企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2008
【プネー】年商2000クロー(US$4.12億)のPLG Groupは、マハラシュトラ州Nashik県Sinnarとマドヤプラデシュ州Indoreに2つの100%輸出志向ユニット(EOU)、PLG Power Limited(PLGPL)とPLG Photovoltaic Ltd(PLGPvL)を設け、900クロー(US$1.85億)を投じて太陽光発電モジュール及び太陽光電池の製造に乗り出す。
◆PLG investing Rs 900 cr to make solar modules
【Pune】The Rs 2,000-crore PLG Group is investing Rs 900 crore to set-up two 100% EOUs at Sinnar near Nashik in Maharashtra and Indore in Madhya Pradesh to manufacture Solar Photovoltaic Modules and high efficiency solar cells.
【浦那】年售200亿卢比相等于4亿1237万美元的PLG集团计划投资90亿卢比相等于1亿8557万美元在马哈拉施特拉州纳西克县新纳尔以及在中央州印多尔设立两个100%出口型单位,即-PLG Power有限公司与PLG Photovoltaic有限公司,而制造太阳能模块与太阳能电池。
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41725(802/843)
【ハイデラバード】原子力局(DAE: department of atomic energy)は、来年末までに高速増殖炉(FBR:fast breeder reactor)23基を稼働させる計画で、内12基は国産技術を採用する。
◆To add 12 indigenous FB-reactors by next year
【Hyderabad】The department of atomic energy plans to operationalise 23 fast breeder reactors (FBR) in the country by next year with an ambitious work on 12 reactors with indigenous technologies.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41726(803/843)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の精密機器メーカー、MTAR Technologies Pvt Ltdは、高速増殖炉(Fast Breeder Reactor)の重要部品『Grid Plate』の国産化に成功した。
◆FBR' crucial component made in India
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based MTAR Technologies Pvt Ltd, a maker of precision engineering equipment for the strategic sectors, has fabricated a critical component – The Grid Plate – for the Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs).
【海德拉巴】总部设在海德拉巴的精密工程设备供应商MTAR技术私人有限公司已经成功地制造快速增殖反应堆的关键部件格子板(Grid Plate)。
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41727(804/843)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼王LN Mittal氏傘下のMittal Energy Investments(MEI)はアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)における100億米ドルの石油精製及び石油化学合弁事業への投資を暫時棚上げする方針を決めた。
◆Mittal puts Vizag refinery-cum-petrochem project on hold
【New Delhi】Steel czar LN Mittal's Mittal Energy Investments has decided to put on hold its investment in the proposed USD 10 bn joint venture refinery-cum-petrochemical project at Visakhapatnam.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41728(805/843)
【チェンナイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)製造業者Neuland Laboratories Limited(NLL)は心血管疾患/中枢神経系疾患/抗感染薬領域に照準を合わせアジア太平洋地域における新収入源を開拓する計画だ。
◆Japan to contribute 20 % to Neuland's revenues
【Chennai】Hyderabad-based Neuland Laboratories Limited, the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer will focus mainly on cardiovascular, central nervous system disorders and anti-infectives segments for generating new revenue channels for the Asia-Pacific region.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41734(806/843)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL)は、送配電網プロジェクトのターンキー契約獲得を目指し、東芝と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆BHEL in talks with Toshiba for transmission JV
【New Delhi】Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd (BHEL) is in talks with Japanese firm Toshiba Corporation to set up a joint venture to offer turnkey services in the country's power transmission sector.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41735(807/843)
【ムンバイ】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)と神戸製鋼所は12月1日協力契約を結んだ。同契約の下、前者は後者から高付加価値鉄鋼製品の製造技術を手に入れることができ、後者は前者から原料の供給を受けられる。
◆Essar in tie-up with Kobe Steel
【Mumbai】Essar Steel and Japan's Kobe Steel on December 1 signed an agreement that will see the Indian company gain access to technology for making high-grade steel products, while providing raw materials to the Japanese company.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41736(808/843)
【ムンバイ】特殊鋼メーカーMukand Ltdは神戸製鋼所と、後者が開発した低コストな直接溶融還元技術IT mk3 (Iron-making Technology Mark 3)を用いたアイアンナゲット(iron nugget)製造施設をインド国内に設けるEPC(engineering, procurement and construction)契約を独占的に引き受けるライセンス契約を結んだ。
◆Mukand enters into licence agreement with Kobe Steel
【Mumbai】Speciality steelmaker Mukand Ltd has entered into an exclusive licence agreement with Kobe Steel of Japan to execute EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) contracts of Kobe's low-cost steel making process, IT mk3 technology projects in India.
【孟买】印度特钢生产商穆坎德公司跟神户制钢公司签署专用特许协议。这项协议下前者承包在印度兴建后者独自发展的直接熔融还原法(IT mk3)铁蛋厂的EPC(设计·采购·施工)合约。
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41737(809/843)
【ニューデリー】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCIL)を除く、主要乗用車メーカーの11月の国内販売は大幅な落ち込みを見、全体で20%ほど減少した。
◆Car sales fall sharply in Nov
【New Delhi】All major car companies, except Honda Siel Cars India, have reported a steep decline in November sales. The overall car market showed around 20 per cent drop this month.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41738(810/843)
◆Commercial vehicle sales plunge
【New Delhi】The high interest rates have created much friction on the commercial vehicle sales, with domestic sales registering one of its steepest falls this November.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41739(811/843)
◆Ttwo-wheeler sales slide in November
【New Delhi】Ttwo-wheeler manufacturers felt the impact of a slowing economy with domestic sales sliding this November. However Honda's two sister companies maintained growth trajectory.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41740(812/843)
◆Moser Baer、チェンナイにLCD TV工場建設
【コルカタ】最近インド国内で消費者用電子製品の販売を開始したデータ記憶装置メーカーMoser Baer India Limited(MBIL)は、来年タミールナド州Chennaiに液晶テレビジョンの製造施設を設ける。
◆Moser Baer to set up LCD TV unit at Chennai
【Kolkata】Data storage-devices manufacturer Moser Baer India Limited, which recently started selling consumer electronics products in India, plans to set up an LCD television manufacturing unit in Chennai by next year.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41746(813/843)
【ニューデリー】国営鉱山会社National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)は、鉄鉱石の国内長期契約価格を12月1日に遡って25%引き下げた。
◆NMDC cuts iron ore prices by 25%
【New Delhi】The National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) has reduced iron ore prices for domestic long-term contracts by 25 per cent with effect from December 1.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41747(814/843)
◆National Aluminium Company、赤字転落の危機に
【コルカタ】National Aluminium Company (Nalco)は、ロンドン金属取引所(LME:London Metal Exchange)におけるアルミニウムの価格が、世界的景気後退を背景に12月3日、過去最低のトン当たり1586米ドルに落ち込む中、創業以来初の赤字転落の危機に直面している。
◆National Aluminium Company facing crisis
【Kolkata】National Aluminium Company (Nalco) is standing amid the fear that it may slip into losses, for the first time since its inception as the quoted rate of aluminum at London Metal Exchange (LME) dipped to all time low of 1586 US dollar per tonne on December 3 due to global recession.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41749(815/843)
【チェンナイ】Yamaha Motor India Sales Private Ltd(YMISPL)は来年自動変速スクーターを発売、スクーター市場に進出する。
◆Yamaha to launch scooter next year
【Chennai】Yamaha Motor India Sales Private Ltd is set to enter scooter segment with launching its first gearless scooter next year.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41750(816/843)
【チェンナイ】年商50億米ドルのTV Sundaram Iyengar & Sons Ltd傘下のSundaram Industries Ltd(SIL)は、ブリジストンと合弁会社Bridgestone TVS India Ltd(BTIL)を設立、自動車用防振ゴムの製造に乗り出す。
◆Sundaram Ind sets up JV with Bridgestone
【Chennai】Sundaram Industries Ltd has set up a joint venture company, Bridgestone TVS India Ltd, with Bridgestone Corporation of Japan to make anti-vibration rubber components for automobiles.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41751(817/843)
【バンガロール】Dish TVやTata Sky等の主要衛星放送(DTH:direct-to-home)会社がチャンネルの増設を計画する中、Indian Space Research Organsiation (Isro)は、トランスポンダーのキャパシティーを拡張する方針を決めた。
◆Isro to enhance transponder capacity to meet DTH demand
【Bangalore】Indian Space Research Organsiation (Isro) plans to increase its satellite transponder capacity in order to provide communication service to direct-to-home (DTH) players such as Dish TV and Tata Sky.
【邦加罗尔】因为印度的主要卫星广播(DTH=Direct To Home)公司包括Dish TV与Tata Sky计划增加频道数目,印度空间研究组织已经决定扩张卫星转发器的容量而应付需求的增加。
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41755(818/843)
【ニューデリー】経済特別区(SEZ:special economic zone)プロジェクト50件以上の開発業者が政府に完工期限の延長やプロジェクトそのものからの撤収許可を求める中で、統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府の投資誘致政策の旗艦を成す『経済特別区』スキームが深刻な試練に直面している。
◆Centre working out SEZ exit route
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance's flagship investment magnet, special economic zones (SEZs), are in for some serious tweaking, with over 50 SEZ developers approaching the commerce ministry to buy time for project completion and, in some cases, abandon them altogether.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41756(819/843)
【ニューデリー】JSW SteelやIspat Industries等の主要鉄鋼メーカーが12月8日深夜をもって中央付加価値税(CENVAT)の4%ポイント引き下げの利益を顧客に還元すると発表したことから、鉄鋼価格はトン当たり最大1600ルピー下降する見通しだ。
◆Steel prices to fall by up to Rs 1,600 per tonne
【New Delhi】Steel products will cost less by up to Rs 1,600 a tonne with Steel majors, i.e. JSW Steel, Ispat Industries and etc. announcing to pass on the 4 per cent reduction in the ad valorem Central Value Added Tax (Cenvat) rate to the consumers, effective midnight December 8.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41757(820/843)
◆Nalco、Rio Tinto Alcanと戦略提携
【ムンバイ】国営National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco)は、国内及び海外におけるプレゼンスを強化する狙いから、世界的鉱山会社Rio Tintoの子会社でカナダを拠点にするRio Tinto Alcanと戦略提携を結んだ。
◆Nalco in strategic deal with Rio Tinto Alcan
【Mumbai】State-run National Aluminium Co Ltd (Nalco) has signed a strategic alliance with Canada-based Rio Tinto Alcan, the arm of global miner Rio Tinto, for increasing its presence in India and abroad.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41758(821/843)
【チャンディガル】三井物産の現地法人Mitsui & Company India Pvt Ltd(MCI)はハリヤナ州に日本企業向けの総合的な工業・運輸・ロジスティクス・パーク(Integrated Japanese Industrial, Transportation and Logistic Park)を開発するため8日、ハリヤナ州工業インフラ開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation)及びIL&FS Infrastructure Development Corporation(IIDC)と関係覚書を取り交わした。
◆Mitsui to invest Rs 5,000 cr to set up logistic park
【Chandigarh】Japanese giant Mitsui & Company India Pvt Ltd on December 8 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) and IL&FS Infrastructure Development Corporation for setting up an Integrated Japanese Industrial, Transportation and Logistic Park in Haryana.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41762(822/843)
【ハイデラバード】クリーン技術会社4社-①Solar Semiconductor/②KSK Energy Venture Limited/③XL Telecom and Energy Limited/④Surana Ventures Limited -が、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadのファブシティーで1ヶ月以内に操業を開始する。
◆Four clean tech cos in Fab City to go on stream soon
【Hyderabad】Four clean technology companies are set to start their operations at the Fab City in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh in a month. They are Solar Semiconductor, KSK Energy Venture Limited, XL Telecom and Energy Limited and Surana Ventures Limited.
【海德拉巴】4间清洁技术企业在安德拉州海德拉巴的晶圆城准备1个月内开始操作。这些公司是①太阳能半导体公司,② KSK能源风险有限公司,③XL Telecom & Energy有限公司,以及④ Surana Ventures有限公司。
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41769(823/843)
【ニューデリー】国営企業2社National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)とBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)は、最近設立した発電設備の製造や関連工事を手がける合弁会社NTPC-Bhel Power Projects Pvt Ltd (NBPPL)をキックスタートさせるため、NBPPLの授権資本を5クロー(US$100万)から750クロー(US$1.5億)に拡張する。
◆NTPC, Bhel to raise share capital of power equipment JV
【New Delhi】The National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC) and Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL) are all set to kick off their newly set up engineering and power equipment joint venture NTPC-Bhel Power Projects Pvt Ltd (NBPPL) by enhancing its authorised share capital from Rs 5 crore to Rs 750 crore.
【新德里】两间国营公司,印度国家热电公司与巴拉特重电公司为了开动他们最近共同设立的工程与制造发电设施合资公司NTPC-Bhel Power Projects私人有限公司而准备把该合资公司的法定股本从现在的5000万卢比扩张到75亿卢比。
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41771(824/843)
◆Recession to affect steel production target
【New Delhi】Although no one is willing to admit officially, the big players of the Indian steel industry appear to have virtually given up on their target to achieve a combined capacity of over 85 million tonnes (mt) of finished steel by 2011-12.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41772(825/843)
◆JSW Bengal Steel、石炭鉱区獲得
【コルカタ】JSW Bengal Steel Ltd(JBSL)は西ベンガル州West Midnapore県Salboniにおける年産1000万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクト用に石炭産業省から石炭鉱区3ブロックの割当を受けた。しかし依然としてコークス用炭を輸入する必要がある。
◆JSW Bengal Steel alloted three coal blocks
【Kolkata】JSW Bengal Steel has been allotted three coal blocks in West Bengal for its 10 million tonne steel plant in Salboni by the Union coal ministry, although the company will have to depend on imports for supply of coking coal to its project.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41773(826/843)
◆Toyota Kirloskar、生産30%カット、投資計画は続行
【ニューデリー】トヨタのインド子会社Toyota Kirloskar Motor India Ltd(TKMIL)は今月の目標生産量を30%カットした。しかしカルナタカ州Bangalore郊外Bidadiに3200クロー(US$6.4億)を投じて第二工場を設ける計画は予定どおり進める。
◆Toyota Kirloskar cuts output, no change in investment plans
【New Delhi】Toyota Kirloskar Motor India, Toyota Motor Corporation's Indian subsidiary has cut production by 30 per cent this month, but its Rs 3,200-crore second plant at Bidadi, near Bangalore, is untouched.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41774(827/843)
◆Domestic passenger air-traffic falls by 21% in November
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger air traffic fell 21% in November this year at 3.04 mn against 3.87 mn in the same period last year.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41776(828/843)
◆Naxals attack telecom and power infra in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】Naxalite guerillas on December 13 night destroyed a telecom exchange, a tower and also power supply lineins separate attacks in the interior areas of Kanker district, Chhattisgarh.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41779(829/843)
◆Orissa govt to reduce the land of 10 mega steel projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government has decided to reduce the land requirement of 10 mega steel projects by about 5481 acres, equivalent to 16 per cent of the original requirement in the MoUs signed between the concerned companies and the state government.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41780(830/843)
【ニューデリー】インドの指導的不動産開発業者Parsvnath Developers Ltd(PDL)は、金融危機に伴う資金難から全国各地で進める特別経済区(SEZ)計画12件を棚上げした。
◆Parsvnath shelves 12 SEZ projects
【New Delhi】Parsvnath Developers Ltd, a leading realty firm, has put on hold 12 Special Economic Zone (SEZ) projects across the country due to credit crunch.
【新德里】印度主要房地产企业Parsvnath Developers有限公司因为资金紧缩,已经把全国各地的12项发展经济特区计划搁置。
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41781(831/843)
◆Shipping cos may put expansion on hold
【Mumbai】The domestic shipping industry, which has placed orders for new vessels worth $1.3 billion in the past two years to jack up their fleet size, may abandon its expansion plans, at least partially, if the gloom in the commodity markets continues for a few more months.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41783(832/843)
◆Honda Siel、ラジャスタン新工場の操業延期
【ムンバイ】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCI)は、インド国内の乗用車需要の軟化からラジャスタン州に設けた新工場の操業を延期する方針を決めた。
◆Honda Siel defers Rajasthan expansion plan
【Mumbai】Honda Siel Cars India (HSCI) will postpone the capacity enhancement and assembly operations at its new plant in Rajasthan due to weak domestic demand for cars.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41784(833/843)
【バンガロール】マイクロエレクトロニクス/ディスプレー/太陽光電池(PV)産業の国際組織、Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International(SEMI)がカルナタカ州Bangaloreにオフィスを設け、インドにプレゼンスを築いた。
◆SEMI sets up India office
【Bangalore】Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International(SEMI), the global industry body of the microelectronic, display and photovoltaic (PV) industries, has set up an office in Bangalore and formally marked its presence in India.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41787(834/843)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の製薬会社Aurobindo Pharma Ltd(APL)は米国食品薬品局(USFDA)からヒト免疫不全ウィルス(HIV)感染症治療薬の製造・販売許可を取得した。
◆Aurobindo HIV drug approved by USFDA
【Mumbai】Aurobindo Pharma Ltd, the Hyderabad-based pharma major, has received the US administration's approval to manufacture and market the drug used for treatment of HIV infections.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41791(835/843)
◆RSB Metaltech、オリッサ州にアルミ複合施設建設
【ブーバネスワル】地元の指導的自動車コンポーネント及びシステム製造業者RSB Metaltech Private Ltd(RSBMPL)は6800クロー(US$13.6億)を投じオリッサ州にアルミ・コンプレックスを建設するため19日、オリッサ州政府と関係覚書を交換した。
◆RSB Metaltech to set up aluminium complex in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】RSB Metaltech Private Ltd., a leading automotive component and system manufacturer, on December 19 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Orissa government to set up a Rs 6,800-crore integrated light metal aluminium complex in Orissa.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41792(836/843)
【ブーバネスワル】公共部門のアルミ大手National Aluminium Company Ltd(Nalco)は20日、アラブ首長国連邦のラス・アル・ハイマ投資局(RAKIA:Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority)子会社Rak Minerals and Metals Investments (RMMI)と、インドネシアで1万4000クロー(US$28億)のプロジェクトを進める合弁契約を結んだ。
◆Nalco to set up a smelter in Indonesia with RMMI
【Bhubaneswar】The public sector aluminium major National Aluminium Company (Nalco) on December 20 inked an agreement with Rak Minerals and Metals Investments (RMMI), a subsidiary of Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority, for its Rs 14,000-crore Indonesian project.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41793(837/843)
【ムンバイ】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は、海外における需要の軟化から2009年の輸出が4分の1ほど縮小するものと見ている。
◆Hyundai Motor India sees exports down 25% in '09
【Mumbai】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL) expects its exports to fall by a quarter in 2009 due to shrinking overseas demand. The company is undertaking production cuts by reducing shifts, while considering a cut in its temporary workforce.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41794(838/843)
◆India Q3 PC shipments grow 1.7%
【New Delhi】Client PC shipments reached just 2.26 million units in the third quarter (July-Spetmeber), a marginal growth of 1.7 per cent over the same period a year ago.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41795(839/843)
【ムンバイ】世界銀行は、同行職員に不当な利益を供与し、不完全な送り状を作成したとの理由からニューヨーク証券取引所上場、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のインド第4位のソフトウェア輸出会社Satyam Computer Services Ltd(SCSL)との一切の取引を向こう8年間停止する方針を決めた。
◆World Bank bars Satyam for 8 yrs
【Mumbai】The World Bank has barred Satyam Computer Services, the Hyderabad-based India's fourth-biggest software services exporter, which is also listed in New York, from doing any business with it for the next eight years due to "improper benefits to bank staff" and "lack of documentation on invoices".
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41796(840/843)
◆Bhaskar Silicon、PVプロジェクト申請
【ニューデリー】Bhaskar Silicon Ltd(BSL)は、半導体産業『特別奨励パッケージ・スキーム(SIPS:Special Incentive Package Scheme)』の下に5900クロー(US$11.8億)を投じ、ポリシリコン、シリコン・ウエハー、太陽光電池、同モジュールの製造を含む光起電(PV:photovoltaic)プロジェクトを進める申請を行った。
◆Bhaskar Silicon applies to set up PV project
【New Delhi】Bhaskar Silicon Ltd(BSL) has applied to the Centre to set up a PV project that would encompass polysilicon, silicon wafers, cells and modules, at a proposed investment of Rs 5,900 crore under Special Incentive Package Scheme.
◆Bhaskar Silicon申请光伏投资计划
【新德里】Bhaskar Silicon有限公司向印度中央政府申请在半导体与生态系统特别奖励政策下投资590亿卢比相等于11亿8000万美元进行光伏项目,包括多晶硅,硅片,太阳能电池以及太阳能模块的制造。
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41797(841/843)
◆Moser Baer、ヒマチャルプラデシュ州で水力発電事業に進出
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer India Limited(MBIL)はヒマチャルプラデシュ州政府が国際入札を募集した14件の水力発電プロジェクト中5件の契約を獲得した。落札者は発電した電力の一部を無料で州当局に供給する。
◆Moser Baer enters hydel sector in Himachal Pradesh
【New Delhi】Moser Baer India Limited has bagged five of the 14 hydro electric projects offered by Himachal Pradesh state government through the global bidding route with free power.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41798(842/843)
【コルカタ】オリッサ州で独立電力供給業者(IPP)プロジェクトを手がけることを計画する13社中の7社が、2008年12月31日までに国営送配電会社Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL)と、大口定額料金契約(BPTA:bulk power tariff agreement)を結ぶ方針を決めた。
◆7 IPPs to sign BPTAs with PGCIL by the end of this month
【Kolkata】Seven of the proposed thirteen Independent Power Projects in Orissa have decided to sign bulk power tariff agreements (BPTAs) with Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL) by December 31 2008.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41799(843/843)
【チャンディガル】Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC)とIndian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL)がハリヤナ州Panipatの5000エーカーの土地に開発する石油化学ハブは、北部インドの石油化学産業の成長を加速するものと期待されている。
◆Panipat petrochem hub to boost industries in north India
【Chandigarh】The upcoming petrochemical hub, to be jointly developed by Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) and Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), on the 5,000 acre land in Panipat is set to drive the growth of the petrochemical industry in north India.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2008