貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2006
◆Auto cos' August sales uneven
【NEW DELHI】Auto companys' August sales are uneven with some companies posting high double-digit increases while others regitering a dip in volumes.The sales of the second quarter of the financial year usually decelerates due to monsoons, and this time too, the 25% plus growth seen in first four months of this fiscal has slowed down.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38380(452/599)
◆Bajaj Auto、8月のバイク販売21%アップ
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の8月のモーターサイクル販売は18万570台と、昨年同月の14万9415台に比べ21%増加した。
◆Bajaj bike sales rise 21 pc in Aug
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd sold 1,80,570 motorcycles in August 2006, 21 per cent more than 1,49,415 units in the same period last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38381(453/599)
◆TVS Motor、8月のバイク販売39%アップ
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)の8月のモーターサイクル販売台数は8万3014台と、昨年同月の5万9675台に比べ39%増加した。
◆TVS' motorcycle sales rise 39 pc in August
【Chennai】TVS Motor Company has witnessed 39 per cent growth in motorcycle sales, with numbers increaseing by 39 per cent in August to 83,014 units against 59,675 units in the same month last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38383(454/599)
◆Lattice Semiconductor、ディストリビューター指名
【バンガロール】米国オレゴン州拠点の半導体装置会社Lattice Semiconductor Corporation(LSC)はインドのプログラマブル・ロジック市場の開拓を目指し、インドにセールス拠点を設けた。
◆Lattice Semiconductor appoints two distributors
【BANGALORE】Oregon USA based Lattice Semiconductor Corporation has established a sales force to serve the programmable logic market in India.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38398(455/599)
【ムンバイ】グジャラート州Ahmedabad拠点の製薬会社Zydus Cadilaグループは、日本に完全出資子会社Zydus Pharma Inc(ZPI)を設立、日本における後発医薬品製剤や薬理活性原末(API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients)市場の開拓に乗り出す。
◆Zydus enters generics market of Japan
【Mumbai】The Ahmedabad-based pharma major Zydus Cadila has established a wholly owned subsidiary called Zydus Pharma Inc in Japan and will market formulation generics and API in that country.
【孟买】以古吉拉特州艾哈迈达巴德为基地的制药企业Zydus Cadila公司在日本设立全资子公司Zydus Pharma Inc而进军日本非专利药和原料药市场。
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38399(456/599)
◆Anil Ambani氏、独自の小売り戦略準備
【ニューデリー】兄のMukesh Ambani氏がReliance Retail Limited(RRL)を設立、2万5000クロー(US$56.02億)の小売り事業計画を推進する中、小売り市場のパイを奪われることを望まぬ弟のAnil Ambani氏は独自の小売り戦略を準備しているようだ。
◆Anil Ambani to prepare own retail plans
【New Delhi】While Mukesh Ambani announced his next big plan to establish the wholly owned subsidiary Reliance Retail Ltd that is to spearhead the retail foray and invest Rs 25,000 crore in the next four years, the younger Anil Ambani who does not want to be deprived of a slice of the retail pie, is working on a blueprint for the sector.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38402(457/599)
【ニューデリー】日産自動車はインド市場に小型乗用車(small car)を紹介する事業化調査を進めている。
◆Nissan undertaking a feasibility study to launch small cars
【New Delhi】Nissan Motors is studying feasibility to launch small cars in India.It has around 180 models with the engine capacity ranging from 600 cc to 5,000 cc. Moco, which has a 660 cc power-packed engine of around 64 horse power, is one of the smallest cars in its stable .The other model Micra comes in the range of 1,100 cc to 1,600 cc and has been a big seller in the European and Asian markets.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38403(458/599)
【ニューデリー/チェンナイ】ホンダはインドに小型乗用車(small car)を投入し、製品ポートフォリオを拡大する可能性を検討している。
◆Honda also mull to make small car in India
【NEW DELHI/CHENNAI】Honda Motors is looking at introduceing a small car in the Indian market to expand its product portfolio.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38404(459/599)
【ムンバイ】Ford Motorは50万ルピー未満の乗用車セグメントに進出する計画をまだ公表していないが、消息筋によると同社はマツダと手を結び小型乗用車市場に進出することを検討しているもようだ。
◆Ford may foray into the small car market through Mazda
【MUMBAI】Though Ford Motor has revealed its plans for the sub-Rs 5 lakh car market, sources say that Ford may foray into the small car market through its Japanese subsidiary Mazda Motor.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38406(460/599)
【ベニス/ニューデリー】イタリアのカー・メーカー、Fiatはパートナー、Tata Motors Ltd(TML)のプラットフォームを利用して特定海外市場向けのロー・コスト・カーを開発することを検討している。
◆Fiat, Tata may jointly develop low-cost car
【Venice/New Delhi】Italian car maker Fiat is planning to develop a low-cost car using Tata Motors' platform for the select overseas markets. Tata Motors is working to develop India's cheapest car, priced at around Rs 1 lakh by 2008.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38413(461/599)
◆Pharma cos go into Japan market one after another
【Mumbai】Japanese pharma market which had been a tough market for foreign drug manufacturers including Indian firms, is emerging as the new attractive destination for Indian drug majors. Ranbaxy, Lupin float JVs; Zydus group sets up first wholly owned subsidiary.
2006-09-11 ArtNo.38414(462/599)
【ニューデリー】インド、ブラジル、南アフリカは来週ブラジルで催されるIBSA(India, Brazil and South Africa)首脳会議の席上、貿易協力のための枠組み協定(framework agreement)に調印する。
◆India, Brazil, S Africa to sign a framework agrevsement
【NEW DELHI】India, Brazil and South Africa set to sign a framework agrevsement for trade cooperation at the first IBSA Summit in Brazil next week.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38418(463/599)
【ニューデリー】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、亜鉛やその他のインプット・コストが増大する中で7日、亜鉛鍍金鋼のトン当たり価格を9月1日に遡って500~1000ルピー引き上げると発表した。
◆Uttam, JSW and Ispat raise steel prices
【NEW DELHI】Uttam Galva Steels, JSW Steel and Ispat Industries have announced increase in galvanised steel prices by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne with effect from September 1, 2006,on the back of rising zinc prices and input costs.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38419(464/599)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値上げ
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は7日、亜鉛と鉛のトン当たり価格を1万1000ルピーと2800ルピー引き上げた。
◆Hindustan Zinc hikes Zinc and lead prices
【NEW DELHI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has hiked Zinc and lead prices Rs.11,000 and Rs.2800 per ton respectively.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38421(465/599)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の乗用車(passenger car)販売は引き続き好調で昨年同月の7万2272台から8万3844台に16.01%成長した。
◆August car sales up 16%
【New Delhi】Domestic car sales continued to be buoyant in August. Passenger car sales rose 16.01 per cent in August to 83,844 units from 72,272 units in the same month a year earlier.
【新德里】今年8月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售继续活跃。比去年同月的7万2272辆增加到8万3844辆。成长率16.01%。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38422(466/599)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の商用車(commercial vehicle)の国内販売台数は3万5333台と、昨年同月の2万7515台に比べ28.41%増加した。
◆Commercial vehicle sales in August grow 28.4%
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles sales during August clocked a growth of 28.4% and stood at 35,333 units compared to 27,515 units in the corresponding month last year.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38423(467/599)
【ニューデリー】モーターサイクルの8月の販売台数はマーケット・リーダー、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の不振も有って昨年同月の45万5311台から47万955台に僅か3.43%の伸びにとどまった。
◆Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% August
【New Delhi】Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% during the August this year at 4,70,955 units against 4,55,311 units in the same month last year mainly on account of market leader Hero Honda's slump.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38435(468/599)
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は、DTSi (Digital Twin spark-ignition)技術を採用した初のスクーター新モデル『Crystal』を近く発売する。
◆Bajaj to introduce a 100-cc scooter with its DTSi technology
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd set to introduce for the first time a 100-cc scooter with its DTSi technology. The model will be called `Crystal'.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38436(469/599)
◆Bajaj、来週180cc Pulsar改良バージョン発売
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は来週『Pulsar 180cc』のアップ・グレード・バージョンを発売する。
◆Bajaj to roll out upgraded Pulsar next week
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto set to launch its upgraded Pulsar 180cc next week. The price will be around Rs 60,000.
【孟买】巴贾吉汽车公司下星期发售摩托车Pulsar 180cc改良款式。价格6万卢比左右。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38437(470/599)
【バンガロール】豊田自動織機は12日、Kirloskar Toyoda Textile Machinery (KTTM)と、インド国内におけるマテハン機器(フォークリフト)の販売・サービスを後者に委ねるディストリビューション契約を結んだ。
◆Toyota Ind. signed a distribution agreement with Kirloskars
【Bangalore】Toyota Industries Corporation has signed a distribution agreement with Kirloskar Toyoda Textile Machinery (KTTM) for sales and service of material handling equipment (forklifts) in India.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38438(471/599)
◆Sanyo aims to achieve Rs 2,000 crore turnover
【KOLKATA】Sanyo Electric Co aims to achieve Rs 2,000 crore turnover in the Indian consumer durable segment by 2008-09.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38439(472/599)
【ニューデリー】台湾拠点の世界第4位のパーソナル・コンピュター・メーカー、Acerは、産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)の反対にも関わらず、情報技術(IT)ハードウェア製品のインド国内におけるマーケッティングを認められた。
◆Acer has got a permit to market IT hardware
【New Delhi】Despite the objection from the department of industrial policy & promotion (DIPP), Acer, one of the top four PC makers in the world, has got a green signal from the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) to market IT hardware in India.
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38443(473/599)
◆Anil Ambani氏、薬剤師組合と小売り合弁協議
【ニューデリー】Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG)は全インド薬剤師薬局組合(AIOCD:All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists)と合弁交渉を進めている。
◆Chemists` body in talks with ADAG and others for drug retail JV
【New Delhi】All India Organisation of Chemists and Druggists (AIOCD) is in talks with Reliance-Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group(R-ADAG) and other two companies for a drug retail joint venture.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38447(474/599)
【チャンバ】国営水力発電会社National Hydroelectric Power Corporation(NHPC)は火力発電及び複数の州を跨ぐ電力取引事業に進出、経営の多角化に乗り出す。
◆NHPC to foray into thermal and power trading
【Chamba】State-Owned National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) plans to foray into thermal power generation and inter-state trading of electricity as a diversification exercise of the company.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38451(475/599)
◆Local steel tube business to face China threat
【New Delhi】The Rs 15,000 crore Indian steel tubes industry is facing a Chinese double whammy. For a flood of Chinese imports has caused competition to heat up in the country and Chinese counter part has driven up material costs in the global market.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38455(476/599)
【ニューデリー】ドイツの高級車メーカー、Audi AGはインドに製造拠点を設ける可能性を検討している。
◆Audi plans to set up assembly unit
【New Delhi】German car maker Audi is considering options for assembling cars in India.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38468(477/599)
【ニューデリー】Essar Global子会社のEssar Oil Fields Services(EOFS)は、世界的に石油・ガスの探査開発活動が活発化する中、既に14のリグを手に入れ、間もなくオイル・リグ・ビジネスに再進出する。
◆Essar back into the oil rig business
【NEW DELHI】With the surge in exploration and production activities, Essar Oil Fields Services, a subsidiary of Essar Global, is set to return to the oil rig business and has already acquired 14 rigs in a major buy out spree.
【新德里】乘着石油天然气开发和生产活动活跃,Essar Global的子公司埃萨油田服务公司计划重回钻探装置生意。他已经收购14台钻探装置。
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38471(478/599)
◆Gland Pharma、カラ・アザール治療薬の認可取得
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のGland Pharma Ltd(GPL)は、インド薬品監督総監(DCGI:Drug Controller General of India)から内臓リーシュマニア症(Visceral leishmaniasis)別名カラ・アザール(Kala Azar)の治療薬パロモマイシン(Paromomycin)筋肉注射薬の承認を取得した。
◆Gland Pharma got DCGI approval for Paromomycin
【Hyderabad】The Hyderabad-based Gland Pharma Ltd has received the Drug Controller-General of India's approval for the drug - Paromomycin intramuscular injection - which can be used to treat visceral leishmaniasis or Kala Azar.
◆Gland Pharma从印度药物管控拿到肌肉注射药Paromomycin的认证
【海德拉巴】以安德拉邦州海德拉巴基地的Gland Pharma有限公司从印度药物管控拿到治疗内脏利什曼病又名黑热病的肌肉注射药Paromomycin的认证。
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38472(479/599)
◆Govt plans a 4% countervailing duty on capital goods imports
【NEW DELHI】In order to protect domestic capital goods firms, the government is considering a 4% countervailing duty on capital goods imports, which enjoy a nil to 5% customs duty.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38478(480/599)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は中国企業が国内通信インフラ事業に入札するのを認めていないが、中国企業Huaweiは間接的ながら国営電話会社Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd(MTNL)に対する大口の納入契約を獲得した。
◆Chinese companies indirectly bagged big orders from the public telco
【NEW DELHI】Although the government has not permitted to Chinese companies to manufacture equipment in India, Huawei indirectly bagged big orders from the government-owned Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38484(481/599)
【ニューデリー】地場亜鉛鍍金鋼メーカー、Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は21日、亜鉛鍍金鋼のトン当たり価格を1000ルピー引き上げた。
◆Uttam Galva raised steel prices
【NEW DELHI】The local galvanised steel maker, Uttam Galva Steels Ltd on Thursday raised its galvanised steel prices by Rs 1,000 per tonne.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38488(482/599)
◆Generic drugs' fixed trade margin scheme to start
【NEW DELHI】The big, small and multinational pharmaceutical companies' associations on Tuesday noticed all their members to fix trade margins on all drugs which companies promote through chemists, at 15% and 35% for wholesale and retail, respectively from October 2.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38498(483/599)
【ニューデリー】LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd(LGEI)は今年末までにLCDテレビジョンやプラズマTV等のハイエンドなフラット・スクリーン・テクノロジー(FST)市場トップの座獲得を目指す。
◆LG aims to take away top slot in flat screen mart from Samsung
【New Delhi】LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd is planning to take away top slot in the high-end flat screen technology (FST) segment which consists of liquid crystal display (LCD) televisions and Plasma TVs, from Samsung by the end of the year.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38500(484/599)
◆Telecom equipment export 43% jumps last year
【New Delhi】India exported telecom equipment and cables Rs 500 crore in 2005-2006, 42.86 per cent higher than Rs 350 crore in 2004-05.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38502(485/599)
◆Kumar Birla氏、小売り事業に5年内にUS$20億投資
【ニューデリー】Kumar Mangalam Birla氏に率いられるAditya Birlaグループは向こう5年間に20億米ドル以上を投じ、全国にスーパーマーケットとハイパーマーケット・チェーンを展開、揺籃期の組織小売り市場の機会を開拓する。
◆Kumar Birla plans to invest $2 bn in retail
【New Delhi】The Aditya Birla group which plans to foray into organised retail business, will invest over $2 billion in the next five years and rolls out a mix of supermarkets and hypermarkets across the country.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38503(486/599)
◆Exports grow 41%, imports up 32% in August
【New Delhi】India's merchandise exports in August this year are valued at $10.3 billion, 41.14 per cent higher than $7.35 billion clocked in the same month last year.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38506(487/599)
【ムンバイ】United Phosphorus Ltd(UPL)は石原産業会社及び三井物産と合弁会社を設立、石原産業が開発したある種の農業化学品をインドで製造販売する。
◆UPL signs pact with Ishihara Sangyo and Mitsui
【MUMBAI】United Phosphorus (UPL) will set up a joint venture company with Japanese players Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha (ISK) and Mitsui to produce and market in India certain agrochemical products developed by ISK.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38515(488/599)
【バンガロール】三洋電機は、直冷式を含むインド冷蔵庫市場の主流に加わる狙いからWhirlpool Indiaとソーシング交渉を進めている。
◆Sanyo talks with Whirlpool about the outsourcing pact
【BANGALORE】Sanyo is holding talks with Whirlpool about the outsourcing pact for a play in the mainstream refrigerator market, including the direct cool segment.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38516(489/599)
◆バッファロー、Advent Infotech通じインドにプレゼンス
【コーチ】パソコン及びブロードバンド関連機器の開発・製造・販売及び 関連サービスを手掛ける名古屋拠点の株式会社バッファローは、付加価値ネットワーキング&テレコム流通業者Advent Infotech Pvt Ltd(AIPL)と提携し、インド市場の開拓に乗り出した。
◆Buffalo Inc. expands its presence through Advent Infotech
【KOCHI】The Nagoya-based Buffalo Inc, Japan, a global leader in the development, manufacture and sales of computer and broadband equipment, and supply of related services, has announced its expansion plans for the Indian market with a national distribution partnership with Advent Infotech, value-added networking and telecom distributor.
2006-09-29 ArtNo.38517(490/599)
◆Satyam Computer、日本企業買収準備
【シンガポール】インドの指導的ソフトウェア輸出業者Satyam Computer Services Ltd(SCSL)は、米国依存軽減のためのアジア市場拓戦略の一環として日本における企業買収もしくは企業提携を準備している。
◆Satyam prepares an acquisition or alliance in Japan
【SINGAPORE】India's leading software exporter, Satyam Computer Services Ltd who is expanding in Asia to trim reliance on the US, is planning to make an acquisition or alliance in Japan as a part of its strategy.
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38518(491/599)
◆Q1 GDP growth 8.9 p.c.
【New Delhi】Backed by a strong showing in manufacturing, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 8.9 per cent in the first quarter of the current fiscal, compared with 8.5 per cent recorded in the same period last year. It is the highest first-quarter growth rate since 2000-01.
【新德里】在制造业坚强表现的支援下,第一季的国内生产成长了8.9%,不但超过去年同一期的8.5%,而且 2000-01年以来的最高记录。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38522(492/599)
【アーマダバード】イタリアの自動車メーカー、Italjet Motoから譲り受けた7モデルの最初のモデル、165ccスクーター『Blaze』を5万1000ルピーでこのほど発売したKinetic Motor Company Ltd(KMCL)は残りのイタリアン・スクター6モデルも向こう3年間に国内と海外で発売する。
これらのモデルは何れもLeopoldo Tartariniがデザインしたもの。
◆Kinetic prepares to launch another 6 Italian scooter models
【Ahmedabad】Kinetic Motor Company Ltd which has just launched the Rs 51,000 new model "165-cc Blaze", the first of the seven models that it acquired from the Italian major, Italjet Moto, is all set to launch another six new Italian scooter models, designed by Mr Leopoldo Tartarini, in the country and abroad in the next three years.
【艾哈迈达巴德】从意特捷公司拿到7个款式速可达商标权的Kinetic Motor Company有限公司,最近以5万1000卢比出售之中一个"165-cc Blaze"之后,准备今后3年内逐步出售其他6个款式。这些款式都是Leopoldo Tartarini先生设计的。
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38524(493/599)
【ムンバイ】情報技術(IT)ソリューション・プロバイダー、HCL Infosystems Ltd(HCLIL)は、Casio India Co Pvt Ltdと、後者製デジタル・カメラをインドで販売する協力契約を結んだ。
◆HCL signed a marketing agreement with Casio India
【MUMBAI】HCL Infosystems Ltd, a Information Technology solutions provider, has signed up an arrangement with Casio India Co Pvt Ltd to market digital cameras in India.
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38530(494/599)
【ニューデリー】製薬業界は、化学省が医薬品価格に関するコンセンサスを形成するために組織した専門委員会が報告書を作成する以前に、合計1000品目のブランド後発医薬品(branded generic)とノンブランド後発医薬品(generic-generic)の価格を10月2日から最大92%引き下げることを認めた。
◆Prices of 1000 pharma brands to crash from Oct 2
【NEW DELHI】The pharma industry has agreed to reduce prices of 1,000 "generic-generic" and "branded generic" drugs upto 92% applicable from October 2, even before the committee constituted by the chemicals ministry to evolve consensus in drug pricing finalised its report.
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38531(495/599)
【ニューデリー】フランスを拠点にする年商750億ユーロの多国籍小売り企業Carrefourは当初1億米ドルを投じて首都圏(national capital region)にキャッシュ&キャリー卸売り店を設け、インド市場に進出する計画だ。
◆Carrefour plans to open cash-carry outlets
【New Delhi】France-based Carrefour, the 75 billion euros multinational retailer, is planning to invest $100 million and set up cash-and-carry outlets, starting from the national capital region, in order to enter Indian market.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38534(496/599)
◆Hero Honda、9月の二輪車販売13%増加
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の9月の二輪車販売台数は30万1577台と、昨年同月の26万6071台に比べ13.34%増加した。
◆Hero Honda sales increased 13 pc in Sept
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler manufacturer Hero Honda Motors reported a 13.34 per cent increase in sales in September at 3,01,577 units compared with 2,66,071 units sold in the same month last year.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38535(497/599)
◆Bajaj Auto、9月の二輪三輪車販売38%アップ
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の9月の二輪・三輪車販売台数は30万141台と、昨年同月の21万8012台に比べ38%増加した。
◆Bajaj Auto sales up 38 pc in Sept
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd said sales of two and three-wheelers in September rose 38 per cent from 218,012 units in the same month a year earlier to 300,141 units.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38536(498/599)
【ニューデリー】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の9月のモーターサイクル販売台数は昨年同月の7万5310台から10万6972台に42%増加した。
◆TVS motorbikes sales up 42% in Sept
【New Delhi】Local two-wheeler manufacturer TVS Motor Company Ltd on Tuesday reported a 42 per cent increase in motorcycle sales during September at 1,06,972 units as against 75,310 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38543(499/599)
◆Synthetic, rayon textiles export grow 21% in Apr-July
【MUMBAI】Exports of synthetic and rayon textiles touched Rs 2,673 crore during April-July 2006, an increase of 21% compared to the same period of last.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38545(500/599)
◆Tata Sons、豪州Woolworthsと提携し小売り市場進出
【ムンバイ】インド第2の企業グループ、Tata groupはオーストラリアの小売り大手、Woolworths Ltdと提携し、全国に耐久消費財小売りチェーンを設ける。
◆Tatas enters into retail venture with Woolworths
【Mumbai】the Tata group, India's second largest corporate house, has entered into a technical alliance with Australian retail major, Woolworths, and set out to start a specialised retail chain for consumer durables.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2006