対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2008
◆Work on freight corridors may start by Oct-Nov
【Chennai】The construction work on the ambitious eastern and western freight corridors is expected to commence in October or November as the issue of funding the project has been sorted out recently.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40813(52/160)
◆Hero Honda、4月8日にHaridwar工場の操業開始
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)はウタラーカンド州Haridwarに設けた第3工場の操業を4月8日に開始する。
◆Hero Honda to open Haridwar plant on Apr 8
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd will commence production at its third manufacturing plant in Haridwar, Uttarakhand on April 8.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40816(53/160)
【ニューデリー】横浜ゴムはハリヤナ州にタイヤ製造工場を設ける方針を決めた。ハリヤナ州工業及びインフラストラクチャー開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)はBahadurgarh工業団地の25エーカーの土地を同プロジェクトに割り当てた。
◆Yokohama to set up tyre manufacturing unit in Haryana
【New Delhi】The Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has allotted 25 acres in the industrial estate of Bahadurgarh for Japanese tyre major Yokohama Rubber Company Ltd which had decided to set up an automotive car tyre manufacturing unit in the state.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40846(54/160)
【バンガロール】Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd (TKM)は、2010年までにインドで小型乗用車を発売する計画の一環として、3億5000万米ドル余を投じカルナタカ州Bangaloreの既存工場隣接地に第2工場を建設する。
◆Toyota plans 2nd plant in Bangalore
【Bangalore】Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd (TKM) will invest about $350 million to build its second plant adjacent to the existing plant near Bangalore as part of its plan to introduce a 'strategic' small car in the country by 2010.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40847(55/160)
◆Hero Honda、子会社設立し不動産市場進出
【ハリドワール】トップ二輪車メーカーHero Honda Motor Ltd(HHML)は、新たなビジネス機会を探ってきたが、不動産事業進出を検討している。
◆Hero Honda venturing into the real estate business
【Haridwar】Top two-wheeler maker Hero Honda Motor Ltd which has been talking about new business opportunities in the past, may now be considering venturing into the real estate business.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40861(56/160)
【ハイデラバード】三菱自動車と地元パートナーHindustan Motorsの合弁に成るHM-Mitsubishi Motors(HMMM)は3、4年内に製造能力を4倍に拡張する計画だ。
◆HM-Mitsubishi to increase its capacity to four folds
【Hyderabad】HM-Mitsubishi Motors, a joint venture between India's Hindustan Motors and Japan's Mitsubishi Motors Corporation, plans to increase its plant capacity to four folds in the next three to four years.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40873(57/160)
◆Toshiba plans to make turbines for the mega power projects
【Mumbai】Toshiba Corporation will set up a joint venture in India to manufacture turbines for large power plants. The JV will explore bidding for the upcoming mega power projects.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40882(58/160)
【ラージコート】グジャラート州Morbi拠点の時計メーカー、Samay Electronics Pvt Ltd(SEPL)は、シチズン、リズム、セイコーと提携交渉を進めている。
◆Samay talking with Citizen, Rhythm and Seiko
【Rajkot】Samay Electronics Pvt Ltd, Morbi-based clock-maker, is in talks with Japanese players Citizen, Rhythm and Seiko for possible tie-ups.
2008-04-21 ArtNo.40883(59/160)
【コインバトール】Pyramid Saimiraグループ傘下のAurona Technologies Limited(ATL)はSony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE)と、インドの人気アニメ・キャラクター、ハヌマーン(Hanuman)をベースにしたPlayStation 2用コンソール・ゲーム開発契約を結んだ。
◆Aurona Technologies to develop console games for Sony
【Coimbatore】Pyramid Saimira group's Aurona Technologies Ltd has entered into an agreement with Sony Computer Entertainment Europe to develop a console game based on Hanuman for Sony's PS2 console platform.
【哥印拜陀】金字塔·赛米拉集团旗下的Aurona Technologies有限公司与索尼电脑娱乐欧洲公司签署合约。在这项合约下,Aurona为了索尼PlayStation2发展以印度著名动画角色哈奴曼主题的单机游戏。
2008-04-28 ArtNo.40909(60/160)
【ムンバイ】インドにおけるPlaystation 2 (PS2)の普及を加速するため、Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE)は、地元ゲーム開発業者13社と提携し、インディアン・ゲームの制作に乗り出した。こうしたゲームの価格は恐らく既存の1タイトル499ルピーを下回る見通しだ。
◆Sony ties up with 13 Indian game developers
【Mumbai】In a move aimed at accelerating the growth of its popular gaming console Playstation 2 (PS2) in India, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) has joined hands with 13 Indian game developers to produce Indian games that could be priced lower than the existing Rs 499 per title.
2008-04-30 ArtNo.40924(61/160)
【ニューデリー】日本が4ヶ月ぶりに交渉の席に戻ったことから、インド日本包括的経済提携協定(CEPA: Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉が加速される見通しだ。
◆Tokyo returns to the negotiation table of the Cepa
【New Delhi】Following Tokyo's returning to the negotiation table after a four-month standoff, the India-Japan compre-hensive economic partnership agreement (Cepa) has been put on fast track.
2008-05-02 ArtNo.40935(62/160)
【ニューデリー】韓国の製菓大手Lotteは、新たに完全出資子会社を設立、既存の上場子会社Lotte India Corpが目下輸入している製品のインド国内における製造に乗り出す。
◆Lotte setting up separate manufacturing arm
【New Delhi】Korean confectionery major Lotte is setting up a separate wholly-owned subsidiary in India to manufacture products which are currently being imported by its existing public-listed firm Lotte India Corp.
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40939(63/160)
◆West Asia Maritime、三菱商事とUS$1.1億裸用船契約
【チェンナイ】ドゥバイ系コングロマリットETAグループに属するタミールナド州Chennai拠点の海運会社West Asia Maritime Ltd(WAM)は、三菱商事と1億1000万米ドルで5万5000トンHandymax撒積運搬船(bulk carrier)2隻の裸用船契約を結んだ。
◆West Asia Maritime signs $110-m deal with Mitsubishi
【Chennai】West Asia Maritime Limited (WAM), a part of Dubai-based diversified business conglomerate ETA, has signed a $110-million contract with Mitsubishi Corporation, Japan, for chartering two handymax (around 55,000 dead weight tonnes) bulk carriers under 'bare boat charter'.
2008-05-05 ArtNo.40940(64/160)
【チェンナイ】三菱商事グループとタミールナド州Coimbatore拠点のCraftsman Automation Pvt Ltd(CAPL)の70:30の合弁会社MC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited (MCCM)は、インド南部市場の開拓に力を集中して来たが、今や北部と西部市場に進出する機会をうかがっている。
◆Mitsubishi JV to foray into north and west India
【Chennai】MC Craftsman Machinery Private Limited, a 70:30 joint venture between Mitsubishi group and Coimbatore-based Craftsman Automation, is looking at the northern and Western parts of the country for expansion. The company so far was focussing on South India.
【金奈】三菱商事集团与位于哥印拜陀的Craftsman Automation私人有限公司的70:30合资公司MC Craftsman machinery私人有限公司正在开拓印度南部市场的同时找机会进军北部与西部市场。
2008-05-07 ArtNo.40957(65/160)
◆Renault-Nissan may source $465-m worth components
【New Delhi】Renault-Nissan plans to source €300 million (approximately $465 million) worth of auto components from India for its passenger car business in Europe, over the next two years.
2008-05-07 ArtNo.40958(66/160)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd(YMPL)は5月6日、セルモーター付き106ccモーターサイクルAlbaを店頭価格3万7500ルピーで発売すると発表した。
◆Yamaha launches new 106 cc bike "Alba"
【New Delhi】Yamaha Motor Pvt Ltd on May 6 announced the launch of all new 'Alba' 106cc motorcycle with electric starter, priced at Rs 37,500 (ex-showroom) in the country.
2008-05-09 ArtNo.40961(67/160)
【ムンバイ】東芝はOP Jindal氏に率いられるJSW Groupと合弁会社を設立、インド国内で火力発電用超臨界スチーム・タービンと発電機を製造/マーケッティングすることで合意した。
◆Toshiba, JSW to float joint venture for power equipment
【Mumbai】Toshiba Corporation of Japan and the OP Jindal-promoted JSW Group have agreed to establish a joint venture company to manufacture and market super-critical steam turbines and generators for thermal power plants in India.
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40993(68/160)
【ムンバイ】地元の二輪三輪車大手Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)とルノー及び日産3社は12日、2011年末までに合弁会社を設立、ULCと言うコード番号が付けられた超低価格乗用車を開発・製造・販売し、Tata Motors Ltd(TML)の10万ルピー・カーNanoに対抗する計画がほぼ完成したと発表した。
◆Bajaj, Renault, Nissan set to sign JV for $2,500 car
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto, Renault and Nissan, on May 12, announced that they have finalised the plan to set up a joint venture (JV) company to develop, produce and market a low-priced car codenamed ULC, which is expected to take on the Nano of Tata Motors, in India by 2011.
【孟买】巴贾吉汽车公司,雷诺与日产5月12日共同发表说它门已经完成计划,到2011年底之前设立合资公司而发展·制造·销售ULC作为开发代号的超级低价轿车,从而竞争塔塔汽车公司的10万卢比轿车"Tata Nano"。
2008-05-14 ArtNo.40995(69/160)
◆Japan commits the highest-ever official development assistance
【New Delhi】Japan has committed Rs 8,582 crore assistance to develop nine infrastructure projects which is the highest-ever official development assistance by the Japanese government to India.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41012(70/160)
【チェンナイ】画像処理技術や監視カメラ(CCTV)の製造を手がけるCBC株式会社は完全出資子会社CBC Corporation (India) Private Ltd(CBCCI)を設立、インド市場への直接進出を果たした。
◆Japan-based CBC sets up a wholly-owned subsidiary
【Chennai】Japan-based CBC Co Ltd, a provider of imaging technology and surveillance equipment, has started its direct operations in India with the launch of a wholly-owned subsidiary CBC Corporation (India) Private Ltd.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41013(71/160)
【ニューデリー】最高裁はデリー高裁に東芝によるインド企業Tosiba Appliances Co対する商標侵犯訴訟の審理を加速し、迅速に判決を下すよう指示した。
◆SC asks Delhi HC to settle quickly Toshiba's trademark suit
【New Delhi】The Supreme Court has asked the Delhi HC to speedily decide the trademark dispute between the Japanese company Toshiba and an Indian company Tosiba Appliances Co which uses the trademark Tosiba for its electrical goods.
2008-05-21 ArtNo.41015(72/160)
◆Japan asks to conduct a feasibility study again
【New Delhi】The Japanese government has now expressed doubts over the technical viability of an 800-km portion of the western dedicated freight corridor project between Rewari and Baroda, which the government had shown interest in financing, and asked the railway ministry to conduct a feasibility study.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41046(73/160)
【カライクディ】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、7000~8000クロー(US$16.39億-18.73億)を投じ、オリッサ州Keonjhar県に年産500万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画に関して、目下欧州、日本、インドの潜在パートナーと合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Vedanta in talks with 3 potential partners for steel JV
【Karaikudi】Vedanta Resources is in talks with three iron and steelmakers in Europe, Japan and India, in its search for a partner to set up a 5 million tonne capacity steel plant at Keonjhar in Orissa with an estimated investment of Rs 7,000 crore to Rs 8,000 crore.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41047(74/160)
【コルカタ】インド最大の鉄鉱石生産者で輸出業者でもあるNational Mineral Development Corporation Ltd(NMDC)が、国内市場向け供給を拡大し、輸出利益と国内販売利益の不均衡を是正する狙いから、日本の鉄鋼メーカーと韓国の浦項製鉄所(Posco)への鉄鉱石輸出政策に見直しを加える可能性が予想されている。
◆NMDC reviewing iron ore exports to Japan, Posco
【Kolkata】National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) Ltd, India's largest iron ore producer and exporter, may review exports to Japanese steel mills and South Korea's Posco in order to increase availability in the domestic market and restore the anomaly in net realisations from exports and domestic prices.
2008-05-28 ArtNo.41049(75/160)
【チェンナイ】日産自動車と地元のトラック・メーカーAshok Leyland Ltd(ALL)は26日、軽商用車製造事業、伝動機構製造事業、技術開発事業に関わる合弁会社3社の詳細を発表した。両社は昨年10月に関係協定に調印している。
◆Nissan, Leyland formalise joint ventures
【Chennai】Japanese auto major Nissan Motor and local truck maker Ashok Leyland (ALL) on May 26 announced the 'legal formation' of three joint venture companies — for production of light commercial vehicles, powertrain manufacturing and technology development, following the 'Master Co-operation Agreement' signed in October 2007.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41059(76/160)
【チャンディガル】三井物産が1万2000クロー(US$28.10億)余を投じて開発を計画する日本工業団地(Japanese Industrial Park)の用地として、ハリヤナ州政府は首都圏(NCR:National Capital Region)のKundli-Manesar高速道路沿線に位置する3000エーカーの土地を提供する可能性を検討している。
◆Mitsui may develop Japanese industrial park in NCR
【Chandigarh】Haryana Government is mulling to provide 3000 acres of land to Mitsui and Company, adjoining Kundli -Manesar Express way in the National Capital Region for setting up of a Japanese Industrial Park which involves an investment of Rs. 12,000 crore(US$2.81b).
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41108(77/160)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の地場製薬会社Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)のプロモーターSingh一族は、RLLの51~62%の持ち分を34億~46億米ドルで第一三共株式会社に売却することに同意した。
◆Daiichi Sankyo snaps up Ranbaxy for $4.6 bn
【New Delhi】The Indian promoters of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd, India's largest domestic drug company, the Singh family, have agreed to sell their 51-62% stake in Ranbaxy for $3.4 billion to $4.6 billion to Daiichi Sankyo Company Ltd of Japan.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41122(78/160)
◆Modi氏、Sony TV権益買収協議
【ムンバイ】ワイヤレス・テクノロジー企業の売却で豊富な資金を手にした著名な事業家B K Modi氏は、Multi Screen Media (MSM:旧社名Sony Entertainment Television)の39%権益の買収交渉を進めている。
◆B K Modi negotiating to buy 39% stake in Sony TV
【Mumbai】Prominent Industrialist B K Modi, who is flush with cash from his wireless telephony company's sale, is negotiating to acquire 39 per cent stake in Indian television company, Multi Screen Media (MSM), earlier known as Sony Entertainment Television.
◆B K Modi商量收购索尼电视39%股权
【孟买】最近卖掉无线电公司股权而雍有丰富资金的著名实业家B K Modi正在商量收购多屏幕媒体公司,即旧名索尼娱乐电视印度公司的39%股权。
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41137(79/160)
【ハイデラバード】伊藤忠商事の赤松良夫常務執行役員に率いられる4名の代表団は16日、アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhar Reddy首席大臣と会見、同州において2件のプロジェクトを手がける計画を伝えた。
◆Itochu Corporation plans 2 projects in AP
【Hyderabad】A four-member delegation from Japan-based Itochu Corporation led by the Managing Executive Officer of the company, Mr Yoshio Akamatsu met the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy, on June 16 and has evinced interest to set up two projects in the State.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41148(80/160)
【チェンナイ】地元土木建設大手Larsen & Toubro Ltd(L&T)と三菱重工業(MHI)の合弁に成るL&T MHI Boilers Ltd(LTMHI)は近くAndhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO)と、総額1557クロー(US$3.65億)の超臨界スチーム・ボイラー及び発電機納入契約を結ぶ。
◆L&T-Mitsubishi set to bag its first order worth Rs 1,557 crore
【Chennai】Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO) will soon give L&T MHI Boilers Ltd, a joint venture of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, order worth Rs 1,557 crore for super-critical steam turbine and generator.
【金奈】安德拉邦发电公司APGenco将不久把价值155亿7000万卢比相等于3亿6464万美元的超临界压锅炉与发电机供应合约给拉森-图布罗有限公司与三菱重工业的联营公司L&T MHI Boilers Ltd。
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41157(81/160)
【チェンナイ】Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM)は今後2~3年内に排気量1.1-1.3リッターの一連の小型車モデルを発売、インド・コンパクト・カー市場進出の遅れを取り戻す計画だ。
◆Toyota set to launch series of compact car
【Chennai】Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) is planning to launch a series of models with engines varying between 1.1-1.3 litre over the next two to three years to address the 1-million unit compact car market in India to make up for its delayed entry into the compact car segment.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41162(82/160)
【ニューデリー】Hitachi Home Electronics Asia (Singapore)Ltd (HHES)は、世界的な販売計画の一環としてインド市場に超薄型液晶テレビを紹介するとともに、今年はこの種の新技術製品の販促に10クロー(US$234万)を投じる計画だ。
◆Hitachi to spend Rs 10 crore on promotion of ultra thin LCD TVs
【New Delhi】Hitachi Home Electronics Asia (Singapore) (HHES), which has introduced ultra thin liquid crystal display(LCD) televisions in India as a part of its global launch, is planning to spend an initial investment of Rs 10 crore this year to promote the new product category.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41174(83/160)
◆東海理化/NK Minda、第二合弁会社設立
【ニューデリー】トヨタ傘下の東海理化株式会社は、地元自動車部品会社NK Mindaグループとカルナタカ州Bangaloreに当初資本金100クロー(US$2342万)の第2の合弁会社Tokai Rika Minda India Private Limited(TRMIPL)を設立することで合意した。
◆Tokai Rika sets up 2nd JV with NK Minda
【New Delhi】Tokai Rika of Japan, a Toyota group company, and a local auto parts maker NK Minda Group are setting up a second joint venture called Tokai Rika Minda India (TRMIPL) at Bangalore with an initial investment of Rs 100 crore.
【新德里】丰田汽车集团旗下的东海理化株式会社与本地汽车零件制造商NK Minda集团达成协议在卡纳塔克州班加罗尔以初期资本10亿卢比设立第二个联营公司名叫东海理化Minda印度私人有限公司。
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41180(84/160)
【ニューデリー】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HSMI)は姉妹会社Hero Honda Motors (HHML)とボリューム販売で競争する考えはないが、ブランド知名度と顧客満足度の面で両社は競争することになると言う。
◆Honda VS Hero Honda
【New Delhi】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HSMI) will not compete with its sister company, Hero Honda on volumes but by gaining recognition of its brand and customer satisfaction.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41185(85/160)
【アーマダバード】世界の化学企業トップ5社に名を連ねるIneosの他、三菱化学や三井化学を含む少なくとも1ダース余りの内外の企業が、国営石油・ガス開発会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC)がグジャラート州Dahejに1万2500クロー(US$29.27億)を投じて開発する石油化学コンプレックスONGC Petro Additions Ltd(OPaL)への出資に強い関心を表明している。
◆Mitsui, Mitsubishi in fray for stake in ONGC's Dahej project
【Ahmedabad】At least a dozen companies, including foreign firms, i.e. Ineos, which is one of the world's five largest chemical companies, Mitsubishi Chemicals, Japan's top petrochemical maker, and Japan's Mitsui Chemicals, have expressed interest to pick up a stake in the Rs 12,500-crore($2.9274billion) ONGC Petro Additions (OPaL), ONGC's mega petrochemical complex in Dahej, Gujarat.
【艾哈迈达巴德】至少一打内外企业,包括世界首五个化学公司之一的英力士公司,日本化学巨头三菱化学与三井化学等都表示兴趣参股印度石油天然气公司计划在古吉拉特州达赫杰兴建的1250亿卢比相等于29亿2740万美元石油化学复合设施"ONGC Petro Additions"。
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41194(86/160)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMI)が、過去5ヶ月間に1680CCと998CCエンジンを搭載したプレミアム・スポーツ・バイク2モデル『MTR01』と『YZF R1』を80台以上販売したことから、他のバイク・メーカーも同様の大型バイクの発売を準備している。
◆Cos line up aspirational bikes
【New Delhi】The success of Yamaha's twin superbikes—1,680 cc engine powered MT01 and 998 cc YZF R1, which sold a total of more than 80 units in the past five months, has prompted other bikemakers to line up more products in this category.
【新德里】雅马哈摩托车印度私人有限公司到现在为止的5个月里成功地销售80辆以上的两种大型摩托车,1600ccMT01与998ccYZF R1之后,其他摩托车公司也步它的后尘而准备销售类似的大型摩托车。
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41200(87/160)
◆野村、LIC Mutual Fund権益買収か
【ムンバイ】野村證券は提携関係拡大を目指し、Life Insurance Corporation(LIC)と先週覚書を交換した。観測筋は野村がLIC Asset Management Company(LICAMC)に出資する伏線ではないかと見ている。
◆Nomura may acquire LIC Mutual Fund stake
【Mumbai】Japanese financial services major Nomura group may acquire a stake in LIC Asset Management Company. Nomura signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Life Insurance Corporation(LIC) last week to explore possibilities of expanding ties.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41208(88/160)
【ニューデリー】ダイキン工業が完全出資するDaikin Air conditioning India Pvt Ltd(DAIPL)は9日、ラジャスタン州Alwar県Neemrana村New Industrial Complex Majrakathにおいてエアコン工場の起工式を催した。新工場は2009年9月までに稼働する予定。
◆Daikin's Rajasthan factory to be completed by 2009
【New Delhi】Daikin Air conditioning India Pvt Ltd, the fully-owned subsidiary of Japanese Daikin Industries, held foundation stone laying ceremony for an air conditioning equipment factory in the New Industrial Complex Majrakath at Neemrana in Rajasthan on July 9. The plant is likely to be completed and commence production by September 2009.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41221(89/160)
◆ソニー・エリクソン、Spice Mobile買収協議
【ニューデリー】Sony EricssonはBK Modi氏が経営するSpice Mobileの買収を目指し、Modiグループと交渉を進めている。Spice MobileはSpice商標の携帯電話端末を販売している。
◆Sony Ericsson in talks to buy Spice Mobile
【New Delhi】Sony Ericsson is in talks to acquire Spice Mobile which is the handset company of the Modi group and sells mobile phones under the Spice brand.
【新德里】根据报道索尼爱立信有兴趣收购斯派斯手机公司。BK Modi集团旗下的斯派斯手机公司销售斯派斯品牌的手机。索尼爱立信跟Modi集团正在磋商有关事宜。
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41229(90/160)
◆Toshiba plans to set up boiler plant near Chennai
【Chennai】Toshiba plans to put up a power boiler plant at Ennore, north of Chennai at an initial investment of around Rs 1,000 crore, according to sources in the know.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41230(91/160)
【ニューデリー】Nissan-Renaultは、Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL)との超低価格車(ULC:ultra low-cost car)合弁事業を利用して電気自動車を製造する可能性がある。
◆Bajaj-Renault-Nissan JV may build e-vehicles
【New Delhi】Nissan-Renault may look at its 'ultra low-cost car' (ULC) alliance with Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL) for affordable production of electric vehicles.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41232(92/160)
【ムンバイ】地元の耐久消費財メーカーVideoconは、三井及び日立とロジスティクス面で協力するための交渉を進めている。新合弁会社は当初、Videocon傘下の小売りビジネス、Next、Bolld、Planet Mや家電量販店に後方支援を提供、その後Videoconグループ以外の企業にまで同サービスを拡大する。
◆Videocon in talks with Mitsui, Hitachi to set up a logistics JV
【Mumbai】A logistics joint-venture company between consumer durables heavyweight Videocon and Japanese majors Mitsui and Hitachi will be set up to support Videocon's retail businesses Next, Bolld, Planet M and its appliance business and it will cater to external clients at a later stage.
【孟买】本地消费耐用品厂商Videocon正在跟日本两间大企业三井与日立磋商合资设立后勤公司。该后勤公司当初向ideocon旗下的零售公司即Next, Bolld, Planet M以及家电零售业务提供服务,随后向其他第三者提供同样的服务。
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41234(93/160)
◆Panasonic to invest $200m to tap into growing durables market
【New Delhi】Taking advantage of the growing domestic consumer durables market, Panasonic will invest $200 million in the next three years in brand positioning and modernising its facilities, besides plans to set up new units.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41253(94/160)
【ムンバイ】Tata Capital Ltd(TCL)とみずほコーポレート銀行は、金融サービス領域の幅広い活動で手を結ぶ。両社は22日、関係覚書に調印した。
◆Tata Capital, Mizuho sign pact for strategic alliance
【Mumbai】Tata Capital and Mizuho Corporate Bank Ltd on July 22 signed a memorandum of understanding for a strategic alliance for a wide range of activities in the financial services sector.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41262(95/160)
【ニューデリー】最近東京で催された『第2回日印経済問題戦略対話(India-Japan Strategic Dialogue on Economic Issues)』の席上、『デリー・ムンバイ貨物専用鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Freight Corridor)』と『デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈(Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor)』両プロジェクトに対する日本の援助問題が集中的に話し合われた。
◆Japan-Indo dialogue focuses on two infrastructure projects
【New Delhi】The second India-Japan Strategic Dialogue on Economic Issues held in Tokyo recently focused on Japanese support for two flagship infrastructure projects —Delhi-Mumbai Dedicated Freight Corridor and Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41265(96/160)
【コルカタ】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pte Ltd(HMSI)はTata Motors Ltd(TML)の10万ルピー(US$2342)カーNanoの発売に合わせて、100万ルピー(US$2万3419)以上のモーターサイクルを発売する計画だ。
◆Honda to launch Rs 10 lakh bike to counter Rs 1 lakh car
【Kolkata】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India is looking to launch bikes priced at Rs 10 lakh and above at around the time the Tata Motors will be launching its small car Nano.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41266(97/160)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pte Ltd(SMI)は今後2年間に少なくとも新たにモーターサイクル4モデルを発売、年産量を2倍に拡大する計画で、今年は1000ccのスポーツ・バイク隼と、別にプレミアム・バイク2モデルを、そしてさらに1モデルを来年発売する。
◆Suzuki to launch a 1,000cc bike, double capacity
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycles India plans to launch at least four bikes, out of which the 1,000 cc sports bike Hayabusa and two more in the premium segment will be introduced this year and one next year, and is looking to double capacity in this two years.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41291(98/160)
【コルカタ】K.K. Birlaグループ傘下のTexmaco Ltdは7月30日、川崎/東芝/三菱商事/三菱電機から成るコンソーシアムと手を組みビハール州Madhepuraに電気機関車製造施設を設けるプロジェクトの入札資格審査(RFQ:Request For Qualification)書類を提出した。
◆Texmaco joins Japanese consortium to bid for railway project
【Kolkata】Texmaco Ltd, a K.K. Birla group outfit, filed request for qualification (RFQ) for the proposed electric loco project to be located at Madhepura in Bihar along with Japanese consortium, comprising Kawasaki, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation on July 30.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41301(99/160)
【ニューデリー】イタリアの自動車メーカーPiaggioが100%出資するPiaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd (PVPL)は、マハラシュトラ州Baramatiの既存工場に450クロー(US$1.05億)を投じ、エンジン製造施設を増設するとともに、ダイハツの技術支援を得て排気量1.2リットル以下の2気筒ターボチャージャ付きディーゼルエンジンを開発する。
◆Piaggio to develop engines in collaboration with Diahatsu
【New Delhi】Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd (PVPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Italian auto major Piaggio, is investing Rs 450 crore in the engine shop at the existing plant in Baramati, Maharashtra and will develop twin cylinder turbocharged diesel engines of up to 1.2 litre in technical collaboration with Japanese major Daihatsu Motors.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41303(100/160)
【ムンバイ】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd(HMSI)は2010年までに100ccモーターサイクルを発売する計画だ。目下同社は125ccと150ccのモーターサイクルの販売のみを手がけている。
◆Honda plans to launch 100cc motorcycles by 2010
【Mumbai】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., which is currently present in the 125cc and 150cc motorcycle category only, plans to launch a 100cc motorcycle by 2010.
対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2008