企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2010
◆JSW Steel、米国子会社にスラブ4万トン輸出
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、米国子会社Texas Works向けに4万トンのスラブを輸出する準備を整えており、世界的鋼材需要復調の兆しとして注目される。
◆JSW Steel to export 40,000 tonnes of steel slabs to US
【Mumbai】In a development that perhaps is an early sign of revival in global steel demand, JSW Steel will be exporting 40,000 tonnes of steel slabs to its US subsidiary, Texas Works.
【孟买】这也许是一个全球钢铁需求复苏的早期迹象,京德勒西南钢铁公司将出口4万吨板坯到美国子公司 Texas Works。
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43185(102/789)
【ニューデリー】ホンダが完全出資するHonda Motorcycle & Scooter India Ltd(HMSI)は、約470クロー(US$1.02億)を投じ、ラジャスタン州Bhiwadi近郊Tapukara工業団地に年産60万台の第2工場を建設、増大する需要に応じる。
◆HMSI to set up second plant in Rajasthan
【New Delhi】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India plans to invest about Rs 470 crore ($102m) to set up its second plant at Tapukara Industrial Area near Bhiwadi (Rajasthan) having an annual capacity of six lakh units, to meet the growing demand.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43186(103/789)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)は5日、延々20ヶ月以上にわたったもんちゃくの末、総額100億米ドルにのぼる9300万回線GSM設備機器の購買入札を取り消した。
◆BSNL scraps $10 bn GSM line tender
【New Delhi】After dilly dallying for over 20 months, state-owned telecom firm Bharat Sanchar Nigam (BSNL) on March 5 decided to scrap its controversial tender for 93 million GSM lines worth $10 billion.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43187(104/789)
【ニューデリー】Sony India Pvt Ltd(SIPL)は今後1年間の販促活動に最大1800クロー(US$3.91億)を投じ、インド国内における製品の知名度を高めるとともに、今年の薄型テレビの販売台数を2倍の800ユニットに拡大することを目指している。
◆Sony to invest $391 m on marketing
【New Delhi】Sony India, which intend to double the sales of flat panel display televisions in India to 800 units in the current year, will invest up to Rs 1,800 crore ($391m) in the next one year on marketing and promotional activities to create awareness about its products in India.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43188(105/789)
◆Essar Oil、US$8.68億投じ炭層メタン開発
【ムンバイ】Essar Oil Ltd(EOL)は、今後3年間に4000クロー(US$8.68億)を投じ、ジャールカンド州/グジャラート州/西ベンガル州の合計可採埋蔵量、ほぼ7兆立方フィートの炭層メタン鉱区3ブロックを開発する。
◆Essar Oil to invest $868m for developing CBM blocks
【Mumbai】Essar Oil plans to invest about Rs 4,000 crore ($868m) in the next three years for developing its three coal bed methane (CBM) blocks in Jharkhand, Gujarat and West Bengal, having recoverable gas reserve of close to seven trillion cubic feet (tcf).
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43190(106/789)
【バンガロール】野村證券は、インド経営管理学院バンガロール校(IIM-B:Indian Institute of Management Bangalore)の新卒に、年俸800万ルピー(US$17万3611)の国際業務副社長のポストをオファーした。これは今年各社がIIM-B新卒者にオファーした年俸中最高で、シンガポール政府投資会社Temasek Holdingsが2番目に高額な500万~600万ルピー(US$10万8507-13万208)をオファーした。
◆Nomura offers $173,611 to IIM-B grad
【Bangalore】Global financial services firm Nomura has made the highest offer of Rs 80 lakh ($173,611) per annum at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B) campus for the role of vice president finance in an international location, followed by Singapore state investment agency Temasek Holdings who offered Rs 50-60 lakh per annum.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43199(107/789)
◆Thermax/Babcock & Wilcox、合弁で超臨界圧ボイラー製造
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のエネルギーおよび環境ソリューション・プロバイダー、Thermaxは3月10日、米国企業Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group(B&W)と合弁でインド国内において超臨界圧ボイラーの製造に乗り出すと発表した。
◆Thermax, Babcock & Wilcox to jointly make super-critical boilers
【Mumbai】Pune-based energy and environment solutions company Thermax on March 10 announced a joint venture with US-based Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Group to manufacture super-critical boilers in the country.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43201(108/789)
◆Hero Honda/TVS/Mahindra、カルナタカ州に新工場検討
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)、Mahindra and Mahindra(M&M)は、いずれもカルナタカ州に新工場を設けることに関心を表明している。
◆Hero Honda, TVS, Mahindra eyeing Karnataka for new plants
【New Delhi/ Bangalore】Hero Honda Motors Ltd, TVS Motor Company and Mahindra and Mahindra are eyeing Karnataka to set up new manufacturing plants.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43205(109/789)
◆Japanese companies eye Indian power sector
【Mumbai】Japanese power companies seek to make their presence felt in India. These companies, such as Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) and J-Power, are looking at opportunities in the Indian power sector and may bid for some power projects soon, according to industry sources.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43208(110/789)
◆Rio Tinto、オリッサ州US$10億合弁事業の復活目指す
【ブーバネスワル】多国籍鉱山会社Rio Tintoは16日発表した年次報告書の中で、棚上げにして来たオリッサ州における10億米ドルの鉄鉱石事業を再開し、積極的に推進する方針を明らかにした。
◆Rio Tinto to revive $1-bn JV in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Global mining major Rio Tinto made its intentions clear in its annual report released on March 16, saying that it had decided to aggressively push its $1-billion iron ore project in Orissa.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43211(111/789)
◆Mitsubishi Motors charts out India revival
【New Delhi】Mitsubishi Motors is planning a revival of its Indian operations in 2010-11 with a fresh business plan which includes a spate of new launches and replenishment of the existing models.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43212(112/789)
【チェンナイ】ルノー日産連合のCarlos Ghosn会長兼CEOは、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Oragadamに新築成った新工場開所式の前日(16日)記者会見し、インドにおけるマルチ・パートナー戦略を改めて擁護した。
◆Renault-Nissan to continue with multi-partner strategy for India
【Chennai】Mr Carlos Ghosn, the Chairman and CEO of Renault Nissan Alliance strongly defended alliances with multiple Indian partners on March 16, the eve of the inauguration of the greenfield plant of the Alliance at Oragadam, near Chennai.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43217(113/789)
【コルカタ】韓国の主要鉄鋼メーカー、Pohang Iron and Steel Company (Posco)は、インド最大の製鉄会社Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)と、ジャールカンド州に年産500万トンの総合鉄鋼プラントを建設するとともに、西ベンガル州にも別に年産150万トンの製鉄所を設ける合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Posco, SAIL may form joint ventures
【Kolkata】Korean steel major Pohang Iron and Steel Company (Posco) and country's largest steel-maker Steel Authority of India (SAIL) have initiated talks to jointly set up a 5 million tonne integrated steel project in Jharkhand and a 1.5 million tonne steel plant in West Bengal.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43218(114/789)
◆アルセロール、Bhushan Power権益買収協議
【ムンバイ】消息筋によると、ArcelorMittal Ltd(AML)幹部は最近、Bhushan Power & Steel Pvt Ltd(BPS)の幹部と会談、後者の戦略的権益の取得問題を協議した。
◆ArcelorMittal in talks to buy Bhushan Power stake
【Mumbai】ArcelorMittal's top executives have met officials of the unlisted Bhushan Power & Steel seeking a "strategic" stake in the company, said two people familiar with the development.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43219(115/789)
【ランチ】ArcelorMittal Ltd(AML)はジャールカンド州Khunti-Gumla地区における総額5万クロー(US$108.5億)のメガ鉄鋼プロジェクトを、同州Bokaro県に移転する方針を決めた。
◆Arcelor set to relocate its steel plant to Bokaro
【Ranchi】ArcelorMittal is set to relocate its Rs 50,000-crore ($10.85bn) steel project in Khunti-Gumla to Bokaro district in Jharkhand.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43220(116/789)
【ニューデリー】内閣経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は19日の会議で、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP)第8次入札の結果を審査、応札のあった36ブロック中33ブロックのライセンス発行を決めた。国営Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)を中核とするコンソーシアムが、内過半数の17ブロックを獲得した。
◆ONGC consortia bags 17 blocks in NELP-VIII
【New Delhi】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on March 19 approved the award of 33 out of the 36 oil and gas blocks under the 8 th round of new exploration and licensing policy (Nelp). State-run Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) and partners won 17 blocks.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43222(117/789)
【ニューデリー】広帯域無線接続(BWA:broadband wireless access)周波数域の入札には11社が、第三世代(3G)移動体通信周波数域の入札には、申請締め切りの19日までに9社が、それぞれ応札した。
◆Nine in race for 3G, 11 for wireless access
【New Delhi】As many as 11 companies filed applications to bid for the broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum. Separately, the Government received applications from nine telecom companies for participating in the auction for the third generation (3G) mobile spectrum by March 19, the last day for companies to put in their applications.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43225(118/789)
【ニューデリー】LG Electronics India Ltd(LGEI)は、今年は冷蔵庫販売の50%以上の成長を見込んでおり、2010年末までに3000クロー(US$6.51億)の達成を目指している。
◆LG aims $651m turnover from refrigerator segment
【New Delhi】LG Electronics India is targeting a growth percentage of more than 50 per cent this year to achieve a total turnover of Rs 3,000 crore ($651m) in the refrigerator segment by the 2010-end.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43226(119/789)
【ニューデリー】世界のトップ家電メーカーWhirlpoolのインドにおける今年初9ヶ月の純益は20%アップ、純売上げは過去最高の1600クロー(US$3.47億)をマークした。一方、テクノロジー・メジャーHewlett-Packard Company(HP)は、間もなく爆発的成長の軌道に乗ると見られるインド・デジタル・プリンティング市場首位の座を維持する方針だ。
◆Whirlpool's profit up 20%, HP retains top position in digital printing
【New Delhi】The world's largest home appliance maker Whirlpool Corp's net profit for the first nine months of the fiscal grew by 20% and its net sales shooting past Rs 1,600 crore ($347.2m). Meanwhile technology major Hewlett-Packard Company seeks to retain its leadership position in digital printing space in the country even as the segment is poised for an explosive growth trajectory.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43233(120/789)
◆Jindal Steel、US$98億石炭液化事業覚書
【ブーバネスワル】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd(JSPL)は、オリッサ州において4万5000クロー(US$97.65億)を投じ、石炭液化(CTL:Coal to Liquid )プロジェクトを進めるため、近く同州政府と関係覚書を取り交わす。
◆Jindal Steel to set up a $9.8bn coal-to-liquid project
【Bhubaneswar】Jindal Steel & Power Ltd is going to sign an MoU with the Orissa government to set up a coal-to-liquid project in the state with an investment of Rs 45,000 crore($9.765bn).
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43234(121/789)
◆現代自動車、来年格安モデル投入しMaruti 800に挑戦
【コルカタ】韓国のカー・メーカー、現代自動車は2011年下半期に、Maruti Suzukiの最低価格車Maruti 800と同水準の価格の新モデルを発売すべく準備している。
◆Hyundai to take on Maruti 800 next year
【Kolkata】In the second half of 2011, Korean major Hyundai Motors is set to launch a new vehicle which is likely to be priced not much higher than that of Maruti's cheapest variant, the Maruti 800.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43235(122/789)
【ニューデリー】Bharti Airtelはクエート企業Zain Telecomのアフリカ資産を終に手に入れた。Zain取締役会は24日の会議で107億米ドルで同資産を売却することを承認した。
◆Bharti clinches Zain's African assets for $10.7 bn
【New Delhi】Bharti Airtel has clinched a mega deal to acquire African operations of Kuwaiti firm Zain Telecom. Zain's board on March 24 cleared Bharti Airtel's proposal to buy its African assets for $10.7 billion.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43236(123/789)
【ニューデリー】Dellの再起動(reboot)を試みるMichael Dell氏は、インドを、2007年に最高経営者(CEO)に復帰して以来取り組んでいる事業再構築の鍵と見ている。インドにおけるデルの年間売上げは100%の伸びを見ており、これは中国における売上げの伸びを上回る。
◆India is the key to the overhaul: Michael Dell
【New Delhi】Michael Dell reboots the eponymous company and India is the key to the overhaul he is driving since he returned to the role of chief executive in 2007. The company's annual revenues from India are growing at 100 per cent, faster than the market rate of China.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43237(124/789)
【ニューデリー】Dell創設者のMichael Dell最高経営者(CEO)は23日ニューデリーでManmohan Singh首相と会談した際、中国の製造拠点を第三国に移すことを検討しており、インドが移転先になる可能性を示唆した。
◆Dell may shift China operations to India
【New Delhi】Dell founder & CEO Michael Dell hinted towards moving the company's manufacturing base away from China, possibly to India when he met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on March 23.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43238(125/789)
◆PC sales jump 42% in Q3: MAIT
【New Delhi】Sales of personal computers, including netbooks and desktops, soared 42 per cent to 20 lakh units in October-December 2009-10.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43239(126/789)
◆De Core、LED用半導体チップ工場建設
【ムンバイ】De Core Nanosemiconductors Limited(DCNL)は、今後需要の拡大が見込まれるブルーレイ・レーザー・ディスク市場を開拓する狙いから、900クロー(US$1.953億)を投じて2011年の稼働を目処にグジャラート州Gandhinagarに目下建設中の照明器具用半導体チップ製造工場で、ブルーレイ・レーザーを製造することを計画している。
◆De Core to set up semiconductor chips plant for LEDs
【Mumbai】De Core Nanosemiconductors Limited plans to manufacture Blu-ray laser from its upcoming nano semiconductor chips plant for lighting systems at Gandhinagar, Gujarat at a later stage. The plant is being set up at an investment of Rs 900 crore ($195.3m) and expected to commission by 2011.
◆De Core设立LED芯片厂
【孟买】De Core纳米半导体有限公司计划在古吉拉特州甘地讷格尔正在建设中的照明系统用纳米半导体芯片厂在稍后阶段生产蓝光激光器。De Core投资90亿卢比相等于1亿9530万美元建该工厂,预料到2011年底前开始操作。
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43244(127/789)
【ムンバイ】British Petroleum(BP)は、3500クロー(US$7.595億)を投じて年産100万トンの高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)製造施設を建設、インド・ビジネスの拡大を図る。
◆BP plans petrochem plant, to invest $760m
【Mumbai】British Petroleum plans to expand its India operation by setting up a 1 million tonne purified terephthalic acid (PTA) plant for Rs 3,500 crore ($759.5m).
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43245(128/789)
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は、Telco Construction Equipment Company (Telcon)の約20%の権益をおよそ2億2000万米ドルで日立建機に売却する。これにより日立建機はTelconの支配権益を握ることになる。
◆Tata Motors to sell 20% in Telcon to Hitachi
【Mumbai】In what the Japanese firm moves from being a junior partner to majority owner, Tata Motors is selling about 20 per cent stake in Telco Construction Equipment Company (Telcon) to Japan's Hitachi Construction Machinery Co for roughly $220 million.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43246(129/789)
◆Hero Honda、カルナタカ州にUS$4.34億工場建設
【バンガロール】二輪車メーカー、Hero Honda Motors Limited(HHML)はカルナタカ州Dharwad県付近の500エーカーの土地に2000クロー(US$4.34億)を投じ新製造施設を設ける。
◆Hero Honda to set up $434m plant in K'taka
【Bangalore】Two-wheeler major Hero Honda is set to invest Rs 2,000-crore ($434m) to set up a manufacturing plant on a 500 acres plot near Dharwad in Karnataka.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43247(130/789)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は年産能力を現在の400万台きから2011-12年には500万台に拡張する計画で、マハラシュトラ州Waluj工場とウタラーカンド州Pantnagar工場に、同拡張をほぼ平等に分担させる方針だ。
◆Bajaj plans to up overall capacity to five million vehicles
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto plans to up overall capacity to five million vehicles during 2011-12 from 4.0 million units now and will divide this enhanced target almost equally between Waluj and Pantnagar plants.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43248(131/789)
【ムンバイ】日立アプライアンスの現地子会社Hitachi Home & Life Solutions India Ltd(HHLSI)の年初9ヶ月(2009/4-12)の売上げは483.10クロー(US$1.048億)をマーク、通年の売上げは前年の515.76クロー(US$1.119億)を25%上回る650クロー(US$1.41億)に達する見通しだ。
◆Hitachi expects $1.41m turnover in FY 2009-10
【Mumbai】Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Ltd, a subsidiary of Hitachi Appliance Inc, Japan, registered a turn over of Rs. 483.10 crore ($104.8m) during the first nine months of current FY 2009-10 and is expecting to achieve around Rs. 650 crore ($1.41m) throughout the current financial year, with 25 per cent rise as compared to Rs. 515.76 crore ($1.119m) in last year.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43249(132/789)
【ニューデリー】通信衛星を用いたケーブル・テレビ局向けデジタル配信サービス・ヒッツ(HITS:Headend In The Sky)は、鳴り物入りで宣伝されたにも関わらず、2009年11月に閣議承認されて以来4ヶ月を経た今になっても、申請者ゼロで、情報放送省を当惑させている。
◆HITS finds no takers for four months
【New Delhi】The much-touted Headend In The Sky or HITS policy, cleared by the Cabinet in November 2009, has found no takers so far. This situation may come as an embarrassment for the information and broadcasting (I&B) ministry.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43254(133/789)
【ニューデリー】フランスのJerome Bonnafontインド駐在大使は3月29日、70社余りのフランス企業がインドの原子力領域への投資に強い関心を抱いていると語った。
◆70 French cos eyeing Indian nuclear energy space
【New Delhi】Around seventy French companies are keen on investing in the nuclear energy space of India, French Ambassador Jerome Bonnafont said on March 29.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43255(134/789)
【カンクン/ニューデリー】メキシコのカンクン市で催された第12回国際エネルギー・フォーラムに出席したMurli Deora石油相は3月30日同地でクウェートのSheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah石油相と会談、Oil and Natural Gas Corp(ONGC)がグジャラート州Dahejで計画中の1万2440クロー(US$26.99億)の石油化学プロジェクトおよびIndian Oil Corp(IOC)がオリッサ州Paradipで計画中の化学プロジェクトへの出資を求めた。
◆Kuwait offered equity in Dahej, Paradip projects
【Cancun】Petroleum Minister Murli Deora met his Kuwati counterpart Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah on the sidelines of the XII International Energy Forum in the Mexican city of Cancun on March 30 and offered Kuwait a stake in Oil and Natural Gas Corp's Rs 12,440-crore ($2.699bn) petrochemical plant at Dahej in Gujarat and Indian Oil Corp's (IOC) proposed chemical unit at Paradip.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43259(135/789)
◆Japan firms visite West Bengal to set up steel plants
【Kolkata】According to Fujio Samukawa, consul general of Japan in Kolkata, a few Japanese companies, which are showing interest in setting up steel plants in the eastern region in the absence of good quality flat steel production in India, have already visited West Bengal to assess infrastructure facilities in the state.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43260(136/789)
◆Bridgestone to set up $540.4 m plant near Pune
【Chennai/ Tokyo】Bridgestone Corp, Japan's largest tyre-maker, will set up its second India plant near Pune, Maharashtra, investing about 50 billion yen ($540.4 million) in phases.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43261(137/789)
◆Car sales zoom in March
【New Delhi】Automobile majors in India have posted an impressive double-digit sales figure for March 2010 though not everyone is jumping for joy. Domestic sales of nine major car and utility vehicle makers grew by 19.3% to 195,805 units in March compared with 164,104 units in the same month one year before and posted a growth 26.7 per cent at 24,29,419 units during fiscal year 2009-10 as against 19,18,146 units in 2008-09.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43262(138/789)
◆Two-wheeler sales grow 39% in March
【New Delhi】Higher sales in rural India and introduction of several new models resulted in a 39 per cent jump in total two-wheeler sales in the country in March at 9,99,763 units, compared to 7,19,811 units during the same month last year.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43265(139/789)
【ムンバイ】これ以前に米国のウェスチングハウス東芝/GE日立/カナダのAEC/ロシアのRosatomと合弁覚書を交換した地元エンジニアリング会社Larsen & Toubro (L&T)は4月1日、英国Rolls-Royceと、インド国内および全世界で軽水炉(LWR:light water reactor)の部品製造や関連サービスを手がける合弁覚書を結んだ。
◆L&T, Rolls-Royce sign nuclear equipment pact
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro (L&T), which had already signed Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) to partner Westinghouse-Toshiba and GE-Hitachi of the US, AEC of Canada, and Rosatom of Russia, on April 1 expanded that potential role, signing an MoU with the UK company Rolls-Royce to team up to make components and provide services for light water nuclear reactors in India and across the world.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43268(140/789)
【パニパット】Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)は、プラスチック業界の需要に応じるため、32億米ドルを投じてハリヤナ州Panipatに設けたナフサ・クラッカーを稼働させた。
◆IOC starts $3.2-billion Panipat unit
【Panipat】Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) started a $3.2-billion naphtha cracker in Panipat, Haryana to meet demand from plastic makers.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43269(141/789)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は2日、インドで初めてコークス用炭の四半期ベースの購入契約に調印した。インドでは、鉄鉱石とコークス用炭は過去40年にわたり年間ベースで購入契約が結ばれ、このことがこれら2品目の価格変動に歯止めをかけて来た。しかし新価格システムが従来のシステムに取って代わったことにより、今後はこれら両品目の価格も原油並に変動する可能性がある。
◆Iron ore prices may now be as volatile as crude
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)on April 2 became the first domestic producer to sign a quarterly contract, for coking coal. The new price system for iron ore and coke replaces the 40-year-old practice of annual contract prevalent in the sector and it has the potential to make the prices of these two key raw materials as volatile as crude oil.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43270(142/789)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)、Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)等の主要鉄鋼メーカーは2日、鋼材を4月1日に遡ってトン当たり2000~2500ルピー値上げすると発表した。
◆Steel players raise product prices by Rs 2,500/tn
【New Delhi】Major steel producers Steel Authority of India (SAIL), JSW Steel and Essar Steel, among others, on April 2 announced an increase in steel prices by Rs 2,000 to 2,500 per tonne effective from April 1.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43271(143/789)
◆家電メーカー、インド3D TV市場をテスト
【コルカタ】映画フィルム・アバターにより醸成された3D世界に対する関心の高まりに乗じ、サムスン、LG、ソニー、パナソニック等の家電各社はインド市場への3D TVセットの売り込みを図っている。
◆Consumer electronics firms to test India with 3D TVs
【Kolkata】Cashing in on the interest generated in the three-dimensional (3D) world by films like Avatar, consumer electronics companies like Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic are gearing up to cajole Indian consumers to buy a 3D TV set.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43272(144/789)
◆Handset sales flat in '09; Nokia far ahead of peers
【Bangalore】India's mobile handset market remained flat in the calendar year 2009 to register sales of 101.54 million units. Finnish handset maker Nokia had the largest share of 54.1% in terms of units sold during 2009.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43278(145/789)
【ニューデリー】Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)はNational Thermal Power Corporation Ltd(NTPC)と合弁で、マドヤプラデシュ州Bargiもしくはハリヤナ州Kunhariaのいずれかに700MW(メガワット)の加圧重水炉(pressurised heavy-water-based nuclear power plant)を建設、またBharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)と共同でマドヤプラデシュ州に別に1400MWの原子力発電所を設けることを計画している。
◆NPCIL to build two nuclear plants with NTPC and BHEL
【New Delhi】Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) and National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd joint venture is likely to build 700 Mw of pressurised heavy-water-based nuclear power plant at Bargi in Madhya Pradesh or Kunharia in Haryana. NPCIL has also tied up with Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd to put up a 1,400-Mw nuclear power plant in Madhya Pradesh.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43280(146/789)
【ニューデリー】Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC)は、台湾のTSRC Corporationおよび丸紅とハリヤナ州Panipatで、スチレンブタジエンゴム(SBR)を製造する合弁契約を結んだ。
◆IOC to set up synthetic rubber plant with TSRC, Marubeni
【New Delhi】Marubeni Corporation, Japan has entered into a joint venture with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC) and TSRC Corporation, Taiwan, to set up a Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) unit at Panipat.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43286(147/789)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンの通信機器メーカー、Ericssonは「僅か20MHz(メガヘルツ)の周波数域では、WiMAX技術の有効な運用は不可能」とし、インドでは第4世(4G)代乃至3.9世代(3.9G)技術と称されるLTE(Long Term Evolution)を採用すべきだ提言した。
◆WiMAX may not work effectively in India: Ericsson
【New Delhi】Swedish equipment company Ericsson said, "WiMAX cannot be deployed with just 20 MHz of frequency" and recommended Long Term Evolution (LTE) as a better alternate.
2010-04-09 ArtNo.43287(148/789)
【バンガロール】一時、外国企業がBPO(business process outsourcing)センターを設ける最適地と見なされていたインドが、その声を失いつつある。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43287.htm
◆IT firms shift BPO centres to LatAm
【Bangalore】India, once the preferred location for foreign companies to set up business process outsourcing (BPOs) centres, is literally losing its voice.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43289(149/789)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は、韓国のPoscoと、FINEX技術を用いた製鉄所をインド国内に設ける合弁覚書を結んだ。
◆SAIL, Posco sign MOU for steel JV
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and South Korea's Posco have signed a memorandum of understanding for entering into a joint venture for steel production using FINEX technology.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43290(150/789)
◆中国、低品質鉄鉱石の輸入禁止、Sesa Goaに打撃
【ムンバイ】中国の鉄鉱石取引協会は8日、鉄分含有率が60%に満たない鉄鉱石の輸入を禁止した。同措置は低品質なインド産鉄鉱石の輸出に打撃を与える見通しで、インド最大の鉄鉱石輸出業者、Sesa Goa Ltd(SGL)のボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)における株価は9日、4.49%下降、468.7ルピーで引けた。
◆China's ban on low-grade iron ore hits India
【Mumbai】China's iron ore trading association on April 8 banned imports iron ores with less that 60 per cent iron content. This will hit hard India's exports of low-grade iron ores. Sesa Goa Ltd, the country's largest iron ore exporter, today slumped 4.49 per cent to Rs 468.7 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2010