統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2009
◆Long steel products demand to grow at 8%
【Mumbai】Demand for long steel products is expected to increase at 7-8% in the current quarter with increased focus on infrastructure. However, experts believe flat products demand to remain under pressure till March 2010 with the automotive industry yet to witness any strong signs of revival.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42202(152/425)
【ニューデリー】今年4月の乗用車輌(Passenger vehicle)販売は、政府の景気刺激措置や、貸出金利の引き下げ、国会総選挙に伴う多用途車やジープ需要の増加に助け 轤黶A5ヶ月連続のプラス成長を記録した。とは言え前月に比べた国内販売は、例えばMaruti Suzukiの場合12.1%、Hyundai Motorの場合10.1%、それぞれ減少した。
◆Car sales see the fifth straight month of growth in April
【New Delhi】Passenger vehicle sales saw the fifth straight month of growth in April, helped by the government's stimulus packages, cuts in lending rates and as elections boosted demand for vehicles, especially jeeps and SUVs. However, on a month-on-month basis, domestic sales of leading firms have come down in April. For example, Maruti Suzuki's sales dipped 12.1% and Hyundai Motor's sales also fell by 10.1%.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42203(153/425)
【ニューデリー】主要二輪車メーカーの4月の販売台数は、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)を除きプラス成長を実現、新会計年度は幸先の良いスタートを切った。取り分けHero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML)/Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India(HMSI)/India Yamaha Motor(IYM)は大幅な売上げの伸びを記録した。
◆Hero Honda, HMSI, Yamaha see robust rise in April sales
【New Delhi】All leading two-wheeler manufacturers, except Bajaj Auto Ltd, started the current fiscal on a positive note with the sales figures going up in April, especially Hero Honda, Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India and India Yamaha Motor saw robust rise in their sales in April.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42210(154/425)
【ムンバイ】公共部門の鉄鋼ジャイアンツSteel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)と主要民間鉄鋼会社3社、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)/Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)/JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の今年4月の販売は、鉄鋼需要の復調に対する期待が高まる中、記録的な伸びを実現した。
◆Top steelmakers' April sales soar
【Mumbai】Public sector steel giant Steel Authority of India and Top three private steelmakers, Tata Steel, Essar Steel and JSW Steel have registered record April sales, raising hopes of a revival in steel demand.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42214(155/425)
◆Auto parts suppliers swing back to full capacity
【New Delhi】Encouraged by a good show by auto makers in April and an optimistic outlook for May and June, domestic auto parts suppliers are swinging back to their full capacity and re-thinking their investment plans.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42215(156/425)
◆Two-wheeler parts dealers facing dead stock
【Ahmedabad】The two wheeler parts dealers in Ahmedabad have faced rising dead stock due to low sales and frequent changes in two wheeler models.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42216(157/425)
◆AC, refrigerator sales spiked 35%
【New Delhi】Airconditioner (AC) and refrigerator sales grew 30-35% in April compared to same month last year due to the long heat wave.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42217(158/425)
【ニューデリー】インドの昨年(2008-09)の工学製品(engineering goods)輸出額は371億5000万米ドル、もしくは17万3801.7クローと、前年(2007-08)に比べ米ドル建てで13.72%、ルピー建てで29.77%の成長を見た。
◆Engg exports growth slowdown to 13.7%
【New Delhi】India's export of engineering goods touched $37.15 billion or Rs 1,73,801.7 crore during 2008-2009, which as a 13.72% increment in dollar terms and a 29.77% in rupee terms against 2007-08.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42218(159/425)
◆Textile exports dip 15%, outlook bleak
【Mumbai】Textile exports from India have dipped by over 15% in the 2008-09 financial year compared to Rs 38,000 crone ($7.6 b) in 2007-08 and are expected even wors in the current financial year.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42219(160/425)
【チェンナイ】インド溶媒抽出産業協会(SEAI:Solvent Extractors Association of India)によると、今年4月の油粕(Oilmeal)輸出は23万1817トンと、昨年同月の64万6000トンに比べ64%の大幅な落ち込みを見た。
◆Oilmeal exports decline 64% in April
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in April dropped 64 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes against 6.46 lakh tonnes during the same period a year ago, according to the Solvent Extractors Association of India.
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42220(161/425)
◆Inflation up for the third week in a row on rising food prices
【New Delhi】Continued rise in food prices pushed up inflation, measured by the wholesale price index (WPI), to 0.7 per cent during the week ended April 25, the increase being for the third week in a row, even as economists did not rule out the possibility of it turning negative soon. The annual inflation rate were 0.57 per cent for the previous week and 8.27 per cent during the corresponding week of the previous year.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42221(162/425)
【ニューデリー】メディア各社が実施した出口調査によると、国民会議派に率いられる統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)が、インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)に率いられる全国民主連盟(NDA:National Democratic Alliance)を僅かにリードしているものの、国会下院545議席の過半数、したがって272議席以上を確保するには、何れのチームも新たなメンバーを取り込むために一層の努力を必要とする。このためボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)センシチブ指数(SENSEX)はこの日急降下した。
◆Exit polls give UPA a slender edge
【New Delhi】Exit polls predicted gave the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) a thin edge over rival the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA), however both alliances would need more help from fresh partners to make the halfway mark of 272 in a 545-member Lok Sabha. Sensex falls sharply on uncertainty over govt formation.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42222(163/425)
◆62% turnout in Phase V LS elections
【New Delhi】An estimated 62 per cent of the voters on May 13 exercised their franchise in the fifth and final phase of the Lok Sabha elections. Overall, around 59-60 per cent of the 71.37 crore electorate in the country exercised their franchise in the month-long five-phase elections to elect 543 members of the 15th Lok Sabha.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42224(164/425)
【ニューデリー】今年3月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は、1994年に同指数が採用されて以来、したがて16年来最悪の2.3%のマイナス成長を記録した。
◆IIP growth dips sharply to -2.3% in March
【New Delhi】Industrial production shrank 2.3% in March from a year earlier, the worst since the current index of industrial production (IIP) series started in 1994.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42225(165/425)
◆Inflation falls to 0.48%
【New Delhi】Inflation fell to 0.48 per cent for the week ended May 2, after rising for three consecutive weeks, compared to 0.70 per cent in the previous week, even as essential food items like pulses, cereals and vegetables ruled high.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42226(166/425)
◆Exports down 33% in April
【New Delhi】India's exports have declined for the seventh consecutive month in April, this time by 33 per cent, opening the fiscal 2009-10 amidst demand recession in major global markets like the US and Europe.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42228(167/425)
◆Auto industry kicks off the new fiscal with double-digit growth
【New Delhi】The Indian automotive industry kicked off the new fiscal with double-digit growth in both production and domestic sales. Overall vehicle production and domestic sales in April 2009, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, two and three-wheelers, increased 10.19% and 10.76% respectively.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42230(168/425)
◆Machine tools output contracts by 20 %
【Bangalore】After growing at a compounded annual growth rate of about 25 per cent over the last few years, the output of Indian machine tools manufacturing industry is estimated to have dropped by 20 per cent in 2008-09.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42232(169/425)
◆Edible oil prices to rise further in medium term
【Chennai】Prices of cooking oils have increased by between Rs 3.50 and Rs 11.60 a kg since March 1. And they are likely to increase further in the medium term.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42234(170/425)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)は第15次下院総選挙において予想を上回る262議席を獲得したものの、過半数の272議席には、なお10議席及ばない。選挙管理委員会は17日、下院543議席中541議席の選挙結果を公式に発表した。しかし計票機に不具合生じたため、残る2議席の計票作業はまだ完了していない。
◆UPA 262, NDA 159, 3rd Front 80: results tally for LS election
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance captured 262 seats in the 15th Lok Sabha elections, 10 short of the halfway mark. The Election Commission formally announced results for 541 of the 543 elected seats in the Lok Sabha by the morning of May 17. Counting in two seats had to be stopped Saturday as the electronic voting machines had developed snags.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42238(171/425)
◆Assets of Lower House members top $600m
【New Delhi】In a nation where over 28 crore people live below poverty line, 543 Members of parliament who have been elected to the Lok Sabha have a combined asset of Rs 3,075 crore($615m).
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42239(172/425)
◆FDI inflow dips over 55% in March
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investment (FDI) in India is estimated to have fallen by more than 55% to $2 billion in March 2009 from $4.44 billion in the same month last a year.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42240(173/425)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆のKG D-6ガス田からガスの供給が開始され、取り分けアンドラプラデシュ州の6つの火力発電所に優先的にガスが配分されたことに加え、国会下院選挙の投票が完了し、電力需要も減退したことから、インド・エネルギー取引所(IEX:Indian Energy Exchange)における1日の電力平均価格が、5月1日から5月13日の間に39%下降した。
◆Power prices cooling off, KG gas supply helps
【Mumbai】The daily average price from May 1 to 13 has reduced by 39% at the Indian Energy Exchange with the completion of the fifth phase of polling and the streamlining of the KG D-6 gas supply, especially to the six gas-based power projects from Andhra Pradesh.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42242(174/425)
◆Centre raises foodgrain, oilseeds output estimate for 2008-09
【New Delhi】The Agriculture Ministry has revised upwards its estimates of the country's foodgrains output for 2008-09 at 229.85 million tonnes (mt), against 227.88 mt in the earlier second Advance Estimates released in February.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42243(175/425)
◆Vegetable oil imports more than double in April
【Chennai】Vegetable oil imports increased more than doubled to 6.99 lakh tonnes (lt) in April against 3.47 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42244(176/425)
【ニューデリー】世界銀行がこのほど発表した『2009年世界経済展望(Global Economic Prospects for 2009)』によると、2015年になってもインド人口の25%の1日当たり収入は1.25米ドルを下回り、貧困ライン以下の生活を強いられているものと見られる。
◆A quarter of Indians to live on $1.25/day in 2015
【New Delhi】The World Bank, in its recently released report 'Global Economic Prospects for 2009', said a 25% of India's population will be living in extreme poverty, on less than $1.25 a day, in 2015.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42251(177/425)
◆Iron ore export prices to China up 12%
【Kolkata】Iron ore having 63 per cent iron content export price to China has increased by around 12 per cent from $48 a tonne to $54 a tonne since end of April.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42255(178/425)
◆Employment up 0.6% in Jan-March
【New Delhi】During January-March 2009 employment in certain Indian manufacturing and service sectors, which laid off about half a million employees last year, has gone up by 0.6 percent, indicating a revival of the economy.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42256(179/425)
◆Inflation rises to 0.61 per cent
【New Delhi】Inflation rose to 0.61 per cent for the week ended May 9, above the previous week's annual rise of 0.48 percent, on account of higher prices of cereals, imported edible oil, sugar, spices and fruit and vegetables.
◆通货膨胀率上升到 0.61%
【新德里】通货膨胀率在5月9日为止的一个星期上升到 0.61%,比前一个星期的0.48%稍微加速。主要因为谷物,进口的食油,砂糖,香料,果实和蔬菜的价格都上升。
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42258(180/425)
【ニューデリー】不可触民ダリットのリーダーRam Vilas Paswan前鉄鋼肥料化学相に率いられる国民の力党(LJP:Lok Janashakti Party)は、今回の国会下院総選挙で1人の当選者も出すことができず、最悪のパフォーマンスを示した。
◆DMK best, LJP, BSP worst in LS polls
【New Delhi】The Lok Janshakti Party(LJP), headed by Dalit leader Ram Vilas Paswan, who also had headed Steel, Fertilisers and Chemicals ministries, was the worst performer of all; it drew a blank.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42260(181/425)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は『全国土地記録近代化計画(NLRMP:National Land Records Modernisation Programme)』の下、1億4000万人以上の地主の最終土地所有権(conclusive titles)を認める計画だ。目下のところ、不動産所有者(property owners)は、過去の所有権や取引に必要とされた証書及び関係書類の登録を通じ、仮所有権(presumptive titles)を認められている。
◆Govt to confer conclusive titles to 140 million landowners
【New Delhi】The government is planning to confer conclusive titles to more than 140 million landowners under the National Land Records Modernisation Programme (NLRMP). At present, property owners in the country get 'presumptive' titles through registration of deeds and documents required for probing past ownerships and transactions.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42266(182/425)
◆China, largest source of India's imports
【New Delhi】China has emerged as the single largest source of India's imports in the last two years forcing the latter to take recourse to safeguard and anti-dumping measures.
2009-05-26 ArtNo.42267(183/425)
◆FDI inflows swell 85.1% in '08, highest globally
【New Delhi】The foreign direct investment inflows into India increased 85.1% from $25.1 billion in 2007 to $ 46.5 billion in 2008 even as global flows declined by 14.5% from $1.9 trillion to $1.7 trillion during the period.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42271(184/425)
◆Iron ore exports dive 54% in March
【New Delhi】The exports of iron ore plunged by 54% in March from the year-ago period due to recession in world's major economies like the US and the Europe.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42273(185/425)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、インドにおける2009-10年のアルミニウム生産は、複数のアルミニウム製造プロジェクトの完成と、電力設備部門や建設部門における健全な需要に支えられ、10.7%の成長を遂げる見通しだ。
◆Aluminium production to grow by 10.7% in FY10
【Mumbai】Aluminium output is expected to grow by 10.7 per cent in FY10 on the back of the completion of various projects and healthy demand from the electrical power equipment and construction sectors, according to the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE).
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42280(186/425)
◆FDI inflows in March dip 56%
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in March plunged to $1.95 billion. This is a whopping 56 per cent drop compared to a year ago.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42284(187/425)
◆India PC market bottoms out?
【Bangalore】The total personal computer (PC) shipment during the January-March quarter of 2009 fell by 19 per cent to 1.679 million units compared to 2.072 million units in the same period last year. However the Indian PC market recording a 7 per cent sequential growth in shipments in the first quarter of the calendar year 2009.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42289(188/425)
【ムンバイ】インド経済監視センター(CMIE:Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)によると、インドの発電能力は2008-09会計年度に4.6%、3453.7MW(メガワット)拡大したものと見られるが、1万1061MWの追加目標を68%下回った。
◆Power generation capacity addition 68% below target in FY09
【Mumbai】India's power generation capacity is expected to have grown by 4.6 per cent or 3,453.7 MW in fiscal 2009. However it was over 68 per cent below the target of 11,061 MW set for the period, Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), an economic think-tank has said.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42291(189/425)
【ニューデリー】中央統計局(CSO:Central Statistical Organisation)の発表によると、世界的な景気後退が伝えられる中、インドの2008-09年第4四半期の国内総生産(GDP)成長率は5.8%をマーク、通年の成長率も6.7%を記録した。
◆India manages to record 6.7 % growth in 2008-09
【New Delhi】Braving the global recessionary trends, India managed 5.8% GDP growth in the fourth quarter of 2008-09 and 6.7% in the entire fiscal, according to data released by the Central Statistical Organisation (CSO).
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42292(190/425)
【ニューデリー】卸売物価指数(WPI:wholesale price index)をベースにしたインフレ率は5月16日までの1週間に、一部の食品の値上がりにも関わらず前週と同じ0.61%の水準を保った。
◆Inflation remains unchanged at 0.61%
【New Delhi】Wholesale price index (WPI)-based inflation remained unchanged at 0.61 per cent for the week ended May 16 compared to the previous week even as prices of some food items became expensive.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42293(191/425)
◆Core sector rebounds in April
【New Delhi】Riding on improved production in cement, finished steel, coal and electricity, the six core industries grew by 4.3 per cent in April 2009, highest since July 2008.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42300(192/425)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の乗用車(CAR)販売台数は全体的にはプラス成長を維持したものの、Maruti Suzuki India Ltd(MSIL)を除き、各社の販売成績は微増か微減にとどまったようだ。
◆Car sales in May show a mixed bag
【New Delhi】The overall car sales remained positive for the month of May. However, except Maruti Suzuki, most other makers have shown either a marginal increase or a dip in domestic sales.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42301(193/425)
【ニューデリー】日系二輪車メーカー、ホンダ、ヤマハ、スズキの今年5月のモーターサイクル販売は、何れも好調だった。しかしインド第2の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の5月の販売台数は下降した。
◆Japanese two-wheeler cos' bike sales up in May
【New Delhi】Japanese two-wheeler companies of Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki sold more bikes in May compared with the same month last year. However, Bajaj Auto showed a decline in sales.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42302(194/425)
◆Telephone subscriber growth drops 26% in April
【New Delhi】The country's telephone subscriber base has crossed the 400-million mark in April this year with 11.75 million new users in April, putting the country on track to reach its goal of 500 million customers by next year. However the number of new users in April dipped 25.96 per cent compared with 15.87 million in March.
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42304(195/425)
◆Exports dip 33.2% in April; imports drop 36.6%
【New Delhi】Both exports and imports declined by 33.2 per cent and 36.6 per cent respectively in the inaugural month of the current fiscal, compared to April 2008. The exports continued to decline for the seventh month in a row. Turnaround not expected till Sept, says commerce secretary.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42305(196/425)
【ニューデリー】労働局(Labour Bureau)が8業種を対象に調査したところ、2009年1-3月期には、一部の部門に依然人員削減の動きが存在したものの、主要製造業部門には直接雇用(direct workers)と契約雇用(contract workers)の双方に拡大傾向が見られ、2008年10-12月期に生じた解雇の波からの復調を窺わせた。
◆Uptick in hiring indicates the beginning of the turnaround
【New Delhi】According to a Labour Bureau survey covering eight sectors, although some sectors are still in the lay-off mode, the cumulative trend in key manufacturing sectors, both for direct and contract workers during the January-March quarter of 2009 is indicative of a reversal of the retrenchment drive witnessed during the October-December quarter.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42309(197/425)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の二輪車国内販売台数は12.34%の成長を記録、乗用車(passenger-car)の国内販売台数も2.48%増加し、連続4ヶ月増勢を維持した。しかしインド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)は政府の一層のてこ入れがないなら、乗用車販売の成長基調は維持できないと見ている。
◆Car, bike sales continue upward trend
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger-car sales increased by 2.48 per cent and motorcycle sales was up 12.34 per cent in May. Domestic passenger car sales continued to grow for the fourth consecutive month. However the trend may reverse soon unless there is more support from the government, says industry body the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM).
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42313(198/425)
◆Hospitality industry profit falls 64%
【New Delhi】India's hospitality sector has witnessed 64 percentquarter-on-quarter fall in profit during the January-March quarter this year, thanks to a steep fall in foreign tourist inflow, declining room rates and rising expenditure.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42316(199/425)
◆Inflation softens to 0.48%, despite food articles rule dearer
【New Delhi】Inflation declined to 0.48 per cent for the week ended May 23 from 0.61% in the previous week and 8.9% in the corresponding week a year ago.
2009-06-12 ArtNo.42319(200/425)
◆Tata/VSP/JSW Steel、何れも5月に二桁成長マーク
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とVisakhapatnam steel plant(VSP)の5月の鉄鋼製品売上げは前者が18%、後者が20%成長、またJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の5月の粗鋼(crude steel)生産は33%の伸びを見た。
◆Tata, VSP, JSW Steel mark double digit growth in May
【New Delhi】Tata Steel nad Visakhapatnam steel plant's sales volumes surged by 18 per cent and 20 per cent in May respectively. Meanwhile, JSW Steel also clocked a 33 per cent growth in crude steel production for May 2009.
統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2009