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貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-02-25 ArtNo.40640(51/325)
【プネー】今年はTata Motorsが後半に世界で最も低廉な小型乗用車Nanoを発売するだけでなく、欧州メジャーもFiat 500を皮切りにフォルクスワーゲンの新型ビートル、そしてBMW傘下のMiniと、プレミアム小型乗用車を続々インド市場に投入する。(...続きを読む)
◆Fiat, Volkswagen & BMW to roll small cars this year
【Pune】For India, this is the year of the small car, not only with the launch later this year of the world's cheapest car, Tata Motors' Nano, priced at just over Rs 1 lakh but also with European majors bringing in their premium small cars, starting with the Fiat 500 followed by Volkswagen's New Beetle and even perhaps the BMW-owned marquee Mini.
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40642(52/325)
◆AC makers aggressively introducing newer capacities
【Mumbai】On the back of changing residential demand and the increasing awareness about energy efficiency, durable companies aggressively introduce air conditioners with newer capacities.
2008-02-25 ArtNo.40648(53/325)
【ニューデリー】グローバル小売りジャイアンツWal-Martとその地元パートナーBharti Enterprisesは、インドにおけるフロント・エンド小売りチェーンのブランドとして『Wal-Mart』を用いることを断念したようだ。(...続きを読む)
◆The Wal-Mart brand may not come to Indian retail scene soon
【New Delhi】Global retail giant Wal-Mart and its local partner Bharti Enterprises seem to have dropped their plan to use the Walmart name for the front-end retail stores in India.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40656(54/325)
【バンガロール】NECの完全出資子会社NEC Displays Solutions(NECDS)は、香港企業TPV Technology Ltdの販売/サービス網を通じ、NECDS製LCDデスクトップ・ディスプレーをインドで販売する。(...続きを読む)
◆NEC ties up with TPV Technology to sell LCD in India
【Bangalore】NEC Displays Solutions (NECDS), a wholly owned company of NEC Corporation (Japan), and TPV Technology Ltd(TPV) of Hong Kong will collaborate to sell NECDS' basic LCD desktop display in India through TPV's sales and service network.
2008-02-27 ArtNo.40660(55/325)
◆Mall bubble set to blast by 2010
【Mumbai】Thanks to consolidation in the retail industry, nearly 50% of the malls will shut down by March 2010 and the hoopla surrounding the sector would considerably subside by then.
2008-03-03 ArtNo.40681(56/325)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算案は輸出志向ユニット(EOU:export-oriented unit)がその製品を国内で販売するのを制限するよう提案しており、石油化学企業が大きな影響を被りそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Petro chemical companies affected by the EOU scheme change
【New Delhi】The Union Budget 2008-09 has made it more difficult for export-oriented units (EOUs) to sell in the domestic market. Petro chemical companies are likely to be affected by the change.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40687(57/325)
◆Indian PC shipments sees 20% year-on-year growth
【New Delhi】The desktop and notebook market saw nearly 6.5 million units sold in 2007, grew 20 per cent year-on-year compared with 5.4 million units in 2006.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40693(58/325)
【ハイデラバード】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd (HMSI)は102cc自動変速スクーター新モデルAviatorを初出荷した。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda rolls out new automatic scooter
【Hyderabad】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India Pvt Ltd (HMSI) has rolled out its new 102cc automatic scooter, Aviator.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40694(59/325)
◆Hero Honda、2月の二輪車販売5.7%ダウン
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の2月の二輪車販売台数は26万5431台と、昨年同月の28万515台に比べ5.7%の落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda Feb sales dip 5.7 per cent
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 2,65,431 units of two-wheelers during February, down 5.7%, compared to 2,80,515 units in the same month last year.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40695(60/325)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の2月の二輪/三輪車販売台数は18万3807台と、昨年同月の20万2212台に比べ9%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj vehicle sales down 9% in Feb
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd sold 183,807 vehicles during February 2008, a drop of 9 per cent from the 202,212 units sold in the same month last year.
2008-03-05 ArtNo.40696(61/325)
【ニューデリー】TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の2月の二輪車販売台数は9万5235台と、昨年同月の12万110台に比べ20.7%の落ち込みを見た。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS Feb sales down 21 pc on year
【New Delhi】TVS Motor Company Ltd reported a 20.7 per cent decline in its total two-wheeler sales at 95,235 units in February against 1,20,110 units during February 2007.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40699(62/325)
【コルカタ】インド国際経済関係調査委員会(ICRIER:Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations)は、「インドの鉄鉱石資源は現在の水準から大幅に拡大することができ、鉄鉱石輸出に関しては今直ちに保護主義的政策を採用する必要はない」との報告書を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆No need to curb iron ore exports: ICRIER
【Kolkata】According to a study carried out by Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, India's iron ore resources can increase significantly from the current estimated level. As for ore exports there is no urgency to rush into any conservationist policy.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40700(63/325)
【ジュネーブ】日産は、インド市場に照準を合わせるとともに、世界市場も視野に入れた『エントリーカー戦略(entry car strategy)』を立案している。(...続きを読む)
◆Nissan working on a 'India centric entry car strategy'
【Geneva】Nissan is working on a 'entry car strategy' centred around India but with a global spread. Nissan's Carlos Taveras spoke to Economic Times.
【日内瓦】日产现在准备瞄准印度市场同时包含世界市场的小型轿车战略。日产工程师主任Carlos Taveras告诉印度日刊报纸Economic Times。
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40706(64/325)
【ニューデリー】新年度予算の下、複合作業契約(composite works contract)スキームのサービス税率が契約総額の2%から4%に引き上げられたことから、請負業者は打撃を受ける見通しだ。
◆Doubling service tax on composite work to blow contractors
【New Delhi】The service tax rate on the composite works contract scheme will be doubled from 2% of the total value of the contract to 4% under the budget 2008-09. It seems to give a blow to contractors.
2008-03-10 ArtNo.40707(65/325)
◆January exports grows by 20.47%
【New Delhi】India's exports for January 2008 clocked a growth of 20.47 per cent and cumulative export growth during the first 10 months of the fiscal at 21.62 per cent in dollar terms. But in rupee terms, export growth in January 2008 was seven per cent and cumulatively it was 7.66 per cent. Facing adverse impact of the appreciating rupee and lack of supportive measures in the Union Budget 2008-09, exporters in general and in labour-intensive sectors in particular feel a sense of impending crisis.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40711(66/325)
【ニューデリー】インドと日本の往復貿易は、貿易円滑化措置(trade facilitation)や非関税障壁等の問題が適切に処理されるなら、2年内に2倍に拡大する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆India-Japan trade to touch $15-bn by 2010: CII
【New Delhi】If issues like trade facilitation and non-tariff barriers are addressed, trade between India and Japan has the potential to double in the next two years.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40714(67/325)
【ニューデリー】乗用車(passenger car)販売台数は2月に9万4756台を記録、昨年同月の9万2618台に比べ2.31%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Sales of cars rise 2% in February
【New Delhi】Passengerassenger car sales grew by a little over 2.31% to 94,756 units in February'08 as compared to 92,618 units in February'07.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40715(68/325)
◆Commercial vehicle sales grew 1.69% in February
【New Delhi】The commercial vehicle sales recorded 45,059 units in February, against 44,308 units last year, grew 1.69 per cent.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40716(69/325)
◆Two-wheeler sales in March dipped by 14.25%
【New Delhi】The two-wheeler sales in February this year dipped by14.25 per cent to 5,42,578 units, against 6,32,712 units in the same period last year.
2008-03-12 ArtNo.40718(70/325)
【ニューデリー】昨年、三洋と三洋ブランドの冷蔵庫をアジア市場で販売する合弁契約を結んだ中国家電会社Haier Group Corp(海爾)の子会社Haier Appliances India Pvt Ltd(HAIPL)はインド・ブランドの買収を計画している。(...続きを読む)
◆Haier plans to acquire Indian brands
【New Delhi】Haier Appliances India Pvt Ltd, the wholly owned subsidiary of China-based Haier Group Corp which entered into a joint venture with Sanyo of Japan in 2007 to sell refrigerators under the Sanyo brand in Asia, is planning to acquire Indian brands.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40726(71/325)
【ニューデリー】ソフトウェア・テクノロジー・パーク(STPI:Software Technology Parks of India)と輸出志向ユニット(EOU:export oriented unit)両スキーム下の免税待遇は、2007-08年度政府歳入に2万3806クロー(US$58.70億)の損失をもたらしたが、2009年3月に有効期限が切れ、それ以降も延長される可能性はなさそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Tax holidays for STPI, EOUs unlikely to be extended
【New Delhi】The tax holidays for the Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) scheme and export oriented units (EOUs), which cost the government Rs 23,806 crore in 2007-08, are likely to be terminated after March 2009.
2008-03-14 ArtNo.40731(72/325)
◆Mitsubishi mulls to enter small car segment
【Mumbai】Japanese automobile company Mitsubishi Motors Corporation plans to launch one new model in the country every six months and also considers to enter the premium small car segment.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40740(73/325)
【ムンバイ】好調なChevrolet SparkとUVAの売れ行きに励まされ、General Motors Indiaは、より多くの小型車モデルをインド市場に投入する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆GM plans more offerings in the small-car segment
【Mumbai】Encouraged by the sales of Chevrolet Spark and UVA, General Motors India plans to come out with more offerings in the small-car segment.
2008-03-17 ArtNo.40742(74/325)
◆Sanyo-BPL、LCD TVの製造近く開始
【バンガロール】三洋電機と地場耐久消費財メーカーBPLの対等出資合弁会社Sanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd(SBPL)は海外の三洋工場からLCDテレビジョンを輸入するのを止め、カルナタカ州Bangalore近郊の工場で今年5月から製造を開始する。(...続きを読む)
◆Sanyo-BPL to start manufacturing LCD TV sets
【Bangalore】Sanyo-BPL Pvt. Ltd, the equal joint venture between Sanyo Electric Co. and the domestic consumer durables company BPL, has decided to stop importing LCD television sets from Sanyo's plants abroad and start manufacturing them at its plant near Bangalore from May this year.
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40747(75/325)
◆Bike makers export to beat domestic blues
【New Delhi】While motorcycle sales declined 9 per cent between April-February (2007-08) compared with the comparative period in 2006-07, two-wheeler exports have grown by 41.49 per cent to 704,157 units during the April-February period of 2007-08. It is understood that two-wheeler makers in the country are aggressively wooing the exports market to beat the slump.
【新德里】虽然今年首11个月(2007/4-2008/2)的国内摩托车销售量比去年同一期下降9%,不过二轮车出口量记录了70万4157辆,比去年同一月增加 41.49。从这里可以看到,二轮车商拼命出口而克服国内销售的下降。
2008-03-19 ArtNo.40751(76/325)
◆Moser Baer、周辺機器売上げUS$5千万目指す
【ニューデリー】光学ディスク製造会社Moser Baer India Ltd(MBIL)は事業多角化戦略の一環として昨年9月にスタートした周辺機器ビジネスの売上げを当初6ヶ月の90クロー(US$2219万)以上から次期会計年度は200クロー(US$4930万)に倍増させる計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer focuses on peripherals business
【New Delhi】Moser Baer India Ltd, whiche had launched its peripherals business in September last year as part of a diversification strategy from its core optical media business and grossed over Rs 90 crore in nearly 6 months, is aiming at more than doubling its revenues to reach Rs 200 crore in the next financial year.
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40759(77/325)
◆Tata取締役、JSW Steelの新冷延施設開所式主宰
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は17日、カルナタカ州Vijayanagar工場内に増設した年産100万トンの自動車/コンポーネント産業向け冷間圧延製品の製造ラインを正式に稼働させた。Tata Sons LtdのJ J Irani取締役(Tata Steel Ltd前MD)が開所式を主宰した。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Sons' director inaugurates JSW Steel CRM complex
【Mumbai】JSW Steel's one-million tonne capacity cold rolling mill (CRM) complex at the Vijayanagar works was inaugurated on March 17 by Dr. J J Irani, Director Tata Sons Ltd and former Managing Director, Tata Steel Ltd to serve the demand from the automobile and component industry.
【孟买】京德勒西南钢铁公司在卡纳塔克州维查耶纳伽尔的工厂里增设的年产200万吨冷轧钢设施3月17日正式开工。塔塔钢铁公司前董事经理,现任塔塔子孙公司董事J J Irani博士主持开始操作仪式。
2008-03-24 ArtNo.40763(78/325)
◆BA Systems、管理ルータ市場シェア10%目指す
【コルカタ】初のインド製ルータを昨年発売したカルナタカ州Bangaloreを拠点にするBA Systemsは、2010年までに1億米ドルと見積もられる企業向けコア&エッジ管理ルータ(Enterprise Core and Edge Managed Router)国内市場の10%のシェア獲得を目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆BA Systems eyes 10% of the $100-million market
【Kolkata】BA Systems, Bangalore-based router manufacturer, is aiming for 10% of the $100-million market in the country for enterprise edge and core routers by 2010 after it launched the first made-in-India router last year.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40769(79/325)
【ニューデリー】鉄鋼の値上げを巡り政府と白熱した論戦を演じて来た国内主要鉄鋼メーカーは25日、矛を収め鋼材輸出の削減、免税優待パスブック(DEPB:Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme)利益の放棄、鋼材輸入関税の引き下げを認めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel firms agree to cut exports
【New Delhi】After an intense battle with the Government on rising prices, major steel producers on March 25 called truce by agreeing to undertake to voluntarily halt exports, forego DEPB (Duty Entitlement Passbook) benefits and supported reducing import duty on the alloy.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40773(80/325)
【ムンバイ】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HMSI)は、モーターサイクル市況が低迷する中で、今年初11ヶ月(2007/4-2008/2)にモーターサイクル22万9000台を販売、前年同期比57%の成長を達成した。(...続きを読む)
◆Honda records 57% bike sales growth in April-Feb this fiscal
【Mumbai】Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HMSI) posted a 57 per cent growth by selling 2.29 lakh motorcycles during April to February this fiscal, bucking the downtrend in the motorcycle market.
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40774(81/325)
【ムンバイ】ウィンドウズ対応スマートフォーンの指導的メーカーで、台湾を拠点にするHTC Corporationは20日、Reliance Communications (RCom)の契約者向け携帯電話端末2モデルHTC P3000及びHTC S720をお披露目するとともに、近く1万ルピー以下のスマートフォーン端末を発売すると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆HTC pact with RComm to offer smart phone models
【Mumbai】HTC Corporation, Taiwan-based leading makers of Windows-enabled smartphones, on Thursday launched two new devices — HTC P3000 and HTC S720 — exclusively for Reliance customers and announced that it would launch a mobile device in the sub-Rs 10,000 range to address the lower end of the smartphone segment.
【孟买】总部设在台湾的适应视窗操作系统智能手机制造商宏达国际电子3月20日披露了专卖给瑞莱恩斯通讯公司顾客的两种手机款式HTC P3000与HTC S720,同时预告将发售1万卢比以下的智能手机。
2008-03-26 ArtNo.40780(82/325)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Retail、Aditya Birla Group、DLF等は、小売りブームに乗じ、4~5年内に13万1804クロー(US$325億)を投じ、小売り店舗網を拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Retail majors to spend $32.5 bn for expansion
【New Delhi】Capitalizing on the retail boom, retail majors, including Reliance Retail, Aditya Birla Group and DLF, have unveiled plans to invest Rs 1,31,804 crore for expanding network of stores in the next 4-5 years.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40784(83/325)
◆Steel prices go down by Rs 1,300-2,000 per ton in Punjab
【Chandigarh】A day after the alloy producers agreed to stop export, steel prices on March 26 moved down by Rs 1,000-2,000 per metric tonne in Punjab.
2008-03-31 ArtNo.40789(84/325)
【ニューデリー】Reliance Power Ltd(RPL)はマドヤプラデシュ州Sasanにおける4000MW(メガワット)ウルトラメガ発電プロジェクト(UMPP:Ultra Mega Power Project)の総額5000クロー(US$12.33億)のボイラー/タービン/発電機(BTG)発注準備を進めており、イタリア企業Ansaldo、韓国企業Doosan、ロシア企業Power Machines、中国企業Shanghai Electric Corporation(上海電気総公司)、そして東芝が契約獲得を目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Global cos in race for Sasan UMPP supply contract
【New Delhi】Reliance Power is set to finalise the mega order worth over Rs 5,000 crore for boiler, turbine, generator (BTG) package for 4000 mw Sasan ultra mega power project (UMPP). Five global equipment majors Ansaldo from Italy, Doosan from Korea, Toshiba from Japan, Power Machines from Russia and Shanghai Electric from China are in the race for the supply contract.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40799(85/325)
◆Solar Semiconductor、独企業と$5.75億納入契約
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadと米国カリフォルニア州を拠点にする太陽光電池(PV)モジュール製造会社Solar Semiconductor Private Limited(SSPL)は、ドイツ企業IBC Solar AGに向こう3年間に5億7500万米ドルのPVモジュールを納入する契約を獲得した。(...続きを読む)
◆Solar Semiconductor in $575-m supply pact with German co.
【Hyderabad】Solar Semiconductor Private Limited (SSPL), a Hyderabad and California-based photovoltaic (PV) module maker, has entered into a partnership with IBC Solar AG of Germany for supply of its products worth $575 million over a period of next three years.
【海德拉巴】两个总部在安德拉邦海德拉巴与美国加州的薄膜太阳能晶圆组件制造商,太阳能半导体有限公司跟德国IBC Solar AG签署战略协议。在这件协议下,前者今后3年内向后者供应总额5亿7500万美元的太阳能晶圆组件。
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40801(86/325)
◆Lenovo India、アグレッシブな小売り戦略立案
【バンガロール】Lenovo Indiaは顧客に接近する戦略の一環としてアグレッシブな小売りマーケッティング計画を立案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Lenovo India chalks out aggressive retail plans
【Bangalore】Lenovo India has chalked out an aggressive retail marketing plan in an effort to get closer to its customers.
2008-04-02 ArtNo.40804(87/325)
【ニューデリー】インフレを抑制し、国内供給を補強する狙いから、インド政府は鉄鋼/セメント/ある種の鉱物/非バスマティ・ライスを含む50品目近くに対する『免税優待パスブック(DEPB:Duty Entitlement Passbook Scheme)』スキーム下の輸出奨励措置の適応を暫時、もしくは恒久的に停止した。(...続きを読む)
◆Export subsidy on 50 items withdrawn
【New Delhi】As a measure to control inflation and boost domestic supplies, the Central Government has withdrawn or temporarily suspended tax refund scheme — Duty Entitlement Pass Book — from nearly 50 items, including steel, cement, certain mineral ores and non-basmati rice.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40814(88/325)
【ムンバイ】政府が新年度予算案の国会上程に際して中央付加価値税(Cenvat)を引き下げるとともに、小型乗用車と商用車の消費税率も下方修正したことが追い風になり、Maruti Suzukiを除く大部分の自動車メーカーが3月に過去最高の月間販売を達成した。(...続きを読む)
◆Car majors record robust sales in March
【Mumbai】Buoyed by the excise duty cut for small cars and commercial vehicles and Cenvat(central value added tax) reduction announced in the Union Budget, the vehicle sales in March with most manufacturers, except Maruti Suzuki, reporting the highest ever monthly sales.
2008-04-04 ArtNo.40815(89/325)
◆Hero Honda3月の二輪車販売アップ、Bajaj/TVSダウン
【ニューデリー】インドのトップ二輪車メーカー、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の3月の二輪車販売は昨年同月比15%アップしたが、二番手Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)のそれは同9.68%、三番手TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)は同8.7%、それぞれ下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda March sales up; Bajaj, TVS see fall
【New Delhi】The country's largest motorcycle company Hero Honda Motors Ltd has reported 15 per cent increase in sales for March. However, for the next two biggest two-wheeler companies, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motor Company (TVSM) reported 9.68 per cent and 8.7 per cent decline respectively in total sales for the month.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40818(90/325)
◆Exports register 35% growth in February
【New Delhi】Showing resilience against strengthening rupee, India's exports grew by an impressive 35.25 per cent in February 2007-08 fiscal to 14.23 billion dollars, while the growth for the April-February period posted a growth of 22.9 per cent to 138.42 billion dollars.
【新德里】印度出口贸易额2月成长35.25%到142亿3000万美元,证明了对卢比汇率上升的抵抗力。年首11个月的出口额也成长 22.9%到1384亿2000万美元。
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40820(91/325)
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とRashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は4月3日、TMT鉄筋のトン当たり価格を2000ルピー引き下げることを認め、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)も、波形鋼板のトン当たり価格を500~1000ルピー下げる方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel majors agree to roll back prices
【New Delhi】Tata Steel and Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd on April 3 agreed to reduce prices of TMT bars by Rs 2,000 per tonne and Jindal Steel too decided to roll back the prices of corrugated sheets by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne.
2008-04-07 ArtNo.40828(92/325)
【ムンバイ】消費者の購買意欲減退に加え、主要金融機関GE MoneyとCiti Financialの撤退により、耐久消費財メーカーの売上げは今年初以来深刻な落ち込みを見ている。(...続きを読む)
◆Consumer durable sales slow down
【Mumbai】Tthe sails of consumer durable makers have taken a hit from waning consumer interest and the exit of GE Money and Citi Financial — two of the largest national financiers since the beginning of the year.
【孟买】不但消费着的购买欲大减,而且国内第一第二大的消费金融机构GE Money与Citi Financial撤退市场,所以从今年初以来耐用消费品市场继续萧条不振。
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40830(93/325)
◆Coking coal import costs set to rise 200%
【Kolkata】If a steel company wants to import coking coal which accounts for 50 per cent of the raw material cost for steel, will have to shell out Rs 12,000 per tonne, 200 per cent, or Rs 8,000 a tonne, more than the price for the previous contract at $98 a tonne, or about Rs 4,000 a tonne.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40832(94/325)
【ジャランダール】鋼(alloy steel)のトン当たり3000ルピー値上げと、炭素鋼の同2000ルピー値上げは、パンジャブ州の基幹産業に打撃を与えており、二次鉄鋼メーカーによる新たな値上げは工具/部品/自転車部品業界を窮地に陥れる。(...続きを読む)
◆Fresh increase in steel prices blows Punjab industry
【Jalandhar】Steel producers have increased the rate of alloy steel by Rs 3,000 per ton and carbon steel of Rs 2,000 per ton .Tthe rise would break the backbone of Punjab state industry and the fresh increase in steel prices by secondary steel producers will prove a big blow to the hand tool, auto parts and cycle parts industry in the state.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40835(95/325)
【ムンバイ】インドの自動車輸出の伸びは、国内販売の伸びを上回っており、インドを輸出基地にしようと言うMaruti SuzukiやHyundaiの戦略の正しさを立証している。(...続きを読む)
◆Auto majors' export growth overtakes domestic sales growth
【Mumbai】In what could vindicate the decision of carmakers Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai to make India their export hub, the rate of export growth outpaced that of domestic sales.
2008-04-09 ArtNo.40836(96/325)
【ニューデリー】インド・サーバー市場の2007年(カレンダー・イヤー)出荷額(Factory Revenue)は7億2700万米ドルと、前年比24%、出荷数は13万5615ユニットと、同19%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian server market posts 24 pc growth in 2007:IDC
【New Delhi】Indian server market posted factory revenue of $727 million in calendar year 2007, up 24 per cent as compared to the previous year, while shipments grew 19 per cent to 1,35,615 units during the same period.
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40843(97/325)
【ニューデリー】Kamal Nath商工相は4月11日『2004-09年外国貿易政策年次補足(the annual supplement to Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09))』を発表するとともに、良好な評価を得た輸出奨励措置の期限を1年延長すること、ルピー高に悩む輸出業者には輸出義務を免除すること、インフレ抑制のためセメントとスチールに対する輸出奨励措置を廃止することを明らかにした。(...続きを読む)
◆New Foreign Trade Policy withdraws some export incentives
【New Delhi】Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath on April 11 announced the annual supplement to Foreign Trade Policy (2004-09) and said popular export benefit schemes would be extended by a year, relief on export obligation would be given to exporters groaning under the rising rupee and incentives on cement and steel exports would be withdrawn to curb inflation.
【新德里】Kamal Nath工商部长4月11日披露『2004-09年外贸政策年度补遗』同时发表以下的一系列措施。评价良好的出口奖励措施的期限延长一年,卢比汇率提高而被打击的行业被免除出口义务,为了控制通货膨胀而取消水泥与钢材的出口奖励。
2008-04-14 ArtNo.40845(98/325)
◆Steel cos surcharge Rs 5,000/t on all grades of HRC
【New Delhi】Primary steel makers on April 9 announced that they would put a raw material surcharge of Rs 5,000 a tonne on all grades of hot-rolled coils (HRC) with immediate effect.
2008-04-16 ArtNo.40856(99/325)
◆Govt may relax oilseeds import
【Chennai】It is projected that the Union Government may relax import of oilseeds in 2009 to take the heat out of an overheated domestic oil and oilseeds market.
2008-04-18 ArtNo.40867(100/325)
◆Govt to import 1 mt edible oil, 1.5 mt pulses to fight price rise
【New Delhi】The Indian government plans to import one million tonne edible oil and 15 lakh tonne of pulses in order to bring down prices of essential commodities.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2008
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