経済一般 General Economics in 2006
【ニューデリー】韓国の製鉄会社Pohang Steel Co(POSCO)が、オリッサ州Jatadhariに専用港を建設する計画は、州政府がParadip港の無制限の利用をオファーする中で、実現の見通しが微妙になっている。
◆POSCO's captive port plan hits a bad patch
【New Delhi】Korean steelmaker 's captive port plan at Jatadhari has run into bad patch with the Orissa Government insisting to let the company use the unutilised capacity at Paradip port.
2006-08-07 ArtNo.38230(302/448)
◆新Navi Mumbai空港建設計画、年内に離陸
◆Navi Mumbai airport project set to take off by the end of this year
【New Delhi】After successfully completed the corporatisation of the Delhi and Mumbai airports with handing over management to private sector partners, Indian government is now set to kick off construction of a greenfield airport near Mumbai.
2006-08-11 ArtNo.38237(303/448)
◆Gov invites West Asian investments in energy sector
【New Delhi】The government is ready to attract big-ticket investments from West Asia into the country's energy sector in the view of security and the dependence of imported oil and. natural gas.
2006-08-11 ArtNo.38247(304/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は半導体やナノテクノロジー等のハイテック製造拠点を設ける企業にプロジェクト資本の最大15%までの出資協力(equity support)とプロジェクト・コストの5%までの低利ローンの供与を検討している。
◆Chip makers to get equity support up to 15%
【New Delhi】The government plans to provide equity support of up to 15 per cent of the total project equity and loans amounting to 5 per cent of the project cost to semiconductor and nano technology sector.
2006-08-11 ArtNo.38249(305/448)
◆Software exports increased 32 pc
【New Delhi】Software and service exports are estimated to have reached Rs 29,500 crore during the first quarter ended June, an increase of 32.29 per cent compared with the same period last year.
2006-08-14 ArtNo.38252(306/448)
【ニューデリー】今年6月の工業生産指数(IPP:index of industrial production)の伸びは、9.6%と、昨年同期の12.2%を下回った。
◆Industrial growth slumps to 9.6 pc in June
【New Delhi】The growth rate of the index of industrial production in June dipped to 9.6% from 12.2% in the corresponding month in the previous year.
2006-08-14 ArtNo.38253(307/448)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の6月の成長率は電力/鉄鋼/セメントの成長鈍化から6.2%と、前年同月の8.3%を下回った。
◆June infrastructure growth rate down to 6.2 pc
【New Delhi】Slowdown in electricity generation as well as lower steel and cement production resulted in a fall in the overall infrastructure growth rate to 6.2 per cent in June 2006 compared to 8.3 per cent in the corresponding period of the previous fiscal but higher than 5.1 per cent in May this year.
◆基础设施骨干产业成长率钝化到 6.2%
【新德里】因为电力·钢铁·水泥的成长率钝化,所以今年6月的基础设施6个骨干产业(原油·石油提炼·石炭·电力·水泥·钢铁)成长率 6.2%比不上去年同一期的8.3%。
2006-08-14 ArtNo.38256(308/448)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)は民間による冷蔵コンテナ列車の運行を認めるコンテナ輸送民営化政策を提案した。
◆Railways proposed private parties to run refrigerated containers
【New Delhi】Indian Railways has proposed a new privatisation policy. Under this policy private companies would be allowed to run refrigerated containers on rail tracks.
2006-08-14 ArtNo.38264(309/448)
◆Assam Gas Cracker project sets to take off
【GUWAHATI】The Government on Friday announcing the formation of a joint venture company to implement Assam Gas Cracker Project. So the long-awaited Project sets to take off.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38267(310/448)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)/ITC/Godrej/Pepsi等は、マハラシュトラ州政府と同州における契約農業(contract farming)に関して協議を進めている。
◆Big firms set to enter contract farming
【MUMBAI】Big firms are on the verge of entering contract farming in a big way. Reliance Industries, ITC, Godrej and Pepsi are talking with the Maharashtra government concerning with contract farming in the state.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38268(311/448)
【ニューデリー】インドと東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)の自由貿易協定(FTA)交渉は脱線したものの、Ong Keng Yong(王景栄)ASEAN事務局長が、協議が今後も続けられることを確認したことから、徐々に軌道に復帰するものと見られる。
◆Indo-Asean FTA talks are still on
【NEW DELHI】Indo-Asean free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations have been derailed. But the talks may gradually be moving back on track.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38269(312/448)
【ニューデリー】『早期収穫プログラム(EHP:Early Harvest Program)』の満了に関わらず、インド・タイ自由貿易協定(FTA)が今年内に全面実施されるのは望み薄なようだ。
◆Full-fledged Indo-Thai FTA unlikely in this year
【NEW DELHI】Despite the periode of the early harvest programme has come to the end, it is unlikely that India and Thailand would graduate to a full-fledged free trade agreement (FTA) this year.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38270(313/448)
【アーマダバード】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のMukesh Dhirubhai Ambani会長が、グジャラート州を外国投資家に売り込むためビジネスマンや州政府官僚を率いて来月米国に赴く。
◆Mukesh to promote Gujarat in US
【AHMEDABAD】Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries is expected to lead a team to the US next month to market the state to foreign investors. Mr Ambani's team will include petrochemical and petroleum companies executives and bureaucrats from Gujarat
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38273(314/448)
【デラドゥン】インド政府は国営石油・ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)の石油化学事業進出計画を承認したが、石油製品小売りビジネスへの進出は見合わせるよう勧告した。
◆Govt nods ONGC`s petrochem foray
【Dehra Dun】The Government has allowed for Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) to foray into petrochemical business but has discouraged it from entering fuel retailing.
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38277(315/448)
【ニューデリー】Delhi/Mumbai両空港が民営化された後3ヶ月が経過、インド空港局(AAI:Airports Authority of India)は業務引継を完了し、空港の管理から完全に手を引いたが、両空港の経営やサービスにさしたる改善の跡は見られず、各方面の評価も分かれている。
◆Airport privatisation has not exactly did wonders
【NEW DELHI】It has been three months after transfer of management to private parties. Although Airports Authority of India (AAI) has withdrawn itself from the management of the Delhi and Mumbai airports, transfer of management to private parties has not exactly performed wonders. There are different opinions concerning with new private operators' performances.
2006-08-21 ArtNo.38284(316/448)
【ニューデリー】電力省は、National Thermal Power Corporation(NTPC)がウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクトに参画できるよう、NTPCの1000クロー(US$2.14億)の自己資本投資上限(equity investment ceiling)を撤廃するよう閣議に提案した。
◆Ministry proposed to waive the equity investment ceiling for NTPC
【NEW DELHI】The ministry of power has proposed the Cabinet to waive the ceiling of Rs 1,000 crore for equity investments by NTPC in order for it to participate in the development of ultra mega power projects.
【新德里】为了让印度国家热电公司参加超级大型发电计划(ultra mega power project),电力部提议内阁涂去印度国家热电公司的100亿卢比自己资本投资最高限度。
2006-08-21 ArtNo.38285(317/448)
◆Power generation increased 8.6% in July
【New Delhi】Power generation in July this year registered a 8.6% increase at 54.04 billion unit as against 49.78bn units in the same month last year.
2006-08-21 ArtNo.38286(318/448)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は15日、デリー市内Red Fortで発表した独立60周年祝賀メッセージの中で、必需品価格に対する統制を続ける考えを確認する一方、灯油と液化石油ガス(LPG)を含む石油製品の値上げを示唆する発言をした。
◆PM hints at kerosene, LPG and food prices hike
【NEW DELHI】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hinted at another hike in prices of petroleum products, including kerosene and LPG, at the Red Fort on the Independence Day here. However, he promised to keep prices of essential commodities under check.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38297(319/448)
◆FDI inflows swell 47% to $1.74 b
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India stood at $1.74 billion during the first quarter of 2006-07 which increased 47 per cent compared to $1.18 billion in the same period last fiscal.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38298(320/448)
◆Exports go up 41% ,imports zoom 42.8% in July
【New Delhi】India's merchandise exports notched up a 41 per cent growth in July 2006 at $10,176.80 million against $7,234.41 million during July 2005.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38299(321/448)
◆Both of the labour productivity and employment elasticity up
【New Delhi】Aggregate employment in 100 large companies has grown 7.2% in '05-06 from 6.41 lakh in '04-05 to 6.88 lakh and also their labour productivity - per labour value of output was up from Rs 39.14 lakh in '04-05 to Rs 43.57 lakh in '05-06.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38300(322/448)
【ニューデリー】鉄鉱石資源に恵まれたオリッサ州/ジャールカンド州/チャッティースガル州3州におけるプロジェクトだけで、インドの鉄鋼年産能力は現在の4000万トンから2014-15年までに1億8000万トンに達するものと見られ、インド政府が2005年11月に発表した2019-20年までに国内鉄鋼年産能力を1億トンの大台に乗せると言う『全国鉄鋼政策(National Steel Policy)』の野心的目標を5年も短縮して大幅に突破する見通しだ。
◆Three iron ore rich States move far beyond National Steel Policy
【New Delhi】Going by the list of steel projects in the three iron ore rich States of Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, India could have around 180 million tonnes annual steel manufacturing capacity by 2014-15, far beyond the 100 million tonnes capacity by 2019-20 envisaged in the National Steel Policy approved by the Cabinet in November 2005.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38310(323/448)
【ニューデリー】後発医薬品(generic drugs)卸・小売り価格の固定マージン制度が今年10月2日に発効すると、国内で販売される医薬品の半ば以上が、50%前後値下がりする見通しだ。
◆More than half of all drugs' prices may come down 50 pc
【New Delhi】Due to the introduction of fixed margins on generic drugs for wholesalers and retailers from October 2, the prices of more than half of all drugs may come down by around 50 per cent.
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38334(324/448)
【チェンナイ】商工省SEZ認証局(Board of Approvals for SEZs)により公式に認可された150の特別経済区(SEZ)の内85は、情報技術(IT)及びIT対応サービス(ITES)カテゴリーに属している。
◆IT leads other sectors in SEZs approval
【CHENNAI】The Board of Approvals for SEZs has formally approved 150 Special Economic Zones so far. As many as 85 of this belong to the category of information technology and IT-enabled services.
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38335(325/448)
【ニューデリー】電力省は、輸入燃料の高騰や米ドル対ルピー相場の変動に伴うリスクを回避するため、『電力料をベースにした競争入札(tariff-based competitive bidding)』ガイドラインに修正を加えた。
◆The guidelines have been amended to check forex and fuel imports' risks
【NEW DELHI】The guidelines for tariff-based competitive bidding guidelines of power projects have been amended to check escalation in the price of imported fuel and variation in the US dollar to rupee exchange rate.
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38341(326/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、証券投資家を保護する投資家保護基金(investor protection fund)の創設を準備している。
◆Investor Protection Fund to be set up
【NEW DELHI】The Centre is preparing to set up an investor protection fund for the protection of investors investing in securities.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38351(327/448)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:department of telecommunications)は、異なる波長域を用いた高速インターネット接続や携帯電話を通じた広帯域サービスを可能にする第3世代電話技術のロード・マップを既に準備しており、目下国防部門が使用している60MHzの周波数帯が開放され、民間の利用に供されることになる。
◆DOT to prepare a road map for the release of 3G spectrum
【New Delhi】The department of telecommunications has prepared a road map for 3G mobile services which permit high-speed internet access using different wavelengths, and allow operators to offer mobile broadband services. In order to this, the defence ministry is going to vacate 60 MHz spectrums and release them to mobile operaters' use.
【新德里】电信局为了准备可以实现高速互联网接入和移动宽带通信的第三代移动通信服务而制定了开放现在国防部使用的60 MHz频谱的指南。
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38353(328/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(ultra mega power projects)のプロモーターに2年間にわたり過半数権益を維持し、その後10年間も26%の持ち分を保持することを義務づける条文を設けた。
◆The govt obliges promoters for ultra mega projects to keep majority stake
【New Delhi】The government has introduced clauses to oblige promoters of the proposed ultra mega power projects to keep majority stake in the projects for the first two years and to retain at least 26 per cent stake for another 10 years.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38370(329/448)
◆PMO wants to speed up clearance to Singapore's SEZ
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) wants to set up a committee in order to speed up clearance to Singapore's economic zone.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38371(330/448)
【ニューデリー】総理府は外務省と商工省に、南アジア自由貿易協定(SAFTA:South Asia Free Trade Agreement)条文をパキスタンに遵守させる方策を練るよう指示した。
◆PMO directes working out the Safta issue with Pakistan
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) has mandated the external affairs and commerce ministries to work out ways to have Pakistan to implement provisions of the South Asia Free Trade Agreement (Safta).
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38372(331/448)
◆Security check for foreign investments at core sector to be tighten
【NEW DELHI】The government may introduce formalized scrutiny systems to trace investments originating not only from China but also Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to critical infrastructure projects.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38387(332/448)
◆India, China to sign 12 pacts on Hu's visit
【NEW DELHI】India and China are going to sign at least 12 pacts during the visit of President Hu Jintao in November this year.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38388(333/448)
◆China facing difficulties on investment in India : Chinese Ambassador
【NEW DELHI】China wants to go in for large amount of investments in India. In view of availability of large amount of iron ore in this country which it imports from here, it plans to set up a steel factory in India. But it is facing difficulties in this regard on account of restrictions.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38396(334/448)
◆Private power cos left outside
【NEW DELHI】Private power companies have been working hard to get the fuel linkage through captive coal blocks. But they may end up missing the bus because the power ministry has not included most of them in the recommended list.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38400(335/448)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の7月の成長率は9%と、昨年同月の2.3%に比べ顕著な加速を見た。
◆Infrastructure sector sees 9% surge in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew 9% in July compared with 2.3% in the same period last year.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38414(336/448)
【ニューデリー】インド、ブラジル、南アフリカは来週ブラジルで催されるIBSA(India, Brazil and South Africa)首脳会議の席上、貿易協力のための枠組み協定(framework agreement)に調印する。
◆India, Brazil, S Africa to sign a framework agrevsement
【NEW DELHI】India, Brazil and South Africa set to sign a framework agrevsement for trade cooperation at the first IBSA Summit in Brazil next week.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38430(337/448)
◆Ethanol blended petrol programme to start from Nov. 1
【New Delhi】The Ethanol Blended Petrol Programme, a national programme to blend 5 per cent ethanol with petrol, is set to take effect from November 1.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38444(338/448)
◆Industry grows 12.4% in July
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) raised 12.4 per cent in July, the highest in a decade, against a 4.7 per cent growth in the same month last year, mainly on account of a sharp turnaround in mining and electricity production and a strong growth in manufacturing.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38445(339/448)
◆Unprecedented investment rush : $149 billion in just 75 days
【NEW DELHI】Corporate India has announced ventures with investment amount of excess $149 billion, in just the last 75 days. Although rationalists insist that only 5-10% of the amount can fructify, these announcements are astounding as they amount to nearly a fifth of India's current gross domestic product (GDP) and higher than the GDPs of Israel, Malaysia, Chile or Pakistan.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38446(340/448)
【ニューデリー】新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)の下、第6次入札にかけられた55ブロックには、British Petroleum/British Gas/イタリアのENI/マレーシアのPetronas/フランスのTotal等、内外の企業から過去最高の165件の応募が寄せられた。
◆Sixth NELP attracts 165 bids for 55 oil & gas blocks
【New Delhi】The sixth round of auction of 55 blocks for exploration of oil and gas under the the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) has attracted the highest ever 165 bids from global energy giants such as British Petroleum, British Gas, Italy's ENI, Petronas and French multinational Total, apart from domestic players.
【新德里】印度当局在新的勘探许可政策下把55个区块招标。结果从英国石油公司, 英国煤气公司, 意大利ENI, 马来西亚Petronas,法国Total等跨国公司和本地公司拿到历来最多的165个投标申请。
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38449(341/448)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府はOil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)が特別経済区の開発を計画するMangaloreを『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum Chemicals Petrochemicals Investment Region)』に指定するよう中央政府に申請する方針を決めた。
◆K`taka to promote M`lore as Petrochemicals Investment Region
【Bangalore】Karnataka has decided to promote Mangalore where ONGC special economic zone (SEZ) coming up, as a Petroleum Chemicals Petrochemicals Investment Region.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38452(342/448)
【コルカタ】非メトロ空港(non-metro airport)の改修工事入札が間もなく募集される。
◆Bid for the non-metro airports makeover to be invited soon
【KOLKATA】The bid for the non-metro airports makeover will be invited soon. The union ministry of civil aviation has already received 25 project reports for upgradation of the 35 non-metro airports.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38453(343/448)
【ニューデリー】非メトロ空港(non-metro airport)の改良工事は、西ベンガル州Kolkataとタミールナド州Chennaiの2空港の再開発計画離陸後に繰り延べられそうな雲行きだ。
◆Plan panel asks to go slow on revamp of non-metro airports
【NEW DELHI】Modernisation of non-metro airports may have postponed with the government likely to implement this project only after plans for Kolkata and Chennai airports are finalised.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38458(344/448)
◆政府、Wi-Maxに2.5 Ghz帯割当検討
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、GSM(Global System for Mobile)携帯電話サービス業界が2.5ギガヘルツ(Ghz)波長帯を第3世代サービス専用に割当てるよう求めているにも関わらず、ワイヤレス技術Wi-Maxベースの広帯域サービスに同波長帯を割り当てることを計画している。
◆Govt plans to allocate 2.5 Ghz for Wi-Max
【New Delhi】Despite GSM-based cellular operators has claimed to allocate the 2.5 Ghz frequency band exclusively for third-generation (3G) services, the Government plans to allocate the frequency band for offering broadband services on Wi-Max.
◆印度政府计划分配2.5 Ghz频段给Wi-Max
【新德里】虽然GSM手提电话服务业要求分配2.5 Ghz频段给第三代移动通信服务,印度政府计划把这个频段分配给WiMAX(微波存取全球互通)宽带通信。
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38467(345/448)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は地元サービス業者の利益を保護し、また国家の安全を確保する狙いから外国テレコム・ネットワーク機器納入業者、取り分け身元不審(suspect origin)な企業の参入を厳しくチェックする方針だ。
◆Govt plans to tighten security for foreign network vendors
【NEW DELHI】The Indian government plans to tighten security for foreign telecom network vendors, especially companies that are of "suspect origin" in order to safeguard the interests of Indian service providers and ensure national security.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38472(346/448)
◆Govt plans a 4% countervailing duty on capital goods imports
【NEW DELHI】In order to protect domestic capital goods firms, the government is considering a 4% countervailing duty on capital goods imports, which enjoy a nil to 5% customs duty.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38473(347/448)
【チェンナイ】インド各州の1993-94年から2000-01年の間の国内総生産(GDP)年間平均成長率(CAGR:Compound Annual Growth Rate)を比較すると、ウッタルプラデシュ州(4.41%)、ビハール州(3.68%)、オリッサ州(3.10%)、マドヤプラデシュ州(3.06%)4州の平均成長率は3.77%にとどまった。
◆UP, Bihar, Orissa, MP hinder GDP growth
【Chennai】The economic growth of Uttar Pradesh(4.41%), Bihar(3.68%), Orissa(3.10%) and Madhya Pradesh(3.06%) together recorded a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of only 3.77 per cent between 1993-94 and 2000-2001, as against a 6.3 per cent in total GDP.
◆北方邦/比哈尔/奥里萨/中央邦阻碍 国内生产成长
【金奈】北方邦(4.41%)/比哈尔(3.68%)/奥里萨(3.10%)/中央邦(3.06%)的国内生产在1993-94年到2000-2001年之间只平均成长3.77%。比全国平均成长率 6.3%低的多。
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38475(348/448)
【NEW DELHI】インド政府は過去10年間のテレコム産業の目覚ましい成長に励まされ、野心的ゴールとその実現に向けたロードマップを作成した。
◆Govt drawn up an road map for pan-India 3G services
【NEW DELHI】The government has drawn up an ambitious road map for future goals in telecom sector, encouraged by the impressive telecommunication revolution during the last decade.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38477(349/448)
【ニューデリー】左派政党は今月末に催される統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)と左派政党の調整委員会会議の席で、セキュリティー問題を理由に港湾開発やテレコム事業入札から中国企業を閉め出した根拠を質す方針だ。
◆Left gets angry over govt denial to Chinese cos
【NEW DELHI】The Left parties have decided to question the government, reason to deny Chinese companies entry into the port and telecom sectors on security grounds, during the UPA-Left co-ordination committee meeting that will be held at the end of this month.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38479(350/448)
◆Telcos against security restrictions based on the level of FDI
【New Delhi】Cellular operators have opposed a move by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) to apply security restrictions on telcos based on the level of FDI in them.
経済一般 General Economics in 2006