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企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-03-19 ArtNo.39211(251/1140)
◆Honda Siel第2工場、2010年までに小型車の製造開始
【コインバトール】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd (HSCIL)がラジャスタン州に設ける第2工場は2010年までに操業を開始し、専ら小型乗用車を製造することになる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda Siel's second factory to be operational by 2010
【Coimbatore】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd (HSCIL) plans to start operation of the second passenger car manufacturing facility in Rajasthan by 2010 and will use the facility to produce small cars.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39212(252/1140)
【ニューデリー】低圧配電機材メーカーHavell's India Ltdは、オランダ企業SLI Sylvaniaの照明器具事業を3億米ドルで買収することで親会社のSLI Holdings Incと合意、関係契約結んだ。インドの電器メーカーとしては過去最大規模の海外企業買収。(...続きを読む)
◆Havell's buys Dutch firm Sylvania for $300 m
【New Delhi】Low voltage electrical equipment maker Havell's India Ltd on Morch 13 announced that it had acquired SLI Sylvania's lighting business for $300 million, making it the biggest overseas takeover by an Indian electrical equipment manufacturer till date.
【新德里】低电压电器制造商Havell's印度有限公司3月13日发表说它以3亿美元收购荷兰企业SLI Sylvania的照明器材部门。这是在印度电器工业的历史上最大的企业收购。
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39213(253/1140)
◆Tech Mahindra、欧州企業と近くUS$2.5億契約
【ムンバイ】地元企業Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)とBritish Telecom(BT)の合弁に成るテレコム・ソリューション・プロバイダー、Tech Mahindra Ltd(TML)は、欧州テレコム企業から2億5000万米ドルの契約を近く獲得するものと見られ、僅か4ヶ月間に3つの大口契約を手にすることになりそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Tech Mahindra on the verge of bagging $250m deal
【MUMBAI】Tech Mahindra, joint venture between Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) and British Telecom(BT), is set to bag a $250 million order from a European telecom company. The deal could be its third big win in less than a space of four months.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39214(254/1140)
【ニューデリー】世界的な小売りビジネスを展開する足場にする狙いからMukesh Ambani氏に率いられるRelianceグループは、フランスを拠点にする世界第2の小売りメジャー、Carrefourや他のグローバル・プレーヤーの支配権買収を目指し交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance in talks to buy stake in Carrefour
【NEW DELHI】In order to get a global footprint in the retail business, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance group is talking to French retail major Carrefour, the world's second largest retailer, as also other global players for acquiring controlling stake to reach out to international consumers.
2007-03-19 ArtNo.39217(255/1140)
◆Daiwa prepares India fund
【Kolkata】Daiwa Securities SMBC Co Ltd is set to launch an India Equity Fund so that Japanese investors can invest in India's emerging market, which has given spectacular returns in the last few years.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39218(256/1140)
【ムンバイ】インドの石油化学大手Reliance Industries Limited (RIL)と北米の化学製品大手Nova Chemicalsの業務提携交渉が最終段階を迎えているようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance in talks with Nova Chemicals
【MUMBAI】Reliance Industries, India's most valued firm, is learned to be in advanced stages of discussions with North American plastics and petrochemicals major Nova Chemicals.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39219(257/1140)
◆Reliance、Dow Chemicalsとの合弁交渉近く妥結
【ニューデリー】インド最大の石油化学会社Reliance Industries Limited(RIL)と世界第2位の化学品会社米国Dow Chemicalsの合弁交渉が最終段階に近づきつつあるようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL in talks of mega JV with Dow
【MUMBAI】Reliance Industries has been talking to Dow Chemicals, the world's second-largest chemicals company, and has inched closer to signing an MoU with the US company.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39220(258/1140)
【ラジャムンドリ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、インド亜大陸南東海岸沖合で発見したガス田の開発に52億米ドルを投じる計画で、これまでに既に45億米ドルの関係契約を発注した。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance has signed $4.5 b contracts to develop its gas fields
【Rajamundry】Reliance Industries Ltd plans to invest $5.2 bn to develop its gas fields off India's southeast coast and has already signed contracts worth $4.5 billion.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39221(259/1140)
◆GVK Bio、米受託研究会社INC Researchと合弁契約
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のバイオ企業GVK Biosciences Pvt Ltd (GVK)は米国ノースカロライナ州をベースにする創薬受託研究会社INC Research(INC)と50:50の対等出資でINC GVK BIO Pvt Ltd(IGB)を創設することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆GVK Bio enters into joint venture with INC Research
【Hyderabad】Hyderabad-based GVK Biosciences Private Limited (GVK BIO) has formed a 50:50 joint venture, INC GVK BIO Pvt Ltd with INC Research (INC)which has based in North Carolina, USA.
◆GVK Bio与INC Research合作设立联营公司
【海德拉巴】总部位于安德拉邦州海德拉巴的GVK Biosciences私人有限公司跟位于美国北卡罗来纳州的INC Research合作设立50:50联营企业INC GVK BIO私人有限公司。
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39222(260/1140)
【ブーバネスワル】英国企業Stemcorが新設した子会社Brahmani River Pellet Limited (BRPL)は、オリッサ州に年産400万トンの鉄鉱石ペレット化工場を建設するため15日、オリッサ州政府と関係覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Stemcor to set up pellet-making pact
【Bhubaneswar】UK-based Stemcor Group promoted Brahmani River Pellet Limited (BRPL) on March 15 signed a memorandum of understanding with the Orissa Government for setting up a 4 million tonne per annum capacity Iron Ore Pelletisation Complex.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】英国Stemcor集团设立的Brahmani River Pellet有限公司计划在奥里萨州建年产4百万吨的钢丸制造设施。它3月15日跟奥里萨州政府签订有关备忘录。
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39224(261/1140)
◆Piaggio reenters Indian two wheeler market soon
【NEW DELHI】 Vespa scooters are set to return to the domestic market, eight years after they went off Indian roads following Piaggio's break-up with joint venture partner LML.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39225(262/1140)
◆Semiconductor Complex、VLSIC施設をアップグレード
【ニューデリー】チャンディガル直轄区を拠点にするSemiconductor Complex LtdとSemi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL)は、VLSIC(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit)施設のアップグレードをインド政府から認められた。(...続きを読む)
◆Semiconductor complex upgrads its VLSI Facilities
【New Delhi】The Union Cabinet has given its approval for Semiconductor Complex Ltd and Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL) at Chandigarh to upgrad their VLSI(Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit) Facilities.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39226(263/1140)
◆Essar/Vodafone、Hutchison Essaの共同経営で合意
【ニューデリー】Ruia一族に率いられるEssarグループと英国Vodafoneはインド第4位の携帯電話会社Hutchison Essarを共同経営することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar, Vodafone agree on jointly managing Hutch
【New Delhi】The Ruias-promoted Essar group and the UK-based Vodafone have reached an agreement on the terms to jointly manage India's fourth-ranked mobile services provider, Hutchison Essar.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39228(264/1140)
◆Satyam Computer、大口契約10件交渉
【ニューデリー】インド第4位のソフトウェア輸出会社Satyam Computer Servicesは目下、大型契約10件の獲得を目指しており、契約額はそれぞれ5000万米ドルを超える。(...続きを読む)
◆Satyam pursuing 10 contracts; each over $50 mn
【NEW DELHI】Satyam Computer Services, the country's fourth largest software exporter, is in talks of 10 large contracts of over $50 million each.
2007-03-21 ArtNo.39229(265/1140)
【ムンバイ】Kuoni Travel Groupの完全出資子会社VFS Global Services Pvt Ltdは英国政府のビザ発給部門UKvisasと向こう5年間にわたり世界の7地域におけるビザ発給業務を代行する約2億ポンド(US$3.9億)の契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆VFS inks £200 million deal to process UK visas
【Mumbai】VFS Global Services Pvt Ltd, part of the Kuoni Travel Group, has entered into a five-year outsourcing contract worth about £200 million to handle visa and entry clearance applications for UKvisas in seven geographical regions.
【孟买】Kuoni Travel集团旗下的VFS Global Services私人有限公司跟英国签证局签订大约2亿英镑的外包合约。在这个合约下,VFS在世界7个地区代替英国签证局处理签证发行手续。
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39232(266/1140)
【ニューデリー】Vedantaグループの旗艦Sterlite Industries Ltd(SIL)は、最近、タミールナド州Tuticorinの銅精錬施設の年産能力をデボトルネキングを通じ30万トンから40万トンに拡張したのに続き、さらに20万トン拡張することを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sterlite sets to add 2 lakh tonne Cu capacity
【NEW DELHI】In the wake of completion of capacity expansion at the copper smelter in Tuticorin from 3 lakh tonne to 4 lakh tonne by debottlenecking, Vedanta group flagship Sterlite Industries is looking at further enhancing its capacity by another 2 lakh tonne.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39233(267/1140)
◆Shipbuilding sector enjoys brisk orders
【Mumbai】The ten shipyards in the country, including the State-owned facilities, are struggling to keep pace with the flow of orders, both from the domestic as well as overseas markets. At the current pace of growth, it is expected that the domestic shipbuilding sector is well on the verge of becoming a $20-billion industry by 2020.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39234(268/1140)
【ニューデリー】ホンダが完全出資するHonda Motorcycles and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI)は、エントリー・レベルの100ccモーターサイクル・セグメントに進出する方針を決めた。インド・モーターサイクル市場の最大セグメントは目下、ホンダと地元パートナーのMunjal一族が各26%出資する合弁会社Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)がリードしており、HMSIの上記方針はHHMLの市場支配に脅威を及ぼすものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆HMSI's launch of 100 cc range hits Hero Honda hard
【NEW DELHI】In what seems to hit Hero Honda hard, Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Japan's Honda Motor Company, has decided to enter the entry-level 100 cc motorcyle segment. Hero Honda, a 26:26 joint venture between Munjals of Hero group and Honda Motor Co generates over 75% of its sales volume from the entry-level segment.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39235(269/1140)
【ニューデリー】米Motorolaから分離した半導体会社Freescale Semiconductorは、米国を除く地域では同社最大のチップ設計センターになったインドにおける設計業務を一層増強する計画だが、製造施設を設ける考えはないようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Freescale to increase its chip design work in India
【NEW DELHI】The US-based chip maker Freescale Semiconductor, which was spun off by Motorola Inc, will increase its chip design work in India. India is the company's largest design centre in the world outside the US. But the company has no plans to set up a chip manufacturing unit here.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39236(270/1140)
【ニューデリー】Dell Computersはインドにおける年商10億米ドルの達成を目指し、ロー・コスト・パーソナル・コンピュータを投入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Dell to introduce low-cost personal computer
【New Delhi】Dell Computers plans to introduce low-cost PCs in the market so that its sales can double to $1 billion in India.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39237(271/1140)
◆米国電力安全機器会社Tripp Lite、インドに再進出
【バンガロール】米国シカゴ拠点の電力安全機器メーカー、Tripp Liteはアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の電気機器業者Rajdeep Energies Pvt Ltd (REPL)を全国ディストリビュータに指名し、インド市場に再進出を果たした。(...続きを読む)
◆Tripp Lite reenters Indian power mkt
【Bangalore】Tripp Lite, Chicago headquartered manufacturer of power protection equipment, has expanded their operations into India by partnering Hyderabad-based provider of energy products, Rajdeep Energies Pvt Ltd as its national distributor.
◆Tripp Lite第2次进入印度电力市场
【邦加罗尔】总部位于美国芝加哥的电力保护机器制造商Tripp Lite指名位于海德拉巴的电力制品供应商Rajdeep Energies私人有限公司作为全国经销商而第2次进入印度市场。
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39238(272/1140)
◆IBM、Idea CellularとUS$8億IT業務契約
【ムンバイ】インドの携帯電話大手Idea CellularはIT業務の外部委託契約をIBMと結んだ。期間は10年で、Ideaの業務状況に応じて6億~8億米ドルの規模になる。(...続きを読む)
◆IBM bags $800 mn outsourcing deal from Idea
【Mumbai】Idea Cellular has signed a 10-year agreement worth between $600 million and $800 million, depending on Idea's business revenues and circle expansion, with IBM for outsourcing a part of its IT operations.
【孟买】本地主要的移动电话服务公司Idea Cellular跟国际商业机器公司签订总值6亿到8亿美元为期10年的信息科技业务有关的外包合约。
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39239(273/1140)
◆Indian IT biggies far behind MNCs
【Mumbai】Indian IT majors remains well-behind their MNC counterparts at a race of striking big deals in the domestic arena, primarily because they currently can not offer a suite of services includes storage, database, servers, PCs, software and infrastructure management.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39240(274/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営ガス供給会社Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL)は、中国燃気控股有限公司(China Gas Holdings)と手を組み中国における都市ガスの供給、パイプラインの敷設、現地運輸部門への圧縮天然ガス(CNG)の供給と言った事業に参画する準備を整えている。(...続きを読む)
◆GAIL to undertake city gas projects in China
【NEW DELHI】State-run utility Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) is all set to enter into partnership with China Gas Holdings to undertake city gas distribution projects, gas pipelines and supply of compressed natural gas (CNG) for the transport sector in China.
2007-03-23 ArtNo.39241(275/1140)
◆Sami Labs、乾癬・癌・生活習慣病バイオ薬に照準
【ムンバイ】カルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の栄養補助食品(neutraceutical)メーカー、Sami Labs Ltd (SLL)は乾癬/癌/生活習慣病(lifestyle diseases)を治療する植物製剤の開発に取り組んでいる。(...続きを読む)
◆Sami Labs focussing on psoriasis, cancer and lifestyle diseases
【Mumbai】Sami Labs Ltd, the Bangalore-based neutraceutical major, is focussing on psoriasis, cancer and lifestyle diseases and developing drugs of plant origin.
◆Sami Labs研究发展干癣·癌症·生活方式病的植物药
【孟买】位于邦加罗尔的营养补助食品制造商Sami Labs有限公司瞄准干癣·癌症·生活方式病研究发展植物药。
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39243(276/1140)
◆STMicro to develop products with premier academic institutions
【New Delhi】STMicroelectronics, NYSE-listed semiconductor company, plans to tap talent at premier Indian engineering institutes to develop products.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39244(277/1140)
◆Thomson plans to set up R&D centre in India
【PARIS】French technology group Thomson on March 22 announced that it wanted to locate a ninth research and development centre in India in coming years. At present it has eight R&D centres worldwide.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39245(278/1140)
【ハイデラバード】米国拠点の指導的電子ワークフロー・サービス会社Thomson Corporationは、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad市内iLab Centreに700シートの新施設を設け、業務を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Thomson to launch research info centre in Hyderabad
【Hyderabad】Thomson Corporation, the US-based leading electronic workflow solutions provider, is establishing a new facility at iLab Centre with 600 seats and will expand its operations in Hyderabad.
【海德拉巴 】位于美国指导性的电子工作流程解决方案供应商汤姆森公司在它的iLab中心设立600位子的新设施而扩张海德拉巴的业务。
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39247(279/1140)
◆Mitsui Leasing looking for a local partner
【New Delhi】Tokyo-based Mitsui Leasing expressed its interest to enter the asset-based transportation leasing market.The company is looking for a local Indian partner.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39248(280/1140)
◆Bosch looks for 2-wheeler cos to sell fuel injection systems
【MUMBAI】The 41-billion euro German component major Bosch is set to sell electronic fuel injection systems to Indian bike makers.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39249(281/1140)
◆Posco rethinks its India steel project
【New Delhi】The government of India has promised South Korean steel maker POSCO it will look into problems of land acquisition and mining rights for the firm's planned $12-billion complex in Orissa.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39250(282/1140)
【ニューデリー】トウ崎琳(トウ小平のトウ)総経理に率いられる武漢鋼鉄公司の代表チーム4人は23日、Akhilesh Das国務相(鉄鋼担当)に面会、インドにおける合弁事業に投資する意向を表明した。(...続きを読む)
◆Chinese steel firm Wuhan seeks joint venture partners
【New Delhi】The Chinese Steel major Wuhan's delegation led by its Chairman, Mr Deng Qilin, called on the Minister of State for Steel, Dr Akhilesh Das, on March 23 and expressed its interest for joint ventures in India.
【新德里】武汉钢铁股份有限公司总经理邓崎琳先生领导的代表团3月23日见面钢铁部政务部长Akhilesh Das先生的时侯,表示他们在印度有意参加联营计划。
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39251(283/1140)
◆A new regulator to spur private investments in the transmission sector
【New Delhi】In what could spur huge private investments being lined up in the transmission sector, a new regulator (a monitored marketplace) for wholesale power transmission is in the offing.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39252(284/1140)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)と米国Rohm and Haas Coはインドにアクリル酸モノマー製造施設を共同で設ける覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL inks MoU withRohm to set up acrylic-monomer plant
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd and Rohm and Haas Co of the United States have signed a memorandum of understanding for a plant with a capacity to produce 200,000 tonnes of acrylic-monomer annually.
2007-03-26 ArtNo.39253(285/1140)
◆Dorf Ketal、エクソンモービル化学の添加剤ビジネス買収
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbaiに本社を置く特殊化学品会社Dorf Ketal Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd(DKCI)はExxonMobil Chemical(EMC)の添加剤(component additive)ビジネスを買収した。買収価格は不明。(...続きを読む)
◆Dorf Ketal acquires ExxonMobil Chemical unit
【Mumbai】Mumbai-based Dorf Ketal Chemicals India Pvt. Ltd, a speciality chemicals company, has completed the acquisition of ExxonMobil Chemical's component additive business in the US. They has not disclosed the sum of the acquisition.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39254(286/1140)
【コルカタ】伝えられる新日鐵とTata Steel Ltd(TSL)との提携が具体化するなら、新日鐵が日本鉄鋼業界の先頭を切ってインドに製造拠点を設けることになるだけでなく、インド自動車産業の基盤も強化される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆JV between Nippon and Tatas strengthens the fundamentals of auto industry
【KOLKATA】If media reports emanating from Japan are any indication, a JV between Nippon Steel and Tata Steel would not only make Nippon Steel the first among Japanese steel majors to set up shop in India but would also strengthen the fundamentals of Indian auto industry.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39255(287/1140)
【ニューデリー】Arcelor Mittal Steel Group(AMSG)のLN Mittal会長は25日、ジャールカンド州とオリッサ州双方に鉄鋼プラントを設ける可能性を示唆した。(...続きを読む)
◆Mittal suggests to build plants in both states
【NEW DELHI】The head of Arcelor Mittal said on March 25 that the company could build steel plants in two Indian states, Jharkhand and Orissa, rather than just one.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39256(288/1140)
【コルカタ】アルミ大手Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco)とBharat Aluminium Company Ltd(Balco)は、原料のボーキサイトをチャッティスガル州から他州の製錬所に供給することができることになった。(...続きを読む)
◆Chhattisgarh permits Hindalco, Balco to take the ore to the other states
【Kolkata】Chhattisgarh state government has accepted that Aluminium majors Hindustan Aluminium Company Ltd(Hindalco) and Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd(Balco) take the raw materials to the other states from its mining facilities located in Chhattisgarh.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39257(289/1140)
【ニューデリー】Ratan Tata氏の10万ルピー(US$2257)カーが二輪車市場に及ぼす影響を懸念するインド第2位の二輪車メーカー、Baja Auto Ltd(BAL)は自ら乗用車市場に進出することを真剣に検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj fights against Tata's Rs 1 lakh car
【NEW DELHI】The country's second largest two-wheeler manufacturer Bajaj Auto, fearing erosion in two-wheeler sales once Ratan Tata's dream Rs 1-lakh car is launched, is set to enter the passenger car market.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39258(290/1140)
【ムンバイ】カルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の家電会社BPL Ltdはプリント基板(PCB)ビジネスを処分する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆BPL to take order with PCB unit
【MUMBAI】Bangalore based consumer electronics company BPL Ltd is about to take order with its printed circuit board (PCB) business.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39259(291/1140)
【ニューデリー】国営放送会社Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India)は30クロー(US$677万)を投じモバイルTV/高精細度TV/カーTVのパイロット・プロジェクトに乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆Prasar Bharati runs pilot projects on mobile TV, HDTV
【New Delhi】Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) will run pilot projects on mobile TV, high-definition TV and car TV at an investment of Rs 30 crore.
【新德里】印度广播公司Prasar Bharati计划投资3亿卢比进行移动电视/高清晰电视/车载电视的试验计划。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39260(292/1140)
◆Blue Star Infotech、東京に事務所開設
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のソフトウェア製品エンジニアリング・サービス・プロバイダー、Blue Star Infotech Ltd(BSIL)は東京オフィスを開設した。(...続きを読む)
◆Blue Star Info sets up office in Tokyo
【Mumbai】Blue Star Infotech, Mumbai-based provider of software product engineering services, has opened a branch office in Tokyo, Japan.
◆Blue Star信息通信技术设立东京办事处
【孟买】总部设在马哈拉施特拉州孟买的软件产品工程服务供应商Blue Star Infotech有限公司已经在东京设立办事处。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39262(293/1140)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)はグジャラート州Jamnagarを石油/石化製品の輸出基地にする狙いから年間原油処理能力3300万トンの既存製油所の輸出志向ユニット(EOU:Export-Oriented Unit)ステータスを認めるよう商工省に求めている。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL seeks EOU status to turn Jamnagar into an export hub
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd has sought the commerce ministry approval to turn its existing 33 million tonne per annum refinery at Jamnagar in Gujarat into an export oriented unit (EOU), a status that would entitle the company duty free import of crude oil so that it can convert entire its Jamnagar complex into a global petroleum and petrochemical export hub.
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39263(294/1140)
【ニューデリー】政府の10年に及ぶ独占経営に終止符を打つ序曲になると見られる大蔵省募集のアヘン加工ライセンス入札にRanbaxy/Dr Reddy's/Cipla/Nicholas Piramal等の地場製薬大手が長蛇の列を成している。(...続きを読む)
◆Pharma majors forme a queue for the licence to process opium
【NEW DELHI】In what could pave way for ending the decades-old government monopoly in this business, a clutch of pharmaceutical majors, including Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's, Cipla and Nicholas Piramal, has formed a queue before the finance ministry, asking for the licence for processing opium on industrial scale.
【新德里】这可能是十多年来的政府专营结束的序曲,本地主要制药公司为了获得鸦片加工准证纷纷向财政部提交意向申情书。财政部大门前排成龙的包括Ranbaxy, Dr Reddy's, Cipla and Nicholas Piramal等等。
2007-03-30 ArtNo.39264(295/1140)
【ムンバイ】ヤクルトはフランスの乳製品大手Groupe Danoneと合弁会社Yakult Danone Indiaを設立、今年からインドで乳製品の製造を開始するが、食品加工大手Britannia Industries LtdにDanoneと共に出資するWadia一族が異議を唱えている。(...続きを読む)
◆Yakult sets up Indian JV with Danone
【Mumbai】Japanese company Yakult plans to set up a joint venture with French dairy giant Danone to manufacture dairy products in India from this year. But Danone's Indian partner, the Wadias of Bombay Dyeing has raised objection to the joint venture.
【孟买】日本饮料制造商养乐多计划跟法国乳制品厂商达能设立联营公司进军印度乳酪市场。可是达能的另一间联营公司的本地伙伴Bombay Dyeing的Wadia家属对这个联营计划表示异议。
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39268(296/1140)
◆Arcelor-Mittal securs 6,000 acres land in Orissa
【NEW DELHI】Arcelor-Mitta, which plans to invest Rs 40,000 crore and set up 12-million-tonne greenfield steel plant in Orissa, has identified 6,000 acres of land along with water sources in Keonjhar district in the state.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39269(297/1140)
【コルカタ】国内最大の鋳造グレード銑鉄(foundry grade pig iron)製造会社Tata Metaliks Ltd(TML)は、クボタ及び株式会社メタルワンと合弁で150クロー(US$3434万)を投じ西ベンガル州Kharagpurにダクタイル管(ductile iron pipe)製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Metaliks forms JV with Kubota and Metal One
【Kolkata】The country's largest producer of foundry grade pig iron Tata Metaliks Ltd plans to set up a ductile iron pipe manufacturing facility in Kharagpur in joint venture with Kubota Corporation and Metal One Corporation at an estimated investment of Rs 150 crore.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39270(298/1140)
【ブーバネスワル】国営National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco)は、湾岸諸国に適当な候補地を見出すことができないことから、オリッサ州に新アルミニウム精錬所を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Nalco to set up greenfield smelter in Orissa
【BHUBANESWAR】Cntral sector National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco), which has failed to find out a suitable environment for setting up aluminium smelters in a Gulf country, is planning to set up a greenfield aluminium smelter plant in Orissa.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39271(299/1140)
【チェンナイ】小松製作所が完全出資するKomatsu India Pvt Ltd(KIPL)は、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Oragadamに50クロー(US$1145万)を投じて構内作業用ダンプ・トラックの製造工場を設けた。(...続きを読む)
◆Komatsu sets up dump truck plant near Chennai
【Chennai】Komatsu India Pvt Ltd, the Indian fully-owned subsidiary of Komatsu Ltd of Japan, has set up a plant for producing off highway dump trucks, at Oragadam, near Chennai at an investment of Rs 50-crore.
2007-04-02 ArtNo.39272(300/1140)
【ニューデリー】米シリコンバレーのインド系ベンチャーキャピタリストらが新たに創設した半導体会社Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC)はインド政府が3月22日に半導体政策(semiconductor policy)を告知したわずか1週間後、40億米ドルを投じて半導体工場を設置する計画を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆A group of non-resident Indians plans $4 b chip unit in India
【New Delhi】A week after the fab policy was notified, Hindustan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (HSMC), promoted by a group of non-residents in the Silicon Valley in the U.S., on March 22 unveiled its plans to invest over $4 billion in chip foundries in India.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2007
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