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企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-10-02 ArtNo.38525(1201/1474)
【ハイデラバード】台湾を拠点にコンピュータ・モニターの製造を手掛ける年商50億米ドルのTPV Technology Ltd(TPVTL)は数年内に500クロー(US$1.068億)を投じインドに製造拠点を設けることを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Taiwan PC monitor manufacturer considering Rs 500 crore unit in India
【Hyderabad】TPV Technology, Taiwan-based $5-billion firm manufacturing computer monitors, is considering to set up a Rs 500-crore manufacturing unit in India in the next couple of years.
【海德拉巴】总部位于台湾,年售额50亿卢比的电脑监视器制造商TPV Technology考虑今后两三年内投资50亿卢比在印度兴建制造设备。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38528(1202/1474)
◆Orissa signs 10 MoUs for10,290 mw independent power producers
【BHUBANESWAR】The Orissa state government on the 28th September signed 10 MoUs on independent power producers (IPPs) projects to generate 10,290 mw at an estimated cost of Rs 45,000 crore in the first phase.
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38529(1203/1474)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は9月29日、英国企業BP Plc、オーストラリア企業Arrow Energy、地元企業Reliance Energy Ltd及びTata Power Co Ltdを含む内外の企業(チーム)に炭層メタン(CBM)鉱区ブロックの探査ライセンスを付与した。(...続きを読む)
◆Local and foreign cos won CBM blocks
【NEW DELHI】Foreign and local companies, including British oil major BP Plc, Australia's Arrow Energy, and India's Reliance Energy Ltd. and Tata Power Co. Ltd., were awarded coal bed methane (CBM) gas blocks.
【新德里】内外企业,包括英国石油,澳洲企业Arrow Energy,本地企业瑞莱恩斯能源公司和塔塔电力公司等获得煤层气区块。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38531(1204/1474)
【ニューデリー】フランスを拠点にする年商750億ユーロの多国籍小売り企業Carrefourは当初1億米ドルを投じて首都圏(national capital region)にキャッシュ&キャリー卸売り店を設け、インド市場に進出する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Carrefour plans to open cash-carry outlets
【New Delhi】France-based Carrefour, the 75 billion euros multinational retailer, is planning to invest $100 million and set up cash-and-carry outlets, starting from the national capital region, in order to enter Indian market.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38532(1205/1474)
一方、三菱自動車はグジャラート州内の深水港にインド初の自動車ターミナル(car terminal)を設けるため用地を物色している。(...続きを読む)
◆India may have auto port, Mitsubishi seeks it for car trade
【Mumbai】A group of Japanese companies has approached the Centre to provide them with a dedicated automobile port in western India. Meanwhile, Mitsubishi Motors is scouting for a deep water port to set up the country's first car terminal in Gujarat.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38533(1206/1474)
【ナグプル】AirbusはHindustan Aeronautics Ltd(HAL)と手を結びマハラシュトラ州Nashikに1億米ドルを投じ保守・修理・分解検査(MRO:maintenance, repair and overhaul)施設を設けるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Airbus-HAL JV to set up $100m MRO in Nashik
【Nagpur】Airbus is likely tied-up with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd(HAL) to set up a $100 million maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facility at Nashik in Maharashtra.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38534(1207/1474)
◆Hero Honda、9月の二輪車販売13%増加
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の9月の二輪車販売台数は30万1577台と、昨年同月の26万6071台に比べ13.34%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales increased 13 pc in Sept
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler manufacturer Hero Honda Motors reported a 13.34 per cent increase in sales in September at 3,01,577 units compared with 2,66,071 units sold in the same month last year.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38535(1208/1474)
◆Bajaj Auto、9月の二輪三輪車販売38%アップ
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の9月の二輪・三輪車販売台数は30万141台と、昨年同月の21万8012台に比べ38%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto sales up 38 pc in Sept
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd said sales of two and three-wheelers in September rose 38 per cent from 218,012 units in the same month a year earlier to 300,141 units.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38536(1209/1474)
【ニューデリー】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の9月のモーターサイクル販売台数は昨年同月の7万5310台から10万6972台に42%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS motorbikes sales up 42% in Sept
【New Delhi】Local two-wheeler manufacturer TVS Motor Company Ltd on Tuesday reported a 42 per cent increase in motorcycle sales during September at 1,06,972 units as against 75,310 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38538(1210/1474)
◆Ess Dee、アルミホイル製造能力を2.5倍に拡張
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の製薬/FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)向け包装会社Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd(EDAL)はアルミホイルの年間製造能力を昨会計年度の3600トンから9100トンに拡張する工事を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Ess Dee to expand foil unit capacity
【Mumbai】Mumbai-based Ess Dee Aluminium Ltd which offers pharmaceutical and FMCG companies packaging service, is expanding its aluminium foil manufacturing capacity from 3,600 tonne to 9,100 tonne this financial year.
◆Ess Dee扩张铝箔生产能力
【孟买】以孟买为基地向制药业和快速流通消费商品业提供铝箔包装服务的Ess Dee Aluminium有限公司计划在今会计年度里提高铝箔年产能力从去年的3600吨到9100吨。
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38539(1211/1474)
◆Tamil Nadu Telecommunications、フジクラと事業多角化協議
【チェンナイ】光ファイバー・ケーブルの製造を手掛けるTamil Nadu Telecommunications Ltd (TTL)は、通信機器等の製造に事業を多角化するため、出資パートナーのフジクラと交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆TTL in talks with Fujikura for diversification
【Chennai】Tamil Nadu Telecommunications Ltd (TTL) which manufactures optical fibre cables is holding talks with Fujikura, Japan, for diversifying into a range of telecom equipment.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38540(1212/1474)
◆Lenovo sets to manufacture laptops in Pondicherry plant
【MUMBAI】Chinese personal computer major Lenovo plans to start laptop manufacturing operations in India.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38541(1213/1474)
【ハイデラバード】情報技術(IT)サービス業者Satyam Computer Services Ltd(SCSL)は、シンガポールに研究開発(R&D)業務を手掛ける初の『Global Innovation Hub(GIH)』を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Satyam sets up Global Innovation Hub in Singapore
【Hyderabad】Satyam Computer Services, an IT services provider has established its first Global Innovation Hub dedicated to research and development in Singapore.
【海德拉巴 】主要印度信息技术服务企业,萨蒂扬电脑服务公司在新加坡设立属下第一个『全球创新中心』。这个中心专门做研究发展业务。
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38542(1214/1474)
【ニューデリー】National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC)は目下、ジャム&カシミール州において14件、合計6040MW(メガワット)の発電プロジェクトを手掛けている。(...続きを読む)
◆NHPC sets to generate 6,000 Mw in J&K
【New Delhi】The National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) has 14 power projects which will generate 6,040 Mw in the pipeline in Jammu and Kashmir.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38545(1215/1474)
◆Tata Sons、豪州Woolworthsと提携し小売り市場進出
【ムンバイ】インド第2の企業グループ、Tata groupはオーストラリアの小売り大手、Woolworths Ltdと提携し、全国に耐久消費財小売りチェーンを設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Tatas enters into retail venture with Woolworths
【Mumbai】the Tata group, India's second largest corporate house, has entered into a technical alliance with Australian retail major, Woolworths, and set out to start a specialised retail chain for consumer durables.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38551(1216/1474)
◆Tata Steel、英国鉄鋼会社Corus買収も
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、英国の指導的鉄鋼メーカー、Corus Group Plc(CGP)の買収の可能性を検討している。
◆Tata Steel may buy Corus Group
【Mumbai】Tata Steel Ltd is considering a bid for Corus Group Plc in what would be the largest foreign takeover by an Indian company.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38552(1217/1474)
◆Auto industry fired on all cylinders in September
【MUMBAI】The auto industry accomplished a splendid achievement in September '06. While India is moving towards a brand value market, Honda and Skoda marked 52% and 38% growth, respectively. Maruti continued to dominate with a 22% rise in sales, primarily its A2 segment, with Swift and Alto.
【孟买】印度汽车业在9月份开足马力而实现光辉的成绩。市场越来越重视品牌价值的倾向下,本田和斯柯达的销售各增52%和38%。马鲁蒂的销售因为A2款式,例如 Swift和Alto的表现好而增长22%,因此维持领导地位。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38554(1218/1474)
◆Moser Baerの独自開発技術がブルーレイの標準仕様に
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)が独自開発した光学媒体特許製造技術が4つの標準媒体の1つとしてBlu-ray disc仕様に含められることになった。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer's format becomes one of the standard for Blu-ray disc
【New Delhi】The in-house technology in manufacturing of optical media that Moser Baer had developed and patented, has been included as one of the four standard in the Blu-ray disc specifications.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38555(1219/1474)
【ニューデリー】インド電気通信監督局(TRAI:Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)は、IPTV(internet protocol-based television)に関する次回諮問書(consultation paper)の作成に際して、IPTVサービスをケーブルTV法(Cable TV Act)の下に戻す方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Trai to put IPTV back under the Cable TV Act
【NEW DELHI】The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) will suggest to return IPTV (internet protocol-based television) under the Cable TV Act in the forthcoming consultation paper on the subject..
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38556(1220/1474)
【バンガロール】Subex Azure Ltd(SAL)は日立ソフトと戦略提携し、日本市場の開拓に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Subex forays into the Japanese market through a tie- up with HitachiSoft
【Bangalore】Bangalore-based Subex Azure Ltd, the world's largest vendor of revenue maximization solutions for telecom operators, forayed into the Japanese market by entering into a strategic partnership with HitachiSoft, an IT software development firm there.
【班加罗尔】总部设在班加罗尔的全球最大的电信收入保障企业 Subex Azure有限公司跟日立软件公司战略性合作进军日本市场。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38557(1221/1474)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Krishnapatnamにおける4000MWのウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)には日本を含む諸外国や地元の企業が単独もしくは他社と共同で17件の入札資格審査(RFQ:Request For Qualification)書類を提出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Foreign and local cos bid Ultra Mega Power Project in AP
【MUMBAI】The Power Finance Corporation(PFC) has received 17 requests for qualification (RFQ) from foreign and local companies for the bidding of the 4,000 mw Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project in Andhra Pradesh.
【孟买】当作超级大型发电计划中心机构(nodal agency)的国营电力金融公司从内外企业接到Krishnapatnam超级大型发电计划的17套投标资格审查书。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38558(1222/1474)
【ニューデリー】国営石油ガス探査会社Oil & Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)はアンドラプラデシュ州Kakinadaにおける総額9000クロー(US$19.23億)の特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクトと年間原油処理能力750万トンの輸出志向型石油精製プロジェクトから撤収する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC pulls out of SEZ and refinery projects in AP
【NEW DELHI】Mangalore Refineries & Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL), Oil & Natural Gas Corporation's refining subsidiary, has decided to exit from the Rs 9,000 crore twin projects - a SEZ project and the 7.5 mtpa export-oriented refinery project - in Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38559(1223/1474)
◆Sharon Bio、US$385万注射薬工場建設計画
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のSharon Bio Medicine Ltd(SBML:前社名Sharon Pharma Chem Ltd)は1億8000万ルピー(US$385万)を投じてウタランチャル州北部に注射薬の製造施設を設ける計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Sharon Bio plans to set up a plant for injectibles
【MUMBAI】Mumbai-based Sharon Bio Medicine Ltd (earlier known as Sharon Pharma Chem Ltd) is considering to invest Rs 180 million to set up a plant for injectibles in northern Uttaranchal state.
◆Sharon Bio计划兴建注射液工厂
【孟买】总部位于孟买的Sharon Bio Medicine Ltd(旧称Sharon Pharma Chem Ltd)考虑投资1亿8000万卢比在北安查尔州北部兴建注射液工厂。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38560(1224/1474)
しかし英国の空港免税店会社Alpha Airportsの進出計画は外国投資促進局(FIPB)により却下された。(...続きを読む)
◆Spanish potter Lladro's retail proposal got nod by FIPB
【NEW DELHI】A proposal by Spanish porcelain maker Lladro to open retail boutiques has got nod by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), while that of UK-based Alpha Airports for entering the airport retail segment has not been cleared.
【新德里】西班牙陶器商Lladro从印度外国投资促进局拿到在印度国内经营专卖店计划的批准。可是以英国基地的免税店公司Alpha Airports的机场免税店计划没有获得承认。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38562(1225/1474)
【ニューデリー】年商42億ユーロのドイツ企業ThyssenKrupp AG(TKAG)は近くインドにおける投資計画を発表する予定で、大型鉄鋼プラントを建設するのではないかと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Thyssen prepares big-ticket FDI
【NEW DELHI】ThyssenKrupp AG, a 42-billion euro German steel and technology major, is preparing a multi-billion dollar investment in India. It is believed that the company has proposed to set up a large steel plant.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38563(1226/1474)
【ムンバイ】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Groupは『Navi Mumbai SEZ』事業の一環としてスエズ運河と同じ、従ってJawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT)の2倍の水深を備えた国内最大の港湾『Rewas Port』を開発する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance to develop India's biggest port
【MUMBAI】The Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Group plans to develop India's largest port 'Rewas' as part of its Navi Mumbai SEZ, which would have same draft as of Suez Canal and almost double that of the deepest JNPT Port in the country.
【孟买】穆凯什·德鲁拜·安巴尼先生领导的瑞莱恩集团作为新孟买经济特别区计划的一环准备发展国内最大的港口『Rewas Port』。这个港口的水深跟苏伊士运河一样,换句话说国内最深的孟买新港的两倍。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38567(1227/1474)
◆Hero Honda、新モデル投入しプレミアム市場で攻勢に
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は9日プレミアム・セグメントの150ccモーターサイクル『CBZ』新モデルをお披露目した。
キック・スタート式バージョンのデリーにおける店頭価格(ex-showroom Delhi)は5万4500ルピー。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda changes to the offensive in the premium bikes market
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd on Monday launched an new model of its premium 150-cc motorcycle CBZ, pricing the base variant at Rs 54,500 (ex-showroom Delhi).
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38568(1228/1474)
◆Hero Honda、銀行と提携し農民に二輪車購入ローン提供
【プネー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は、西部5州の農民に二輪車購入ローンを提供するためBank of Maharashtra(BOM)と手を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda ties up with banks to provide loans to farmers
【Pune】Hero Honda Motors Ltd has entered into an arrangement with Bank of Maharashtra in order to provide loans to farmers who purchase two-wheelers made by Hero Honda.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38570(1229/1474)
【ニューデリー】Ericssonは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の2万クロー(US$42.73億)を超えるGSM(Global System for Mobile)/3G機器納入入札に一番札を入れた。(...続きを読む)
◆Ericsson bids lowest in BSNL's GSM tender
【New Delhi】Swedish telecom major Ericsson had emerged as the lowest bidder for GSM line contract, worth over Rs 20,000 crore, offered by state owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38571(1230/1474)
【ニューデリー】Motorolaは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の2万クロー(US$42.73億)GSM(Global System for Mobile)機器入札への応札を認められなかったことを不服とし、デリー高裁に告訴、入札手続きの差し止めを求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorola objects to BSNL tender process
【NEW DELHI:】Motorola challenged its disqualification from the bidding process for supply of equipment to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)in the Delhi High Court and asked the court to order to stay the tender process.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38572(1231/1474)
【ニューデリー】総理府は国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の不透明なGSM(Global System for Mobile)機器入札を巡り電気通信局(DOT)に釈明を求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆PMO wants DoT's explanation on BSNL's GSM tender
【NEW DELHI】Prime Minister's Office has sought explanations, regarding alleged lack of transparency in state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)'s 62 million GSM line tender, from the Department of Telecom.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38574(1232/1474)
◆Home ministry protest againsts Assam SEZ proposal
【NEW DELHI】A proposal to develop special economic zone(SEZ) in Assam, the first proposal for an SEZ in the north-east, has hit a roadblock, with the home minister objecting it on security grounds. It could set a bad precedent for SEZ proposals in border areas.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38575(1233/1474)
【ニューデリー】西部地区送電網補強計画(WRSS:Western Region Strengthening Scheme)の下、グジャラート州とマハラシュトラ州にまたがる送電線工事を初めて100%民間の手で進める総額およそ1700クロー(US$3.6億)のプロジェクト2件は、Tatas、Reliance Energy、GMR、L&T等9社により争われることになった。(...続きを読む)
◆The nine cos compete for the first pvt power grid
【NEW DELHI】The nine local and foreign companies which include Tatas, Reliance Energy, GMR and L&T, have entered the fray to build India's first fully independent private power transmission lines in Gujarat and Maharashtra estimated at Rs 1,700 crore.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38577(1234/1474)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、『インド情報技術セキュリティー製品認証センター(ICITSPC:Indian Centre for IT Security Product Certification)』を設置し、政府管理下の検査施設で大量生産される前の通信機器のセキュリティー・チェックを行い『全国情報技術セキュリティー認定証(national IT security certification)』を発行する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt plans IT security certification centre
【NEW DELHI】Indian government plans to set up 'The Indian Centre for IT Security Product Certification' where all telecom vendors will get their products certified by the government, before the equipment are mass-produced and distributed to service providers. And the centre will issue the national IT security certification.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38578(1235/1474)
【ニューデリー】国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)は12日、Motorolaと中国企業ZTEの入札資格を認めなかったのは純粋に技術的判断に基づくものであるとし、2万クロー(US$42.73億)のGSM(Global System for Mobile)/3G機器入札資格審査を巡る疑惑を強く否定した。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorola, ZTE disqualified purely on technical ground
【New Delhi】Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd today said that the evaluation processes were completely transparent and open and dismissed strongly allegations of being biased in evaluating the multi-billion dollar cellular tender for adding 45.5 million lines.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38579(1236/1474)
◆Motorola's manufacturing unit to be operational in 2007
【NEW DELHI】Motorola, world's second largest mobile phone company, is going to commence operation of its manufacturing unit in India by the first quarter of 2007.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38580(1237/1474)
【ムンバイ】米国テレコム・メジャー、AT&Tの子会社AT&T Global Network Services India Pvt Ltd (AGNSI)は10日国内長距離電話(NLD:national long distance)サービスと国際長距離電話(ILD:international long distance)サービスの免許を取得した。(...続きを読む)
◆AT&T has got ILD, NLD licences
【MUMBAI】AT&T Global Network Services India Pvt Ltd (AT&T India), a subsidiary of US Telecom major AT&T, on October 10 got licenses to offer national long distance (NLD) and international long distance (ILD) telecome services in the country.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38581(1238/1474)
【ニューデリー】年商75億米ドルの世界最大のカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)メーカー、TCL Corporationは、中国家電会社の先頭を切って地元パートナーと合弁でインドに製造拠点を設ける計画を練っている。(...続きを読む)
◆TCL plans a manufacturing presence in India
【New Delhi】TCL Corporation, the $7.5-billion Chinese consumer electronics giant and world's largest maker of colour televisions (CTVs), is planning a manufacturing presence in India in partnership with a local company, making it the first Chinese company in this segment to venture into production here.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38582(1239/1474)
【ニューデリー】年商129億米ドルの中国の家電会社Haier(海爾)が完全出資するHaier Appliances India Pvt Ltd(HAIPL)は、インド市場に進出して3年を経た今、インドに製造拠点を設ける準備を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Haier plans production in India
【New Delhi】Haier Appliances India Pvt Ltd, the $12.9 billion Chinese consumer electronics giant Haier group's fully-owned subsidiary, is finalising plans to set up a manufacturing facility in India, three years after it began operations in the country.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38583(1240/1474)
◆Intel India、次世代ノートPC用チップ開発
【バンガロール】Intelがカルナタカ州Bangaloreに設けた米国以外では最大の研究開発(R&D)センター、Intel India Development Centre (IIDC)は次世代モバイル・プラットフォーム(notebook)及びサーバー用チップの開発に参加している。(...続きを読む)
◆Intel India will design GeNext notebook chipsets
【Bangalore】The Intel India Development Centre (IIDC) in Bangalore, the largest R&D centre for Intel outside the US, is designing and developing its next generation mobile platforms (notebooks) and server chips.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38584(1241/1474)
【ムンバイ】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMI)はトップエンド・バイク隼11台を輸入、内1台をグジャラート州Saurashtra-Kutch地区に展示した。(...続きを読む)
◆Suzuki has imported 11 Hayabusa bikes
【Mumbai】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd has imported 11 Hayabusa bikes into India, and one of them has been showcased at the Saurashtra-Kutch region.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38585(1242/1474)
◆Hero Cycles、英国企業と電動二輪車共同販促契約
【ニューデリー】Hero Group傘下の世界最大の自転車メーカー、Hero Cycles Ltd(HCL)は英国の電動車両(EV)会社Ultra Motor Company (UMC)と、後者製電動二輪車をインド市場に紹介する技術提携/共同マーケッティング契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero signs joint marketing deal with UK's Ultra for e-bikes
【NEW DELHI】Hero Cycles Ltd(HCL) has signed a technical collaboration-cum-joint marketing deal with British electric vehicle company Ultra Motor Company (UMC) to introduce electric two-wheelers in the country.
◆英雄自行车公司跟英国电动自行车厂商 签订促销协议
【新德里】世界最大的自行车制造商英雄自行车有限公司为了在印度市场介绍电动二轮车同英国电动车生产家Ultra Motor Company (UMC)签订了技术协力和共同促销协议。
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38586(1243/1474)
【ブーバネスワル】年商10億米ドルのWelspun Groupメンバー企業、Welspun Power and Steel Ltd(WPSL)およびWelspun Anjar SEZ Ltd(WASL)は11日、オリッサ州政府とそれぞれ年産300万トンの鋼材/鋼管プラントの建設と繊維産業パークの開発に関わる総投資額6403.80クロー(US$13.68億)のプロジェクト覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Welspun invests Rs 6,400 cr in steel and textile businesses in Orissa
【Bhubaneswar】Welspun Power and Steel Ltd and Welspun Anjar SEZ Ltd, two parts of the $1 billion Welspun Group, today signed memoranda of understanding with the Orissa government separately; the former is setting up a 3 million tonne steel and pipe plant and the latter is going to develop an integrated textile park in the state.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】年售额10亿美元的印度Welspun集团拥有的Welspun钢铁和能源公司和Welspun Anjar SEZ有限公司今天签署备忘录。有关备忘录下,前者兴建年产300万吨的钢铁和钢管厂,后者发展综合性的纺织经济特区。
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38587(1244/1474)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛トン当たり1万4000ルピー値上げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は、HG(high-grade)亜鉛地金(primary zinc)のトン当たり価格を19万6000ルピーに1万4000ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc hiked prices by Rs 14,000 rupee/tn
【Mumbai】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has increased the prices of high-grade primary zinc by Rs 14,000 per tonne to Rs 196,000.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38588(1245/1474)
【ムンバイ】香港拠点の中華電力有限公司(CLP:China Light and Power Company)幹部は、州電力局(SEB)がウルトラ・メガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:ultra mega power projects)に対する電力料の支払い不能に陥った際は、中央電力監督委員会(CERC:Central Electricity Regulatory Commission)の仲裁ではなく、インド仲裁法(IAA:Indian Arbitration Act)に基づく仲裁を採用すべきだと主張した。(...続きを読む)
◆CLP makes a pitch for the application of Indian Arbitration Act
【MUMBAI】China Light and Power (CLP) has made a strong pitch for the application of Indian Arbitration Act for the default dispute resolution mechanism for the upcoming ultra mega power projects in the country. It did not agree to use the arbitration by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) for such case.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38590(1246/1474)
◆Tata Steel、英国Corusの買収提案
【ムンバイ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は17日、英国最大の鉄鋼会社Corusの全株式を1株455ペンス、総額76億4000万米ドルで買収する『意思表明(indicative)もしくは無拘束提案(non-binding offer)』を行った。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel offers to buy Corus Group
【Mumbai】Tata Steel Ltd on October 17 made "indicative bid" or "non-binding offer" to acquire 100 per cent stake in Corus, the UK's largest steel company, at 455 pence a share in cash amounting to about $7.64 billion.
【孟买】塔塔钢铁公司10月17日发出以1股455便士收购英国最大的钢铁公司克鲁斯钢铁集团的100%股权的意思表示(indicative bid)或无强力的报价(non-binding offer),
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38592(1247/1474)
【ムンバイ】Toyota Kirloskar Motors Ltd(TKML)は、カルナタカ州Bidadiの既存工場隣接地に第2工場を設けるものと予想される。(...続きを読む)
◆Toyota may set up the second plant in Karnataka
【MUMBAI】Toyota Kirloskar Motors may set up its second plant near its existing facility in Bidadi, Karnataka.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38593(1248/1474)
◆Bajaj Auto、日本人コンサルタント招きTPMを全面導入
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、日本からYamaguchi Sueo氏を招きコンポーネント納入業者や販売店、金融子会社Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd (BAFL)を含む全ビジネスに総合生産保全(TPM:total productive maintenance)コンセプトを導入する計画に着手した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto invites a Japanese adviser to implement TPM
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd is calling in the TPM (total productive maintenance) adviser, Professor Sueo Yamaguchi, to take the TPM concept through the entire chain including vendors and dealers and its financing company Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd (BAFL).
【浦那】巴贾吉汽车公司招聘日本顾问把企业全员生产维护管理体系建立在所有的部门,包括供应商,销售商和他的金融子公司Bajaj Auto Finance有限公司。
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38594(1249/1474)
【バンガロール】米国拠点のシンクライアント・コンピューティング会社 Wyse Technologyは、急成長するインドのシンクライアント・コンピューティング市場を開拓するため製造拠点を設ける準備を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Wyse Tech to make thin clients through OEMs
【Bangalore】Wyse Technology, an American thin client device manufacturer, plans to manufacture the devices in India in order to tap the rapidly growing thin client computing market in the country.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38595(1250/1474)
【ムンバイ】デリーとムンバイにおける固定/移動通信及びインターネット接続サービスを手掛ける国営電話会社Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd(MTNL)は、IOL Broadband Ltdと共同でマハラシュトラ州ムンバイの顧客にインターネット・テレビジョン(IPTV:Internet Protocol TV)サービスを提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆MTNL, IOL Broadband to provide IPTV in Mumbai
【Mumbai】Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd which provides fixed-line, cellular and internet access services in the cities of Mumbai and New Delhi, will provide IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) service in Mumbai, in a tie-up with IOL Broadband Ltd.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006
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