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金融 Finance in 2009
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元のページへ戻る ►2009-09-15 ArtNo.42650(101/138)
◆Power sector faces $104bn funding gap
【New Delhi】The Government estimates that there is a gap of around Rs 5,00,000 crore ($104.17bn) in financing the power generation capacity addition projects in Indiai.
2009-09-18 ArtNo.42661(102/138)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)がインフレの再燃を防止するため間もなく通貨供給引締政策に回帰するのではないかとの懸念を鎮めるため、RBIのD. Subbarao総裁は火曜(9/15)、国内経済が成長の軌道に乗るまで目下の金融緩和政策を維持すると確認した。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI may not revert to tight money policy soon
【New Delhi】Seeking to allay apprehensions that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) may soon revert to tight money policy to tackle the upward movement of inflation, RBI Governor D. Subbarao on Tuesday maintained that the current soft monetary policy approach adopted would continue until the economy is securely on the growth track.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42677(103/138)
【ニューデリー】インド政府が17日、国際協力銀行(JBIC:Japan Bank for International Cooperation)による貨物専用鉄道(DFC:Dedicated Freight Corridor)計画に対する1万7700クロー(US$36.87億)の融資を承認したことから、大幅に遅延していたDFC西部路線の建設がいよいよ着手される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Cabinet clears Japan loan for freight corridor
【New Delhi】The western segment of the much-delayed dedicated freight corridor project will begin soon with the Cabinet clearing Rs 17,700-crore loan ($3.687bn) from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) on September 17.
2009-09-25 ArtNo.42686(104/138)
◆Inflation further rises to 0.37 pct on Sept 12
【New Delhi】Due to increasing prices of essential food items, the inflation rate based on the wholesale price index further rose to 0.37 per cent for the week ended September 12 after turnning positive for the first time in three months during the previous week when it had risen to 0.12 per cent.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42689(105/138)
【ピッツバーグ】G20(Group of Twenty)首脳らは先週金曜に閉幕した会議において、均衡のとれた力強い安定成長の礎を築くために、世界の金融体系に主要な改革を施すことで合意した。G20会議の最終宣言にはインドにとって重要な5つの内容が盛り込まれた。これらには、①発展途上国に対する国際金融基金(IMF)出資割り当ての5%上乗せ、②化石燃料補助金廃止計画に対するインドの注文(目標が貧弱ならインドは参加見合わせ)、③気候変動に対するインドの懸念表明、が含まれる。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42689.htm(...続きを読む)
◆Major implications for India in new financial architecture: G-20 Summit
【Pittsburgh】Leaders of Group of 20 countries, who concluded their Summit here on Friday, have agreed to a major overhaul of the global financial architecture that they believe will help lay the foundation for strong, sustainable and balanced growth. For India, specifically, the final declaration has five major implications. Five per cent more IMF quota for developing countries; India spared from cutting fossil fuel subsidies if targeted at poor; India's climate change concerns partially addressed, etc.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42694(106/138)
【ニューデリー】Manmohan Singh首相はBhartiグループが南アフリカの電信会社MTNを買収する計画を支持する姿勢を示した。南アフリカのJacob Zuma大統領との間で同問題が取り上げられた際、シン首相は取引が差別待遇を受けることなく、実行に移されるよう期待を表明した。これに対してZuma大統領は南アフリカ国内においては如何なる差別待遇も行わないことを保証した。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian PM, SA's President back Bharti-MTN deal
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh strongly backed Bharti group's efforts for acquiring stakes in South African telecom gaint MTN when he took up the issue with President Jacob Zuma and hoped that the deal will go through without any discrimination. Then Zuma assured Singh that deal would not be subject to any discriminatory treatment in his country.
2009-09-29 ArtNo.42699(107/138)
◆Sesa Goa、US$12.5億調達し事業拡張
【ムンバイ】Sesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は内外の市場で各種証券を発行し、6000クロー(US$12.5億)を調達する。調達した資金は、鉱山キャパシティーの増強を含む有機的、非有機的事業の拡張に充当される見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Sesa Goa to raise $1.25bn to boost expansion
【Mumbai】Sesa Goa will raise Rs 6,000 crore ($1.25bn) through the issue of various securities in the domestic as well as overseas markets. It is understood that the proceeds will be used for financing the company's growth plans, including increasing its mining capacity through the organic and inorganic route.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42710(108/138)
【バンガロール】情報技術(IT)及び研究開発(R&D)サービスを手がける地元企業Mindtreeは、カリフォルニア拠点のKyocera Wireless Corp (KWC)と、後者のカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点のインド子会社Kyocera Wireless India(KWI)を買収する契約を結んだ。MindtreeはKWCに対し頭金600万米ドルを支払う他、向こう2年間に、売上げにリンクした支払いを行う。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42710.htm(...続きを読む)
◆MindTree to acquire Kyocera Wireless (India)
【Bangalore】Mindtree, the IT and R&D services company, has signed an agreement with California-headquartered Kyocera Wireless Corp (KWC) to acquire its Indian subsidiary, Bangalore-based Kyocera Wireless (India) by making an upfront payment of $6 million, while further payments would be linked to revenues in the next two fiscals.
2009-10-02 ArtNo.42711(109/138)
【ニューデリー】インド最大の移動体通信会社Bharti Airtelと南アフリカの電話会社MTNの240億米ドル合併交渉は、南アフリカ政府がMTNの同国における上場資格維持の立場を堅持、これに対してインド政府も通貨政策の上から両国証券市場への同時上場を認めぬ方針を変えなかったため、独占交渉期限が切れたのに伴い打ち切られた。(...続きを読む)
◆Bharti, MTN call off merger talks a second time
【New Delhi】Bharti Airtel and South Africa's MTN, on Wednesday, called off their talks for a proposed $24 billion equity swap-cum-strategic alliance because of South African government's insistence on dual listing, which is not permissible under India's present laws governing the foreign exchange transaction.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42716(110/138)
【ニューデリー】インドの大手耐久消費財メーカー、Videocon Industries Ltd(VIL)は、携帯電話端末やその他の電子製品の受託製造を手がけるフィンランド企業Elcoteqの買収を目指し交渉している。これ以前に中国企業深セン長城開発科技公司(Shenzhen Great Wall Kaifa Technology)がこのヘルシンキ企業の買収を図ったが、物別れに終わった経緯がある。(...続きを読む)
◆Videocon to buy Elcoteq Finnish electronic major
【New Delhi】Indian consumer durables major Videocon Industries is in talks to acquire Finnish company Elcoteq, engaged in contract manufacturing of mobile phones and other electronic items, after the Helsinki-based company called off discussions with Chinese firm Shenzhen Great Wall Kaifa Technology.
2009-10-06 ArtNo.42720(111/138)
【ニューデリー】医療、保健サービス大手GE Healthcare(GEH)は、インドの子会社3社を、合弁会社Wipro GE Healthcare Pte Ltd(WGH)に統合した。(...続きを読む)
◆Wipro, GE to consolidate healthcare biz in India, South Asia
【New Delhi】Medical technologies and services major GE Healthcare has integrated its three standalone subsidiaries in India with its joint venture Wipro GE Healthcare.
2009-10-13 ArtNo.42741(112/138)
【ニューデリー】政府が経営するインド貨物専用鉄道会社(DFCCIL:The Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd)は、国際協力機構(JICA)に貨物専用鉄道(DFC:Dedicated Freight Corridor)西部路線の残りの部分に対する一層の融資を要請した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt seeks more Japan funds for Freight Corridor
【New Delhi】Government-run Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation of India Ltd (DFCCIL) is in talks with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to fund the remaining portion of the western arm of the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC).
2009-10-16 ArtNo.42749(113/138)
◆FDI inflows rise 40.5% to $3.26 billion in August
【New Delhi】Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows into India rose 40.51% in August at $3.26 billion against $2.32 billion a year ago, in spite of the persisting global financial crisis.
2009-10-23 ArtNo.42784(114/138)
◆大和、証券子会社の設置目指しAnil Ambani氏と提携協議
【ニューデリー】日本第二の証券会社、大和証券はインド国内に証券子会社を設立することを目指し、Anil Ambaniグループ傘下のReliance Capital Limited(RCL)と戦略提携交渉を進めている。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42784.htm(...続きを読む)
◆Daiwa to set up i-banking in alliance with Anil Ambani
【New Delhi】Japan's second-largest investment bank Daiwa Securities is entering into a strategic alliance with Anil Ambani-controlled Reliance Capital Limited to set up investment banking business in India.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42792(115/138)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は10月27日、インフレ圧力を抑制する狙いから、市中銀行が預金の一部を政府証券に転換し、中央銀行に預けることを義務づけた法定流動性比率(SLR:stautory liquidity ratio)を25%に100ベイシス・ポイント引き上げた。しかし他の主要金利は据え置いた。(...続きを読む)
◆RBI hikes SLR by one percentage point to 25%
【New Delhi】Aiming to tackle inflationary pressures, the Reserve Bank on October 27 raised statutory liquidity ratio (SLR), the portion of deposits that banks are required to keep in government securities by 100 basis points to 25 per cent. However, it kept other key rates and ratios.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42800(116/138)
◆Japan commits Yen 2,606 million for freight corridor project
【New Delhi】The Government of Japan has committed an amount of 2,606 million yens for the engineering services loan under the dedicated freight corridor project Phase-I.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42806(117/138)
【ニューデリー】ソフトバンクは、Sameer Manchanda氏が創設したマルチ・ケーブルTV会社(MSO:multi-service operator)DEN(Digital Entertainment Network)の権益取得(anchor investor)を目指し交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆SoftBank set to invest in DEN
【New Delhi】The Japanese telecommunications and media company SoftBank is all set to become an anchor investor in DEN(Digital Entertainment Network), the multi-service operator (MSO) promoted by Sameer Manchanda.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42808(118/138)
◆Inflation rises to 1.51% on Oct 17
【New Delhi】India's annual rate of inflation, based on wholesale prices, rose to 1.51 per cent for the week ended Oct 17, higher than previous week's annual rise of 1.21 percent on the back of higher food prices.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42812(119/138)
【ムンバイ】上海汽車工業(集団)総公司(SAIC:Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation)がGeneral Motors India Ltd(GMI)の50%権益を買収する見通しだ。これにより中国とインドにおける両社のビジネスは相互補完され、大きな相乗効果が発揮されそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Shanghai Auto likely to pick 50% in GM India
【Mumbai】Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC) appears to pick up a 50% stake in General Motors India to form an alliance which will see huge synergies between their Chinese and Indian operations.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42817(120/138)
【ムンバイ】Ruia一族傘下のEssar Oil Ltd(EOL)は、英国のエネルギー大手Royal Dutch Shellが英国Stanlow、そしてドイツのHeide及びHarburgに所有する製油所を買収する独占交渉権を手に入れた。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Oil in talks to buy 3 Shell refineries in Europe
【Mumbai】The Ruias-owned Essar Oil Ltd. has entered into an exclusive negotiation with British energy giant Royal Dutch Shell for buying Shell's Refinery at Stanlow in the UK and Heide and Harburg in Germany.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42833(121/138)
【ニューデリー】統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府は5日、より積極的な公共企業の政府持ち分売却政策を発表した。同政策の下、既に上場済みの中央公共企業(CPSE:central public sector enterprises)は株式の公開比率を最低10%に引き上げ、全ての黒字経営未上場CPSEは株式の公開を求められる。このことは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)を含む国営企業100社以上が公開公募(IPO:Initial Public Offerings)を行うことを意味する。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt unveils bold divestment plan
【New Delhi】The United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government on November 5 announced a bold disinvestment policy that all listed Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) would offload 10 per cent of their holding in the public domain and all unlisted profitable state-owned entities should go public, a move that may see public offers by over 100 companies, including telecom behemoth Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42863(122/138)
◆野村、Mahindra Satyamの部分権益買収
【ムンバイ】Nomura Mauritius Ltd(NML)は13日、Larsen and Toubro(L&T)からMahindra Satyam Ltd(MSL)の2200万株を1株112.50ルピーで買収した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42863.htm(...続きを読む)
◆Nomura buys stake in Mahindra Satyam
【Mumbai】Nomura Mauritius Ltd on November 13 bought 2.2 crore shares of Mahindra Satyam from Larsen and Toubro at Rs 112.50 a share.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42866(123/138)
【ニューデリー】Vir Bhadra Singh鉄鋼相は13日、「Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)とNational Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC)の政府持ち分を売却する最終方針は既に決まっている。来月閣議にかけられ、承認が求められる」と語った。大蔵省政府持分処分局(DOD:Department of Disinvestment)のSunil Mitra次官も向こう数ヶ月間に株式が公開される公共企業(PSU:public sector undertaking)に触れた際、規模の大きいBharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL)、SAILそしてCoal India Ltd(CIL)の名を挙げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt lists 60 PSUs for sell-off
【New Delhi】Union Steel minister Vir Bhadra Singh on November 13 said that the proposal to divest government's stake in the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) is final and would be sent to the Union Cabinet next month for approval. Disinvestment Secretary Sunil Mitra too identified some of the country's largest the public sector undertakings(PSUs)—the Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited(BSNL), SAIL and Coal India—among those to hit the market in coming months.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42882(124/138)
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)はJFEスチール株式会社と、製造技術協力及び株式持ち合いで合意した。証券市場は同ニュースに敏感に反応したが、JFEスチールによるJSL株式の買収が直ちに行われぬことが明らかになると、すぐ冷却した。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW in pact with JFE for auto-grade steel
【Mumbai】JSW Steel is collaborating with JFE Steel Corporation for a manufacturing and mutual shareholding agreement. However markets were disappointed that the pact does not immediately involve the acquisition of an equity stake in the Indian company.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42889(125/138)
【ムンバイ】豊富な現金余剰(US$60億)を抱えるReliance Industries Ltd (RIL)は、倒産し米国法廷の保護命令下に組織再編中の化学企業LyondellBasell Industries(LBI)の支配権益を100億~120億米ドルで買収することを提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Armed with $6 bn cash surplus, RIL goes for global M&As
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL), which is sitting on surplus cash of about $6 billion, offered $10-12 billion for a controlling interest in bankrupt chemical company LyondellBasell Industries, which is going through a reorganisation under the protection of a US court.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42890(126/138)
【ムンバイ】地元証券会社Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL)は東京海上ホールディングス株式会社と合弁で550クロー(US$1.19億)を投じ、生命保険会社『Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance(ETLI)』を設立することで合意した。(...続きを読む)
◆Edelweiss inks pact with Tokio Marine Holdings
【Mumbai】Domestic brokerage firm Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL) has entered into an agreement with Tokio Marine Holdings to jointly float a life insurance company, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, with an initial investment of Rs 550 crore($119.35m).
【孟买】本地证券经纪企业EdelweissCapital有限公司和东京海上控股株式会社达成协议投资55亿卢比相等于1亿1935万美元建立一家印度人寿保险合资公司名叫Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance。
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42905(127/138)
【チャンディガル】「ドバイの金融危機がインド経済の土台を揺るがすようなことはない。現状で全面的な影響を判断するのは困難だが、非常ベルを押す必要はない。」Pranab Mukherjee蔵相は11月28日、以上の見通しを語った。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42905.htm(...続きを読む)
◆No need to press panic button: FM on Dubai crisis
【Chandigarh】"The Dubai debt crisis will not have earth shaking impact on the country's economy. The full impact of the Dubai debt crisis is yet to be assessed, but there is no need to press the panic button," the Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on November 28 said.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42906(128/138)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、ドバイ金融危機の国内海運業への影響を調査するため、DP Worldと関係を有する全ての国内港湾に詳細を報告するよう求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Shipping sector on alert; Dubai financial crisis
【New Delhi】The Indian Government has sought detailed information from all ports associated with DP World to assess the impact of Dubai debt crisis on Indian shipping sector.
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42907(129/138)
【ムンバイ】インド最大の土木建設会社Larsen & Toubro(L&T)は、土木工事を中心にドバイのクライアントに対する2000万~2500万米ドルの債権を有する。(...続きを読む)
◆L&T has $25-m receivables in Dubai
【Mumbai】Larsen & Toubro, India's largest engineering and construction company, has around $20-25 million of receivables outstanding from clients in Dubai, mostly in civil construction.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42923(130/138)
【ニューデリー】地元日刊紙は水曜、昨年6月に日本第二の製薬会社第一三共がRanbaxy Laboratoriesを買収したのに続き、日本最大の薬品メーカー武田がインド市場の開拓に乗り出したと報じた。(...続きを読む)
◆Japan's largest drug maker Takeda comes calling
【New Delhi】A daily newspaper reported on Wednesday that Japan's largest drugmaker Takeda had begun to scout for opportunities in India, after Japan's second largest pharmaceutical company, Daiichi Sankyo Ltd, acquired Ranbaxy Laboratories in June last year.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42924(131/138)
◆GDP grows 7.9% in second quarter
【New Delhi】India's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) posted a robust growth rate of 7.9 per cent in the second quarter of the current fiscal (July-September, 2009) as against 6.1 per cent in the first quarter. This has taken the markets and experts by surprise and raised hopes that the growth for the full year will cross 7 per cent.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42926(132/138)
【ニューデリー】食品インフレは11月の第3週に17.47%をマーク、前週の15.58%から一層加速した。このため1月の政策見直し時に中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)が金利を引き上げるのではないかとの憶測が高まっている。(...続きを読む)
◆Food inflation rises to 17.47%, RBI to review policy
【New Delhi】Food inflation soared to 17.47 per cent in the third week of November from 15.58 per cent a week ago fanning expectations of a rate hike by the Reserve Bank of India at its January policy review
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42934(133/138)
◆Govt may put 8 sick fertiliser units on the block
【Hyderabad】The Government is considering to put on the block eight State-owned fertiliser units that were closed down years ago due to feedstock and other problems as part of efforts to revive these sick units.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42939(134/138)
【ニューデリー】首相経済諮問委員会(PMEAC:Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council)は今会計年度の資本純流入(NIC:net capital inflow)予測を、これ以前に発表した550億米ドルから500億米ドルに下方修正した。(...続きを読む)
◆PMEAC revises downward estimate of capital inflows
【New Delhi】The Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council (PMEAC) has lowered its estimate of net capital inflows into India during the current fiscal to about $50 billion from an earlier estimate at $55 billion.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42957(135/138)
◆Inflation shoots up to 4.78 per cent in Nov
【New Delhi】The Wholesale Price Index (WPI)-based inflation has shot up three-and-half times to 4.78 per cent during November from 1.34 per cent in October, driven by rising prices of essential food items like pulses, fruits and vegetables.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42958(136/138)
【ニューデリー】中央銀行Reserve Bank of India(RBI)は9日夜、企業の海外借款に対する金利上限規制(interest rate ceiling)を復活するとともに、外貨建て転換債(FCCB:foreign currency convertible bond)の買い戻し窓口を閉じると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆India re-imposes controls on foreign capital inflows
【New Delhi】The Reserve Bank of India on December 9 night reintroduced an interest rate ceiling for companies borrowing from abroad and closed the window for the buyback of foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs).
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42961(137/138)
◆Tata Motors、Swaraj Mazda買収目指す
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は軽商用車(LCV)市場におけるプレゼンスを強化する狙いから、住友商事と、後者が保持するSwaraj Mazda Ltd (SML)の53.5%権益買収交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Tatas may acquire Swaraj Mazda
【Mumbai】Tata Motors is negotiating to acquire Sumitomo's 53.5% stake in Swaraj Mazda as it attempts to strengthen its position in the light commercial vehicle market.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42965(138/138)
◆Economy poised to hit high growth path: Mid Year Review
【New Delhi】The gross domestic product (GDP) is likely to be in the upper bound of the 6.25-7.75 per cent range predicted by the Mid Year Review (MYR) of the economy in 2009-10.
金融 Finance in 2009
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