企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2008
【バンガロール】従来国内線ビジネスが最も繁忙する次の2四半期に業績が回復するなら、Kingfisher AirlinesとJet Airwaysの提携が短命に終わる可能性がある。
◆Kingfisher and Jet's alliance may be short-lived
【Bangalore】The alliance between Kingfisher Airlines and Jet Airways may end up being short-lived, if domestic airlines turn around during the next two quarters which are generally the most profitable for the industry.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41554(702/843)
◆US firms focus on development of aviation infrastructure
【Hyderabad】The development of infrastructure in India's aviation sector could well be the focus of the American aerospace industry after selling aircraft and components.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41555(703/843)
【ハイデラバード】米国拠点のヘリコプター製造会社Bell Helicopter Companyはインドに保守・修理・分解検査(MRO:maintenance, repair and overhaul)設備と訓練施設を設ける計画だ。MROでは専門技術者によるヘリコプターの保守サービスが提供される。
◆Bell to set up MRO facility
【Hyderabad】Bell Helicopter Company, a U.S.-based leading helicopter manufacturing company, is planning to open maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility with experts overseeing the maintenance of the choppers in India besides setting up a training academy.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41558(704/843)
【ニューデリー】Cairn India Ltd(CIL)は2008-2009年の間にラジャスタン州に18億米ドルを投資、2009年下半期から同州における原油の採掘を開始する。
◆Cairn plans to invest $ 1.8 billion more in Rajasthan project
【New Delhi】Cairn India Ltd plans to further invest $ 1.8 billion between 2008 and 2009 in the project and to begin extracting its Rajasthan crude from the second half of 2009.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41559(705/843)
◆MSD India、子宮頚管癌予防ワクチン発売
【ニューデリー】米国の大手製薬会社Merck & Co, Incが完全出資するMerck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Pharmaceuticalsは14日、インド初の子宮頸管癌ワクチンGARDASILを発売すると発表するとともに、今後2、3年内に水痘、A型肝炎、帯状疱疹等様々な疾病を予防する各種ワクチンを紹介する計画を明らかにした。
◆MSD India launches new vaccine for cervical cancer
【New Delhi】Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) Pharmaceuticals, a wholly- owned subsidiary of Merck & Co, Inc, US, on October 14 announced the launch of GARDASIL, India's first vaccine to help prevent cervical cancer and the plans to introduce other vaccines for various diseases including chicken pox, hepitatis A, rotavirus and zoster in the next two-three years.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41564(706/843)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は16日、シンガポールを拠点にするUniversal Success Enterprises傘下のUniversal Success Energy(USE)と覚書を交換した。後者は同覚書の下、6万クロー(US$123.71億)を投じ、同州に1万MW(メガワット)の発電所を建設するとともに、港湾を設ける。
◆Universal aims to build 10k mw plant in Bengal
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government October 16 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Universal Success Energy, a subsidiary of Singapore-based Universal Success Enterprises for a 10,000mw mega independent power project and port at an investment of around Rs 60,000 crore.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州政府10月16日跟位于新加坡的Universal Success Enterprises旗下的Universal Success Energy签定备忘录。后者在这项备忘录下将投资6000亿卢比相等于123亿7113万美元在该州兴建1万mw发电站同时发站港口。
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41566(707/843)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の鉄鉱山会社NMDC Ltdは、世界的な金融危機の最中にも関わらず、日韓鉄鋼メーカーとの長期鉄鉱石供給契約交渉に際して最良の価格実現を目指す。
◆NMDC to go for the "best bargain" from foreign steel mills
【New Delhi】India's largest iron ore miner NMDC Ltd, unfazed by the global economic meltdown, plans to ask the best price for its iron ore from Japanese and South Korean steel mills under long-term contract.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41567(708/843)
【ニューデリー】インド国有鉄道会社Indian Railways(IR)は、4カ所にバイオディーゼル・エステル化工場(bio-diesel esterification plant)を建設するため、入札を募集した。投資額はおよそ78.5クロー(US$1619万)と見積もられ、落札者は工場建設後、生産したバイオディーゼルをIRに供給する。
◆Rlys call tenders for setting up bio-diesel plants
【New Delhi】The Indian Railways has invited tenders for setting up of four bio-diesel esterification plants at an investment of Rs 78.5 crore to supply bio diesel to the railways.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41568(709/843)
【チェンナイ】Nissan Motor India Private Ltd(NMIPL)は18日、Ennore Port Ltd(EPL)と、タミールナド州Chennai近郊のEnnore港から自動車を輸出する覚書を交換した。
◆Nissan inks MoU with Ennore port for export
【Chennai】Nissan Motor India Private (NMIPL) on October 18 entered into an agreement with Ennore Port Ltd to export its vehicles from the Ennore port located in north of Chennai.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41569(710/843)
【ムンバイ】国内第二の二輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、祝祭日シーズン後に業況が下降するものと予想、生産削減を準備している。
◆Bajaj preparing to cut two-wheeler production
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto, the country's second largest two-wheeler manufacturer sees a slowdown after the current festival season and is preparing to cut production.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41570(711/843)
◆Moser Baer、今後18ヶ月間にUS$8億以上投資
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は、向こう18ヶ月間に光学媒体や光電池(PV:photovoltaic)を含む各種事業に8億米ドル以上を投資する。
◆Moser Baer to invest $800-m over the next 18 months
【New Delhi】Moser Baer India Ltd plans to invest over $800 million in capex for its various businesses including optical media and photovoltaics, over the next 18 months.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41571(712/843)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の半導体チップ・メーカーMosChip Semiconductor Technology (MosChip)は16クロー(US$330万)の運転資金補填出資を獲得した。
◆MosChip secures equity funding
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based chip manufacturer MosChip Semiconductor Technology has secured working capital funding of Rs. 16 crore.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41572(713/843)
◆内閣委、Aditya Birla Telecomの外資導入計画承認
【ニューデリー】内閣経済問題委員会(CCEA)は、Aditya Birla Telecom Ltd(ABTL)がモーリシャス拠点の投資基金P5 Asia Holdings Investments (Mauritius)から2704.21クロー(US$5.58億)の外国直接投資を導入する計画を承認した。
◆FDI in Aditya Birla Telecom approved by Cabinet
【New Delhi】Aditya Birla Telecom Ltd's proposal to bring in foreign direct investment of Rs 2,704.21 crore from P5 Asia Holdings Investments (Mauritius), a Mauritius-based private equity fund, has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41576(714/843)
◆Reliance Infra、ジャールカンド鉄鋼事業候補地リストアップ
【ランチ】Anil Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Infrastructure Ltd(RIL)は、ジャールカンド州における4万クロー(US$82.47億)鉄鋼プロジェクトの候補地として3カ所をリストアップした。
◆Reliance Infra identifies potential steel plant sites in Jharkhand
【Ranchi】Anil Ambani-promoted Reliance Infrastructure has identified three potential sites in Jharkhand for setting up the Rs 40,000-crore greenfield steel project.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41577(715/843)
◆Toyofuji Shipping to set up car terminal in India
【Chennai】Toyofuji Shipping Co Ltd, a joint venture company among Toyota Motor Corporation(50%), Toyota Transport(17%) and Fujitrans Corporation(33%), plans to set up an exclusive car terminal in India.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41578(716/843)
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は超小型乗用車Nanoを今年10-12月の間に発売すると言う当初の目標を放棄したようだ。実際のところTMLは、2009年1-3月期の発売を目指し、死にものぐるいで準備を進めている。
◆Nano misses Oct-Dec launch
【Kolkata】Tata Motors now looks all set to miss its original Nano rollout deadline of October-December 2008. In fact, the company is making a desperate bid to launch the Nano during the January-March 2009 quarter.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41579(717/843)
◆三菱-VST JV、ディーゼルエンジン工場の操業開始
【バンガロール】三菱重工業(MHI)とカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のVST Tiller Tractors Ltd(VST)の90:10の合弁に成るMHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE)は、カルナタカ州Mysore近郊Metagalliに設けた合弁会社にとって初のディーゼル・エンジン工場の操業を開始した。
◆Mitsubishi-VST JV commissions diesel engine plant
【Bangalore】MHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE), a 90:10 joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan (MHI) and Bangalore-based VST Tiller Tractors Ltd, (VST) have commissioned their first diesel engine manufacturing plant at Metagalli, near Mysore.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41586(718/843)
◆Alliance Media、宮崎フィルム11編の配給権獲得
【ムンバイ】Alliance Media & Entertainment Pvt Ltd(AME)のSunil Doshi重役(CEO)は、スタジオジブリと1000万米ドル相当の契約に調印、宮崎フィルム11編のインドにおける放映権を手に入れた。
◆Alliance Media bags rights for 11 Miyazaki films
【Mumbai】Sunil Doshi, CEO of Alliance Media & Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. has signed an agreement with a Japanese Studio, Ghibli for acquisition of distribution rights for 11 Miyazaki films worth $10 million.
【孟买】媒体与娱乐联盟私人有限公司首席执行官Sunil Doshi与日本动画制作企业吉卜力工作室达成协议。前者获得11片宫崎影片发行权,价值1000万美元。
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41587(719/843)
◆Financial crisis hits new telecom players
【New Delhi】India's new telecom players are currently drawing up plans to roll out their networks. However they could be the latest victims of the ongoing liquidity squeeze.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41588(720/843)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は、包装業界の原料需要が減退したことから、グジャラート州Jamnagarに設けたポリプロピレン工場の生産量を50%削減した。
◆RIL cuts polypropylene production by 50%
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) has cut production at its polypropylene plant at Jamnagar in Gujarat by 50 per cent, because demand for the raw material used for packaging had slowed.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41589(721/843)
【ムンバイ】Grasim Industries Ltd(GIL)は、世界的に景気が後退し、国内のインフレが高進する中で、ビスコース短繊維(VSF:viscos staple fibre)の生産を30%削減する方針を決めた。
◆Grasim to slash VSF capacity 30%
【Mumbai】Grasim Industries Ltd is going to cut down its production of Viscose Staple Fibre (VSF) by approximately 30% amid global slow down and rising inflation.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41590(722/843)
【コルカタ】鋼線(steel wire)価格は、需要軟化から過去1ヶ月半の間にトン当たり5万5000乃至6万ルピーから同4万5000乃至5万ルピーに20%ほど値下がりした。
◆Steel wire prices dip 20%
【Kolkata】Steel wire prices have dropped by 20 per cent in last one and half month from Rs 55,000-60,000 a ton to Rs 45,000-50,000 a ton on account of lower demand.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41591(723/843)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛と鉛共に値下げ
【ニューデリー】Vedanta Group傘下の指導的非鉄金属会社Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は亜鉛の価格をトン当たり2800ルピー、鉛の価格を同3400ルピー、それぞれ引き下げた。
◆Hindustan Zinc slashes zinc, lead prices
【New Delhi】Hindustan Zinc, a leading metal producer under the aegis of Vedanta Group, has reduced prices of zinc and lead by Rs 2,800 a tonne and Rs 3,400 per tonne, respectively.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41592(724/843)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMIPL)は2010年末までに150クロー(US$3093万)を投じて設備を拡張、また二輪車新モデルを紹介する計画だ。同社は来年までに年産能力を現在の17万台から25万台に拡張する。
◆Suzuki Motorcycles plans Rs 150-cr expansion
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd (SMIPL) plans to invest an additional Rs. 150 crore($30.93m) by 2010 on capacity expansion and new product launches. SMIPL will expand its production capacity to 2.5 lakh units by next year, up from 1.7 lakh units.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41593(725/843)
【チェンナイ】国営企業3社-Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd(NPCIL)/Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)/National Thermal Power Corporation Limited(NTPC)-は合弁会社を設け、国産核反応炉を輸出する計画だ。
◆3 PSUs to jointly export nuclear reactors
【Chennai】Three public sector companies, Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd, Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd and National Thermal Power Corporation Limited, have decided to set up a joint venture for the export of nuclear power reactors.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41597(726/843)
【ニューデリー】インド第2位の上場不動産会社Unitech Ltdは、電話事業子会社の60%権益をノルウェーの電話会社Telenorに売却する。
◆Unitech sell 60 % in telco arm to Telenor
【New Delhi】Unitech Ltd has agreed to sell a 60 per cent stake in its nascent telecoms venture to Norwegian telecoms group Telenor.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41599(727/843)
◆IT majors increase hiring on a temporary basis
【Mumbai】While the US slowdown has marked its imprint on the performance of Indian IT services companies, IT majors now increase hiring on a temporary or contractual basis.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41600(728/843)
◆Solar Semiconductor、Trans-Indiaを逆買収
【ハイデラバード】Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India(ICICI)のN. Vaghul元会長とベンチャーキャピタリストのVenkatadri Bobba氏が共同で米国に設立した企業買収を専門に手がける特殊目的会社Trans-India Acquisition Corporation(TIAC)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに年産75MW(メガワット)の太陽電池モジュール工場を有するケーマン諸島籍のSolar Semiconductor Ltd(SSL)の80%権益を、株式のスワップを通じ買収することで合意した。
◆Trans-India Reverse Taken-Over by Solar Semiconductor
【Hyderabad】The US-based Trans-India Acquisition Corporation, a special purpose acquisition corporation promoted by N. Vaghul, former chairman of ICICI and Venkatadri Bobba, a venture capitalist, has entered into an agreement to acquire about 80 per cent of the privately held Solar Semiconductor Ltd which was incorporated in Cayman Islands and has manufacturing plants in Hyderabad with an annual capacity of 75 MW solar photovoltaic modules.
◆Solar Semiconductor反向收购Trans-India
【海德拉巴】印度工业信贷投资银行前主席N. Vaghul与风险资本家Venkatadri Bobba共同在美国设立的收购企业机购Trans-India Acquisition Corporation跟开曼群岛登记企业Solar Semiconductor私人有限公司达成协议。前者购买后者的80%股权。后者在安德拉州海德拉巴设立年产75MW太阳能模块制造厂。
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41601(729/843)
◆NASA may set up a huge theme park like R&D centre in Pune
【Pune】In what seems to be a huge theme park, US-based National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is all set for taking a decision to set up its largest non-US centre near Pune.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41602(730/843)
◆Airlines get a relief package
【New Delhi】Cash-strapped airlines on October 22 got from the government a relief package including giving them six more months to pay their outstanding fuel bills.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41603(731/843)
【ニューデリー】インド国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は、燃料コストを削減するため、ディーゼル油と圧縮天然ガス(CNG)の何れも燃料として用いることができるDF(dual fuel)エンジンを開発する方針を決めた。
◆Railways plans to use dual fuel engine
【New Delhi】Indian Railways has decided to develop dual fuel engines which would use diesel and CNG in a bid to reduce its expenditure on diesel.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41604(732/843)
◆Auto cos put expansion plans on hold
【New Delhi】The auto companies are both deferring their hiring plans and holdingtheir capacity expansion plans in the wake of economic slowdown.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41605(733/843)
【ニューデリー】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は、国営National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)管理下の350万トンの鉄鋼資源を、国営鉱物貿易会社Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC)に割り当てることに異議を唱え、Manmohan Singh首相に介入を求めた。
◆Essar asks PM to intervene in allocation of iron ore
【New Delhi】Essar Steel has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to intervene in Mining and Mineral Trading Corporation (MMTC) getting allocation of 3.5 million tonnes of iron ore reserved by mining giant National Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC) for exports.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41606(734/843)
◆Jyoti Ltd、再生可能エネルギー事業に大挙進出
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Vadodara拠点のエンジニアリング会社Jyoti Ltdは、将来の拡張計画の一環として再生可能エネルギー事業に大挙進出する方針を決めた。
◆Jyoti Ltd banking heavily on green energy
【Mumbai】As part of its future expansion, Vadodara-based engineering company Jyoti Ltd has chalked out massive plans to foray in renewable energy sector.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41607(735/843)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)はグジャラート州Jamnagarに設けたポリプロピレン工場の操業を停止した。同社は向こう約4週間にわたり同工場の操業を停止する。
◆RIL shuts down polypropylene plant at Jamnagar
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries has shut down its polypropylene plant at Jamnagar. The shutdown is expected to last for approximately four weeks.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41614(736/843)
◆Japanese loco firms likely to benefit from $4.6 b loan
【New Delhi】The key Japanese players in the electric loco segment, such as Toshiba, Kawasaki and Hitachi, may benefit from the recent $4.6 billion tied-loan sanctioned by Japanese Government for the dedicated freight corridor project.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41615(737/843)
◆Global carriers keen on 3-G permits
【New Delhi】Operators in the US, UK, France, Italy and Australia are interested in bidding for a permit to offer high-speed services in the country, said the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India on October 29.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41616(738/843)
◆Telenor、Unitech Wirelessの61%権益買収
【ムンバイ】地場不動産大手Unitech Ltd(UL)はGSM移動体通信子会社Unitech Wireless(UW)の61%権益をノルウェーの電話会社Telenorに6120クロー(US$12.62億)で売却した。ULは今年2月に1650クロー(US$3.40億)で当該テレコム・ライセンスを手に入れた。
◆Telenor to pick 61% stake in Unitech Wireless
【Mumbai】Realty major Unitech has sold 61 per cent stake in its newly-formed GSM mobile company — Unitech Wireless — to Norway-based Telenor for Rs.6,120 crore. Unitech had acquired the telecom licence for Rs 1,650 crore, in February this year.
◆Telenor收购Unitech Wireless61%股权
【孟买】房地产大企业Unitech有限公司已经把属下GSM移动电话公司Unitech Wireless61%股权以612亿卢比相等于12亿6186万美元卖给挪威电信企业Telenor。Unitech今年2月以165亿卢比相等于3亿4021万美元获得通信证准。
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41619(739/843)
◆Ispat Energy、サトウキビ粕からバイオCNG生産
【ムンバイ】Ispat Energy Ltd(IEL)は今会計年度、約1000クロー(US$2.06億)を投じ、サトウキビの絞り粕からバイオCNG(圧縮天然ガス)を製造する。
◆Ispat Energy to invest Rs 1,000 crore for producing bio-CNG
【Mumbai】Ispat Energy Ltd plans to invest about Rs 1,000 crore in the current fiscal for producing bio-CNG from pressmud, a byproduct of sugarcane processing.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41622(740/843)
【ニューデリー】インドの指導的鉄鋼メーカー、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)/同Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)/民間のEssar Steel Ltd(ESL)/同JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、需要が減退する中、中国やウクライナ等の国から輸入される低価格製品と競争するため、トン当たり製品価格を最大8500ルピー引き下げた。しかしTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は依然観望姿勢をとっている。
◆Steel firms cut steel prices by up to Rs. 8,500 a tonne
【New Delhi】India's leading steel producers, i.e. Steel Authority of India Ltd along with Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd, private producers Essar Steel and JSW Steel, have slashed prices of their products by up to Rs 8,500 a tonne to ward off the threat of cheaper imports from countries like China and Ukraine amid a dip in demand, while Tata Steel is still weighing its options.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41624(741/843)
【チャンディガル】国営海運会社Shipping Corporation of India (SCI)は向こう5年間に200億米ドルを投じ、現在500万積載重量トン(DWT)の船団規模を2倍に拡大することを計画している。
◆SCI to invest $20 bn in doubling fleet size
【Chandigarh】Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) plans to invest $20 billion to double its fleet size from the current capacity of 5 million dwt (dead weight tonnage)in next five years.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41625(742/843)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の乗用車輸出会社Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は、世界的景気後退から最大25%の輸出削減を強いられている。
◆Hyundai puts on hold 25% exports
【New Delhi】India's largest car exporter Hyundai Motor India has to put on hold up to 25% of its exports because of the global economic slowdown.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41626(743/843)
【ムンバイ】祝祭日シーズン10月の乗用車メーカー各社の販売成績はまちまちで、Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)とHonda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCI)が苦戦を強いられた反面、 Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)とGeneral Motors India Ltd(GMI)は販売台数を伸ばした。乗用車(car)/多用途車(utility vehicle)/多目的車(multi-purpose vehicle)を含む乗用車輌全般の販売は9%ほど落ち込んだ。
◆Auto sales lose speed, Japanese brands fight bitterly
【Mumbai】The sales figures of festive October have been a mixed bag for car makers in the country. Maruti Suzuki and Honda Siel Cars India (HSCI) fighted bitterly. However Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) and General Motors India showed growth. October sales for cars, utility vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles are reportedly down about 9%.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41627(744/843)
【ムンバイ】祝祭日シーズンにも関わらず、10月の二輪車販売は低調に推移、業界をリードするトップ3社、Hero Honda Motors、Bajaj Auto、TVS Motor Companyは何れもマイナス成長を記録した。
◆Two-wheeler sales slip in October
【Mumbai】Despite being a festive season, October has failed to bring any cheer to two-wheeler companies as Hero Honda Motors, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor Companyre ported a negative trend in October.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41628(745/843)
◆WiMax players set to flood India
【New Delhi】In what seems to make India an Global WiMax centre, all leading players in the WiMax sector such as Alcatel-Lucent, Alvarion, Telsima, Beceem, Wavesat and Motorola are increasingly looking at India as one of the bases for WiMax software development and also to house their manufacturing facilities in the near future.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41629(746/843)
【ムンバイ】バーバ原子力研究センター(BARC:Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)は、戦略プログラムの一環として、既存のものの10倍以上の生産能力を備えた第4世代ウラン濃縮遠心分離器(fourth generation uranium enrichment gas centrifuges)を開発した。
◆4G Uranium Enrichment Gas Centrifuges developed
【Mumbai】The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has developed fourth generation uranium enrichment gas centrifuges with an output of more than 10 times the earlier design as part of India's strategic programme.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41630(747/843)
【ニューデリー】中国の発電設備メーカー東方電気集団公司(DEC:Dongfang Electric Corporation)は、インドに製造拠点を設ける準備を進めているが、Jairam Ramesh電力事業担当国務相は、「中央電力局(CEA:Central Electricity Authority)によれば、国内に製造拠点を設けた中国企業は1社も存在せず、中国企業は設備の納入と、EPC(engineering procurement and construction)契約のみを手がけている」と国会に報告した。
◆Dongfang Electric plans to set up production facility in India
【New Delhi】Chinese power equipment maker Dongfang Electric Corp plans to build a production facility in India though a parliamentary committee has said that no Chinese firm is manufacturing here, but only supplying equipment.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41631(748/843)
【ニューデリー】国営ガス供給会社GAIL India Ltdと、国内最大の国営石油精製会社Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC)は、1万クロー(US$20.62億)を投じ、ビハール州Barauniに共同で石油化学コンプレックスを設ける可能性を研究することで合意、10月31日関係覚書に調印した。
◆GAIL, IOC in pact to set up Rs 10k-cr petrochem project
【New Delhi】State-run gas utility GAIL India Ltd and country's largest crude oil refiner Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL) on October 31 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for exploring the possibility of setting up a Rs 10,000 cr petrochemical plant at Barauni, Bihar.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41632(749/843)
【ムンバイ】国営石油会社2社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd(HPCL)とBharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd(BPCL)は、国際市場における原油の値下がりに伴い、11月1日から再度可食ヘキサンの価格をトン当たり8000ルピー引き下げた。
◆Petroleum cos reduce Hexane price
【Mumbai】Hindustan Petroleum Corporation and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd have further reduced the food grade Hexane price by Rs 8,000 per kilolitre with effect from November 1, 2008, following the decrease in crude oil price in the international market.
2008-11-10 ArtNo.41637(750/843)
【チェンナイ】東芝とJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の超臨界圧ボイラー製造合弁事業は、6ヶ月以内にタミールナド州Chennai近郊Ennoreにおける土木工事がスタート、その後段階的に生産活動が開始される。
◆Toshiba-JSW plant to go on stream in phases
【Chennai】The Toshiba-JSW combine's supercritical power boilers manufacturing joint venture will commence civil works at Ennore near Chennai in the next six months, and will go on stream in phases.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2008