輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008
◆EADS eyes production in India, invites it to Eurofighter consortium
【Berlin】EADS, the parent company of Airbus, on May 27 invited India to be a part of its prestigious Eurofighter upgrade project, and suggested that it might start producing in India in order to be nearer customers there.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41063(102/225)
【ニューデリー】Toyoda Gosei India Pvt Ltd (TGIPL)は45クロー(US$1054万)を投じラジャスタン州Neemranaにハンドルやエアバッグ・モジュール等の安全装置製造工場を建設、インド国内の自動車産業に供給する。
◆Toyoda Gosei to invest Rs 45 cr for safety systems
【New Delhi】Toyoda Gosei India Pvt Ltd (TGIPL) will invest Rs 45 crore to set up a safety system subsidiary at Neemrana in Rajasthan to produce products such as steering wheels and airbags for car makers in the country.
2008-06-02 ArtNo.41064(103/225)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、輸出振興資本財(EPCG:export promotion capital goods)スキームを利用し低価格で手に入れた高級車やスポーツ・ユーティリティー車(SUV)を横流しするケースが増えていることから、ホテル/旅行代理店/観光旅行業者がEPCGスキーム下にこの種の車両を輸入する際の規制を強化した。
◆Govt tightens norms for import of cars, SUVs under EPCG
【New Delhi】The government has tightened norms for import of high end cars and sports utility vehicles by hotels, travel agents and tour operators under Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Scheme, following reports of misuse of tax concessions available on import of these vehicles for tourism.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41072(104/225)
◆Ca sales go up in May
【New Delhi】Car sales in May generally showed an upward trend and increased around 13-15%. However the growth late was lower than April's 22%.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41073(105/225)
◆Two-wheeler market keeps momentum in May
【Mumbai】The two-wheeler market, whiche showed an uptrend in April after a prolonged slump, kept up momentum in May with all top four manufacturers showing increase in sales numbers.
2008-06-04 ArtNo.41074(106/225)
【ムンバイ】イタリアのスクーター・メーカーPiaggioは地元のライバルBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)に取って代わりインド三輪車市場のトップの座を占めた。
◆Piaggio bags the top slot in the three-wheeler market
【Mumbai】Italian scooter maker Piaggio toppled its local competitor, Bajaj Auto and bagged the top slot in the Indian three-wheeler market.
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41084(107/225)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州のNaveen Patnaik首席大臣を長とするハイレベル認証委員会(HLCA:high-level clearance authority)は6月3日、造修船プロジェクトや石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region-別項参照)プロジェクトを含む合計10件の大型投資計画を承認した。
◆Orissa govt clears 10 mega projects
【Bhubaneswar】The Orissa government's high-level clearance authority (HLCA), headed by chief minister Naveen Patnaik, on June 3 cleared 10 mega projects, including a ship building yard and repair facility and a petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment region (PCPIR).
2008-06-09 ArtNo.41085(108/225)
◆Auto cos in a spot as steel cos hike contract rates
【Mumbai】Carmakers are in a spot as steel companies are insisting on a 30-40% increase in contract prices for the coming quarter. Flagging sales due to high interest costs do not allow carmakers to pass these hikes on to customers and force to absorb cost pushes by themselves.
2008-06-11 ArtNo.41099(109/225)
【ムンバイ】地元自動車大手Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)はイタリア企業Engines Engineering SpAと、後者の二輪車設計ビジネスを買収する契約を結んだ。
◆M&M buys Italian two-wheeler design firm
【Mumbai】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has signed an agreement with Engines Engineering SpA of Italy, to acquire the latter's two-wheeler designing business.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41114(110/225)
【ムンバイ】ムンバイ市初の地下鉄プロジェクトを手がける特殊目的会社Mumbai Metro Oneは、中国国営南車股分有限公司傘下の創業100年の子会社、南京浦鎮車輌敞に総額604クロー(US$1.41億)の車輌納入契約を発注した。
◆Chinese co to supply trains to Mumbai Metro
【Mumbai】Mumbai Metro One, the special purpose vehicle formed to undertake construction of the first metro rail corridor project in Mumbai, has awarded CSR Nanjing Puzhen Rolling Stock Company, a 100 year old subsidiary of the government-owned China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, the Rs 604 crore contract to supply 16 trains.
2008-06-16 ArtNo.41115(111/225)
◆Scooters India、電動二輪車市場進出目指す
【ラクナウ】ウッタルプラデシュ州Lucknowを拠点にする公共部門自動車メーカー、Scooters India Ltd(SIL)は、電動二輪車市場進出を目指し、潜在パートナーから提出された提携意向書(EOI)を審査している。
◆Scooters India to foray into e-bike segment
【Lucknow】A Lucknow-based public sector automotive company, Scooters India Limited (SIL) plans to foray into the electric two-wheeler segment and is evaluating the expressions of interest (EoIs) by some domestic companies for a possible collaboration.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41118(112/225)
【ニューデリー】大蔵省は6月13日、既存の24%の消費税(excise duty)に上乗せして1500-1999ccの乗用車に1万5000ルピー(US$351)、2000cc以上の乗用車に2万ルピー(US$468)のカテゴリー別消費税(specific excise duty)を課した。
◆Addl duty on big cars may cost buyers up to Rs 50,000
【New Delhi】The finance ministry has slapped additional specific duty of Rs 15,000 on cars with engine capacity of 1,500-1,999 cc and Rs 20,000 on cars of 2,000 cc and more over and above the existing 24 per cent ad valorem rate., with immediate effect, on June 13.
2008-06-18 ArtNo.41119(113/225)
◆自転車大手Tube India、電動二輪車市場進出
【チェンナイ】年商9582クロー(US$22.44億)のMurugappa Groupに属する自転車メーカー、Tube Investments of India (TII)はタミールナド州Chennai市Ambatturに設けた工場から3種類の電動バイク(e-bike)を初出荷し、電動二輪車市場に進出した。
◆Tube India forays into e-bike market
【Chennai】Bicycle maker Tube Investments of India (TII), a part of the Rs. 9,582-crore Murugappa Group, has forayed into e-bikes segment by kick-starting its factory at Ambattur in Chennai and the launch of three models.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41134(114/225)
【ニューデリー】自動車メーカーDaimler AG(DAG)によれば、ヤトロファ・カルカス(Jatropha Curcus南洋油桐)からバイオ燃料を生産するコストは、政府等の補助を抜きにして1ha当たり3万ルピー(US$703)と見積もられる。
◆Jatropha-fuel production cost $703/ha: Daimler
【New Delhi】 The cost of bio-fuel production from Jatropha Curcus is estimated at Rs 30,000 per hectare, without involving any element of subsidy according to the automobile giant Daimler AG.
2008-06-23 ArtNo.41136(115/225)
◆Chrysler may set up a greenfield facility in TN
【Chennai】The Tamil Nadu government is in talks with American car maker Chrysler regarding the latter's greenfield facility in the state.
2008-06-25 ArtNo.41145(116/225)
◆Auto firms face growing Inventories
【Mumbai】In what may put pressure on companies as well as local dealerships, the auto industry is heading for a slowdown, causing a rise in vehicle inventory levels.
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41156(117/225)
【ニューデリー】自動車の排気ガスによる大気汚染の一掃を目指すデリー州のSheila Dikshit首席大臣は25日、地元Mainiグループ傘下Reva Electric Car Company(RECC)の電気自動車REVAiに対して15%のベース価格補助、12.5%の付加価値税(VAT)免除、2%の道路税及び登録料の還付を認めると発表するとともに、国産ハイブリッド・カーにも同様の奨励措置を適応する用意があると語った。
◆Delhi govt mulls to give sops to hybrid cars
【New Delhi】Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit, who is getting serious about pollution-free drive in a big way, on June 25, announced a series of incentives for REVAi, an electric car model developed and manufactured by Reva Electric Car Company, a member of the Maini group. The incentives includs a 15% subsidy on the base price of REVAi, a 12.5% exemption of VAT and 2% refund of road tax and registration charges to the car buyers in Delhi. She also said that the state government was open to giving similar incentives to hybrid cars that would be manufactured in India.
【新德里】为了扫除首都空气污染而奋斗的德里首席部长Sheila Dikshit6月25日发表对Maini集团旗下REVA电动汽车公司开发与制造的电动车REVAi的一系列奖励措施。包括15%的基本价格补贴,免除12.5%增值税,退还2%路税与登记费。她同时说,州政府会考虑对混合动力轿车提供同样的奖励。
2008-06-30 ArtNo.41157(118/225)
【チェンナイ】Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM)は今後2~3年内に排気量1.1-1.3リッターの一連の小型車モデルを発売、インド・コンパクト・カー市場進出の遅れを取り戻す計画だ。
◆Toyota set to launch series of compact car
【Chennai】Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) is planning to launch a series of models with engines varying between 1.1-1.3 litre over the next two to three years to address the 1-million unit compact car market in India to make up for its delayed entry into the compact car segment.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41173(119/225)
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)の西ベンガル州Singurにおける小型車Nanoプロジェクトのコストはさらに18%上昇、総投資額は当初の1000クロー(US$2.34億)から2000クロー(US$4.68億)に膨張、さらに増大する可能性も予想される。
◆Nano project faces cost overrun, however Nano rollout on time
【Kolkata】Tata Motors' small-car project in Singur has gone up further by 18 per cent and the total investment in the venture now stands at Rs 2,000 cr, may go up further.
2008-07-02 ArtNo.41174(120/225)
◆東海理化/NK Minda、第二合弁会社設立
【ニューデリー】トヨタ傘下の東海理化株式会社は、地元自動車部品会社NK Mindaグループとカルナタカ州Bangaloreに当初資本金100クロー(US$2342万)の第2の合弁会社Tokai Rika Minda India Private Limited(TRMIPL)を設立することで合意した。
◆Tokai Rika sets up 2nd JV with NK Minda
【New Delhi】Tokai Rika of Japan, a Toyota group company, and a local auto parts maker NK Minda Group are setting up a second joint venture called Tokai Rika Minda India (TRMIPL) at Bangalore with an initial investment of Rs 100 crore.
【新德里】丰田汽车集团旗下的东海理化株式会社与本地汽车零件制造商NK Minda集团达成协议在卡纳塔克州班加罗尔以初期资本10亿卢比设立第二个联营公司名叫东海理化Minda印度私人有限公司。
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41179(121/225)
【ニューデリー】自動車メーカー大手5社、Maruti Suzuki/Hyundai Motors/Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)/Tata Motors/Honda Sielの6月の乗用車合計販売台数は、自動車各社の値上げ、大型車に対する消費税率アップ、インフレの高進と悪条件が重なったにも関わらず、16万台をマーク、昨年同月の14万8000台に比べ8%増加した。
◆Leading car makers' June sales up 8%
【New Delhi】The sales of leading five car makers including Maruti Suzuki, Hyundai Motors, M&M, Tata Motors and Honda Siel have gone up by eight per cent 1.60 lakh vehicles in June this year compared to 1.48 lakh units last year, despite the hike in car prices, increase in excise duty on bigger cars and spiralling inflation.
2008-07-07 ArtNo.41180(122/225)
【ニューデリー】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HSMI)は姉妹会社Hero Honda Motors (HHML)とボリューム販売で競争する考えはないが、ブランド知名度と顧客満足度の面で両社は競争することになると言う。
◆Honda VS Hero Honda
【New Delhi】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HSMI) will not compete with its sister company, Hero Honda on volumes but by gaining recognition of its brand and customer satisfaction.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41192(123/225)
◆Daimler Hero Motor、チェンナイにトラック工場建設
【チェンナイ】Daimler AGと地元パートナーHero Groupの合弁に成るDaimler-Hero Motor Commercial Vehicles Ltd (DHMC)は、7億ユーロ、4746クロー(US$11.1147億)を投じてタミールナド州Chennai付近にトラック工場を設けるため、タミールナド州政府と関係覚書を取り交わした。
◆Daimler-Hero venture to make 70,000 trucks
【Chennai】Daimler-Hero Motor Commercial Vehicles Ltd, the joint venture of Daimler AG and Hero Group, signed an MoU with the Tamil Nadu government on July 7 to set up a truck manufacturing facility near Chennai for an investment of Rs 4,746-crore($1.11147b).
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41193(124/225)
【ムンバイ】General Motors(GM)はマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Talegaonの工場に伝動装置(エンジン/ギアボックス)製造施設を増設するため、2週間以内に同州政府と関係覚書を取り交わす見通しだ。
◆GM to set up a power train manufacturing facility
【Mumbai】Automobile giant General Motors is expected to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Maharashtra government within fortnight or so for setting up a power train (engine and gear box) manufacturing facility at its Talegaon Plant near Pune.
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41194(125/225)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMI)が、過去5ヶ月間に1680CCと998CCエンジンを搭載したプレミアム・スポーツ・バイク2モデル『MTR01』と『YZF R1』を80台以上販売したことから、他のバイク・メーカーも同様の大型バイクの発売を準備している。
◆Cos line up aspirational bikes
【New Delhi】The success of Yamaha's twin superbikes—1,680 cc engine powered MT01 and 998 cc YZF R1, which sold a total of more than 80 units in the past five months, has prompted other bikemakers to line up more products in this category.
【新德里】雅马哈摩托车印度私人有限公司到现在为止的5个月里成功地销售80辆以上的两种大型摩托车,1600ccMT01与998ccYZF R1之后,其他摩托车公司也步它的后尘而准备销售类似的大型摩托车。
2008-07-09 ArtNo.41195(126/225)
【チェンナイ】情報技術(IT)/BPO(business process outsourcing)産業は向こう5年間15~20%の成長を遂げ、直接の雇用数は800万人に Bする見通しだ。
◆IT, BPO set to grow 15 pc, says Nasscom
【Chennai】Information technology(IT) and business process outsourcing(BPO) industry is set to grow 15 to 20 per cent in the next five years and direct employment likely to go up to eight million.
2008-07-14 ArtNo.41207(127/225)
◆Car cos pulling out all the stops to weather the downturn
【Mumbai】India carmakers seems to have painted a far more rosier picture of sales last month than what is the reality. Car manufacturers may have reported flat sales last month but rising inventory levels reported by dealers belie the facts.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41218(128/225)
◆Car sales languish, register 6.1% growth in June
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales in June 2008 recorded 99,738 units against 94,002 units in the same month last year and registered the first time single digit growth of 6.1% compared with the 17.5% growth in April and 14.3% in May.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41219(129/225)
◆June commercial vehicle sales rise 13.5% vs year ago
【New Delhi】Sales of commercial vehicles(trucks and buses) in June increased by 13.53 per cent to 40,324 units from 35,518 units during the year-ago period.
2008-07-16 ArtNo.41220(130/225)
◆Two-wheeler sales in June increase by 6.4
【New Delhi】Total two-wheeler sales in June increased by 6.45 per cent to 6,01,941 units from 5,65,433 units in the same month last year.
2008-07-21 ArtNo.41231(131/225)
【アーマダバード】原油価格の高騰が持続する中で、多国籍自動車メジャー、General Motors(GM)とDaimler、そしてムンバイ拠点の地場自動車大手Mahindra & Mahindra(M&M)はヤトロファ・カルカス(Jatropha Curcus南洋油桐)燃料の開発に本腰で取り組んでいる。
◆GM, Daimler & M&M bet big on Jatropha
【Ahmedabad】Auto giants General Motors, Daimler and Mumbai-based Mahindra & Mahindra have stayed focused on Jatropha to tide over soaring crude prices.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41254(132/225)
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)はハイブリッド燃料、バイオ燃料、圧縮空気等を用いたエコ・カーの開発を手がけている他、ノルウェー企業と電動自動車の製造に取り組んでおり、今会計年度内にインド市場に投入する計画だ。
◆Tata Motors to roll out electric cars in this financial year
【Mumbai】Tata Motors is working with a Norway-based company to produce an electric car, besides a host of eco-friendly, hybrid, bio-fuel and compressed-air run cars. The new car is expected to hit the Indian roads this financial year.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41255(133/225)
◆E-vehicle sales set to increase three-fold this year
【Ahmedabad】The volatile crude has given a big boost to the electric-vehicle (EV) segment. EV makers now eye a three-fold increase in sales this financial year.
2008-07-28 ArtNo.41256(134/225)
◆Re, input costs' rise hit auto parts export
【New Delhi】India's auto parts export growth rate saw a sharp fall due to the strong rupee against the dollar in the last financial year and rise in input costs.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41265(135/225)
【コルカタ】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pte Ltd(HMSI)はTata Motors Ltd(TML)の10万ルピー(US$2342)カーNanoの発売に合わせて、100万ルピー(US$2万3419)以上のモーターサイクルを発売する計画だ。
◆Honda to launch Rs 10 lakh bike to counter Rs 1 lakh car
【Kolkata】Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India is looking to launch bikes priced at Rs 10 lakh and above at around the time the Tata Motors will be launching its small car Nano.
2008-07-30 ArtNo.41266(136/225)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pte Ltd(SMI)は今後2年間に少なくとも新たにモーターサイクル4モデルを発売、年産量を2倍に拡大する計画で、今年は1000ccのスポーツ・バイク隼と、別にプレミアム・バイク2モデルを、そしてさらに1モデルを来年発売する。
◆Suzuki to launch a 1,000cc bike, double capacity
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycles India plans to launch at least four bikes, out of which the 1,000 cc sports bike Hayabusa and two more in the premium segment will be introduced this year and one next year, and is looking to double capacity in this two years.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41291(137/225)
【コルカタ】K.K. Birlaグループ傘下のTexmaco Ltdは7月30日、川崎/東芝/三菱商事/三菱電機から成るコンソーシアムと手を組みビハール州Madhepuraに電気機関車製造施設を設けるプロジェクトの入札資格審査(RFQ:Request For Qualification)書類を提出した。
◆Texmaco joins Japanese consortium to bid for railway project
【Kolkata】Texmaco Ltd, a K.K. Birla group outfit, filed request for qualification (RFQ) for the proposed electric loco project to be located at Madhepura in Bihar along with Japanese consortium, comprising Kawasaki, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Electric Corporation on July 30.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41292(138/225)
【ムンバイ】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)は80:20の合弁会社Mahindra Kinetic Scooters and Motorcycles Ltd(MKSM)を通じ、マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のKinetic Motor Company Ltd(KMCL)を110クロー(US$2576万)で買収、二輪車市場進出を果たす。
◆M&M buys Kinetic Motor Company for Rs 110 crore
【Mumbai】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) will buy the business assets of Pune-based Kinetic Motor Company Ltd for Rs 110 crore through a new 80:20 joint venture company called Mahindra Kinetic Scooters and Motorcycles Ltd, to gain an entry into the two-wheeler market.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41293(139/225)
◆Car sales flat in July
【New Delhi】The growing impact of rising inflation and interest rates, and lower availability of finance is reflected in the dismal growth in domestic July sales of the most car companies.
2008-08-06 ArtNo.41294(140/225)
【ニューデリー】主要二輪車メーカーの7月の販売台数は45万1288 艪ニ、昨年同月の36万3992台に比べ24%増加、国内景気の後退に抗して目覚ましい復調を見た。二輪車販売はこれで4ヶ月連続プラス成長を記録したことになる。
◆The two-wheeler sales recover strongly
【New Delhi】The two-wheeler segment has reported higher sales for the fourth consecutive month, despite the high interest rate regime. The two-wheeler manufacturers posted a growth 24 per cent at 451,288 units in July as against 363,992 units in the previous year.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41300(141/225)
◆Airbus, Boeing expect sharp growth in Indian demand
【Mumbai】Airbus and Boeing have projected a sharp growth in the demand for aircraft in India in the next 20-25 years, despite a slowdown in the economy and the aviation sector.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41301(142/225)
【ニューデリー】イタリアの自動車メーカーPiaggioが100%出資するPiaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd (PVPL)は、マハラシュトラ州Baramatiの既存工場に450クロー(US$1.05億)を投じ、エンジン製造施設を増設するとともに、ダイハツの技術支援を得て排気量1.2リットル以下の2気筒ターボチャージャ付きディーゼルエンジンを開発する。
◆Piaggio to develop engines in collaboration with Diahatsu
【New Delhi】Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd (PVPL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Italian auto major Piaggio, is investing Rs 450 crore in the engine shop at the existing plant in Baramati, Maharashtra and will develop twin cylinder turbocharged diesel engines of up to 1.2 litre in technical collaboration with Japanese major Daihatsu Motors.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41302(143/225)
◆Bike makers mull to adopt liquid-cooled engine
【New Delhi】Indian two-wheeler manufacturers, who have expressed interest to shift focus more to the 125cc and above segment bikes, closely look at the liquid-cooled engine technology.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41303(144/225)
【ムンバイ】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd(HMSI)は2010年までに100ccモーターサイクルを発売する計画だ。目下同社は125ccと150ccのモーターサイクルの販売のみを手がけている。
◆Honda plans to launch 100cc motorcycles by 2010
【Mumbai】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt. Ltd., which is currently present in the 125cc and 150cc motorcycle category only, plans to launch a 100cc motorcycle by 2010.
2008-08-11 ArtNo.41304(145/225)
【ムンバイ】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMI)は100ccモーターサイクル市場に進出する可能性を検討している。
◆Suzuki Motorcycles mulls 100cc foray
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd is looking at entering the entry-level 100 cc motorcycle segment.
2008-08-13 ArtNo.41317(146/225)
【ムンバイ】オーストリアのスポーツ・バイク・メーカー、KTM Power Sports AGは、同社に21%出資するインド第二のモーターサイクル・メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL)と共同で3種類の市内用交通機器、即ち自動三輪車/低価格乗用車/スクーターの開発に取り組んでいる。
◆KTM developing 3 vehicles with Bajaj
【Mumbai】Austria's sports bike maker KTM Power Sports, in which India's second-largest motorcycle maker Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL) owns 21 per cent stake, is developing three intra-city transportation models - a trike, a budget car and a scooter - in a joint collaboration with BAL.
【孟买】奥地利运动摩托车制造商KTM Power Sports公司正在跟印度第二大摩托车制造商巴贾吉汽车公司合作,开发3种市内交通机器。第一是三轮摩托车,第二是廉价轿车,第三是速可达。巴贾吉雍有KTM的21%股权。
2008-08-13 ArtNo.41318(147/225)
◆Japanese cos to offer Indian version superbikes at Indian prices
【New Delhi】After big-ticket bike makers failed to make an impact with their much-hyped superbike launches, Japanese bike manufacturers like Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki and Kawasaki will launch scaled-down Indian versions of their international superbike models.
2008-08-13 ArtNo.41319(148/225)
◆Car sales down 1.71 pc in July
【New Delhi】Passenger car sales in the domestic market slipped 1.71 per cent in July as compared to the same month last year. This is the first time dip in car sales in more than two and a half years.
2008-08-18 ArtNo.41328(149/225)
◆Gearless scooters manufacturers facing a waiting list
【New Delhi】Manufacturers of automatic scooters are facing a waiting list that could vary from a week to a month.
2008-08-20 ArtNo.41339(150/225)
【ニューデリー】株式会社ジェイテクトとカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のMicromatic Grinding Technologies Ltd(MGTL)はエンジンやトランスミッションの製作に用いる工作機を製造するため戦略提携した。
◆JTEKT tie-up with Micromatic
【New Delhi】The Japan-based Rs 400-crore JTEKT Corporation and Bangalore-based Micromatic Grinding Technologies signed an agreement for a strategic alliance to produce machine tools for engines and transmissions.
【新德里】日本捷太格特公司与总部位于邦加罗尔的Micromatic Grinding Technologies有限公司为了共同制造引擎和变速机用的机床工具而签署战略性合作协议。
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008