対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2009
◆Hino to launch luxury buses by Dec, studying launch Dutro range
【Chennai】Hino Motors of Japan, part of Toyota group, is preparing to launch luxury buses for Indian roads by December and also studying the Indian market to introduce its 'Dutro' range of light commercial vehicles.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42790(102/132)
【コルカタ】三菱化学(MCC)が西ベンガル州Haldiaに設けた高純度テレフタル酸(PTA:purified terephthalic acid)製造合弁会社MCC PTA India Corp Pvt Ltd(MPI)は、Haldia工場の製造能力拡張に伴い増産された製品を全量インド国内市場に供給する計画だ。
◆MCC PTA India bets big on Indian market
【Kolkata】MCC PTA India Pvt Ltd, a joint venture company for Japan's Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC) to make Purified Terepthalic Acid (PTA), will look to supply the entire output from its expanded capacities in Haldia to the Indian market.
2009-10-27 ArtNo.42794(103/132)
【ホアヒン】Manmohan Singh首相はこのほどタイで開かれた第7回インド東南アジア諸国連合(ASEAN)首脳会議の席上、インドとASEANの関係を一層強化するための五項目の提案を行った。シン首相はASEAN首脳会議の場外で、日本の鳩山由紀夫首相及び中国の温家宝首相と個別に会談、二国間関係や双方が関心を有する地域・国際問題に関して意見を交換した。
◆PM proposes 5-point plan to boost Asean ties
【Hua Hin】Prime Minister Manmohan Singh proposed a fivepoint programme to further strengthen the India-Asean links at the 7th India-Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit in Thailand. Singh also held talks with Japanese and Chinese counterparts, Yukio Hatoyama and Wen Jiabao, separately on bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual concern on the margins of the ASEAN summit.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42800(104/132)
◆Japan commits Yen 2,606 million for freight corridor project
【New Delhi】The Government of Japan has committed an amount of 2,606 million yens for the engineering services loan under the dedicated freight corridor project Phase-I.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42801(105/132)
【ニューデリー】インドの上場二輪車メーカー3社、Hero Honda Motors Ltd (HHML)/Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)/TVS Motor Company Ltd(TVSMC)の第2四半期(2009/7-9)純益は各94%、117%、136%の急増を見た。
◆Smooth ride for two-wheeler companies in second quarter
【New Delhi】The three major listed two-wheeler companies — Hero Honda, Bajaj Auto and TVS Motors — clocked 94%, 117% and 136% net profit growth respectively in the September 2009 quarter.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42802(106/132)
【ニューデリー】Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI)のハリヤナ州Manesar工場における労働争議が終に決着、平常の操業が可能になった。このため争議に伴う出荷の遅れで14万台に達した受注バックログも遠からず一掃できそうだ。
◆Honda settles labour issue, hopeful to clear order backlog
【New Delhi】The ongoing negotiations on wages with the labour union at the Manesar plant of Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India (HMSI) are over and daily production will begin at the normal level. HMSI is now hopeful of clearing the 1.4-lakh order backlog due to the continuing labour unrest at its Manesar plant.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42805(107/132)
【バンガロール】Hitachi Data Systems(HDS)は火曜(27日)、『Agile Cloud Services』と銘打ったクラウド・サービス(ネットを通じた仮想コンピュータシステム一式のリース・サービス)を提供すると発表した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42805.htm
◆Hitachi offers cloud services
【Bangalore】Hitachi Data Systems, on Tuesday, announced the availability of its cloud services dubbed 'Agile Cloud Services'.
2009-10-30 ArtNo.42806(108/132)
【ニューデリー】ソフトバンクは、Sameer Manchanda氏が創設したマルチ・ケーブルTV会社(MSO:multi-service operator)DEN(Digital Entertainment Network)の権益取得(anchor investor)を目指し交渉を進めている。
◆SoftBank set to invest in DEN
【New Delhi】The Japanese telecommunications and media company SoftBank is all set to become an anchor investor in DEN(Digital Entertainment Network), the multi-service operator (MSO) promoted by Sameer Manchanda.
2009-11-03 ArtNo.42810(109/132)
◆重大汚職調査室、2003年以来の帳簿操作でSesa Goaを調査
【ムンバイ】Vedantaグループ傘下のSesa Goa Ltd(SGL)は10月29日、ボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)に対し、「法人事務省が10月23日付けで重大汚職調査室(SFIO:Serious Fraud Investigation Office)にSGLとその子会社Sesa Industries Ltd(SIL)の調査を指示した命令書のコピーを10月28日に受け取った」と報告した。
◆Serious Fraud Investigation Office to investigate Sesa Goa
【Mumbai】Vedanta Group firm Sesa Goa said on October 29 in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange, "On October 28, 2009, the company received a copy of an order dated October 23, from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs of the Government of India ordering an investigation by the Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO) into the affairs of the company and that of its subsidiary, Sesa Industries Ltd."
2009-11-06 ArtNo.42821(110/132)
◆Bullet train may link Bangalore, Chennai
【Bangalore】A bullet train may connect Chennai and Mysore via Bangalore. Japanese investors have shown a keen interest in introducing a bullet train and setting up a Japanese industrial park on a 1,000-acre land in Tumkur, Karnataka.
2009-11-10 ArtNo.42841(111/132)
【バンガロール】日立製作所はカルナタカ州Bangalore拠点の鋳造シミュレーション・ソリューション・プロバイダーProSim R&Dと提携し、インド鋳造業界に最先端のデザインシミュレーション・ソリューションを提供する。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42841.htm
◆Hitachi in pact with Prosim to serve casting inds
【Bangalore】Tokyo-based Hitachi and Bangalore-based casting simulation solutions provider ProSim R&D have joined hands to provide advanced design simulation solution for the casting industry in India.
【邦加罗尔】位于东京的日立制作所和总部设在卡纳塔克州邦加罗尔的模拟解决方案供应商ProSim R&D联手向印度铸造提供先进设计模拟解决方案。
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42848(112/132)
【ニューデリー】Renault-NissanとBajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は10日、インド国内で超低価格小型乗用車(ultra low-cost small car)を製造する合弁契約に終に調印、当初の予定より1年遅い2012年に新モデルを市場に投入すると発表した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42848.htm
◆Renault-Nissan finally signs small-car deal with Bajaj
【New Delhi】Joint venture partners Renault-Nissan and Bajaj Auto on November 10 finally signed an agreement to manufacture ultra-low cost car in India, which will hit the market in 2012—a year behind schedule.
2009-11-13 ArtNo.42850(113/132)
【コルカタ】ソニー・インディアは、政府が無線広帯域周波数の割当を完了した後、WiMax(Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access)対応ラップトップ・コンピューターをインド市場に紹介する計画だ。
◆Sony India ready to offer WiMax-enabled laptops
【Kolkata】Sony India plans to provide WiMax-enabled laptops for the domestic market after the Union government completes the wireless broadband spectrum allocation process.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42860(114/132)
【ニューデリー】インド第二の二輪車メーカー、Bajaj Auto Ltd(BAL)は2010-11年に向け新市場戦略を準備、来年4月から月産30万台のフル稼働態勢に入る。Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI)は、青山真二社長兼CEOによると、年間平均100クロー(US$2170万)の設備投資を続け、事業の拡張を図る。一方、米国のHarley-DavidsonやイタリアのDucatiと言ったニッチ・プレーヤーも市場参入を図っている。
◆Bajaj employs new growth strategy, Honda expaning capacity
【New Delhi】Bajaj Auto, the country's second largest two-wheeler manufacturer, is putting together a new motorcycle growth strategy for 2010-11 which is intended to kick off with the production of 300,000 units a month from April next year. Rival Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI) will be investing Rs. 100 crore every year for capacity expansion, according to Shinji Aoyama, President and Chef Executive Officer. Meanwhile niche players such as Harley-Davidson and Ducati too ride into the country to join the major global brands present here.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42861(115/132)
◆Michelin to set up a tyre plant, Bridgestone ramping up capacity
【New Delhi】French tyre giant Michelin will invest Rs 4,000 crore in setting up a truck and bus radial facility in Tamil Nadu. Meanwhile leading Japanese tyre-maker Bridgestone Corporation will invest Rs 259 crore to increase its production capacity at Pithampur near Indore by over 40 per cent to 15,000 tyres per day by the middle of next year.
2009-11-17 ArtNo.42863(116/132)
◆野村、Mahindra Satyamの部分権益買収
【ムンバイ】Nomura Mauritius Ltd(NML)は13日、Larsen and Toubro(L&T)からMahindra Satyam Ltd(MSL)の2200万株を1株112.50ルピーで買収した。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42863.htm
◆Nomura buys stake in Mahindra Satyam
【Mumbai】Nomura Mauritius Ltd on November 13 bought 2.2 crore shares of Mahindra Satyam from Larsen and Toubro at Rs 112.50 a share.
2009-11-20 ArtNo.42873(117/132)
◆Nippon Steel steps up exports to India
【Kitakyushu】Nippon Steel Corporation has said that its exports to India had increased in the past years. The company has exported steel rails and sheets to India for manufacturing automobiles and electronic generators.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42881(118/132)
◆Jindal Rail、日本企業と電車製造で技術提携協議
【ヴァドダラ】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd(JRIL)は、グジャラート州Vadodara県Karjanに建設する鉄道車輌工場で電車(EMU:electric multiple unit電動自走車輌)を製造するため、日本企業と最終段階の技術協力交渉を進めている。
◆Jindal Rail finalising deal with Jap firm for mfg of EMU
【Vadodara】Jindal Rail Infrastructure Ltd is likely to finalise a technical tie-up with a Japanese company for manufacturing of electric multiple unit (EMU) coaches at its upcoming wagon making facility at Karjan near Vadodara.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42882(119/132)
【ムンバイ】JSW Steel Ltd(JSL)はJFEスチール株式会社と、製造技術協力及び株式持ち合いで合意した。証券市場は同ニュースに敏感に反応したが、JFEスチールによるJSL株式の買収が直ちに行われぬことが明らかになると、すぐ冷却した。
◆JSW in pact with JFE for auto-grade steel
【Mumbai】JSW Steel is collaborating with JFE Steel Corporation for a manufacturing and mutual shareholding agreement. However markets were disappointed that the pact does not immediately involve the acquisition of an equity stake in the Indian company.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42886(120/132)
【コルカタ】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI)は、2010年3月末までに既存工場の年間生産量が設備能力一杯の150万台に達する見通しのため、第2工場を設けることを検討している。
◆Honda Motorcycle to go for 2nd plant
【Kolkata】Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India Ltd (HMSI) is looking at setting up a second greenfield two-wheeler manufacturing facility as the existing one will reach its optimum installed capacity of 1.5 million per annum by March 2010.
2009-11-24 ArtNo.42890(121/132)
【ムンバイ】地元証券会社Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL)は東京海上ホールディングス株式会社と合弁で550クロー(US$1.19億)を投じ、生命保険会社『Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance(ETLI)』を設立することで合意した。
◆Edelweiss inks pact with Tokio Marine Holdings
【Mumbai】Domestic brokerage firm Edelweiss Capital Ltd (ECL) has entered into an agreement with Tokio Marine Holdings to jointly float a life insurance company, Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance, with an initial investment of Rs 550 crore($119.35m).
【孟买】本地证券经纪企业EdelweissCapital有限公司和东京海上控股株式会社达成协议投资55亿卢比相等于1亿1935万美元建立一家印度人寿保险合资公司名叫Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance。
2009-12-01 ArtNo.42908(122/132)
◆Japan Steel Works to expand in India
【New Delhi】Japan Steel Works is focusing on emerging economies like India to expand its overseas operations against the backdrop of weakening performance in major markets like the US.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42921(123/132)
◆Car cos report huge rise in sales in November
【New Delhi】The buoyancy in the automobile industry continues, the country's major car makers grew a record 63 per cent in November, even though November sales dipped from the previous month.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42922(124/132)
◆Two-wheeler cos race to record monthly sales
【New Delhi】Even post the festival months, two-wheeler companies reported robust sales in November, extending their postive performance in the past few months.
2009-12-04 ArtNo.42923(125/132)
【ニューデリー】地元日刊紙は水曜、昨年6月に日本第二の製薬会社第一三共がRanbaxy Laboratoriesを買収したのに続き、日本最大の薬品メーカー武田がインド市場の開拓に乗り出したと報じた。
◆Japan's largest drug maker Takeda comes calling
【New Delhi】A daily newspaper reported on Wednesday that Japan's largest drugmaker Takeda had begun to scout for opportunities in India, after Japan's second largest pharmaceutical company, Daiichi Sankyo Ltd, acquired Ranbaxy Laboratories in June last year.
2009-12-08 ArtNo.42938(126/132)
【ニューデリー】耐久消費財メーカー、Panasonic India Pvt Ltd (PIPL)は今後3年間に1400クロー(US$3.04億)余を投資、年間270万台のインド・エアコン市場の約17%のシェアを占める計画だ。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42938.htm
◆Panasonic to invest $300 m in 3 years
【New Delhi】Consumer durable maker Panasonic India Pvt Ltd plans to invest around Rs 1,400 crore($304m) in the next three years and to gain about 17 per cent share in 27 lakh domestic air conditioner market.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42959(127/132)
【ムンバイ】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ltd(GHNE)と東芝Westinghouse連合は、インドを、米国や欧州に原子力設備を輸出する際の低コストな部品調達基地として利用する計画だ。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42959.htm
◆India to supply low-cost nuclear parts for export to US, EU
【Mumbai】GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Ltd and Toshiba-Westinghouse plan to use India as a low-cost supplier of nuclear parts for export to the US and Europe.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42960(128/132)
◆Volkswagen-Suzuki to roll out $4000 car in India
【Mumbai】The Volkswagen-Suzuki alliance plans to develop a brand new small car in the $4000-500 range, which could replace the Alto, Suzuki's top-selling model in Indian market.
2009-12-18 ArtNo.42961(129/132)
◆Tata Motors、Swaraj Mazda買収目指す
【ムンバイ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)は軽商用車(LCV)市場におけるプレゼンスを強化する狙いから、住友商事と、後者が保持するSwaraj Mazda Ltd (SML)の53.5%権益買収交渉を進めている。
◆Tatas may acquire Swaraj Mazda
【Mumbai】Tata Motors is negotiating to acquire Sumitomo's 53.5% stake in Swaraj Mazda as it attempts to strengthen its position in the light commercial vehicle market.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42968(130/132)
【ニューデリー】Bhushan Steel Ltd(BSL)は、住友金属工業と、オリッサ州に設ける鉄鋼プラントに関わる技術協力契約と製品のマーケッティング契約を結んだ。両社は西ベンガル州Asansolに合弁で年産600万トンの鉄鋼プラントを設ける可能性も協議している。http://www.seanewsonline.com/seanews/fulltext/42968.htm
◆Bhushan Steel enters into agreement with Sumitomo
【New Delhi】Bhushan Steel Ltd has signed two agreements with Sumitomo Metals for technical know-how and marketing for selling products from the Orissa plant. The two companies are also exploring to set up jointly a six-million tonne steel plant at Asansol in West Bengal.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42974(131/132)
◆Nissan plans to heat up Indian car market
【Chennai】Nissan is going to be a serious threat for other players with their proposed model line up. It will straddle in low cost, compact, luxury cars and light commercial vehicles, a rival company's dealer said.
2009-12-22 ArtNo.42975(132/132)
【ニューデリー】日本の二輪車メーカー、ヤマハは来年、スーパー・バイクやその他の新モデルおよび変形バージョンを紹介、インド市場におけるプレゼンスを強化する。ライバルのSuzuki Motorcycles India Ltd (SMIL)はハリヤナ州Gurgaon工場のスクーター製造能力を2倍に拡張する。
◆Yamaha gears up for new launches, Suzuki to double scooter output
【New Delhi】While Japanese two-wheeler company Yamaha plans to introduce a new version of its super-bike in the country next year, and a range of other models and variants from its stable to strengthen its position in India, its rival Suzuki Motorcycles India Ltd (SMIL)is planning to double the scooter production capacity at its Gurgaon facility.
対日関係 Relation with Japan in 2009