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統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-08-21 ArtNo.38285(251/344)
◆Power generation increased 8.6% in July
【New Delhi】Power generation in July this year registered a 8.6% increase at 54.04 billion unit as against 49.78bn units in the same month last year.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38297(252/344)
◆FDI inflows swell 47% to $1.74 b
【New Delhi】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inflows into India stood at $1.74 billion during the first quarter of 2006-07 which increased 47 per cent compared to $1.18 billion in the same period last fiscal.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38298(253/344)
◆Exports go up 41% ,imports zoom 42.8% in July
【New Delhi】India's merchandise exports notched up a 41 per cent growth in July 2006 at $10,176.80 million against $7,234.41 million during July 2005.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38299(254/344)
◆Both of the labour productivity and employment elasticity up
【New Delhi】Aggregate employment in 100 large companies has grown 7.2% in '05-06 from 6.41 lakh in '04-05 to 6.88 lakh and also their labour productivity - per labour value of output was up from Rs 39.14 lakh in '04-05 to Rs 43.57 lakh in '05-06.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38300(255/344)
【ニューデリー】鉄鉱石資源に恵まれたオリッサ州/ジャールカンド州/チャッティースガル州3州におけるプロジェクトだけで、インドの鉄鋼年産能力は現在の4000万トンから2014-15年までに1億8000万トンに達するものと見られ、インド政府が2005年11月に発表した2019-20年までに国内鉄鋼年産能力を1億トンの大台に乗せると言う『全国鉄鋼政策(National Steel Policy)』の野心的目標を5年も短縮して大幅に突破する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Three iron ore rich States move far beyond National Steel Policy
【New Delhi】Going by the list of steel projects in the three iron ore rich States of Orissa, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, India could have around 180 million tonnes annual steel manufacturing capacity by 2014-15, far beyond the 100 million tonnes capacity by 2019-20 envisaged in the National Steel Policy approved by the Cabinet in November 2005.
2006-08-23 ArtNo.38310(256/344)
【ニューデリー】後発医薬品(generic drugs)卸・小売り価格の固定マージン制度が今年10月2日に発効すると、国内で販売される医薬品の半ば以上が、50%前後値下がりする見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆More than half of all drugs' prices may come down 50 pc
【New Delhi】Due to the introduction of fixed margins on generic drugs for wholesalers and retailers from October 2, the prices of more than half of all drugs may come down by around 50 per cent.
2006-08-28 ArtNo.38334(257/344)
【チェンナイ】商工省SEZ認証局(Board of Approvals for SEZs)により公式に認可された150の特別経済区(SEZ)の内85は、情報技術(IT)及びIT対応サービス(ITES)カテゴリーに属している。(...続きを読む)
◆IT leads other sectors in SEZs approval
【CHENNAI】The Board of Approvals for SEZs has formally approved 150 Special Economic Zones so far. As many as 85 of this belong to the category of information technology and IT-enabled services.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38343(258/344)
【コルカタ】卸小売業者がメーカーから商品を仕入れる際にオファーされるいわゆる業者割引(Trade discount)がトン当たり500~1000ルピーに達していることから、国内鉄鋼価格の上昇基調は既にとまり、鉄鋼メーカーらは数日中にその価格に見直しを加え、一層の割引もしくは値下げを行うものと予想されている。(...続きを読む)
◆Steel prices may be revised downward on global trend
【Kolkata】With trade discount going up by around Rs 500-1,000 per tonne, upward trend in steel prices in the domestic market since February this year seemes to have stopped. Domestic steel majors may take a call their prices within a few days and stick to the discounts or revise the listed price.
2006-08-30 ArtNo.38345(259/344)
【ニューデリー】米国の航空機製造会社BoeingのDinesh A. Keskar上級副社長は28日、インドにおける向こう20年間の旅客機(civilian aircraft)需要は856機、額にして720億米ドル以上と予想、昨年8月に同氏が示した同490機/320億米ドルの予想を2倍に上方修正した。(...続きを読む)
◆India needs 856 planes in 20 years: Boeing
【New Delhi】US-based aircraft manufacturer Boeing has doubled its long-term forecast for sales in the country. Its Senior Vice-President,Dr Dinesh A. Keskar told yesterday that the company has estimated that India would require 856 new civilian aircraft valued at more than $72 billion over the next 20 years. Last year, the company had estimated that India would purchase 470 airplanes worth $35 billion by 2025.
【新德里】美国飞机厂商波音公司把印度今后20年的客机需求预测提高两倍。他的高级副总经理Dinesh A. Keskar先生昨天预测今后20年印度需要856辆客机,总额720亿美元。他去年8月预测的是490辆,总额320亿美元。
2006-09-01 ArtNo.38362(260/344)
◆Client PC market grew 19 per cent
【New Delhi】The Indian Client PC market grew by 19 per cent year-on-year to reach 12.5 lakh units during the April-May-June quarter of 2006.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38373(261/344)
◆Flat steel price up, long products' down
【New Delhi】Most of the Indian steel manufacturers on Friday reduced price of hot rolled flat steel in the range of Rs 500-1,000. In long products there has seen an upward trend.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38374(262/344)
◆Indian stainless steel exports going up 15-20% in this year
【MUMBAI】Indian stainless steel makers may increse its exports by 15-20% in this fiscal year, with their poroducts' competitive prices as costs rise overseas.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38378(263/344)
◆Auto cos' August sales uneven
【NEW DELHI】Auto companys' August sales are uneven with some companies posting high double-digit increases while others regitering a dip in volumes.The sales of the second quarter of the financial year usually decelerates due to monsoons, and this time too, the 25% plus growth seen in first four months of this fiscal has slowed down.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38379(264/344)
◆Hero Honda、8月の二輪車販売12.6%下降
【ムンバイ】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の8月の二輪車販売台数は輸出も含め21万5076台と、昨年同月の24万6304台に比べ12.6%下降した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales dipping by 12.6 per cent in August
【New Delhi】Hero Honda Motors Ltd sold 215,076 units in August, down 12.6 percent from 246,304 sold in the same month last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38380(265/344)
◆Bajaj Auto、8月のバイク販売21%アップ
【プネー】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の8月のモーターサイクル販売は18万570台と、昨年同月の14万9415台に比べ21%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj bike sales rise 21 pc in Aug
【Pune】Bajaj Auto Ltd sold 1,80,570 motorcycles in August 2006, 21 per cent more than 1,49,415 units in the same period last year.
2006-09-04 ArtNo.38381(266/344)
◆TVS Motor、8月のバイク販売39%アップ
【チェンナイ】TVS Motor Company(TVSMC)の8月のモーターサイクル販売台数は8万3014台と、昨年同月の5万9675台に比べ39%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS' motorcycle sales rise 39 pc in August
【Chennai】TVS Motor Company has witnessed 39 per cent growth in motorcycle sales, with numbers increaseing by 39 per cent in August to 83,014 units against 59,675 units in the same month last year.
2006-09-06 ArtNo.38400(267/344)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の7月の成長率は9%と、昨年同月の2.3%に比べ顕著な加速を見た。(...続きを読む)
◆Infrastructure sector sees 9% surge in July
【New Delhi】The index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew 9% in July compared with 2.3% in the same period last year.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38418(268/344)
【ニューデリー】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)、JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)、Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、亜鉛やその他のインプット・コストが増大する中で7日、亜鉛鍍金鋼のトン当たり価格を9月1日に遡って500~1000ルピー引き上げると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam, JSW and Ispat raise steel prices
【NEW DELHI】Uttam Galva Steels, JSW Steel and Ispat Industries have announced increase in galvanised steel prices by Rs 500-1,000 per tonne with effect from September 1, 2006,on the back of rising zinc prices and input costs.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38419(269/344)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値上げ
【ニューデリー】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は7日、亜鉛と鉛のトン当たり価格を1万1000ルピーと2800ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc hikes Zinc and lead prices
【NEW DELHI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has hiked Zinc and lead prices Rs.11,000 and Rs.2800 per ton respectively.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38421(270/344)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の乗用車(passenger car)販売は引き続き好調で昨年同月の7万2272台から8万3844台に16.01%成長した。(...続きを読む)
◆August car sales up 16%
【New Delhi】Domestic car sales continued to be buoyant in August. Passenger car sales rose 16.01 per cent in August to 83,844 units from 72,272 units in the same month a year earlier.
【新德里】今年8月的乘用车(passenger car)在国内销售继续活跃。比去年同月的7万2272辆增加到8万3844辆。成长率16.01%。
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38422(271/344)
【ニューデリー】今年8月の商用車(commercial vehicle)の国内販売台数は3万5333台と、昨年同月の2万7515台に比べ28.41%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Commercial vehicle sales in August grow 28.4%
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles sales during August clocked a growth of 28.4% and stood at 35,333 units compared to 27,515 units in the corresponding month last year.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38423(272/344)
【ニューデリー】モーターサイクルの8月の販売台数はマーケット・リーダー、Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の不振も有って昨年同月の45万5311台から47万955台に僅か3.43%の伸びにとどまった。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% August
【New Delhi】Motorcycles sales slowed to 3.43% during the August this year at 4,70,955 units against 4,55,311 units in the same month last year mainly on account of market leader Hero Honda's slump.
2006-09-13 ArtNo.38426(273/344)
◆TN aims to attract $5.5 b investment in IT, ITeS, hardware by 2011
【Chennai】Tamil Nadu aims to achieve an output of $25 billion in IT, IT-enabled services and hardware by 2011. Then it would require to attract $5.5 b investment in IT, ITeS and hardware by 2011, according to the Union Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Mr Dayanidhi Maran.
【金奈】如果泰米尔纳德州要实现到2011年以前在信息科技,信息技术化服务和有关硬件领域年产250美元的目票,那就需要在这些领域55美元的投资。Dayanidhi Maran通信信息科技部长在『Connect 2006』开幕演讲里这样说。
2006-09-15 ArtNo.38444(274/344)
◆Industry grows 12.4% in July
【New Delhi】The index of industrial production (IIP) raised 12.4 per cent in July, the highest in a decade, against a 4.7 per cent growth in the same month last year, mainly on account of a sharp turnaround in mining and electricity production and a strong growth in manufacturing.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38445(275/344)
◆Unprecedented investment rush : $149 billion in just 75 days
【NEW DELHI】Corporate India has announced ventures with investment amount of excess $149 billion, in just the last 75 days. Although rationalists insist that only 5-10% of the amount can fructify, these announcements are astounding as they amount to nearly a fifth of India's current gross domestic product (GDP) and higher than the GDPs of Israel, Malaysia, Chile or Pakistan.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38451(276/344)
◆Local steel tube business to face China threat
【New Delhi】The Rs 15,000 crore Indian steel tubes industry is facing a Chinese double whammy. For a flood of Chinese imports has caused competition to heat up in the country and Chinese counter part has driven up material costs in the global market.
2006-09-18 ArtNo.38454(277/344)
◆Domestic air traffic grew 62%
【NEW DELHI】The domestic air passenger traffic grew almost 62% from 17.57 lakh in July 2005 to 26.69 lakh in June this year.
2006-09-22 ArtNo.38473(278/344)
【チェンナイ】インド各州の1993-94年から2000-01年の間の国内総生産(GDP)年間平均成長率(CAGR:Compound Annual Growth Rate)を比較すると、ウッタルプラデシュ州(4.41%)、ビハール州(3.68%)、オリッサ州(3.10%)、マドヤプラデシュ州(3.06%)4州の平均成長率は3.77%にとどまった。(...続きを読む)
◆UP, Bihar, Orissa, MP hinder GDP growth
【Chennai】The economic growth of Uttar Pradesh(4.41%), Bihar(3.68%), Orissa(3.10%) and Madhya Pradesh(3.06%) together recorded a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of only 3.77 per cent between 1993-94 and 2000-2001, as against a 6.3 per cent in total GDP.
◆北方邦/比哈尔/奥里萨/中央邦阻碍 国内生产成长
【金奈】北方邦(4.41%)/比哈尔(3.68%)/奥里萨(3.10%)/中央邦(3.06%)的国内生产在1993-94年到2000-2001年之间只平均成长3.77%。比全国平均成长率 6.3%低的多。
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38475(279/344)
【NEW DELHI】インド政府は過去10年間のテレコム産業の目覚ましい成長に励まされ、野心的ゴールとその実現に向けたロードマップを作成した。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt drawn up an road map for pan-India 3G services
【NEW DELHI】The government has drawn up an ambitious road map for future goals in telecom sector, encouraged by the impressive telecommunication revolution during the last decade.
2006-09-25 ArtNo.38484(280/344)
【ニューデリー】地場亜鉛鍍金鋼メーカー、Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は21日、亜鉛鍍金鋼のトン当たり価格を1000ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam Galva raised steel prices
【NEW DELHI】The local galvanised steel maker, Uttam Galva Steels Ltd on Thursday raised its galvanised steel prices by Rs 1,000 per tonne.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38491(281/344)
◆India constituted less than 1% of global new clinical trials
【MUMBAI】There have been reported that the total 763 new human trials on medicines were done around the world in the last 30 days. And barely 1% of them were done in India.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38498(282/344)
【ニューデリー】LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd(LGEI)は今年末までにLCDテレビジョンやプラズマTV等のハイエンドなフラット・スクリーン・テクノロジー(FST)市場トップの座獲得を目指す。(...続きを読む)
◆LG aims to take away top slot in flat screen mart from Samsung
【New Delhi】LG Electronics India Pvt. Ltd is planning to take away top slot in the high-end flat screen technology (FST) segment which consists of liquid crystal display (LCD) televisions and Plasma TVs, from Samsung by the end of the year.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38500(283/344)
◆Telecom equipment export 43% jumps last year
【New Delhi】India exported telecom equipment and cables Rs 500 crore in 2005-2006, 42.86 per cent higher than Rs 350 crore in 2004-05.
2006-09-27 ArtNo.38503(284/344)
◆Exports grow 41%, imports up 32% in August
【New Delhi】India's merchandise exports in August this year are valued at $10.3 billion, 41.14 per cent higher than $7.35 billion clocked in the same month last year.
2006-10-02 ArtNo.38518(285/344)
◆Q1 GDP growth 8.9 p.c.
【New Delhi】Backed by a strong showing in manufacturing, the country's gross domestic product (GDP) grew 8.9 per cent in the first quarter of the current fiscal, compared with 8.5 per cent recorded in the same period last year. It is the highest first-quarter growth rate since 2000-01.
【新德里】在制造业坚强表现的支援下,第一季的国内生产成长了8.9%,不但超过去年同一期的8.5%,而且 2000-01年以来的最高记录。
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38534(286/344)
◆Hero Honda、9月の二輪車販売13%増加
【ニューデリー】Hero Honda Motors Ltd(HHML)の9月の二輪車販売台数は30万1577台と、昨年同月の26万6071台に比べ13.34%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Hero Honda sales increased 13 pc in Sept
【New Delhi】Two-wheeler manufacturer Hero Honda Motors reported a 13.34 per cent increase in sales in September at 3,01,577 units compared with 2,66,071 units sold in the same month last year.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38535(287/344)
◆Bajaj Auto、9月の二輪三輪車販売38%アップ
【ムンバイ】Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)の9月の二輪・三輪車販売台数は30万141台と、昨年同月の21万8012台に比べ38%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Bajaj Auto sales up 38 pc in Sept
【Mumbai】Bajaj Auto Ltd said sales of two and three-wheelers in September rose 38 per cent from 218,012 units in the same month a year earlier to 300,141 units.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38536(288/344)
【ニューデリー】タミールナド州Chennai拠点の二輪車メーカー、TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の9月のモーターサイクル販売台数は昨年同月の7万5310台から10万6972台に42%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆TVS motorbikes sales up 42% in Sept
【New Delhi】Local two-wheeler manufacturer TVS Motor Company Ltd on Tuesday reported a 42 per cent increase in motorcycle sales during September at 1,06,972 units as against 75,310 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38537(289/344)
【ニューデリー】国際鉄鋼協会(IISI:International Iron and Steel Institute)の統計によれば、今年初8ヶ月(2006/1-8)のインドの鉄鋼生産量は2800万トンと、前年同期の2430万トンに比べ15.3%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Indian steel production up 15% in 8 months
【New Delhi】Indian steelmakers produced 28 million tonne in the first eight months of this year, 15.3% more than 24.3 million tonne in the corresponding period last year, according to the Brussels-based International Iron and Steel Institute.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38543(290/344)
◆Synthetic, rayon textiles export grow 21% in Apr-July
【MUMBAI】Exports of synthetic and rayon textiles touched Rs 2,673 crore during April-July 2006, an increase of 21% compared to the same period of last.
2006-10-06 ArtNo.38546(291/344)
◆Q1 biz services exports jump 139%
【NEW DELHI】India's business services exports has registered $4.55 billion in Q1 this fiscal, 139% higher than Q1 of 2005-06. The business services comprise accounting, legal and auditing, management consultancy, tax consultancy and public relations services.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38547(292/344)
◆Foreign direct inflows jump 92% in Apr-Jul
【NEW DELHI】Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in India surged a record 92 per cent to 2.9 billion dollars during April-July this fiscal from $1.5 billion in the same period last year.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38548(293/344)
【ニューデリー】中核インフラ産業6業種(six core infrastructure ind-ustries:原油/石油精製/石炭/電力/セメント/鉄鋼完成品)の8月の成長率は5.5%と、昨年同月の5.8%、前月の9%に比べ鈍化した。(...続きを読む)
◆Infrastructure growth rate dips to 5.5% in Aug
【NEW DELHI】Six infrastructure industries, including crude petroleum, petroleum refinery products, coal, cement, finished (carbon) steel and electricity, registered a 5.5% growth in August this year, lower than the 5.8% growth achieved in the corresponding month last year and the 9% in the previous month.
◆8月份的骨干基础设施产业成长率下降到 5.5%
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38550(294/344)
◆60m tonnes of new steel capacity, but only 7.2m tonnes off the ground
【Kolkata】India's steel makers have announced a rash of new projects over the last couple of years. If all goes well, they will add a staggering 60 million tonnes by 2012 to the current steel-making capacity of 37 million tonnes. However, only two of them — with a combined capacity of 7.2 million tonnes — have got off the ground.
2006-10-09 ArtNo.38552(295/344)
◆Auto industry fired on all cylinders in September
【MUMBAI】The auto industry accomplished a splendid achievement in September '06. While India is moving towards a brand value market, Honda and Skoda marked 52% and 38% growth, respectively. Maruti continued to dominate with a 22% rise in sales, primarily its A2 segment, with Swift and Alto.
【孟买】印度汽车业在9月份开足马力而实现光辉的成绩。市场越来越重视品牌价值的倾向下,本田和斯柯达的销售各增52%和38%。马鲁蒂的销售因为A2款式,例如 Swift和Alto的表现好而增长22%,因此维持领导地位。
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38564(296/344)
◆Passenger car sales rose 22.4 pc in September
【New Delhi】Domestic passenger car sales in September this year increased by 22.4 per cent to 94,734 units from 77,384 in the same month last year.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38565(297/344)
◆Commercial vehicles sales grew 33.5% in September
【New Delhi】Commercial vehicles sales in September this year grew 33.5 per cent to 42,400 units from 31,749 units in the same month a year ago.
2006-10-13 ArtNo.38566(298/344)
【ニューデリー】今年9月のモーターサイクル販売台数はHero Honda(10%)及びBajaj Auto(48%)の好調に支えられ、昨年同月の53万8889台から67万2570台に24.8%増加した。(...続きを読む)
◆Motorcycle sales up 24.8 pc in September
【New Delhi】Motorcycle sales in September this year registered a growth of 24.8 per cent at 6,72,570 units as against 5,38,889 units in the corresponding month a year ago.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38587(299/344)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛トン当たり1万4000ルピー値上げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は、HG(high-grade)亜鉛地金(primary zinc)のトン当たり価格を19万6000ルピーに1万4000ルピー引き上げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc hiked prices by Rs 14,000 rupee/tn
【Mumbai】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL) has increased the prices of high-grade primary zinc by Rs 14,000 per tonne to Rs 196,000.
2006-10-16 ArtNo.38589(300/344)
【ニューデリー】製造業の活況に支えられ今年8月の工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)は9.7%の成長を見、昨年同月の7.6%を上回った。
◆India's Industrial output rises 9.7% in August
【NEW DELHI】Fuelled by a strong performance of the manufacturing sector, industrial production rose 9.7% in August this year as compared to 7.6 per cent in the same month last fiscal. It was, however, lower than the growth rate of 12.4% recorded in July this year.
統計/資料 Statistics/Data in 2006
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