貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2010
【ニューデリー】Sony India Pvt Ltd(SIPL)は今後1年間の販促活動に最大1800クロー(US$3.91億)を投じ、インド国内における製品の知名度を高めるとともに、今年の薄型テレビの販売台数を2倍の800ユニットに拡大することを目指している。
◆Sony to invest $391 m on marketing
【New Delhi】Sony India, which intend to double the sales of flat panel display televisions in India to 800 units in the current year, will invest up to Rs 1,800 crore ($391m) in the next one year on marketing and promotional activities to create awareness about its products in India.
2010-03-12 ArtNo.43189(52/463)
◆Retail, food majors line up for mega parks
【New Delhi】With six mega food parks already under implementation and four others being planned, the mega food park programme has made major headway.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43194(53/463)
【ニューデリー】このほど発表された工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)データは今年1月の資本財生産が56.2%の記録的成長を遂げたことを示しているが、インドの資本財輸入は2008-09年までの5年間に200%増加しており、アナリストらは次期会計年度以降、資本財の輸入が一層加速するものと予想している。
◆Capital goods import expands 200% in five years
【New Delhi】India's capital goods import expanded by 200% in the five years up to 2008-09. The industrial production data released last week showed the record 56.2% expansion in capital goods output in January. Analysts expect import of capital goods to accelerate furthermore from next fiscal.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43198(54/463)
【ニューデリー】インドとロシアは12日、Manmohan Singh/Vladimir Putin両首相の立ち会いの下、核関連と肥料関連の各2協定、それに1民間協定、合計5協定に調印した。プーチン首相の24時間に満たない今回の実務訪問期間には、以上を含め合計19件、総額100億米ドルを超える協定が結ばれた。
◆India, Russia sign 19 pacts during Putin's working visit
【New Delhi】India and Russia on March 12 sealed five agreements — two each in the nuclear sphere and fertilizers and one in the civilian space segment — in the presence of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the visiting Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. In all, the two sides signed 19 pacts worth over $10 billion during Putin's working visit lasting less than 24 hours.
2010-03-16 ArtNo.43202(55/463)
◆IT hardware output up 43 over the last 2 years
【New Delhi】The production of electronics hardware has increased from Rs. 66,000 crore ($14.322bn) in 2006-07, Rs. 94,690 crore ($20.548bn) in 2008-09, registering an increase of 43 per cent over the last 2 years.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43206(56/463)
【ニューデリー】重工業局(DHI:department of heavy industry)は、大蔵省歳入部(department of revenue)に対し、輸入電力設備に最低10%の関税を課すよう提案した。
◆10% duty on Chinese power equipment suggested
【New Delhi】The department of heavy industry (DHI) has recommended to the department of revenue for the imposition of at least 10% customs duty on power equipment import.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43211(57/463)
◆Mitsubishi Motors charts out India revival
【New Delhi】Mitsubishi Motors is planning a revival of its Indian operations in 2010-11 with a fresh business plan which includes a spate of new launches and replenishment of the existing models.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43212(58/463)
【チェンナイ】ルノー日産連合のCarlos Ghosn会長兼CEOは、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Oragadamに新築成った新工場開所式の前日(16日)記者会見し、インドにおけるマルチ・パートナー戦略を改めて擁護した。
◆Renault-Nissan to continue with multi-partner strategy for India
【Chennai】Mr Carlos Ghosn, the Chairman and CEO of Renault Nissan Alliance strongly defended alliances with multiple Indian partners on March 16, the eve of the inauguration of the greenfield plant of the Alliance at Oragadam, near Chennai.
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43214(59/463)
◆Data centre services market to touch $2.17bn by 2011: IDC
【New Delhi】The India data centre services market was estimated at Rs 6,300 crore ($1.3671bn) in 2009 and will touch nearly Rs 10,000 crore ($2.17bn) by 2011-end, translating into a compounded annual growth rate of 22.7 per cent between year 2009 and 2011.
◆数据中心服务市场到2011年底前达到$ 21.7亿美元:IDC
2010-03-19 ArtNo.43215(60/463)
◆Vegetable oil imports fall 8% in February
【Mumbai】India's vegetable oil imports declined by a marginal 8 per cent to 700,769 tonnes in February, as compared to 762,544 tonnes in the corresponding month last year. The imports fell for the second consecutive month.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43221(61/463)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州工業インフラ開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation)は、首都圏(NCR:national capital region)を除く、ほぼ全県に工業兼サービス・センター(ISC:industry-cum-service centre)を開発する。
◆Industry-cum-service centres to sprout up in Haryana
【Chandigarh】Haryana State Industrial & Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) plans to develop industry-cum-service centres in almost all the districts outside the national capital region.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43223(62/463)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunications)は外国設備納入業者がその設備をインド国内の通信業者に売却後3年以内に関係技術を地元製造業者に移転するよう義務づけた。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43223.htm
◆Equipment vendors should transfer tech in 3 years
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications has made it mandatory for foreign equipment vendors to transfer technology to Indian manufacturers within three years of selling gear to any operator.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43224(63/463)
【コルカタ】Canon Indiaはカレンダー・イヤー2010年のカメラ売上げが450クロー(US$9765万)と予想している。これは1100クロー(US$2.387億)の予想年商のほぼ41%に相当する。
◆Canon looking at $97.65m turnover from cameras in 2010
【Kolkata】Canon India is looking at a turnover of Rs 450 crore ($97.65m) this year from the camera segment, almost 41% of its overall turnover target of Rs 1,100 crore ($238.7m) for 2010.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43225(64/463)
【ニューデリー】LG Electronics India Ltd(LGEI)は、今年は冷蔵庫販売の50%以上の成長を見込んでおり、2010年末までに3000クロー(US$6.51億)の達成を目指している。
◆LG aims $651m turnover from refrigerator segment
【New Delhi】LG Electronics India is targeting a growth percentage of more than 50 per cent this year to achieve a total turnover of Rs 3,000 crore ($651m) in the refrigerator segment by the 2010-end.
2010-03-24 ArtNo.43226(65/463)
【ニューデリー】世界のトップ家電メーカーWhirlpoolのインドにおける今年初9ヶ月の純益は20%アップ、純売上げは過去最高の1600クロー(US$3.47億)をマークした。一方、テクノロジー・メジャーHewlett-Packard Company(HP)は、間もなく爆発的成長の軌道に乗ると見られるインド・デジタル・プリンティング市場首位の座を維持する方針だ。
◆Whirlpool's profit up 20%, HP retains top position in digital printing
【New Delhi】The world's largest home appliance maker Whirlpool Corp's net profit for the first nine months of the fiscal grew by 20% and its net sales shooting past Rs 1,600 crore ($347.2m). Meanwhile technology major Hewlett-Packard Company seeks to retain its leadership position in digital printing space in the country even as the segment is poised for an explosive growth trajectory.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43231(66/463)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相とPutin首相の二者会談が行われるまで、インド側関係機関には、原子力にしろ国防にしろ宇宙事業にしろロシアのベアハッグ(bear hug)だけは回避したいと言う空気が充満しており、プーチン首相が今月12日にインドを訪れた際には、両国の核・国防協力協定はほとんど調印不可能な状態にあった。
◆Russia offers N-fuel fabrication, uranium JV, India reluctant
【New Delhi】Nuclear and defence cooperation between India and Russia was almost not signed during Putin's visit on March 12, according to sources in both establishments. Until the night before the summit meeting between the two prime ministers, the Indian establishment was extremely reluctant about committing itself to the Russian bear hug, whether in the nuclear energy, defence or space sectors.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43232(67/463)
◆Consultancy business in the power sector is booming
【New Delhi】Consultancy business in the power sector is booming as states move away from the traditional memorandum of understanding (MoU) route to mandatory competitive bidding for the procurement of electricity in line with the guidelines introduced by the Power Ministry.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43234(68/463)
◆現代自動車、来年格安モデル投入しMaruti 800に挑戦
【コルカタ】韓国のカー・メーカー、現代自動車は2011年下半期に、Maruti Suzukiの最低価格車Maruti 800と同水準の価格の新モデルを発売すべく準備している。
◆Hyundai to take on Maruti 800 next year
【Kolkata】In the second half of 2011, Korean major Hyundai Motors is set to launch a new vehicle which is likely to be priced not much higher than that of Maruti's cheapest variant, the Maruti 800.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43236(69/463)
【ニューデリー】Dellの再起動(reboot)を試みるMichael Dell氏は、インドを、2007年に最高経営者(CEO)に復帰して以来取り組んでいる事業再構築の鍵と見ている。インドにおけるデルの年間売上げは100%の伸びを見ており、これは中国における売上げの伸びを上回る。
◆India is the key to the overhaul: Michael Dell
【New Delhi】Michael Dell reboots the eponymous company and India is the key to the overhaul he is driving since he returned to the role of chief executive in 2007. The company's annual revenues from India are growing at 100 per cent, faster than the market rate of China.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43237(70/463)
【ニューデリー】Dell創設者のMichael Dell最高経営者(CEO)は23日ニューデリーでManmohan Singh首相と会談した際、中国の製造拠点を第三国に移すことを検討しており、インドが移転先になる可能性を示唆した。
◆Dell may shift China operations to India
【New Delhi】Dell founder & CEO Michael Dell hinted towards moving the company's manufacturing base away from China, possibly to India when he met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on March 23.
2010-03-26 ArtNo.43238(71/463)
◆PC sales jump 42% in Q3: MAIT
【New Delhi】Sales of personal computers, including netbooks and desktops, soared 42 per cent to 20 lakh units in October-December 2009-10.
2010-03-31 ArtNo.43248(72/463)
【ムンバイ】日立アプライアンスの現地子会社Hitachi Home & Life Solutions India Ltd(HHLSI)の年初9ヶ月(2009/4-12)の売上げは483.10クロー(US$1.048億)をマーク、通年の売上げは前年の515.76クロー(US$1.119億)を25%上回る650クロー(US$1.41億)に達する見通しだ。
◆Hitachi expects $1.41m turnover in FY 2009-10
【Mumbai】Hitachi Home & Life Solutions (India) Ltd, a subsidiary of Hitachi Appliance Inc, Japan, registered a turn over of Rs. 483.10 crore ($104.8m) during the first nine months of current FY 2009-10 and is expecting to achieve around Rs. 650 crore ($1.41m) throughout the current financial year, with 25 per cent rise as compared to Rs. 515.76 crore ($1.119m) in last year.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43256(73/463)
◆Anti-dumping duty on Chinese chemical, machine
【New Delhi】India has imposed anti-dumping duty on a chemical used in manufacturing glass, bricks and tiles and a certain type of plastic processing machine both imported from China.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43261(74/463)
◆Car sales zoom in March
【New Delhi】Automobile majors in India have posted an impressive double-digit sales figure for March 2010 though not everyone is jumping for joy. Domestic sales of nine major car and utility vehicle makers grew by 19.3% to 195,805 units in March compared with 164,104 units in the same month one year before and posted a growth 26.7 per cent at 24,29,419 units during fiscal year 2009-10 as against 19,18,146 units in 2008-09.
2010-04-02 ArtNo.43262(75/463)
◆Two-wheeler sales grow 39% in March
【New Delhi】Higher sales in rural India and introduction of several new models resulted in a 39 per cent jump in total two-wheeler sales in the country in March at 9,99,763 units, compared to 7,19,811 units during the same month last year.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43271(76/463)
◆家電メーカー、インド3D TV市場をテスト
【コルカタ】映画フィルム・アバターにより醸成された3D世界に対する関心の高まりに乗じ、サムスン、LG、ソニー、パナソニック等の家電各社はインド市場への3D TVセットの売り込みを図っている。
◆Consumer electronics firms to test India with 3D TVs
【Kolkata】Cashing in on the interest generated in the three-dimensional (3D) world by films like Avatar, consumer electronics companies like Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic are gearing up to cajole Indian consumers to buy a 3D TV set.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43272(77/463)
◆Handset sales flat in '09; Nokia far ahead of peers
【Bangalore】India's mobile handset market remained flat in the calendar year 2009 to register sales of 101.54 million units. Finnish handset maker Nokia had the largest share of 54.1% in terms of units sold during 2009.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43275(78/463)
◆$135.6 m sops to trailing sectors
【New Delhi】Government on March 31 announced incentives worth Rs 625 crore ($135.6m) for exporters of garments, engineering, electronics and agro products as the demand for these items in the western economies is yet to pick up while the country's overall exports are looking up.
2010-04-07 ArtNo.43276(79/463)
【ニューデリー】今年2月の輸出は160億9000万米ドルと、昨年同月の119億4000万米ドルに比べ34.8%増加、4ヶ月連続の成長を見た。このことは、インドの輸出需要にファンダメンタルな変化が生じていること、持続的成長が比較対象になる前年同月の数字が低調だったことに伴う単なるベイス効果(base effect)ではないことを示している。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43276.htm
◆Exports rise 35%, imports surge 66% in Feb
【New Delhi】Exports went up in February 2010 for the fourth month in a row to $16.09 billion, an impressive growth of 34.8% compared with $11.94 billion in the same month of the past fiscal. It is a clear indication that there is a fundamental positive shift in the country's export demand and that the growth is not merely because of a base effect.
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43290(80/463)
◆中国、低品質鉄鉱石の輸入禁止、Sesa Goaに打撃
【ムンバイ】中国の鉄鉱石取引協会は8日、鉄分含有率が60%に満たない鉄鉱石の輸入を禁止した。同措置は低品質なインド産鉄鉱石の輸出に打撃を与える見通しで、インド最大の鉄鉱石輸出業者、Sesa Goa Ltd(SGL)のボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)における株価は9日、4.49%下降、468.7ルピーで引けた。
◆China's ban on low-grade iron ore hits India
【Mumbai】China's iron ore trading association on April 8 banned imports iron ores with less that 60 per cent iron content. This will hit hard India's exports of low-grade iron ores. Sesa Goa Ltd, the country's largest iron ore exporter, today slumped 4.49 per cent to Rs 468.7 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43294(81/463)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)が9日発表したところによると、3月の乗用車(passenger car)国内販売台数は、新排ガス基準の導入やインプット・コストの上昇に伴う値上がりを予想した消費者が購入計画を前倒ししたこと等から、15万5600台と昨年同月の12万9585台を20.08%上回った。
◆March local car sales rise 20%: SIAM
【New Delhi】The total passenger car sales in the domestic market rose an annual 20.08 per cent to 1,55,600 units in March, compared with 129,585 units a year ago, as customers advanced purchases ahead of price hikes due to new emission norms-related expenses and rising raw material costs, the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) said on April 09.
◆3月轿车国内销量增长20%: SIAM
2010-04-14 ArtNo.43295(82/463)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)が4月9日発表したところによると、3月の二輪車販売台数は92万133台と、前年同月の65万4010台に比べ40.69%増加した。
◆Two-wheeler sales in March jump 40.69%: SIAM
【New Delji】Total two-wheeler sales in March jumped by 40.69 per cent at 9,20,133 units compared to 6,54,010 units last March, according to the figures released by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) on April 09.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43304(83/463)
【ニューデリー】三菱重工業(MHI)は、インド最大の天井クレーン製造会社Anupam Industries Ltd(AIL)と、港湾荷役作業用クレーンや移送設備のライセンス契約を結んだ。
◆Mitsubishi Heavy license pact with Anupam Inds
【New Delhi】Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) has agreed to license its crane and material handling equipment technology for large-scale ports to Anupam Industries, India's largest overhead crane builder.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43307(84/463)
【ニューデリー】競争が過熱する100ccエントリー・バイク・セグメントに照準を合わせるIndia Yamaha Motors Ltd (IYML)は、最近発売したYBR 110が成功すれば、目下販売している3種類のエントリー・レベル・バイクの1つ、106 cc Albaの販売を中止する方針だ。
◆Yamaha focusing on entry bike segment
【New Delhi】India Yamaha Motors Ltd (IYML), which aims to focus on the highly contested 100cc entry bike segment this year, may discontinue the 106 cc Alba, one of its three products in the 100 cc mass motorbike segment, if the newly launched YBR 110 meets with success.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43308(85/463)
【ムンバイ】過去6ヶ月間に店頭価格26万9000ルピー(US$6045)の川崎Ninja 250R500台以上を販売したインド第2位の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、下半期にはさらに多くの川崎製ハイエンド・バイクをインド市場に投入する計画だ。マハラシュトラ州Pune拠点のBALはまた、3年内にオーストリア企業KTM Power Sports AG製大型高級バイクもインド市場に紹介する。
◆Bajaj to launch more high-end products
【Mumbai】In a little over six months, Bajaj, the country's second biggest two-wheeler maker, has sold over 500 units of the Kawasaki Ninja 250R, price Rs 2.69 lakh. The Pune-based company is gearing up to launch more high-end products from the Japanese stable later in the year. Meanwhile Bajaj Auto and KTM Power Sports AG — the Indo-Austrian alliance — plans to launch a performance oriented premium bike in three years.
【孟买】该国第二大两轮车制造商巴贾吉在不到6个月里已售出500多辆川崎忍者250R,单位价格26万9000卢比。总部位于马哈拉施特拉州浦那的公司正准备在今年晚些时候推出更高端该日本伙帮产品。另一方面,印奥联盟巴贾吉汽车公司和KTM Power Sports公司计划今后3年内推出大马力高端摩托车。
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43309(86/463)
◆TV ad by auto sector jumps 33% in 2009
【New Delhi】TV advertising by the automobile sector saw a 33 per cent jump in 2009. The auto sector contributed four per cent of the overall ad volumes in 2009.
2010-04-16 ArtNo.43311(87/463)
◆IT, electronics output up 10.4% in 2009-10
【New Delhi】The Information Technology (IT) and electronic hardware production in India increased by an estimated 10.4 per cent during 2009-10. The growth rate less than half the previous year's level as global downturn dented the performance of mainstay software sector.
2010-04-21 ArtNo.43318(88/463)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は中国製の中・大型商用車用前車軸体(FAB:front axle beam)およびステアリングナックルに確定反ダンピング税(definitive anti-dumping duty)を課した。
◆Govt slaps anti-dumping duty on Chinese vehicle parts
【New Delhi】The Indian government has imposed a definitive anti-dumping duty on Chinese front axle beams (FAB) and steering knuckles meant for heavy and medium commercial vehicles.
2010-04-21 ArtNo.43323(89/463)
【ワシントン】このほど米国国会に提出された報告書は、「ニューデリーが原子力損害補足補償条約(Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage)の締約国にならないなら、米国企業がインドと原子力取引を行うことはあり得ない」と述べている。
◆US firms unlikely to engage in nuclear trade with India
【Washington】American firms are unlikely to engage in atomic trade with India if New Delhi does not become party to the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage, a Congressional report has said.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43338(90/463)
◆Indian exports to China surge 75 pc in Q1 this year
【Beijing】Indian exports to China surged by 75 per cent to USD 5.81 billion in the period between January and March this year as against USD 3.31 billion last year.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43339(91/463)
【コルカタ】オーストラリアを含む46カ国から成る原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)が、インド米国民生用核協力協定の締結を受けて2008年9月にインドに対する禁輸措置を解除したことから、オーストラリア政府は国内規則を改正し、インド向けウラニウム輸出を認める可能性を検討している。
◆Australia mulls to export uranium to India
【Kolkata】As the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a 46-member organisation of which Australia is a part, granted a waiver to India in September 2008 on the back of the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement, so the Australian government may now look at modifying its domestic rules to enable uranium export to India.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43342(92/463)
【ニューデリー】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は、超小型車NanoとハッチバックIndicaのギャップを埋める新たな小型車を目下開発中で、『Dolphin』と言うコード・ネームがつけられた新モデルは18~24ヶ月以内に発売される見通しだ。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43342.htm
◆Tata motors likely to roll out 800cc small car by 2012
【New Delhi】Tata Motors Ltd is understood to be developing a new small car to fill the gap between its smallest Nano and hatchback Indica models. The car, code-named "Dolphin", is likely to be launched in the next 18-24 months.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43343(93/463)
【プネー】General Motors(GM)は、上海汽車工業集団(SAIC:Shanghai Automobile Industrial Corporation)と共同で軽商用車セグメントに進出する準備を整えており、2011年末までに新モデルを発売する計画だ。
◆GM-SAIC combine to roll out LCVs
【Pune】General Motors is all set to penetrate into light commerical vehicle (LCV) segment, collaborating with Shanghai Automobile Industrial Corporation (SAIC). The LCVs will be launched by the end of 2011.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43344(94/463)
【ムンバイ】川崎重工業株式会社は(KHI)は、250cc以上のモーターサイクルの輸入、組み立て、販売を手がける完全出資子会社India Kawasaki Motors Pvt. Ltd. (IKM)を設立した。
◆Kawasaki sets up Indian arm to ride growth on superbikes
【Mumbai】Kawasaki Heavy Industries has launched a new 100% subsidiary, India Kawasaki Motors Pvt. Ltd. (IKM), dealing with imports, assembling and sales of 250 cc and even bigger motorcycles.
2010-04-28 ArtNo.43345(95/463)
【アーマダバード】昨年二輪車事業に進出を果たしたインド最大の多用途車(utility vehicles)メーカー、Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M)は目下、250~1000W(ワット)の電動スクーターの開発に取り組んでいる。
◆M&M to launch electric two-wheelers next year
【Ahmedabad】Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M), the country's leading utility vehicles maker that forayed into the two-wheeler sector last year, is working on developing e-scooters in the range of 250-1,000W.
【艾哈迈达巴德】去年进入两惠勒部门的印度国内最大的多功能车制造商马辛德拉公司,正在开发在250-1000 W范围的电动速可达。
2010-04-30 ArtNo.43352(96/463)
【ニューデリー】インド産業連盟(CII:Confederation of Indian Industry)の最新調査報告によると、インドのサービス部門は2009-10年度第3四半期および第4四半期に景気後退から立ち直り記録的な成長を保った。
◆Services sector logs record growth in H2 of FY10: CII
【New Delhi】The services sector has revived from slowdown and has maintained higher growth trends during the third and the last quarters of the financial year 2010, according to a survey conducted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).
2010-04-30 ArtNo.43357(97/463)
◆Domestic natural gas output up 69% in March
【New Delhi】Natural gas production in March registered a 69.4 per cent increase year-on-year to 4.79 billion cubic metres (BCM), according to the data.
2010-04-30 ArtNo.43359(98/463)
【ニューデリー】電信局(DOT:Department of Telecommunications)は、テレコム企業各社に、HuaweiおよびZTEを含む中国業者が製造した如何なる設備機器も輸入せぬよう正式に通知した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/43359.htm
◆Govt tightens norms for Chinese telecom equipment
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has officially told mobile operators not to import any equipment manufactured by Chinese vendors, including Huawei and ZTE.
2010-04-30 ArtNo.43360(99/463)
◆Panasonic to tap low-end market through Sanyo products
【New Delhi】Japanese consumer electronics firm Panasonic will use products from Sanyo Electric Co, which it has acquired four months back, to tap the low-end segment of the Indian market.
2010-05-05 ArtNo.43362(100/463)
◆Weak Chinese demand to hit ore exports
【Mumbai】India's exports of iron ore may fall as much as 25% to about 75 million metric tonnes in the year ended March 31, 2011 from an estimated 100 million tonnes in the previous year because of softening demand in China and an increase in taxes.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2010