社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2008
◆Inflation inches up to 10.72%
【New Delhi】Following declining for five weeks in a row, India's inflation rate as measured by wholesale price index (WPI) inched up to 10.72 per cent for week ended October 25 from 10.68 per cent in the previous week, thanks to rising prices of certain essentials such as vegetables, pulses and cereals coupled with some manufactured items.
2008-11-12 ArtNo.41655(152/177)
【ニューデリー】ユーロマネーグループ傘下のGlobal Telecoms Business誌がまとめた『最も影響力ある世界のテレコムリーダー100人(world's 100 most influential telecom leaders)』のリストにインド人ビジネスマン7人が名を連ねた。
◆Seven Indians among top 100 world telecom leaders
【New Delhi】As many as seven Indians have made it to the list of world's 100 most influential telecom leaders, Global Telecoms Business, an industry magazine under the Euromoney group, has said.
2008-11-17 ArtNo.41657(153/177)
◆Inflation rate drops to 8.98%, lowest in six months
【New Delhi】Way before the expectations, inflation rate fell sharply to the single digit level of 8.98% for the week ended November 1 from 10.72 per cent in the previous week.
2008-11-19 ArtNo.41675(154/177)
【グルガオン】中央政府は商用/工業用建築物や複合住宅に送電網に接続した屋上型太 z光発電(solar PV)設備の据え付けを促進する新スキームの導入を検討している。
◆Centre to promote rooftop grid interactive solar PV system
【Gurgaon】The Centre is mulling to launch a scheme regarding rooftop grid interactive solar PV system for commercial establishments, housing complexes and industries.
2008-11-19 ArtNo.41678(155/177)
◆Wockhardt to invest $206m for capacity expansion
【New Delhi】Wockhardt group plans to invest Rs 1,000 crore($206 million) for expanding its healthcare infrastructure in the next three years.
2008-11-24 ArtNo.41681(156/177)
◆Inflation falls further to 8.90%
【New Delhi】Inflation slipped to lowest in five months at 8.90% during the week ended November 8, marginally lower than 8.98 per cent a week ago.
2008-11-26 ArtNo.41704(157/177)
◆Govt to cut fuel prices after Dec 24: Minister
【New Delhi】The government is set to cut petrol and diesel prices after Assembly elections are over on December 24.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41705(158/177)
【ニューデリー】インドの経済力のシンボル、金融システムの中枢とされる商都ムンバイで26日夜発生した襲撃事件を、専門家は2001年9月11日に米国で発生した所謂9.11事件に次ぐ大規模なテロ攻撃と評しているが、Kamal Nath商工相は27日、既に金融危機に伴う閉塞感が漂うインド経済に対する影響に触れ、投資の流入を減速させる恐れはないとの見通しを示した。
◆Attacks will not slow investment: Minister
【New Delhi】Although the experts described Wednesday's assault on south Mumbai, the symbols of the country's economic power and is the nerve centre of financial activities, as the second-largest terror strike since Sept 11, 2001, trade Minister Kamal Nath said on Nobember 27 the attacks on high profile targets in the country's commercial capital would not slow investment into an ecomomy already under strain.
【新德里】虽然专业家把星期三在印度商业首都也是金融枢纽孟买市内发生的袭击事件形容仅次于美国"9·11"的恐怖袭击事件,工商部长Kamal Nath11月27日却说对该国的投资环境没有多大的影响。
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41707(159/177)
◆Inflation dips marginally to 8.84%
【New Delhi】Inflation rate slipped for the third consecutive week to 8.84 per cent for the the week ended November 15, as compared to 8.9 per cent in the previous week.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41713(160/177)
【ニューデリー】ジャールカンド州政府が定めた立ち退き住民の更生再定住(R&R:Rehabilitation and Resettlement)政策の一部の条件、例えば立ち退き住民への利益分与等に投資家が態度を保留しているため、同州における17万8000クロー(US$367億)の鉄鋼プロジェクトの前途が不透明になっている。
◆R&R policy becomes an obstacle for steel majors
【New Delhi】The most companies, which have proposed investments worth Rs 178,000 crore in the steel sector in Jharkhand, have reservations on the terms and conditions of the state's Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy like sharing profits with people who give away land.
2008-12-01 ArtNo.41716(161/177)
【ラクナウ】世界的不景気の影響が懸念されているにも関わらずインド経営管理学院ラクナウ校(IIM-L:Indian Institute of Management Lucknow)の夏期校内求職求人会には昨年を15%上回る114社が参加した。
◆Cos queue up to hire IIM-L students
【Lucknow】Despite fears of a critical ongoing global recession, Indian Institute of Management- Lucknow (IIM-L), a premier B-school, beating the blues, hosted a total of 114 companies for its summer placements on the campus this year, which is an increase of 15% over that of last year.
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41717(162/177)
【ニューデリー】ムンバイ襲撃事件の責任をとって辞職したShivraj Patil内相の後任にP Chidambaram蔵相が横滑りすることになったため、既に情報放送省/原子力部/宇宙部/石炭産業省/環境森林省/計画委員会/人事部のトップ兼ねるManmohan Singh首相が大蔵大臣のポストも引き受けることになった。消息筋によれば内相の辞任はスタートに過ぎず、近く行われる下院総選挙において国民会議派が今回の襲撃事件から受ける打撃を最小限に止めるため、さらに何人かが詰め腹を切らされるものと予想される。
◆Severe earthquake hit UPA Govt
【New Delhi】While Finance Minister P Chidambaram replaced Home Minister Shivraj Patil, who resigned to take the rap for the horrifying terror attacks in Mumbai, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who had already held seven additional portfolios i.e. the departments of Atomic Energy and Space and the ministries of coal, environment and forests, planning, personnel and information & broadcasting, will be looking after the finance ministry. Top sources said Patil's resignation was only the beginning and some more resignations were expected to limit possible political fallout of the terror attacks on the Congress in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections.
【新德里】因为财政部长P Chidambaram代替孟买恐怖袭击事件引咎辞职的内政部长Shivraj Patil就任新内政部长,已经兼作7个部长职位的曼莫汉・辛格总理不得不再承当财政部长职位。不过高层消息灵通人士说内政部长的辞职只是一个开端。如果国大党想将不久举行的国会下院大选里把孟买恐怖事件的打击控制最低限度的话,还需要几位部长引咎辞职。
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41718(163/177)
◆India is among 20 most dangerous places to visit
【New Delhi】While a British report has said "the three-day long terror strike in its financial capital Mumbai has pushed India to be among the 20 most dangerous places to visit on Earth", security experts pointed out, "The coming days India in general, and urban areas in particular, may well have to brace up for more deadly terrorist attacks. Unless some out-of-box surgical response is worked out, the urban areas may be heading for further terrorist attacks."
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41719(164/177)
【ムンバイ】ザ・ヒンドゥーは12月2日、テロ実行犯の中で唯一生け捕られたMohammad Ajmal Amir Iman(当初誤ってAjmal Amir Kamaal、Kasav等と報じられた)の供述に基づき襲撃計画の概要を伝えた。
◆Key parts of the plan behind the Mumbai terror attack
【Mumbai】The Hindu on December 2 reported key parts of the story behind the face based on interviews with key officers involved in the investigation and on the interrogation records of Mohammad Ajmal Amir Iman (wrongly identified earlier as Kamaal and Kasav), only one arrested alive during the Mumbai terror attack.
【孟买】英文报《The Hindu》12月2日根据孟买恐怖袭击事件唯一的生擒Mohammad Ajmal Amir Iman(错误报道Kamaal与Kasav)的供述而报道袭击计划的概况。
2008-12-03 ArtNo.41722(165/177)
【チェンナイ】国際協力機構(JICA)が資金援助を認めたチェンナイ地下鉄計画(Chennai Metro Rail project)に、内外の企業73社が関心を表明、契約パッケージの内容や、スコープ、タイプ、入札資格条件に関する意見も提起されている。
◆Chennai Metro lures 73 potential bidders
【Chennai】The Chennai Metro Rail project, which the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) had agreed to fund, attracted 73 national and international bidders to discuss the package of contracts, the type and scope of each of the contracts and qualification criteria.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41730(166/177)
◆Inflation at 7-month low
【New Delhi】Inflation for the week ended November 22 fell to a seven-month low of 8.4 per cent from 8.84 per cent in the previous week. However the inflation rate is still much higher than 3.11 per cent during the corresponding week of the previous year.
2008-12-05 ArtNo.41733(167/177)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP)は4日、パキスタン領内のテロ組織を撲滅するため統一進歩連合(UPA:United Progressive Alliance)政府がパキスタンに対して断固たる態度を示すなら、全面的に支持するとの提案を行った。
◆BJP offers support to UPA: Mumbai terror aftermath
【New Delhi】Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on December 4 said "it will whole-heartedly co-operate with the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government, if the UPA finally decides to strike Pakistan to dismantle its terror modules."
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41741(168/177)
◆Cong wins with 3-2 margin: 5 States Assembly elections
【New Delhi】The Congress party on December 8 posted an impressive 3-2 victory in the assembly elections in five states.
2008-12-10 ArtNo.41743(169/177)
◆Govt cuts petrol and diesel prices
【New Delhi】The Government on December 5 cut the retail price of petrol by Rs.5 a litre and that of high speed diesel by Rs.2 a litre, as an interim measure while watching the international prices before effecting more cuts. However it left that of cooking gas (LPG) untouched.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41753(170/177)
◆Inflation falls to 8%
【New Delhi】Wholesale Price Index-based inflation rate fell further to 8 per cent for the week ended November 29, lower than 8.4 per cent in the previous week, but still higher than 3.89 per cent during the corresponding week of the previous year.
2008-12-15 ArtNo.41763(171/177)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、より多くの外国プレーヤーが来月募集される予定の第三世代(3G)移動体通信ライセンス入札に参加するようテレコム規則を改め準備を整えているが、少なからぬ外国プレーヤーが、仮想移動体通信事業者(MVNO:Mobile Virtual Network Operator)市場の開放を待って、入札を見合わせ、インド政府の努力が水泡に帰す恐れが予想されている。
◆Global telcos to skip 3G auction, await MVNO policy
【New Delhi】In what seems to be a major disappointment for the government, which went to the extent of amending the telecom licensing norms to attract overseas players, many global telecom giants will skip the 3G telecom licence auction slated for next month and await opening of the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) route instead.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41768(172/177)
◆World's first energy savings market may appear in India
【New Delhi】In what India seems to have the world's first market for trading in energy savings, the power ministry has prepared the blueprint for trading in energy by industrial plants that save energy beyond the target set for them.
2008-12-17 ArtNo.41776(173/177)
◆Naxals attack telecom and power infra in Chhattisgarh
【Raipur】Naxalite guerillas on December 13 night destroyed a telecom exchange, a tower and also power supply lineins separate attacks in the interior areas of Kanker district, Chhattisgarh.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41777(174/177)
◆Inflation plunges to nine-month low of 6.84%
【New Delhi】Inflation measured by wholesale price movement dropped sharply to nine-month low of 6.84% for the week ended Dec 6 from 8 per cent the week before, largely on account of fall in fuels and lubricants prices. The rate during the corresponding period last year was 3.84 per cent.
2008-12-22 ArtNo.41788(175/177)
【ニューデリー】P. Chidambaram内相は12月16日、国家調査局の設立に関わる『2008年国家調査局法案(National Investigation Agency Bill 2008)』とテロ行為の取り締まりを強化するための『2008年非合法活動防止修正法案(Unlawful Activities Prevention Amendment Bill, 2008)』を国会下院に上程した。両法案は翌日可決された。
◆Lok Sabha passes anti-terror Bills
【New Delhi】Home Minister P. Chidambaram on December 16 introduced two Bills in the Lok Sabha — the National Investigation Agency Bill 2008 and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Amendment Bill, 2008 — one to set up a National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the other to amend the law to bring in more stringent provisions to deal with terror crimes. The Lok Sabha on December 17 passed the two Bills.
【新德里】内政部长P. Chidambaram12月16日在国会下院提呈两项法案。一个是设立国家调查局的『2008年国家调查局法案』,另外一个是严格取缔恐怖活动的『2008年非法活动(防止)修正法案』。国会下院翌日通过这两项法案·
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41795(176/177)
【ムンバイ】世界銀行は、同行職員に不当な利益を供与し、不完全な送り状を作成したとの理由からニューヨーク証券取引所上場、アンドラプラデシュ州Hyderabad拠点のインド第4位のソフトウェア輸出会社Satyam Computer Services Ltd(SCSL)との一切の取引を向こう8年間停止する方針を決めた。
◆World Bank bars Satyam for 8 yrs
【Mumbai】The World Bank has barred Satyam Computer Services, the Hyderabad-based India's fourth-biggest software services exporter, which is also listed in New York, from doing any business with it for the next eight years due to "improper benefits to bank staff" and "lack of documentation on invoices".
2008-12-24 ArtNo.41800(177/177)
◆Apparel ind massive lay-offs anticipated
【Mumbai】The apparel industry, which laid-off around 75,000 workers in the April-October period, might have to lay-off another 2-3-lakh workers by December 2009.
社会国民生活 Social and National Life in 2008