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貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2008
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元のページへ戻る ►2008-11-24 ArtNo.41685(301/325)
◆Import duty re-imposed on steel
【New Delhi】The Centre, on November 18, restored the 5% import duty on specified iron and steel items to protect the domestic industry from cheaper imports, especially from China, about six months after it had abolished the import duty on steel to rein in rising prices.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41686(302/325)
◆Import duty re-imposed on crude soya oil too
【New Delhi】The government on November 18 slapped a 20% duty on crude soyabean oil with immediate effect in a move aimed at safeguarding the interests of domestic industry.
2008-11-26 ArtNo.41696(303/325)
【ニューデリー】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd(YMIPL)は、最近発売したモーターサイクル153cc FZ-16に対する市場の反応が旺盛なことから、ウッタルプラデシュ州Surajpur工場の日産量を現在の350台から500台に拡大する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Yamaha plans to scale up output
【New Delhi】Yamaha Motor India Pvt Ltd plans to ramp up its production from 350 units per day to 500 units per day at Surajpur plant in Uttar Pradesh, encouraged by the response to its recently launched 153 cc FZ-16.
【新德里】雅马哈摩托车印度私人有限公司看好对最近发售的153cc FZ-16的市场反应,计划把北方州Surajpur工厂的日产量从现在的350辆扩张到500辆。
2008-11-26 ArtNo.41697(304/325)
◆Pioneer makes full-fledged entry into India
【New Delhi】Japanese consumer and car electronics maker Pioneer Corp has established a sales subsidiary in India, targeting the growing purchasing power of a nation of more than 1.1 billion people.
2008-11-26 ArtNo.41704(305/325)
◆Govt to cut fuel prices after Dec 24: Minister
【New Delhi】The government is set to cut petrol and diesel prices after Assembly elections are over on December 24.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41712(306/325)
◆Curbs on import of select steel & wood products
【New Delhi】The government now imposed import restrictions on seamless tubes and pipes, which are used by the automobile, oil and gas industries, after imposing curbs on import of hot-rolled coil and levying a 5 per cent import duty on steel products last week. Import of wood and certain wood products have also been put on the restricted list.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41720(307/325)
◆GDP growth slows to 7.6% in Q2, still better than expected
【New Delhi】The Indian economy grew by 7.6 per cent during July-September of 2008-09, down from the 9.3 per cent for the corresponding quarter of 2007-08 and the 7.9 per cent for the previous quarter. However it is not so bad and in fact better than expected.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41728(308/325)
【チェンナイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)製造業者Neuland Laboratories Limited(NLL)は心血管疾患/中枢神経系疾患/抗感染薬領域に照準を合わせアジア太平洋地域における新収入源を開拓する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan to contribute 20 % to Neuland's revenues
【Chennai】Hyderabad-based Neuland Laboratories Limited, the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturer will focus mainly on cardiovascular, central nervous system disorders and anti-infectives segments for generating new revenue channels for the Asia-Pacific region.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41731(309/325)
◆Exports fall 12.1% in October
【New Delhi】Exports declined by 12.1 per cent in October and stood at $12.82 billion, as against $14.58 billion in the same month last year, as slowing output at home and troubled economies in key overseas markets slashed demand.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41737(310/325)
【ニューデリー】Honda Siel Cars India Ltd(HSCIL)を除く、主要乗用車メーカーの11月の国内販売は大幅な落ち込みを見、全体で20%ほど減少した。(...続きを読む)
◆Car sales fall sharply in Nov
【New Delhi】All major car companies, except Honda Siel Cars India, have reported a steep decline in November sales. The overall car market showed around 20 per cent drop this month.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41738(311/325)
◆Commercial vehicle sales plunge
【New Delhi】The high interest rates have created much friction on the commercial vehicle sales, with domestic sales registering one of its steepest falls this November.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41739(312/325)
◆Ttwo-wheeler sales slide in November
【New Delhi】Ttwo-wheeler manufacturers felt the impact of a slowing economy with domestic sales sliding this November. However Honda's two sister companies maintained growth trajectory.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41740(313/325)
◆Moser Baer、チェンナイにLCD TV工場建設
【コルカタ】最近インド国内で消費者用電子製品の販売を開始したデータ記憶装置メーカーMoser Baer India Limited(MBIL)は、来年タミールナド州Chennaiに液晶テレビジョンの製造施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Moser Baer to set up LCD TV unit at Chennai
【Kolkata】Data storage-devices manufacturer Moser Baer India Limited, which recently started selling consumer electronics products in India, plans to set up an LCD television manufacturing unit in Chennai by next year.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41742(314/325)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は12月7日、世界的景気の後退に抗して国内経済の様々な部門の成長を促す景気刺激パッケージ(stimulus package)を発表した。これには各部門に対する中央付加価値税(Cenvat:Central value added tax)を一律4%ポイント引き下げ、自動車/セメント/繊維/その他の製品価格を引き下げることの他、2万クロー(US$40億)の追加予算枠を設け、今会計年度中にインフラストラクチャー部門、産業部門、輸出部門等に新資金を注入することが含まれる。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt unveils stimulus package
【New Delhi】Unveiling the set of fiscal stimulus package to shore up various sectors of the economy from the global downturn, the government on December 7 slashed Central value added tax (Cenvat) by four percentage points across the board to bring down the prices of cars, cement, textiles and other products, and earmarked an additional $4 billion for infrastructure, industry and export sectors for the current fiscal.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41748(315/325)
◆Imports from Japan auto components 10 times more than exports
【Chennai】India imports Rs 2,413 crore($482m) auto components from Japan in 2007-08 grew 72 per cent over the previous year. However Exports to Japan, which grew 11 per cent last year, were still nothing much to write home about, at Rs 205 crore($41m).
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41752(316/325)
◆Import duties in palm and soya oil likely to rise
【Mumbai】Import duties on palm and soya oil are expected to rise in 2008-09 and the scale of imports during 2008-09 will depend on the level of import duties.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41759(317/325)
【ニューデリー】インド自動車製造業者協会(SIAM:Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers)は10日、同業界史上最悪の月間販売成績を発表した。今年11月の二輪/三輪/四輪車を含む自動車販売台数は71万1281台と、昨年同月の86万7243台に比べ17.98%減少した。とは言え輸出台数は14万6337台と、昨年同月の9万398台に比べ61.88%の成長を見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Domestic auto sales drop sharply in Nov
【New Delhi】Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) on December 10 reported its worst-ever sales in history. The industry sold 7,11,281 units vehicles in November against 8,67,243 units vehicles in the same month last year, a drop of 17.98%. However total vehicles exported from India stood at 1,46,337 units in November against 90,398 units in the same month last year zoomed by a robust 61.88 per cent.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41760(318/325)
◆Two-wheeler sales decline by 15% in Nov
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler sales dropped by 14.68% to 5,67,502 units in November this year from 6,65,181units in the same month last year.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41761(319/325)
◆Russia offers 30% discount on new N-reactors
【New Delhi】India has been offered by Russia a sweetener in the form of a 30 per cent discount on the $2-billion price tag for each of their new nuclear reactors under discussions for sale to India.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41764(320/325)
【ニューデリー】インドのFMCG(fast moving consumer goods)業界は、世界的な景気後退にも関わらず、2008年には250億米ドルの年間売上げを実現し、2007年の200億米ドルに比べ25%の成長を遂げる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆FMCG sector to grow by 25% in 2008: Assocham
【New Delhi】The fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) sales have not been affected by the ongoing slowdown, and the sector is expected to grow at 25 percent and reach $25 billion by the end of 2008, as against $20 billion in 2007.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41773(321/325)
◆Toyota Kirloskar、生産30%カット、投資計画は続行
【ニューデリー】トヨタのインド子会社Toyota Kirloskar Motor India Ltd(TKMIL)は今月の目標生産量を30%カットした。しかしカルナタカ州Bangalore郊外Bidadiに3200クロー(US$6.4億)を投じて第二工場を設ける計画は予定どおり進める。(...続きを読む)
◆Toyota Kirloskar cuts output, no change in investment plans
【New Delhi】Toyota Kirloskar Motor India, Toyota Motor Corporation's Indian subsidiary has cut production by 30 per cent this month, but its Rs 3,200-crore second plant at Bidadi, near Bangalore, is untouched.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41778(322/325)
◆40k job cuts in Jalandhar
【Jalandhar】Over 40,000 people working in various industries have lost their jobs in Jalandhar, an ancient city in Jalandhar District in the state of Punjab, due to the economic slowdown as a result of the global financial crisis. Jalandhar has an urban population of almost a million, and another million live in the rural areas outside the city.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41787(323/325)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の製薬会社Aurobindo Pharma Ltd(APL)は米国食品薬品局(USFDA)からヒト免疫不全ウィルス(HIV)感染症治療薬の製造・販売許可を取得した。(...続きを読む)
◆Aurobindo HIV drug approved by USFDA
【Mumbai】Aurobindo Pharma Ltd, the Hyderabad-based pharma major, has received the US administration's approval to manufacture and market the drug used for treatment of HIV infections.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41793(324/325)
【ムンバイ】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL)は、海外における需要の軟化から2009年の輸出が4分の1ほど縮小するものと見ている。(...続きを読む)
◆Hyundai Motor India sees exports down 25% in '09
【Mumbai】Hyundai Motor India Ltd(HMIL) expects its exports to fall by a quarter in 2009 due to shrinking overseas demand. The company is undertaking production cuts by reducing shifts, while considering a cut in its temporary workforce.
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41794(325/325)
◆India Q3 PC shipments grow 1.7%
【New Delhi】Client PC shipments reached just 2.26 million units in the third quarter (July-Spetmeber), a marginal growth of 1.7 per cent over the same period a year ago.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2008
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