石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2006
【ムンバイ】南アフリカの石油化学メジャー、Sasol Ltdは石炭産業省に対し、石炭液化プロジェクトに60億米ドルを投資する意向を表明した。
◆African firm may invest $6 billion for a coal liquefaction project
【Mumbai】Sasol Ltd, a South African petrochemical major, has suggested the Union Ministry of Coal to invest $6 billion for a coal liquefaction project.
【孟买】南非石化集团公司(Sasol Ltd)向煤炭工业部提议60亿美元煤炭液化项目。
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38600(302/336)
◆The Toray Group enters water purifier market
【KOLKATA】The Toray Group of Japan on October 16 entered the $250 million water purification market with the launch of the three models which use the hollow fibre membrane filtration and purification technology to catch microscopic impurities, red rust particles, colliform bacilli, bacteria and protozoa.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38601(303/336)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするGranules India Ltd (GIL)は、中国企業Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd(HBHP:湖北百科亨迪薬業有限公司)と50:50の合弁で鎮痛剤イブプロフェン(ibuprofen)の製造・販売を手掛ける新会社Granules Biocauseを設立した。
◆Granules and Chinese co set up JV to make and sell ibuprofen
【HYDERABAD】Hyderabad-based Granules India has set up a 50:50 joint venture firm, Granules Biocause, in association with China-based Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd to manufacture and sell ibuprofen.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉邦州海德拉巴的Granules India有限公司和总部设在中国湖北省荆门市的湖北百科亨迪药业有限公司合作设立50:50联营公司Granules Biocause以便制造和销售右旋布洛芬。
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38609(304/336)
【ニューデリー】国営石油精製会社2社Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL)とHindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は、原油輸入用の船舶を運輸省傘下のTranschartを介せずに直接チャーターすることを認めるよう石油天然ガス省に陳情した。
◆BPCL, HPCL want to charter ships for oil directly
【New Delhi】Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) have asked the Petroleum Ministry to let them to charter ships for oil imports directly instead of going through Transchart.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38610(305/336)
◆イスラエル化学会社BK Giulini、Polstonと合弁会社設立
【ムンバイ】年商30億米ドルのIsrael Chemicals Ltd(ICL)傘下のBK Giulini Gmbh(BGG) は、地元パートナー、Polstonと合弁で貿易会社BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd(BKGSPL)を設立、インド市場進出を図る。
◆BK Giulini to set up JV with Polston
【MUMBAI】BK Giulini GmbH, a part of the $3-bn Israel-based Israel Chemicals Ltd(ICL), has set up BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd(BKGSPL), a trading joint venture with Polston in order to enter Indian market.
【孟买】年售额30亿美元以色列化工有限公司属下的贝克吉利尼公司跟本地伙伴Polston合作设立贸易公司BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd。
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38627(306/336)
【ニューデリー】GAIL (India) Ltd/Numaligarh Refinery Ltd(NRL)/Oil India Ltd(OIL)/アッサム州政府は、アッサム・ガス・クラッカー・プロジェクトに関する合弁契約に調印した。
◆Assam gas cracker joint venture pact has been signed
【New Delhi】GAIL (India) Ltd, Numaligarh Refinery Ltd (NRL), Oil India Ltd (OIL) and Assam Government have signed a joint venture agreement for the Assam gas cracker project.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38628(307/336)
◆Reliance Retail、スポーツ・ファーマシー・チェーン展開
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)傘下のReliance Retail Ltd(RRL)は2007年1月から3~4年間に全国に4000店の薬局チェーンを設ける。
◆Reliance Retail plans sports pharmacy chain
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Retail, the retail initiative of Reliance Industries, plans to set up a network of 4,000 pharmacies across India over the next 3-4 years, beginning January '07 and establish this network with a substantial rural presence to provide a gamut of medical services including blood tests, medical insurance, health-related and veterinary consultancy, besides selling medicines across villages and towns.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38633(308/336)
【ニューデリー】British Petroleum (BP)、イタリアのENI、ウクライナのNaftogaz、マレーシアのSuiwah Corp等の国際石油/ガス会社は、新探査ライセンス政策(NELP:New Exploration Licensing Policy)第6次入札に応札した一部のものが、技術的にも財務面でも非現実的な作業プログラムを提出したと、石油天然ガス省に書面で抗議した。
◆Global majors raise objections to false commitments under Nelp 6
【NEW DELHI】Global oil and gas companies including British Petroleum (BP), Italy's ENI, Ukraines' Naftogaz and Malaysian Suiwah Corp, thronged the ministry of petroleum and raised objections to the unrealistic work programme commitments made by some of the bidders to secure blocks under the latest exploration round, the Nelp 6. They have written to the ministry, regarding the technical and fiscal commitments made by some of the potential winners.
【新德里】英国石油公司, 意大利ENI,乌克兰的Naftogaz,马来西亚的Suiwah Corp等跨国公司纷纷来到石油天然气部而对第六轮新勘探政策下的虚伪的投标承诺提出异议。他们在书面上说,有些投标公司提出的承诺是技术上和财务上不现实。
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38652(309/336)
【ニューデリー】米国を拠点にする年商270億米ドルのE.I. du Pont de Nemours and Companyの完全出資子会社DuPont Indiaは26日、『2006年インド建設関連会議・展示会(Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition)』の席上、同社の新ビジネス・イニシアチブ『デュポン・ビルディング・イノベーションズ(DuPont Building Innovations)』を発表した。
◆DuPont offers integrated building solutions
【NEW DELHI】DuPont India, the fully-owned subsidiary of the U.S.-based $27-billion E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, on October 26 announced the launch of its new business initiative, DuPont Building Innovations at Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38675(310/336)
◆Hindustan Petroleum、Vizagに製油所コンプレックス計画
【ハイデラバード】国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)の特別経済区(SEZ)内に3万クロー(US$66.68億)を投じメガ製油所コンプレックスを設ける計画だ。
◆HPCL plans setting up a mega refinery complex in Vizag
【Hyderabad】State-owned Hindustan Petroleum Corporation plans to invest Rs 30,000 crore for setting up a mega refinery complex in the special economic zone in Visakhapatnam.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38676(311/336)
◆Hindustan Petroleum、小売り/ホテル事業に進出
【ムンバイ】国営石油精製/マーケッティング会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は向こう5年間に3万2000クロー(US$71.127億)の資本支出を行い、小売り網を強化する。
◆Hindustan Petroleum has big plans for non-fuel retailing
【Mumbai】State-run oil refining and marketing giant, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) plans to spend Rs 32,000 crore on capital expenditure in the next five years and concentrate on upgrading retail outlets.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38677(312/336)
【ムンバイ】地元の家畜用医薬品メーカー、Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited(HPL)は来年、サルモネラ菌(Salmonella)とマイコプラズマ(Mycoplasma)に起因する家禽疾患を予防する2種類のワクチンを発売する。
◆Hester to launch two new veterinary vaccines
【Mumbai】Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited, a local veterinary medicine maker, will launch two new vaccines for Salmonella and Mycoplasma diseases that affect the poultry industry's productivity.
【孟买】本地兽用医药制造商Hester Pharmaceuticals有限公司准备在明年发售可以预防沙门氏菌疾病和支原体疾病的2种新型兽用疫苗。
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38678(313/336)
◆Core sector grows 9.9% in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during September increased to 9.9 per cent, compared with 6.3 per cent in the same period last year, on account of a turnaround in the crude petroleum and electricity sectors, notwithstanding a slowdown in the production of coal and finished steel.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38683(314/336)
【チェンナイ】台湾企業2社、コンピューター・ハードウェア製造業者ASUSTeK Computer Inc(ACI:華碩電脳)と石油化学やエネルギー産業に関わる多角的事業を展開するFormosa Plastics Group(FPG:台塑関係企業集団)がタミールナド州への投資を約束した。
◆Two of Taiwan's largest cos looking to invest in Chennai
【Chennai】Two of Taiwan's largest companies - ASUSTeK Computer Inc and Formosa Plastics Group are committed to investing in Tamil Nadu. The former is a computer hardware manufacturer and the later has diversified interests including petrochemicals and energy.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38689(315/336)
【ハイデラバード】多国籍製薬メジャー、Novartis Incは向こう5年間に500クロー(US$1.11億)を投じてアンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに外国企業がインドに設けるものとしては最大規模の研究開発(R&D)施設を設ける。
◆Novartis plans to set up an R&D facility in Hyderabad
【HYDERABAD】Global pharma major Novartis Inc, plans to set up a huge research and development facility near Hyderabad with an overall investment of Rs 500 crore in the next five years.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38692(316/336)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は7日、Anil Ambaniグループに率いられるReliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France)チーム/オーストラリアのArrow Energy/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industriesと、第3次炭層メタン鉱区(CBM-III)入札にかけた10ブロック中9ブロックの生産分与協定(PSC)を結んだ。
◆PSCs for 9 CBM blocks have been awarded
【NEW DELHI】The government on November 7 signed production sharing contracts (PSCs) for 9 of 10 blocks offered under CBM-III with three consortia, namely, the one led by the Anil Ambani group's Reliance Natural Resources Ltd(RNRL)-Reliance Energy Ltd(REL)-Geopetrol International(France), Australia's Arrow Energy and Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries.
【新德里】印度政府跟3企业联盟包括阿尼尔·安巴尼集团领导的瑞莱恩斯自然资源公司-瑞莱恩斯能源公司-Geopetrol International/澳大利亚风云能源公司/Coalgas Mart-Deep Industries签署9个煤层气区块的产品分成合同。
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38693(317/336)
【コルカタ】Himadri Chemicals & Industries Ltd(HCIL)は、中国における企業買収と国内における事業拡張に充当するため、額面10ルピーのワラント34万枚と、額面10ルピーの新株600万株を1株229.25ルピーで発行、145.34クロー(US$3230万)を調達する。
◆Himadri Chem to raise fund for acquisition and expansion
【Kolkata】Himadri Chemicals & Industries plans to raise funds of Rs 145.34 crore through issue of equity shares and warrants to fund its acquisition in China and capacity expansion at home.
◆Himadri Chem筹集资金而售购中国企业扩展国内业务
【加尔各答】Himadri Chemicals & Industries计划通过发售新股和凭单筹集14亿5340万卢比而售购中国企业和扩展国内业务。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38711(318/336)
【ムンバイ】Supreme Petrochem Ltd(SPL)とSupreme Industries Ltd(SIL)は、合計1415クロー(US$3.145億)を投じ、マハラシュトラ州にそれぞれプラスチック関連の製造施設を設ける。
◆Supreme Ind, Petro to set up plastic manufacturing units in Maharashtra
【Mumbai】Supreme Petrochem Ltd and Supreme Industries Ltd will together invest Rs 1,415 crore to set up units for manufacturing plastic products in Maharashtra. The companies on November 7 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Maharashtra Government.
【孟买】Supreme Petrochem有限公司和 Supreme Industries有限公司投资总共141亿5000万卢比在 马哈拉施特拉州各兴建塑胶关联制造厂。这两间公司11月7日跟马哈拉施特拉州政府签署有关备忘录。
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38725(319/336)
【バンガロール】タタ・グループ傘下の薬品研究/受託サービス会社Advinus Therapeutics Private Limited(ATPL)は、第二次開発期間における前臨床段階と早期臨床段階のシームレスなサービスを提供するため、英国のプリマス及びグジャラート州Ahmedabadを拠点にする第1次・第2次臨床試験受託会社Veeda Clinical Research Limited(VCRL)と提携した。
◆Advinus, Veeda provide seamless pre-clinical services
【Bangalore】Advinus Therapeutics, the Tata-backed drug research and contract services company, has tied up with Veeda Clinical Research Limited, an Anglo indian contract research organization which offers services of Phase I/II clinical trials at uk and india, to provide seamless pre-clinical and early clinical development through phase II.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38735(320/336)
【ニューデリー】石油/化学/石油化学投資地域(PCPIR:petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals investment regions)専門委員会(task force)は、ケララ州Kochi/西ベンガル州Haldia/カルナタカ州Mangalore/オリッサ州Paradip/ハリヤナ州Panipat/グジャラート州Dahej/アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)をPCPIRの候補地としてリストアップしたが、最近の閣僚グループ(GOM:group of ministers)会議の席上、アンドラプラデシュ州のKakinadaを追加することが提案された。
◆Kakinada chosen as the 8th petrochem investment region
【NEW DELHI】While the Task Force on Petroleum, Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Regions has identified Kochi in Kerala, Haldia in West Bengal, Mangalore in Karnataka, Paradip in Orissa,Panipat in Haryana, Dahej i Gujarat and Visakhapatnam(Vizag) in Andhra Pradesh for setting up of petrochemical hubs, the government has mooted an additional location, Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh where such a complex can be set up.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38736(321/336)
【ニューデリー】肥料局(DOF:department of fertilisers)は大蔵省に対し、2006-07年度肥料補助1万8752クロー(US$41.68億)に8000クロー(US$17.78億)を上乗せするよう求めた。
◆DoF demands Rs 8,000 cr additional fertiliser subsidy
【NEW DELHI】The department of fertiliser (DoF) is asking the finance ministry Rs 8,000 cr additional fertiliser subsidy for 2006-07. The budgeted subsidy bill this fiscal is Rs 18,752 crore.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38748(322/336)
◆Ethanol-petrol programme has taken off in just three States
【New Delhi】Although the Centre claims that ethanol-blended petrol has been launched nation-wide, the programme has actually taken off in just three States - Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Goa.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38749(323/336)
【ムンバイ】タタ・グループ傘下の創薬(drug discovery)/受託サービス会社Advinus Therapeutics Private Limited(ATPL)は、米国拠点のMerck & Co Inc(MCI)と、代謝障害治療薬を開発するための『研究・臨床開発協力協定』を結んだ。
◆Advinus collaborates with Merck to develop drugs for metabolic disorder
【MUMBAI】Tatas-promoted Advinus Therapeutics Private Limited(ATPL),a drug discovery and contract services company, has entered into a discovery and clinical development collaboration with US-based Merck & Co Inc to develop drugs for metabolic disorders.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38760(324/336)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)に9200エーカーの特別経済区(SEZ)を設ける計画にReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)やAditya Birla Group(ABG)を初めとする多くの大手企業が関心を寄せている。
◆Vizag SEZ attracts major industry players
【HYDERABAD】Major industry players including Reliance Industries and Aditya Birla Group are keenly interested in the 9,200-acre SEZ project in Visakhapatnam.
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38761(325/336)
◆Arch Pharmalabs、Sibra Pharmaceuticals買収目指す
【ムンバイ】主に中間体と薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)の製造を手掛けるマハラシュトラ州Mumbai拠点の大手製薬会社Arch Pharmalabs Ltd(APL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のSibra Pharmaceuticals Ltd(SPL)の100%権益買収を図っている。
◆Arch Pharma to acquire Sibra
【Mumbai】Arch Pharmalabs, Mumbai-based major pharma player engaged in the manufacturing of intermediates and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), is set to acquiring 100 per cent equity in the Hyderabad-based Sibra Pharmaceuticals.
◆Arch Pharma收购Sibra
【孟买】总部位于马哈拉施特拉州孟买制造中间体和活性原料药的主要本地公司Arch Pharmalabs有限公司准备收购以安德拉邦州海德拉巴基地的Sibra Pharmaceuticals有限公司的100%股权。
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38770(326/336)
【ムンバイ】Essar Oil Ltd(EOL)はグジャラート州Vadinarに設けた年間原油処理能力1050万トンの製油所の試運転を開始した。
◆Essar Oil's Vadinar refinery starts trial runs
【MUMBAI】Essar Oil's Vadinar refinery has started its trial production with a capacity of 7.5 million tonne per annum of crude and gradually go up to 10.5 million tonne per annum.
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38771(327/336)
◆Haldia Petrochem、第2ナフサ分解装置計画実行
【コルカタ】Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL)は、主要プロモーター2者、西ベンガル州政府とThe Chatterjee Group(TCG)の紛争解決の見通しが立たないにも関わらず、2012年までに第2ナフサ・クラッカー増設計画を実行する方針だ。
◆Haldia Petrochem to execute naphtha cracker plan
【Kolkata】Despite the ongoing tussle between the West Bengal Government and The Chatterjee Group(TCG)at the Company Law Board, Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (HPL) is carrying out its plan to set up the second naphtha cracker unit by 2012.
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38772(328/336)
【グルガオン】Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd(RLL)は、有機的成長のみでは(企業買収を抜きにしては)2007年末までに目標とする20億米ドルの年商を実現できない見通しだ。
◆Ranbaxy impossible to meet $ 2 b revenue target without M&A route
【GURGAON】Ranbaxy is not possible to achieve its stated $2 billion revenue target by 2007-end with organic growth only.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38808(329/336)
【ヴィサカパトナム】国営石油会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited(HPCL)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnamに設けたVisakha製油所拡張計画の一環として投資/原油調達/石油製品マーケッティングの戦略パートナーを物色している。
◆HPCL scouts for partners for capacity expansion
【Visakhapatnam】State-owned Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has begun scouting for strategic partners for investments, crude oil procurement and product marketing as part of its proposed expansion plans at the Visakha refinery.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38809(330/336)
【ムンバイ】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点の農業生物学・薬草栽培会社Nandan Biomatrix Ltd(NBL)は、活性滋養薬成分(ANI:active nutraceutical ingredient)の製造/マーケッティングに乗り出した。
◆Nandan forays into nutraceutical business
【Mumbai】Hyderabad-based Nandan Biomatrix, an agri-biotechnology and medicinal plantation company, has begun to manufacture and market active nutraceutical ingredients.
【孟买】总部设在海德拉巴的农业生物技术和药用植物农场企业Nandan Biomatrix有限公司开始制造和销售功能食品活性原料。
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38821(331/336)
◆Troikaa Pharma、米欧市場開拓
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabadを拠点にする年商75クロー(US$1667万)のTroikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd(TPL)はグジャラート州内に第3工場を設けるとともに、欧州/米国/カナダを含む規制の厳しい西側市場の開拓を目指す。
◆Troikaa Pharma plans to enter US, European markets
【Ahmedabad】Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Ahmedabad-based Rs 75 company, is planing to set up its third plant in Gujarat and is also preparing to enter the highly regulated market of the western countries including Europe, US and Canada.
◆Troikaa Pharma要开拓欧美市场
【艾哈迈达巴德】年售额7亿5000万卢比,位于艾哈迈达巴德的Troikaa Pharmaceuticals有限公司计划在古吉拉特州兴建第3工厂,也准备进军高度管制的市场包括欧洲,美国,加拿大。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38833(332/336)
【ムンバイ】日本の主要製薬会社は、臨床データ管理/統計分析/医療文書の作成等のサービスをインドでアウトソースするため、地元最大の情報技術(IT)企業Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)と交渉を進めている。
◆Japanese pharma cos in talks with TCS over outsourcing
【MUMBAI】Major Japanese pharma companies intend to outsource a range of services including clinical data management, statistical analysis and medical writing in India and are in talks with the country's largest IT firm Tata Consultancy Services (TCS).
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38857(333/336)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 9 pc in Oct
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by petroleum refinery products' strong performance, the index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew by a robust 9% in October 2006 compared with 7.4% in the corresponding period in the previous fiscal.
【新德里】以石油提炼业的好转为后盾,6个骨干基础设施产业(原油•石油提炼•石炭•电力•水泥•钢铁) 在今年10月成长了9%,超过去年同一月的7.4%。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38867(334/336)
【ニューデリー】インドの国営石油会社Indian Oil Corporation (IOC)のSarthak Behuria会長と中国石油化工股分有限公司(中国石化/Sinopec:China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation)の劉徳樹社長は、第3国における石油精製/石油化学/石油・ガス探査生産領域において協力することで合意した。
◆IOC ties up with Sinopec of China in third countries
【NEW DELHI】Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) Chairman Sarthak Behuria and the Sinopec President, Liu Deshu, agreed that cooperation between the two companies should be expanded to include collaboration in areas of overseas refining, petrochemicals and oil and gas exploration and production activities.
【新德里】印度石油公司主席Sarthak Behuria和中国石油化工股份有限公司总裁刘德树同意把两间公司之间的合作应该扩张到在第三国的石油提炼·石油化工·油气勘探开发活动。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38868(335/336)
◆Reliance Life、設備拡張、製薬ビジネス進出準備
【ニューデリー】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるバイオテック企業Reliance Life Sciences Pvt Ltd(RLS)は900クロー(US$2億)を投じてマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiに新施設を設け、キャパシティーを拡大するとともに、事業拡張計画の一環として、後発医薬品や受託製造等の製薬ビジネスへの進出、バイオ企業を標的にした世界的な企業買収を計画している。
◆Reliance Life forays into pharma sector
【NEW DELHI】Mukesh Ambani-promoted biotech venture Reliance Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd has charted out a Rs 900 crore capacity expansion plan to set up a new facility in Mumbai and also plans to foray into pharma business for generics and contract manufacturing and acquire biotech companies globally as part of its expansion plan.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38871(336/336)
【ムンバイ】Essar Globalのキプロス籍子会社Essar Shipping and Logistics Limited(ESLL)は1800クロー(US$4億)を投じ沖合及び陸上石油掘削装置(oil drilling rig)14基を調達、石油・ガス掘削ビジネスに復帰する。
◆Essar to invest $400 m to acquire 14 oil rigs
【Mumbai】Essar Shipping and Logistics Limited, a Cyprus based subsidiary of Essar Global, will invest Rs 1,800 crore in acquiring 14 offshore and onshore oil drilling rigs, in a bid to re-enter the oil and gas drilling business.
石油/化学 Petroleum/Chemical in 2006