石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2009
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆天然ガス田の生産量が40mmscmd(metric million standard cubic meters per day)を超えた際には、鉄鋼産業に優先的に同ガスを配分する方針を決めた。
◆Steel sector to get priority in KG basin gas allocation
【New Delhi】The Indian government has decided to accord priority to the steel industry in allocation of natural gas from Reliance Industries Krishna Godavari basin once the initial fuel production exceeds 40 mmscmd.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42206(52/147)
◆Fertiliser cos to invest $6 bn to ramp up urea output
【New Delhi】India is set to become a net exporter of urea, with domestic fertiliser companies planning to invest up to $6 billion to expand their urea production by about 6 million tonnes, or 30%, in four years.
2009-05-08 ArtNo.42207(53/147)
【ムンバイ】過去3年間に日本市場に進出したインドの指導的製薬会社、Ranbaxy/Lupin/Zydus Cadila/Dishman等は、30億米ドルの日本後発医薬品市場の10~15%のシェアを占めている。日本保健産業の再編に伴い後発医薬品市場は向こう数年間に急成長するものと見られている。
◆Indian pharma cos emerge in Japan
【Mumbai】Leading Indian drug makers such as Ranbaxy, Lupin, Zydus Cadila and Dishman, which forayed into Japan in the past three years, have already cornered about 10-15 per cent of the $3 billion generic market in Japan, which is estimated to grow manifold in the coming years due to health reforms.
【孟买】过去3年来进入日本市场的印度主要制药公司,例如,兰巴克斯实验室有限公司/Lupin/Zydus Cadila/Dishman制药化工公司等已经在30亿美元日本非专利药市场获得10-15%市场占有率。随着日本保健业的重组日本非专利药市场被预料今后几年内急速成长。
2009-05-12 ArtNo.42219(54/147)
【チェンナイ】インド溶媒抽出産業協会(SEAI:Solvent Extractors Association of India)によると、今年4月の油粕(Oilmeal)輸出は23万1817トンと、昨年同月の64万6000トンに比べ64%の大幅な落ち込みを見た。
◆Oilmeal exports decline 64% in April
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports in April dropped 64 per cent to 2.31 lakh tonnes against 6.46 lakh tonnes during the same period a year ago, according to the Solvent Extractors Association of India.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42227(55/147)
◆Govt defers safeguard duty on six intermediates
【New Delhi】The government on May 11 deferred a decision to impose a safeguard duty on six items, including HR coils, auto-components, acrylic fibre and paper products, as they felt that the matter needs to be examined further after taking views of the consuming industry.
2009-05-15 ArtNo.42231(56/147)
【チャンディガル】ハリヤナ州インフラストラクチャー工業開発公社(HSIIDC:Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation)は同州Panipatに石油化学ハブを開発する計画を単独で実行する方針を決めた。
◆Haryana State to develop petrochem hub even as IndianOil quits
【Chandigarh】The Haryana State Infrastructure and Industrial Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has decided to go ahead with the development of the proposed petrochemical hub at Panipat on its own.
2009-05-19 ArtNo.42240(57/147)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna-Godavari(KG)海盆のKG D-6ガス田からガスの供給が開始され、取り分けアンドラプラデシュ州の6つの火力発電所に優先的にガスが配分されたことに加え、国会下院選挙の投票が完了し、電力需要も減退したことから、インド・エネルギー取引所(IEX:Indian Energy Exchange)における1日の電力平均価格が、5月1日から5月13日の間に39%下降した。
◆Power prices cooling off, KG gas supply helps
【Mumbai】The daily average price from May 1 to 13 has reduced by 39% at the Indian Energy Exchange with the completion of the fifth phase of polling and the streamlining of the KG D-6 gas supply, especially to the six gas-based power projects from Andhra Pradesh.
2009-05-22 ArtNo.42250(58/147)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)を構築する可能性を検討している。石油天然ガス省のRS Pandey次官はこのほど以上の消息を語った。
◆Govt mulling a national gas highway network
【New Delhi】A national gas highway network may be developed to ensure supply of natural gas across the country, said petroleum secretary RS Pandey.
【新德里】根据石油天然气部事务部长RS Pandey,印度政府正在检讨兴建全国天燃气大道网的可能性。
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42278(59/147)
【ニューデリー】株式会社クラレが完全出資するKuraray India Private Limited(KIPL)は27日、インドにおける営業を開始するとともに、拡大するインドの需要に応じるため製造施設を設ける計画を明らかにした。
◆Kuraray starts India operations
【New Delhi】Kuraray India Private Limited, a fully-owned subsidiary of Japan-based speciality chemical company Kuraray, on May 27 launched its operations and announced plans to set up its manufacturing unit to meet its increasing sales volumes in the country.
2009-05-29 ArtNo.42279(60/147)
【ニューデリー】インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)オフィスはこのほど、複数の製薬会社から提出された44件の多剤混合薬(FDC:fixed dose combination)製造・販売申請を許可した。
◆DGCI clears 44 fixed-dose combination drugs
【New Delhi】The Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) has recently cleared requests from several pharma companies for permission to manufacture and market 44 fixed dose combination (FDC) drugs.
2009-06-02 ArtNo.42282(61/147)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は6週間以内にガソリンとディーゼル油に対する価格統制を解除する問題を検討する。石油天然ガス相に再任されたMurli Deora大臣は、5月29日の就任式後記者会見し、「州営企業により販売される天然ガスの価格を引き上げる問題も閣議にかけられる」と語った。
◆Govt may free fuel prices soon
【New Delhi】The Government will consider deregulating petrol and diesel prices in six weeks. After taking charge of the Petroleum Ministry for the second time on May 29, Petroleum Minister Murli Deora said, "Increasing rates of natural gas sold by state firms will also be put up to the Cabinet for a decision."
2009-06-05 ArtNo.42293(62/147)
◆Core sector rebounds in April
【New Delhi】Riding on improved production in cement, finished steel, coal and electricity, the six core industries grew by 4.3 per cent in April 2009, highest since July 2008.
2009-06-09 ArtNo.42315(63/147)
【ニューデリー】Murli Deora石油天然ガス相はこのほど、国営石油会社各社のトップ(CEO)と会談、天然ガスに1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり20ルピーを課し、年間およそ3000クロー(US$6.384億)の税収を確保、全国天然ガス・ハイウェイ・ネットワーク(NGHN:National Gas Highway Network)の建設費に充当する可能性を協議した。政府はNGHNプロジェクトを推進する専門機関を設ける可能性も検討している。
◆Centre mulling cess on natural gas to build national gas highways
【New Delhi】Petroleum minister Murli Deora discussed the idea of levy of $0.20 per million British thermal unit as cess on natural gas to mop up Rs 3,000 crore annually for laying down the gas pipeline network with CEOs of state-run firms. The government may set up an apex implementation agency, which will lay natural gas pipelines along the national highways.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42334(64/147)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)が2ヶ月前にアンドラプラデシュ州沖合Krishna Godavari海盆で天然ガスの生産を開始した際には、多くの買い手が先を争ってガスの配分獲得を図ったが、今では状況は一変し、キャパシティーを下回るガス田稼働率に悩むRILの方が買い手獲得に躍起になっている。
◆RIL facing underutilisation of its KG gas
【New Delhi】Faced with the underutilisation of its gas from the Krishna Godavari (KG) basin, Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) is scouting for consumers. Barely two months ago, when RIL started production, there were many buyers eager to get the gas first to their starving units.
2009-06-16 ArtNo.42339(65/147)
【ハイデラバード】医薬品輸出振興委員会(Pharmexcil:Pharmaceuticals Exports Promotion Council)の発表によると、2009年2月の医薬品輸出額は前年同月に比べ米ドル建てで10.2%の成長を見た。
◆Feb pharma exports up 10.2%
【Hyderabad】Export of pharmaceutical goods grew by 10.2 per cent in February 2009 compared to year-ago period in dollar terms, according to data released by Pharmaceuticals Exports Promotion Council (Pharmexcil).
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42343(66/147)
【ニューデリー】ボンベイ高裁は、このほどAmbani兄弟の兄が経営するReliance Industries Ltd.(RIL)に対し、弟が経営するReliance Natural Resources Limited(RNRL)に東海岸沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり2.34米ドルで供給するよう命じる判決を下したが、石油天然ガス省は、その翌日、RILに1mmbtu当たり4.20米ドルでEssarやIspat等の鉄鋼会社にKG-D6ガスを販売するとともに、電力会社9社に対する割当量も拡大するよう指示した。これは多くの肥料会社が割り当て量を消化できず、ガス田がキャパシティーを大幅に下回る稼働を強いられているため。
◆Govt asks RIL to sell gas to steel cos and nine power co
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas has asked Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) to sell natural gas from its eastern offshore KG-D6 fields at $4.20 per million British thermal unit (mmBtu) to steel firms like Essar and Ispat and to make additional allocation to nine power companies from the surplus available because of no or low offtake by fertiliser units, a day after the Bombay High Court asked the company to supply gas to Reliance Natural Resources Limited, owned by younger brother Anil Ambani, at $2.34 mmBtu.
2009-06-19 ArtNo.42344(67/147)
【ニューデリー】マハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の化学企業Laffans Petrochemicals Ltd(LPL)は、ニューヨーク証券取引所(NYSE)上場のHuntsman Corporation(HC)と、界面活性剤やアミン等の特殊化学品領域で、ノーハウ/経験/リソースをシェアする合意書(letter of intent)を取り交わした。
◆Laffans, Huntsman tie-up in specialty chemical segment
【New Delhi】Mumbai-based chemicals company Laffans Petrochemicals Ltd have entered into a partnership with NYSE-listed Huntsman Corporation to share know-how, expertise and resources for specialty chemicals like surfactants and amines.
2009-06-23 ArtNo.42359(68/147)
◆Biotech sector turnover tops $2.5b in 2009
【Bangalore】The Indian biotechnology industry's overall turnover in 2008-09 was Rs 12,137 crore($2.58b), compared to Rs 10,273 crore($2.19) in 2007-08. The industry growth rate slipped to 18 per cent in 2008-09, compared with 30-34 per cent in the previous years.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42367(69/147)
◆Nelp-VIII bidding to be relaunched in Aug
【New Delhi】The government is set to relaunch the eighth round of bidding for oil and gas blocks under the New Exploration and Licensing Policy (Nelp-VIII) in the second week of August.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42368(70/147)
【ニューデリー】国営電力会社NTPC Ltd(旧社名National Thermal Power Corporation)は、Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)が、インド東海岸沖合のKrishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスを、1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たり4.2米ドルで購入する方針を固め、RILと契約調印に向け詰めの交渉を進めている。ただし両社間の訴訟の対象になっているグジャラート州Kawasと同州Gandharの両発電所への供給は除外される。
◆NTPC willing to buy gas from Reliance at $4.2/mmBtu
【New Delhi】State-run power company NTPC Ltd, formerly National Thermal Power Corporation, is close to signing a deal with Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) for gas from the eastern offshore Krishna Godavari(KG)-D6 fields at $4.2/mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit), except Kawas and Gandhar in Gujarat, supplies to which are currently under litigation.
2009-06-26 ArtNo.42369(71/147)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は23日、東海岸沖合Krishna Godavari(KG)海盆KG-D6鉱区で採取した天然ガスの1mmbtu(million metric British thermal unit)当たりの生産コストは2.9米ドルで、税引き前利益率は13%と発表した。
◆RIL to earn a pre-tax return of 13% at KG gas fields
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries said it had put the cost of producing natural gas from its prolific Krishna Godavari basin fields at $2.9 per million metric British thermal unit and the firm will earn a pre-tax return of 13%.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42381(72/147)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州政府は6月25日に催された閣議の席上、国営ガス供給会社GAIL (India) Ltdと州政府の間で結ばれたマハラシュトラ州Dabhol/カルナタカ州Bangalore間と、ケララ州Kochi/ケララ州Kozhikode/カルナタカ州Bangalore/カルナタカ州Mangalore間を結ぶ、総投資額7500クロー(US$15.96億)の、2本のガス・パイプライン・プロジェクトを承認した。
◆GAIL to lay 2 pipelines at an investment of $1.6 bn
【Bangalore】The Karnataka State Cabinet on June 25 approved the Rs. 7,500-crore ($1.596bn) investment agreement signed between GAIL (India) Ltd and the Government for laying gas pipelines between Dabhol and Bangalore, and Kochi-Kozhikode-Bangalore- Mangalore.
2009-06-30 ArtNo.42387(73/147)
【ムンバイ】インド製薬業界の監査済み二次販売(SSA:secondary sales audit)をベースにした今年5月の売上げは前年同月比10.1%増の3104.12クロー(US$6.606億)をマークした。しかし今年4月の同10.2%増3146クロー(US$6.695億)を僅かに下回った。
◆Pharma cos' sales grow 10% in May
【Mumbai】The value growth of Indian pharmaceutical market (IPM), as per the secondary sales audit (SSA), for May was 10.1% (Rs 3,104.12 crore) compare with 10.2% in April (Rs 3,146 crore).
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42391(74/147)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 2.8% in May
【New Delhi】Growth in six core infrastructure industries dropped to 2.8 per cent in May 2009 against against 3.1 per cent in the same month last year. However the production improved in cement, coal and electricity.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42392(75/147)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、新年度予算案の国会上程を5日後に控えた7月2日午前零時、ガソリン小売価格を1リッター4ルピー、ディーゼル油価格を ッ2ルピー引き上げた。しかし家庭用の灯油と液化石油ガス(LPG)の価格は据え置いた。
◆Govt hikes petrol, diesel prices, leaves cooking fuels untouched
【New Delhi】The Indian government hiked the retail price of petrol by Rs 4 a litre and diesel by Rs 2 a litre, effective July 1 midnight, just five days before the union budget is to be presented. However it left kerosene and cooking gas prices untouched.
2009-07-03 ArtNo.42393(76/147)
【ニューデリー】国営Indian Oil Corp (IOC)は6万クロー(US$127.68億)以上を投じ原油年間精製能力を現在の6020万トンから8000万トンに拡張する計画だ。
◆IOC investing $12.77bn in capacity expansion
【New Delhi】State-run Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) is investing over Rs 60,000 crore ($12.77 bn)to raise its refining capacity to 80 million tonne per annum by 2011-12 from 60.2 million tonne at present.
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42416(77/147)
◆Natural gas tax holiday only for NELP-VIII blocks, CBM excluded
【New Delhi】The Budget 2009-10 has restored tax breaks for natural gas. However only hydrocarbon exploration blocks awarded under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP)-VIII round of bidding will be extended tax holiday for profits arising from commercial production of natural gas and commercial production of coal bed methane (CBM) will be excluded from enjoying similar tax holidays.
2009-07-10 ArtNo.42424(78/147)
◆Oilmeal exports decline 33% in June
【Chennai】Oilmeal exports dropped 33 per cent to 1.97 lakh tonnes (lt) in June against 2.95 lt a year ago but they were up 10 per cent compared to 1.78 lt in May this year.
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42445(79/147)
【ニューデリー】インドの国営石油ガス探査会社Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd(ONGC)の海外事業子会社ONGC Videsh Ltd(OVL)と国営ガス供給会社GAIL Indiaは、韓国のパートナー2社Daewoo Corp及びKorea Gas Corp(KOGAS)とともに、ミャンマーで発見したガス田の開発に37億3000万米ドルを投資するものと見られる。
◆OVL, GAIL, Korean cos to pump $3.7 bn into Myanmar gas fields
【New Delhi】ONGC Videsh Ltd, GAIL India, Daewoo Corp and Korea Gas Corp may invest $3.73 billion in bringing to production natural gas they have found off Myanmar.
【新德里】印度石油天然气公司旗下的海外投资机构ONGC Videsh有限公司/印度燃气管理公司/大宇公司/韩国燃气公司似乎投资37亿3000万美元而从它们在缅甸发现的天然气田输送天然气。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42446(80/147)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の地場製薬会社Zydus Cadilaは、同社の酸性非ステロイド性抗炎症皮膚張りつけ吸収薬(transdermal patch)『NuPatch』に対する米国等の海外市場における需要が旺盛なことから、アーマダバード近郊の傘下特別経済区(SEZ)内に新施設を建設する。
◆Zydus invests $20m to meet demand for 'NuPatch'
【Mumbai】Keeping in view of the rising demand for its diclofenac transdermal patch 'NuPatch' in the overseas markets like the US, Zydus Cadila is setting up a new unit in its special economic zone (SEZ) near Ahmedabad.
【孟买】本地主要的制药企业Zydus Cadila公司考虑在美国等海外市场对该公司制造的『NuPatch(治疗炎症的双氯芬酸透皮贴剂)』的需求激增,在古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德附近的旗下经济特区内设立新设备。
2009-07-17 ArtNo.42447(81/147)
【チェンナイ】外国産植物油の大量流入は依然持続、2008年11月にスタートした今油年(current oil year)に輸入された植物油の量は、6月までに582万4000トンと、前年同期の356万7000トンに比べ63%増加した。
◆Vege-oils import continues to flood the country
【Chennai】Vegetable oils import continued to flood the country. For the current oil year that began in November, the imports till June totalled 58.24 lakh tonnes (lt) against 35.67 lt during the same period a year ago, a 63 per cent increase.
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42461(82/147)
◆Core sector grows 6.5%, signalling recovery
【New Delhi】Riding double-digit growth in cement and coal output, the index of six core infrastructure industries posted a growth rate of 6.5 per cent in June, the highest in 16 months, as against 2.8 per cent in the previous month and 5.1 per cent a year earlier, signalling early economic recovery.
【新德里】随着水泥和煤炭的产量记录了两位数字的成长,今年6月的6个骨干基础设施产业指数成长率超越了上月的2.8%和去年同一期的 5.1%,达到过去16个月来最高的6.5%,显示经济复苏的征兆。
2009-07-24 ArtNo.42467(83/147)
【ムンバイ】国営ガス供給会社GAIL Indiaは、①天然ガス輸送網、②石油化学、③都市ガスを将来の成長領域と見、これら3業務に照準を合わせ、2011-12年までに年商5万クロー(US$102.45億)の実現を目指す。
◆GAIL focusing on petrochem, natural gas network
【Mumbai】GAIL India has outlined natural gas transmission, petrochemicals and city gas distribution as focus areas of future growth and aimed to achieve the revenue target of Rs 50,000 crore ($10.245bn) plus by 2011-12.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42480(84/147)
◆Essar Oil、US$9.2億製油所拡張資金獲得
【ニューデリー】Essar Oil Ltd(EOL)は、銀行界から9億2000万米ドルの融資を認められ、来月中にも関係契約に調印する見通しだ。EOLは、グジャラート州Vadinar製油所の年間原油処理能力を1600万トンに引き上げる拡張計画に同資金を充当する。
◆Essar Oil ties up $920 m for expansion
【New Delhi】Essar Oil has received approval for the $920 million debt from banks and hopes to sign loan agreements next month. The loan will be used to fund the expansion of its Vadinar refinery in Gujarat to 16 million tonne.
2009-07-28 ArtNo.42481(85/147)
【ニューデリー】インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)オフィスは、民間の検査機関数社と、市場投入前の新薬を検査する施設を公共民間協力(PPP:public-private-partnership)方式で設ける交渉を進めている。
◆DCGI in talks with private labs to test new drugs
【New Delhi】Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) is in talks with some private labs to build infrastructure to test new drugs before launching them in the market through public-private-partnership (PPP) models.
2009-07-31 ArtNo.42487(86/147)
【ニューデリー】中央政府の財政支出はほとんど極限に達しているが、Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は、2009-10年度が極めて困難な年であることから、27日に国会下院を通過した新年度予算案に、産業界と個人のために、経済成長加速に照準を合わせたさらにいくつかの奨励措置を盛り込んだ。
◆FM offers realty more sops
【New Delhi】Although the Centre had reached the limit of fiscal expansion, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, who admitted that 2009-10 is an "extremely difficult year", introduced a few more concessions for industry and consumers in the Finance Bill with a firm focus on providing a further boost to economic activity.
2009-08-04 ArtNo.42503(87/147)
【バンガロール】カルナタカ州Mangalore拠点のMangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited(MCF)は4年前に設けた養分総合管理部(INMD:Integrated Nutrient Management division)を通じ、今後数年間に専用肥料(specialty fertiliser)ビジネスを拡張する計画だ。
◆MCF to expand speciality fertiliser biz
【Bangalore】Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited is planning to expand its specialty fertiliser business through its Integrated Nutrient Management division, set up four years ago, in the next couple of years.
2009-08-07 ArtNo.42516(88/147)
◆Nelp VIII bid deadline extended to Oct 12
【New Delhi】The government has extended the last date of the eighth phase of bidding for oil and gas blocks under the New Exploration and Licensing Policy (Nelp-VIII) by two months to October 12 from August 10.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42539(89/147)
【ニューデリー】石油天然ガス省はこのほど、『Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)が発見したガス田権益をMukesh/Anil両兄弟企業間で分割することを取り決めたAmbani一族内部の備忘録には一部、公共の利益を損ない、政府の職権を侵犯する内容が含まれており、悪しき先例を成すもの』との認識を示した。
◆Ambanis gas pact flouts govt authority: OilMin
【New Delhi】The oil ministry has claimed that the part of the Ambani family MoU, that divides the gas found by Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) between brothers Mukesh and Anil group firms, was against public interest, flouted government authority and would set a wrong precedent for others.
2009-08-14 ArtNo.42540(90/147)
◆Pharma sector posts 11 per cent sales growth for Q 1
【New Delhi】The pharmaceutical sector post 11 per cent sales growth for the quarter ended June 2009, compared with the same period a year ago. However there is the wide divergence in performance within the sector.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42554(91/147)
◆Pharma outsourcing to cross $2.3 bn by 2010
【New Delhi】Indian pharmaceutical contract manufacturing industry is growing at thrice the rate of the global outsourcing market, and is expected to reach 2.3 billion dollars by the end of 2010 from 1.1 billion dollars in 2008.
2009-08-18 ArtNo.42555(92/147)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)と、パートナーのカナダ企業Niko Resources Ltd(NRL)は、オリッサ州沖合Mahanadi海盆NEC-OSN-97/2(NEC-25)鉱区でガス田を発見した。
◆RIL finds gas reserves in Mahanadi basin block
【New Delhi】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and its junior partner Niko Resources of Canada have found natural gas reserves in a well drilled on its NEC-25 block in Mahanadi basin, off the Orissa coast.
2009-08-21 ArtNo.42560(93/147)
【ムンバイ】Cairn India Ltd(CIL)と国営Oil and Natural Gas Corporation(ONGC)は、共同で40億米ドルを投じ、ラジャスタン州Barmer油田の日産量を20万バレルに2万5000バレルほど拡張する。
◆Cairn, ONGC to invest $4 bn in Rajasthan
【Mumbai】Cairn India and state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation will jointly invest $4 billion to scale up the production capacity of their oil fields at Barmer in Rajasthan by 25,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd) to two lakh bopd.
2009-08-25 ArtNo.42571(94/147)
【ニューデリー】全国各州政府の財務部長により構成される特別委員会(ECSFM:Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers)は航空タービン燃料(ATF)の販売税率(sales tax rates)に見直しを加えない方針を決定、経営難に直面する航空業界の期待を無慈悲に打ち砕いた。
◆States decision on ATF tax rate blows aviation industry
【New Delhi】In a blow to the beleaguered aviation industry, the empowered committee of state finance ministers decided not to review the current sales tax rates on aviation turbine fuel (ATF).
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42582(95/147)
◆Infrastructure sector growth slumps to 1.8% in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core industries grew 1.8 per cent in July, the lowest in the past five months, and significantly behind a 6.8 per cent growth in June and 5.1 per cent in July last year.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42589(96/147)
◆Crude oil output falls 0.4% in July
【New Delhi】The domestic crude oil production dropped 0.4 per cent to 2.79 million tonnes (mt) in July against 2.80 mt in the same month last year, while the natural gas output saw an increase of 35.5 per cent.
2009-08-28 ArtNo.42590(97/147)
【ニューデリー】2009年度予算は、陸地から200海里の排他的経済水域(EEZ:Exclusive Economic Zone)におけるサービス税の徴収に関する条文に重要な変更を加えた。『1976年領海・大陸棚・排他的経済水域・その他の海事領域法(TCEO法:Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act, 1976)』は、陸地から12海里の海域を領海としている他、陸地から200海里までの大陸棚をインドの主権が及ぶEEZと定めている。
◆Taxation of services in the EEZ effected fundamental changes
【New Delhi】Budget 2009 has effected fundamental changes in the provisions relating to service tax on activities carried out within the limit of 200 nautical miles therefrom, which comprises the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of India. While the territorial waters extend up to a distance of 12 nautical miles from the landmass, the Territorial Waters, Continental Shelf, Exclusive Economic Zone and other Maritime Zones Act, 1976, (the Act) extends the sovereign rights to the Continental Shelf of India (CSI), which significantly beyond the territorial waters up to a maximum of 200 nautical miles from the landmass.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42598(98/147)
【コルカタ】シンガポール拠点のインフラ開発業者Universal Success Enterprises Ltd(USEL)は、向こう10年間に西ベンガル州、グジャラート州、マハラシュトラ州に総額23万7000クロー(US$493.75億)を投資する計画だ。
◆Singapore co to invest $49.37bn with Salim
【Kolkata】Singapore-based infrastructure development company Universal Success Enterprises (USEL) has planned to invest Rs 2,37,000 crore ($49.37bn) in West Bengal, Gujarat and Maharashtra over the next 10 years.
2009-09-01 ArtNo.42602(99/147)
【ムンバイ】インドの情報技術(IT)大手、Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)/Infosys Technologies Ltd(ITL)/Wipro Ltd(WL)は,グローバルITメジャー、IBM及びAccentureとともに、世界3位の石油精製会社British Petroleum(BP)と、総額15億米ドル、5年間のITアウトソーシング契約を結んだ。
◆Indian IT majors bag $1.5-bn outsourcing deal from BP
【Mumbai】Indian IT majors Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys Technologies and Wipro Ltd, besides global IT giants IBM and Accenture, have bagged a five-year $1.5-billion outsourcing deal from British Petroleum(BP), the world's third-largest petroleum refining company in the world.
2009-09-04 ArtNo.42612(100/147)
◆Govt claims it was not against Ambani MoU
【New Delhi】The Centre on September 1 filed an amended petition regarding the Krishna-Godavari Basin D6 block gas supplies row involving the Ambani brothers in the apex court to clarify that it was not for declaring the entire agreement of the Ambani family "null and void" as prayed earlier, but only the part of it that is pertaining to gas allocation.
石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2009