企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006
【ハルディア】三菱化学(MCC)は西ベンガル州Haldia拠点の子会社MCC PTA (India) Corporation Private Limited (MCPI)の設備能力拡張を通じインドを高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)の主要な製造基地にする。
◆Mitsubishi to expand its PTA capacity at Haldia
【HALDIA】Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation of Japan is expanding the capacity of its subsidiary MCC PTA India Corporation Private Limited located in West Bengal and will make India a major production base for Purified Terepthalic Acid (PTA).
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38339(1052/1474)
◆Aegis Logistics、5港に化学品・ガス・ターミナル建設
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州Mumbaiを拠点に液体ロジスティクス・サービスを手掛けるAegis Logistics Ltd (ALL)は、マハラシュトラ州Jawaharlal Nehru港/グジャラート州Kandla港/カルナタカ州Mangalore港/ケララ州Kochi港/アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam港に段階的に化学品とガスのターミナルを設け、全国プレーヤーとしての地歩を固める計画だ。
◆Aegis plans to build chemical tanks at 5 ports
【Mumbai】Aegis Logistics Ltd (ALL) which is providing liquid logistic service at Mumbai port, plans to set up chemical and gas terminal infrastructure at JNPT, Kandla, Mangalore, Kochi and Visakhapatnam ports step bu step and hopes to become a national player.
【孟买】在马哈拉施特拉州孟买做液体后勤业务的Aegis Logistics有限公司计划在孟买新港,堪得拉港,门铬洛尔港,科钦港,维沙卡帕特南港都兴建化学品库和气体设施库而提供全国性服务。
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38340(1053/1474)
◆LG Life Sciences、貧血治療薬発売
【ニューデリー】韓国のLGグループが完全出資するLG Life Sciences India Pvt Ltd (LGLSI)は貧血治療用鉄スクロース(iron sucrose)の静脈注射薬ヴェノファー(Venofer)を近くインドで発売する。
◆LG Life Sciences to sellAnti-Anemia Drug
【New Delhi】LG Life Sciences India Pvt Ltd (LGLSI) is poised to launch Venofer in India. The wholly owned subsidiary of the LG Group said the iron sucrose drug was used as intravenous injection to treat iron deficiency anemia.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38342(1054/1474)
◆Jindal Stainless、オリッサ州にUS$4.65億新鉄鋼プラント
【ニューデリー】年商40億米ドルのOP Jindalグループに属するJindal Stainless Ltd(JSL)は、オリッサ州Bhubaneshwar近郊Dubriに当初2175クロー(US$4.65億)を投じ新鉄鋼プラントを設ける。
◆Jindal Stainless to set up new plant in Orissa
【New Delhi】Jindal Stainless Ltd, of the $4 billion O P Jindal group, is setting up a greenfield unit at Dubri near Bhubaneshwar with an initial outlay of Rs 2,175 crore.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38344(1055/1474)
【ニューデリー】世界のトップ航空機メーカー2社、Airbus IndustrieとBoeingが29日揃ってインドにおける主要な投資計画を発表した。
◆Airbus, Boeing carry out major initiatives in India
【New Delhi/Mumbai】The world's top aircraft manufacturers, Airbus Industrie and Boeing, announced major initiatives in India. Those include setting up a technology centre and maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38345(1056/1474)
【ニューデリー】米国の航空機製造会社BoeingのDinesh A. Keskar上級副社長は28日、インドにおける向こう20年間の旅客機(civilian aircraft)需要は856機、額にして720億米ドル以上と予想、昨年8月に同氏が示した同490機/320億米ドルの予想を2倍に上方修正した。
◆India needs 856 planes in 20 years: Boeing
【New Delhi】US-based aircraft manufacturer Boeing has doubled its long-term forecast for sales in the country. Its Senior Vice-President,Dr Dinesh A. Keskar told yesterday that the company has estimated that India would require 856 new civilian aircraft valued at more than $72 billion over the next 20 years. Last year, the company had estimated that India would purchase 470 airplanes worth $35 billion by 2025.
【新德里】美国飞机厂商波音公司把印度今后20年的客机需求预测提高两倍。他的高级副总经理Dinesh A. Keskar先生昨天预测今后20年印度需要856辆客机,总额720亿美元。他去年8月预测的是490辆,总额320亿美元。
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38346(1057/1474)
【ムンバイ】国営海運会社Shipping Corporation of India(SCI)は内陸コンテナ・デポ(ICD)及びコンテナ・フレート・ステーション(CFS:container freight station)を設け、ランド・ロジスティクス市場に参入することを計画している。
◆SCI considers to embark on land logistics
【Mumbai】The government-owned Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) is considering to embark on land logistics by setting up Inland Container Depots (ICDs) and Container Freight Stations (CFSs).
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38347(1058/1474)
◆Volkswagen plans to set up plant in India
【FRANKFURT】Volkswagen, German carmaker, plans to invest up to 400 million euros ($511.1 million) to set up a plant in India.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38348(1059/1474)
◆Bajaj Auto、三輪・四輪車製造施設建設
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は2000クロー(US$4.27億)を投じ、マハラシュトラ州Pune付近のChakanに三輪車と軽四輪車の製造施設を建設、軽商用車(LCV:light commercial vehicle)市場参入を図る。
◆Bajaj to set up LCV plant
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd will invest Rs 2,000-crore and set up a new manufacturing plant for three-wheelers and light four-wheelers at Chakan, near Pune in Maharashtra then foray into the light commercial vehicle (LCV) segment.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38349(1060/1474)
【ニューデリー】インド第3の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd (TVSMC)はガス燃料を用いたモーターサイクルについて研究を進めている。
◆TVS Motor prepares to introduce LPG-powered bikes
【NEW DELHI】TVS Motor Company Ltd (TVS), the country's third largest two-wheeler company, is preparing to introduce LPG-powered motorcycles.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38350(1061/1474)
【ニューデリー】世界第2のコンピューター・チップ・メーカー、Advanced Micro Devices Inc(AMD)は、海外在住インド人のコンソーシアム、SemIndiaがアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに計画する半導体ウエハー・ファブリケーション施設に約5億米ドルを投資する。
◆AMD prepares to invest $500 mn in SemIndia SEZ
【New Delhi】Advanced Micro Devices Inc, the second largest computer chip maker, is to invest about $500 million in SemIndia's Special Economic Zone near Hyderabad. SemIndia, a consortium of non-resident Indians, is planing to make silicon chips there.
【新德里】全球第二大半导体制造商超微公司(Advanced Micro Devices Inc)准备投资SemIndia特区5亿美元。海外印度技术家组成的联盟SemIndia计划在安德拉邦州海德拉巴附近开特别经济区而建设晶圆厂。
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38352(1062/1474)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は、情報技術(IT)メジャー、Tata Consultancy Services(TCS)が提案したIT及びIT対応サービス(ITES)領域における総投資額1150クロー(US$2.457億)の特別経済区(SEZ)プロジェクト4件を承認した。
◆K`taka approved TCS` 4 SEZs etc
【Bangalore】The Karnataka government on Monday approved IT major Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) proposed special economic zones(SEZs) projects at four locations in the state with a combined investment of Rs 1,150 crore in the IT / ITeS sector.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38354(1063/1474)
◆Essar decided to invest Rs 15,000cr to build refinery in Jamnagar SEZ
【AHMEDABAD】The Essar group has decided to invest Rs 15,000-crore and to set up a 16-20 million tonne greenfield refinery in its upcoming SEZ near Jamnagar.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38355(1064/1474)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州バンガロールを拠点にする製薬会社Strides Arcolab Ltd(SAL)は、米国に設けた合弁会社Akorn-Strides LLC(ASL)が米国食品薬品局(USFDA)後発医薬品オフィスに今年4月以来10番目の後発医薬品申請(ANDA: abbreviated new drug application)を提出したと発表した。
◆Akorn-Strides submitted its tenth ANDA
【Bangalore】Akorn-Strides LLC, US joint venture of Bangalore-based Strides Arcolab, has submitted its tenth abbreviated new drug application(ANDA) to Food and Drug Administration's the Office of Generic Drugs.
【班加罗尔】以班加罗尔基地的Strides Arcolab发表他的美国联营公司Akorn-Strides LLC向美国食品药品管理局提出从今年4月以来第10个简化新药申请。
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38356(1065/1474)
◆Reliance Retail、デリー/ムンバイに各70店オープン
【ニューデリー】Reliance Retail Limited(RRL)は、向こう7ヶ月間にDelhiとマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiに各最大70店、西ベンガル州Kolkataに20店の小売りショップをオープンする。
◆Reliance Retail to foray into Mumbai and Delhi with 70 stores each
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Retail Limited plans to open up to 70 stores each in Delhi and Mumbai and around 20 stores in Kolkata in the next 7 months.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38357(1066/1474)
【ムンバイ】単一商標小売りビジネス(single brand retail trading)に対する外資の51%出資を認めたインド政府の外国直接投資政策緩和に乗じ、三井物産は地元ロジスティクス会社TCI India Ltd(TCIIL)と51:49の合弁会社Bussan TCIIL Automotive Indiaを設立、トヨタ車の小売りビジネスに乗り出す。
◆Mitsui sets up JV to retail Toyota cars
【NEW DELHI】Mitsui & Co. is setting up a joint venture with logistics major TCI India, under Bussan TCIIL Automotive India based on the guidelines for foreign direct investment in single brand retail trading, and will retail Toyota cars in India.
【新德里】三井物产乘着政府修改外国直接投资政策承认外资在单一牌子零售业拥有51%的股权,跟本地后勤服务企业TCI公司设立51:49联营公司Bussan TCIIL Automotive India而零售丰田汽车。
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38358(1067/1474)
【ニューデリー】ドイツのキャッシュ&キャリー卸売り会社Metro groupは全国の主要33都市に出店することを計画、向こう2年間だけで3億ユーロを投資する。
◆Metro to invest 1.6 bn euro in 33 cities
【NEW DELHI】German cash-and-carry wholesale giant Metro group will invest up to 1.6 billion euro to expand its operations to 33 cities in the country.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38359(1068/1474)
◆Bharati Shipyard、初の掘削装置建造契約獲得
【ムンバイ】沖合補給船(OSV:offshore supply vessels)の建造から掘削装置(drilling rig)の建造に事業の多角化を図るマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の造船会社Bharati Shipyard Ltd(BSL)は、先頃Great Eastern Shipping Companyから初のリグ建造契約を獲得した。
◆Bharati Shipyard has got a maiden order for drilling rigs
【Mumbai】THE Mumbai-based shipbuilding firm Bharati Shipyard Ltd is attempting to foray from building offshore vessels to drilling rigs and has got a maiden order from Great Eastern Shipping Company.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38360(1069/1474)
【ニューデリー】ウッタルプラデシュ州Kanpur拠点の自動車部品納入業者JS Autoは、親会社LMLが今年1月に操業を停止し、多くの納入業者が共倒れする中、独力で『SA』商標の三輪車を発売した。
◆LML vendor launches own brand 3 wheeler
【New Delhi】Kanpur-based an LML vendor JS Auto has launched a three-wheeler under the brand name "SA", despite most LML vendors in Kanpur closed down after LML stopped production in January this year.
◆LML供应商JS Auto自力发售SA牌的三轮车
【新德里】虽然今年1月 二轮制造商LML停止操业以后他的大部分的供应商也倒闭,可是位于北方邦州坎普尔的JS Auto自力发售SA牌的三轮车。
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38362(1070/1474)
◆Client PC market grew 19 per cent
【New Delhi】The Indian Client PC market grew by 19 per cent year-on-year to reach 12.5 lakh units during the April-May-June quarter of 2006.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38363(1071/1474)
【バンガロール】中国の通信機器大手Huawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)は1億米ドルを投じてカルナタカ州Bangaloreに新センターを設け、スタッフも増員、インド事業を拡張する。
◆Huawei to invest $100 m, new facility in B'lore
【Bangalore】Chinese telecom major Huawei Technologies Co Ltd. will invest $100 million to open a new facility in Bangalore and to increase the engineering workforce.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38364(1072/1474)
◆Infotech Enterprises、IBMと一貫製品管理サービス提供
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の情報技術(IT)ソリューション・プロバイダー、Infotech Enterprises Ltd(IEL)は、IBMと手を組み製造業界向けに開発から製造/販売/サポート/販売打ち切りまで製品のライフサイクルを通じた『一貫製品管理(PLM:Product Lifecycle Management)』と『エンジニアリング・ソリューション』を提供する。
◆Infotech ties up with IBM to provide Product Lifecycle Management
【MUMBAI】Hyderabad-based IT solutions provider Infotech Enterprises Ltd ties up with IBM to provide Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and engineering solutions for the manufacturing Industry.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38365(1073/1474)
【コルカタ】Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)はアンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnamに年産300万トンのペレット製造施設を設ける計画に投資する方針を決めた。
◆Ispat to join setting up 3-mt pelletisation plant project
【Kolkata】Ispat Industries Ltd has decided to join the project to set up a three-million-tonne per annum capacity pellet plant in Visakhapatnam.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38366(1074/1474)
【ムンバイ】Sajjan Jindal氏が率いる指導的鉄鋼メーカー、JSW Steelは、傘下のJSW Energy Ltd(JSWEL)を通じて向こう3年間に1万1500クロー(US$24.57億)を投資、マハラシュトラ/ラジャスタン/カルナタカ3州に合計2800MW(メガワット)の発電所を設ける計画だ。
◆JSW to foray into the commercial power business
【MUMBAI】The Sajjan Jindal-controlled leading domestic steelmaker JSW Steel is planning to foray into the commercial power business. Group company, JSW Energy (JSWEL) will invest about Rs 11,500 crore in the next three years to set up thermal power plants of 2,800 MW capacity in Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Karnataka.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38367(1075/1474)
◆Bharat Heavy Electricals、US$3.42億投じ設備拡張
【ニューデリー】Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd(BHEL)は、6万2000MW(メガワット)以上の発電能力の拡張が目指される第11次五カ年計画期間の設備需要に応じるため、1600クロー(US$3.42億)を投じて製造施設の近代化と製造能力の拡張を図る。
◆BHEL plans to invest Rs 1,600 cr
【New Delhi】Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd will invest Rs 1,600 crore to modernise its power equipment manufacturing facilities and expand capacity in a bid to meet the demand for more than 62,000MW power capacity addition during the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38368(1076/1474)
【ムンバイ】カルナタカ州を拠点にエタノールの製造を手掛けるDollex Industries Ltd(DIL)は製造能力を2倍に拡張する。
◆Dollex to expand ethanol production capacity
【MUMBAI】Karnataka based Dollex Industries Ltd will double the production of ethanol.
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38369(1077/1474)
◆Suven、創薬事業でEli Lillyと提携
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州ハイデラバードを拠点に原末(bulk drug)の開発・製造を手掛けるSuven Life Sciences Ltd(SLSL)は、米国拠点の製薬会社Eli Lilly and Coと、中枢神経障害治療用分子種の臨床前研究に関わる協力契約を結んだ。
◆Suven, Eli Lilly in pact for drug discovery
【MUMBAI】Hyderabad-based Suven Life Sciences Ltd will collaborate with the US pharma major Eli Lilly & Company on pre-clinical research of molecules in the therapeutic area of central nervous system(CNS) disorders. The two have signed an agreement on it.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38373(1078/1474)
◆Flat steel price up, long products' down
【New Delhi】Most of the Indian steel manufacturers on Friday reduced price of hot rolled flat steel in the range of Rs 500-1,000. In long products there has seen an upward trend.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38375(1079/1474)
◆EADS、Hindustan Aeronauticsと協力覚書
【バンガロール】欧州の国防・航空産業会社EADS(European Aeronautic Defence and Space)は1日、既に長期にわたる協力関係を有するHindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)と、新協力領域を共同で開拓する覚書を交換した。
◆HAL, EADS signed an MoU
【Bangalore】Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) and its old partner EADS, the defence and aerospace major, on Friday signed an MoU to expand their co-operation into new market segments on a long term.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38376(1080/1474)
【ニューデリー】インドに軍用ヘリコプター197機を納入する契約の獲得を目指すRolls-Royce Corporation(RRC)はHindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)と合弁でエンジン、コンポーネント、ガス・タービンを製造することを真剣に検討している。
◆Rolls-Royce considering a JV with HAL
【NEW DELHI】Rolls-Royce Corporation who aims to bag an Indian defence contract to supply 197 helicopters, is seriously considering jointly to manufacture engines, components and gas turbines with Hindustan Aeronautics(HAL).
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38377(1081/1474)
◆TNT Express、地元速達便会社ARCを買収
【バンガロール】新興市場、取り分けインドにおける指導的速達便(express deliveries)業者になることを目指すオランダ拠点のTNT Expressは、速達サービスを手掛けるマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点のARC India Ltdを買収した。
◆TNT Express to acquire Speedage
【Bangalore】TNT Express will acquire the Mumbai-based ARC India Ltd. The Netherlands-based TNT Express aims to become the leading provider of express deliveries in the emerging markets, especially in India. ARC India Ltd operates express deliveries under the trade name Speedage Express Cargo Services.
【班加罗尔】总部设在荷兰的天地速递公司收购位于孟买的ARC印度有限公司。前者要在新兴市场,特别是在印度成为主要的速递公司。后者经营『Speedage Express Cargo Services』牌的速递服务。
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38378(1082/1474)
◆Auto cos' August sales uneven
【NEW DELHI】Auto companys' August sales are uneven with some companies posting high double-digit increases while others regitering a dip in volumes.The sales of the second quarter of the financial year usually decelerates due to monsoons, and this time too, the 25% plus growth seen in first four months of this fiscal has slowed down.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38379(1083/1474)
◆Hero Honda、8月の二輪車販売12.6%下降
【ムンバイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の8月の二輪車販売台数は輸出も含め21万5076台と、昨年同月の24万6304台に比べ12.6%下降した。
◆Hero Honda sales dipping by 12.6 per cent in August
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 215,076 units in August, down 12.6 percent from 246,304 sold in the same month last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38380(1084/1474)
◆Bajaj Auto、8月のバイク販売21%アップ
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の8月のモーターサイクル販売は18万570台と、昨年同月の14万9415台に比べ21%増加した。
◆Bajaj bike sales rise 21 pc in Aug
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd sold 1,80,570 motorcycles in August 2006, 21 per cent more than 1,49,415 units in the same period last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38381(1085/1474)
◆TVS Motor、8月のバイク販売39%アップ
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)の8月のモーターサイクル販売台数は8万3014台と、昨年同月の5万9675台に比べ39%増加した。
◆TVS' motorcycle sales rise 39 pc in August
【Chennai】TVS Motor Company has witnessed 39 per cent growth in motorcycle sales, with numbers increaseing by 39 per cent in August to 83,014 units against 59,675 units in the same month last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38382(1086/1474)
◆Dell to set up a manufacturing plant next year
【New Delhi】The computer maker Dell is about to set up a manufacturing facility in India early next year and plans to increase its revenues from India by more than double to over $1 billion within a few years.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38383(1087/1474)
◆Lattice Semiconductor、ディストリビューター指名
【バンガロール】米国オレゴン州拠点の半導体装置会社Lattice Semiconductor Corporation(LSC)はインドのプログラマブル・ロジック市場の開拓を目指し、インドにセールス拠点を設けた。
◆Lattice Semiconductor appoints two distributors
【BANGALORE】Oregon USA based Lattice Semiconductor Corporation has established a sales force to serve the programmable logic market in India.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38384(1088/1474)
◆Sony Ericsson、インドで携帯端末製造検討
【ムンバイ】世界第4位のセル式電話器機会社Sony Ericssonは、インドに携帯電話端末製造施設を設ける可能性を検討している。
◆Sony Ericsson contemplates a handsets manufacturing facility in India
【MUMBAI】Sony Ericsson, the world's fourth largest cellular company, is contemplating the option of setting up the manufacturing facility in India.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38385(1089/1474)
◆Tata Chemicals、Gharda Chemicalsの買収協議
【ムンバイ】Tata Chemicals Ltd(TCL)はマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の非上場企業Gharda Chemicals Ltd(GCL)の買収交渉を進めており、実現すればTCLは海外市場におけるポジションを強化するものと見られる。
◆Tatas may acquire Gharda Chem
【MUMBAI】Tata Chemicals talks to acquire Mumbai-based, unlisted Gharda Chemicals (GCL).If the move materialize it could boost Tata Chemicals' position in the overseas market.
◆塔塔化学制品公司准备收购Gharda Chem
【孟买】塔塔化学制品公司商量收购位于孟买的非挂牌公司Gharda Chemicals Ltd。如果成功,塔塔化学制品公司可以加强在海外市场的地位。
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38386(1090/1474)
【ニューデリー】地元製薬大手Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)を率いるRanbaxy一族の確執が再燃、グループ創始者故Bhai Mohan Singh氏の次子、Manjit Singh氏は違法に株式をBhai Mohan Singh Foundationに移転したとして、弟のAnaljit Sigh氏をデリー高裁に告訴した。
◆Ranbaxy feud is rearing its head again
【NEW DELHI】The Ranbaxy family feud has flared up again. The second son of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)' founder late Bhai Mohan Singh, Mr.Manjit Singh has charge younger brother Analjit Sigh with the Delhi High Court, accusing illegal transfer of shares to the Bhai Mohan Singh Foundation.
【新德里】兰巴克斯家属的家庭纠纷重新起火。已经故的兰巴克斯实验室有限公司创始人Bhai Mohan Singh先生的次子Manjit Singh先生向德里高庭控告他的弟弟Analjit Sigh先生违法地转让股票给Bhai Mohan Singh Foundation。
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38389(1091/1474)
【ムンバイ】Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)は、中国銀行から中核バンキング・ソリューションの構築に関わる総額2億米ドルの契約を獲得したもようだ。
◆TCS may have signed a $200 mn deal in China
【Mumbai】Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Bank of China may have signed a deal concerning a $200-million core banking solution.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38391(1092/1474)
【ニューデリー】パンジャブ州とカルナタカ州におけるGSM(Global System for Mobile)携帯電話サービスを手掛けるSpice Communications Private Ltd(SCPL)は向こう3年間に25億米ドルを投じてインド全国にプレゼンスを築く計画だ。
◆Spice announced a $2.5-bn expansion plan
【NEW DELHI】Spice Communications Private Ltd, Punjab and Karnataka based GSM service provider, plans to invest $2.5-bn in three years and establish a pan-India presence.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38392(1093/1474)
◆NXP India、半導体R&DにUS$3.28億投資
【バンガロール】Philipsの半導体ビジネス売却に伴い10月1日に発足するNXP Semiconductors India(NXPSI:現社名Philips Semiconductors India)は、向こう5年間に研究開発(R&D)領域に3億2800万米ドルを投じ、急成長するインド半導体市場のパイを確保する計画だ。
◆NXP to invest $328 m Indian semiconductor biz
【Bangalore】NXP Semiconductors India (now called Philips Semiconductors India) which will be operational from October 1 following the move to sell-off Philips' global semiconductor business, will invest close to $328 million in R&D over the next five years to capture a pie of the local semiconductor market, one of the fastest growing in the world.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38393(1094/1474)
◆Taiwan chipmakers look at Chennai, Hyderabad
【New Delhi】For Taiwan's chipmakers, Bangalore appears a trifle too expensive for setting up manufacturing units. Instead, they are scouting around for locations in Chennai and Hyderabad.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38394(1095/1474)
◆JSW Steel、CRGO電磁鋼の製造計画
【ムンバイ】Sajjan Jindal氏に率いられるJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、電気産業に不可欠な冷延方向性電磁鋼(CRGO electrical steel)の製造を計画している。
◆JSW Steel plans to make CRGO steel
【Mumbai】JSW Steel Ltd, Sajjan Jindal-controlled company, plans to manufacture cold rolled grain oriented (CRGO) electrical steel, a critical raw material for the electrical industry.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38395(1096/1474)
◆Six consortia bid Hyderabad metro project
【NEW DELHI】As many as six business consortia have expressed their interests on Hyderabad's metro rail project and they are willing to finance the Rs 7,986 crore project.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38397(1097/1474)
【ムンバイ】生物工学局(DOB:department of biotechnology)は第2回『小規模事業技術革新イニシアチブ(SBIRI:Small Business Innovation Research Initiative)』融資計画の下、指導的生物工学企業による斬新な研究プロジェクト12件を選考、目下一層の検討を加えている。
◆Biotech Dept shortlists 12 novel projects
【Mumbai】Department of Biotechnology is considering 12 novel research projects, initiated by leading bitechnology companies, in the country under the second round of Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) funding.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38398(1098/1474)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の製薬会社Zydus Cadilaグループは、日本に完全出資子会社Zydus Pharma Inc(ZPI)を設立、日本における後発医薬品製剤や薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)市場の開拓に乗り出す。
◆Zydus enters generics market of Japan
【Mumbai】The Ahmedabad-based pharma major Zydus Cadila has established a wholly owned subsidiary called Zydus Pharma Inc in Japan and will market formulation generics and API in that country.
【孟买】以古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德为基地的制药企业Zydus Cadila公司在日本设立全资子公司Zydus Pharma Inc而进军日本非专利药和原料药市场。
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38399(1099/1474)
◆Anil Ambani氏、独自の小売り戦略準備
【ニューデリー】兄のMukesh Ambani氏がReliance Retail Limited(RRL)を設立、2万5000クロー(US$56.02億)の小売り事業計画を推進する中、小売り市場のパイを奪われることを望まぬ弟のAnil Ambani氏は独自の小売り戦略を準備しているようだ。
◆Anil Ambani to prepare own retail plans
【New Delhi】While Mukesh Ambani announced his next big plan to establish the wholly owned subsidiary Reliance Retail Ltd that is to spearhead the retail foray and invest Rs 25,000 crore in the next four years, the younger Anil Ambani who does not want to be deprived of a slice of the retail pie, is working on a blueprint for the sector.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38401(1100/1474)
◆Suzuki & Nissan's new plant will be built at an investment of $1.5 bn
【NEW DELHI】Suzuki and Nissan will invest $1.5 billion in India to build an export-oriented car plant at Manesar in Haryana, which will begin production in two years.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2006