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経済一般 General Economics in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-11-03 ArtNo.38654(401/448)
【コルカタ】このほど日本政府の招きで訪日、帰国の途次シンガポールも訪れた西ベンガル工業開発公社(WBIDC:West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation)代表チームによると、日本投資家は西ベンガル州を含むインドに製造拠点を設けることに関心を高めており、またシンガポール企業は西ベンガル州のインフラ開発事業への参画に関心を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan, Singapore keen to invest in West Bengal
【Kolkata】Just back from a visit to Japan and Singapore as head of the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation team, the State Commerce & Industries Minister, Mr Nirupam Sen said that Japanese companies were keen to set up manufacturing projects in India, including West Bengal. He said fruitful talks were also held with Singapore public and private companies for participation in possible infrastructure projects in the State.
【加尔各答】最近率领西孟加拉邦工业发展公司代表团到日本和新加坡访问7天的西孟加拉邦政府工商部长Nirupam Sen先生说,日本企业很有兴趣在印度包括西孟加拉邦设立制造据点。他们也在新加坡跟公共和民间企业代表举行有益的谈话包括后者在西孟加拉邦投资发展基础设施项目。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38655(402/448)
【ニューデリー】中国の胡錦涛国家主席が11月20日から4日間の日程でインドを公式訪問するのを機に中印両国は二国間投資保護協定(BIPA:Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement)を含む12協定に調印する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India, China to ink investment agreement on Hu's visit
【New Delhi】India and China are expected to sign 12 pacts, including a Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement (BIPA), during President Hu Jintao's four-day India visit from November 20.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38656(403/448)
◆The list of authorised activities in SEZs has been notified
【NEW DELHI】Following the wake of criticism that Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are becoming a real-estate business, the Indian government on October 27 notified the list of authorised activities, related to social infrastructure in the zones.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38657(404/448)
【アーマダバード】ハイシー・セール(high-sea sales:荷受け書類運搬人が通関手続きが完了する以前に行う売り)の禁止は、ハイシー・セールに依存する金属スクラップ輸入業者に深刻な打撃を与える見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ban on high-sea sales to have a major impact on scrap importers
【AHMADABAD】The decision to ban high-sea sales is likely to have a major impact on scrap importers as most of these importers are marginal in nature and depend on high-sea sales for their requirement. High-sea sales are sales undertaken before customs clearance by the carrier document consignee.
【艾哈迈达巴德】禁止海关外售货(high-sea sales:收货文件持有人还没有办完海关手续前做的售货)会深刻地打击废铁进口商。这种进口商因为规模小所以很大的成度上通过海关外售的货物来弥补需求。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38658(405/448)
【ニューデリー】Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd (HPGCL)は、ハリヤナ州Hisar県に1000~1200MW(メガワット)の火力発電所を設けるターンキー・プロジェクトの入札を改めて募集した。(...続きを読む)
◆Haryana has invited fresh bids for Hisar power project
【NEW DELHI】Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd (HPGCL) has called fresh bids for awarding the turnkey contract for the 1,000-1,200 MW Hisar thermal power project.
【新德里】哈里亚纳发电有限公司把1,000-1,200 MW的希萨尔发电项目整套承包合约已经重新招标。
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38678(406/448)
◆Core sector grows 9.9% in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during September increased to 9.9 per cent, compared with 6.3 per cent in the same period last year, on account of a turnaround in the crude petroleum and electricity sectors, notwithstanding a slowdown in the production of coal and finished steel.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38690(407/448)
◆Power plants may get to sell only 25% power outside of SEZs
【NEW DELHI】Units setting up power plants in special economic zones(SEZ) may have an impenetrable difficulty on supplying huge surplus power when the new guidelines for setting up of infrastructure in SEZs take effect.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38692(408/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は7日、Anil Ambaniグループに率いられるReliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France)チーム/オーストラリアのArrow Energy/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industriesと、第3次炭層メタン鉱区(CBM-III)入札にかけた10ブロック中9ブロックの生産分与協定(PSC)を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆PSCs for 9 CBM blocks have been awarded
【NEW DELHI】The government on November 7 signed production sharing contracts (PSCs) for 9 of 10 blocks offered under CBM-III with three consortia, namely, the one led by the Anil Ambani group's Reliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France), Australia's Arrow Energy and Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries.
【新德里】印度政府跟3企业联盟包括阿尼尔·安巴尼集团领导的瑞莱恩斯自然资源公司-瑞莱恩斯能源公司-Geopetrol International/澳大利亚风云能源公司/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries签署9个煤层气区块的产品分成合同。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38710(409/448)
【ニューデリー】マドヤプラデシュ州Sasanとグジャラート州Mundraのウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power projects)はほぼ軌道に乗った感が有るが、残りの3つのUMPPは様々な難題に直面している。(...続きを読む)
◆Ultra mega powerprojects facing difficulties
【NEW DELHI】While the 4,000 mw ultra mega power projects in Sasan(Madhya Pradesh) and Mundra(Gujarat) appear to be on track, there is trouble brewing for at least three of the remaining projects.
【新德里】中央邦州 Sasan和吉吉拉特州Mundra的4000mw超级大型发电计划看起来顺利地运行轨道上,可是剩下的只少3个计划面对不少难题。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38713(410/448)
【ニューデリー】製造業と電力部門の好調な二桁成長に支えられ、2006年9月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は11.4%(7.2%)の成長を見た。
◆Industrial growth at 11.4% in Sept
【New Delhi】Powered by double-digit growth in manufacturing and electricity sectors. the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) by 11.4 per cent for September 2006 compared to 7.2 per cent in September 2005. This was more than the revised 9.9 per cent growth in August but lower than the decade's highest monthly industrial output of 12.7 per cent recorded in July.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38714(411/448)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、今月末に予定されるManmohan Singh首相の東京訪問を機に経済協力協定(EPA:Economic Partnership Agreement)もしくは包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に関する交渉に拍車をかけるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan to spur negotiation on economic agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan are expected to spur negotiations for a possible Economic Partnership Agreement or a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with the proposed visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Japan later this month.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38716(412/448)
◆Arunachal is an integral part of India : Indian Foreign minister
【New Delhi】India on November 14 declared that Arunachal Pradesh was an integral part of India and rejected China's claim that Arunachal was Chinese territory.
【新德里】印度外交部长Pranab Mukherjee在14日说「阿鲁纳恰尔邦是印度固有的领土」而否定中国主张的「整个阿鲁纳恰尔邦是中国的领」的言论。
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38734(413/448)
【ハイデラバード】商工省は15日、情報技術特別経済区(IT-SEZ)プロジェクトの激増に鑑み、最早プロジェクト申請に対する『原則認可(in-principle approval)』は行わない方針を決めたと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆No more in-principle approvals to IT SEZs
【HYDERABAD】Union commerce ministry on November 15 announced that in view of the proliferation of proposals for setting up IT SEZs, the ministry had decided not to give any in-principle approvals to IT SEZs.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38735(414/448)
【ニューデリー】石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions)専門委員会(task force)は、ケララ州Kochi/西ベンガル州Haldia/カルナタカ州Mangalore/オリッサ州Paradip/ハリヤナ州Panipat/グジャラート州Dahej/アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)をPCPIRの候補地としてリストアップしたが、最近の閣僚グループ(GOM:group of ministers)会議の席上、アンドラプラデシュ州のKakinadaを追加することが提案された。(...続きを読む)
◆Kakinada chosen as the 8th petrochem investment region
【NEW DELHI】While the Task Force on Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions has identified Kochi in Kerala, Haldia in West Bengal, Mangalore in Karnataka, Paradip in Orissa,Panipat in Haryana, Dahej i Gujarat and Visakhapatnam(Vizag) in Andhra Pradesh for setting up of petrochemical hubs, the government has mooted an additional location, Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh where such a complex can be set up.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38736(415/448)
【ニューデリー】肥料局(DOF:department of fertilisers)は大蔵省に対し、2006-07年度肥料補助1万8752クロー(US$41.68億)に8000クロー(US$17.78億)を上乗せするよう求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆DoF demands Rs 8,000 cr additional fertiliser subsidy
【NEW DELHI】The department of fertiliser (DoF) is asking the finance ministry Rs 8,000 cr additional fertiliser subsidy for 2006-07. The budgeted subsidy bill this fiscal is Rs 18,752 crore.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38738(416/448)
【ニューデリー】インドと中国は21日、訪印した胡錦涛国家主席とManmohan Singh首相の会談後、両国間の経済関係を強化する10項目の戦略を盛り込んだ共同声明を発表するとともに、13協定に調印した。
◆India, China sign 13 pacts, a joint declaration
【New Delhi】India and China signed 13 agreements and announced a joint declaration incorporated a "ten-pronged strategy" to expand cooperation after the dialogue between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao. Joint declaration describs the two countries as partners for mutual benefit and not as rivals or competitors and confirms Tibet is a part of China but there is no mention of Sikkim or Arunachal.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38739(417/448)
【ニューデリー】中国の胡錦涛国家主席の訪印を1週間後に控えた11月16日、インド政府は中国と二国間投資促進保護協定(BIPA:bilateral investment promotion and protection agreement)を結ぶことを閣議承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Cabinet nods to investment pact with China
【NEW DELHI】A week before Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to India, the Union Cabinet on November 16 gave its nod for signing a Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) with China.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38740(418/448)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本合同調査グループにより立案された時限付き遂行目標を実行するための合同委員会(joint task force)が近く組織されるため、両国の経済連帯に弾みがつく見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Joint task force to boost India and Japan's economic ties
【NEW DELHI】India and Japan are going to set up a joint task force in order to implement the timebound agenda set by a study group earlier. Therefore efforts to propel India-Japan economic ties to a new trajectory will get a fillip soon.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38748(419/448)
◆Ethanol-petrol programme has taken off in just three States
【New Delhi】Although the Centre claims that ethanol-blended petrol has been launched nation-wide, the programme has actually taken off in just three States - Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Goa.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38750(420/448)
◆FDI rises 100 per cent in six months
【NEW DELHI】Foreign direct investment inflows have recorded a 100% increase in the first six months with cumulative inflows amounting to $4.4 billion as against $2.2 billion in the same period last year.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38774(421/448)
◆Centre prepares 5 coastal nuclear stations
【New Delhi】Encouraged by the steady progress on the Indo-US civilian nuclear deal, the Centre is preparing plans to set up around five new coastal nuclear power stations using high-end reactors of 1,000 MWe and above.
【新德里】随着印美民用核协议相当顺利地进展而受到鼓励的印度政府正在考虑兴建5间沿海核电站。这些电站都用1000 MWe以上的高性能的反应炉。
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38775(422/448)
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州政府が鳴り物入りで宣伝した総投資額4万8000クロー(US$106.69億)以上、1万2500MW(メガワット)の独立電力供給業者(IPP:independent power producer)プロジェクトはほとんど進捗を見ていない。(...続きを読む)
◆M'rashtra's independent power pacts have resulted in little progress
【MUMBAI】The Maharashtra government's much touted independent power producers (IPPs)programme to add generation capacity of 12,500 mw with an investment of over Rs 48,000 crore is progressing at a snail's pace.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38777(423/448)
【ムンバイ】インドが計画する2万2000クロー(US$48.9億)の貨物専用鉄道『フレート・コリドー(freight corridor)』プロジェクトに三菱商事/伊藤忠/Bombardier Transportation/Siemens/General Electric Co(GE)/Alstom等の企業が強い関心を寄せ、特殊会社(special purpose vehicle)への出資やインフラ開発関連契約の獲得を目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Global giants show keen interest on freight corridor projects
【Mumbai】India's proposed Rs 22,000-crore dedicated freight corridor projects have caught the eye of international transport majors such as Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu, Bombardier Transportation, Siemens, GE, and Alstom. They are keen on being a part of the special purpose vehicle for the dedicated freight corridors or supplying of infrastructure items.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38786(424/448)
◆GDP grows at 9.2% in Q2; is it overheating?
【NEW DELHI】The Indian economy grew at by an impressive 9.2% in the second quarter of the current fiscal against 8.9% in the first quarter, triggering fresh talk of overheating, inflation and an interest rate hike.
【新德里】印度国内生产在第2季记录了惊人的9.2%成长,比第1季的 8.9%还要高,引起景气过热通货膨胀的忧虑和利率提高的猜测。
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38787(425/448)
◆Exports up 19% in October, but the growth rate slows down
【NEW DELHI】India's merchandise exports recording a 19.03% growth to $9.6 billion in October 2006 against $8.1 billion in October 2005. But the export performance decelerated after increasing at 27-41% in the first half of the current fiscal.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38788(426/448)
国際人材コンサルタント会社Hewitt Associates(HA)の第7回アジア太平洋地域昇給調査報告書によると、2位はフィリピンの8.2%、3位は中国の8%。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian average salary increase is highest in Asia-Pac
【MUMBAI】Indian employees enjoy the best pay hikes among their Asia-Pac brethren, with a 13.8% average annual hike rate in salary stood tall over the Philippines' 8.2% and China's 8%, according to the seventh annual Asia-Pacific salary increase survey conducted by global human resources consultants Hewitt Associates.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38798(427/448)
【ニューデリー】多くの地元企業が争ってロンドン証券取引所(LSE)新興企業取引市場(AIM:Alternate Investment Market)に上場する中で向こう6ヶ月間に100億~120億米ドルの外資が流入するものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Realty triggers a flood of FDI to touch $12b in 6 months
【NEW DELHI】With the several big-ticket listings being in the offing at the Alternate Investment Market at the London Stock Exchange, foreign investment inflows in the country are expected to touch $10-12 billion over the next six months.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38806(428/448)
◆Gujarat Govt inked MoU with 21 IT cos
【Ahmedabad】21 Information Technology and IT-enabled Services companies on December 1 entered into Memoranda of Understanding with the Gujarat Government to investments to the tune of Rs 11,067 crore and promising to create 3.25-lakh new jobs.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38810(429/448)
【ムンバイ】日興證券、米国のPrudential Securities、フランスのSociete Genarale、オランダのING groupは、インドの証券リテール市場進出を目指し、地元証券会社の戦略的持ち分取得を目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Nikko, Prudential plan to acquir stakes in local brokerage firms
【Mumbai】Japan's Nikko Securities, US-based Prudential Securities, France's Societe Genarale and the ING group want to foray into retail broking in India through acquiring strategic stakes in brokerage firms.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38813(430/448)
◆Govt to allow 74% FDI in air cargo operations
【NEW DELHI】The government plans to raise the foreign direct investment ceiling in air cargo, non-scheduled airlines, helicopter and seaplane operations to 74 per cent from the current 49 per cent, by 2007.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38818(431/448)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhara Reddy首席大臣は5日Manmohan Singh首相に対し、早期に半導体政策を発表するよう求める陳情書を提出した。(...続きを読む)
◆State's plea to PM for Fab policy
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh chief minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, on Decembet 5 submitted a plea to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, requesting for early announcement of semiconductor policy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉邦州的Y S Rajasekhara Reddy首席部长12月5日向Manmohan Singh总理提出请愿书而要求尽早发表半导体政策。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38822(432/448)
【ニューデリー】Ratan Tata氏を長とする投資委員会は、州政府や関係当局の決定を待機する総額400億米ドル余、1ダース以上のプロジェクトが存在することを確認した。
Pawan Kumar Bansal大蔵担当国務相は8日の国会下院会議の席上、以上の消息を明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆$40-b projects awaiting govt clearance : Tata panel
【New Delhi】In a written reply to the Lok Sabha on December 8, Minister of State for Finance Pawan Kumar Bansal said the Ratan Tata-headed Investment Commission has identified more than a dozen projects that entaile total investment of $40 billion and are awaiting action by state governments and corporate bodies.
【新德里】财政部政务部长Pawan Kumar Bansal12月8日在国会下院在书面回答说;拉坦•塔塔为首的投资委员会证实1打以上总共400亿美元的投资项目等待州政府和有关当局的批准。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38832(433/448)
◆16 bids for Sasan, Mundra ultra mega power projects
【MUMBAI】The Centre has received 16 technical and financial bids from 11 corporate majors for the two 4,000 mw ultra mega power projects to be set up in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. But ten pre-qualified bidders have stayed out.
【孟买】中央邦州 Sasan和吉吉拉特州Mundra的4000mw超级大型发电计划已经从11间大企业受到16套建议书。可是已经通过资格预审的10间公司没有投标。
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38835(434/448)
◆3 sites in East Coast spotted for new shipyard
【Chennai】The Ministry of Shipping which plans to set up an "international size shipyard" in the East Coast, has short-listed Tuticorin and Ennore in Tamil Nadu and Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh as potential building sites.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38848(435/448)
【ニューデリー】インドのKamal Nath商工相と甘利明経済産業大臣は、『デリー/ムンバイ複合一貫貨物回廊(Delhi-Mumbai multimodal freight corridors)』に平行して『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』を開発するため、合同専門チーム(joint task force)を設け、コンセプトやプロジェクトの構成要素に検討を加えることで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan to aid India in building Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor
【NEW DELHI】Indian commerce and industry minister Kamal Nath and his Japanese counterpart Akira Amari, Japan's minister of economy, trade and industry have reached an understanding on developing an industrial corridor along the Delhi-Mumbai multi-modal freight corridor. They decided to set up a joint task force to develop the concept and the components of the project.
【新德里】印度工商部长Kamal Nath和日本经济产业部长甘利明同意日本支持印度在『德里-孟买多式联运通道』旁边建设『德里-孟买工业走廊』而设立联合工作小组检讨这个构想的概念和因素。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38850(436/448)
◆Panel on iron ore export couldn't reach consensus
【New Delhi】The committee consisted of secretaries from the ministries concerned looked into the issue of iron ore exports but has not been able to reach a consensus on whether export of ore having 64 per cent or more iron content should continue or should be restricted. It has left the Government to work out a policy framework for iron ore exports.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38855(437/448)
◆More reactors are planned to boost nuclear power capacity
【NEW DELHI】For increment of the country's nuclear power capacity, more reactors are planned during the 11th five-year Plan and beyond.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38856(438/448)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は10月に6.2%の伸びを見たが、前年同期の9.8%、前月(2006/9)の11.4%を下回り、今会計年度に入って以来最低の伸びになった。
◆Index of Industrial Production growth dips to 6.2% in Oct.
【New Delhi】The growth in industrial production slumped to a low of 6.2 per cent in October, the lowest this fiscal year, down from 9.8 per cent in the same month last year and sharply lower than the 11.4 per cent in September. This is down from the record high of 12.4 per cent in July.
【新德里】今年10月的工业生产指数成长率降低到这财政年开始以来最低的6.2%,比不上去年同一月的 9.8%和上月的11.4,何况7月的今年来最高记录12.4%。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38857(439/448)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 9 pc in Oct
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by petroleum refinery products' strong performance, the index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew by a robust 9% in October 2006 compared with 7.4% in the corresponding period in the previous fiscal.
【新德里】以石油提炼业的好转为后盾,6个骨干基础设施产业(原油•石油提炼•石炭•电力•水泥•钢铁) 在今年10月成长了9%,超过去年同一月的7.4%。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38858(440/448)
【ムンバイ】米国拠点の金融サービス/テクノロジー企業Limeグループはインド工科大学(IIT:Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)ボンベイ校コンピューター・サイエンス学士コース(BTech)専攻者に年俸9万米ドルを、UBS Investment Bankは同8万5000米ドルをオファーした。(...続きを読む)
◆IIT BTech grad bags $90,000
【MUMBAI】A BTech (computer science) student of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay has bagged a whopping $90,000 annual package from the US-based Lime group, a financial services and technology conglomerate. UBS Investment Bank has offered $85,000 a year.
【孟买】在孟买印度理工学院专攻计算机科学理学士课程的一个学生从美国金融服务和技术大企业 Lime集团获得年俸9万美元的雇佣合约。这是该学院新毕业生拿到薪水的最高记录。瑞士投资银行也以年俸8万5000美元来招募新毕业生。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38864(441/448)
◆Noida, Hyderabad emerge as centres for chip cos
【Hyderabad】Following on the strides made by Bangalore, Noida and Hyderabad have emerged as two major centres for semiconductor companies. Bangalore accounts for a big chunk of them.
【海德拉巴 】北方邦州诺伊达和安德拉邦州海德拉巴蹈卡纳塔克州班加罗尔的覆辙而迅速地成为半导体工业中心。到现在为止大多数的半导体公司以班加罗尔为基地而活动。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38866(442/448)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は水力発電プロジェクトのための『VGF:viability gap fund(実行能力不足補填基金)』と、電力部門全体のためのベンチャー・キャピタル基金(VCF)の設置を準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆India plans to promote VCFs for the power sector
【MUMBAI】India's central government is paning to float a viability gap fund (VGF) for hydro-power projects and promote venture capital funds (VCFs) for the power sector as a whole.
【孟买】印度政府考虑通过适应性补偿基金(viability gap fund)融资水力发电项目,也通过创业基金融资整个电力项目。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38869(443/448)
【ニューデリー】今年初8ヶ月(2006/4-11)の首都圏(NCR:National Capital Region)への外国直接投資(FDI)流入額は2万8000クロー(US$62.24億)をマーク、全国のトップに立った。(...続きを読む)
◆NCR tops list in FDI inflow in April-Nov
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into the National Capital Region(NCR) stood at Rs 28,000 crore from April to November 2006. NCR emerged as the top of the list of attractive destinations.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38872(444/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、日本との間でその開発が合意された『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』をデリー・ムンバイ貨物鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor)と黄金の四辺形ハイウェー網(golden quadrilateral)に沿って設ける方向で検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆To develop industrial corridor on Delhi-Mumbai route
【NEW DELHI】The Government is considering to promote industrial corridor, of which development India and Japan have already reached an understanding, along the proposed Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor and golden quadrilateral route.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38874(445/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府が25%の資本補助に応じないならSemIndiaの35億米ドルの半導体ファブ事業が離陸しないばかりでなく、ATMP(Assembly Test Mark Plant)施設さえも国外移転を強いられる恐れがある。(...続きを読む)
◆SemIndia possibly shifts ATMP from India
【NEW DELHI】If the government fails to provide the demanded 25% equity support, the proposed $3.5-billion SemIndia chip fab project may not even start an ATMP (Assembly Test Mark Plant).
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38879(446/448)
◆FDI inflow soars 312% in Oct
【NEW DELHI】Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into the country in October 2006 is worth $1.7 billion, which is a whopping 312% increase over $0.412 billion during the corresponding period of the previous year.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38880(447/448)
◆Exports, imports in November jump 33.6%, 42.8% respectively
【NEW DELHI】India's merchandise exports during November 2006 was $9.68 billion, a 33.6% jump over the $7.24 billion in the same month last year.
【新德里】印度商品出口额在今年11月达到96亿8000万美元,比去年同一月的72亿4000万美元成长了 33.6%。
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38881(448/448)
【ニューデリー】今会計年度上半期(2006/4-9)の指導的インド企業525社の人件費(staff cost)は4万936クロー(US$90.99億)と、一昨年同期(2004/4-9)の2万7084クロー(US$60.20億)に比べ51%アップした。(...続きを読む)
◆India Inc's staff cost rises 51% in two years
【NEW DELHI】A study of 525 leading Indian companies shows that India Inc's staff cost has gone up 51% to Rs 40,936 crore in April-September 2006 from Rs 27,084 crore in April-September 2004.
経済一般 General Economics in 2006
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