企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2009
【インドール】世界的な景気後退に関わらず、インド経営管理学院インドール校(IIM-I:Indian Institute of Management, Indore)主催の学内就職面談会は、内外の企業の同校学生に対する信頼の高さを証明した。少なからぬ企業が専ら同校で求人活動を展開、外国企業による求人数も急増した。
◆IIM-Indore achieves 100% placement
【Indore】Despite the global downturn, placements at the Indian Institute of Management, Indore have showcased the wide acceptability of its students by the corporate world. Foreign offers have seen a substantial jump with several organisations recruiting exclusively from the institute.
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42058(152/588)
◆Numeric Power Systems、ソーラ/LED市場開拓
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点にする指導的無停電電源装置(UPS)製造業者Numeric Power Systems Ltd(NPSL)は20日、ソーラ・エネルギーおよび発光ダイオード(LED)事業に進出、商業運転を開始したと発表した。
◆Numeric gets into solar energy and LED segments
【Chennai】Chennai based Numeric Power Systems Ltd, one of the leading manufacturers of Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems (UPS), announced its commercial entry into the solar energy and LED (light emitting diode) lighting segments, on March 20.
【金奈】总部位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的主要的不间断电源系统制造商Numeric Power Systems有限公司3月20日发表说它已经进入太阳能与发光二极管领域而且开始商业性操作。
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42059(153/588)
◆Trivitron/Brandon Medical、合弁で医療用照明具製造
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の医療機器会社Trivitronは、英国企業Brandon Medical(BM)と、病院の手術室で用いるシャドーレス照明器具の製造を手がける合弁会社Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies(BTMT)を設立した。
◆Trivitron sets up JV with Brandon Medical
【Chennai】Chennai-based medical technology company Trivitron has floated a joint venture, styled Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies, with Brandon Medical of the UK to manufacture shadow-less lights used in operation theatres.
◆Trivitron与Brandon Medical设立联营公司
【金奈】位于泰米尔纳德州金奈的医疗技术企业 Trivitron与英国企业Brandon Medical设立联营公司Brandon Trivitron Medical Technologies。新公司将制造在医院手术室用的无影照明机具。
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42060(154/588)
【ニューデリー】マサチューセッツ工科大学傘下の非営利組織One Laptop Per Child (OLPC)は、2009年末までにインドで300万台のノートブック・パーソナル・コンピューター(ノートPC)を販売する計画だ。
◆OLPC to sell 3 m laptops in India by 2009
【New Delhi】One Laptop Per Child (OLPC), an American non-profit organization under Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is aiming to sell 3 million OLPC laptops in India by end of 2009.
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42061(155/588)
【ニューデリー】マレーシア企業Maxis Communications Bhd(MCB)は、インドの合弁会社Aircel Ltdに、50億米ドルを追加注入し、後者の通信網を拡張する。MCBは既に50億米ドルを投資しており、合計投資額は100億米ドルに達する。
◆Maxis commits $10 bn to expand Aircel's network
【New Delhi】Malaysia's Maxis Communications Bhd plans to invest $5 billion more in its Indian joint venture, Aircel Ltd,.in which it has already invested $ 5 billion, to expand latter's network.
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42062(156/588)
◆Russia govt picks up 20% stke in Sistema-Shyam
【New Delhi】The Russian government is set to pick up a 20% stake in telecom service provider Sistema-Shyam for a little over $680 million. The deal values Sistema- Shyam at about $3.4 billion.
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42063(157/588)
◆Telenor、Unitech Wirelessの67.25%権益取得
【ニューデリー】ノルウェーの大手電話会社Telenorは当初、全国テレコム・ライセンスを保持するスタートアップ企業Unitech Wirelessの60%の権益を6120クロー(US$11.86億)で買収する契約を結んだが、このほど67.25%の権益を、同じ6120クローで買い取ることでUnitechと合意、首尾良く10.78%のコスト・ダウンを実現した。
◆Telenor bags 67.25% instead of 60% in Unitech Wireless
【New Delhi】Norwegian telecom major Telenor has managed to acquire a higher shareholding of 67.25 per cent in Unitech Wireless, the new telecom licensee, against the initial agreement for 60 per cent, but at the original price of Rs 6,120 crore, effectively valuing the deal 10.78 per cent cheaper.
◆Telenor以11%折扣价收购Unitech Wireless支配权
【新德里】挪威电信企业Telenor当初跟本地上市房地产企业Unitech有限公司达成协议以612亿卢比相等于11亿8604万美元收购移动电话公司Unitech Wireless的60%股权,不过现在Unitech同意以一样的价格卖出67.25%的股权,就意味着10.78%的折扣。
2009-03-23 ArtNo.42064(158/588)
◆Yamaha Indiaのセールス・プラン触礁
【ニューデリー】商工省が外国直接投資規則に反するとしてIndia Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd (IYMPL)の製品輸入に反対したことから、インドにおけるセールス業務をIYMPLに移管すると言うヤマハの計画が困難に直面している。
◆Yamaha India's sales plan hits a hurdle
【New Delhi】As the industry ministry opposed India Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd (IYMPL)'s proposal to import products based on FDI policy, Japanese two-wheeler major Yamaha's plans to transfer its Indian sales business to IYMPL have hit a hurdle.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42067(159/588)
【ニューデリー】日立GEニュークリア・エナジー有限会社(GEH:GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC)は23日、インド国内で改良沸騰水型原子炉(ABWR:Advanced Boiler Water Reactor)を製造することに関する覚書を、インドの国営企業2社、Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL)およびBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)と、それぞれ交換した。
◆GE Hitachi inks MoUs with NPCIL, Bhel
【New Delhi】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy LLC(GEH) on March 23 signed preliminary agreements with state-owned firms Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) to build Advanced Boiler Water Reactor (ABWR) technology multiple nuclear reactors in India.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42068(160/588)
◆India set to emerge as nuclear manufacturing power:IAEA
【New Delhi】Indian firms have a big opportunity to step into the critical equipment space for nuclear projects, in the backdrop of a big shortage of facilities manufacturing these equipments, including forgings and castings.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42069(161/588)
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)はNanoのデザインを改め、3年内に世界最大の自動車市場米国に輸出する計画だ。TMLは3月23日、マハラシュトラ州MumbaiでNanoを発売するとともに、以上の計画を明らかにした。
◆Nano to be redesigned for US market
【Mumbai】Tata Motors plans to re-design the Nano, which was launched commercially in Mumbai on March 23 amid great fanfare and expectations, for the US and launch it in the biggest car market in the next "three years or so."
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42070(162/588)
◆Essar group may go private
【Chennai】Essar Group is planning to become totally private, and none of its group companies will be listed, the group's chairman said.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42071(163/588)
◆Essar Group postpones Vadinar refinery expansion
【Chennai】Essar Group has decided to postpone the expansion plan for the Vadinar refinery—from the current 12.5 million tonne per annum to 34 million tonne per annum in two phases—for at least for eight months due to various reasons.
2009-03-27 ArtNo.42072(164/588)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は、Reliance Industries Limited(RIL)およびHaldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL)の求めに応じ、最近、サウジアラビア、オマーンそしてシンガポールから輸入されるポリプロピレンに対する反ダンピング調査を開始した。しかし国内プラスチック業界は、反ダンピング税を課すことは同業界の利益を損なうとして、課税に反対している。
◆Duty move splits polymer producers, processors
【Mumbai】Even as the Indian government has recently initiated an anti-dumping investigation against polypropylene suppliers from Saudi Arabia, Oman and Singapore in response to an application filed by Reliance Industries Limited and Haldia Petrochemicals, the domestic plastic processors are resisting the move to impose anti-dumping duty saying that such a measure will harm the interest of processors.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42083(165/588)
【チェンナイ】ケララ州Kochi拠点の指導的電機メーカーV-Guard Industries Ltd(VGIL)は、タミールナド州Coimbatoreとウタラーカンド州に2工場を設け、電力ケーブル製造事業に進出、年商8000クロー(US$15.50億)の電力ケーブル市場の開拓に乗り出した。
◆V-Guard sets up two plants to enter power cables segment
【Chennai】V-Guard Industries Ltd, a Kochi-based leading electric equipment manufacturer, has entered into manufacturing power cables by setting up two plants at Coimbatore and Uttaranchal respectively to capture sizeable chunk of the over Rs 8,000-crore cable market in India.
【金奈】位于喀啦啦州科钦的著名电气设备制造商V-Guard Industries有限公司在泰米尔纳德州哥印拜陀县与北安查尔州兴建两间工厂而进军制造电力电缆业务,从而开拓800亿卢比相等于15亿5038万美元印度国内电力电缆市场。
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42084(166/588)
◆Safeguards duty imposed on aluminium, chemicals from China
【New Delhi】The Finance Ministry has imposed safeguards duty on aluminium products and agricultural chemicals from China.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42086(167/588)
【ムンバイ】不況に襲われた日本企業が、インドにおけるアウトソーシングを通じコストを削減するメリットを見直していることを証明するかのように、マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のPatni Computer Systems Ltd(PCSL)は最近日本で各1000万米ドル相当の2件の契約に調印、日本売上げを一層拡大する勢いを見 ケている。
◆Recession-hit Japan finally looking at Indian providers
【Mumbai】In what seemed to be a case in point that Recession-hit Japan is finally looking at Indian providers of outsourcing services to cut cost, Mumbai-based Patni Computer Systems Ltd has not only signed two $10 million deals in Japan in the recent past but has also witnessed increased traction in the region.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42087(168/588)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は3月27日、化学肥料会社12社と、アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆K-G D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスの供給・輸送契約を結んだ。K-G D6鉱区におけるガスの商業生産は数日中に開始されるが、これらの肥料会社は最初にガスの供給を受ける優先権を認められている。
◆RIL in pact for KG gas sale with 12 fertilizer cos
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) on March 27 signed gas sales and transportation contracts with 12 fertiliser firms that have been chosen to receive the first produce from the company's eastern offshore K-G D6 fields when they go on production in a few days from now.
2009-03-30 ArtNo.42088(169/588)
◆Pharma retail sales grow 13.3% in Feb
【New Delhi】India's drug retail sales grew by healthy 13.3% to Rs 2,853 crore compared to the same month last year.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42090(170/588)
【ニューデリー】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Ltd(HMSI)は、マニュアル変速スクーター市場から撤退し、自動変速スクーター・ビジネスに力を集中するとともに、モーターサイクル市場におけるシェア拡大を図る。
◆HMSI to exit geared scooter segment in India
【New Delhi】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India (HMSI) announced plans to exit the geared scooter segment to focus on the gearless scooter market, besides increasing its share in the motorcycle segment.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42091(171/588)
◆双日、Motherson Sumi Systems持ち分売却
【ムンバイ】双日株式会社は3月26日、デリーを拠点にする年商2000クロー(US$3.88億)の自動車部品会社Motherson Sumi Systems Ltd(MSSL)の9.6%の全持ち分を、ボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)を通じSamvardhan Motherson Finance(SMF)に一括売却した。
◆Sojitz sells its entire stake in Motherson Sumi Systems
【Mumbai】Sojitz Corporation has sold its entire 9.6% stake in Motherson Sumi Systems (MSSL), a Delhi-based auto ancillary company with annual turnover of Rs 2,000 crore, to Samvardhan Motherson Finance through a block deal transacted at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on March 26.
◆双日把Motherson Sumi股权卖掉
【孟买】日本双日株式会社3月26日在孟买证券交易所把位于印度德里的年售200亿卢比相等于3亿8760万美元汽车组件供应商Motherson Sumi Systems的9.6%股权以大额买卖盘方式卖给Samvardhan Motherson Finance。
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42092(172/588)
◆Universal Sompo、自動車保険ビジネスを拡張
【ラクナウ】損保ジャパンが出資するUniversal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd(USGICL)は、ビジネス・ポートフォリオに占める自動車保険の比率を現在の30%から45%に拡大することを目指している。
◆Universal Sompo to expand automobile biz
【Lucknow】Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd plans to expand the automobile industry's share in the company's business portfolio from 30% to 45%.
◆Universal Sompo积极扩张汽车保险业务
【拉科诺】印日合资财产保险企业Universal Sompo General Insurance Company有限公司计划把汽车保险业务在该公司业务组合的比率从现在的30%扩张到45%。
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42093(173/588)
◆PC shipments to drop in Calendar Year 2009: IDC
【New Delhi】India is expected to witness a drop in the overall PC shipments Calendar Year (CY) 2009 amid low demand from large corporates trying to cut cost as they grapple with the economic downturn.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42095(174/588)
【ニューデリー】Bongaigaon Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (BRPL)との合併を計画する国営石油会社Indian Oil Corporation(IOC)は、4月28日を株式交換の登録日にすると発表した。
◆IOC to merge with BRPL
【New Delhi】State-run refiner Indian Oil Corporation(IOC), which is set to merge Bongaigaon Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (BRPL) with itself, has fixed April 28 as the record date for the transfer of shares for the merger.
2009-04-03 ArtNo.42097(175/588)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の不動産開発業者、DLF Ltdはおよそ260MW(メガワット)の設備能力を有する風力発電ビジネスを売却する方針を決めた。
◆DLF puts its wind power biz on the block
【New Delhi】DLF Ltd, India's largest real estate developer, has decided to divest its windmill power generation business which has an installed capacity of around 260 Mw.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42103(176/588)
◆アレヴァ、Nuclear Fuel Complexにウラン精鉱供給
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のNuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)は3月31日、フランス企業Areva NCから60トンのウラン精鉱の供給を受けた。
◆Nuclear Fuel Complex gets nuclear fuel from Areva
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) received 60 tonnes of uranium ore concentrate from Areva NC, France, on March 31.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42104(177/588)
【ハイデラバード】インド原子力局(DAE:Department of Atomic Energy)傘下の主要な産業ユニットとして1971年に設立されたNuclear Fuel Complex (NFC)は、世界の原子力産業向けに燃料ピン(fuel pin)および燃料集合体(fuel bundle)の製造に用いる無縫管(seamless tube)やジルコニウム機械(zirconium machinery)の主要な輸出業者になることを目指している。
◆NFC exports machinery and materials for atomic energy too
【Hyderabad】Nuclear Fuel Complex, which was established in 1971 as a major industrial unit of Department of Atomic Energy, hopes to be one of the major exporters of seamless tubes used in making fuel pins and bundles and zirconium machinery for atomic energy needs in the world.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42105(178/588)
◆BGR、Foster Wheelerとボイラー製造ライセンス契約
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennaiを拠点にするBGR Energy Systems Ltd(BGRES)は、米国ニュージャージー州をベースにするFoster Wheeler North America Corp(FWNAC)と、インド国内で超臨界圧および亜臨界圧ボイラーを設計/製造/マーケッティングすることに関するライセンス契約を結んだ。
◆BGR in pact with Foster Wheeler
【Chennai】Chennai-based BGR Energy Systems has entered into a licence agreement with the New Jersey-based Foster Wheeler North America Corp, a subsidiary of Foster Wheeler AG, to design, manufacture and market sub and super- critical Foster Wheeler boilers in India.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42106(179/588)
【ニューデリー】Maruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)/Hyundai Motor India (HMIL)/Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)/Honda Siel Cars India(HSCI)/Tata Motors Ltd(TML)/Fiat India Ltd(FIL)を含む主要自動車メーカーの3月の国内乗用車販売台数は15万2409台と、昨年同月の14万6338台に比べ4.1%の伸びにとどまった。2月に21%を超える成長を記録し、高成長の軌道に復帰したかに見えたインド自動車産業の先行きが再び不透明になった感がある。
◆Car sales slow down in March
【New Delhi】In what seems the end of the hope that the industry has gone back on the fast track after the over 21 per cent sales growth in February, domestic car sales of the leading automakers, which include Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai, Mahindra & Mahindra, Honda-Siel, Tata Motors and Fiat, grew only 4.1 per cent to 152,409 units in March this year from 146,338 units in March 2008.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42107(180/588)
【ニューデリー】主要商用車メーカー2社Tata Motors Ltd(TML)とAshok Leyland Ltd(ALL)のトラックとバスの販売台数は、今会計年度最後の月も前年同月に比べ引き続き大幅な落ち込みを見た。
◆Slump in Cmmercial vehicle sales continues in March
【New Delhi】The country's No.1 and No.2 commercial vehicle makers, Tata Motors Ltd and Ashok Leyland Ltd have both reported a steep decline in March sales.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42108(181/588)
【ニューデリー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)を除く主要メーカーが何れもプラス成長を達成したものの、今年3月の二輪車販売の伸びは今年2月の16.23%に比べ顕著に鈍化した。
◆Two-wheeler sales growth weakens in March
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler sales growth weakened considerably in March from 16.23 per cent in February this year though all leading two-wheeler makers except Bajaj Auto Ltd recorded positive growth.
2009-04-06 ArtNo.42109(182/588)
【ニューデリー】中国の通信機器メーカー、ZTE Corporation(深セン中興通信)は150億米ドルのグローバル・クレジット・ラインを利用し、インド・テレコム企業に同社製通信機器や携帯電話端末を売り込む計画だ。
◆ZTE to utilize $15-billion credit line for Indian telcos
【New Delhi】ZTE Corporation is looking at utilising a significant portion of the $15-billion global credit line for Indian telecom service providers for buying equipment and handsets from the Chinese company.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42113(183/588)
◆MTNL, BSNL face lukewarm response to 3G
【New Delhi】Foreign and local telecom firms which hope for a major shift by mobile customers to high-speed third generation (3G) services may end in disappointment.
◆MTNL, BSNL的第三代服务反应冷谈
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42114(184/588)
【ニューデリー】パナソニックはその国際戦略に基づきインド業務の再編を進めており、既存子会社6社を持ち株会社Panasonic India Pvt Ltd(PIPL)の下に統合する。
◆Panasonic consolidating Indian ops
【New Delhi】Japanese consumer electronics company Panasonic Corp is consolidating its operations in India in line with its global strategy by bringing all its existing six companies under one entity - Panasonic India Pvt Ltd.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42115(185/588)
【ニューデリー】Toyota Kirloskar Motor India Ltd(TKMIL)は、過去3、4ヶ月間にルピーの他通貨に対する為替相場が急変したことから、カルナタカ州Bangalore近郊Bidadiに設ける小型乗用車工場の部品/設備のソーシング計画に見直しを加えている。
◆Toyota changes sourcing plan for small car plant
【New Delhi】Toyota Kirloskar Motor India Ltd is actively considering changing components and equipment sourcing plans for its upcoming small car plant at Bidadi, near Bangalore due to rupee fluctuation against other currencies in the last 3-4 months.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42116(186/588)
【エルサレルム】イスラエルの国営企業Israeli Military Industry(IMI)は、このほどインド政府造兵廠(OFB:Ordnance Factories Board)と総額2億4000万米ドルの契約を結んだ。同契約の下、IMIは向こう3年間にビハール州の5カ所に兵器工場(artillery munitions factories)を建設する。
◆Israel to build 5 artillery munition plants
【Jerusalem】Israeli Military Industry has signed a USD 240 million agreement with Indian Government's Ordnance Factories Board to build five artillery munitions factories in Bihar over a period of three years.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42120(187/588)
【アーマダバード】州営Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation(GSPC)は、アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆Deendayal West鉱区西部のKG-21井で大型ガス田を掘り当てた。
◆GSPC strikes huge gas reserves in KG-21 well
【Ahmedabad】Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) has struck huge gas reserves in the KG-21 well located on the western side of Deendayal West block at Krishna Godavari Basin off Ahdhra Pradesh coast.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42121(188/588)
◆Damodar Valley Corp、超臨界圧発電事業2件計画
【コルカタ】Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC)は2つの超臨界圧発電所を他社と合弁で建設することを計画、電力設備会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)およびCoal India Ltd (CIL)との交渉を開始、また資金提供者としてRural Electrification Corporation(REC)もしくはPower Finance Corporation(PFC)をパートナーに引き入れる予定だ。
◆DVC plans super critical power stations
【Kolkata】Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) plans to build two super critical thermal power stations as a joint venture and has initiated discussions with power equipment major Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) and Coal India Ltd (CIL) and also tried to rope in the Rural Electrification Corporation or the Power Finance Corporation as equity partners in the joint venture.
2009-04-08 ArtNo.42122(189/588)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州政府はNational Aluminium Company (Nalco)に対し、アルミニウム製錬施設とキャプティブ発電施設から成る総額1万6345クロー(US$31.68億)の第2アルミ・コンプレックスの建設地を同州西部Jharsuguda県から同州南部Gopalpur県に移すよう求めた。
◆Nalco's second aluminium complex plan under cloud
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has asked National Aluminium Company (Nalco) to shift the proposed Rs 16,345 crore second aluminium and captive power complex from Jharsuguda in western Orissa to Gopalpur in southern parts of the state.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42130(190/588)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府とCoal India Ltd (CIL)の4月8日の合意に基づき少なくとも鉄鋼プロジェクト3件が炭鉱地帯のDurgapur-Asansolベルトの外に移転を強いられ、エアロトロポリス(aerotropolis)建設地にも調整が加えられる見通しだ。
◆3 steel projects to be shifted from coal-bearing areas
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government and Coal India Ltd (CIL) on April 8 reached an agreement that will pave the way for relocation of at least three upcoming steel projects in the Durgapur-Asansol area and the aerotropolis project will also be shifted slightly in order to protect the coal reserves.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42131(191/588)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州とジャールカンド州に建設する2つのメガ鉄鋼コンプレックスをサポートする専用港を、オリッサ州のMahanadi川北部Paradip近郊のBarunei Muhanに建設することを正式に提案した。
◆Mittal formality proposes to build captive port in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formally proposed to set up a captive port, which will serve two mega integrated steel plants of the company proposed in Orissa and Jharkhand, at Barunei Muhan, located to the north of Mahanadi river near Paradip in Orissa
【布巴内斯瓦尔】阿塞勒米塔尔钢铁公司为了在奥里萨州与贾坎德州兴建两间超级大型钢厂,正式提议在奥里萨州伯拉迪布附近默哈纳迪河北部Barunei Muhan发展自用港。
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42133(192/588)
【ムンバイ】乗用車輌(Passenger vehicle)の2008-09会計年度通年の販売台数は155万1880台と、2007-08年の154万9882台を0.13%上回った。
◆Passenger vehicle sales grow by 0.13% in 2008-09
【Mumbai】Passenger vehicle sales posted a growth 0.13 per cent at 15,51,880 units during fiscal year 2008-09 as against 15,49,882 units in 2007-08.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42134(193/588)
◆Commercial vehicle sales decline 21.69% in 2008-09
【Mumbai】Commercial vehicle sales posted a negative 21.69 per cent growth at 3,84,122 units during fiscal year 2008-09 as against 4,90,494 units in 2007-08.
2009-04-13 ArtNo.42135(194/588)
◆Two-wheeler sales up 2.6%, tree-wheeler down 4.13%
【New Delhi】Total two-wheeler sales during fiscal year 2008-09 increased by 2.6 per cent at 74,37,670 units compared with 72.49,278 units in 2007-08.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42138(195/588)
【コラプット】インド共産党毛沢東派(CPI Maoists)の武装組織Naxalが4月12日夜、国営National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco)がオリッサ州Koraput県Panchapatmaliで経営するアジア最大のボーキサイト採掘場を襲撃、中央産業保安部隊(CISF:Central Industrial Security Force)と8時間にわたり銃撃戦を展開した。武装グループは翌朝撤退したが、この戦闘でCISF隊員11人と女性を含むマオイスト4人が死亡した。
◆Asia's largest bauxite mine halts as Maoists' attack
【Koraput】An eight-hour gun-battle between the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and Naxalites at the Panchapatmali bauxite mines of the National Aluminium Company Ltd in Koraput district of Orissa ended early morning, April 13, leaving 11 CISF personnel and four Maoists dead.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42140(196/588)
◆Chennai car mfg project is on schedule: Nissan
【Mumbai】Nissan, which is setting up a Rs 4,500-crore car-manufacturing facility with Renault in Chennai, targets to launch 4-5 models over the next four years with its first one slated to hit the market before summer 2010.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42141(197/588)
【コルカタ】中国第一汽車集団公司(FAW:First Automobile Works)の代表チームと西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のMotijug Group幹部は13日、西ベンガル州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣と会見、同州に自動車製造工場を設ける問題を協議した。
◆China's FAW in talks with WB Govt for setting up manufacturing unit
【Kolkata】A team from First Automobile Works (FAW) of China accompanied by executives of the Kolkata-based Motijug Group met Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on April 13 and discussed to set up an automobile manufacturing unit in West Bengal.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42142(198/588)
【ニューデリー】イタリアのモーターサイクル・フレーム・メーカー、Verlicchi Groupは10日、ハリヤナ州Gurgaonを拠点に自動車部品の製造を手がける年商450クロー(US$8721万)のHema Engineering Industries (HEIL)と、カルナタカ州Bangalore近郊Hosurにフレームの製造施設を設ける50:50の合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Verlicchi in 50-50 JV with Hema Engineering
【New Delhi】The motorcycle frames manufacturing company Verlicchi Group of Italy on April 10, entered into 50:50 joint venture with Gurgaon-based Rs 450-crore auto component manufacturer, Hema Engineering Industries (HEIL), to set up a manufacturing facility at Hosur near Bangalore.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42143(199/588)
◆Car exports jump 57% in 4 years FY09
【New Delhi】Slowdown in the global auto market failed to dampen exports of `Made-In-India' cars with exports from the country registering whopping 57.04 per cent growth in the last fiscal.
2009-04-17 ArtNo.42144(200/588)
◆Tech Mahindra、1株58ルピーでSatyam買収
【ムンバイ】地元企業Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)とBritish Telecomの合弁会社Tech Mahindra(TM)は13日、Satyam Computer Services Ltd(SCSL)の支配権益を首尾良く落札、この日早朝に行われた3社による競争入札は僅か3時間で決着した。
◆Tech Mahindra bags Satyam at Rs 58 a share
【Mumbai】Tech Mahindra, a joint venture between Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) and British Telecom — emerged the clear winner, just three hours after the three suitors for Satyam Computer Services submitted their bids on the morning of April 13.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2009