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貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2007
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元のページへ戻る ►2007-05-07 ArtNo.39417(151/421)
【ムンバイ】民間のHindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)と国営National Aluminium Company Ltd (Nalco)は2日、トン当たりアルミニウム製品価格を4000ルピー引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco, Nalco cut aluminium prices
【Mumbai】Hindalco Industries Ltd and National Aluminium Company Ltd on May 2 slashed prices of aluminium products by Rs 4,000 a tonne.
2007-05-07 ArtNo.39419(152/421)
◆Hero Honda、4月の二輪車販売4.9%アップ
【ムンバイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の4月の二輪車販売台数は、26万2544台と、昨年同月の25万366台に比べ4.86%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales up 4.86% in April
【MUMBAI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 2,62,544 two-wheelers in April, up 4.86 per cent from 2,50,366 units sold a year earlier.
2007-05-07 ArtNo.39420(153/421)
【ニューデリー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の4月の二輪車販売台数は16万5692台と昨年同月の19万964台に比べ13%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto April sales slips 13%
【New Delhi】Bajaj's two-wheeler sales in April fell as much as 13% as it sold 1,65692 units against 1,90,964 units in April 2006.
2007-05-07 ArtNo.39421(154/421)
◆PC sales in Oct-Dec up 28%
【New Delhi】The total PC sales during the Octoboer-December quarter of 2006-07 was 13.9 lakh units, registered a healthy 28 per cent growth over the same period the previous fiscal.
2007-05-09 ArtNo.39424(155/421)
◆Full year exports surge by 23.9% in 2006-07
【New Delhi】The cumulative value of country's exports during 2006-07 rose by 23.88 per cent to $124.6 billion from $100.6 billon in the previous fiscal. But it could not reach the whole year export target $125 billion.
2007-05-09 ArtNo.39427(156/421)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は目下125ccモーターサイクルを100ccの価格で販売する準備を進めており、インド二輪車産業を震撼させる可能性がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj to sell 125 cc bike at 100 cc cost
【MUMBAI】Bajaj Auto Ltd is working on offering its 125 cc motorbikes at the price of 100 cc. When it turns to reality, the country's two-wheeler industry could be in for a through shake-up.
2007-05-09 ArtNo.39430(157/421)
◆シャープ、08年末までにSharp Galaxy50店増設
【バンガロール】Sharp India Ltd(SIL)は、2008年までに専門ショールーム『Sharp Galaxy』を新たに50店オープン、高級耐久消費財部門のメイン・プレーヤーになることを目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Sharp plans to open 50 exclusive showrooms
【Bangalore】Sharp India Ltd plans to expand their presence by opening 50 exclusive showrooms 'Sharp Galaxy' across the country by 2008 and to become one of the main players in the premium segment for consumer durables.
【邦加罗尔】夏普印度有限公司计划到2008年底之前增设50间专营展览店Sharp Galaxy而扩张市场地盘,在高级消费耐用品市场扮演主要的角色。
2007-05-09 ArtNo.39434(158/421)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、小売り事業の後方支援部門を最適化する狙いから政府系倉庫会社Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)と、後者が15都市に設けている倉庫施設の全ての余剰キャパシティーを借り受ける交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Retail eyes CWC warehouses
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL) is in negotiations with the government-owned Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) to take on lease all latter's unutilised and the partially utilised warehousing capacity, spread across 15 cities, in order to spruce up former's retail back-end.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39437(159/421)
◆Nickel import duty cut not to benefit steel firms
【New Delhi】The stainless steel manufacturers and the common man may not get a lot of benefit from the reduction in the import duty on nickel from 5 per cent to 2 per cent, although the importers would earn higher margins.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39438(160/421)
【ニューデリー】金利の上昇に祟られ、2007年4月の輸出を含む乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は10万5962台と、前年同月の9万4771台に比べ11%増加したにとどまり、前年同期の伸びに及ばなかった。(...続きを読む)
◆April car sales up 11%
【New Delhi】As higher interest rates eroded demand, passenger car sales in India, including export an figure, rose 11% in April, slower than a year earlier, at 105,962 units compared with 94,771 units in the same month last year.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39439(161/421)
◆April motorcycle sales down by 10%
【New Delhi】Motorcycle sales during April 2007 stood at 4,63,000 units against 5,12,000 units in the corresponding period a year ago, down by 10 per cent.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39440(162/421)
【ニューデリー】Canon India Pvt Ltd(CIPL)はインド経済のブームと消費者の購買力増強に乗じ、2009年3月末までに年間売上げを2倍の800クロー(US$1.9億)に拡大することを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Canon India aims at Rs 800-cr income
【New Delhi】With the boom in the economy and increased buying power, Canon India Pvt Ltd anticipates to double its revenues to Rs 800 crore by the end of March 2009.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39442(163/421)
◆IT exports rise by 39.05%
【New Delhi 】Indian electronics, computer software and computer hardware exports have registered a 39.05 per cent increase to $36.65 billion for the year ended March 2007 against the previous year.
2007-05-11 ArtNo.39446(164/421)
◆Textile exports grew 7.67% in 2006-7
【New Delhi】India's overall textile exports have registered 7.67 per cent growth during 2006-07.
【新德里】EVK S Elangovan贸工部政务部长在国会上议院答复的时侯说,2006-07年的纤维出口比前年成长了7.67%。
2007-05-14 ArtNo.39455(165/421)
◆Textile sector will see Rs 150,600 cr investment by 2012
【New Delhi】The textile sector is likely to attract investment of Rs 1,50,600 crore by 2012 and will achieve the export target of Rs 225,665 crore (55 billion dollars) by then.
2007-05-16 ArtNo.39464(166/421)
◆Panasonic eyes Rs 500 crore turnover with revamping sales network
【NEW DELH】Panasonic, a Japanese consumer electronic major, has started revamping its distribution network across the country while setting an ambitious target to increase its turnover from less than Rs 200 crore now to Rs 500 crore by the end of 2007-08.
2007-05-16 ArtNo.39466(167/421)
【ムンバイ】インドの自動車メーカーにとって4月はリーン・シーズンだが、三輪車プレーヤー、Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd(PVPL)は例外で、同社の4月の月間販売台数はマーケット・リーダーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)を追い越し、トップに立った。(...続きを読む)
◆Piaggio surpasses Bajaj in three-wheeler monthly sale
【Mumbai】Although April has been a lean month for vehicle manufacturers, three-wheeler player Piaggio Vehicles has dethroned Bajaj Auto in sales for the first time.
2007-05-16 ArtNo.39467(168/421)
◆Car exports dip 9.5pc in April
【NEW DELHI】India in quest to become a global hub for small car manufacturing, may have hit the wrong note during the first month of this fiscal year. The passenger car exports from the country declined by almost 9.5 per cent in April.
2007-05-16 ArtNo.39470(169/421)
【ニューデリー】小売革命に続き、農産品卸売り市場『mandi』を法人化する時が到来、チャンディガル直轄地に全国初の民営ターミナル・マーケット(terminal market)を設ける計画の開発権及び経営権獲得を目指し、Mukesh Ambani氏のReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)、Bharat Hotels、全国商品デリバティブス取引所(NCDEX:National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange Ltd)、DCL Shriramグループ、Zoom Developers、RK Foodlabs等が、入札を準備している。(...続きを読む)
◆India Inc ready to develop first pvt wholesale agricultural market
【NEW DELHI】After retail revolution, a time has now come, when the wholesale market for agricultural produce, the mandi,is corporatized. Companies such as Mukesh Ambani-owned Reliance Industries, Bharat Hotels, NCDEX, DCL Shriram group, Zoom Developers and RK Foodlabs are prepared to become developer and operator of the country's first private terminal market in Chandigarh.
【新德里】零售业革命之后,农产品批发市场企业化的时机也已经到了。穆凯什·安巴尼领导的瑞莱恩工业公司,巴拉特宾馆,国家日用品和衍生物交易所,DCL西里拉姆集团,Zoom Developers有限公司,RK Foodlabs等本地企业准备应募投标在昌迪加尔的国内第一个终端市场私营化项目。
2007-05-21 ArtNo.39475(170/421)
【ニューデリー】オリンパスは50クロー(US$1220万)を投じ主要都市(major metropolitan cities)6カ所に専門ショールームを展開、今会計年度は2000万米ドルの年商達成を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆Olympus aims US$ 20 mn top-line this fiscal
【NEW DELHI】Olympus, a Japan-based digital imaging company, plans to invest Rs 50 crore in India to set up six exclusive showrooms in major metropolitan cities, to double revenues from the country to $20 million this fiscal.
2007-05-21 ArtNo.39476(171/421)
◆Empower Industries、東京拠点のHTLとタイアップ
【コルカタ】ボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)上場の情報技術(IT)調査/システム統合会社Empower Industries Ltd(EIL)は東京拠点の年商4億円のインド系企業HTL Co Japan Ltdと戦略的な技術/マーケッティング協定を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Empower Industries ties up with HTL Japan
【Kolkata】BSE-listed Empower Industries Ltd, a company engaged in the business of information technology resale and systems integration, is entering into a strategic, technical and marketing alliance with HTL Co Japan Ltd, a Tokyo-headquartered 400 million yen company.
◆Empower工业跟HTL Co Japan签订战略性合作合约
【加尔各答】孟买证券交易所上市的信息科技零售和系统整合技术企业,Empower工业有限公司跟位于东京年销4亿日圆的HTL Co Japan私人有限公司签订战略性技术和市场合作合约。
2007-05-21 ArtNo.39478(172/421)
◆Sun Microsystems、コンソーシアム組織しIPTV販促
【プネー】グローバル情報技術(IT)メジャー、Sun Microsystemsのインド子会社Sun Microsystems Indiaは、Tech Mahindraをシステム統合を担当する戦略パートナーに指名するとともに少なからぬ他のソフトウェアやハードウェア企業とコンソーシアムを組織、インド国内とアジア太平洋地域市場におけるインターネット・テレビジョン(IPTV:Internet Protocol TV)技術の販促に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sun Micro takes consortium route for IPTV services
【Pune】Sun Microsystems India, an Indian arm of the global IT major Sun Microsystems, has formed a strategic alliance with Tech Mahindra as systems integrator partner and a clutch of other software and hardware companies, from equiment suppliers to security providers, to market IPTV services in the Indian and Asia Pacific markets.
2007-05-23 ArtNo.39494(173/421)
◆Aditya Birla、US$22億投じ小売チェーン展開
【ムンバイ】Aditya Birla groupは今後3年間に9000クロー(US$21.95億)を投じ、『More』を商号に掲げるスーパーとハイパー・マーケットの全国チェーンを展開する。(...続きを読む)
◆AV Birla to enter retailing with an investment of Rs 9,000-cr
【Mumbai】The Aditya Birla group will foray into the retailing segment with an investment of up to Rs 9,000 crore over the next three years in a pan-Indian chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets under the `More' brand name.
2007-05-25 ArtNo.39498(174/421)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMI)は『ファンバイク・メーカー』を看板に、インド業務の再編を図っており、業界筋によると、向こう2年間に600クロー(US$1.46億)を投じる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Yamaha focuses on the fun bike
【NEW DELHI】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd is looking at positioning itself as the fun bike maker and is in the process of restructuring its India operations. According to industry sources, Yamaha is looking at pumping Rs 600 crore in the next two years.
◆雅马哈瞄准fun bike
【新德里】】雅马哈摩托车印度私人有限公司致力树立fun bike制造商的形象而正在重建印度业务。根据消息,为l达到这个目标它准备今后两年里付出60亿卢比。
2007-05-25 ArtNo.39503(175/421)
◆IT-ITES exports grew by 32 pcer cent last fiscal : IT Ministry
【Kolkata】The software and ITES(IT-enabled services) exports from the country grew from $12.9 billion in 2003-04 to $23.6 billion in 2005-06 and exceeded by 32 pcer cent last fiscal.
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39509(176/421)
◆TCG Lifesciences、薬品開発総合サービス提供
【ニューデリー】The Chatterjee Group (TCG)傘下のTCG Lifesciences (TCGLS)は、薬品のライフサイクルを通じた総合サービスの提供に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆TCG Life offers services as `projects'
【New Delhi】TCG Lifesciences, a group company of The Chatterjee Group (TCG) is now offering integrated services for the entire drug development lifecycle.
【新德里】TCG(The Chatterjee Group)集团旗下的TCG Lifesciences开始提供包含从药物发现到投入市场的整个药物生命周期的总合性服务。
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39513(177/421)
◆Royal Enfield、新エンジン/新モデル開発、輸出に注力
【ムンバイ】Eicherグループ傘下の二輪車メーカー、Royal Enfield Ltd(REL)は40クロー(US$976万)を投じ、新エンジンと輸出市場向け2モデルの開発に取り組んでおり、英国で催される次期Birmingham Motor Showに出展する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Royal Enfield to develop an engine and two bikes for export market
【Mumbai】The two-wheeler company of the Eicher group, Royal Enfield Ltd is set to invest Rs 40 crore for the development of a new engine and two new international bike designs in the export market and these new engine and completely new bike designs will be simultaneously launched at the forthcoming Birmingham Motor Show held in England.
2007-05-28 ArtNo.39514(178/421)
【バンガロール】セイコーウオッチ株式会社が完全出資するSeiko Watch India(SWI)は6月7日に服部真二本社社長主宰の開所式を催し、インド・ビジネスをスタートする。(...続きを読む)
◆Seiko Watch to make debut on June
【BANGALORE】Seiko Watch India is all set to make a splash on June 7, when Seiko Corporation president Shinji Hattori will inaugurate its fully owned Indian subsidiary and officially makes it debut into the Indian market.
2007-05-30 ArtNo.39527(179/421)
◆Hero Honda、$300モバイクでRs10万カーに対抗
【ニューデリー】Tataグループが10万ルピー・カー(US$2439)の発売を準備する中、二輪車メーカーHero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は300~350米ドル(Rs12,500-15,000)の超低価格モーターサイクルを売り出し、新たな消費者層を開拓することを計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda takes on Tata's Rs 1 lakh car with $300 motorbik
【New Delhi】While the Tata's Rs 1 lakh car is expected to hit the market next year, the two-wheeler maker Hero Honda Motors Ltd is planning to build a motorcycle that will sell for $300-350 (Rs 12,500-15,000) and create an all-new class of buyers.
2007-05-30 ArtNo.39528(180/421)
◆Toshiba may set up separate PC division in India
【Hyderabad】Toshiba, which currently addresses the Indian market for laptops from its Singapore base, is planning to set up a separate division in India to address the rapidly growing market.
2007-05-30 ArtNo.39530(181/421)
【コルカタ】インドとタイは2003年10月9日に調印した『自由貿易枠組み協定(FTAF:Free Trade Area Framework)をベースにした一般協定(Umbrella Agreement)に関して6月末までに合意に達するものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Thailand may sign umbrella trade pact by June
【Kolkata】The Umbrella Agreement between Indo and Thai based on the Free Trade Area Framework signed on October 9, 2003 is likely to be finalised by end June.
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39534(182/421)
◆KEV India、電動バイク発売
【ニューデリー】KEV Indiaは28日、首都圏(national capital region)における電動バイクの販売を開始した。価格は2万4500ルピー。(...続きを読む)
◆KEV India starts selling electronic bike
【NEW DELHI】KEV India on May 28 introduced its battery operated electronic bikes in the national capital region priced at Rs 24,500.
【新德里】KEV India5月28日在首都范围以2万4500卢比发售电动摩托车。
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39535(183/421)
◆Korea's brands rule Indian LCD market
【NEW DELHI】Korean electronics makers Samsung and LG are riding on Indian consumers' shifting preference to enhanced television viewing experience, are wresting control of Indian liquid crystal display (LCD) market. According to the latest ORG survey for January-March quarter of 2006-07, they have cornering over 65 per cent of the market share.
2007-06-01 ArtNo.39536(184/421)
◆Software exports from AP grow 48%
【Hyderabad】Software exports from Andhra Pradesh registered 48 per cent growth during the year 2006-07 at Rs 18,582 crore (about $4.5 billion) against Rs 12,521 crore for the year before.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39544(185/421)
◆GDP logs in 9.4% growth, the fastest in 18 years
【New Delhi】The Indian GDP grew by 9.4 per cent in 2006-07, not only exceeding previous year's 9 per cent but the fastest in 18 years, as sterling performances by services and manufacturing sectors more than made up for a slowdown in agriculture and construction sector.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39545(186/421)
◆April exports grow 23%, fall below the previous month figure
【NEW DELHI】The country's exports in April 2007 grew 23.06 per cent to $10.57 billion, compared with $8.59 billion in the corresponding month of the previous year. In rupee terms, the exports were valued at Rs 44,572.18 crore, which is 15.39 per cent higher than the value of exports during April 2006. However the figure was lower than the $12.58 billion exports in March.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39550(187/421)
【ムンバイ】インド第2の二輪車メーカーBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の5月の二輪車販売は昨年同月の19万9426台から16万9327台に15%、第3のメーカー、TVS Motor Co(TVSMC)のそれも同12万4678台から10万8151台に13%、それぞれ下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj & TVS's two-wheeler sales nose dive
【MUMBAI】India's second and third-biggest two-wheeler makers, Bajaj Auto Ltd and TVS Motor Co, reported 15% and 13% decrease in two-wheeler sales during May respectively. Bajaj's sales of all two-wheelers fell 15 per cent to 1,69,327 units from 1,99,426 units a year earlier. TVS Motor Co, had May sales of 108,151 units, down from 124,678 units a year ago.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39552(188/421)
【ニューデリー】Sonyは地元メーカーOnidaを追い越しカラー・テレビジョン(CTV)市場のナンバー・スリーに浮上した。トップ2の座は過去5年間韓国のLG /Samsungにより占められて来たが、インドの2万4000クロー(US$58.54億)の電子耐久消費財市場に久々に日本ブランドが復活した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sony pips Onida to third spot in CTV market
【NEW DELHI】Sony has pipped Onida to emerge as the third largest colour television(CTV) brand in the country by value of sales. The Japanese brand has emerged as a large player in the Rs 24,000-crore Indian electronics & durable market. For the last five years there were just two top multinational electronics brands — LG and Samsung.
2007-06-04 ArtNo.39554(189/421)
◆Tata Chemicals、バイオ燃料製造、生鮮食品流通も
【ムンバイ】国内最大のソーダ灰及び食塩メーカー、Tata Chemicals Ltd(TCL)は、バイオ燃料の製造及び果実と野菜の流通ビジネスに進出、事業の多角化を図る。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Chemicals to invest in bio-fuels, farm products
【Mumbai】Tata Chemicals Ltd, which is the country's largest soda ash and edible salt maker, is entering into manufacture of bio-fuels and distribution of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to broad its business canvas.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39561(190/421)
【ムンバイ】南部ベースの二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)は勤労女性が増加する中、女性用にデザインされた二輪車アクセサリーを揃え潜在的女性バイヤーの開拓に本腰を入れる。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS woos women buyers
【Mumbai】With changing lifestyles and increasing number of the working women, TVS, the south-based 2-wheeler manufacturer, will soon launch accessories specially designed for women and get down to tap potential female buyers.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39562(191/421)
◆India's consumer electronics exports to west Asia explode
【DUBAI】India's consumer electronics goods exported to the west Asian region were valued at $175 million in 2005-06, jump nearly two times over the $90 million of 2004-05 and the west Asian region remained the top export destination.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39563(192/421)
【コルカタ】従来のCRT(cathode ray picture tube)テレビジョンの人気が再び盛り返し、テレビジョン・メーカーは急成長するスリムCRT TVに照準を合わせている。(...続きを読む)
◆Manufacturers focus on slim CRT TV
【KOLKATA】While the cathode ray picture tube(CRT) regains popularity, the television manufacturers are now betting big on an emerging segment known in TV circles as the "slim" CRT TV version.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39565(193/421)
◆Infosys to relaunch Finacle as a service
【NEW DELHI】Infosys, the country's second largest software exporter, is preparing to launch its universal banking solution Finacle as a service offering along with its other products to expand its market reach.
2007-06-06 ArtNo.39566(194/421)
◆To allow FDI in a calibrated manner : Assocham
【New Delhi】A study conducted by Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India(Assocham) has projected that organised retailing in India is likely to touch $23 billion by 2010. Currently, organised retailing is estimated between $7.5 billion to $8 billion. Assocham has suggested opening up of the retail sector to Foreign Direct Investment in a calibrated manner.
2007-06-08 ArtNo.39569(195/421)
【バンガロール】Sharp Business Systems India Ltd(SBSIL)は5日、大型高精細度液晶(HD LCD)インフォメーション・ディスプレイを御披露目した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sharp eyes 10% of high definition LCD market
【Bangalore】Sharp Business Systems (India) on June 5 announced its India launch of the large sized High Definition LCD Information Display.
2007-06-08 ArtNo.39570(196/421)
【ムンバイ】Sony India Pvt Ltd(SIPL)は韓国のライバルLG及びSamsungに取って代わり、インド液晶表示(LCD)テレビジョン市場トップの座につくことを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sony aims for top slot in LCD TV market
【Mumbai】Sony India Pvt Ltd aims to topple its Korean competitors, LG and Samsung, and to bag the top slot in the Indian LCD television segment.
2007-06-08 ArtNo.39574(197/421)
【ニューデリー】国営鉄鋼会社Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は5日、各種製品価格をトン当たり最大300ルピー引き下げたと発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL lowers steel prices
【New Delhi】State-owned Steel Authority of India Ltd lowered various products prices by up to 300 rupees a tonne, effective June 5.
2007-06-11 ArtNo.39581(198/421)
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は9日、亜鉛価格をトン当たり1900ルピー、1.1%引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆HZL lowers zinc prices, hikes lead prices
【MUMBAI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd on June 9 cut zinc prices by Rs 1,900 a tonne, or 1.1 per cent, to Rs 1,71,600 ($4,171) in immediate effects.
2007-06-11 ArtNo.39583(199/421)
【ニューデリー】今年5月の乗用車(passenger cars)販売台数は9万6922台と、昨年同月の8万8863台に比べ9.07%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Car sales up 9.07% in May
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales in May recorded an increase of 9.07 per cent to 96,922 units against 88,863 units in the same month last year.
【新德里】今年5月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售量9万6922辆。比去年同月的8万8863辆增加9.07%。
2007-06-11 ArtNo.39584(200/421)
◆May commercial vehicle sales up 1.06%
【New Delhi】Domestic commercial vehicles sales grew by 1.06 per cent during May at 33,262 units as against 32,914 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
新德里】今年5月的商用车辆(Commercial vehicle)销售达到3万3262辆,比去年同月的3万2914辆增加1.06%。
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2007
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