外交地域政治 Foreign Affair in 2019
◆World has responsibility to stop Indian aggression; PM Imran
【Islamabad】Prime Minister Imran Khan on September 4 apprised the visiting foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of the situation arising from New Delhi's illegal and unilateral actions in occupied Kashmir, stating that the international community has the responsibility to urge India to halt and reverse its illegal actions and aggressive policies and postures.
○Two held in London after Indian mission damaged in Kashmir protest
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46589(52/93)
【マレ】スリランカのラニル・ウィクラマシンハ首相は昨日、モルディブで開催されたインド洋会議(IOC:Indian Ocean Conference)で、「インド洋は一方で『インドと中国』、他方で『アメリカと中国』が縄張りを争うグローバル地政学の舞台と化している」と語った。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46590(53/93)
【马累】斯里兰卡总理拉尼尔·维克勒马辛哈(Ranil Wickremesinghe)昨天(9月4日)在马尔代夫举行的印度洋会议(IOC:Indian Ocean Conference)上表示,「印度洋是一方面『印度和中国』,另一方面『美国和中国』互相争夺地盘的当代全球地缘政治的剧场。」
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46591(54/93)
◆Sri Lanka opposes military rivalry in Indian Ocean region: PM
【Male】Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday (September 4) told the Indian Ocean Conference meeting in The Maldives that the Indian Ocean was becoming "a theatre of contemporary global geopolitics with India and China on one hand, and the and USA and China on the other, competing for space".
○SL-Maldives ties would ensure a world free of terrorism
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46592(55/93)
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46593(56/93)
【达卡】孟加拉国外交部长阿布尔·卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·莫门(AK Abdul Momen)在接受德国媒体采访时说,「孟加拉国政府希望联合国援助机构支持其将10万名难民迁移到孟加拉湾偏远岛屿的计划。」
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46594(57/93)
◆Support Rohingya island relocation or leave the country: Bangladesh to UN
【Dhaka】In an interview with a German media outlet, Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said that the Bangladeshi government wants the United Nations aid agencies to support its plan to relocate 100,000 refugees to a remote island in the Bay of Bengal.
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46595(58/93)
【カトマンズ】ネパールを訪れた中国の王毅外相は9月10日、帰国に先だってネパール共産党統一毛沢東主義派(NCP:Nepal Communist Party=Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist)のプラチャンダ・プシュパ・カマル・ダハル共同議長、ネパール会議派(NC:Nepali Congress)のシェール・バハドゥル・デウバ議長、およびNCのラム・チャンドラ・パウデル上級指導者と会談した。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46596(59/93)
【加德满都】中国外交部长王毅于9月10日与尼泊尔共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party=Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist)帕苏巴·卡麦尔·达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)联合主席,尼泊尔国民大会党(NC:Nepali Congress)的谢尔·巴哈杜尔·德乌帕(Sher Bahadur Deuba)主席和NC的拉姆钱德拉·保德尔(Ramchandra Paudel)高级领导人会面。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46597(60/93)
◆Foreign Minister Wang Yi's visit stressed Nepal-China relations
【Kathmandu】Visiting Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi on September 10 held meetings with Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Co-chairperson Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba and NC's senior leader Ramchandra Paudel, prior to his return.
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46598(61/93)
【カトマンズ】米国大使館が「ネパールは『インド太平洋戦略(IPS:Indo-Pacific Strategy)』に反対する」と伝えた中国外務省の声明についてネパール政府に釈明を求めた翌日(9月12日)、ゴクル・プラサド・バスコット(Gokul Prasad Baskota)通信情報相は「IPSに関してパキスタン政府は何等逸脱していない」と表明した。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46599(62/93)
【加德满都】在美国大使馆要求尼泊尔政府澄清中国外交部声明说「尼泊尔不同意『印度太平洋战略(IPS:Indo-Pacific Strategy)』」的一天后,政府发言人戈库尔·普拉萨德·巴斯科塔(Gokul Prasad Baskota)今天(9月12日)表示在政府对IPS的立场上没有任何偏差。
2019-09-19 ArtNo.46600(63/93)
◆No deviation in Nepal's Indo-Pacific Strategy: Govt says to US Embassy
【Kathmandu】A day after the Embassy of the United States sought the government's clarification on a Chinese Foreign Ministry statement that stated Nepal disagrees with the Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS), the government Spokesperson Gokul Prasad Baskota today (September 12) said there had been no deviation in the government's position regarding the IPS.
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46604(64/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46605(65/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46606(66/93)
◆Xi mooted trilateral partnership among China, India and Pakistan
【Beijing】"President Xi Jinping stressed the Chinese side sincerely expects sound China-India relations, China-Pakistan relations and India-Pakistan relations, and expects to see all sides work together to promote regional peace and stability, and achieve common development and prosperity."
○Trilateral cooperation -Beijing, New Delhi and Islamabad
○Pakistan's PM, Army Chief and head of ISI arrived separately in Beijing
○"China-India Plus" formulation
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46607(67/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46608(68/93)
【加德满都】中国国家主席习近平抵达加德满都进行国事访问的那一天,就是于10月12日星期六,我们《加德满都邮报(The Kathmandu Post)》的姊妹报《坎提普尔(Kantipur)》在内的三间尼泊尔报纸一起刊登由这位中国领导人撰写的文章,他在其中说中国希望与尼泊尔建立战略伙伴关系。
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46609(69/93)
◆Nepal and China elevate bilateral ties to a 'strategic partnership'
【Kathmandu】On Saturday (October 12), the day Chinese President Xi Jinping landed in Kathmandu for a two-day state visit, three Nepali papers, including the Post's sister paper Kantipur, published an article authored by him, in which the Chinese leader said that China wants to forge "a strategic partnership" with Nepal.
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46613(70/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46614(71/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46615(72/93)
◆Pak-led initiative for Saudi-Iran friendship begins
【Tehran】Prime Minister Imran Khan on October 13 said, "This visit to Iran and the visit that I will undertake to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday (October 15) is a Pakistan-led initiative. When I was in New York, I was asked by the US President Trump to facilitate these talks and we will do all what we can."
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46616(73/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46617(74/93)
【德黑兰】伊朗最高领导人阿亚图拉·塞耶德·阿里·哈梅内伊(Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei)在与巴基斯坦总理伊姆兰·汗进行关键性会晤的数小时后说,「我国家将巴基斯坦视为邻居兄弟国。」
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46618(75/93)
◆Iran sees Pakistan as a neighboring brother: Khamenei
【Tehran】Hours after his crucial meeting with Prime Minister Imran Khan, Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said his country sees 'Pakistan as a neighboring brother'.
○PM meets Saudi king, crown prince
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46619(76/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46620(77/93)
2019-10-25 ArtNo.46621(78/93)
◆Pak, Tur, Mas announce English TV channel to 'counter Islamophobia'
【New York】Pakistan, Turkey and Malaysia have announced setting up a joint English language channel to confront the challenges posed by Islamophobia.
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46628(79/93)
【ムンバイ】インドの『東アジア地域包括的経済連携(RCEP:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)』協定からの撤退は、国内の主要な利害関係者が賛成していなかったことから、決して予想外のことではなかった。輸出や対中経済関係などの問題に対するインドの疑念は、本質的で、成長に不可欠なものである。これらが解決された場合にのみ、インドは再び協定への参加を検討すべきだ。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46629(80/93)
【孟买】印度退出『东亚区域全面经济伙伴关系(RCEP:Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership)』协议,考虑到国内主要利益相关者不赞成,并不是完全出乎意料的。印度对诸如出口及其与中国的经济关系等问题的忧虑是真实的,而且对增长至关重要。只有解决了这些问题,印度才应考虑再次参加该协议。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46630(81/93)
◆RCEP countries must pay heed to India's concerns
【Mumbai】India's withdrawal from the the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (RCEP) was not entirely unexpected, given that key stakeholders had not been in favour of it. India's doubts on issues like exports and its economic relations with China are genuine and crucial for growth. Only when these are resolved, should India consider joining the agreement again.
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46637(82/93)
【イスラマバード】先月(11月)第四週の二つの重要事態の展開により、またぞろ『中国パキスタン経済回廊(CPEC:China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)』に焦点が当てられた。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46638(83/93)
【伊斯兰堡】上个月(11月)第四周的两个重要事件的发展再次将焦点集中在『中巴经济走廊(CPEC:China-Pakistan Economic Corridor)』上。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46639(84/93)
◆CPEC and the US-China tug of war
【Islamabad】In the fourth week of last month (November), two important developments kept the spotlight focused on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) again.
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46643(85/93)
【ダッカ】バングラデシュのオバイドゥル・クワダー運輸相は11月19日、「余命幾ばくも無いバングラデシュ民族主義党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)は、政治課題の物色に余念が無い」と語った。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46644(86/93)
◆孟加拉国国民党的余命多久: 孟加拉国人民联盟秘书长
【达卡】孟加拉国交通部长奥巴杜尔·卡德尔(Obaidul Quader)于11月19日表示,孟加拉民族主义党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)的日子不多,现在正找政治课题。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46645(87/93)
◆BNP's days are numbered, says Obaidul
【Dhaka】Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on 19 November said BNP is searching for issues now as its days are numbered.
○Bangladesh Border Guard arrests 32 illegal immigrants from India
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46658(88/93)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46659(89/93)
【科伦坡】最近,社交媒体报道了西方总统在没有受到特别注意的情况下在一群拥挤的人群中徒步行走的图像,他在肩膀上挂着一个背包,还带着一个牛皮纸袋,据说里面有他的午餐 。戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨(Gotabaya Rajapaksa)总统的着装风格同样朴实朴素,但在斯里兰卡的安全环境和社会条件下,他似乎无法同样地走路。无论如何,他为促进简化治理所采取的许多积极行动赢得了公众的赞誉,并给人们留下了突破过去的深刻印象。
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46660(90/93)
◆Building a modern state to take Sri Lanka to the next level
【Colombo】There was recently on social media an image of a president of a western country on foot in the midst of a milling crowd who paid him no special notice with a backpack on his shoulders and carrying a brown paper bag in which was said to be his lunch. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa's style of dressing is likewise unpretentious and simple though he may not be able to walk the streets in that same manner due to the different security and social conditions in Sri Lanka. Nevertheless, the President has won public commendation for the many positive actions he has been taking to streamline governance and they are indicative of a break from the past.
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46661(91/93)
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46662(92/93)
【科伦坡】戈塔巴雅·拉贾帕克萨(Gotabaya Rajapaksa)总统在当选总统后首次接受采访时,向巴拉特·沙克蒂·印度(BharatShakti.in)的尼丁·A·戈卡莱(Nitin A. Gokhale)总编辑说,「斯里兰卡曾将汉班托塔港(Hambantota Port)的控制权交给中国是错误,不应该交给它的。」
2019-12-10 ArtNo.46663(93/93)
◆President says control of H'tota port should never have been given to China
【Colombo】Sri Lanka should never have given the control of Hambantota Port to China, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa told Nitin A. Gokhale, Editor-in-Chief of BharatShakti.in, in his first interview after his election.
○PM committed to a people-centred economy
外交地域政治 Foreign Affair in 2019