人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2006
◆Vedanta、10億投じVedanta University創設
【ムンバイ】インド最大の銅/亜鉛精錬会社で、ロンドン証券取引所上場のVedanta Resources Plc(VRP)は、10億米ドルを投じ、2009年までに少なくとも10万人の学生を収容する大学をオリッサ州に建設する。
2006-07-31 ArtNo.38179(52/83)
【コルカタ】JessopとDunlopのプロモーターを務めるP.K. Ruia氏は1000クロー(US$2.137億)を投じて西ベンガル州のHaldia港に造修船施設と特定品目の特別経済区(sector specific SEZ)を設ける計画だ。
2006-08-02 ArtNo.38196(53/83)
【ブーバネスワル】Vedanta Resources Plc(VRP)のKalahandi県Lanjigarhにおける年産140万トンのアルミナ事業を巡るNaveen Patnaik首席大臣に率いられるオリッサ州政府と国民会議派指導者Srikanta Jena氏の論争の行方が注目されている。
◆Vedanta's alumina deal heats up political dispute in Orissa
【BHUBANESWAR】The dispute between Orissa government and Congress leader, Srikanta Jena on over Vedanta Resources' 1.4 million tonne alumina project in Kalahandi's Lanjigarh continue and the run of events are paied attention of people.
【布巴内斯瓦尔】韦丹塔资源集团在奥里萨州Kalahandi県Lanjigarh生产矾土的计划惹起奥里萨州政府跟印度国民大会党领导人Srikanta Jena先生的争论。
2006-08-02 ArtNo.38205(54/83)
【ニューデリー】Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)のMalvinder Singh重役(MD兼CEO)とその叔父で、Max Healthcare会長を務めるAnaljit Singh氏は、7月31日、RLL創設者Bhai Mohan Singh氏の遺言を巡る紛争に終止符を打ち和解したと発表した。
◆Ranbaxy family settled Will disputes
【New Delhi】Ranbaxy family has settled their disputes over the contents of the registered Will of Ranbaxy founder Bhai Mohan Singh. The Ranbaxy chief, Mr Malvinder Singh, and his uncle, Max Healthcare Chairman Mr Analjit Singh in a joint statement said that the two sides have reached an "amicable and final settlement with respect to all pending litigation, claims and disputes."
【新德里】兰巴克斯一族,解决已经故创业者Bhai Mohan Singh先生的遗书引起的长期十多年的纠纷。兰巴克斯实验室有限公司的Malvinder Singh总经理兼总裁和他的叔叔Max Healthcare的Analjit Singh会长发表声明他们之间的纠纷友善和全面地解决。
2006-08-18 ArtNo.38270(55/83)
【アーマダバード】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)のMukesh Dhirubhai Ambani会長が、グジャラート州を外国投資家に売り込むためビジネスマンや州政府官僚を率いて来月米国に赴く。
◆Mukesh to promote Gujarat in US
【AHMEDABAD】Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, the chairman of Reliance Industries is expected to lead a team to the US next month to market the state to foreign investors. Mr Ambani's team will include petrochemical and petroleum companies executives and bureaucrats from Gujarat
2006-08-21 ArtNo.38286(56/83)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相は15日、デリー市内Red Fortで発表した独立60周年祝賀メッセージの中で、必需品価格に対する統制を続ける考えを確認する一方、灯油と液化石油ガス(LPG)を含む石油製品の値上げを示唆する発言をした。
◆PM hints at kerosene, LPG and food prices hike
【NEW DELHI】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hinted at another hike in prices of petroleum products, including kerosene and LPG, at the Red Fort on the Independence Day here. However, he promised to keep prices of essential commodities under check.
2006-08-21 ArtNo.38288(57/83)
◆Actimus Bio、日本パートナー物色
【ヴィサカパトナム】製薬会社のための生体機能解析(bio-analysis)及び生物学的同等性(bioequivalence)領域の受託研究を手掛ける地元企業Actimus Biosciences Private Ltd(ABPL)は、日本市場進出と、日本企業とのタイアップを希望している。
◆Actimus Bio to look for Japanese partners
【Visakhapatnam】Actimus Biosciences Private Ltd, an independent contract research organisation for pharma companies, is keen on entering the Japanese market and having tie-ups with companies there.
◆Actimus Bio找日本伙伴
【维沙卡帕特南】一家本地制药业合同研究机构,Actimus Biosciences Private Ltd希望进军日本市场,在那里跟当地公司合作。
2006-08-25 ArtNo.38312(58/83)
◆Consul general of Japan upset over Kukrahati bridge deal
【Kolkata】Yoshikazu Takeuchi, consul general of Japan, regretted against West Bengal state government had decided to allot the work to construct the Raichak-Kukrahati bridge over Hooghly riverto Salim even while Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) was doing the feasibility study.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38386(59/83)
【ニューデリー】地元製薬大手Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)を率いるRanbaxy一族の確執が再燃、グループ創始者故Bhai Mohan Singh氏の次子、Manjit Singh氏は違法に株式をBhai Mohan Singh Foundationに移転したとして、弟のAnaljit Sigh氏をデリー高裁に告訴した。
◆Ranbaxy feud is rearing its head again
【NEW DELHI】The Ranbaxy family feud has flared up again. The second son of Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)' founder late Bhai Mohan Singh, Mr.Manjit Singh has charge younger brother Analjit Sigh with the Delhi High Court, accusing illegal transfer of shares to the Bhai Mohan Singh Foundation.
【新德里】兰巴克斯家属的家庭纠纷重新起火。已经故的兰巴克斯实验室有限公司创始人Bhai Mohan Singh先生的次子Manjit Singh先生向德里高庭控告他的弟弟Analjit Sigh先生违法地转让股票给Bhai Mohan Singh Foundation。
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38387(60/83)
◆India, China to sign 12 pacts on Hu's visit
【NEW DELHI】India and China are going to sign at least 12 pacts during the visit of President Hu Jintao in November this year.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38388(61/83)
◆China facing difficulties on investment in India : Chinese Ambassador
【NEW DELHI】China wants to go in for large amount of investments in India. In view of availability of large amount of iron ore in this country which it imports from here, it plans to set up a steel factory in India. But it is facing difficulties in this regard on account of restrictions.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38399(62/83)
◆Anil Ambani氏、独自の小売り戦略準備
【ニューデリー】兄のMukesh Ambani氏がReliance Retail Limited(RRL)を設立、2万5000クロー(US$56.02億)の小売り事業計画を推進する中、小売り市場のパイを奪われることを望まぬ弟のAnil Ambani氏は独自の小売り戦略を準備しているようだ。
◆Anil Ambani to prepare own retail plans
【New Delhi】While Mukesh Ambani announced his next big plan to establish the wholly owned subsidiary Reliance Retail Ltd that is to spearhead the retail foray and invest Rs 25,000 crore in the next four years, the younger Anil Ambani who does not want to be deprived of a slice of the retail pie, is working on a blueprint for the sector.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38415(63/83)
【ランチ】ジャールカンド州のSyed Sibte Razi知事は6日、Arjun Munda首席大臣に対し9月15日以前に州議会における過半数の支持を得ていることを証明するよう指示した。
◆Jharkhand crisis: Governor asked Chief minister to prove its majority
【Ranchi】Jharkhand Governor Syed Sibte Razi on Wednesday asked its chief minister Arjun Munda to prove his majority in the Assembly on or before September 15.
【兰契】贾坎德邦长 Syed Sibte Razi先生星期三指示他的首席部长Arjun Munda先生9月15日以前证明在议会里的半数以上的支持。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38416(64/83)
【チェンナイ】Reliance-Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group(RADAG)のAnil Ambani会長は9日、タミールナド州の州都Chennaiにおける特別経済区(SEZ)の開発、1000MW(メガワット)の発電施設の建設、海水淡水化事業、情報技術(IT)パークの開発等に1万2000クロー(US$25.64億)を投資すると発表した。
◆Anil Ambani plans US$2.56 bn capex in TN
【Chennai】The Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group plans to invest over Rs 12,000 crore to set up a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) which includes a 1,000 MW power plant and desalination project and IT park in the Tamil Nadu capital.
【金奈】瑞莱恩斯·阿尼尔·德鲁拜·安巴尼集团计划投资1200亿卢比在泰米尔纳德州金奈发展经济特区和信息科技公园。经济特区包括1,000 MW发电厂和海水脱盐厂。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38440(65/83)
◆Anil Ambani氏、DTH放送免許内示書受領
【ニューデリー】インド政府はReliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)が国内向けにDTH(direct-to-home)放送を手掛けるのを認める内示書(letter of intent)を発行した。
◆Anil Ambani gets green light for DTH
【New Delhi】The Union Government has granted in-principle approval to the Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) to enter the direct-to-home service in the country.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38443(66/83)
◆Anil Ambani氏、薬剤師組合と小売り合弁協議
【ニューデリー】Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)は全インド薬剤師薬局組合(AIOCD:All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists)と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Chemists` body in talks with ADAG and others for drug retail JV
【New Delhi】All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) is in talks with Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG) and other two companies for a drug retail joint venture.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38502(67/83)
◆Kumar Birla氏、小売り事業に5年内にUS$20億投資
【ニューデリー】Kumar Mangalam Birla氏に率いられるAditya Birlaグループは向こう5年間に20億米ドル以上を投じ、全国にスーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット・チェーンを展開、揺籃期の組織小売り市場の機会を開拓する。
◆Kumar Birla plans to invest $2 bn in retail
【New Delhi】The Aditya Birla group which plans to foray into organised retail business, will invest over $2 billion in the next five years and rolls out a mix of supermarkets and hypermarkets across the country.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38504(68/83)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本は、両国間の貿易投資を促進するため、来年初に包括的経済協力協定(CECA:comprehensive economic cooperation agreement)に関する交渉を開始する見通しだ。
◆India, Japan to start parleys on strategic economic pact at the early next year
【New Delhi】"India and Japan may start talks early next year on a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement to boost mutual trade and investment ties," Commerce Minister Kamal Nath said at a FICCI seminar.
【新德里】印度和日本为了促进两国之间的双边贸易和投资活动而从明年初开始关于全面经济合作协定进行磋商。工商部长Kamal Nath先生在印度工商会联合会主办的会议上这样说。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38553(69/83)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のY S Rajasekhara Reddy首席大臣は、首相との直談判を通じて大蔵省の下で長期にわたりペンディングされている半導体政策(semiconductor policy)の早期実現を目指し、ニューデリーに赴いた。
◆The CM to push PM for the announcement of the semiconductor policy
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy left for a one-day visit to Delhi to seek the Prime Minister's intervention on the semiconductor policy, which has been examined by the Union finance ministry for quite sometime.
【海德拉巴】安德拉邦州的Y S Rajasekhara Reddy首席部长为了请首相的插手把财政部检讨相等久的半导体政策草案早期生效而10月4日离开海德拉巴到新德里一日游。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38561(70/83)
【ライプル】ロンドン拠点のVedanta Resources Plc(VRP)はチャッティスガル州に新アルミニウム製錬施設を設ける計画だ。
VRP傘下のBharat Aluminium Company(BALCO)は、これ以前から同州Korbaに製造拠点を設けている。
◆Vedanta plans new aluminium plant in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】The London-based Vedanta Resources Plc which has Bharat Aluminium Company at Korba in Chhattisgarh, has announced a plans to put up another aluminium plant in the state.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38593(71/83)
◆Bajaj Auto、日本人コンサルタント招きTPMを全面導入
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、日本からYamaguchi Sueo氏を招きコンポーネント納入業者や販売店、金融子会社Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd (BAFL)を含む全ビジネスに総合生産保全(TPM:total productive maintenance)コンセプトを導入する計画に着手した。
◆Bajaj Auto invites a Japanese adviser to implement TPM
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd is calling in the TPM (total productive maintenance) adviser, Professor Sueo Yamaguchi, to take the TPM concept through the entire chain including vendors and dealers and its financing company Bajaj Auto Finance Ltd (BAFL).
【浦那】巴贾吉汽车公司招聘日本顾问把企业全员生产维护管理体系建立在所有的部门,包括供应商,销售商和他的金融子公司Bajaj Auto Finance有限公司。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38655(72/83)
【ニューデリー】中国の胡錦涛国家主席が11月20日から4日間の日程でインドを公式訪問するのを機に中印両国は二国間投資保護協定(BIPA:Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement)を含む12協定に調印する見通しだ。
◆India, China to ink investment agreement on Hu's visit
【New Delhi】India and China are expected to sign 12 pacts, including a Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement (BIPA), during President Hu Jintao's four-day India visit from November 20.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38694(73/83)
【ムンバイ】ニューデリー拠点のBhushanグループはSingal一族の内紛で分裂、兄のSanjay Singal氏が未上場企業Bhushan Power and Steel (BPSL)とともにグループから離脱、弟のNeeraj Singal氏とその父親Brij Bhushan Singal氏はボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)上場のBhushan Steel & Stripes (BSSL)の支配権益を維持する見通しだ。
◆Bhushan Group splits
【MUMBAI】The Singal family, which owns the New Delhi-based Bhushan group, is on the verge of a split. While younger brother Neeraj Singal and father Brij Bhushan Singal are wresting control of the Bhushan Steel & Stripes (BSSL), a BSE-listed company, the elder brother Sanjay Singal seems to be moving out with the unlisted group company — Bhushan Power and Steel (BPSL).
【孟买】Singal一族属下位于德里的Bhushan集团,因为家属纠纷而处在分裂的边缘。看起来,创业人Brij Bhushan Singal先生和他的年少儿子Neeraj Singal先生掌握上市的Bhushan钢与带钢公司,而年长儿子Sanjay Singal先生带未上市的Bhushan Power and Steel私人有限公司离开集团。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38702(74/83)
【ニューデリー】中国の胡錦涛国家主席が11月20-23日にインドを公式訪問するのに先立って、中国の通信機器メーカーHuawei Technologies Co Ltd(HTCL:華為技術有限公司)とZTE Corporation(深川中興通信)は、インドの国営電話会社2社Mahanagar Telecom Nigam Ltd(MTNL)とBharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)から大口の納入契約を獲得した。
◆Ahead of Hu's visit, Huawei, ZTE bag major orders from PSUs
【New Delhi】Ahead of Chinese President Mr Hu Jintao's visit to India from November 20-23, Chinese telecom vendors Huawei and ZTE have been awarded major orders from the State-owned telecom companies, Mahanagar Telecom Nigam Ltd and Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38714(75/83)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、今月末に予定されるManmohan Singh首相の東京訪問を機に経済協力協定(EPA:Economic Partnership Agreement)もしくは包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に関する交渉に拍車をかけるものと見られる。
◆India, Japan to spur negotiation on economic agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan are expected to spur negotiations for a possible Economic Partnership Agreement or a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with the proposed visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Japan later this month.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38715(76/83)
◆China claims entire Arunachal
【New Delhi】Close to President Hu Jintao's visit, China on November 13 claimed that entire Arunachal Pradesh was a "Chinese territory".
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38716(77/83)
◆Arunachal is an integral part of India : Indian Foreign minister
【New Delhi】India on November 14 declared that Arunachal Pradesh was an integral part of India and rejected China's claim that Arunachal was Chinese territory.
【新德里】印度外交部长Pranab Mukherjee在14日说「阿鲁纳恰尔邦是印度固有的领土」而否定中国主张的「整个阿鲁纳恰尔邦是中国的领」的言论。
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38717(78/83)
◆President hopes to turn a new leaf : Foreign Ministry of China
【Beijing】President Hu Jintao hopes to turn a new leaf in Sino-Indian relations during his visit to India. The strategic goal of the two countries is to find a fair solution to the border question.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38738(79/83)
【ニューデリー】インドと中国は21日、訪印した胡錦涛国家主席とManmohan Singh首相の会談後、両国間の経済関係を強化する10項目の戦略を盛り込んだ共同声明を発表するとともに、13協定に調印した。
◆India, China sign 13 pacts, a joint declaration
【New Delhi】India and China signed 13 agreements and announced a joint declaration incorporated a "ten-pronged strategy" to expand cooperation after the dialogue between Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and visiting Chinese President Hu Jintao. Joint declaration describs the two countries as partners for mutual benefit and not as rivals or competitors and confirms Tibet is a part of China but there is no mention of Sikkim or Arunachal.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38755(80/83)
◆三洋会長、Reliance Retailと提携協議
【ムンバイ】三洋電機が、Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)の小売り部門Reliance Retail Ltd(RRL)とマーケッティング協定を結ぶ最初の日本企業になるのではないかと注目されている。
◆Sanyo chairman to discuss the tie-up with Reliance
【Mumbai】Sanyo may well become the first Japanese company to reach a marketing agreement with Mukesh Ambani-spearheaded Reliance Retail. Sanyo Executive Director and Chairman Tomoyo Nonaka is here and is believed to have met top Reliance Retail officials to discuss the tie-up.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38818(81/83)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhara Reddy首席大臣は5日Manmohan Singh首相に対し、早期に半導体政策を発表するよう求める陳情書を提出した。
◆State's plea to PM for Fab policy
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh chief minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, on Decembet 5 submitted a plea to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, requesting for early announcement of semiconductor policy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉邦州的Y S Rajasekhara Reddy首席部长12月5日向Manmohan Singh总理提出请愿书而要求尽早发表半导体政策。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38846(82/83)
【ニューデリー】北部のNew Delhiと西海岸のマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiそして東海岸の西ベンガル州Kolkataを結ぶ総投資額2万2000クロー(US$48.9億)の貨物専用輸送システム『freight corridor』プロジェクトは1年内に着手される見通しだ。
◆Work on Rs 22,000 crore freight corridor project to start in a year
【New Delhi】Construction of the proposed dedicated freight corridor from New Delhi to Mumbai and to Kolkata at a cost about Rs 22,000 crore is expected to start in a year's time, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, said.
【新德里】 Manmohan Singh总理说,估价2200亿卢比左右的『德里-孟买-加尔各答专用货运通道』计划会1年内动工。
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38872(83/83)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、日本との間でその開発が合意された『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』をデリー・ムンバイ貨物鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor)と黄金の四辺形ハイウェー網(golden quadrilateral)に沿って設ける方向で検討している。
◆To develop industrial corridor on Delhi-Mumbai route
【NEW DELHI】The Government is considering to promote industrial corridor, of which development India and Japan have already reached an understanding, along the proposed Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor and golden quadrilateral route.
人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2006