貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2007
◆Hero Honda、Haridwar工場の操業開始延期
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)はウタラカンド州Haridwarに建設中の第3工場をスケジュール通り今年8月に完成するが、操業開始を次期会計年度に延期する方針を決めた。
◆Hero Honda postpones opening of Haridwar plant
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors has deferred starting production from its upcoming plant at Haridwar to next financial year as demand has slowed, although the project was on schedule for completion in August this year.
2007-07-09 ArtNo.39719(252/421)
◆Bajaj Auto、値上げと組織再編発表
【ニューデリー】Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL)は5日、100ccモーターサイクルPlatinaと125ccモーターサイクルDiscoverを各500ルピー値上げするとともに、研究開発(R&D)業務/エンジニアリング業務/二輪車業務/商用車業務/国際業務をそれぞれ手掛ける5部門を組織する再編計画を発表した。
◆Bajaj Auto overhauls auto biz; hikes bike prices
【NEW DELHI】Bajaj Auto Ltd on July 5 announced the organisational revamp of its auto business into five strategic units, i.e. R&D unit, engineering unit, two-wheeler business unit, commercial vehicles business unit and international business unit, while increasing prices of its 100 cc and 125 cc bikes Platina and Discover by Rs 500.
【新德里】巴贾吉汽车公司7月5日发表把摩托车2种款式100cc Platina和125cc Discover价格各提高500卢比,同时透露改便公司组织,重新设立5个战略部门,即是1)研究发展部门,2)工程部门,3)二轮车部门,4)商用车部门,5)国际事业部门。
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39724(253/421)
【ニューデリー】特別閣僚グループ(Empowered Group of Ministers)は6日、年間20億米ドルの外国直接投資誘致を目指す新鉱業政策を承認するとともに、鉄鉱石輸出に上限を設けず、鉱業主に生産地における付加価値義務を課さぬ方針を決めた。新政策は内閣に提出され、閣議の最終承認が求められる。
◆New mining policy: no cap on exports, against value-addition
【New Delhi】A empowered group of ministers on July 6 cleared a new mining policy seeking to attract $2 billion foreign direct investment annually and against the demands for capping iron ore exports and for making value-addition mandatory, which will now be sent to the cabinet for final approval.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39727(254/421)
【チェンナイ】三洋とBPL2ブランドのカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)を手掛けるSanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd(SBPL)は、三洋ブランドの販促に一層力を入れる計画だ。
◆Sanyo-BPL to push Sanyo brand in a big way
【CHENNAI】Sanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd., which makes two brands –Sanyo and BPL- colour television sets, has decided to push the Japanese brand in a big way.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39734(255/421)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はデュアル・オプション戦略(dual-option strategy)の下、単一商標小売(single-brand retail)ビジネスの外国直接投資上限を現在の51%から100%に引き上げるか、マルチ商標小売ビジネスに最大49%まで外国直接投資を認める『何れか一方の選択(either-or option)』を提案した。
◆Govt may allow 100% FDI in Single-brand retail
【NEW DELHI】A new strategy paper prepared by the government has proposed an either/or option of increasing the foreign direct investment(FDI) in single-brand retail to 100% or allowing 49% FDI in multi-brand retail.
2007-07-11 ArtNo.39735(256/421)
◆Foreign franchisers are likely to be asked to invest in JVs
【NEW DELHI】A multinational company planing to introduce its brand into India, directly or through the franchise route, is soon likely to have to first invest in the country.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39737(257/421)
◆Frost-free refrigerators segment grows 50% this summer
【New Delhi】Propelled by higher disposable income, greater product awareness and affordable pricing, the sales of frost-free refrigerators clocked an unprecedented 50 per cent growth this summer compared with the previous year.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39739(258/421)
◆Passenger car sales up 16.4 pc in June
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales registered a double-digit growth rate of 16.36 per cent in June to 94,002 units from 80,784 in the same month a year earlier, The car industry had posted 9.07 per cent growth in May.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39740(259/421)
◆Sales of commercial vehicles up 4.15% in June
【New Delhi】Domestic sales of commercial vehicles stood at 35,390 units in June, up 4.15 per cent from 33,980 in the corresponding month a year ago.
2007-07-13 ArtNo.39741(260/421)
◆Motorcycle sales in June slipped by 17.17%
【New Delhi】Domestic motorcycle sales in June were at 4,37,776 units, slipped by 17.17 per cent as against 5,28,499 units in June 2006.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39749(261/421)
◆Govts Rs 1,400 cr salve for Re-hit exporters
【New Delhi】In order to compensate exporters hit adversely by rupee appreciation, the government, on July 12 announced a Rs 1,400-crore package including increased rates of tax refunds and concessional credit for small and medium enterprises engaged in export activities.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39753(262/421)
【ニューデリー】過去15ヶ月間に全国の10州に20社余りの電動車輌(EV:electric vehicle)会社が誕生した。
◆e-two-wheelers set to create a new segment
【New Delhi】As many as 20 electric vehicle companies are estimated to have sprung up across 10 states in the last 15 months.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39755(263/421)
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏のReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は今年末までにガスを燃料としたエアコン、暖房器具、瞬間湯沸かし器等を2万クロー(US$48.78億)のインド耐久消費財市場に紹介する見通しだ。
◆Reliance set to introduce gas-run durables
【MUMBAI】Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is set to introduce gas-run air-conditioners (ACs), water heaters and room heaters in the Rs 20,000-crore consumer durables market by the year-end.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39756(264/421)
【ムンバイ】地元家電会社Mirc Electronicsが手掛けるOnidaブランドは、スプリット・エアコン市場進出3年目にして同カテゴリーのナバー3に浮上した。
◆Onida nabs third slot in split A-C sales
【Mumbai】In its third year of operations in the split A-C segment, Mirc Electronics' Onida brand has nabbed the number three slot.
2007-07-16 ArtNo.39758(265/421)
【ニューデリー】昨年(2006-07)の情報技術(IT)対応サービス(ITES)/BPO(business process outsourcing)輸出ランキング・トップの座は、BPOメジャー、Genpactが維持、WNS Global Servicesが2位につけた。
◆Genpact retains ITES-BPO export ranking top position
【New Delhi】BPO major Genpact has kept its position as the third party ITeS-BPO exporter in India in revenue terms during 2006-07 followed by WNS Global Services.
【新德里】业务流程外包巨头Genpact保持『2006-07年度第三方科技化服务与业务流程外包出口商排列次序』第1座,WNS Global Services排名第2。
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39764(266/421)
【ジャカルタ】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)はインドネシアのKarawangにこのほど完成したステップスルーの開発・製造施設を梃子に、国際市場の開拓に本腰を入れる。
◆TVS to go global by leveraging its facility in Indonesia
【Jakarta】TVS Motor Company Ltd, the India's third largest two-wheeler company, is putting in place a strategy to go global by leveraging its step-thru development and manufacturing facility that it has just finished setting up here in Indonesia.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39768(267/421)
【ムンバイ】中国の通信機器業者Huawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)は、今後さらに4億~6億米ドルの通信ネットワーク・アウトソーシング契約をインドのテレコム・サービス会社から獲得するものと見られる。
◆Huawei likely to bag $600 mn deals in India
【Mumbai】A Chinese telecom equipment vendor Huawei Technologies Co Ltd is close to bagging $400-600 million network outsourcing contracts from service providers in India.
2007-07-18 ArtNo.39770(268/421)
◆Reliance Life Sciences、米国で提携先、欧州で買収対象物色
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Life Sciences(RLS)は米国と欧州市場におけるプレゼンス確立に努めており、2009年までに一連の後発医薬品を欧米市場に投入する計画だ。
◆Reliance Life seeking partners in US, acquisition targets in Europe
【Mumbai】In a bid to strengthen its presence in the world's largest pharmaceuticals markets, the US and Europe, while Mukesh Ambani-promoted Reliance Life Sciences (RLS) is seeking partnership models for setting its footsteps in the US generic drug market, it will be acquiring a European contract research organisation (CRO) to play a key role in the European clinical research industry. The company is going to launch its first drug in the US and Europe in 2009.
2007-07-23 ArtNo.39773(269/421)
【ニューデリー】鉱業/鉄鋼部門に対する年間8000クロー(US$19.51億)の投資が鉄鉱石輸出の可否を巡る鬩ぎ合いの中で進むもならず退くもならぬ状況に立たされている。鉄鋼省国会諮問委員会(PCC:parliamentary consultative committee attached to the steel ministry)は17日、Ramvilas Paswan鉄鋼相に対し、「国会は、未加工の鉄鉱石を無制限に輸出することを認める鉱業政策を受け入れることはできない」と表明した。
◆House panel nixes `unhinged` iron ore export
【New Delhi】In what seemed that investment worth Rs 8,000 crore per year in the mining and steel sectors hanged in the balance, a parliamentary consultative committee attached to the steel ministry, on July 17, told Steel Minister Ramvilas Paswan that Parliament would not accept a steel policy that hinged on unrestricted export of unprocessed iron ore.
【新德里】在矿业和钢铁领域年额800亿卢比的投资似乎上不着天下不着地。因为钢铁部咨询国会委员会7月17日向Ramvilas Paswan钢铁部长表明,国会绝对不同意允许把没有加工的铁矿石无限制地出口的新矿业政策。
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39788(270/421)
◆PC sales rise 26% in 2006-07; sharp decline in the southern cities
【New Delhi】The total sales of personal computers desktop and notebook combining crossed 6.3 million units in 2006-07, a growth of 26 per cent from the previous year.
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39789(271/421)
【ニューデリー】国営放送会社Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India)がTV視聴者やTVメーカーへの課税を計画、電子メーカーらが市況への影響を懸念しているものの、2007年1-5月期のカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)販売は台数で30.6%増加、特にフラットCTVの販売は台数で70%以上の伸びを見た。
◆Flat colour TV sales increase by over 70%
【New Delhi】Even as the state-owned Prasar Bharati(PB:Broadcasting Corporation of India) tried to levy taxes on television watchers and manufacturers, compelling industry players to fear a slow down in sales, the industry recorded an increase of 30.6 per cent in CTVs for January-May 2007, especially the sales of flat tube CTV showed an increase of over 70 per cent.
【新德里】虽然印度公共广播公司Prasar Bharati企图向电视收看者和电视制造商征税,从而行业界操心行情下降,可是2007年1-5月之间的彩色电视机销售增加30.6,其中尤以平面屏幕电视机的销售记录了70%以上的成长。
2007-07-25 ArtNo.39791(272/421)
◆Auto parts industry faces China threat
【New Delhi】The Indian auto components industry is facing competition with cheaper Chinese components and is on the defensive both in the local and overseas markets.
2007-07-30 ArtNo.39807(273/421)
◆Mitsui, Marubeni intend to invest in India
【New Delhi】Japan's Mitsui & Company and Marubeni Corporation intend to invest in the transport and power sectors in India.
【新德里】正式访问日本的Ashwani Kumar工商部政务部长报告说,日本综合商社三井物产和丸红很感兴趣在印度运输和电力部门投资。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39812(274/421)
◆Moser Baer、US$8.8億シリコン購買契約
【ムンバイ】光学ディスク製造会社Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)の子会社Moser Baer Photo Voltaic Ltd(MBPVL)は、ノルウェー企業REC Groupと、2008年から8年間にわたり多結晶シリコン・ウエハー(multicrystalline silicon wafers)の供給を受ける総額8億8000万米ドルの確定契約を結んだ。
◆Moser Baer Voltaic bags $880mn deal
【Mumbai】Moser Baer Photo Voltaic (MBPV), an optical disc manufacturer Moser Baer India's subsidiary, has signed an eight-year (starting 2008), $880-million definitive contract with Norway-based REC Group for sourcing multi-crystalline silicon wafers.
【孟买】光学储存设备制造商摩斯巴尔印度有限公司属下的摩斯巴尔光伏有限公司跟挪威企业REC Group签订从2008年开始为期8年的购买多晶硅最终协议。
2007-08-01 ArtNo.39818(275/421)
【コルカタ】RPGグループのCESC Ltd(旧社名Calcutta Electricity Supply Company)は2012年までに電力/小売/不動産事業に1万9400クロー(US$47.32億)を投資するとともに、様々な方法を通じ拡張資金を調達する。
◆CESC to invest Rs 19,400cr for expansion
【Kolkata】RPG group company CESC Ltd (formerly known as Calcutta Electricity Supply Company) plans to invest a massive Rs 19,400 crore in power, retail and real estate sectors, and will explore various avenues for raising funds for expansion.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39824(276/421)
◆Some four-wheeler cos' sales post double-digit growth in July
【New Delhi】Even as sluggish sales were anticipated during July due to the monsoon season, some four wheeler manufacturers have continued to record a double digit growth.
2007-08-03 ArtNo.39825(277/421)
◆Slump in two-wheeler continues in July
【New Delhi】In contrast to some four wheeler manufacturers' double digit growth, the two wheeler industry continues to show a slump during July with the impact of interest rates and monsoon.
2007-08-06 ArtNo.39841(278/421)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンの通信機器メーカー、Ericssonは2日、入札価格を下回る額で、国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の1400万回線GSMセル式電話網の敷設を引き受けた。
◆Ericsson accepts BSNL's condition for GSM contract
【New Delhi】Swedish telecom equipment vendor Ericsson on August 2 accepted the contract offered by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd for rolling out nearly 14 million GSM cellular lines across the country.
2007-08-06 ArtNo.39843(279/421)
◆Export growth slows to 14 pc in June
【New Delhi】Indias export stood at $11.87 billion in June 2007 as against $10.40 billion in the year-ago period. Hit hard by the appreciating rupee, the export growth slumped down to 14.05 per cent in June 2007, as against 23.06 per cent at the start of the fiscal in April and 18 per cent in May 2007. In rupee terms, the exports were valued at Rs 48,386.49 crore, which is just 0.97 per cent higher than the value of exports during the same month last year.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39844(280/421)
【ニューデリー】米系小売会社Wal-Mart Storesとインドの大手民間テレコム企業Bharti Enterprisesは6日キャッシュ&キャリー卸売りビジネスと後方サプライ・マネージメントを手掛ける50:50の合弁会社Bharti Wal-Mart Private Limited(BWPL)を設立する合弁協定に調印した。
◆Bharti, Wal-Mart form 50:50 joint venture
【New Delhi】American retailer — Wal-Mart Stores and Indian telecom major — Bharti Enterprises, on August 6 signed an agreement to float a 50:50 joint venture company "Bharti Wal-Mart Private Limited" for their wholesale cash and carry business and back-end supply management operations in India.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39855(281/421)
◆カシオ、Reliance Retailと提携し売上げ拡大目指す
【ニューデリー】カシオ計算機(CCL)の完全出資子会社Casio India Co Pvt Ltd(CICPL)は、インドの小売ブームに乗じ売上げを5倍に拡大する狙いから、Reliance Retail Limited(RRL)と提携するとともに、他の小売プレーヤーとも接触し、流通網の拡張を図っている。
◆Casio joins hands with Reliance Retail
【NEW DELHI】Casio India Co Pvt Ltd, a fully-owned subsidiary of Casio Computers Ltd, has tied up with Reliance Retail and is in talks with other players to expand its distribution network so that it can achieve a five-fold increase in revenues on the back of retail boom in India.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39860(282/421)
◆DuPont sets up health solution base in HP
【New Delhi】DuPont has set up a base at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh to manufacture biosecurity products for the poultry industry and disinfectants and decontamination products for hospitals to serve domestic needs and to look at the export market.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39861(283/421)
◆The overall automobiles sale declined by 6%
【NEW DELHI】India's overall automobiles sale declined by 6.36 per cent in July as motorcycles continued to slide despite scooters and passenger cars posting double digit growth.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39862(284/421)
◆Car July sales up 11%
【NEW DELHI】Domestic passenger car sales in July grew by 11.18 per cent at 89,548 units as against 80,543 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39863(285/421)
◆Commercial vehicle sales up 2.53% in July
【NEW DELHI】Commercial vehicles (CV) domestic sales during July was up marginally by 2.53 per cent at 33,496 units as against 32,670 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39864(286/421)
◆Two-wheeler July sales down 9.95 per cent
【NEW DELHI】Total two-wheelers sales in July dipped by 9.95 per cent at 5,03,356 units as compared to 5,58,982 units sold in the year-ago period.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39873(287/421)
【ニューディー】著名な高級車メーカーで、世界最大のトラック製造会社でもあるDaimlerChryslerのインド子会社DaimlerChrysler India (DCIL)は、三菱ふそう製中型トラック及びバスを発売、インドの商用車市場を開拓する計画だ。
◆DaimlerChrysler to sell Mitsubishi Fuso trucks and buses
【NEW DELHI】Luxury car maker and and the world's largest truck manufacturer, DaimlerChrysler's local unit, DaimlerChrysler India (DCIL) is planning an entry into the commercial vehicle (CV) segment rolling out medium range CVs - trucks and buses - in India from its subsidiary Mitsubishi Fuso stable.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39875(288/421)
◆Bajaj Auto、来月125ccモーターサイクル新モデル発売
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)はDTSSi(digital twin spark swirl induction)技術を用いた125ccエンジン搭載のモーターサイクル新モデル『Xceed』を来月市場に投入する。
◆Bajaj to launch a new 125cc bike in Sept
【Pune】Two-wheeler maker Bajaj Auto Ltd (BAL) will launch a 125 cc motorcycle new model 'Xceed', powered by a new engine technology, digital twin spark swirl induction (DTSSi), in September.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39891(289/421)
【コルカタ】今年第1四半期(2007/4-6)の工学品輸出(Engineering Export)は68億6100万米ドル/2万8266クローと、昨年同期の61億3800万米ドル/2万7936.43クローに比べ、米ドル建てで12%、ルピー建てで1%増加した。
◆Engineering export growth rates see sharp downslide
【Kolkata】Engineering exports in the first quarter of current fiscal (April-June 2007) was to the tune of US$6.861 billion or Rs 28,266 crore, an increase of only 12 per cent in dollar terms and a mere one per cent growth in rupee terms over US$6.138 billion or Rs 27,936.43 crore during the same period last fiscal.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39897(290/421)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(EAC:Prime Minister's economic advisory council)はReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)がKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区産の天然ガスに対して行った価格設定は概ね業界の慣例に沿っているとの判断を示す一方、燃料分配手続きを透明なものにするため再入札にかけるよう提案した。
◆PM panel suggests a rebidding for allocation of RIL's KG-D6 gas
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council has thought that the pricing formula adopted by Reliance Industries for natural gas from its KG-D6 fields was broadly in line with industry practices, but proposed a rebidding in a transparent manner for allocation of the fuel.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39905(291/421)
【ニューデリー】安倍晋三首相は21日催されたインド国会上下両院会議の席上、『広域アジア(broader Asia)』構想を提起、国防/安全/経済領域における二国間の協力を拡大し『自由と繁栄の弧(arc of freedom and prosperity)』を形成するよう提案するとともに、包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉を早期に妥結させ、向こう3年間に二国間貿易総額を200億米ドルの大台に乗せることに期待を表明した。
◆Abe addresses joint Parliament session titled 'Confluence of the Two Seas'
【New Delhi】Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who addressed a joint session of Parliament on August 21, unveiling his concept of "broader Asia", pitched in for closer cooperation between his country and India in defence, security and economic fields to create an "arc of freedom and prosperity" in the region and favoured early conclusion of the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) to push economic relations and raise the volume of bilateral trade to USD 20 billion in the next three years.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39909(292/421)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の包括的経済協力協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)交渉は今年12月までに合意に達する見通しだ。
◆India, Japan finalize CEPA by Dec: Nath
【New Delhi】The Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) negotiations between India and Japan is expected to be completed by December this year.
2007-08-24 ArtNo.39916(293/421)
◆Chinese investment faces further scrutiny again
【New Delhi】Chinese investment into India has come under further scrutiny, given the government initiating an investigation into the quality of equipment being supplied to the power sector.
2007-08-27 ArtNo.39917(294/421)
【ムンバイ】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府は22日、前日に発生した『Vyapar Bachao Sangh(VBS:商店互助組合)』/『Udyog Vyapar Mandal(商業曼荼羅)』メンバーによるReliance Retail Limited(RRL)及びRPG Groupの小売店舗襲撃事件を深刻に受け止め、LucknowとVaranasi両市のReliance Fresh及びRPG傘下Spencerを含む大型小売店舗全てに営業停止を指示した。
◆UP gvt shuts large stores, sets up panel
【Mumbai】In the wake of attacks a day earlier by members of the Vyapar Bachao Sangh and Udyog Vyapar Mandal on stores belonging to Reliance Retail and RPG Group's Spencer's, the Uttar Pradesh government on August 22 ordered the closure of all organised retail stores, including those of Reliance Fresh and Spencer's, in Lucknow and Varanasi.
【孟买】当地零售店组织,『商店救济僧伽(Vyapar Bachao Sangh)』和『商业曼荼罗(Udyog Vyapar Mandal)』属下的一群成员抢略瑞莱恩斯零售公司和RPG集团思班塞旗下的连锁店之后,北方邦州政府命令位于拉科诺与瓦拉那西的大规模零售店停止营业。
2007-08-29 ArtNo.39934(295/421)
◆Solar Semiconductor、独企業Q-Cellsとタイアップ
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadと米国カリフォルニア州Sunnyvaleを拠点にするSolar Semiconductorは、ドイツの太陽電池製造会社Q-Cells AGから向こう数年間に単結晶/多結晶電池(mono and multi-crystalline cell)1億5600万ユニットを購入する総額1億7000万米ドルの契約を結んだ。
◆Solar Semiconductor in pact with Q-Cells
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor, an international company with offices in Sunnyvale, US and Hyderabad, has signed a multi-year agreement, which involves the supply of approximately $170 million of 156 mm mono and multi-crystalline cells, with Q-Cells AG of Germany, a producer of solar cells.
【海德拉巴】办公室设在安德拉邦海德拉巴和美国加州桑尼维尔的太阳能半导体公司与德国太阳能电池厂商Q-Cells AG公司签订多年性合约。在这个合约下,后者供应前者总额1亿7000万美元,总数1亿5600万单位的单晶硅和多晶硅电池。
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39941(296/421)
◆Centre asks for explanation on large retail closures
【New Delhi】The Centre has asked Uttar Pradesh and Kerala states to explain why the large corporate retail chains have been shut.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39942(297/421)
【チャンディガル】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府がMuksh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Industries Limited(RIL)に実質的な撤収を求めた後、パンジャブ州政府も一時は歓呼して迎えたRILの所謂『農場から食卓まで(farm-to-fork)』プロジェクトに見直しを加えている。
◆Punjab govt too reviews RIL's retail project
【Chandigarh】In the wake of the Uttar Pradesh government showing doors to Muksh Ambani led Reliance Industries Limited, Punjab government is mulling to review the much hyped 'farm-to-fork' project.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39943(298/421)
【コルカタ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は西ベンガル州Kolkataや同州の他の地域における小売事業計画を予定通り実行する計画だ。
◆Reliance goes through its retail plans for Bengal
【Kolkata】Reliance Industries Ltd has neither closed down nor slowed down their retail plans in Kolkata and West Bengal.
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39949(299/421)
◆Ashok Leyland、日産と軽商用車の製造流通で協力
【チェンナイ】地元商用車メーカーAshok Leyland Ltd(ALL)は29日、日産自動車と軽商用車(LCV:light commercial vehicle)の開発/製造/流通面で協力することで合意した。
◆Ashok Leyland, Nissan plan JVs to make LCVs
【Chennai】Local truck and heavy vehicle maker Ashok Leyland Ltd signed a Heads of Agreement (HoA) with Japanese auto major Nissan Motor Company Ltd to develop, manufacture and distribute light commercial vehicles (LCVs).
2007-08-31 ArtNo.39952(300/421)
◆FTA with Asean likely in Nov
【New Delhi】The India-Asean Free Trade Agreement is expected to be signed at the Asean Summit in November this year.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2007