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企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-09-11 ArtNo.38402(1101/1474)
【ニューデリー】日産自動車はインド市場に小型乗用車(small car)を紹介する事業化調査を進めている。
◆Nissan undertaking a feasibility study to launch small cars
【New Delhi】Nissan Motors is studying feasibility to launch small cars in India.It has around 180 models with the engine capacity ranging from 600 cc to 5,000 cc. Moco, which has a 660 cc power-packed engine of around 64 horse power, is one of the smallest cars in its stable .The other model Micra comes in the range of 1,100 cc to 1,600 cc and has been a big seller in the European and Asian markets.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38403(1102/1474)
【ニューデリー/チェンナイ】ホンダはインドに小型乗用車(small car)を投入し、製品ポートフォリオを拡大する可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda also mull to make small car in India
【NEW DELHI/CHENNAI】Honda Motors is looking at introduceing a small car in the Indian market to expand its product portfolio.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38404(1103/1474)
【ムンバイ】Ford Motorは50万ルピー未満の乗用車セグメントに進出する計画をまだ公表していないが、消息筋によると同社はマツダと手を結び小型乗用車市場に進出することを検討しているもようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ford may foray into the small car market through Mazda
【MUMBAI】Though Ford Motor has revealed its plans for the sub-Rs 5 lakh car market, sources say that Ford may foray into the small car market through its Japanese subsidiary Mazda Motor.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38405(1104/1474)
◆Tata Motors、US$25億投じ設備拡張
【ニューデリー】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は向こう3~4年間にインド国内に1万~1万2000クロー(US$21.37億-25.64億)を投じて製造能力を拡張、新モデルを発売するとともに、ロシアと中国における完成車の販売とコンポーネントのソーシングに力を入れる。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Motors to invest $2.5 bn on expansion
【NEW DELHI】Tata Motors Ltd will invest Rs 10,000-12,000 crore in India over the next 3 to 4 years for expanding manufacturing capacities and launching new products and was looking at Russia and China for vehicle sales and component sourcing.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38406(1105/1474)
【ベニス/ニューデリー】イタリアのカー・メーカー、Fiatはパートナー、Tata Motors Ltd(TML)のプラットフォームを利用して特定海外市場向けのロー・コスト・カーを開発することを検討している。
◆Fiat, Tata may jointly develop low-cost car
【Venice/New Delhi】Italian car maker Fiat is planning to develop a low-cost car using Tata Motors' platform for the select overseas markets. Tata Motors is working to develop India's cheapest car, priced at around Rs 1 lakh by 2008.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38407(1106/1474)
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors India Ltd(HHMIL)は、ウタランチャル州Haridwarにおける新工場建設計画を実行に移す一方、ラジャスタン州Jaipurにおける工場建設計画に対する州政府の認可が下りるのを依然待機している。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda awaiting a clearance from the Rajasthan government
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors India is awaiting a clearance from the Rajasthan government to set up its plant at Jaipur in the state, even as it will go ahead with a new plant at Haridwar in Uttaranchal.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38408(1107/1474)
【ニューデリー】TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)は2~3年内にインドネシアで公開公募(IPO)を行い、東南アジア地域における事業拡張資金に充てる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS to tap Indonesia market in 2-3 yrs
【NEW DELHI】TVS Motor Company Ltd plans to go public in Indonesia in the next 2-3 years to fund expansion plans in the region.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38409(1108/1474)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は主要航空会社の圧力と投資家にフレンドリーなポリシーを維持する上から新バンガロール国際空港予定地付近の土地を、EADS(European Aeronautic Defence and Space)に技術センターの用地として割り当てることを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Karnataka to allot land to EADS
【Bangalore】After receiving the pressure from the airline majors, Karnataka state government, in a bid to project itself as an investor-friendly state, finally alloted land to EADS near the upcoming Bangalore International Airport for its technology centre.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38410(1109/1474)
これらの企業にはReliance Industries、Tata Group、Anil Ambani Dirubhai Group、Essar、Larsen & Toubro (L&T)が名を連ねている。(...続きを読む)
◆25 cos are interested in developing ports
【Mumbai】In addition to the government and international port operators, over 25 local firms have evinced a keen interest in port projects worth Rs 20,000 crore in the country. These include Reliance Industries, Tata Group, Anil Ambani Dirubhai Group, Essar and Larsen & Toubro (L&T).
【孟买】除了公共企业和国际港口管理公司以外,25个本地大企业对总值2000亿卢比的发展港口项目表示很有兴趣。他们包括瑞莱恩斯工业,塔塔集团,阿尼尔·安巴尼·德鲁拜集团,埃萨集团和Larsen & Toubro。
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38411(1110/1474)
【ニューデリー】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RNIL)が北部地区で販売する銑鉄は、運輸コストの上昇から採算性の悪化に直面している。
◆Centre plans to establish pig iron processing plants in UP
【Agra】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RNIL)are faced with the reducing profitability and increasing freight costs of pig iron, being marketed by them in north India. Therefore the Union steel ministry is planning to establish pig iron processing plants in Uttar Pradesh to get the benefit of the 15-year tax holiday.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38412(1111/1474)
【コルカタ】西ベンガル州政府は6日、同州Haldiaに設けられる『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:proposed Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region)のアンカー投資家として正式にIndian Oil Corporation(IOC)を招致する方針を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bengal invites IOC as an anchor of its petrochem hub
【Kolkata】The West Bengal government has formally invited Indian Oil Corporation as an anchor investor in the proposed Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) at Haldia.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38413(1112/1474)
◆Pharma cos go into Japan market one after another
【Mumbai】Japanese pharma market which had been a tough market for foreign drug manufacturers including Indian firms, is emerging as the new attractive destination for Indian drug majors. Ranbaxy, Lupin float JVs; Zydus group sets up first wholly owned subsidiary.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38416(1113/1474)
【チェンナイ】Reliance-Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group(RADAG)のAnil Ambani会長は9日、タミールナド州の州都Chennaiにおける特別経済区(SEZ)の開発、1000MW(メガワット)の発電施設の建設、海水淡水化事業、情報技術(IT)パークの開発等に1万2000クロー(US$25.64億)を投資すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Anil Ambani plans US$2.56 bn capex in TN
【Chennai】The Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group plans to invest over Rs 12,000 crore to set up a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) which includes a 1,000 MW power plant and desalination project and IT park in the Tamil Nadu capital.
【金奈】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·德鲁拜·安巴尼集团计划投资1200亿卢比在泰米尔纳德州金奈发展经济特区和信息科技公园。经济特区包括1,000 MW发电厂和海水脱盐厂。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38417(1114/1474)
【アーマダバード】民間企業界が特別経済区(SEZ)ブームに沸き立つ中で、グジャラート州のKandla Port Trust(KPT)が、全国の港湾管理公社(Port Trust)の先頭を切って、投資額7300クロー(US$15.6億)、面積6000ha以上のSEZ開発計画を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Kandla Port to invest Rs 7,300 cr for developing SEZ
【AHMEDABAD】While Indian corporate world is in the boom of developing the special economic zone(SEZ), the Kandla Port Trust (KPT) plans to invest Rs 7,300 cr and develop a port-based SEZ over 6,000 hectares.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38418(1115/1474)
【ニューデリー】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、亜鉛やその他のインプット・コストが増大する中で7日、亜鉛鍍金鋼のトン当たり価格を9月1日に遡って500~1000ルピー引き上げると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam, JSW and Ispat raise steel prices
【NEW DELHI】Uttam Galva Steels, JSW Steel and Ispat Industries have announced increase in galvanised steel prices by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne with effect from September 1, 2006,on the back of rising zinc prices and input costs.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38419(1116/1474)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値上げ
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は7日、亜鉛と鉛のトン当たり価格を1万1000ルピーと2800ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc hikes Zinc and lead prices
【NEW DELHI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has hiked Zinc and lead prices Rs.11,000 and Rs.2800 per ton respectively.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38420(1117/1474)
【ニューデリー】Hyundai Motors India Ltd(HMIL)は5億米ドルを投じてタミールナド州に新工場を建設、エンジン及びトランスミッションを製造する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai plans to set up a new factory in TN
【New Delhi】Hyundai Motors India Ltd plans to invest $500 million to set up a new factory for manufacturing engines and transmissions in Tamil Nadu.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38421(1118/1474)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の乗用車(passenger car)販売は引き続き好調で昨年同月の7万2272台から8万3844台に16.01%成長した。(...続きを読む)
◆August car sales up 16%
【New Delhi】Domestic car sales continued to be buoyant in August. Passenger car sales rose 16.01 per cent in August to 83,844 units from 72,272 units in the same month a year earlier.
【新德里】今年8月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售继续活跃。比去年同月的7万2272辆增加到8万3844辆。成长率16.01%。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38423(1119/1474)
【ニューデリー】モーターサイクルの8月の販売台数はマーケット・リーダー、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の不振も有って昨年同月の45万5311台から47万955台に僅か3.43%の伸びにとどまった。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% August
【New Delhi】Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% during the August this year at 4,70,955 units against 4,55,311 units in the same month last year mainly on account of market leader Hero Honda's slump.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38424(1120/1474)
【ムンバイ】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)が150クロー(US$3205万)を投じてウタランチャル州Kashipurに設けた家電製品工場は2007年4月に稼働する。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon's Uttaranchal plant to commence production from April '07
【Mumbai】Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL) has invested Rs 150 crore to set up an appliances manufacturing plant at Kashipur in Uttaranchal. The plant will commence production from April next year.
【孟买】Videocon Industries有限公司投资15亿卢比在北安查尔州卡希普尔建筑的家电工厂将在明年4月开工。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38425(1121/1474)
【チェンナイ】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の集積回路(IC)製造・検査会社SPEL Semiconductor Ltd(SSL)は、向こう5年間に2億8600万米ドルを投じて先端包装技術を導入、既存施設を拡張するとともに、資金の一部は向こう2~3年間に実行する買収計画に充当する。(...続きを読む)
◆Spel spells out $286 mn expansion plan
【Chennai】A Chennai-based integrated chip (IC) assembly and testing company, SPEL Semiconductor Ltd has spelled out a $286 million expansion plan, spread over five years to introduce advance packaging capabilities, expand its existing capacities and to fund acquisition from 2-3 years from now.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38427(1122/1474)
◆ICI Paints、US$3億投じインド事業拡張
【バンガロール】ICI Paintsは企業買収を含むインド・ビジネスの拡張に1500クロー(US$3.21億)を投じる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆ICI Paints to invest Rs. 1,500 crore for expansion
【BANGALORE】ICI Paints has planned to invest up to Rs. 1,500 crore for expansion of its Indian business, including taking the acquisition route.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38428(1123/1474)
【ニューデリー】Aditya Birlaグループ傘下のGrasim Industries Ltd(GIL)はマドヤプラデシュ州Nagdaに95クロー(US$2030万)を投じて設けた苛性ソーダ製造施設の試運転を完了、年内に商業生産を開始するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆Grasim finishes trial run of caustic soda unit
【New Delhi】Aditya Birla group company Grasim Industries Ltd has completed the trial run of its new caustic soda unit at Nagda in Madhya Pradesh in which it has invested Rs 95 crore. The company may start its commercial operation in this year.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38429(1124/1474)
◆Actis、Paras PharmaにUS$4200万出資
【ニューデリー】プライベート・エクイティー投資会社Actisは、グジャラート州拠点のヘルスケア&パーソナルケア店頭薬会社Paras Pharmaceuticals Ltd(PPL)に4200万米ドル出資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Paras Pharma to get $42 capital infusion from Actis
【New Delhi】the Gujarat-based over-the-counter healthcare and personal care company, Paras Pharmaceuticals Ltd is to get $42 million capital infusion from Private equity investor Actis.
【新德里】在古吉拉特州作为基地制造柜台销售保健药和个人护理药的Paras Pharmaceuticals有限公司从私人股权投资公司Actis得到4200万美元的资金。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38431(1125/1474)
【ニューデリー】三井物産はウッタルプラデシュ州Greater Noidaの100エーカー以上の土地に保税倉庫地区(free-trade warehousing zone)を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Mitsui to invest in Noida for warehousing zone
【New Delhi】Mitsui Co Ltd is about to set up a free-trade warehousing zone over 100 acres in Greater Noida.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38432(1126/1474)
【ニューデリー】中国第2の鉄鉱石貿易会社、中国中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)が完全出資するSinosteel India Pvt Ltd(SIPL)はインドに年産300万~500万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設けることを計画、オリッサ州、ジャールカンド州、西ベンガル州を中心に鉄鉱石の採掘と製鉄事業の候補地を物色している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sinosteel looking for sites to set up steel plant
【NEW DELHI】Sinosteel India Pvt Ltd, China's second-biggest iron ore trader's wholly owned subsidiary in India, is looking for potential sites for its mining and manufacturing venture in the country.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38433(1127/1474)
【ニューデリー】中国中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)傘下のSinosteel India Pvt Ltd(SIPL)はRail Vikas Nigam Ltd(RVNL)がオリッサ州内のHaridaspur-Paradip間に建設を計画する貨物専用鉄道への出資を巡り、RVNLと初歩的交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Sinosteel may invest in a freight corridor project
【New Delhi】Sinosteel India Pvt Ltd(SIPL) is in preliminary talks with Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (RVNL) for an equity stake in the Haridaspur-Paradip dedicated freight corridor project in Orissa.
【新德里】中钢印度私人有限公司计划投资在奥里萨州Haridaspur-伯拉迪布之间的货运铁路项目而跟Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd商量有关的初步的条件。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38434(1128/1474)
◆Nissan and Suzuki request 10-year tax holiday
【New Delhi】Nissan and Suzuki who are considering to jointly set up the Rs 2,500 crore plant in India, have submitted a long wishlist, including a 10-year corporate tax holiday, duty-free imports, a VAT holiday and stamp duty exemption.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38435(1129/1474)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、DTSi (Digital Twin spark-ignition)技術を採用した初のスクーター新モデル『Crystal』を近く発売する。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj to introduce a 100-cc scooter with its DTSi technology
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd set to introduce for the first time a 100-cc scooter with its DTSi technology. The model will be called `Crystal'.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38436(1130/1474)
◆Bajaj、来週180cc Pulsar改良バージョン発売
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は来週『Pulsar 180cc』のアップ・グレード・バージョンを発売する。
◆Bajaj to roll out upgraded Pulsar next week
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto set to launch its upgraded Pulsar 180cc next week. The price will be around Rs 60,000.
【孟买】巴贾吉汽车公司下星期发售摩托车Pulsar 180cc改良款式。价格6万卢比左右。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38437(1131/1474)
【バンガロール】豊田自動織機は12日、Kirloskar Toyoda Textile Machinery (KTTM)と、インド国内におけるマテハン機器(フォークリフト)の販売・サービスを後者に委ねるディストリビューション契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Toyota Ind. signed a distribution agreement with Kirloskars
【Bangalore】Toyota Industries Corporation has signed a distribution agreement with Kirloskar Toyoda Textile Machinery (KTTM) for sales and service of material handling equipment (forklifts) in India.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38438(1132/1474)
◆Sanyo aims to achieve Rs 2,000 crore turnover
【KOLKATA】Sanyo Electric Co aims to achieve Rs 2,000 crore turnover in the Indian consumer durable segment by 2008-09.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38439(1133/1474)
【ニューデリー】台湾拠点の世界第4位のパーソナル・コンピュター・メーカー、Acerは、産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)の反対にも関わらず、情報技術(IT)ハードウェア製品のインド国内におけるマーケッティングを認められた。(...続きを読む)
◆Acer has got a permit to market IT hardware
【New Delhi】Despite the objection from the department of industrial policy & promotion (DIPP), Acer, one of the top four PC makers in the world, has got a green signal from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) to market IT hardware in India.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38440(1134/1474)
◆Anil Ambani氏、DTH放送免許内示書受領
【ニューデリー】インド政府はReliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)が国内向けにDTH(direct-to-home)放送を手掛けるのを認める内示書(letter of intent)を発行した。(...続きを読む)
◆Anil Ambani gets green light for DTH
【New Delhi】The Union Government has granted in-principle approval to the Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) to enter the direct-to-home service in the country.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38441(1135/1474)
◆Tata Consultancy、US$3.2億投じTN州事業拡張
【チェンナイ】Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)は向こう2~3年内にタミールナド州に1500クロー(US$3.21億)前後を投じ事業を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆TCS invests Rs 1500 cr for TN expansion
【Chennai】Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) sets to invest around Rs 1,500 crore in Tamil Nadu for expansion in two-three years.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38442(1136/1474)
◆Lanco、1千MW Anpara C発電事業をほぼ獲得
【ニューデリー】ウッタルプラデシュ州政府のN C Bajpai総務次長を長とするエネルギー専門委員会(ETF:Energy Task Force)は、1000MW(メガワット)のAnpara C火力発電プロジェクトをアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のLanco Kundapalli Power Pvt. Ltd(LKP)に発注することを承認した。(...続きを読む)
◆Lanco finally captures Anpara C power project contract
【New Delhi】Hyderabad-based Lanco Kundapalli Power Pvt. Ltd captured the 1,000-Mw Anpara C thermal power project contract. The Energy Task Force (ETF), headed by UP Chief Secretary N C Bajpai, endorsed the recommendations for the award of the contract to Lanco here yesterday.
◆Lanco拿到Anpara C发电厂承包合约
【新德里】以安德拉邦州海德拉巴基地的Lanco Kundapalli电力私人有限公司终于差不多拿到1000MW Anpara C火力发电厂承包合约。北方邦州政府的N C Bajpai次长位首的电力工作小组昨天同意了给该公司承包合约的建议。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38443(1137/1474)
◆Anil Ambani氏、薬剤師組合と小売り合弁協議
【ニューデリー】Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)は全インド薬剤師薬局組合(AIOCD:All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists)と合弁交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Chemists` body in talks with ADAG and others for drug retail JV
【New Delhi】All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) is in talks with Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG) and other two companies for a drug retail joint venture.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38445(1138/1474)
◆Unprecedented investment rush : $149 billion in just 75 days
【NEW DELHI】Corporate India has announced ventures with investment amount of excess $149 billion, in just the last 75 days. Although rationalists insist that only 5-10% of the amount can fructify, these announcements are astounding as they amount to nearly a fifth of India's current gross domestic product (GDP) and higher than the GDPs of Israel, Malaysia, Chile or Pakistan.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38446(1139/1474)
【ニューデリー】新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)の下、第6次入札にかけられた55ブロックには、British Petroleum/British Gas/イタリアのENI/マレーシアのPetronas/フランスのTotal等、内外の企業から過去最高の165件の応募が寄せられた。(...続きを読む)
◆Sixth NELP attracts 165 bids for 55 oil & gas blocks
【New Delhi】The sixth round of auction of 55 blocks for exploration of oil and gas under the the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) has attracted the highest ever 165 bids from global energy giants such as British Petroleum, British Gas, Italy's ENI, Petronas and French multinational Total, apart from domestic players.
【新德里】印度当局在新的勘探许可政策下把55个区块招标。结果从英国石油公司, 英国煤气公司, 意大利ENI, 马来西亚Petronas,法国Total等跨国公司和本地公司拿到历来最多的165个投标申请。
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38447(1140/1474)
【チャンバ】国営水力発電会社National Hydroelectric Power Corporation(NHPC)は火力発電及び複数の州を跨ぐ電力取引事業に進出、経営の多角化に乗り出す。(...続きを読む)
◆NHPC to foray into thermal and power trading
【Chamba】State-Owned National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) plans to foray into thermal power generation and inter-state trading of electricity as a diversification exercise of the company.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38448(1141/1474)
【ヴィサカパトナム】国営Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL)は向こう4~5年間にアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)に2万クロー(US$42.735億)以上を投じ石油化学コンプレックスを設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆HPCL to invest Rs 20000cr for petro & petrochem project in Vizag
【Visakhapatnam】State-owned Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) planns to invest over Rs 20,000 crore for petrochemical and refinery projects in Visakhapatnam over the next four to five years.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38449(1142/1474)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府はOil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)が特別経済区の開発を計画するMangaloreを『石油・化学・石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:Petroleum Chemicals Petrochemicals Investment Region)』に指定するよう中央政府に申請する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆K`taka to promote M`lore as Petrochemicals Investment Region
【Bangalore】Karnataka has decided to promote Mangalore where ONGC special economic zone (SEZ) coming up, as a Petroleum Chemicals Petrochemicals Investment Region.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38450(1143/1474)
【コルカタ】国営Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)とその子会社Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL)は、液化天然ガス(LNG)の長期供給交渉妥結の見通しが立たないことから、カルナタカ州Mangaloreにおける石油化学プロジェクトの原料をナフサに転換し、C2(メタン)-C3(プロパン)抽出計画やキャプティブ発電プロジェクトを放棄するのではないかと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆ONGC-MRPL may use naphtha as feedstock
【Kolkata】The Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC) and Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Ltd (MRPL) combine may use naphtha as feedstock for the proposed petrochemicals complex at Mangalore and give up plans for C2-C3 extraction and captive power plant because of failure in breaking a long-term LPG supply deal.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38451(1144/1474)
◆Local steel tube business to face China threat
【New Delhi】The Rs 15,000 crore Indian steel tubes industry is facing a Chinese double whammy. For a flood of Chinese imports has caused competition to heat up in the country and Chinese counter part has driven up material costs in the global market.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38454(1145/1474)
◆Domestic air traffic grew 62%
【NEW DELHI】The domestic air passenger traffic grew almost 62% from 17.57 lakh in July 2005 to 26.69 lakh in June this year.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38455(1146/1474)
【ニューデリー】ドイツの高級車メーカー、Audi AGはインドに製造拠点を設ける可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Audi plans to set up assembly unit
【New Delhi】German car maker Audi is considering options for assembling cars in India.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38456(1147/1474)
【チェンナイ】米国拠点のパーソナル・コンピューター(PC)メーカー、Dell Incはタミールナド州Chennai近郊Sriperumbudur Hi-Tech Parkの50エーカーの敷地に280クロー(US$5983万)を投じインドにおける同社初の製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Dell to set up manufacturing plant in Tamil
【Chennai】Dell Inc, the US-based personal computer manufacturer, will set up its first manufacturing facility in India at a 50 acre campus in the Sriperumbudur hi-tech Special Economic Zone, near Chennai.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38457(1148/1474)
【バンガロール】宇宙局(DOS:Department of Space)傘下Semiconductor Labs(SCL)のウエハー・ファブ施設のアップグレード入札にIBMやAtmel Corporation等が応札したもようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Global tender for SCL fab upgrading attracted BM, Atmel
【Bangalore】It is lernt that IBM and Atmel Corporation are among bidders for upgrading the fab facility of Semiconductor Labs, an autonomous society under the Department of Space (DoS).
【班加罗尔】般天局属下的半导体研究所为了改良晶圆制造设施而招标。IBM和Atmel Corporation等公司已经提交投标书。
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38458(1149/1474)
◆政府、Wi-Maxに2.5 Ghz帯割当検討
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、GSM(Global System for Mobile)携帯電話サービス業界が2.5ギガヘルツ(Ghz)波長帯を第3世代サービス専用に割当てるよう求めているにも関わらず、ワイヤレス技術Wi-Maxベースの広帯域サービスに同波長帯を割り当てることを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt plans to allocate 2.5 Ghz for Wi-Max
【New Delhi】Despite GSM-based cellular operators has claimed to allocate the 2.5 Ghz frequency band exclusively for third-generation (3G) services, the Government plans to allocate the frequency band for offering broadband services on Wi-Max.
◆印度政府计划分配2.5 Ghz频段给Wi-Max
【新德里】虽然GSM手提电话服务业要求分配2.5 Ghz频段给第三代移动通信服务,印度政府计划把这个频段分配给WiMAX(微波存取全球互通)宽带通信。
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38459(1150/1474)
【コルカタ】Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相に率いられる鉄鋼代表団に加わりロンドンとルクセンブルグを訪問中のSteel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)とRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)幹部は、両社合わせて6万2000クロー(US$132.48億)の設備近代化・拡張計画の技術パートナーを物色している。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL, RNRL to explore technological tie-ups in Europe
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India (SAIL) and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd's officials in a steel delegation which now is touring London and Luxembourg led by Union steel minister Ram Vilas Paswan, are looking for technological partners for their combined Rs 62,000 modernisation and expansion programme.
【加尔各答】参加Ram Vilas Paswan铁钢部长领导的钢铁代表团正在访问伦敦和卢森堡的印度钢铁管理局公司和拉什特里亚·伊斯帕特·尼伽姆公司共同地找总共6200亿卢比的设配现代化和扩张计划的技术伙伴。
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006
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