統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2007
◆Shift from chip design to tool design
【Bangalore】Chip designing has been a good business proposition for Indian technology firms. Now, They are moving towards the next step, designing tools that automate the chip designing process itself.
2007-08-08 ArtNo.39854(202/306)
◆Brand PCs fail to make inroads
【Mumbai】According to a markets analyst firm IDC, the share of assembled desktops shipments has declined from 41 per cent in the third quarter of calendar year (CY) 2005 to 32.7 per cent in the first quarter of CY 2007. The assembled PC has not lost its market share of close to 40 per cent of the over all desktop PC in India.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39861(203/306)
◆The overall automobiles sale declined by 6%
【NEW DELHI】India's overall automobiles sale declined by 6.36 per cent in July as motorcycles continued to slide despite scooters and passenger cars posting double digit growth.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39862(204/306)
◆Car July sales up 11%
【NEW DELHI】Domestic passenger car sales in July grew by 11.18 per cent at 89,548 units as against 80,543 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39863(205/306)
◆Commercial vehicle sales up 2.53% in July
【NEW DELHI】Commercial vehicles (CV) domestic sales during July was up marginally by 2.53 per cent at 33,496 units as against 32,670 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
2007-08-13 ArtNo.39864(206/306)
◆Two-wheeler July sales down 9.95 per cent
【NEW DELHI】Total two-wheelers sales in July dipped by 9.95 per cent at 5,03,356 units as compared to 5,58,982 units sold in the year-ago period.
2007-08-15 ArtNo.39869(207/306)
◆June industrial growth slowed to 9.8%
【New Delhi】Even as the industrial growth in June grew marginally to 9.8% against 9.7% during the same month last year, sequential data show that it has been decreasing at a steady rate for the past three months and the slowest annual pace in eight months.
2007-08-17 ArtNo.39891(208/306)
【コルカタ】今年第1四半期(2007/4-6)の工学品輸出(Engineering Export)は68億6100万米ドル/2万8266クローと、昨年同期の61億3800万米ドル/2万7936.43クローに比べ、米ドル建てで12%、ルピー建てで1%増加した。
◆Engineering export growth rates see sharp downslide
【Kolkata】Engineering exports in the first quarter of current fiscal (April-June 2007) was to the tune of US$6.861 billion or Rs 28,266 crore, an increase of only 12 per cent in dollar terms and a mere one per cent growth in rupee terms over US$6.138 billion or Rs 27,936.43 crore during the same period last fiscal.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39893(209/306)
◆FDI inflow grew 218% in first half
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India recorded $11.4 billion in the first six months of 2007, as against $3.6 billion received during the same period in 2006, registering a growth of 218 per cent.
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39894(210/306)
◆Core infrastructure growth slips to 5.3% in June
【New Delhi】The growth of six key infrastructure industries slowed to 5.3% in June compared with 7.7% a year ago due to decline in production of crude oil coupled with a slow down in output of other products.
【新德里】因为原油产量下降,其他行业的成长也钝化,所以6个骨干基础设施产业今年6月仅成长5.3%,比去年同月的 7.7%显著地减速。
2007-08-20 ArtNo.39896(211/306)
【ニューデリー】原子力局(DAE:department of atomic energy)は第11次五カ年計画期間に7万5000トンの国産ウラニウムを採掘する計画だ。これはインドにおけるウラニウム確認埋蔵量の約70%に相当する。
◆Centre plans to mine 75,000 tonnes of uranium
【New Delhi】The Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) plans to mine around 75,000 tonnes of uranium resources during the Eleventh Plan, which is about 70 per cent of the total identified reserves of uranium in the country at present.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39953(212/306)
◆Q1 GDP growth at 9.3%
【NEW DELHI】India's economy appears to be continuing to race ahead and posted a 9.3% growth in the first quarter, buoyed by robust performance in the manufacturing, construction and services sectors and a noticeable improvement in the agriculture sector.
2007-09-03 ArtNo.39957(213/306)
【ニューデリー】インドの半導体市場規模(輸入/国産合計)は、テレコム/情報技術(IT)/消費者用電子製品部門の旺盛な需要に支えられ、2006年の26億9000万米ドルから2009年の54億9000万米ドルに拡大、26.7%の複合年間成長率(CAGR:compounded annual growth rate)を記録する見通しだ。
◆Chip market size to hit $5.5 bn by 2009
【New Delhi】India's semiconductor total market revenues expected to reach $5.49 billion in 2009, a compounded annual growth rate of 26.7 per cent over $2.69 billion in 2006, driven by telecom, IT and consumer electronics usage.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39966(214/306)
【ニューデリー】インドの7月の輸出は5万493.57 クローに達したが、前年同月比わずか3.10%の伸びにとどまった。インドの輸出はルピー高の影響でルピー換算では一桁成長が続いている。
◆Exports continue single-digit growth in rupee terms
【New Delhi】Exports continued its single-digit growth trend in rupee terms, hit by the appreciating rupee. Exports in July touched Rs 50,493.57 crore, only 3.10% over a year earlier. In dollar terms, exports in July were valued at $12.494 billion, 18.52 % higher than the $10.54 billion in July 2006.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39967(215/306)
◆Export receipts increase 132%: 2000-2006
【NEW DELHI】Between fiscals 2000 and 2006, India's exports receipts increased 132% as against 195% import proceeds. Exports to the Asean region recorded the highest growth at 257%, followed by Africa at 198% growth.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39974(216/306)
【ニューデリー】二輪車メーカー、Hero Hondaの8月の販売は二桁成長を記録したが、Bajaj Autoは不振から抜け出すことができず、四輪車市場でもMarutiとGeneral Motorsがプラス成長を記録したのに対し、HondaとSkodaの販売は下降、各社の販売成績は明暗を分かった。
◆August sales of cars and 2-wheelers Mixed
【New Delhi】It was a mixed bag with companies like Motorcycle maker Hero Honda reporting a healthy double-digit growth in August sales, even as Bajaj Auto continuing to witness a fall in numbers. For car sales too, Maruti and General Motors India reported higher numbers in August and Honda and Skoda witnessed a monthly sales slump.
2007-09-07 ArtNo.39976(217/306)
【ニューデリー】インプット・コストの上昇から大手鉄鋼メーカーのTata Steel Ltd(TSL)とIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は熱間圧延コイル(HRC)のトン当たり価格を500~900ルピー引き上げた。
◆Steel companies raise prices
【NEW DELHI】For this reason major steel producers Tata Steel Ltd and Ispat Industries Ltd have raised prices of hot-rolled coils by Rs 500-Rs 900; not only have input costs been rising but also steel demand is rising.
2007-09-10 ArtNo.39985(218/306)
【ニューデリー】インドの中小企業は今年コンピュータ・ハードウェアに40億米ドルを投資する見通しで、Dell、Hewlett-Packard (HP)、HCL等のコンピュータ・メジャーは一連の新製品を発売し、市場シェアの拡大に努めている。
◆SMEs to invest $4 b on computer hardware this year
【New Delhi】Given the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in India is expected to invest around $4 billion on computer hardware this year, computer hardware majors like Dell, Hewlett-Packard and HCL launch products to woo companies.
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39993(219/306)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の乗用車(Passenger car)販売台数は9万8893台と、昨年同月の8万3864台に比べ17.92%増加、過去6ヶ月来最高の伸びを記録した。
◆Car sales zoom 17.92% in Aug
【New Delhi】Passenger car sales in the domestic market in August grew 17.92 per cent at 98,893 units against 83,864 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
【新德里】今年8月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售量9万8893辆。比去年同月的8万3864辆增加17.92%。
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39994(220/306)
◆Commercial vehicles sales up 2.23 per cent in Aug
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles sales were up by 2.23 per cent during August with 36,409 units compared to 35,268 units in corresponding month a year ago.
【新德里】今年8月的月商用车辆(Commercial vehicle)销售辆从去年同月的3万5268辆到3万6409辆增加了2.23%。
2007-09-12 ArtNo.39995(221/306)
◆Two-wheelers sales in August skid 5.4%
【New Delhi】Total two-wheelers sales during August this year stood at 5,43,504 against 5,74,570 units in the year ago month, down 5.4 per cent year-on-year.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40001(222/306)
【ニューデリー】今年7月の工業生産指数(IIP:index for industrial production)伸び率は7.1%と、昨年同月の13.2%に比べ顕著に鈍化、昨年10月の4.4%に次ぐ、過去9ヶ月来の最低を記録した。
◆Growth of industrial output sharp falls at 7.1 per cent in July
【New Delhi】The growth of the index for industrial production (IIP) slipped sharply to 7.1 per cent against 13.2 per cent in July last year. This has been the slowest growth in the index in the last nine months. It had slumped to 4.4 per cent last October.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40002(223/306)
◆Rs 5 lakh crore to be plowed into steel sector
【Kolkata】The Indian steel industry is set to invest more than Rs 5 lakh crore, which is over six times the total money plowed into the sector since independence.
2007-09-17 ArtNo.40009(224/306)
◆IT industry to add 4,00,000 new jobs
【Kolkata】The IT sector will add four lakh jobs this year which will be about 25 per cent higher than the previous year's.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40019(225/306)
【ムンバイ】インドの自動車用繊維(automotive textile)市場は今日の1614クロー(US$4億)から2011-12年までに2倍の3200クロー(US$7.93億)以上に成長するものと見られる。
◆Automotive textile market to double by 2011
【Mumbai】The automotive textile market will double from Rs1,614 crore to over Rs 3,200 crore by 2011-12.
2007-09-19 ArtNo.40023(226/306)
◆Six core sectors' growth dips sharply to 6.3%
【New Delhi】The higher interest rates which curbed the demand for manufactured goods, housing and commercial real estate has led to a sharp decline in overall growth in the six core infrastructure sectors to 6.3 per cent in July 2007 from 10.9 per cent in July 2006.
2007-09-21 ArtNo.40028(227/306)
【ムンバイ】世界の鉄鋼大手がインドのインフラ開発に関心を寄せる中で、今後1年間に鉄鋼構造部門(steel fabrication sector)に5000クロー(US$12.39億)が投資されるものと予想される。
◆Steel fabrication to see an investment of Rs 5,000 cr
【Mumbai】Given that global steel giants take keen interest in the country's infrastructure development, the steel fabrication sector is likely to see an investment of Rs 5,000 crore in the next one year.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40042(228/306)
◆MNC PCs score over local brands: Gartner
【New Delhi】Indian personal computer brands are losing out to the multinational brands in terms of sales, growth rates and marketing activities. Indian PC players HCL, Zenith, Wipro and PCS put together managed just 14 per cent of desktop PC sales in the country and another 6 per cent of laptop sales In the first half of this year.
2007-09-24 ArtNo.40043(229/306)
【ニューデリー】インドの2007年第2四半期のサーバー出荷量は3万5615ユニット、工場出荷額(factory revenues)は1億6900万米ドルと、価格ベースで前年同期比30%の成長を見た。
◆The server market grows 30 per cent in Q2
【New Delhi】The overall India server market shipments reached 35,615 units and the market grew by 30 per cent year-on-year to reach $169 million in factory revenues during the second quarter of 2007.
2007-09-26 ArtNo.40060(230/306)
【ニューデリー】スウェーデンのコンサルタント会社Kairos Futureの最近の調査によれば、インドの労働者は欧州の労働者より貧しい生活に甘んじているものの、財政状態や就労の見通しに関して欧州の労働者より遙かに高い満足感を抱いている。
◆Indians are more confident of good job prospects than Europeans
【NEW DELHI】Workers in India may be a poorer than ones in the developed Europe, but Indian youth are more satisfied with their financial situation and their prospects for getting a good job as compared to their counterparts in the European nations, says a new survey carried out by Sweden-based Kairos Future, a futures research and consulting firm.
【新德里】瑞典Kairos Future研究机构在最新民调报告里说,印度工人可能比欧盟工人处于贫穷的生活。不过印度年轻人比欧州的同世代更有满足财政情况和工作机会。
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40061(231/306)
◆West Bengal sees steel companies comming in force
【Kolkata】West Bengal has emerged as a hot destination for the steel industry. More than Rs 100,000 crore worth investments are in the pipeline, leaving behind the mineral-rich state of Chhattisgarh.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40062(232/306)
◆Sponge iron firms raise price
【Mumbai】Sponge iron producers raised prices by 3 per cent or Rs 400 on September 24 to Rs 14,200 a tonne due to a shortage of raw materials and a rising demand from domestic steel mills.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40067(233/306)
◆PC sales post 47% growth in 2007/4-6: MAIT
【NewDelhi】The personal computer (PC) sales crossed 1.7 million during the first quarter of the current fiscal(April-June), over 47 per cent rise compared with 1.20 million units notched in the year-ago period.
2007-10-01 ArtNo.40068(234/306)
◆PC sales cross 1.53 million units in 2007/4-6: IDC
【Bangalore】Shipments of overall client PC, including desktops and notebooks, touched 1.53 million units in the second quarter of 2007 calendar year (April-June), a growth of 22.1 per cent compared with corresponding period in 2006.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40075(235/306)
◆The centre aims to achieve 79k mw target in 11th Plan period
【Mumbai】The Indian government has planned the total capacity-addition of 78,577-mw in the 11th Plan, of which power projects with the capacity of 60,000 mw are under execution—which is three times more than the generation capacity at the beginning of the 10th Five-Year Plan.
2007-10-03 ArtNo.40076(236/306)
◆Plan panel proposes a investment of $492 b for infrastructure
【New York】A massive investment of $492 billion on infrastructure projects is required during the Eleventh Plan period, if India is to attain a sustainable growth rate of nine per cent with emphasis on a broad-based and inclusive approach that would improve the quality of life and reduce disparities across regions and communities.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40085(237/306)
◆Steel prices rise by Rs 400-800 per tonne from 1 Oct
【New Delhi】Rising input costs has seen domestic steel prices increase Rs 400-800 per tonne across various products with effect from Monday.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40086(238/306)
◆Tata Steelが2カ月連続で鋼製品を値上げ
【ムンバイ】Tata Steelは国内の建設および自動車業界からの受注増により2カ月連続で製品価格を引き上げる。
◆Tata Steel to raise prices from 4 Oct
【Mumbai】Tata Steel will raise prices for the second straight month as construction and automobile companies in India increase orders.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40088(239/306)
【ムンバイ】アルミニウム大手Hindalco IndustriesとNational Aluminium Co.はロンドン市場におけるアルミ価格の下落とルピー高に伴う輸入価格の下降からアルミ価格を引き下げた。価格引き下げは今年に入り7回目となる。
◆Two makers cut aluminium prices again
【MUMBAI】Two aluminum makers, Hindalco Industries and National Aluminium, cut prices for the seventh time this year after the metal dropped in London and a stronger currency made imports cheaper.
【孟买】由于伦敦金属交易所铝跌价,卢比涨价使进口货更便宜,制铝公司Hindalco Industries和National Aluminium再度降低铝价格。这是今年第七次降价。
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40089(240/306)
◆Hero Honda、9月の二輪車販売4.31%アップ
【ニューデリー】インド最大の二輪車メーカー、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の9月の二輪車販売台数は31万4567台と、昨年同月の30万1577台に比べ4.31%増加した。
◆Hero Honda sales increased 4.31 pc in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Country's leading two-wheeler maker Hero Honda Motors reported a 4.31 per cent growth in sales in September at 3, 14,567 units compared with 3, 01,577 units sold in the same month last year.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40090(241/306)
◆Bajaj Auto、9月の二輪/三輪車販売23%ダウン
【ムンバイ】地元二輪/三輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の9月の車輌販売台数は23万2496台と、昨年同月の30万141台に比べ23%の落ち込みを見た。
◆Bajaj Auto Sept vehicle sales dip 23 per cent
【MUMBAI】Bajaj Auto Ltd's vehicle sales in September dipped 23 per cent to 232,496 units from 300,141 units a year earlier.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40091(242/306)
◆TVS Motor、9月の二輪車販売29%下降
【ムンバイ】地元二輪車メーカーTVS Motor Co(TVSMC)の9月の二輪車販売台数は11万5091台と、昨年同月の16万2200台に比べ29.04%下降した。
◆TVS Motor September sales decline 29 per cent
【Mumbai】TVS Motor Co sold 115,091 two-wheelers in September, down 29.04 per cent against 1,62,200 units in the same month a year ago.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40095(243/306)
◆Exports in Aug up 18.9% in dollar, 4.31% in rupee
【New Delhi】Even as the exchange rate of rupee vis-a-vis the dollar was going up, exports during August 2007 amounted to $12,686.38 million (Rs 51,787.31 crore) against $10,668.78 million, registering a growth of 18.91 per cent in dollar terms and 4.31 per cent in rupee terms during the same month last year. The rupee has appreciated 15 per cent since April this year.
2007-10-05 ArtNo.40096(244/306)
【ムンバイ】公共部門金融機関Central Bank of India(CBI:中央銀行Reserve Bank of Indiaとは別)は、祝祭日シーズンの金利引き下げ措置の一環として各種リテール・ローンの金利を0.50%ポイント引き下げた。
◆Central Bank cuts retail loan rates by 0.50 pc
【MUMBAI】Public sector lender, Central Bank of India(different from Reserve Bank of India which works as India's Central Bank), has reduced interest rates by 0.50 percentage point in its several retail loans, as a part of festive season reduction.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40097(245/306)
◆Infrastructure sector grows 9% in August
【New Delhi】The robust growth in the cement, coal and electricity sectors has pushed up the growth of the six core infrastructure industries to 9 per cent in August as against 6.6 per cent in the same month last year.
2007-10-08 ArtNo.40107(246/306)
【ニューデリー】Global Services誌(Cyber Media社発行)と投資顧問会社Tholonsが共同でまとめた「新興アウトソーシング都市トップ50 (Top 50 Emerging Outsourcing Cities)」にインドの6都市が名を連ねた。
◆Five Indian cities among top 10 outsourcing destinations
【New Delhi】Five Indian cities are among the top 10 global emerging outsourcing cities with Chennai topping the list. Hyderabad is ranked at the second position followed by Pune.
2007-10-10 ArtNo.40112(247/306)
【コルカタ】西部地区の鋳物輸出業者は銑鉄、取り分け鋳造グレード銑鉄(FGPI:foundry grade pig iron)の急騰と供給逼迫で苦境に陥っている。
◆Cstings exporters facing steep hike in pig iron prices
【Kolkata】Steep hike in prices of pig iron and supply constraints with regard to supply of pig iron and foundry grade pig iron has compounded problems for sanitary castings exporters from the eastern region.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40126(248/306)
◆Car sales 11.67% up in September
【New Delhi】Passenger car sales in the domestic market during September grew by 11.67 per cent to 1,05,822 units against 94,757 units in the same month last year.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40127(249/306)
◆Commercial vehicles sales marginally up
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles recording marginal growth in sales at 42,770 units during September, as against 42,364 units in the same month last year.
2007-10-12 ArtNo.40128(250/306)
◆Two-wheeler sales dip 13.17% in September
【New Delhi】Total two-wheelers sales in the domestic market during September declined 13.17 per cent to 6,79,766 units compared to 7,82,930 units in the same month last year.
統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2007