輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008
◆Auto component industry's growth halving this year
【Mumbai】The auto component industry will grow at 6-8 per cent in the current financial year as compared with a forecast of 12-13 per cent, owing to a slowdown in demand for automobiles due to high interest rates and burgeoning fuel prices.
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41345(152/225)
【コルカタ】タタ・グループのRatan Tata会長は22日、引き続き従業員と工場設備が暴力と騒乱の脅威に晒されるなら、Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は小型乗用車Nanoの製造拠点を西ベンガル州Hooghly県Singurから他所へ移転すると警告した。
◆Tata threatens to pull Nano project out of Singur
【Kolkata】Tata Group chairman Ratan Tata on August 22 threatened to move out of Singur, site of Tata Motors' small car project, in West Bengal, if the employees of the company and the ancillary units continued to face violence and disturbance.
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41346(153/225)
【ニューデリー】Ratan Tata会長が、暴力や騒乱の脅威に晒される西ベンガル州Singur地区から小型乗用車Nanoプロジェクトを撤収する可能性を示唆した後、複数の州がNanoプロジェクトの誘致を目指し、相次ぎ代替地や設備の提供を申し出た。
◆States jostle to house Nano project
【New Delhi】After Ratan Tata threatened to pull out the small car project from Singur in the wake of violence and disruptions, a few state Governments have offered land and facilities for the plant if it were to be relocated.
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41347(154/225)
【コルカタ】Ratan Tata会長は、「引き続き暴力と騒乱の脅威に晒されるなら小型車Nanoプロジェクトを西ベンガル州Singurから他の土地に移転する」と警告したが、同州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣は翌23日、「Nanoの初出荷は10月」と発表、Tata Motors Ltd(TML)幹部も10月の発売を目指す方針を確認した。
◆Nano to be phased launch, first one will roll out in Oct
【Kolkata】Although Ratan Tata had threatened to pull out the small car project from Singur in the wake of violence and disruptions, West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee on August 23 said the first Nano car would roll out in October and the company officials are also hopeful of an October launch for the car.
【加尔各答】虽然拉坦•塔塔面对暴力和骚扰的威胁之后警告说他的公司会把小型轿车Nano项目从西孟加拉州Singur地区移到其他地方,不过西孟加拉州首席部长Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee8月23日说第一辆Nano今年10月出货。该公司人士也证实说有希望10月上市。
2008-08-25 ArtNo.41348(155/225)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMIPL)は2009年に50万台以上のモーターサイクルを販売することを目指し、販売網に再編を加えており、年内にディラー80店を追加する計画だ。
◆Yamaha aims to sell five lakh bikes in 2009
【New Delhi】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd is revamping network in the country and adding 80 new dealers in the current year so that it can sell more than half a million bikes in 2009.
2008-09-01 ArtNo.41377(156/225)
◆BSA Motors、10月に電動スクーター5モデル発売
【ハイデラバード】年商9582クロー(US$22.44億)のMurugappaグループに属するTube Investments of India (TII)の戦略ビジネス・ユニット、BSA Motorsは10月に電動スクーター5モデルを発売する計画で、目下南部ディーラー網の構築に取り組んでいる。
◆BSA Motors to launch five electric scooters in Oct
【Hyderabad】BSA Motors, the strategic business unit of Tube Investments of India, part of the Rs 9,582 crore Murugappa group, is gearing up to roll out about five electric scooters in October and is firming up dealerships in south India.
◆BSA Motors准备在10月发售5种电动速可达
【海德拉巴】年售958亿2000万卢比相等于22亿4403万美元穆鲁卡巴集团旗下钢管投资印度公司的战略性工作单位BSA Motors计划在今年10月发售5种款式电动速可达而在印度南部正在组成销售网。
2008-09-03 ArtNo.41388(157/225)
【ムンバイ】General Motors(GM)は2億米ドルを投じマハラシュトラ州Pune近郊Talegaonに伝動装置(エンジン/ギアボックス/トランスミッション)の製造施設を設けるため、8月28日、マハラシュトラ州政府と関係契約を取り交わした。
◆GM setting up engine plant in Pune
【Mumbai】General Motors on August 28 inked an agreement to invest $200 million in Talegaon near Pune, Maharashtra, for setting up a powertrain (engine, gearbox and transmission) project.
2008-09-03 ArtNo.41389(158/225)
◆Car sales dip in August
【New Delhi】Mainly on account of rising inflation and interest rates coupled with high fuel prices, August sales of the most car companies have turned negative.
2008-09-03 ArtNo.41390(159/225)
◆Two wheeler companies report good growth in August
【New Delhi】Two wheeler companies reported good growth during August mainly due to good agriculture, and hence, greater money in the hands of rural India as well as greater availability of finance.
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41393(160/225)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州のGopal Krishna Gandhi知事は4日と5日に、同州SingurにおけるTata Motors Ltd(TML)の小型車Nanoプロジェクトの用地収用問題を巡り、紛争当事者の和解会議を招集した。
◆Governor to hold peace talks on the Singur issue
【Kolkata】West Bengal Governor Gopal Krishna Gandhi has convened a meeting between combating sides on the issue of Tata Motors' Nano car project at Singur on September 4 and September 5 in a bid to work out a solution to the problem.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州首长甘地(Gopal Krishna Gandhi),为了调解在该州胡格利县Singur购买小型轿车Nano项目的工厂地的塔塔汽车公司跟当地农民之间发生的纠纷,9月4日与5日召集和谈。
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41394(161/225)
【チェンナイ】Ashok Leyland-Nissan連合はタミールナド州の複数の地点に製造拠点を設ける準備を進めている。
◆Nissan to set up facilities in TN with ALL
【Chennai】The Ashok Leyland-Nissan joint venture plans to set up production facilities spread across a few locations in Tamil Nadu.
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41395(162/225)
【チェンナイ】日産はタミールナド州Ennore港から乗用車を輸出するため、近くEnnore Port Limited (EPL)と関係覚書を交換すする。
◆Nissan to export cars from Ennore Port
【Chennai】Nissan Motor is set to sign a memorandum of understanding with Ennore Port Limited (EPL) for using the port to export cars.
2008-09-05 ArtNo.41396(163/225)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(Bhel)は、新たに機関車製造工場を設ける計画で、海外の大手企業と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Bhel looking for partners to manufacture locomotives
【New Delhi】Bharat Heavy Electricals (Bhel) plans to set up a greenfield project for manufacturing locomotives in the country and in talks with global majors for forming a joint venture.
2008-09-10 ArtNo.41423(164/225)
◆州政府とTata Motor工場反対住民の交渉妥結
【コルカタ】Gopal Krishna Gandhi知事(Mahatma Gandhiの孫)の仲介で催されたTata Motors Ltd(TML)のSingur工場用地収用問題を巡る紛争当事者の会談は、西ベンガル州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣と反対住民を代表する草の根会議派(All India Trinamool Congress)党首Mamata Banerjee女史の7日の頂上会議により、終に合意が成立、3日間に及んだ双方のバーゲン交渉に終止符が打たれた。
◆Understanding on Tata Motors' Singur project reached
【Kolkata】West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and All India Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee met face-to-face for the first time over the Singur issue in the presence of governor Gopal Krishna Gandhi and capped three days of hard-nosed bargaining.
【加尔各答】西孟加拉州首长甘地(Gopal Krishna Gandhi)的调停下,西孟加拉州首席部长巴塔查尔吉(Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee)与基层国大党领导人班尼杰(Mamata Banerjee)女士8日第一次会谈,讨论关于该州政府为了塔塔汽车公司在Singur征用农地而发生的纠纷问题,而到那天晚上终于达成协议,结束了长得三天的谈判。
2008-09-10 ArtNo.41424(165/225)
◆Tata Motors、Singur工場の操業引き続き停止
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は8日、「西ベンガル州政府と草の根会議派(Trinamool Congress)に率いられるSingur工場反対農民の間で妥結した合意の内容は不明瞭で、Singur工場の将来の見通しも立たない」と、失望の意を表明するとともに、「こうした状況ではSingur工場の操業を再開することはできない」との声明を発表した。
◆Work at Singur remains suspended
【Kolkata】Tata Motors expressed its distress on September 8 at the "limited clarity" on the outcome of September 7's talks between the State government and the agitators led by the Trinamool Congress and said it would not resume work on its small-car plant in Singur.
2008-09-10 ArtNo.41425(166/225)
【ムンバイ】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMIPL)は、今後2年内に年産能力を2倍の80万台に拡張することを計画、目下ウッタルプラデシュ州Surajpurの既存工場に新施設を増設する工事を進めている。
◆Yamaha plans to expand capacity
【Mumbai】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd plans to double production capacity to 8 lakh units in two years and is setting up additional facilities at its manufacturing plant in Surajpur, Uttar Pradesh.
2008-09-15 ArtNo.41438(167/225)
◆Car, commercial vehicle sales down, two-wheeler sails up in Aug
【New Delhi】Domestic car sales and commercial vehicle sales decreased in August although two-wheelers continued to grow.
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41447(168/225)
【ムンバイ】地元のEicher Motors Ltd(EML)とスウェーデンのトラック・メーカー、Volvoの合弁に成るVE Commercial Vehicles (VECV)は、2年内に大型商用車2モデルを発売することを計画している。
◆Eicher-Volvo JV plans to launch new commercial vehicles
【Mumbai】VE Commercial Vehicles (VECV), a joint venture between India's Eicher Motors and Swedish truck-maker Volvo plans to launch two new heavy-duty commercial vehicles in two years.
【孟买】印度汽车制造商Eicher Motors与瑞典卡车制造商沃尔沃集团合资成立的VE商用车公司(VE Commercial Vehicles Ltd)计划今后两年内在印度国内发售两种新款式大型商用车。
2008-09-17 ArtNo.41448(169/225)
【ニューデリー】デリーを拠点にする年商425クロー(US$9419万)のLuminous Power Technologies Private Limited (LPTPL)は近く新製品Lectrix E-bikeを発売、電動バイク市場に進出する。
◆Luminous bets big on launches, e-bikes
【New Delhi】The Rs 425 crore Delhi-based Luminous Power Technologies Private Limited (LPTPL) is set to launch the company's latest product, Lectrix E-bikes.
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41457(170/225)
【バンガロール】トヨタはこれまでインド市場の開拓に本腰を入れるのを控えて来た嫌いがあるが、今やインドにおける躍進時代(jumpstart decade)に向け準備に拍車をかけている。先ず2011年までにマス・マーケット向けコンパクト・カーを発売、その後全てのセグメントにプレゼンスを築く計画だ。Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd(TKM)のSandeep Singh重役(副MD)はこのほど地元紙に以上の抱負を語った。
◆Toyota gearing up for a 'jumpstart decade' in India
【Mumbai】Although Toyota has been shying away from the Indian market, it is now gearing up for a 'jumpstart decade' in India, beginning with its mass-market compact car, to be rolled out by 2011 and is looking at a presence in all segments in the country, according to Mr. Sandeep Singh, deputy managing director, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd.
【孟买】丰田基洛斯卡汽车私人有限公司副总经理Sandeep Singh说,虽然丰田过去有对印度市场敬而远之的倾向,不过现在准备进入大跃进的10年。首先到2011年之前发售大众小型轿车,然后进军所有的细分市场。
2008-09-22 ArtNo.41458(171/225)
【ジャムシェドプル】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)のワールド・トラック・プロジェクトは、10月からジャールカンド州Jamshedpurで生産が開始されるはずだったが、西ベンガル州Singurにおける小型車プロジェクト同様、土地問題がネックになり、2、3ヶ月の遅延を余儀なくされている。
◆Tata Motors world truck project hits a snag
【Jamshedpur】Tata Motors' world truck project, which was to begin production here from October, has been postponed by two to three months. After the ongoing stalemate over its small car plant in Singur, here too, the availability of land is playing the spoilsport.
2008-09-29 ArtNo.41483(172/225)
【ムンバイ】経済問題閣僚委員会(CCEA:Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs)は昨年、10%エタノール混合ガソリン計画を承認した。しかし政府は今年9月半ば以前に同計画を棚上げにする方針を決めたようだ。
◆The proposal of 10 per cent ethanol blended petrol shelved
【Mumbai】The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) had approved 10 per cent blending of petrol with ethanol last year. However the Government decided that the proposal of 10 per cent ethanol blended petrol should be shelved, even before mid-September.
2008-09-29 ArtNo.41485(173/225)
【ムンバイ】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Sriperumbudurに設けた工場の生産能力を62%拡張する。これは主にi10モデルの需要増に応じるもの。
◆Hyundai Motors hikes plant capacity by 62%
【Mumbai】Hyundai Motor India has increased the production at its plant based in Sriperumbudur, near Chennai by 62 per cent mainly to satisfy the demand of the i10 model.
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41493(174/225)
【ムンバイ】今年9月の乗用車(car)販売は、高金利と金融ファシリティーの欠如に加え、物忌みの期間とされるShradhを迎えこともあって全般に低調だった。しかしHyundaiやMahindra & Mahindra (M&M)等一部のメーカーに関しては、販促や在庫一掃努力が奏功し、ディーラー向け販売が顕著に増加した。また輸出も好調で、特にHyundaiの輸出は激増した。
◆September car sales remain dull except Hyundai, M&M
【Mumbai】The September sales of car makers, like Hyundai and Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) have been propelled by increased marketing initiatives, coupled with inventory push. Hyundai's export also jumped. However the sales of other makers remained drab with most customers refraining from purchases due to the Shradh period as well as high interest rates and tight finance.
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41494(175/225)
◆Two-wheelers posts impressive growth in September
【Mumbai】The two-wheeler companies posted impressive growth in wholesale despatches to dealers in September as anticipation of an overwhelming response during the festive season led to dealers building up their stocks to meet the demand.
2008-10-03 ArtNo.41499(176/225)
◆Salim reconfirms to execute Bengal projects
【Kolkata】Indonesia's Salim group on September 25 reiterated its commitment to the West Bengal and their projects which it claimed was worth Rs 5 lakh crore.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41505(177/225)
【ニューデリー】デリー・ムンバイ産業大動脈開発公社(DMICDC:Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation)は、向こう6~12ヶ月間に合計4件、総コスト2万クロー(US$42.55億)の鉄道インフラ・プロジェクトを、公共民間協力(PPP:public-private partnership)方式により実行する。これらにはデリーとラジャスタン州Jaipurを結ぶ高速列車計画も含まれる。
◆4 rail infrastructure projects identified for industrial corridor
【New Delhi】The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (DMICDC) will undertake four "early bird" rail infrastructure projects, including a high-speed rail link between Delhi and Jaipur, at an investment of over Rs 20,000 crore, in the next six to 12 months through public-private partnership.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41506(178/225)
◆Tata Motors、小型車計画の西ベンガル州撤収決定
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州Singurにおける超小型車Nanoの製造計画を発表してから28ヶ月を経、既に同地に1500クロー(US$3.19億)を投じたTata Motors Ltd(TML)は3日、NanoプロジェクトをSingurから撤収させる方針を決めた。
◆Tata decides to pull Nano project out of Bengal
【Kolkata】Twenty-eight months after announcing its small-car project at Singur in West Bengal, and having invested around Rs 1,500 crore at the site already, Tata Motors on October 3 took the decision to pull its Nano project out of Singur.
2008-10-08 ArtNo.41507(179/225)
【ニューデリー】先週金曜、小型車Nanoプロジェクトを西ベンガル州Singurから撤収させる方針を決めたTata Motors Ltd(TML)は、代替地探しに拍車をかけており、Ravi Kant重役(MD)に率いられるTMLチームは日曜午前にカルナタカ州Dharwad県の用地を、午後にはアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad近郊のサイトを、相次いで実地視察した。
◆Tata inspects site for Nano plant in AP, Karnataka
【New Delhi】After having withdrawn its Nano car project from Singur, on Friday,West Bengal, Tata Motors intensified its search for alternative locations. The officials of the company led by its Managing Director, Mr Ravi Kant, visited Dharwad in Karnataka on Sunday morning and sites near Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, in the afternoon.
【新德里】上星期五做把小型轿车Nano制造项目从西孟加拉州胡格利县Singur撤退的最后决定后,塔塔汽车公司已经加速找代替用地的工作。董事经理Ravi Kant为首的该公司小组星期天上午访问卡纳塔克州达尔瓦德县,下午又去安德拉州海德拉巴,实地考察用地。
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41520(180/225)
【ガンディナガル】グジャラート州政府は7日、州都Ahmedabad近郊Sanand県の優良地1100エーカーを10万ルピー・カー・プロジェクトのマザー工場用地としてTata Groupに引き渡した。タタ・グループは2000クロー(US$4.25億)を投じ、同地で小型車Nanoと、電動及び圧縮天然ガス(CNG)バージョンを含むその変形モデルを製造する。
◆Gujarat bags Tata's Nano project
【Gandhinagar】The Gujarat state government October 7 handed over 1,100 acres of prime land located Sanand, near Ahmedabad for the mother plant for the Rs 1-lakh car project. Tata Group will invest Rs 2,000 crore there to manufacture Nano and its variants including an electric car and CNG car.
2008-10-10 ArtNo.41521(181/225)
【アーマダバード】グジャラート州政府がNanoプロジェクトのために準備した用地は、Sanandの元王族と州営Anand農業大学(AAU:Anand Agriculture University)が、その所有権を巡り法廷訴訟中の係争地で、Ratan Tata会長のドリーム・カー・プロジェクトは新たな悪夢に直面しそうな雲行きだ。
◆Nano project seems to encounter another nightmare
【Ahmedabad】Tata's dream car project seems to encounter another nightmare. The land in Chharodi village that was allocated by Gujarat state government for Tata's Nano project has an ongoing legal battle between a Ex-Sanand prince family and the state government's Anand Agriculture University (AAU).
2008-10-13 ArtNo.41532(182/225)
【ニューデリー】今年9月の乗用車(passenger car)国内販売台数は10万8823台と、昨年同月の10万5822台に比べ2.84%増加した。
◆Car sales up 2.84 pc in September
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales increased by 2.84 per cent in September to 1,08,823 units from 1,05,822 units in the same month last year.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41544(183/225)
◆Super luxury car sales continue to grow by 20%
【New Delhi】Despite the Indian auto industry estimated to grow by 7 per cent in the current financial year, sales of super luxury cars priced between Rs 1 and 3 crore is expected to grow by 20 per cent over the next few years.
2008-10-15 ArtNo.41545(184/225)
◆Hero Honda、逆風に抗して販売記録更新目指す
【ニューデリー】市場環境の悪化に関わらず、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は祝祭日シーズンの10月に二輪車60万台を販売、最高記録の更新を目指す。同社はこのため近く新たに7種類のモーターサイクル新モデルを発売する。
◆Hero Honda targets record sales in Oct
【New Delhi】Despite adverse market conditions, Hero Honda Motors targets record sales, around 6 lakh bikes and scooters, in the festive month October. It will roll out seven bikes soon.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41554(185/225)
◆US firms focus on development of aviation infrastructure
【Hyderabad】The development of infrastructure in India's aviation sector could well be the focus of the American aerospace industry after selling aircraft and components.
2008-10-20 ArtNo.41555(186/225)
【ハイデラバード】米国拠点のヘリコプター製造会社Bell Helicopter Companyはインドに保守・修理・分解検査(MRO:maintenance, repair and overhaul)設備と訓練施設を設ける計画だ。MROでは専門技術者によるヘリコプターの保守サービスが提供される。
◆Bell to set up MRO facility
【Hyderabad】Bell Helicopter Company, a U.S.-based leading helicopter manufacturing company, is planning to open maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility with experts overseeing the maintenance of the choppers in India besides setting up a training academy.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41568(187/225)
【チェンナイ】Nissan Motor India Private Ltd(NMIPL)は18日、Ennore Port Ltd(EPL)と、タミールナド州Chennai近郊のEnnore港から自動車を輸出する覚書を交換した。
◆Nissan inks MoU with Ennore port for export
【Chennai】Nissan Motor India Private (NMIPL) on October 18 entered into an agreement with Ennore Port Ltd to export its vehicles from the Ennore port located in north of Chennai.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41569(188/225)
【ムンバイ】国内第二の二輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、祝祭日シーズン後に業況が下降するものと予想、生産削減を準備している。
◆Bajaj preparing to cut two-wheeler production
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto, the country's second largest two-wheeler manufacturer sees a slowdown after the current festival season and is preparing to cut production.
2008-10-22 ArtNo.41571(189/225)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の半導体チップ・メーカーMosChip Semiconductor Technology (MosChip)は16クロー(US$330万)の運転資金補填出資を獲得した。
◆MosChip secures equity funding
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based chip manufacturer MosChip Semiconductor Technology has secured working capital funding of Rs. 16 crore.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41577(190/225)
◆Toyofuji Shipping to set up car terminal in India
【Chennai】Toyofuji Shipping Co Ltd, a joint venture company among Toyota Motor Corporation(50%), Toyota Transport(17%) and Fujitrans Corporation(33%), plans to set up an exclusive car terminal in India.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41578(191/225)
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は超小型乗用車Nanoを今年10-12月の間に発売すると言う当初の目標を放棄したようだ。実際のところTMLは、2009年1-3月期の発売を目指し、死にものぐるいで準備を進めている。
◆Nano misses Oct-Dec launch
【Kolkata】Tata Motors now looks all set to miss its original Nano rollout deadline of October-December 2008. In fact, the company is making a desperate bid to launch the Nano during the January-March 2009 quarter.
2008-10-24 ArtNo.41579(192/225)
◆三菱-VST JV、ディーゼルエンジン工場の操業開始
【バンガロール】三菱重工業(MHI)とカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のVST Tiller Tractors Ltd(VST)の90:10の合弁に成るMHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE)は、カルナタカ州Mysore近郊Metagalliに設けた合弁会社にとって初のディーゼル・エンジン工場の操業を開始した。
◆Mitsubishi-VST JV commissions diesel engine plant
【Bangalore】MHI-VST Diesel Engine Pvt Ltd (MVDE), a 90:10 joint venture between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd, Japan (MHI) and Bangalore-based VST Tiller Tractors Ltd, (VST) have commissioned their first diesel engine manufacturing plant at Metagalli, near Mysore.
2008-10-27 ArtNo.41592(193/225)
【ニューデリー】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMIPL)は2010年末までに150クロー(US$3093万)を投じて設備を拡張、また二輪車新モデルを紹介する計画だ。同社は来年までに年産能力を現在の17万台から25万台に拡張する。
◆Suzuki Motorcycles plans Rs 150-cr expansion
【New Delhi】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd (SMIPL) plans to invest an additional Rs. 150 crore($30.93m) by 2010 on capacity expansion and new product launches. SMIPL will expand its production capacity to 2.5 lakh units by next year, up from 1.7 lakh units.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41601(194/225)
◆NASA may set up a huge theme park like R&D centre in Pune
【Pune】In what seems to be a huge theme park, US-based National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is all set for taking a decision to set up its largest non-US centre near Pune.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41603(195/225)
【ニューデリー】インド国有鉄道Indian Railways(IR)は、燃料コストを削減するため、ディーゼル油と圧縮天然ガス(CNG)の何れも燃料として用いることができるDF(dual fuel)エンジンを開発する方針を決めた。
◆Railways plans to use dual fuel engine
【New Delhi】Indian Railways has decided to develop dual fuel engines which would use diesel and CNG in a bid to reduce its expenditure on diesel.
2008-10-29 ArtNo.41604(196/225)
◆Auto cos put expansion plans on hold
【New Delhi】The auto companies are both deferring their hiring plans and holdingtheir capacity expansion plans in the wake of economic slowdown.
2008-11-03 ArtNo.41614(197/225)
◆Japanese loco firms likely to benefit from $4.6 b loan
【New Delhi】The key Japanese players in the electric loco segment, such as Toshiba, Kawasaki and Hitachi, may benefit from the recent $4.6 billion tied-loan sanctioned by Japanese Government for the dedicated freight corridor project.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41625(198/225)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の乗用車輸出会社Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は、世界的景気後退から最大25%の輸出削減を強いられている。
◆Hyundai puts on hold 25% exports
【New Delhi】India's largest car exporter Hyundai Motor India has to put on hold up to 25% of its exports because of the global economic slowdown.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41626(199/225)
【ムンバイ】祝祭日シーズン10月の乗用車メーカー各社の販売成績はまちまちで、Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (MSIL)とHonda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCI)が苦戦を強いられた反面、 Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)とGeneral Motors India Ltd(GMI)は販売台数を伸ばした。乗用車(car)/多用途車(utility vehicle)/多目的車(multi-purpose vehicle)を含む乗用車輌全般の販売は9%ほど落ち込んだ。
◆Auto sales lose speed, Japanese brands fight bitterly
【Mumbai】The sales figures of festive October have been a mixed bag for car makers in the country. Maruti Suzuki and Honda Siel Cars India (HSCI) fighted bitterly. However Hyundai Motor India Ltd (HMIL) and General Motors India showed growth. October sales for cars, utility vehicles and multi-purpose vehicles are reportedly down about 9%.
2008-11-05 ArtNo.41627(200/225)
【ムンバイ】祝祭日シーズンにも関わらず、10月の二輪車販売は低調に推移、業界をリードするトップ3社、Hero Honda Motors、Bajaj Auto、TVS Motor Companyは何れもマイナス成長を記録した。
◆Two-wheeler sales slip in October
【Mumbai】Despite being a festive season, October has failed to bring any cheer to two-wheeler companies as Hero Honda Motors, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor Companyre ported a negative trend in October.
輸送機器 Transport Equipment in 2008