに落ち込んだようだ。
◆BSNL, ZTE JV may run into an air pocket
【KOLKATA】The 50:50 joint venture between State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL) and China's ZTE Corporation to make CDMA mobiles and fixed wireless terminals (FWTs) appears to have hit an air pocket.
【加尔各答】国营电话企业巴拉特散查尔尼戈姆电话公司和中国通信机器制造商深圳中兴通讯股份有限公司合作制造吗分多址(CDMA)终端和固定无线接入(FWA)设备的 50:50联营项目似乎陷入气洞。
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38649(309/354)
◆Acer、Tata Skyと提携しPC購入者に無料でDTH接続提供
【ハイデラバード】Acer India Private Ltd(AIPL)は、DTH(direct-to-home)放送業者Tata Skyと提携し、今年12月31日までにエイサー製デスクトップ・パーソナル・コンピューター(PC)及びノートブックPCを購入した者にDTH放送への接続便宜を無料で提供する。
◆Acer ties up with Tata Sky to offer DTH connection
【HYDERABAD】Acer India Private Ltd(AIPL) has announced a tie-up with Tata Sky to offer satellite connection of the DTH service provider, free of cost with the purchase of select models of Acer desktop and notebook PCs till December 31.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38662(310/354)
【ニューデリー】電気通信機器製造業者協会(TEMA:Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association)は、向こう数年間にインド国内における電気通信機器年産量を1000億米ドルに拡大することを目指している。
◆TEMA facilitates $100 billion local telecom equipment industry
【New Delhi】The Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association (TEMA) has aimed at facilitating local telecom equipment manufacturing worth $100 billion over the next few years.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38663(311/354)
◆Taiwanese IT companies eye India for manufacturing
【MUMBAI】High costs and shortage of manpower in Taiwan are driving manufacturing to other locations and 80% of Taiwanese manufacturing has already moved to China. Especially for Taiwanese companies planning to set up IT manufacturing facilities, India is emerging as the second best location after China.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38664(312/354)
【コルカタ】カルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の製品設計会社、Shining Emotional Surplus Pvt Ltd(SESPL)は、情報技術(IT)ハードウェア会社WeP Peripherals Limited(WPL)のために設計したユニークな無停電電源装置(UPS:uninterrupted power supply)を発表した。
◆A local design firm Shining unveils unique UPS
【KOLKATA】Shining Emotional Surplus Pvt Ltd, Bangalore-based management consultancy and product design firm, on October 26 unveiled a unique UPS system designed for IT hardware and peripherals company WeP Peripherals Limited.
【加尔各答】位于班加罗尔的产品设计公司Shining Emotional Surplus私人有限公司10月26日揭露为了信息科技硬件和电脑外设制造商WeP Peripherals有限公司设计的独特的不间断电源系统。
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38671(313/354)
【ニューデリー】Intel Corporationは、インドに先端的検査製造(ATM:Advanced Testing and Manufacturing)施設を設ける最終方針を決めるに先立って、半導体政策の奨励措置の内容が発表されるのを待っている。
◆Intel eyeing semi-conductor policy
【New Delhi】Intel Corporation is currently waiting for the incentive package of the proposed semi-conductor policy to take a final decision on its Advanced Testing and Manufacturing (ATM) unit in the country.
【新德里】英特尔公司对在印度兴建先端检查和制造(Advanced Testing and Manufacturing)设施计划做最后决定前,正在等待印度政府发表半导体政策下的一套奖励措施的内容。
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38672(314/354)
【プネー】インドはインターネット接続の新プラットフォーム、WiMAX(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)テクノロジーの世界的リーダーになる潜在性を備えている。
10億米ドルを投じてWIMAX技術の開発を手掛けるIntelのCraig Barrett会長は2日、マハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Baramatiで以上の見通しを語った。
◆Intel Chairman bullish on WiMAX network in India
【Pune】Dr Craig Barrett, Chairman of Intel on November 2 said that India could become the world leader in WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), the emerging technology platform for Internet access.
【浦那】英特尔公司主席Craig Barrett博士在11约2日说,印度可以成为微波存取全球互通(WiMAX)技术领导。WiMAX是最近出现的互联网接入技术平台。
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38681(315/354)
◆Kalyani、ST Kineticsと合弁で国防ハイテク製品製造
【プネー】マハラシュトラ州Puneを拠点に主に自動車コンポーネントの取引を手掛ける年商15億米ドルのKalyani Groupは、シンガポールの年商21億米ドルの国防産業企業Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics)とインド国防産業市場向け重要ハイテク製品の設計/エンジニアリング/製造を手掛ける合弁会社を設立する。
◆Kalyani forms JV with ST Kinetics to tap the Indian Defence market
【Pune】The $1.5-billion Pune-based Kalyani Group, a leading player in the global auto components sector, signed a joint venture agreement with the $2.1-billion Singapore Technologies Kinetics Ltd (ST Kinetics). The joint venture will be engaged in the design, engineering and manufacture of high technology and critical systems for the Indian Defence market.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38683(316/354)
【チェンナイ】台湾企業2社、コンピューター・ハードウェア製造業者ASUSTeK Computer Inc(ACI:華碩電脳)と石油化学やエネルギー産業に関わる多角的事業を展開するFormosa Plastics Group(FPG:台塑関係企業集団)がタミールナド州への投資を約束した。
◆Two of Taiwan's largest cos looking to invest in Chennai
【Chennai】Two of Taiwan's largest companies - ASUSTeK Computer Inc and Formosa Plastics Group are committed to investing in Tamil Nadu. The former is a computer hardware manufacturer and the later has diversified interests including petrochemicals and energy.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38684(317/354)
◆カナダ企業Tundra Semiconductor、インドR&D活動強化
【ハイデラバード】カナダのファブレス半導体デザイン会社Tundra Semiconductor Corporation(TSC)はインドにおける研究開発(R&D)活動を拡張、インドR&Dチームを通じて開発した製品を数多く発表する計画だ。
◆Tundra Semiconductor to expand R&D work in India
【Hyderabad】Tundra Semiconductor Corporation, a Canadian fabless company. plans to expand its R&D work out of India centre here and launch several products developed by the India R&D teams.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38685(318/354)
【チェンナイ】米国ミズリー州セントルイスに本社を置く携帯電話端末用コンポーネント納入業者Laird Technologies(LT)は、タミールナド州Chennai近郊SriperumbudurのNokia SEZ (special economic zone)に同社にとってインド初の製造拠点を設ける。
◆Laird to set up unit in Nokia SEZ
【Chennai】Laird Technologies, a global leader in the design and manufacture of components supplied to mobile phone makers, plans to set up its manufacturing facility at the Nokia SEZ (special economic zone) in Sriperumbudur near Chennai.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38698(319/354)
【ムンバイ】最近、Daewoo Electronics権益買収契約に調印したVideocon Industriesの韓国企業に対する食欲は依然旺盛で、今ではLG.Philips LCD Co Ltd権益の買収交渉を進めている。
◆Videocon may buy stake in LG.Philips
【MUMBAI】Videocon Industries' appetite for South Korean companies seems to be still vigorous. Barely a fortnight after signing a deal to acquire Daewoo Electronics, the Indian consumer goods company is in talks with Seoul-based LG.Phillips LCD Co for a strategic alliance.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38699(320/354)
【バンガロール】ベルギーの官民共同研究機関IMEC(Interuniversity MicroElectronics Center)は、SemIndiaとアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに開発が予定されるFab Cityへの入居に関する覚書を交換した。
◆IMEC to set up a research unit at Fab City
【Bangalore】IMEC, a Belgium-based public-private research institution, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with SemIndia to set up a research unit at the proposed "Fab City" in Hyderabad.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38700(321/354)
◆Celestica opens its first Indian mfg facility in Hyd
【Hyderabad】Celestica, a Canadian electronics manufacturing services company, on November 7 formally opened its manufacturing facility which had built with an investment of Rs 30 crore in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38703(322/354)
【チェンナイ】韓国の電子会社Samsung Electronicsの子会社Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd(SEIPL)は、1億米ドル=約450クローを投じてタミールナド州Chennai近郊Sriperumbudurに第2工場を建設するため、10日タミールナド州政府と関係覚書を交換した。
◆Samsung plans to invest $100 million for 2nd facility in Chennai
【Chennai】Samsung India Electronics Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of South Korean consumer electronics giant Samsung Electronics, will invest up to $100 million for setting up a manufacturing complex, its second manufacturing facility in the country, at Sriperumbudur, near Chennai. The company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu government on November 10.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38704(323/354)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のBartronics India Limited(BIL)は、シンガポール企業Watchdata Technologies Ltd(WTL)の支援も得、160クロー(US$3563万)を投じてハイデラバードにスマート・カード・チップ製造施設を設ける。
◆Bartronics plans to make smart card chips
【HYDERABAD】Bartronics India is going to set up a smart card chip manufacturing facility in Hyderabad at an investment of Rs 160 crore with Singapore-based Watchdata Technologies' collaboration.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38723(324/354)
【ムンバイ】情報技術(IT)ソリューション・プロバイダー、HCL Infosystems Ltdは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)から591クロー(US$1.31億)の通信機器納入据え付け契約を獲得した
◆HCL gets Rs 591 cr order from BSNL
【Mumbai】IT solutions provider, HCL Infosystems Ltd has bagged Rs 591 crore order from state-run Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd to provide network facilities for one of their projects.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38731(325/354)
◆Sony India、他社と異なる小売り戦略通じ47%成長達成
【ニューデリー】Sony India Ltd(SIL)の売上げは、2002-03年の800クロー(US$1.78億)から2003-04年の1200クロー(US$2.67億)、2004-05年の1700クロー(US$3.78億)、2005-06年の2500クロー(US$5.56億)と、過去3年間に業界平均の10~12%を上回る年率47%の成長(compounded annual growth rate)を達成した。
◆Sony India achieved a compounded annual growth rate of 47%
【New Delhi】Sony India's turnover over the past three years has grown from Rs 800 crore in 2002-03 to Rs 1,200 crore in 2003-04, Rs 1,700 crore in 2004-05 and Rs 2,500 crore in 2005-06 at a compounded annual growth rate of 47 per cent. In comparison, the industry growth rate has been in the range of 10-12 per cent.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38732(326/354)
【バンガロール】米国テキサス州Austinを拠点にワイヤレス/ネットワーキング/消費者用/工業用製品の組込システムの設計・製造を手掛ける年商58億米ドルの半導体企業、Freescale Semiconductor Inc(FSI)は、インドにおける市場シェアの拡大を目指し、亜大陸における事業拡張を図っている。
◆Freescale Semiconductor expands operations in India
【BANGALORE】Freescale Semiconductor Inc., the Austin (Texas) headquartered $5.8 billion global leader in design and manufacture of embedded systems for wireless, networking, consumer and industrial products, is scaling up its operations in India for increasing its market share in the subcontinent.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38733(327/354)
【ニューデリー】地元ソフトウェア・サービス会社HCL Technologies Ltdは、カナダの電子製造サービス会社Celestica Incと合弁会社を設立し、OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturers)顧客にコンセプトから製造(C2M:concept-to-manufacturing)に至る製品のライフサイクルを通じた総合的なソリューションを提供する。
◆HCL forms JV with Celestica to provide OEMs C2M solutions
【NEW DELHI】HCL Technologies Ltd has formed a joint venture with Canada-based electronics manufacturing company, Celestica Inc, to provide complete concept-to-manufacturing (C2M) solutions to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) customers, including product concept, design, engineering and manufacturing among others.
【新德里】HCL技术公司和总部设在多伦多的电子生产服务提供商天弘公司合作向原始设备制造商提供从概念到制造(C2M) 的整套无缝合线的解决方案,包括产品概念,设计,工程,制造等等。
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38737(328/354)
【ムンバイ】Larsen & Toubro(L&T)は三菱重工業と、石炭火力発電プロジェクトで用いられる超臨界圧ボイラー(Supercritical Pressure Boiler)の製造に関わる技術移転契約を結んだ。
◆L&T, Mitsubishi sign pact on supercritical technology
【Mumbai】Local engineering giant Larsen & Toubro today has signed an agreement with Japanese conglomerate Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd for technology transfer of supercritical boilers used in coal-fired power plants.
【孟买】本地建筑工程企业Larsen and Toubro有限公司和三菱重工业公司签署燃煤电厂超临界技术转让合约。
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38744(329/354)
◆Dell to increase its staffs, make PCs from '07
【New Delhi】Global PC maker Dell will increase its total headcount in India to 20,000 in the next couple of years and will start manufacturing all its products including desktops, laptops and computer peripherals in the country by the first half of 2007.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38745(330/354)
【バンガロール】半導体チップ・メーカー、Freescale Semiconductor Inc(FSI)は、ウッタルプラデシュ州Noidaのチップ・デザイン・センターで設計/開発/認証されたコードネーム『MPC8313E PowerQUICC 2 Pro』と言う最新プロセッサーを御披露目した。
◆FreeScale unveils made in Noida new processor
【Bangalore】Chipmaker Freescale Semiconductor Inc has unveiled advanced processor, code-named MPC8313E PowerQUICC 2 Pro, which was designed, developed and validated at the company's Indian chip design centre in Noida and will run digital homes of the future.
【班加罗尔】飞思卡尔半导体公司公开在诺伊达中心设计开发认证的先进处理程序芯片。这个开发代号『MPC8313E PowerQUICC 2 Pro』的芯片被期待引导数字家园。
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38755(331/354)
◆三洋会長、Reliance Retailと提携協議
【ムンバイ】三洋電機が、Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)の小売り部門Reliance Retail Ltd(RRL)とマーケッティング協定を結ぶ最初の日本企業になるのではないかと注目されている。
◆Sanyo chairman to discuss the tie-up with Reliance
【Mumbai】Sanyo may well become the first Japanese company to reach a marketing agreement with Mukesh Ambani-spearheaded Reliance Retail. Sanyo Executive Director and Chairman Tomoyo Nonaka is here and is believed to have met top Reliance Retail officials to discuss the tie-up.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38756(332/354)
【ニューデリー】デスクトップ・パーソナル・コンピューター(PC)をセットにして顧客の開拓を図るテレコム企業が増える中、Bharti Airtel Ltd(BAL)はLenovoと手を組み、ラップトップPCをバンドルした固定広帯域接続の販促に乗り出した。
◆Bharti to bunde Lenovo laptops with broadband connection
【NEW DELHI】While more and more telecom companies tap new markets by bundling desktop computers, parts of them are turning their attention to bundling offers for the fast-growing laptops segment. Telecom major Bharti Airtel has entered into a tie-up with Lenovo for bundling laptops with fixed broadband connection.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38757(333/354)
【ニューデリー】インド市場への直接進出が困難なことを覚った中国の通信機器メーカー、ZTE Corporation(深セン中興通信)は、BK Modi氏のMCorpGlobalと、インド国内で通信機器の輸入販売やテレコム関連サービスを手掛ける新会社を設ける契約を結んだ。
◆ZTE formed a strategic alliance with MCorpGlobal to enter India
【NEW DELHI】Being aware of the difficulty for the direct entry into India, Chinese telecom major ZTE has formed a strategic alliance with BK Modi's MCorpGlobal to set up a service-based company, which will import, distribute and sell telecom equipment and also offer other telecom-related services in India.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38782(334/354)
【バンガロール】低コスト携帯端末用シングル・チップ・プラットフォーム“eCosto”を間もなく発売する予定のTexas Instruments (TI)は、衛星チャンネルを視聴できる携帯TV技術を準備している。
◆TI concentrates on new tech for mobile TVs
【BANGALORE】Texas Instruments (TI), which has already come out with eCosto, a new single chip platform for the low-cost handset and is expected to be launched soon, is also looking at providing technology for mobile TV where satellite channels would be viewed on the mobile handset.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38783(335/354)
◆中興通信、Reliance CommとUS$7億GSM機器納入契約
【ムンバイ】中国の通信機器メーカー、ZTE Corporation(ZTE:深セン中興通信)はReliance Communications Ltd(RCL)から総額7億米ドルのGSM(Global System for Mobile)機器納入契約を獲得した。
◆ZTE bags $700 mn order from Rel Comm
【Mumbai】China telecom equipment provider ZTE Corp has won contract to supply $700 million in GSM equipment to Reliance Communications.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38789(336/354)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd(BHEL)と国営火力発電会社NTPC Ltdは、手を携えてウルトラ・メガ発電(Ultra Mega Power)プロジェクトに入札することで合意した。
◆BHEL, NTPC to bid for UMPPs jointly
【NEW DELHI】State-run 2 companies, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd and NTPC Ltd have agreed to jointly bid for Ultra Mega Power Projects.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38795(337/354)
◆PC market up 24% in Q3 : IDC
【New Delhi】In the third quarter of 2006, the Indian client PC market grew 24% over the corresponding quarter last year, with the number of shipments exceeding 1.4 million.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38796(338/354)
◆The slackness of the Govt is the biggest impediment :SemIndia
【Coimbatore】The slackness of the Government in announcing a firm package of incentives is probably the biggest impediment to the growth of the semiconductor industry in India. Industry sources are hoping to hear some positive announcement very soon.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38805(339/354)
◆Videocon、香港LG.Philips Displaysに触手
【ムンバイ】全世界の破産企業の資産買収に旺盛な意欲を見せる地元家電大手Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)は、入札にかけられた香港拠点のブラウン管(CRT:cathode ray tube)メーカー、LG.Philips Displays(LGPD)に応札したようだ。
◆Videocon bids for LG.Philips Displays
【MUMBAI】Videocon Industries, a local consumer durables heavyweight which has a great appetite for acquiring globally-distressed assets, has bid for Hong Kong-headquartered LG.Philips Displays (LGPD) — the largest后者 manufacturer of cathode ray tubes (CRT).
◆Videocon向LG.Philips Displays伸出触手
【孟买】历来对财政问题的工司表示旺盛食欲的本地消费电子制造商Videocon Industries有限公司已经投标位于香港的LG.Philips Displays (LGPD)。后者是世界最大的阴极射线管制造商,可是面对财政问题而正在被拍卖。
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38817(340/354)
【香港】東芝は今年末までにブームを呼ぶインドの携帯電話市場に進出する計画で、向こう数週間内にインドでGSM(Global System for Mobile)携帯端末を発売する。
◆Toshiba eyes Indian mobile market
【HONG KONG】Encouraged by the booming wireless market in India, Toshiba is planning to launch one GSM mobile handset in India within a few weeks to cash in on the country's growing mobile segment.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38818(341/354)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhara Reddy首席大臣は5日Manmohan Singh首相に対し、早期に半導体政策を発表するよう求める陳情書を提出した。
◆State's plea to PM for Fab policy
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh chief minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, on Decembet 5 submitted a plea to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, requesting for early announcement of semiconductor policy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉邦州的Y S Rajasekhara Reddy首席部长12月5日向Manmohan Singh总理提出请愿书而要求尽早发表半导体政策。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38828(342/354)
◆ST Microelectronics、来年インドにUS$3000万投資
【ニューデリー】仏伊資本の半導体製造会社ST Microelectronics(STM)は来年インドに2000万から3000万米ドルを追加投資、スタッフも1300人ほど増員する計画だ。
◆STMicro to invest $30 m in India
【New Delhi】ST Microelectronics, Franco-Italian semiconductor manufacturer, plans to invest 20-30 million dollars in India next year and increase the headcount in the country by about 1300.
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38829(343/354)
【ニューデリー】主要なネットワーキング企業Cisco Systems Incは、カルナタカ州Bangaloreに設けたCisco Globalisation Centreにトップ管理職の5分の1をシフトするとともに、パイロット・スケールの製造施設をタミールナド州Chennaiに設ける。
◆Cisco plans pilot plant in Chennai
【New Delhi】Networking major Cisco Systems Inc is setting up a pilot scale manufacturing plant in Chennai besides relocating one-fifth of its top management executives in India for serving in the Cisco Globalisation Centre in Bangalore.
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38830(344/354)
【ニューデリー】Cisco Systems Incは急成長するエントリー・ステージのインド企業をターゲットにした1億米ドルのベンチャー・キャピタルを運用している。
◆Cisco allocates $100 m for VC investment in India
【New Delhi】Cisco Systems Inc has allocated $100 million towards venture capital investment in high growth early-stage Indian companies.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38843(345/354)
◆LG、プラズマ/LCD TVを現地組立
【ニューデリー】フラット・パネル・ディスプレイ・テレビジョン市場における競争過熱に伴う損失を抑制する狙いからLG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd(LGEIL)は組立ラインを設け、インド国内でプラズマ及びLCDテレビジョンを製造する計画だ。
◆LG to assemble plasma, LCD TV in India
【New Delhi】LG Electronics India plans to set up an assembly unit for plasma and LCD televisions in India in order to cut losses in the highly competitive flat panel display televisions segment.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38844(346/354)
◆Nokia to set up design centre in Bangalore
【New Delhi】In order to augment its market in emerging India, Finnish handset manufacturer Nokia will start a design facility in Bangalore. Incidentally, India is expected to become the company's second largest market by 2010.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38845(347/354)
【ハイデラバード】情報技術(IT)サービス・プロバイダー、Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited(CTSI)は2008年末までに140クロー(US$3112万)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadのインフラ施設を拡張する。
◆Cognizant to invest Rs 140 cr for expansion in Hyderabad
【Hyderabad】IT service provider Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited plans to expand its infrastructure in Hyderabad at an investment of around Rs 140 crore by the end of 2008.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38853(348/354)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点のチップ設計/製品設計サービス会社eInfochipsは、テキサスインスツルメンツのDaVinciテクノロジーに対応した『DaVinciプロットタイピング・ボード(DVPB:DaVinci Prototyping Board)』を発表した。
◆eInfochips unveils DaVinci Prototyping Board
【Ahmedabad】Ahmedabad-headquartered chip and product design services firm eInfochips has announced the availability of the DaVinci Prototyping Board (DVPB) for Texas Instrument's DaVinci technology.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38854(349/354)
◆Sun Micro、製薬/小売り/メディア市場に照準
【ニューデリー】米国拠点のSun Microsystems Inc(SMI)が完全出資するSun Microsystems India Pvt Limited(SMIPL)は、情報技術対応サービス(ITES)/テレコム/製造業界にID管理ソフトウェア(IDM:Identity Management Software)を売り込んだ後、今や小売り/ヘルスケア/メディア市場の開拓を目指している。
◆Sun Micro to look at pharma, retail, media sectors
【New Delhi】Sun Microsystems India Pvt Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of US-based Sun Microsystems Inc, is looking at the retail, healthcare and media sectors for its Identity Management Software (IDM) after having forayed in to the ITES, telecom and manufacturing space.
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38864(350/354)
◆Noida, Hyderabad emerge as centres for chip cos
【Hyderabad】Following on the strides made by Bangalore, Noida and Hyderabad have emerged as two major centres for semiconductor companies. Bangalore accounts for a big chunk of them.
【海德拉巴 】北方邦州诺伊达和安德拉邦州海德拉巴蹈卡纳塔克州班加罗尔的覆辙而迅速地成为半导体工业中心。到现在为止大多数的半导体公司以班加罗尔为基地而活动。
電子/電気 Electronics/Electrical in 2006