金融 Finance in 2008
◆Rupee recovers vs dollar
【Mumbai】Slow-down in dollar buying by oil refiners have helped the rupee to recover smartly. It rose to a hight of 41.58/59 against the US currency on May 16's late morning trading from previous day's close of 42.75/76 which was a 13-month low.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41003(52/166)
◆US Exim Bank to lend over $6 b to Indian airline cos
【Mumbai】Export-Import Bank of the US is planing to lend more than $6 billion to Indian airline companies for aircraft financing in the medium term.
2008-05-16 ArtNo.41005(53/166)
◆三陽工業、Kinetic Motors支配権益買収目指す
【ムンバイ】台湾の二輪車メーカー三陽工業は、インド市場により多くの製品を投入する狙いからマハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のKinetic Motor Company (KMC)の支配権益買収を目指している。
◆Sanyang eying controlling stake in Kinetic Motors
【Mumbai】Taiwan-based two-wheeler maker Sanyang Industry Company is eying controlling stake in Pune-based Kinetic Motor Company (KMC) to expand its product offering in India.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41015(54/166)
◆Japan asks to conduct a feasibility study again
【New Delhi】The Japanese government has now expressed doubts over the technical viability of an 800-km portion of the western dedicated freight corridor project between Rewari and Baroda, which the government had shown interest in financing, and asked the railway ministry to conduct a feasibility study.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41016(55/166)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Kolkata拠点のAnkit Metal & Power Ltd(AMPL)は、10万トンの総合的鉄鋼プロジェクトを完成したのもつかの間、既存コルカタ工場の鉄鋼年産能力を2倍に拡張する計画だ。
◆Ankit to double metals capacity through FCCB route
【Kolkata】Kolkata-based Ankit Metal & Power Ltd is planning to double capacity at its existing unit in West Bengal, after completing its one lakh tonne per annum steel project.
【加尔各答】位于西孟加拉州加尔各答的Ankit Metal & Power有限公司钢完成年产10万吨总合性制钢项目之后,就计划把西孟加拉州的现有钢厂扩张到两倍。
2008-05-23 ArtNo.41022(56/166)
【ムンバイ】インド最大の携帯電話会社Bharti Airtel Ltd(BAL)は南アフリカの電信会社MTN Groupの買収を目指し、Singapore Telecommunications Ltd(SingTel)と共同で特殊目的会社を設ける。首尾良く買収できれば、全世界の1ダース以上の国に1億3000万人以上の契約者を有する世界6位の移動体通信会社が誕生することになる。
◆Bharti, SingTel to form SPV for MTN buy
【Mumbai】Bharti Airtel, India's top mobile telecoms operator, and partner Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) plan to set up a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for the acquisition of South Africa's MTN Group. If the acquisition succeeds, the world's sixth-largest mobile operator, with more than 130 million subscribers in around two dozen countries, will be created.
【孟买】印度最大移动电话企业巴帝空中电话服务公司与它的伙帮新加坡电信公司计划设立特殊目的机构而共同收购南非收购南非电信公司MTN Group。如果这项收购计划成功,就会诞生雍有在一打以上国家里总共1亿3000万以上订户的全球第六大移动电话公司。
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41050(57/166)
◆M&M、Kinetic Motors支配権益買収検討
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のMahindra and Mahindra (M&M)は専門チームを組織して年間720万台のインド二輪車市場進出の準備を進める一方、マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点の二輪車製造会社Kinetic Motor Company (KMC)の支配権益買収を目指し評価作業を開始した。
◆M&M sees majority stake in Kinetic Motors
【Mumbai】Mumbai-based Mahindra and Mahindra (M&M) has appointed an independent team to prepare entering the country's 7.2-million strong two-wheeler market and is currently assessing the deal to acquire a majority stake in Kinetic Motor Company (KMC), a Pune-based two-wheeler manufacturer.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41057(58/166)
◆Buoyed by robust agri growth, GDP beats forecasts
【New Delhi】Fuelled by buoyancy in agriculture, the Indian economy grew 9% in 2007-08, up from 8.7% estimated earlier, even as the performance of manufacturing sector deteriorated.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41069(59/166)
【ムンバイ】Sterlite Industries India Limited(SIIL)は5月31日、米国アリゾナ州トゥーソン拠点の銅鉱山・精錬会社Asarco LLC(旧社名American Smelting and Refining Company)のほとんど全ての稼働資産(operating assets)を現金26億米ドルで買収する確定契約を結んだ。
◆Sterlite to acquire US-based Asarco for $2.6 b
【Mumbai】Sterlite Industries (India) Limited on May 31 signed a definitive agreement with Asarco LLC, a Tucson (Arizona)-based mining, smelting and refining company, formerly known as American Smelting and Refining Company, to acquire substantially all the operating assets of the latter for $2.6 billion in an all-cash deal.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41070(60/166)
【コルカタ】臨海型製鉄所Visakhapatnam Steel Plantを経営する国営Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL)は、鉄鉱石の供給を確保する狙いから国内最大の鉄鉱山会社国営National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC)との合併を提案した。
◆RINL mulls merger with NMDC
【Kolkata】Public sector steel major Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL), which operates the shore-based Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, has proposed a merger with the state-owned National Mineral Development Corp (NMDC),the countrys largest iron ore producers, to secure iron ore mines.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41076(61/166)
【ニューデリー】テクノロジー・メジャー、Intelは地元テレコム企業と、インド国内におけるWiMax(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)サービスの立ち上げに関して協議しており、関係プロジェクトへの資本参加を含む、戦略的投資を目指している。
◆Intel intends to make a strategic investment in WiMax services
【New Delhi】Technology heavyweight Intel is having talks with Indian telecom players for rolling out WiMax services in the country. It intends to make a strategic investment, including picking up equity stake.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41080(62/166)
【ニューデリー】ホテル、病院、ソフトウェア会社等のサービス部門企業は、今後資本財の輸入に際して最大1億米ドルまで対外商業借款(ECB:external commercial borrowing)を自動認可ルートを通じて申請できる。
◆Services sector gets ECB boost
【New Delhi】Borrowers in the services sector —hotels, hospitals and software Companies— henceforth may avail external commercial borrowing (ECB) up to $100 million for import of capital goods under the approval route, according to a government statement.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41089(63/166)
【ムンバイ】年商130億米ドルの米国電力設備会社Eaton Corporationは、インドに製造拠点を設けることを計画するとともに、配電会社を買収する機会を探っている。
◆Eaton mulling to acquire a power distribution co
【Mumbai】Eaton Corporation, the $13 billion US engineering firm, is mulling to acquire a power distribution company besides to manufactur power equipment in India.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41099(64/166)
【ムンバイ】地元自動車大手Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)はイタリア企業Engines Engineering SpAと、後者の二輪車設計ビジネスを買収する契約を結んだ。
◆M&M buys Italian two-wheeler design firm
【Mumbai】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has signed an agreement with Engines Engineering SpA of Italy, to acquire the latter's two-wheeler designing business.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41106(65/166)
◆Inflation touches the highest point in 7 years
【New Delhi】Inflation touched 8.75 per cent for the week ended May 31 from 8.24 per cent in the previous week, the highest in 7 years, mainly due to rising prices of food articles and vegetable, leading to fears that the recent increase in fuel prices would push it past 9 per cent.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41108(66/166)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の地場製薬会社Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)のプロモーターSingh一族は、RLLの51~62%の持ち分を34億~46億米ドルで第一三共株式会社に売却することに同意した。
◆Daiichi Sankyo snaps up Ranbaxy for $4.6 bn
【New Delhi】The Indian promoters of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, India's largest domestic drug company, the Singh family, have agreed to sell their 51-62% stake in Ranbaxy for $3.4 billion to $4.6 billion to Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd of Japan.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41121(67/166)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Communications(RComm)による南アフリカのテレコム・ジャイアントMTN支配権買収の企ては、アンバニ兄弟の紛争を再燃させた。RCommのAnil Ambani会長は15日、Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)会長を務める兄のMukesh Ambani氏が行使すると警告した第一拒否権に根拠はなく、自分は自由にRCommの株式を売買できると声明した。
◆Reliance's sibling strife flare-up over RComm's MTN deal
【New Delhi】Reliance Communications's(RComm) move to acquire controlling stakes in South African telecom giant MTN has made sibling strife between two Ambani brothers flare-up again. RComm Chairman Anil Ambani on June 15 said that he could transfer shares in the company without restrictions, rejecting Reliance Industries Chairman and elder brother Mukesh Ambani's claim of having the first right of refusal as "meaningless''.
【新德里】瑞莱恩斯通讯公司收购南非电信公司MTN Group支配股权的企图重新燃起瑞莱恩斯工业有限公司会长穆凯什·德鲁拜·安巴尼和他的弟弟阿尼尔·安巴尼之间的骨肉相残。瑞莱恩斯通讯公司会长阿尼尔·安巴尼6月16日说,他的哥哥主张的第一否决权是没有根据的废话,他可以把瑞莱恩斯通讯公司的股权自由卖出去。
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41122(68/166)
◆Modi氏、Sony TV権益買収協議
【ムンバイ】ワイヤレス・テクノロジー企業の売却で豊富な資金を手にした著名な事業家B K Modi氏は、Multi Screen Media (MSM:旧社名Sony Entertainment Television)の39%権益の買収交渉を進めている。
◆B K Modi negotiating to buy 39% stake in Sony TV
【Mumbai】Prominent Industrialist B K Modi, who is flush with cash from his wireless telephony company's sale, is negotiating to acquire 39 per cent stake in Indian television company, Multi Screen Media (MSM), earlier known as Sony Entertainment Television.
◆B K Modi商量收购索尼电视39%股权
【孟买】最近卖掉无线电公司股权而雍有丰富资金的著名实业家B K Modi正在商量收购多屏幕媒体公司,即旧名索尼娱乐电视印度公司的39%股权。
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41123(69/166)
【ムンバイ】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)はインド国内における移動体通信技術対応支払い制度確立に向けた第1歩として、ガイドライン草案を発表した。
◆The central bank issues mobile payment guidelines
【Mumbai】The Reserve Bank of India, the central bank, has issued draft guidelines, as a first step towards building a mobile payment framework in India.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41135(70/166)
◆Reliance、Jet Airways権益買収協議
【ムンバイ】インドの指導的石油化学/石油精製企業Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、インド最大の民間航空会社Jet Airways Ltd(JAL)の6~7%の権益買収を目指し、後者と交渉を進めている。
◆Reliance in talks to buy stake in Jet Airways
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd, India's leading petrochemical maker and a refiner, is in talks with Jet Airways Ltd, India's largest private carrier, to buy a 6-7 percent stake in the private airline.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41138(71/166)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のMosChip Semiconductor Technology Ltd(MSTL)は、米国企業Intellasysのオーディオ/ビデオ部門Indigitaを買収した。買収価格は不明。
◆Moschip buys US-based Indigita
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based Moschip Semiconductor Technology has acquired U.S.-based Indigita, the audio and video division of Intellasys for undisclosed amount.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41154(72/166)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は24日、短期ローン金利の指標とされるレポ・レートと市中銀行が中央銀行に預けることを義務づけられた現金の準備率CRR(Cash Reserve Ratio)を各50ベイシス・ポイント引き上げた。これは同行が近年採用した措置の中でも最も厳しいものの1つに数えられる。
◆RBI raises CRR, repo rate by 50 bps each
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India(RBI) on June 24 announced the dual measures of a hike in repo rate, the rate at which banks borrow short-term funds from RBI, and Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), the cash banks must keep with the central bank, by 50 basis points each. This is one of the steepest measures in recent times.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41158(73/166)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするGMR Infrastructure Ltd(GMRI)は25日、オランダの電力会社InterGen N.V.の50%権益を11億米ドルで買収する確定契約を結んだと発表した。
◆GMR Infra buys 50 % stake in InterGen for $1.1b
【Mumbai】Hyderabad-based GMR Infrastructure Ltd on June 25 announced the signing of a definitive documentation for the acquisition of 50 per cent stake in the Netherlands-based power generation company, InterGen N.V. for USD 1.1 bn.
◆GMR Infra收购InterGen的50%股权
【孟买】位于安德拉州海德拉巴的GMR Infrastructure有限公司6月25日发表说,它已经签署确定合约而同意以11亿美元收购荷兰发电企业InterGen N.V.的50%股权。
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41164(74/166)
◆Idea、Spice Tele買収
【ムンバイ】契約者ベースで国内第5位にランクされるAV Birlaグループ傘下のセル式電話会社Idea Cellular Ltd(ICL)は、BK Modi一族からSpice Communications Ltd(SCL)の40.8%の持ち分を現金2700クロー(US$6.32億)で買い取ることで合意した。同取引額には544クロー(US$1.27億)の非競争条款費用も含まれている。
◆Idea Cellular snaps up Spice Tele
【Mumbai】Idea Cellular of the AV Birla group, the fifth-largest mobile operator in terms of subscribers, has agreed to buy BK Modis 40.8 per cent equity stake in Spice Communications in an all-cash deal worth Rs 2,700 crore, including non-compete fees.
【孟买】埃迪亚·贝拉集团旗下的国内第5大(以订户数目计算)移动电话服务公司Idea蜂窝通信公司已经同意从BK Modi家属购买斯派斯通信公司的40.8%股权。全部现金交易。交易总额270亿卢比相等于6亿3232万美元包括非竞争性条款费用。
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41176(75/166)
◆Salary increment cycles draw to a close
【Ahmedabad】In what the yearly salary increment cycles draw to a close, financial services and IT&ITES sectors, which share an umbilical link with the US markets, have been unimpressive and finished at the bottom of the salary increment chart for the year 2008 even though retail and real-estate have emerged as the highest paymasters.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41185(76/166)
【アーマダバード】世界の化学企業トップ5社に名を連ねるIneosの他、三菱化学や三井化学を含む少なくとも1ダース余りの内外の企業が、国営石油・ガス開発会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)がグジャラート州Dahejに1万2500クロー(US$29.27億)を投じて開発する石油化学コンプレックスONGC Petro Additions Ltd(OPaL)への出資に強い関心を表明している。
◆Mitsui, Mitsubishi in fray for stake in ONGC's Dahej project
【Ahmedabad】At least a dozen companies, including foreign firms, i.e. Ineos, which is one of the world's five largest chemical companies, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Japan's top petrochemical maker, and Japan's Mitsui Chemicals, have expressed interest to pick up a stake in the Rs 12,500-crore($2.9274billion) ONGC Petro Additions (OPaL), ONGC's mega petrochemical complex in Dahej, Gujarat.
【艾哈迈达巴德】至少一打内外企业,包括世界首五个化学公司之一的英力士公司,日本化学巨头三菱化学与三井化学等都表示兴趣参股印度石油天然气公司计划在古吉拉特州达赫杰兴建的1250亿卢比相等于29亿2740万美元石油化学复合设施"ONGC Petro Additions"。
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41200(77/166)
◆野村、LIC Mutual Fund権益買収か
【ムンバイ】野村證券は提携関係拡大を目指し、Life Insurance Corporation(LIC)と先週覚書を交換した。観測筋は野村がLIC Asset Management Company(LICAMC)に出資する伏線ではないかと見ている。
◆Nomura may acquire LIC Mutual Fund stake
【Mumbai】Japanese financial services major Nomura group may acquire a stake in LIC Asset Management Company. Nomura signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Life Insurance Corporation(LIC) last week to explore possibilities of expanding ties.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41212(78/166)
【ムンバイ】風力発電設備会社Suzlon Energy Ltd(SEL)のTulsi Tanti会長兼MDは、バーレーンの投資銀行Arcapita Bankと提携し、中国の風力発電企業Honiton Energy Holdings(HEH)を5億米ドル以上で買収した。
◆Suzlon to invest $2 billion in China by 2012
【Mumbai】Suzlon Energy Ltd chairman Tulsi Tanti jointly with Bahrain-based Arcapita Bank, has acquired Honiton Energy Holdings, a Chinese wind energy firm for over $500 million.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41221(79/166)
◆ソニー・エリクソン、Spice Mobile買収協議
【ニューデリー】Sony EricssonはBK Modi氏が経営するSpice Mobileの買収を目指し、Modiグループと交渉を進めている。Spice MobileはSpice商標の携帯電話端末を販売している。
◆Sony Ericsson in talks to buy Spice Mobile
【New Delhi】Sony Ericsson is in talks to acquire Spice Mobile which is the handset company of the Modi group and sells mobile phones under the Spice brand.
【新德里】根据报道索尼爱立信有兴趣收购斯派斯手机公司。BK Modi集团旗下的斯派斯手机公司销售斯派斯品牌的手机。索尼爱立信跟Modi集团正在磋商有关事宜。
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41253(80/166)
【ムンバイ】Tata Capital Ltd(TCL)とみずほコーポレート銀行は、金融サービス領域の幅広い活動で手を結ぶ。両社は22日、関係覚書に調印した。
◆Tata Capital, Mizuho sign pact for strategic alliance
【Mumbai】Tata Capital and Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd on July 22 signed a memorandum of understanding for a strategic alliance for a wide range of activities in the financial services sector.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41258(81/166)
◆Russian, Israeli set to enter into Indian real estate market
【Mumbai】Investors from Israel, Russia and Eastern and Western Europe are set to enter the Indian real estate market and to invest around Rs 10,000 crore in the coming months, through the PE route.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41268(82/166)
【バンガロール】Intel Capitalは2億5000万米ドルのIntel Capital India Technology fundを通じ、地元企業3社Yatra.com/BuzzInTown.com/Emnet Samsara Media Pvt. Ltdに合計1700万米ドルを投資する計画だ。
◆Intel Capital plans to invest $17 m in three Indian cos
【Bangalore】Intel Capital plans to invest US$17million in three Indian companies - Yatra.com, BuzzInTown.com and Emnet Samsara Media Pvt. Ltd. The funding will come from the $250M Intel Capital India Technology fund.
【邦加罗尔】英特尔投资机构计划通过2亿5000万美元英特尔资本印度科技基金向三间印度公司,即Yatra.com, BuzzInTown.com以及Emnet Samsara Media私人有限公司投资总共1700万美元。
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41273(83/166)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India (RBI)は、二桁インフレを鎮静させるためレポ・レートを50ベイシス・ポイント直ちに引き上げるとともに、支払い準備率(CRR:cash reserve ratio)を8月30日より25ベイシス・ポイント上乗せすると発表した。
◆RBI hikes repo rate by 50 bps, CRR by 25 bps
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on July 29 raised the repo rate by 50 basis points immediately and announced hiking of the cash reserve ratio (CRR) by 25 basis points with effect from August 30 in an aggressive move to quash the double digit inflation.
2008-08-04 ArtNo.41279(84/166)
【ハイデラバード】Bill Clinton Foundation(BCF)は、恒常的に干魃の被害を被っているアンドラプラデシュ州Anantapur県に大規模なソーラ及び風力発電施設を設けることを検討している。
◆Clinton Foundation may set up power plant in Anantapur
【Hyderabad】The Bill Clinton Foundation is looking to set up a mega solar-cum-wind power plant in the drought-hit Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41290(85/166)
◆Tata Steel、シンガポールに海外事業持ち株会社設置
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)はシンガポールに持ち株会社Tata Steel Global(TSG)を設立、Corusを含む全ての海外事業を新会社の傘下に収めるとともに、今後新会社を通じて鉄鋼、石炭、鉄鉱石等に関わるグループの企業買収資金を調達する。TSGは8月1日、正式に発足、資産総額は130億米ドル近い。
◆Tata Steel sets up overseas holding firm in Singapore
【Mumbai】Tata Steel has set up a new holding company, Tata Steel Global(TSG), in Singapore and has transferred all its overseas assets, including Corus, into TSG. TSG which came into effect from Friday, August 1, has an enterprise book value of close to $13 billion and will raise funds for the overseas expansion including future acquisitions in steel, coal or iron ore by the group.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41292(86/166)
【ムンバイ】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)は80:20の合弁会社Mahindra Kinetic Scooters and Motorcycles Ltd(MKSM)を通じ、マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のKinetic Motor Company Ltd(KMCL)を110クロー(US$2576万)で買収、二輪車市場進出を果たす。
◆M&M buys Kinetic Motor Company for Rs 110 crore
【Mumbai】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) will buy the business assets of Pune-based Kinetic Motor Company Ltd for Rs 110 crore through a new 80:20 joint venture company called Mahindra Kinetic Scooters and Motorcycles Ltd, to gain an entry into the two-wheeler market.
2008-08-13 ArtNo.41313(87/166)
【ニューデリー】NTPC Ltd(前社名Thermal Power Corporation Limited)は、NHPC Ltd(前社名National Hydroelectric Corp)/Power Finance Corporation(PFC)/Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)と、合弁で全国電力取引所を設ける覚書を交換した。
◆NTPC, NHPC, PFC, TCS jointly to set up power exchange
【New Delhi】NTPC Ltd(formerly known as Thermal Power Corporation) has inked a memorandum of understanding with NHPC Ltd(formerly known as National Hydroelectric Corp), Power Finance Corporation and Tata Consultancy Services for a joint venture company to set up a national power exchange.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41321(88/166)
◆Inflation at a new 16-yr high of 12.44%
【New Delhi】Fuelled by higher food and fuel prices, the annual wholesale price index-based inflation has recorded a 16-year high of 12.44 per cent during the week ended August 2, above the previous week's annual rise of 12.01 per cent.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41333(89/166)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)の8月の報告によれば、今年第1四半期(2008/4-6)に流入した外国直接投資(FDI)は100億7300万米ドルと、前年同期の2倍、2005-06年通年の流入額89億6100万米ドルを10億米ドル上回った。
◆Foreign capital inflow surpasses $10-million in first quarter
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows during April-June amounted to $10.073 billion, double the amount of what the country received a year ago and one billion more than the total FDI inflows ($8.961 billion) in the 2005-06 period, Reserve Bank of India said in its August report.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41334(90/166)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India (RBI)は、2008-09年の国内民間企業の新規投資が1兆7300億ルピー(US$405.15億)に達するが、2007-08年の2兆4500億ルピー(US$573.77億)を30%下回ると予想している。
◆Indian cos' investment to decline 30% in this year
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) estimated that Indian private companies would invest 1.73 trillion rupees ($40 billion) in fresh projects in 2008/09, a 30 per cent decline from 2.45 trillion rupees 2007/08.
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41356(91/166)
◆Inflation soars further to 12.63%
【New Delhi】The annual Wholesale Price Index-based inflation rose 12.63 per cent during the week ended August 9, compared to 12.44% a week ago and 4.24 per cent in the corresponding week last year, as prices of most products rose with fuel and power index increasing the most at 17.99%.
2008-09-01 ArtNo.41374(92/166)
◆ONGC Videsh、インペリアル・エナジー買収
【ニューデリー】国営石油・ガス探査開発会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)の海外投資子会社ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL)は、ロンドン証券取引所(LSE)上場企業Imperial Energy Corporation plc(IECP)の15%の権益を14億英ポンド、約25億8000万米ドルで買収することを認めた。
◆ONGC Videsh to acquire Imperial Energy for $2.58 b
【New Delhi】ONGC Videsh Ltd (OVL), the overseas investment arm of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), on August 26 announced that it has agreed to acquire 15 per cent in the London Stock Exchange-listed Imperial Energy Corporation plc for approximately 1.4 billion pounds (about $2.58 billion).
◆ONGC Videsh收购帝国能源公司的15%股权
【新德里】印度石油天然气公司旗下的海外投资机构ONGC Videsh有限公司8月26日发表说它同意以14亿英镑相等于25亿8000万美元收购伦敦交易所上市的俄罗斯帝国能源公司的15%股权。
2008-09-01 ArtNo.41378(93/166)
【ムンバイ】世界一急成長するテレコム市場に足場を築くため、ドゥバイ拠点のEtisalat、トルコの大手電話会社Turkcell及び欧州の某大企業が、Datacom Solutionsの最大51%の権益買収を目指し、メキシコのタイクーンCarlos Slim氏に率いられるAmerica Movilと競い合っている。
◆4 global majors in race for stake in Datacom
【Mumbai】Lured by having a strong foothold in the fastest growing telecom market in the world, Dubai-based Etisalat, Turkish telecom major Turkcell, and another unnamed European giant are competing with Mexican Tycoon Carlos Slim's America Movil for an up to 51% stake in Datacom Solutions.
【孟买】被吸引了世界最快成长通讯市场的魅力,位于迪拜的阿联酋电信,土耳其领先移动通信供应商土耳其移动以及另一间欧州某大企业为了购买Datacom Solutions的股权(会多达51%)而与墨西哥大亨卡洛斯·斯利姆旗下的美洲移动公司竞争。
2008-09-03 ArtNo.41392(94/166)
◆Cabinet approves Companies Bill
【New Delhi】The government, on August 29, approved the draft of the new Companies Bill incorporating far-reaching changes like treating insider trading as a criminal offence and setting up special courts to try corporate offences. The Bill is expected to be tabled in Parliament during the upcoming October session.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41429(95/166)
◆Inflation dips for third consecutive week
【New Delhi】The wholesale price index-based inflation fell for the third consecutive week to 12.10 per cent for the week ended August 30, even though 30 essential commodities became expensive during the week.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41432(96/166)
【ムンバイ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、グループ企業の競合を回避する狙いから、①銅/亜鉛/鉛事業を中核とするSterlite Industries Ltd(SIL)、②アルミニウム/エネルギー事業を中核とするVedanta Alumina Ltd(VAL)、③鉄鉱石事業を中核とするSesa Goa Ltd(SGL)の3グループに組織を再編する。
◆Vedanta restructures group cos under three roofs
【Mumbai】Vedanta Resources Plc has restructured its corporate group into three commodity-focused verticals: copper & zinc-lead (Sterlite Industries Ltd), aluminium & energy (Vedanta Alumina Ltd) and iron ore (Sesa Goa Ltd) in order to eliminate conflicts of interest between the different group companies.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41439(97/166)
◆NTTドコモ/フランス・テレコム、Tata Tele権益争奪
【ムンバイ】NTTドコモとフランス・テレコムが地元Tata Teleservices Ltd(TTL)の権益買収を目指し、しのぎを削っている。
◆NTT DoCoMo, France Tele in race for Tata Tele pie
【Mumbai】Japan's NTT DoCoMo and European telecom giant France Telecom are now in race for acquiring a stake in Indias Tata Teleservices.
【孟买】日本NTT DoCoMo和法国电信集团正在竞争收购印度塔塔电信服务公司的股权。
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41441(98/166)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は米国第4位の投資銀行Lehman Brothersの破産は、インド経済に直接影響しないと見ている。
◆Finmin putting up a brave face over US financial crisis
【New Delhi】The Indian government believes the bankruptcy filing by America's fourth-largest investment bank Lehman Brothers will not impact India directly.
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41442(99/166)
【ムンバイ】世界最大規模の保険会社American International Group (AIG)の経営危機は、同社のインド・ビジネスにも波及、深刻な影響を受けるものと予想されている。
◆AIG crisis may hit its India business
【Mumbai】Uncertainty over the future of American International Group (AIG) in the US continues to cast a shadow over its Indian business. It may have significant repercussions on its businesses in India.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41454(100/166)
【ニューデリー】P Chidambaram蔵相は18日「インドの銀行は米国の複数の銀行のように倒産する恐れはない。米国における金融危機は第4位の投資銀行も倒産させたが、インドの銀行は米国の金融危機から隔離されているため、1行も倒産する恐れはない」と語った。
◆FM vouches for health of Indian financial sector
【New Delhi】Finance minister P Chidambaram on September 18 claimed, "No Indian bank is vulnerable like a couple of banks that failed in America. Even as the financial crisis in the US consumed its fourth-largest investment bank, there is no cause for any alarm for Indian banks as they are largely insulated from the crisis there."
【新德里】财政部长P Chidambaram9月18日说「没有一间印度银行跟在美国倒闭的一样脆弱。尽管美国金融危机已经吞没了第四大投资银行,不必害怕印度银行也面对同样的命运。因为当地银行跟美国金融危机被隔离。
金融 Finance in 2008