企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2009
【ムンバイ】上海汽車工業(集団)総公司(SAIC:Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation)がGeneral Motors India Ltd(GMI)の50%権益を買収する見通しだ。これにより中国とインドにおける両社のビジネスは相互補完され、大きな相乗効果が発揮されそうだ。
◆Shanghai Auto likely to pick 50% in GM India
【Mumbai】Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) appears to pick up a 50% stake in General Motors India to form an alliance which will see huge synergies between their Chinese and Indian operations.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42813(502/588)
【ニューデリー】これまでに月間販売台数を発表した主要メーカー9社の10月の乗用車(car)及び多用途車(utility vehicle)の販売台数は15万8207台と、リーマン・ブラザーズの倒産事件が発生した昨年同月の販売台数12万1794台に比べ29.89%増加した。
◆Auto sales vroom 30% in October
【New Delhi】Domestic sales of nine major car and utility vehicle makers, which has already announced their sales figures, jumped by 29.89% to 158,207 units compared with 121,794 units in October last year—the month that followed the Lehman Brothers' collapse.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42814(503/588)
◆Two-wheeler sales maintain the positive growth
【New Delhi】The festive spirit has boosted auto sales in October. Even two-wheeler sales continued to maintain the positive growth.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42817(504/588)
【ムンバイ】Ruia一族傘下のEssar Oil Ltd(EOL)は、英国のエネルギー大手Royal Dutch Shellが英国Stanlow、そしてドイツのHeide及びHarburgに所有する製油所を買収する独占交渉権を手に入れた。
◆Essar Oil in talks to buy 3 Shell refineries in Europe
【Mumbai】The Ruias-owned Essar Oil Ltd. has entered into an exclusive negotiation with British energy giant Royal Dutch Shell for buying Shell's Refinery at Stanlow in the UK and Heide and Harburg in Germany.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42818(505/588)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はCairn Indiaがラジャスタン州の鉱区で採取した原油を民間企業に販売することを認めた。ケインは、公共部門製油所が生産した原油を全量購入することができないことから、輸出も認めるよう政府に求めている。
◆Cairn allowed to sell Rajasthan crude to private firms
【New Delhi】The Indian government has allowed Cairn India to sell crude oil from its Rajasthan fields to private firms. The company has also sought permission to export the oil on the public sector refineries' continued failure to buy the entire output.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42822(506/588)
【ムンバイ】今年初、デリー交通公社(DTC:Delhi Transport Corporation)から合計2500台のバスの納入契約を獲得したインド最大の自動車会社Tata Motors Ltd(TML)とタミールナド州Chennai拠点のAshok Leyland Ltd(ALL)は、TDCから納入加速を督励され、生産に拍車をかけている。
◆Tata Motors, Ashok Leyland all for increasing bus supply
【Mumbai】Tata Motors, India's biggest auto company by revenue, and Chennai-based Ashok Leyland have been asked to accelerate the supply of 2,500 buses — an order placed by the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) at the start of this year.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42823(507/588)
◆Okaya Power、Ultra Motorと販売提携
【ニューデリー】ニューデリー拠点のバッテリー・メーカー、Okaya Power Ltd(OPL)は、電気自動車メーカーUltra Motor Company Ltd(UMCL)と、インド全国をカーバーする販売網の確立を目指し、流通網シェアリング協定を結んだ。
◆Okaya Power, Ultra Motor ink network sharing pact
【New Delhi】Okaya Power Ltd, a New Delhi based battery manufacturer, has entered into a distribution network sharing tie up with electric vehicle maker Ultra Motor Company to enhance reach across the country.
【新德里】总部设在新德里的电池制造商Okaya Power有限公司和英国电动汽车制造商Ultra Motor Company达成协议,通过各自的销售网销售对方的产品从而组成全国性的销售网。
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42826(508/588)
◆Posco project may start by Jan
【New Delhi】World's fourth-largest steel maker Posco's proposed 12-million tonne per annum (mtpa) project may get off the ground by January next year as the Orissa state government is "actively working" to remove the hurdles coming in the way of the mega steel plant.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42827(509/588)
【ニューデリー】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)の2009年10月のボリューム販売は昨年同月に比べほとんど2倍に拡大、Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)、Steel Authority of India (SAIL)、Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)を含む、インドの他の主要鉄鋼メーカーのそれも自動車や耐久消費財業界の旺盛な需要に支えられ、最大38%の堅調な伸びを見た。 http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42827.htm
◆India's top steelmakers' sales zoom in Oct
【New Delhi】JSW Steel's sales almost doubled in October, 2009, compared with the same period last year, India's other top steelmakers — including Tata Steel Ltd,state-owned Steel Authority of India (SAIL), Essar and Ispat — recorded up to 38% growth in sales volume backed by robust demand from automobile and construction sectors.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42828(510/588)
【ニューデリー】国際価格の軟化に伴いSteel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)が3日、先頭を切って各種鋼板価格をトン当たり750~1500ルピー値下げしたが、JSW Steel、Essar Steel、Ispat Industries、Tata Steel等、民間の主要鉄鋼メーカーも相次いで値下げを発表した。
◆Private steel makers follow SAIL, cut flat prices
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), JSW Steel, Essar Steel, Ispat Industries and Tata Steel have reduced prices of flat products by Rs 750-1,500 a tonne across categories, on account of weak global trends.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42829(511/588)
◆Pharma retail mkt growth slows down to 9.6%
【New Delhi】Growth in the domestic pharma market dipped 7% in September over the previous month, but was still nearly double digit at 9.6% compared to the corresponding month last year.
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42832(512/588)
【コルカタ】インド政府は、証券取引所に上場した中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)が事業拡張のための投資や合弁に際してより大きな裁量権を持つことができるよう、来月、既存の『Navaratna』よりも上位に分類される『Maharatna』ステータスを導入する予定だ。
◆Maharatna status for top PSUs to be in place by December
【Kolkata】The Centre is likely to introduce Maharatna status next month as a new standard above Navaratna to give central public sector enterprises (CPSE) listed in the bourses more freedom to decide on investment, joint ventures and capacity expansion.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42833(513/588)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は5日、より積極的な公共企業の政府持ち分売却政策を発表した。同政策の下、既に上場済みの中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)は株式の公開比率を最低10%に引き上げ、全ての黒字経営未上場CPSEは株式の公開を求められる。このことは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)を含む国営企業100社以上が公開公募(IPO:Initial Public Offerings)を行うことを意味する。
◆Govt unveils bold divestment plan
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government on November 5 announced a bold disinvestment policy that all listed Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) would offload 10 per cent of their holding in the public domain and all unlisted profitable state-owned entities should go public, a move that may see public offers by over 100 companies, including telecom behemoth Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42839(514/588)
◆Tata Steel、ベトナムで製鋼、カナダで採鉱事業
【ムンバイ】ベトナムにおける50億米ドル、年産450万トンの鉄鋼プロジェクトの用地を、2年を費やしてこのほどやっと手に入れたTata Steel Ltd(TSL)は、カナダではNew Millennium Corpと北米における鉄鉱山開発合弁覚書に調印、同プロジェクトに3億カナダ・ドルを投資する計画だ。
◆Tata Steel $5bn project in Vietnam, iron ore JV in Canada
【Mumbai】After two years of waiting, Tata Steel will get alternative land in Vietnam for building a 4.5 million tonne a year steel plant with an investment of $5 billion. Meanwhile Tata Steel has entered into a joint venture agreement with Canadian mining firm New Millennium Corp for development of an iron ore project in North America, in which the Indian firm would invest 300 million Canadian dollars.
【孟买】经过两年的时间在越南总算获得总投资额50亿美元年产450万吨钢厂用地就绪的塔塔钢铁公司在加拿大跟New Millennium Corp达成协议在北美洲合作发展铁矿山。双方签署有关备忘录。塔塔钢铁公司将在这合作项目投资3亿加元。
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42840(515/588)
◆Consumer durable cos accelerate sales growth
【New Delhi】Even as most of India Inc has struggled to match its sales growth of last year, consumer durable makers accelerated sales growth in the September 2009 quarter compared to the September 2008 quarter.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42841(516/588)
【バンガロール】日立製作所はカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の鋳造シミュレーション・ソリューション・プロバイダーProSim R&Dと提携し、インド鋳造業界に最先端のデザインシミュレーション・ソリューションを提供する。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42841.htm
◆Hitachi in pact with Prosim to serve casting inds
【Bangalore】Tokyo-based Hitachi and Bangalore-based casting simulation solutions provider ProSim R&D have joined hands to provide advanced design simulation solution for the casting industry in India.
【邦加罗尔】位于东京的日立制作所和总部设在卡纳塔克州邦加罗尔的模拟解决方案供应商ProSim R&D联手向印度铸造提供先进设计模拟解决方案。
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42842(517/588)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DOT:department of telecom)が入札のやり直しを勧告したにも関わらず国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL)は、中国の通信設備納入業者華為(Huawei)に対して南部通信管区の2000万回線GSM移動体通信設備の予約注文(advance purchase order)を行った。
◆BSNL to buy equipment from Huawei
【New Delhi】Despite the department of telecom's suggestion to retender, the state-run telecom service provider Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has placed an advance purchase order with Huawei of China on mobile equipment for 20 million GSM lines in the south zone.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42847(518/588)
【ニューデリー】最近一部の製品の価格をトン当たり最大1500ルピー引き下げたばかりのSteel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)は10日、主に国際需要の軟化から、再度トン当たり約500ルピー値下げする方針を明らかにした。
◆SAIL to cut prices by up to Rs 500 a tonne soon
【New Delhi】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), which has cut prices of some of its products by up to Rs 1,500 a tonne, on November 10 said it will reduce the rates further by about Rs 500 a tonne, mainly on falling global demand.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42848(519/588)
【ニューデリー】Renault-NissanとBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は10日、インド国内で超低価格小型乗用車(ultra low-cost small car)を製造する合弁契約に終に調印、当初の予定より1年遅い2012年に新モデルを市場に投入すると発表した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42848.htm
◆Renault-Nissan finally signs small-car deal with Bajaj
【New Delhi】Joint venture partners Renault-Nissan and Bajaj Auto on November 10 finally signed an agreement to manufacture ultra-low cost car in India, which will hit the market in 2012—a year behind schedule.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42849(520/588)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)の発表によると、乗用車(passenger car)の国内販売は34%、商用車のそれは52%アップ、景気の復調を裏付けた。
◆Oct sales car 34% , commercial vehicle 52% jump
【New Delhi】According to Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), domestic passenger car sales registered a healthy 34 per cent jump in October, while sale of commercial vehicles soared 52 per cent, signalling that economic recovery is gaining ground.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42850(521/588)
【コルカタ】ソニー・インディアは、政府が無線広帯域周波数の割当を完了した後、WiMax(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)対応ラップトップ・コンピューターをインド市場に紹介する計画だ。
◆Sony India ready to offer WiMax-enabled laptops
【Kolkata】Sony India plans to provide WiMax-enabled laptops for the domestic market after the Union government completes the wireless broadband spectrum allocation process.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42851(522/588)
【ハイデラバード】目下、呼吸器疾患と多剤耐性疾患用の2種類のDNAマクロ・チップ(DNA macro chip)の開発に取り組んでいるカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の分子診断製品会社XCyton Diagnosticsは、国内市場と海外市場においてこの種の製品のマーケッティングを引き受けるパートナーを物色している。
◆XCyton developing DNA macro chips
【Hyderabad】Bangalore-based molecular diagnostic products company XCyton Diagnostics, which is in the process of developing two DNA macro chips for respiratory illness in the aged, and a multi-drug resistant disease, is scouting for partners that can help it market the products both domestically and globally.
【海德拉巴】总部位于卡纳塔克州班加罗尔的分子诊断學制品制造商XCyton Diagnostics正在开发呼吸道疾病与耐多药疾病用两种DNA宏芯片。该公司也找在国内和海外市场推销产品的伙帮。
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42852(523/588)
【ハイデラバード】太陽光電池(PV)モジュール製造会社Titan Energy Systems Ltd (TESL)は、ベルギーのワレゲムを拠点にするEnfinityの支援下にアンドラプラデシュ州に1GW(ギガワット=1000MW)の太陽光発電施設を設ける。
◆Titan, Enfinity jointly to build 1 GWp solar power plants in AP
【Hyderabad】Titan Energy Systems Ltd (TESL), a solar photovoltaic (PV) module manufacturer, with support from Enfinity, based in Waregem Belgium, will build a 1 Giga Watt Power (GWp) or 1000 MW of solar Photovoltaic (PV) power plants in Andhra Pradesh.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42853(524/588)
◆Punj Lloyd、シンガポール企業Deltaとソーラ合弁
【ニューデリー】中核とする土木建設領域から積極的に事業の多角化を図る地元企業Punj Lloyd Ltd(PLL)は、シンガポール企業Delta Solar Group Pte Ltd(DSGPL)と、合弁会社Punj Lloyd Delta Renewables(PLDR)を設立し、再生可能エネルギー事業を手がけることで合意、関係協定に調印した。合弁会社は当面、太陽光及び太陽熱ソリューションに照準を合わせる。
◆Punj Lloyd ties up with Delta Solar to foray into solar energy
【New Delhi】Punj Lloyd Ltd, a diversified construction and engineering group, has signed an agreement with Singapore's Delta Solar Group Pte. Ltd to form a joint venture — Punj Lloyd Delta Renewables — to develop and execute renewable energy projects, initially focussing on solar photovoltaics and solar thermal solutions.
◆Punj Lloyd和Delta Solar合作进行太阳能项目
【新德里】本地一家领先的多元化建筑工程集团Punj Lloyd有限公司跟位于新加坡的Delta Solar集团私人有限公司为了发展和实行可再生能源项目,达成协议设立联营公司Punj Lloyd Delta Renewables。联营公司先瞄准太阳能光伏和太阳能热解决方案。
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42854(525/588)
◆Moser Baer Photovoltaic、US$50億投じ事業拡張
【ニューデリー】Moser Baer Photovoltaic Ltd (MBPV)は今後10年間にタミールナド州Chennaiとアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadの製造施設に50億米ドルを投じる計画だ。
◆Moser Baer to invest $5bn in Chennai and Hyderabad units
【New Delhi】Moser Baer Photovoltaic plans to invest USD 5 billion in its manufacturing facilities in Chennai and Hyderabad over 10 years.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42855(526/588)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は11月10日グジャラート州Cambay盆地の陸上鉱区で初の油田を発見したと発表した。RILは新探査ライセンス下の第5次入札(NELP-V)で同鉱区を手に入れた。
◆Reliance strikes oil in Cambay basin
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) on November 10 announced the first oil discovery in the on-land exploratory block in the Cambay basin in Gujarat, which was awarded under the NELP-V round of exploration bidding.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42856(527/588)
【ニューデリー】Wal-Mart Stores Incは今年5月30日に地元パートナーBhartiグループと合弁でパンジャブ州の州都Amritsarに、キャッシュ&キャリー卸売りチェーン第1号店をオープンしたのに続き、インド国内に別に同様の店舗40店を開設する計画だ。
◆Wal-Mart plans to open 40 more stores
【New Delhi】Wal-Mart Stores Inc, which has a wholesale joint venture with the Bharti Group, plans to open 40 more cash and carry stores in the country, The first wholesale store was opened in Amritsar on May 30 this year.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42858(528/588)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点に特殊鋼の供給を手がける政府系国防企業Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd(Midhani)は、400クロー(US$8680万)を投じ熱間圧延鋼板製造施設を増設、主要戦略部門の需要に応じる。
◆Midhani to set up a hot plate mill
【Hyderabad】Mishra Dhatu Nigam Ltd(Midhani), the Hyderabad-based supplier of specialty steels and the defence public sector undertaking, will set up a Rs 400-crore 'Hot Plate Mill' facility to meet key demands from the strategic sectors.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42860(529/588)
【ニューデリー】インド第二の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は2010-11年に向け新市場戦略を準備、来年4月から月産30万台のフル稼働態勢に入る。Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI)は、青山真二社長兼CEOによると、年間平均100クロー(US$2170万)の設備投資を続け、事業の拡張を図る。一方、米国のHarley-DavidsonやイタリアのDucatiと言ったニッチ・プレーヤーも市場参入を図っている。
◆Bajaj employs new growth strategy, Honda expaning capacity
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto, the country's second largest two-wheeler manufacturer, is putting together a new motorcycle growth strategy for 2010-11 which is intended to kick off with the production of 300,000 units a month from April next year. Rival Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI) will be investing Rs. 100 crore every year for capacity expansion, according to Shinji Aoyama, President and Chef Executive Officer. Meanwhile niche players such as Harley-Davidson and Ducati too ride into the country to join the major global brands present here.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42861(530/588)
◆Michelin to set up a tyre plant, Bridgestone ramping up capacity
【New Delhi】French tyre giant Michelin will invest Rs 4,000 crore in setting up a truck and bus radial facility in Tamil Nadu. Meanwhile leading Japanese tyre-maker Bridgestone Corporation will invest Rs 259 crore to increase its production capacity at Pithampur near Indore by over 40 per cent to 15,000 tyres per day by the middle of next year.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42863(531/588)
◆野村、Mahindra Satyamの部分権益買収
【ムンバイ】Nomura Mauritius Ltd(NML)は13日、Larsen and Toubro(L&T)からMahindra Satyam Ltd(MSL)の2200万株を1株112.50ルピーで買収した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42863.htm
◆Nomura buys stake in Mahindra Satyam
【Mumbai】Nomura Mauritius Ltd on November 13 bought 2.2 crore shares of Mahindra Satyam from Larsen and Toubro at Rs 112.50 a share.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42864(532/588)
【バンガロール】近く『Uninor』ブランドの移動体通信サービスを開始するノールウェイのテレコム企業Telenorグループは、FMCG(fast moving consumer goods)企業スタイルの市場戦略を通じ向こう5年間に8%の市場シェアを獲得することを目指している。
◆Telenor aimes to have 8% market share through FMCG co approach
【Bangalore】Norway-based telecommunications company Telenor Group, which is soon to launch its mobile service in India under the brand name Uninor, aimes to have 8 per cent market share in over five years through a widespread distribution strategy – on the lines of a FMCG company.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42866(533/588)
【ニューデリー】Vir Bhadra Singh鉄鋼相は13日、「Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とNational Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)の政府持ち分を売却する最終方針は既に決まっている。来月閣議にかけられ、承認が求められる」と語った。大蔵省政府持分処分局(DOD:Department of Disinvestment)のSunil Mitra次官も向こう数ヶ月間に株式が公開される公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)に触れた際、規模の大きいBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)、SAILそしてCoal India Ltd(CIL)の名を挙げた。
◆Govt lists 60 PSUs for sell-off
【New Delhi】Union Steel minister Vir Bhadra Singh on November 13 said that the proposal to divest government's stake in the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is final and would be sent to the Union Cabinet next month for approval. Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra too identified some of the country's largest the public sector undertakings(PSUs)—the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), SAIL and Coal India—among those to hit the market in coming months.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42869(534/588)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は30億米ドルを投じ年産200万トンのオレフィン及び下流部門製品製造施設を増設、グジャラート州Jamnagarの石油化学コンプレックスを拡張する。
◆RIL to invest $3 billion for expanding petrochem biz
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) will spend $3 billion to expand its Jamnagar petrochemical complex by adding two-million tonnes per year of olefins and matching downstream capacities.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42871(535/588)
◆Bharat Forge、電力事業にUS$108.5億投資
【ニューデリー】Kalyani Groupの旗艦Bharat Forge Ltd(BFL)は電力事業に5万クロー(US$108.5億)を投じ、今後10年間に1万MW(メガワット)の発電施設を設ける計画だ。
◆Bharat Forge plans $10.85 bn capex in power sector
【New Delhi】The Kalyani Group's flagship company Bharat Forge is planning to make a foray into the power sector with an investment of up to Rs 50,000 crore ($10.85 bn) and a targeted generation capacity of up to 10,000 mw, over the next ten years.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42872(536/588)
【コルカタ】ジャールカンド州政府はこのほど、国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)に対しChiria鉄鉱資源ベルトに位置するGudaburu及びBuddhaburu鉱山のリース権更新を認めた。これによりChiriaの鉄鉱石資源獲得を目指して来たArcelorMittalを初めとする民間鉄鋼会社は大きな挫折を強いられた。
◆SAIL wins battle with ArcelorMittal for Chiria mines
【Kolkata】In what seemed to be a big setback for private steel companies including ArcelorMittal, the Jharkhand Government has agreed with Steel Authority of India Ltd to renew the Gudaburu and Buddhaburu lease — parts of the Chiria iron ore belt — having reserves of 1000 million tonnes.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42873(537/588)
◆Nippon Steel steps up exports to India
【Kitakyushu】Nippon Steel Corporation has said that its exports to India had increased in the past years. The company has exported steel rails and sheets to India for manufacturing automobiles and electronic generators.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42874(538/588)
【ベルガウム】インド初の航空宇宙工業特別経済区(Aerospace Special Economic Zone)の開所式が14日、Praful Patel民間航空相の主宰で催された。航空宇宙工学企業QuEST Globalが150クロー(US$3255万)を投じカルナタカ州Belgaumの300エーカーの土地に開発した同SEZでは、航空精密機器製品の開発製造が手がけられる。
◆Country's first Aerospace SEZ launched
【Belgaum】India's first aerospace Special Economic Zone, which had been developed on a 300 acre site at Belgaum in Karnataka with an investment of Rs 150 crore by aerospace and engineering major QuEST Global for development and manufacture of aerospace precision engineering products, was inaugurated by Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel on Novembet 14.
【贝尔高姆】航空和航天工业工程大企业贵士全球公司为了开发和制造航空航天工业精密工程制品而投资15亿卢比相等于3255万美元在卡纳塔克州贝尔高姆的300英亩的土地上发展的印度第一个宇航工业特别经济区11月14日在Praful Patel民航部长的主持下举办开业典礼。
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42876(539/588)
◆Interim dumping duty on DVD-R, DVD-RW recommended
【New Delhi】The Designated Authority in the Commerce Ministry has recommended imposition of preliminary anti-dumping duty on the import of Digital Versatile Discs-Recordable (DVD-R and DVD-RW) from Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42877(540/588)
【チェンナイ】Samsung India Ltd(SIL)は17日、タミールナド州Chennai近郊Sriperumbudurの工場に増設したスプリット・エアコン製造ラインの操業を開始したと発表した。SILはこれまで同工場でLCDテレビ、平面/薄型カラー・テレビジョン、フロント・ローディング洗濯機、カラー・モニター等を製造して来た。
◆Samsung opens split AC facility in TN plant
【Chennai】Samsung India on November 17 announced the inauguration of its split airconditioner manufacturing line at its Sriperumbudur complex that had churned out LCD TVs, flat and slim CTVs, front-loading washing machines and colour monitors.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42881(541/588)
◆Jindal Rail、日本企業と電車製造で技術提携協議
【ヴァドダラ】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd(JRIL)は、グジャラート州Vadodara県Karjanに建設する鉄道車輌工場で電車(EMU:electric multiple unit電動自走車輌)を製造するため、日本企業と最終段階の技術協力交渉を進めている。
◆Jindal Rail finalising deal with Jap firm for mfg of EMU
【Vadodara】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd is likely to finalise a technical tie-up with a Japanese company for manufacturing of electric multiple unit (EMU) coaches at its upcoming wagon making facility at Karjan near Vadodara.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42882(542/588)
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)はJFEスチール株式会社と、製造技術協力及び株式持ち合いで合意した。証券市場は同ニュースに敏感に反応したが、JFEスチールによるJSL株式の買収が直ちに行われぬことが明らかになると、すぐ冷却した。
◆JSW in pact with JFE for auto-grade steel
【Mumbai】JSW Steel is collaborating with JFE Steel Corporation for a manufacturing and mutual shareholding agreement. However markets were disappointed that the pact does not immediately involve the acquisition of an equity stake in the Indian company.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42883(543/588)
◆Bhoruka Aluminium、航空機用アルミ製品製造能力拡張
【チェンナイ】カルナタカ州Mysoreを拠点にするBhorukaグループの一翼を担う、Bhoruka Aluminium Ltd(BAL)は第4生産ラインを増設、アルミニウム押し出し加工能力を現在の月間2000トンから2600トンに拡張する。
◆Bhoruka Aluminium to expand capacity further
【Chennai】Bhoruka Aluminium, a subsidiary of the Mysore-based Bhoruka group, plans to install fourth production line for aluminium extrusions to increase capacity to 2,600 tonnes per month from 2,000 tonnes.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42884(544/588)
【ニューデリー】民間航空会社の中でParamount Airways(7.26クロー=$1.57m)とIndiGo(2.16クロー=$0.46m)だけが2008-09会計年度に利益を計上した。Praful Patel民間航空相は19日の国会下院における答弁の席上以上の消息を明らかにした。
◆Most airlines posted loss in '08-09
【New Delhi】Only two domestic private sector airlines, Paramount Airways (Rs 7.26 crore) and IndiGo (Rs 82.16 crore), registered profits in the financial year 2008-09, according to data given by the Minister of Civil Aviation, Mr Praful Patel, in the Lok Sabha on November 19.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42886(545/588)
【コルカタ】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI)は、2010年3月末までに既存工場の年間生産量が設備能力一杯の150万台に達する見通しのため、第2工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Honda Motorcycle to go for 2nd plant
【Kolkata】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI) is looking at setting up a second greenfield two-wheeler manufacturing facility as the existing one will reach its optimum installed capacity of 1.5 million per annum by March 2010.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42889(546/588)
【ムンバイ】豊富な現金余剰(US$60億)を抱えるReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は、倒産し米国法廷の保護命令下に組織再編中の化学企業LyondellBasell Industries(LBI)の支配権益を100億~120億米ドルで買収することを提案した。
◆Armed with $6 bn cash surplus, RIL goes for global M&As
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), which is sitting on surplus cash of about $6 billion, offered $10-12 billion for a controlling interest in bankrupt chemical company LyondellBasell Industries, which is going through a reorganisation under the protection of a US court.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42890(547/588)
【ムンバイ】地元証券会社Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL)は東京海上ホールディングス株式会社と合弁で550クロー(US$1.19億)を投じ、生命保険会社『Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance(ETLI)』を設立することで合意した。
◆Edelweiss inks pact with Tokio Marine Holdings
【Mumbai】Domestic brokerage firm Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL) has entered into an agreement with Tokio Marine Holdings to jointly float a life insurance company, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, with an initial investment of Rs 550 crore($119.35m).
【孟买】本地证券经纪企业EdelweissCapital有限公司和东京海上控股株式会社达成协议投资55亿卢比相等于1亿1935万美元建立一家印度人寿保险合资公司名叫Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance。
2009-11-27 ArtNo.42896(548/588)
◆ArcelorMittal keen to set up 6 mt plant in Karnataka
【New Delhi】ArcelorMittal has approached the Karnataka Government for setting up a six-million tonne steel plant in the State. Investment likely to be Rs 30,000 crore.
2009-11-27 ArtNo.42897(549/588)
【ニューデリー】Indian Oil Corporation(IOC)とNuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL)は、共同で1万クロー(US$21.7億)を投じ原子力発電所を建設することで合意、関係覚書を交換した。
◆IOC, NPCIL sign pact for 1,000 MW power plant
【New Delhi】The Indian Oil Corporation signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for setting up Rs. 10,000-crore ($2.17bn) nuclear power plant with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL).
2009-11-27 ArtNo.42898(550/588)
【ニューデリー】国営火力発電会社National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC)はおよそ1万8000クロー(US$39.1億)を投じウッタルプラデシュ州Chitrakoot県Bargarhに4000MW(メガワット)のウルトラ・メガ発電所を建設する計画だ。稼働するまでには少なくとも6年を要する。
◆UP's first ultra mega power project to come up in six years
【New Delhi】The National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC) will take at least six years to set up the proposed 4,000-mw plant envisaging an investment of about Rs 18,000 crore ($3.91bn) at Bargarh in Chitrakoot district of Uttar Pradesh.
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2009