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貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-10-06 ArtNo.38546(501/599)
◆Q1 biz services exports jump 139%
【NEW DELHI】India's business services exports has registered $4.55 billion in Q1 this fiscal, 139% higher than Q1 of 2005-06. The business services comprise accounting, legal and auditing, management consultancy, tax consultancy and public relations services.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38552(502/599)
◆Auto industry fired on all cylinders in September
【MUMBAI】The auto industry accomplished a splendid achievement in September '06. While India is moving towards a brand value market, Honda and Skoda marked 52% and 38% growth, respectively. Maruti continued to dominate with a 22% rise in sales, primarily its A2 segment, with Swift and Alto.
【孟买】印度汽车业在9月份开足马力而实现光辉的成绩。市场越来越重视品牌价值的倾向下,本田和斯柯达的销售各增52%和38%。马鲁蒂的销售因为A2款式,例如 Swift和Alto的表现好而增长22%,因此维持领导地位。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38556(503/599)
【バンガロール】Subex Azure Ltd(SAL)は日立ソフトと戦略提携し、日本市場の開拓に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Subex forays into the Japanese market through a tie- up with HitachiSoft
【Bangalore】Bangalore-based Subex Azure Ltd, the world's largest vendor of revenue maximization solutions for telecom operators, forayed into the Japanese market by entering into a strategic partnership with HitachiSoft, an IT software development firm there.
【班加罗尔】总部设在班加罗尔的全球最大的电信收入保障企业 Subex Azure有限公司跟日立软件公司战略性合作进军日本市场。
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38560(504/599)
しかし英国の空港免税店会社Alpha Airportsの進出計画は外国投資促進局(FIPB)により却下された。(...続きを読む)
◆Spanish potter Lladro's retail proposal got nod by FIPB
【NEW DELHI】A proposal by Spanish porcelain maker Lladro to open retail boutiques has got nod by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB), while that of UK-based Alpha Airports for entering the airport retail segment has not been cleared.
【新德里】西班牙陶器商Lladro从印度外国投资促进局拿到在印度国内经营专卖店计划的批准。可是以英国基地的免税店公司Alpha Airports的机场免税店计划没有获得承认。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38564(505/599)
◆Passenger car sales rose 22.4 pc in September
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales in September this year increased by 22.4 per cent to 94,734 units from 77,384 in the same month last year.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38565(506/599)
◆Commercial vehicles sales grew 33.5% in September
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles sales in September this year grew 33.5 per cent to 42,400 units from 31,749 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38566(507/599)
【ニューデリー】今年9月のモーターサイクル販売台数はHero Honda(10%)及びBajaj Auto(48%)の好調に支えられ、昨年同月の53万8889台から67万2570台に24.8%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorcycle sales up 24.8 pc in September
【New Delhi】Motorcycle sales in September this year registered a growth of 24.8 per cent at 6,72,570 units as against 5,38,889 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38567(508/599)
◆Hero Honda、新モデル投入しプレミアム市場で攻勢に
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は9日プレミアム・セグメントの150ccモーターサイクル『CBZ』新モデルをお披露目した。
キック・スタート式バージョンのデリーにおける店頭価格(ex-showroom Delhi)は5万4500ルピー。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda changes to the offensive in the premium bikes market
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd on Monday launched an new model of its premium 150-cc motorcycle CBZ, pricing the base variant at Rs 54,500 (ex-showroom Delhi).
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38568(509/599)
◆Hero Honda、銀行と提携し農民に二輪車購入ローン提供
【プネー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は、西部5州の農民に二輪車購入ローンを提供するためBank of Maharashtra(BOM)と手を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda ties up with banks to provide loans to farmers
【Pune】Hero Honda Motors Ltd has entered into an arrangement with Bank of Maharashtra in order to provide loans to farmers who purchase two-wheelers made by Hero Honda.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38569(510/599)
◆Anti-dumping duty on blank CDs imports
【NEW DELHI】The government has imposed stiff anti-dumping duties on imports of rewritable compact discs from China, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong to protect domestic manufacturers.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38570(511/599)
【ニューデリー】Ericssonは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の2万クロー(US$42.73億)を超えるGSM(Global System for Mobile)/3G機器納入入札に一番札を入れた。(...続きを読む)
◆Ericsson bids lowest in BSNL's GSM tender
【New Delhi】Swedish telecom major Ericsson had emerged as the lowest bidder for GSM line contract, worth over Rs 20,000 crore, offered by state owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38571(512/599)
【ニューデリー】Motorolaは国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の2万クロー(US$42.73億)GSM(Global System for Mobile)機器入札への応札を認められなかったことを不服とし、デリー高裁に告訴、入札手続きの差し止めを求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorola objects to BSNL tender process
【NEW DELHI:】Motorola challenged its disqualification from the bidding process for supply of equipment to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)in the Delhi High Court and asked the court to order to stay the tender process.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38572(513/599)
【ニューデリー】総理府は国営電話会社Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)の不透明なGSM(Global System for Mobile)機器入札を巡り電気通信局(DOT)に釈明を求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆PMO wants DoT's explanation on BSNL's GSM tender
【NEW DELHI】Prime Minister's Office has sought explanations, regarding alleged lack of transparency in state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd(BSNL)'s 62 million GSM line tender, from the Department of Telecom.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38584(514/599)
【ムンバイ】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd(SMI)はトップエンド・バイク隼11台を輸入、内1台をグジャラート州Saurashtra-Kutch地区に展示した。(...続きを読む)
◆Suzuki has imported 11 Hayabusa bikes
【Mumbai】Suzuki Motorcycles India Pvt Ltd has imported 11 Hayabusa bikes into India, and one of them has been showcased at the Saurashtra-Kutch region.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38585(515/599)
◆Hero Cycles、英国企業と電動二輪車共同販促契約
【ニューデリー】Hero Group傘下の世界最大の自転車メーカー、Hero Cycles Ltd(HCL)は英国の電動車両(EV)会社Ultra Motor Company (UMC)と、後者製電動二輪車をインド市場に紹介する技術提携/共同マーケッティング契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero signs joint marketing deal with UK's Ultra for e-bikes
【NEW DELHI】Hero Cycles Ltd(HCL) has signed a technical collaboration-cum-joint marketing deal with British electric vehicle company Ultra Motor Company (UMC) to introduce electric two-wheelers in the country.
◆英雄自行车公司跟英国电动自行车厂商 签订促销协议
【新德里】世界最大的自行车制造商英雄自行车有限公司为了在印度市场介绍电动二轮车同英国电动车生产家Ultra Motor Company (UMC)签订了技术协力和共同促销协议。
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38587(516/599)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛トン当たり1万4000ルピー値上げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は、HG(high-grade)亜鉛地金(primary zinc)のトン当たり価格を19万6000ルピーに1万4000ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc hiked prices by Rs 14,000 rupee/tn
【Mumbai】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has increased the prices of high-grade primary zinc by Rs 14,000 per tonne to Rs 196,000.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38598(517/599)
【ムンバイ】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)は、Ratnagiri Gas and Power(RGPPL)のDabhol発電所に1MMBTU(million metric British thermal unit)当たり5米ドルでガスを供給することをオファーするとともに、同発電所付属の液化天然ガス(LNG)ターミナルの独占使用を認めるよう政府に求めた。(...続きを読む)
◆RIL asks Dabhol LNG terminal in return for the gas
【Mumbai】Reliance Industries (RIL) has offered Ratnagiri Gas and Power's (RGPPL) Dabhol power plant gas at $ 5 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU), on the other hand it has requested the exclusive use of the plant's under-construction LNG terminal.
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38601(518/599)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadを拠点にするGranules India Ltd (GIL)は、中国企業Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd(HBHP:湖北百科亨迪薬業有限公司)と50:50の合弁で鎮痛剤イブプロフェン(ibuprofen)の製造・販売を手掛ける新会社Granules Biocauseを設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Granules and Chinese co set up JV to make and sell ibuprofen
【HYDERABAD】Hyderabad-based Granules India has set up a 50:50 joint venture firm, Granules Biocause, in association with China-based Hubei Biocause Heilen Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd to manufacture and sell ibuprofen.
【海德拉巴】位于安德拉邦州海德拉巴的Granules India有限公司和总部设在中国湖北省荆门市的湖北百科亨迪药业有限公司合作设立50:50联营公司Granules Biocause以便制造和销售右旋布洛芬。
2006-10-18 ArtNo.38602(519/599)
◆India's share in US' textile imports increase but China's decrease
【New Delhi】India's share in US' textile imports during January-June increased to 6.34 per cent against a 5.5 per cent share during the corresponding period last year, but China's share decreased to 24.73 per cent during the first half of the current year from 25.37 per cent during the same period in 2005.
【新德里】印度在今年上半年出口的纤维在美国市场的占有率从去年同一期的5.5%提高到 6.34 %,相反的中国的占有率下降从25.37%到 24.73%。
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38607(520/599)
鉄鉱石の処理は2256万トンの同港貨物処理量全体の21%を占め、世界最大の鉄鉱石輸入国中国がHaldia dock complex(HDC)のこうした活況に大きく貢献している。(...続きを読む)
◆Haldia emerging as iron ore exports hub
【KOLKATA】Iron ore exports from Haldia registered at 4.77 million tonne (mt) till October compared to 4.49 mt in the corresponding period last fiscal. China, the biggest importer of iron ore in the world, has brought much cheer to the Haldia dock complex (HDC).
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38610(521/599)
◆イスラエル化学会社BK Giulini、Polstonと合弁会社設立
【ムンバイ】年商30億米ドルのIsrael Chemicals Ltd(ICL)傘下のBK Giulini Gmbh(BGG) は、地元パートナー、Polstonと合弁で貿易会社BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd(BKGSPL)を設立、インド市場進出を図る。(...続きを読む)
◆BK Giulini to set up JV with Polston
【MUMBAI】BK Giulini GmbH, a part of the $3-bn Israel-based Israel Chemicals Ltd(ICL), has set up BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd(BKGSPL), a trading joint venture with Polston in order to enter Indian market.
【孟买】年售额30亿美元以色列化工有限公司属下的贝克吉利尼公司跟本地伙伴Polston合作设立贸易公司BK Giulini Specialities Pte Ltd。
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38612(522/599)
◆Juki expects 30% increase in sales in India in FY'07
【NEW DELHI】Japan-based sewing machine manufacturer, Juki Corporation's revenues from India stood at 30 million dollars in 2005-06 and the company is looking to register a 20-30 per cent growth in this fiscal.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38613(523/599)
◆Canon aiming Rs 500-cr sale by next year
【NEW DELHI】Canon which has identified India as a key market for the South and South East region, plans to invest about Rs 40 crore in brand building exercise and aims to touch a turnover of Rs 500 crore by next year.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38614(524/599)
【デリー】スマートフォーンの製造で知られる中国の指導的携帯端末製造業者、宇龍計算機通信科技深セン有限公司(Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific Shenzhen Co Ltd)は、インド市場への製品売り込みと製造拠点設置の可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Yulong plans to enter Indian mobile mart
【New Delhi】A leading Chinese mobile handsets manufacturer, Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen) Co Ltd, which is specialising in smart phones, is planing to enter the lucrative Indian market and also to set up manufacturing base.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38616(525/599)
【ニューデリー】インド政府はNoida-Greater Noida高速道路沿線のセクター99を、内外の著名ファッション・デザイナーのアウトレットが軒を連ねるファッション・マートとして開発する計画で、Noidaは遠からずファッション・ワールドのホット・スポットになる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Noida soon to becom one-stop fashion hub
【NEW DELHI】Authority is developping Sector-99 on the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway as fashion-mart where renowned fashion designers will have their outlets so that Noida will very soon emerge as a hot-spot on the map of fashion world.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38617(526/599)
【バンガロール】Wal-Mart Stores Incは17日、2006年のインドからの直接購買額が前年比約50%増の6億米ドルを突破するとの見通しを発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Wal-Mart directly sourcing from India to cross $600 mn
【BANGALORE】Wal-Mart Stores Inc has announced that its direct sourcing of goods from India would be worth over 600 million dollars by the year-end, around 50 per cent more than in 2005.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38619(527/599)
◆Nakamichi wants to build pan-India presence
【Kolkata】The Japan-based audio-visual major, Nakamichi, will invest close to Rs 20 crore in India in the current financial year. The company is looking at a pan-India presence by the end of 2007.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38621(528/599)
【バンガロール】IP(internet protocol)ネットワーキング・ソリューション・プロバイダー、Huawei-3Comは2005年にCyberstarをインドにおけるディストリビューターに指名して以来、法人ネットワーク製品領域において目覚ましい成長を実現した。(...続きを読む)
◆Huawei-3Com got strong growth in enterprise networking market
【BANGALORE】Huawei-3Com, a leading global provider of IP networking solutions, has seen strong growth in India for its full series of enterprise networking products since appointing Cyberstar as its Indian distributor in 2005.
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38628(529/599)
◆Reliance Retail、スポーツ・ファーマシー・チェーン展開
【ニューデリー】Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL)傘下のReliance Retail Ltd(RRL)は2007年1月から3~4年間に全国に4000店の薬局チェーンを設ける。
◆Reliance Retail plans sports pharmacy chain
【NEW DELHI】Reliance Retail, the retail initiative of Reliance Industries, plans to set up a network of 4,000 pharmacies across India over the next 3-4 years, beginning January '07 and establish this network with a substantial rural presence to provide a gamut of medical services including blood tests, medical insurance, health-related and veterinary consultancy, besides selling medicines across villages and towns.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38639(530/599)
【ハイデラバード】インド最大のBPO(business process outsourcing)企業、Genpact(旧社名GE Capital International Services)は2008年までに10億米ドルの売上げを達成、スタッフの数を4万5000人に増員するとともに、第2級都市(tier II cities)にまでデリバリー・ベースを拡張する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Genpact to increase the turnover to $1 billion by 2008
【HYDERABAD】India's biggest BPO(business process outsourcing) company, Genpact which is targeting revenues of $1-billion and planning to take its overall headcount to 45,000 by 2008, is now looking at expanding delivery base to tier II cities.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38640(531/599)
【ニューデリー】Indian Railways(IR)はブームを呼ぶ小売り部門にサプライチェーン及びロジスティクス面の支援を提供することを計画、Reliance/ITC/Bharti/Aditya Birla Group/Tata/Hindustan Lever等の主要プレーヤーと初歩的交渉を進めている。(...続きを読む)
◆Railways keen to cash in on the booming retail sector
【NEW DELHI】With retail sector's booming, Indian Railways has initiated talks with major players like Reliance, ITC, Bharti, Aditya Birla Group, the Tatas and Hindustan Lever, to provide them supply chain logistics support.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38646(532/599)
【ニューデリー】Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相は26日、鉄鉱石のとどまるところを知らない輸出拡大は国内鉄鋼産業の健全性を損ねる恐れがあるとし、鉄鉱石の輸出を段階的に停止するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Paswan proposes the phasing out of iron ore exports
【NEW DELHI】The steel minister Ram Vilas Paswan on October 26 proposed gradual phasing out of iron ore exports, saying unabated ore exports could jeopardise the stability of domestic steel utilities.
【新德里】Ram Vilas Paswan铁钢部长在10月26日提议逐渐停止铁矿石出口。因为蓬勃的铁矿石出口持续下去的话国内制钢业将面对威胁。
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38647(533/599)
◆Hero Honda、諸施策講じ二輪車市場トップの座維持
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML)はハイ・パフォーマンスな100ccエンジンの開発、年産500万台を超える製造能力の拡張、100ccバイクの値下げ等の措置を講じ、3万3000クロー(US$70.51億)二輪車市場リーダーの座を維持する方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda puts some strategies to stay ahead in 2-wheeler market
【NEW DELHI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML) has put some strategies including developing new high-performance engines in 100cc, expanding capacity to beyond 5 million units and reducing the price of 100cc bikes, if needed so that it can stay ahead in the Rs 33,000 crore two-wheeler market.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38649(534/599)
◆Acer、Tata Skyと提携しPC購入者に無料でDTH接続提供
【ハイデラバード】Acer India Private Ltd(AIPL)は、DTH(direct-to-home)放送業者Tata Skyと提携し、今年12月31日までにエイサー製デスクトップ・パーソナル・コンピューター(PC)及びノートブックPCを購入した者にDTH放送への接続便宜を無料で提供する。(...続きを読む)
◆Acer ties up with Tata Sky to offer DTH connection
【HYDERABAD】Acer India Private Ltd(AIPL) has announced a tie-up with Tata Sky to offer satellite connection of the DTH service provider, free of cost with the purchase of select models of Acer desktop and notebook PCs till December 31.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38652(535/599)
【ニューデリー】米国を拠点にする年商270億米ドルのE.I. du Pont de Nemours and Companyの完全出資子会社DuPont Indiaは26日、『2006年インド建設関連会議・展示会(Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition)』の席上、同社の新ビジネス・イニシアチブ『デュポン・ビルディング・イノベーションズ(DuPont Building Innovations)』を発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆DuPont offers integrated building solutions
【NEW DELHI】DuPont India, the fully-owned subsidiary of the U.S.-based $27-billion E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, on October 26 announced the launch of its new business initiative, DuPont Building Innovations at Interbuild India 2006 conference and exhibition.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38653(536/599)
◆Exports rise 41% in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Exports grew at 41.19 per cent for the second successive month in 2006-07 to 10.3 billion dollars as compared to 7.29 billion dollars in September 2005. However, if the provisionally revised figure of 2005 September is taken into account, the export growth during September 2006 runs at 21.91 per cent.
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38657(537/599)
【アーマダバード】ハイシー・セール(high-sea sales:荷受け書類運搬人が通関手続きが完了する以前に行う売り)の禁止は、ハイシー・セールに依存する金属スクラップ輸入業者に深刻な打撃を与える見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ban on high-sea sales to have a major impact on scrap importers
【AHMADABAD】The decision to ban high-sea sales is likely to have a major impact on scrap importers as most of these importers are marginal in nature and depend on high-sea sales for their requirement. High-sea sales are sales undertaken before customs clearance by the carrier document consignee.
【艾哈迈达巴德】禁止海关外售货(high-sea sales:收货文件持有人还没有办完海关手续前做的售货)会深刻地打击废铁进口商。这种进口商因为规模小所以很大的成度上通过海关外售的货物来弥补需求。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38660(538/599)
◆Hero Honda、ホンダのアフリカ子会社買い取り検討
【ニューデリー】ホンダと地元パートナーMunjal一族が各26%出資するHero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)は、ホンダがナイジェリア/南アフリカ/エジプト/その他のアフリカ諸国に設けた小規模子会社を買い取る可能性を検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda in talks to buy Honda's African units
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd , a 26:26 joint venture between Honda and the Hero Group, may acquire the low-volume subsidiaries of Honda Motor Company in Nigeria, South Africa, Egypt and other African countries.
【新德里】本田和英雄集团的 26:26联营公司,英雄本田有限公司可能收购本田在尼日利亚,南非,埃及和其他非洲国家设立的小规模子公司。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38665(539/599)
◆Reliance Retail、『Reliance Fresh』1号店オープン
【ハイデラバード】Mukesh Ambani氏に率いられるReliance Industries Ltd(RIL)の完全出資子会社Reliance Retail Ltd(RRL)は11月3日、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabadに『Reliance Fresh』と称する生鮮食品をベースにした雑貨店チェーンの第1号店をオープン、同時に『Reliance Select』ブランドの必需食品パッケージを紹介する。(...続きを読む)
◆Reliance Fresh to open the first outlet
【Hyderabad】Reliance Retail (RRL), the wholly owned subsidiary of Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Industries Ltd(RIL) will open the first Reliance Fresh outlet in Hyderabad on November 3 as the company's brand for neighbourhood fresh food outlets and simultaneously launch its `Reliance Select', the company's own brand of packed staple foods.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38666(540/599)
◆Galvanised steel prices hiked by Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,500 a tonne
【Kolkata】Steel companies have increased the prices of galvanise steel products by Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,500 a tonne in the wake of a steep increase in input costs especially zinc and strong domestic demand. The increase is with effect from November 1.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38669(541/599)
◆Hero Honda、10月の二輪車販売20%アップ
【チェンナイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の10月の二輪車販売台数は輸出も含め36万3480台と、昨年同月の30万2012台に比べ20.4%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales grow 20.4% in Oct
【CHENNAI】Hero Honda Motors Ltd has reported that a sales of two-wheelers in October, including exports, rose 20.4 per cent to 3,63,480, from 3,02,012 in the same month last year.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38670(542/599)
◆TVS Motor、10月の二輪車販売3%増加
【ムンバイ】TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の10月の二輪車販売台数は14万2325台と、昨年同月の13万7886台に比べ3%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS' two-wheeler sales rise 3 pc in October
【MUMBAI】TVS Motor Company has witnessed 3 per cent growth in two-wheeler sales during October at 142,325 units as against 137,886 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38676(543/599)
◆Hindustan Petroleum、小売り/ホテル事業に進出
【ムンバイ】国営石油精製/マーケッティング会社Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL)は向こう5年間に3万2000クロー(US$71.127億)の資本支出を行い、小売り網を強化する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Petroleum has big plans for non-fuel retailing
【Mumbai】State-run oil refining and marketing giant, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) plans to spend Rs 32,000 crore on capital expenditure in the next five years and concentrate on upgrading retail outlets.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38677(544/599)
【ムンバイ】地元の家畜用医薬品メーカー、Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited(HPL)は来年、サルモネラ菌(Salmonella)とマイコプラズマ(Mycoplasma)に起因する家禽疾患を予防する2種類のワクチンを発売する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hester to launch two new veterinary vaccines
【Mumbai】Hester Pharmaceuticals Limited, a local veterinary medicine maker, will launch two new vaccines for Salmonella and Mycoplasma diseases that affect the poultry industry's productivity.
【孟买】本地兽用医药制造商Hester Pharmaceuticals有限公司准备在明年发售可以预防沙门氏菌疾病和支原体疾病的2种新型兽用疫苗。
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38695(545/599)
【ニューデリー】祝祭日シーズンの到来に伴う旺盛な購買意欲に支えられ10月の乗用車(Passenger cars)販売台数は9万2383台と、昨年同月の7万9407台に比べ16.34%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Car sales up 16.34% in Oct
【New Delhi】Total passenger car sales during October this year stood at 92,383 units compared to 79,407 units in same month last year, up by 16.34 per cent.
【新德里】今年10月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售量9万2383辆。比去年同月的7万9407辆增加了16.34%。
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38696(546/599)
◆Commercial vehicle sales up by 21.76 pc in Oct
【New Delhi】The commercial vehicle sales in the domestic market in October clocked a healthy 21.76 per cent growth at 38,554 units as against 31,663 units in the same month last year.
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38697(547/599)
◆Mobikes sales zoom 13.16% in Oct
【New Delhi】Mobikes sales increased by 13.16 per cent at 7,05,467 units in October this year as compared to 6,23,432 units in same month last year.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38707(548/599)
◆TVS Motor、バイク・ミドル・セグメントに復帰準備
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)は新製品を携えて最も急速な成長を遂げるモーターサイクル・ミドル・セグメントに復帰する計画だ。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS Motor to come back in bike middle segment
【Chennai】TVS Motor Company plans to come back with new products in the fastest growing middle segment of the motorcycle market.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38714(549/599)
【ニューデリー】日本とインドは、今月末に予定されるManmohan Singh首相の東京訪問を機に経済協力協定(EPA:Economic Partnership Agreement)もしくは包括的経済提携協定(CEPA:Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement)に関する交渉に拍車をかけるものと見られる。(...続きを読む)
◆India, Japan to spur negotiation on economic agreement
【New Delhi】India and Japan are expected to spur negotiations for a possible Economic Partnership Agreement or a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with the proposed visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to Japan later this month.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38718(550/599)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値下げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は11月11日から亜鉛のトン当たり価格を23万3400ルピーに200ルピー引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc cuts zinc, lead prices
【MUMBAI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd cut its zinc prices by 200 rupees a tonne to 233,400 rupees, effective November 11.
貿易/商業/サービス Trade/Retail/Service in 2006
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