一次産品 Primary Industry in 2009
◆Oilmeal exports decline 33% in June
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports dropped 33 per cent to 1.97 lakh tonnes (lt) in June against 2.95 lt a year ago but they were up 10 per cent compared to 1.78 lt in May this year.
2009-07-14 ArtNo.42425(52/109)
◆IIP clocks 8-month high 2.7% in May
【New Delhi】Although modest, India's industrial output expanded 2.66 per cent in May, the highest since the global crisis hit the Indian economy in September last year, on the back of strong consumer demand in the domestic market.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42447(53/109)
【チェンナイ】外国産植物油の大量流入は依然持続、2008年11月にスタートした今油年(current oil year)に輸入された植物油の量は、6月までに582万4000トンと、前年同期の356万7000トンに比べ63%増加した。
◆Vege-oils import continues to flood the country
【Chennai】Vegetable oils import continued to flood the country. For the current oil year that began in November, the imports till June totalled 58.24 lakh tonnes (lt) against 35.67 lt during the same period a year ago, a 63 per cent increase.
2009-07-21 ArtNo.42458(54/109)
【ニューデリー】農業省の最新作物気象報告によれば、今月に入って雨期の降雨量が合理的水準を回復したことから、大部分の作物の作付け不足(acreage deficits)が大幅に縮小、カリフ(kharif:初冬収穫作物)シーズンの播種レベルも顕著に改善した。
◆Crop prospects improve as monsoon picks up
【New Delhi】The Agriculture Ministry's latest Crop Weather Watch Report shows that the acreage deficits in most crops have registered significant reduction following the reasonable monsoon precipitation in the current month. The pick-up in monsoon rainfall activity has led to a distinct improvement in kharif sowing levels.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42461(55/109)
◆Core sector grows 6.5%, signalling recovery
【New Delhi】Riding double-digit growth in cement and coal output, the index of six core infrastructure industries posted a growth rate of 6.5 per cent in June, the highest in 16 months, as against 2.8 per cent in the previous month and 5.1 per cent a year earlier, signalling early economic recovery.
【新德里】随着水泥和煤炭的产量记录了两位数字的成长,今年6月的6个骨干基础设施产业指数成长率超越了上月的2.8%和去年同一期的 5.1%,达到过去16个月来最高的6.5%,显示经济复苏的征兆。
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42472(56/109)
◆Foodgrain production for 2008-09 at all-time-high
【New Delhi】Domestic foodgrain output for 2008-09 was recorded at an all-time-high of 233.88 million tonnes (mt), up 1.34 per cent from the earlier record of 230.78 mt achieved in 2007-08.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42502(57/109)
◆Tax holiday for poultry, meat & milk processing
【New Delhi】The Indian government has already extended tax holiday to promote poultry, meat and milk processing. It should give a boost to value addition. The ministry of food processing industries had also revealed its plan to set up 350 new food processing units in its 100-day agenda.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42503(58/109)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州Mangalore拠点のMangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited(MCF)は4年前に設けた養分総合管理部(INMD:Integrated Nutrient Management division)を通じ、今後数年間に専用肥料(specialty fertiliser)ビジネスを拡張する計画だ。
◆MCF to expand speciality fertiliser biz
【Bangalore】Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited is planning to expand its specialty fertiliser business through its Integrated Nutrient Management division, set up four years ago, in the next couple of years.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42523(59/109)
◆AP to focus on coal based thermal projects
【Hyderabad】The Andhra Pradesh government has decided to bank only on coal to meet the future power generation needs since it had realized that dependence on gas for power generation could prove detrimental in the long run.
2009-08-11 ArtNo.42529(60/109)
◆Oilmeal exports dip 63% in July
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports in July this year declined by 63 per cent to 173,329 tonnes as compared to 474,590 tonnes in the corresponding month last year with a gradual decline in overseas demand due to recessionary pressure coupled with the government's intended punitive action.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42534(61/109)
【ニューデリー】今年6月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)成長率は過去16ヶ月来最高の7.8%を記録、昨年同期の5.44%、前月の2.2%の伸びを上回った。
◆IIP growth hits a 16-month high of 7.8% in June
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) increased to a 16-month high of 7.8 per cent in June as compared to 5.44 per cent during the same month last year and 2.2 per cent a month ago.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42561(62/109)
◆Tata Steel、越・南ア鉱山会社と合弁交渉
【ニューデリー】全世界の鉄鉱石及びコークス用炭資源の開拓に余念のないTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、グローバル・オペレーションに必要な原料供給を確保する狙いから目下ベトナムと南アフリカの鉱山会社2社と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Tata Steel in talks with SA, Vietnam mining firms
【New Delhi】Tata Steel, which is scouting for iron ore and coking coal mines worldwide, is in talks with two mining firms in Vietnam and South Africa for joint ventures to secure raw materials for its global operations.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42564(63/109)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、『全国農村雇用保証計画(NREGS:National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme)』を通じ、総延長120万キロの光ファイバー・ケーブル全国網を敷設する計画だ。同計画には向こう5年間に4万クロー(US$83.33億)が投資される。
◆Rural Employment scheme to usher in a broadband revolution
【New Delhi】The Indian government has hit upon the idea of tweaking the National Rural Employment Guarantee (NREGA) scheme to lay a 12-lakh km, countrywide optic-fibre network at an overall investment of Rs 40,000 crore ($8.33bn) over the next five years.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42573(64/109)
【ニューデリー】鉱業省は、鉱業投資を増やし、鉱業の国内総生産(GDP)に対する貢献率を引き上げるため、制定されて以来50年を経た『鉱山鉱物開発監督法(Mines & Minerals Development & Regulation Act)』の改正作業を進めている。修正法案は冬期国会に上程される予定だ。
◆Simplify mining laws to boost investment
【New Delhi】Ministry of mines is in the process of amending the fifty year old Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act in order to promote investments in the mining sector and increase its share in country's gross domestic product. The amendment bill is scheduled to be presented before the Parliament for consideration this winter.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42578(65/109)
◆Retail price inflation for farm labours up 13%
【New Delhi】Inflation based on consumer price index for Agricultural Labourers and Rural Labourers, released by the Labour Ministry on August 20, surged 12.90 per cent and 12.67 per cent respectively for July 2009, up from 11.52 per cent and 11.26 per cent reported in June, even as the wholesale price inflation was negative for 10 weeks in a row.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42579(66/109)
【ニューデリー】不順な雨期にともなう干魃の被害が拡大、当初の豊作見通しがあえなく潰え去ったばかりでなく、必需食品価格の高騰が生じる中、Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は21日、如何なる食糧品目にしろ不足が生じるなら政府は躊躇することなく輸入し、不足を補填すると語った。
◆India to import food items to bridge any shortfall: FM
【New Delhi】As the prospects of a good agricultural output are turning grimmer due to drought and the drought begins to adversely impact on prices of essential commodities, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on August 21 said the government would not hesitate to import food to bridge any shortfalls.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42582(67/109)
◆Infrastructure sector growth slumps to 1.8% in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core industries grew 1.8 per cent in July, the lowest in the past five months, and significantly behind a 6.8 per cent growth in June and 5.1 per cent in July last year.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42588(68/109)
【コルカタ】インド中央政府は最近、採掘された鉄鉱石の販売価格に10%の従価式ロイヤルティーを課したが、チャッティースガル州の海綿鉄製造業界は鉄鉱石の生産にロイヤルティーを課すのではなく、鉄鉱石の販売にロイヤルティーを課すなら国営National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)からの鉄鉱石の購入をストップすると、警告を発した。
◆Sponge iron manufacturers irked by new royalty
【Kolkata】The Union Government has recently imposed 10 per cent ad valorem royalty on the "selling price" of mined iron ore. Sponge iron manufacturers in Chhattisgarh have threatened to stop purchasing iron-ore from mining giant National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) if it imposes royalty on the sale and not on the production of steel making raw material.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42597(69/109)
◆Govt to set up diamond bourses
【New Delhi】The Government has introduced a plan to establish diamond bourses in order to make the country an international trading hub and boost the gems and jewellery exports.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42603(70/109)
【ニューデリー】今年の6月から9月の雨期シーズンの降雨量は最終的に例年を約20%下回り、1972年以来最悪の年になる恐れがある。インド気象庁(IMD:India Meteorological Department)のトップ・オフィシャルは27日以上の見通しを語った。
◆Monsoon may be the worst since 1972
【New Delhi】India's poor monsoon rains will end the June-September season about 20 percent below normal, a top official of India Meteorological Department said, making this year's rainfall the worst since 1972.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42605(71/109)
◆GDP grows 6.1% in April-June quarter
【New Delhi】The gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 6.1% in the first quarter (April-June) of this fiscal, the highest quarterly growth since the onset of the global economic slowdown in September 2008, albeit this is below the 7.8% year-on-year increase for April-June 2008-09.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42606(72/109)
【ニューデリー】深刻な干魃で今年の国内総生産(GDP)成長率が影響を受ける可能性が予想されている。計画委員会(Planning Commission)は、Manmohan Singh首相が1日主宰した第二次統一進歩連合(UPA)政権発足後最初の会議の席上、「農業生産が6%の落ち込みを見るような最悪の事態が生じた場合、今年のGDP成長率は5.5%にとどまる」との見通しを明らかにした。
◆Growth at 5.5% if drought drags farm output by 6%
【New Delhi】A severe drought has the potential to restrict the country's economic growth. "In the worst-case scenario of farm sector GDP declining by 6%, overall GDP growth could be limited to 5.5%," the Planning Commission said in the note prepared for the first meeting in UPA's second innings, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, on September 1.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42623(73/109)
【ニューデリー】国営Food Corporation of India (FCI)は、2009-10年に必要とされる1260万トンの追加食糧貯蔵需要に応じるため、今月中にも倉庫建設入札を募集する。プロジェクトの投資額はおよそ5000クロー(US$10.42億)と見積もられる。
◆A bid for building 12.6m ton storage infra to be issued this month
【New Delhi】Food Corporation of India (FCI) is to issue a tender this month for the creation of additional storage capacity of 12.6 million tonnes of foodgrain in 2009-10 at an investment of about Rs 5,000-crore(US$1.04bn).
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42624(74/109)
◆August oilmeal exports decline 50%
【Mumbai】Oilmeal exports declined 50 per cent to 215,000 tonnes in August as compared to 427,000 tonnes in the same month last year.
2009-09-08 ArtNo.42625(75/109)
【ムンバイ】国営Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF)は、マハラシュトラ州Thalにおける総コスト4000クロー(US$8.33億)の第3期拡張計画を、合弁事業として分離独立させることを検討、戦略パートナーを物色している。
◆RCF looking for a partner for Thal III project
【Mumbai】State-owned Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers (RCF) is looking to rope in a strategic partner for the Rs 4,000-crore third phase of its Thal unit in Maharashtra and considering to spin off the III project.
2009-09-11 ArtNo.42633(76/109)
◆Nuclear power plants' running rate up
【Mumbai】On account of an increase in supply of uranium from the Turamdih uranium mill in Jharkhand, the fuel starved Indian nuclear power plants have improved their power generation level up to 70%
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42641(77/109)
◆July IIP clocks robust growth of 6.8%
【New Delhi】In a distinct sign of industrial recovery, the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) continued to expand 6.8% for the second consecutive month, in July, marginally higher than 6.4 per cent in the same month a year ago.
2009-09-15 ArtNo.42651(78/109)
【コルカタ】Adhunik Metaliks Ltd(AML)は子会社2社、Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd(OMML)とAdhunik Power & Natural Resources Ltd(APNRL)を通じ、今後2年間に鉱業及び発電領域に3350クロー(US$6.979億)を投資する。
◆Adhunik to invest $697.9 m in mining and power
【Kolkata】Adhunik Metaliks' two subsidiaries, Orissa Manganese & Minerals Ltd and Adhunik Power & Natural Resources, will be investing Rs 3,350 crore ($697.9m)in mining and power over the next two years.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42662(79/109)
◆Food grain output may decline by 10-15% this year
【Mumbai】There will be a 10-15 per cent decline in production of food grains in the country this year due to deficient rainfall, a government official said.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42682(80/109)
【ニューデリー】世界最大の高品質な燐灰岩(rock phosphate)資源を保持するモロッコの国営企業OCP Groupはこのほど、インド企業が燐灰岩の採掘に進出しない限り、モロッコ国内に完全出資のリン酸塩製造施設を設けることに反対しないとの立場を表明した。
◆Indian cos allowed to set up 100% phosphoric acid units in Morocco
【New Delhi】OCP Group, a Moroccan state-owned company which claims to have the world's largest reserves of high-quality phosphates, says that the group doesn't mind Indian companies having wholly-owned phosphoric acid facilities in Morocco, so long as they do not get into mining of rock phosphate.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42687(81/109)
◆India heading for worst drought since 1972
【New Delhi】The Indian monsoon is about 20 percent below strength just over a week before the end of the rainy reason, putting the country on course for its worst drought since 1972, weather data showed on September 23.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42699(82/109)
◆Sesa Goa、US$12.5億調達し事業拡張
【ムンバイ】Sesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は内外の市場で各種証券を発行し、6000クロー(US$12.5億)を調達する。調達した資金は、鉱山キャパシティーの増強を含む有機的、非有機的事業の拡張に充当される見通しだ。
◆Sesa Goa to raise $1.25bn to boost expansion
【Mumbai】Sesa Goa will raise Rs 6,000 crore ($1.25bn) through the issue of various securities in the domestic as well as overseas markets. It is understood that the proceeds will be used for financing the company's growth plans, including increasing its mining capacity through the organic and inorganic route.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42700(83/109)
◆Core infra sectors expand by 7.1 pc in August
【New Delhi】Showing a decisive recovery, core infrastructure industries grew by 7.1 per cent in August, as against 2.5 per cent in the previous month and 2.1 per cent during the same month last year.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42722(84/109)
【ニューデリー】インドの2009-10年の経済成長率は5.2-5.8%にとどまり、昨年の6.7%の成長率や中央銀行の予想成長率6%、あるいは計画委員会(Planning Commission)が予測した6.3%の伸び率を大きく下回りそうだ。これは全国の276県が干魃に見舞われる中で、農業成長率の顕著な鈍化が予想されるため。
◆Growth at 5.2-5.8%, farm output decline to hit GDP: FICCI
【New Delhi】The Indian economy is expected to grow between 5.2-5.8% in 2009-10, much lower than last year's 6.7% and the estimates of 6 % by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and 6.3% by the Planning Commission, as the agriculture output is estimated to decline significantly because of drought in 276 districts of the country.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42733(85/109)
◆Oilmeal exports revive in Sept on soya factor
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in September increased 19 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes (lt) against 1.93 lt during the same period a year ago.
2009-10-09 ArtNo.42734(86/109)
【ムンバイ】計画委員会(Planning Commission)のMontek Singh Ahluwalia副委員長は7日、干魃の影響は当初予想したよりも軽微と語った。
◆Drought impact less than thought
【Mumbai】Impact of drought is less negative than thought earlier, Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the deputy chairman of the Planning Commission said on October 7.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42738(87/109)
◆Coal India、海外炭坑の開発目指し外国パートナー物色
【コルカタ】海外における炭坑開発を目指すCoal India Ltd (CIL)は2010年3月末までに、外国パートナーと手を組むことを目指している。
◆Coal India looking for foreign partners for overseas assets
【Kolkata】Coal India Ltd (CIL), which is scouting for overseas coal assets, wants to rope in foreign partners by March 2010.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42750(88/109)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は292.3と、昨年同月比10.4%上昇、過去22ヶ月来最高の伸びを記録した。地元紙は政府の景気刺激策が奏功し、インド経済が健全な成長の軌道に復帰したことを示すものと評している。
◆IIP hits 22-month high in August
【New Delhi】The Index of Industrial Production (IIP) rose 10.4%, the most in 22 months, to 292.3 in August, clearly indicating that the stimulus measures have started yielding results and the economy is firmly back on the road to recovery.a steady turnaround in the economy.
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42757(89/109)
【ムンバイ】今年9月の植物油輸入量は90万5000トンと、昨年同月の66万7000トンに比べ39%増加、包括輸入許可(open general licence)制度の下に、植物油の輸入が開始された1994年以来の最高をマークした。
◆Vegetable oil import in Sept rises 39%
【Mumbai】Vegetable oil imports in September rose 39 per cent to 9.05 lakh tonnes compared to 6.67 lt in the same period last year. It hit the highest figure for any month since these were allowed under an open general licence (OGL) in 1994.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42763(90/109)
◆Coal India、US$20億機械設備調達準備
【コルカタ】Coal India Ltd(CIL)は今後5年間に海外で20億米ドル相当の機械設備とスペアパーツを調達する計画だ。
◆CIL to procure equipment worth $2 bn from overseas
【Kolkata】Coal India Ltd(CIL) plans to procure spares and equipment worth $2 billion from the overseas market in the next five years.
2009-10-20 ArtNo.42769(91/109)
【ニューデリー】工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)が8月に10.4%の目覚ましい成長を回復した背景には、今年4月に商業生産を開始したKrishna-Godavari(KG)海盆D6鉱区天然ガス田の貢献が存在する。
◆IIP's strong recovery fuelled K-G gas output
【New Delhi】Playing a key role in the index of industrial production's strong 10.4% growth in August was gas pumped from the D6 block of the Krishna-Godavari basin, which started in April.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42798(92/109)
◆Core sector growth dips to 4% in September
【New Delhi】Growth in core infrastructure sector dropped to 4 per cent in September, primarily due to lower coal and cement growth, after showing an upwardly revised expansion of 7.8 per cent in August.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42819(93/109)
◆Vegetable oil import to touch $5.86 bn this year
【New Delhi】It appears that India's vegetable oil imports are going to rise by at least Rs 2,000 crore($434m) to Rs 27,000 crore($5.859bn) this year (November-October), as traders take advantage of a low-duty regime to pile up "cheaper" products from overseas.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42839(94/109)
◆Tata Steel、ベトナムで製鋼、カナダで採鉱事業
【ムンバイ】ベトナムにおける50億米ドル、年産450万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトの用地を、2年を費やしてこのほどやっと手に入れたTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、カナダではNew Millennium Corpと北米における鉄鉱山開発合弁覚書に調印、同プロジェクトに3億カナダ・ドルを投資する計画だ。
◆Tata Steel $5bn project in Vietnam, iron ore JV in Canada
【Mumbai】After two years of waiting, Tata Steel will get alternative land in Vietnam for building a 4.5 million tonne a year steel plant with an investment of $5 billion. Meanwhile Tata Steel has entered into a joint venture agreement with Canadian mining firm New Millennium Corp for development of an iron ore project in North America, in which the Indian firm would invest 300 million Canadian dollars.
【孟买】经过两年的时间在越南总算获得总投资额50亿美元年产450万吨钢厂用地就绪的塔塔钢铁公司在加拿大跟New Millennium Corp达成协议在北美洲合作发展铁矿山。双方签署有关备忘录。塔塔钢铁公司将在这合作项目投资3亿加元。
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42844(95/109)
【ニューデリー】今年のカリフ(kharif:初冬収穫作物)収量が昨年の1億1770万トンから9663万トンに2107万トン減少するとの農業省の予測が、首相経済諮問委員会(PMEAC:Prime Minister's Economic Advisory)を慌てさせている。
◆Kharif foodgrain output to dip 21.07mt; Agriculture Min
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (EAC) was surprised by the Agriculture Ministry's projection of a 21.07 million tonne (mt) dip in this year's kharif foodgrain output (from 117.70 mt to 96.63 mt).
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42845(96/109)
【ニューデリー】今年9月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は予想を上回る9.12%の伸びを見、昨年同期の6.03%を凌駕したが、過去22ヶ月来最高の伸びを見た8月の成長率には及ばなかった。また8月のIIP成長率は当初発表の10.4%から10.96%に上方修正された。
◆IIP growth at 9.1% in September
【New Delhi】Industrial output grew a faster-than-expected 9.1 per cent in September against 6 per cent in the same period last year. However this was still lower than the August's upwardly revised 11%(10.4%).
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42846(97/109)
【ニューデリー】タマネギ、ジャガイモ等の基本野菜(staple vegetables)の値上がりから10月31日までの1週間の食品インフレーション(food inflation)は13.68%と、前週の13.39%に比べさらに加速した。
◆Food inflation rises to 13.68%
【New Delhi】Higher prices of staple vegetables such as onion and potato pushed food inflation, based on wholesale prices, higher to 13.68 percent for the week ended Oct 31 from 13.39 percent for the week before.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42866(98/109)
【ニューデリー】Vir Bhadra Singh鉄鋼相は13日、「Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とNational Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)の政府持ち分を売却する最終方針は既に決まっている。来月閣議にかけられ、承認が求められる」と語った。大蔵省政府持分処分局(DOD:Department of Disinvestment)のSunil Mitra次官も向こう数ヶ月間に株式が公開される公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)に触れた際、規模の大きいBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)、SAILそしてCoal India Ltd(CIL)の名を挙げた。
◆Govt lists 60 PSUs for sell-off
【New Delhi】Union Steel minister Vir Bhadra Singh on November 13 said that the proposal to divest government's stake in the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is final and would be sent to the Union Cabinet next month for approval. Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra too identified some of the country's largest the public sector undertakings(PSUs)—the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), SAIL and Coal India—among those to hit the market in coming months.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42872(99/109)
【コルカタ】ジャールカンド州政府はこのほど、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)に対しChiria鉄鉱資源ベルトに位置するGudaburu及びBuddhaburu鉱山のリース権更新を認めた。これによりChiriaの鉄鉱石資源獲得を目指して来たArcelorMittalを初めとする民間鉄鋼会社は大きな挫折を強いられた。
◆SAIL wins battle with ArcelorMittal for Chiria mines
【Kolkata】In what seemed to be a big setback for private steel companies including ArcelorMittal, the Jharkhand Government has agreed with Steel Authority of India Ltd to renew the Gudaburu and Buddhaburu lease — parts of the Chiria iron ore belt — having reserves of 1000 million tonnes.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42891(100/109)
◆Food inflation rises to 14.55%
【New Delhi】Wholesale price of food items rose 14.55% for the week ended November 7 from a year earlier, against 13.68 per cent for the week ended October 31, due to dearer cereals, dairy items as well as mutton and eggs.
一次産品 Primary Industry in 2009