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金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2006
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元のページへ戻る ►2006-10-23 ArtNo.38606(251/292)
【コルカタ】Bhushan Steels and Strips Ltd(BSSL)は西ベンガル州に鉄鋼プラントと発電施設を設ける。(...続きを読む)
◆Bhushan has big plan in West Bengal
【KOLKATA】Bhushan Steels and Strips plans to set up a steel plant and a power plant in West Bengal.
2006-10-23 ArtNo.38607(252/292)
鉄鉱石の処理は2256万トンの同港貨物処理量全体の21%を占め、世界最大の鉄鉱石輸入国中国がHaldia dock complex(HDC)のこうした活況に大きく貢献している。(...続きを読む)
◆Haldia emerging as iron ore exports hub
【KOLKATA】Iron ore exports from Haldia registered at 4.77 million tonne (mt) till October compared to 4.49 mt in the corresponding period last fiscal. China, the biggest importer of iron ore in the world, has brought much cheer to the Haldia dock complex (HDC).
2006-10-25 ArtNo.38625(253/292)
◆Ministry sets up a committee to look into steel issues
【New Delhi】The Ministry of Steel is about to set up a steering committee to look into the issues related to import and export of steel, development of domestic market, demand assessment for steel and the overall implementation of the National Steel Policy.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38630(254/292)
【ニューデリー】インドに年産300万~500万トンの総合製鉄所を設けることを計画する中国中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)は向こう3ヶ月間にロケーションを決め、2007年2月までに当該州政府と覚書を交換することを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sinosteel to finalise the plant location within three months
【New Delhi】Chinese state-owned Sinosteel Corporation which plans to set up an integrated steel plant in India with an annual capacity of 3-5 million tonnes, hopes to finalise the location and other ground details within the next two to three months and intends signing the initial memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the State Government concerned by February 2007.
2006-10-27 ArtNo.38631(255/292)
【ニューデリー】BHP Billiton/Rio Tinto/Sesa Goa等、内外の民間鉱山会社は間もなくインド国内の炭坑を開発・経営する独占権を認められ、石炭不足で電力供給がカットされると言った状況は過去のことになる見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt to open up coal mining sector to pvt cos
【NEW DELHI】Foreign and local mining companies, including BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Sesa Goa, will soon get exclusive rights to mine and operate coal mines in India and the shortage of coal that has made thermal power plants across the country cut down on generation will soon be a thing of the past.
【新德里】必和必拓(BHP Billiton),力拓(Rio Tinto)矿业,塞萨果阿(Sesa Goa)等内外的矿业公司快要拿到在印度开采煤矿的专利权,所以不久会解决煤炭供应不足而停电的事。
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38644(256/292)
【ニューデリー】間もなくインド最大の製鉄会社としての地位を譲り渡さねばならない国営Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)も国際的な買収合戦に加わることを欲している。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL wants to join the global acquisition binge
【NEW DELHI】Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL), which would soon be dethroned as India's largest steelmaker, too wants to join the global acquisition binge.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38645(257/292)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は海外の鉄鋼会社を買収するSteel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL)の如何なる提案も支持する。(...続きを読む)
◆Govt supports SAIL for overseas buys
【NEW DELHI】The Government would support any proposal of Steel Authority of India (SAIL) to acquire steel companies abroad.
2006-10-30 ArtNo.38646(258/292)
【ニューデリー】Ram Vilas Paswan鉄鋼相は26日、鉄鉱石のとどまるところを知らない輸出拡大は国内鉄鋼産業の健全性を損ねる恐れがあるとし、鉄鉱石の輸出を段階的に停止するよう提案した。(...続きを読む)
◆Paswan proposes the phasing out of iron ore exports
【NEW DELHI】The steel minister Ram Vilas Paswan on October 26 proposed gradual phasing out of iron ore exports, saying unabated ore exports could jeopardise the stability of domestic steel utilities.
【新德里】Ram Vilas Paswan铁钢部长在10月26日提议逐渐停止铁矿石出口。因为蓬勃的铁矿石出口持续下去的话国内制钢业将面对威胁。
2006-11-03 ArtNo.38657(259/292)
【アーマダバード】ハイシー・セール(high-sea sales:荷受け書類運搬人が通関手続きが完了する以前に行う売り)の禁止は、ハイシー・セールに依存する金属スクラップ輸入業者に深刻な打撃を与える見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Ban on high-sea sales to have a major impact on scrap importers
【AHMADABAD】The decision to ban high-sea sales is likely to have a major impact on scrap importers as most of these importers are marginal in nature and depend on high-sea sales for their requirement. High-sea sales are sales undertaken before customs clearance by the carrier document consignee.
【艾哈迈达巴德】禁止海关外售货(high-sea sales:收货文件持有人还没有办完海关手续前做的售货)会深刻地打击废铁进口商。这种进口商因为规模小所以很大的成度上通过海关外售的货物来弥补需求。
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38666(260/292)
◆Galvanised steel prices hiked by Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,500 a tonne
【Kolkata】Steel companies have increased the prices of galvanise steel products by Rs 1,000 to Rs 3,500 a tonne in the wake of a steep increase in input costs especially zinc and strong domestic demand. The increase is with effect from November 1.
2006-11-06 ArtNo.38667(261/292)
【ムンバイ】Aditya BirlaグループのHindalco Industries Ltd(HIL)は、米国企業Almex Incと共同で航空産業/陸上海上交通産業(surface transportation industries)/スポーツ業界向けに強化アルミニウム合金(high-strength aluminium alloys)を製造する合弁契約を結んだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindalco ties up with US-based Almex
【Mumbai】Hindalco Industries Ltd(HIL), an Aditya Birla group company, has entered into a joint venture partnership with the US-based Almex Inc for the manufacture of high-strength aluminium alloys for applications in the aerospace, sporting goods and surface transport industries.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38678(262/292)
◆Core sector grows 9.9% in Sept
【NEW DELHI】Production in the six core infrastructure industries which have a combined weight of 26.7 per cent in the index of industrial production, during September increased to 9.9 per cent, compared with 6.3 per cent in the same period last year, on account of a turnaround in the crude petroleum and electricity sectors, notwithstanding a slowdown in the production of coal and finished steel.
2006-11-08 ArtNo.38680(263/292)
【コルカタ】インド第2の鋼線(Steel wire)メーカー、Ramsarup Industries Ltd(RIL)は、52クロー(US$1156万)を投じて進めるTMT(thermo-mechanically treated)製品及び線材セグメントの拡張計画を12月までに完成させることを目指している。(...続きを読む)
◆Ramsarup Ind aims to complete expansion by Dec
【Kolkata】India's second largest steel-wire maker, Ramsarup Industries Ltd aims to complete its Rs 52-crore ongoing expansion programme in the TMT and wire segments by December.
【加尔各答】在印度第二大的铁丝造企业Ramsarup Industries有限公司想要到今年12月底前完成当前进行的TMT钢筋和线材制造设施扩张工程。
2006-11-10 ArtNo.38694(264/292)
【ムンバイ】ニューデリー拠点のBhushanグループはSingal一族の内紛で分裂、兄のSanjay Singal氏が未上場企業Bhushan Power and Steel (BPSL)とともにグループから離脱、弟のNeeraj Singal氏とその父親Brij Bhushan Singal氏はボンベイ証券取引所(BSE)上場のBhushan Steel & Stripes (BSSL)の支配権益を維持する見通しだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Bhushan Group splits
【MUMBAI】The Singal family, which owns the New Delhi-based Bhushan group, is on the verge of a split. While younger brother Neeraj Singal and father Brij Bhushan Singal are wresting control of the Bhushan Steel & Stripes (BSSL), a BSE-listed company, the elder brother Sanjay Singal seems to be moving out with the unlisted group company — Bhushan Power and Steel (BPSL).
【孟买】Singal一族属下位于德里的Bhushan集团,因为家属纠纷而处在分裂的边缘。看起来,创业人Brij Bhushan Singal先生和他的年少儿子Neeraj Singal先生掌握上市的Bhushan钢与带钢公司,而年长儿子Sanjay Singal先生带未上市的Bhushan Power and Steel私人有限公司离开集团。
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38709(265/292)
【ブーバネスワル】Arcelor-Mittalはオリッサ州における年産1200万トンの製鉄プロジェクトを実行するため、子会社Mittal Steel India Ltd(MSIL)を設立した。(...続きを読む)
◆Arcelor-Mittal sets up Indian subsidiary for Orissa project
【Bhubaneswar】Arcelor-Mittal has formed an Indian subsidiary, Mittal Steel India Ltd, for implementing its 12-million-tonne-per-annum steel plant project in Orissa.
2006-11-13 ArtNo.38713(266/292)
【ニューデリー】製造業と電力部門の好調な二桁成長に支えられ、2006年9月の工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は11.4%(7.2%)の成長を見た。
◆Industrial growth at 11.4% in Sept
【New Delhi】Powered by double-digit growth in manufacturing and electricity sectors. the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) by 11.4 per cent for September 2006 compared to 7.2 per cent in September 2005. This was more than the revised 9.9 per cent growth in August but lower than the decade's highest monthly industrial output of 12.7 per cent recorded in July.
2006-11-15 ArtNo.38718(267/292)
◆Hindustan Zinc、亜鉛/鉛値下げ
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は11月11日から亜鉛のトン当たり価格を23万3400ルピーに200ルピー引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc cuts zinc, lead prices
【MUMBAI】Hindustan Zinc Ltd cut its zinc prices by 200 rupees a tonne to 233,400 rupees, effective November 11.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38726(268/292)
◆国営製鉄会社Rashtriya Ispat、US$55億拡張計画立案
【コルカタ】アンドラプラデシュ州のVizag steel plant(VSP)を経営する国営製鉄会社Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL)は向こう14年間に2万5000クロー(US$55.57億)を投じ、販売可能な鉄鋼製品(saleable steel)の年間製造能力を現在の320万トンから1600万トンに拡張する。(...続きを読む)
◆Rashtriya Ispat chalks out Rs 25k-cr expansion plan
【KOLKATA】Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd(RINL), the corporate entity for Vizag Steel Plant (VSP) which makes 3.2mt of saleable steel currently, has chalked out an aggressive roadmap to raise its total steel making capacity to 16m tonnes (mt), entailing a total investment of Rs 25,000 crore over the next 14 years.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38727(269/292)
【ムンバイ】鉄鋼王Lakshmi Mittal氏の2人の弟、Pramod Mittal会長とVinod Mittal重役(MD)に率いられるIspat Industries Ltd(IIL)は、5000クロー(US$11.11億)を投じマハラシュトラ州Dolviに設けた製鉄所の年産能力を500万トンに拡張する方針を決めた。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat to invest Rs 5000 cr in Dolvi plant
【Mumbai】Ispat Industries, global steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal's two brothers, Pramod and Vinod Mittal-controlled steel company, has decided to invest Rs 5,000 crore to scale up its production capacity in Dolvi in Maharashtra to 5 million tonne a year.
2006-11-20 ArtNo.38728(270/292)
◆Uttam Galva、亜鉛鍍金鋼トン当たり1000ルピー値上げ
【ムンバイ】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は16日、全ての亜鉛鍍金鋼製品をトン当たり1000ルピー即日値上げすると発表した。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam Galva raises galvanised steel prices
【MUMBAI】Uttam Galva Steels Ltd on Thursday announced increase in the prices of all its galvanised steel products in the domestic market by Rs 1,000 per tonne with immediate effect.
2006-11-22 ArtNo.38741(271/292)
【ムンバイ】Tataグループは、ブラジルの製鉄会社CSN(Companhia Siderurgica Nacional)の英蘭鉄鋼メーカーCorusに対する買収提案の行方を当面観望する他ないものと見られる。
◆Tatas to wait and see CSN's bid for Corus
【MUMBAI】The Tata group have no options but will wait and see rival Brazilian steel firm CSN(Companhia Siderurgica Nacional)'s bid for Corus, the Anglo-Dutch steel giant. On Friday, CSN had surprised market watchers with an unexpected bid for Corus, quoting 475 pence per share, nearly 20 pence more than the Tatas' bid. CSN shortly begins its due diligence on Corus.
【孟买】塔塔集团对巴西钢铁公司提出的收购哥鲁氏钢铁公司提案只管维持观望待度。因为巴西钢铁公司就要对哥鲁氏钢铁公司作尽职调查(due diligence)。巴西钢铁公司在星期五发出以1股475便士收购哥鲁氏钢铁公司。这个价格比塔塔提议的收购价格超过20便士。
2006-11-24 ArtNo.38751(272/292)
【コルカタ】Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL)は、ジャールカンド州のChiria/Gua/Kiriburu/Meghahatuburu、オリッサ州のTaldih/Bolani、チャッティスガル州のRowghatに位置する新鉱山の開発や既存鉱山の拡張に4000~5000クロー(US$8.89億-11.11億)を投資する計画で、取り分け新鉱山の開発に本腰を入れる。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL to invest Rs 5000 cr in existing and new mines
【Kolkata】Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) plans to invest between Rs 4,000 crore and Rs 5,000 crore to develop new mines in the mining blocks of Taldih and Bolani in Orissa, Chiria, Gua, Kiriburu and Meghahatuburu in Jharkhand and Rowghat in Chhattisgarh and to increase production from existing mines.
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38762(273/292)
◆Nisshin Steel considers to set up plant in Gujarat
【AHMEDABAD】Earlier last week, a team from Nisshin Steel visited Gujarat to explore possibilities of making huge investments in the state.
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38763(274/292)
【ムンバイ】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は中国中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)とオリッサ州Paradip/チャッティースガル州/ジャールカンド州に鉄鋼プラントを設ける計画を協議している。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Steel holds talks with Sinosteel to set up plants
【Mumbai】Essar Steel is holding talks with Chinese steel company Sinosteel Corporation for setting up steel plants in Paradip, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
【孟买】埃萨钢公司正在跟中国中钢集团进行磋商关于在奥里萨州伯拉迪布,查蒂斯加尔州和 贾坎德州携手兴建钢铁厂。
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38764(275/292)
◆Hindustan Zinc、3計画にUS$2.62億投資
【ムンバイ】Hindustan Zinc Ltd(HZL)は金属製造ビジネスにおけるプレゼンスを強化するとともに、急成長する風力発電事業に進出するため、3件のプロジェクトに1177クロー(US$2.62億)を投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Zinc to invest Rs. 1,177 cr. for three projects
【MUMBAI】Hindustan Zinc plans to invest Rs. 1,177 crore for three new projects to consolidate its position in the metal production business as well as to foray into the emerging wind power generation business.
2006-11-27 ArtNo.38768(276/292)
【コルカタ】コマツグループに属し米国を拠点に鉱山機械管理システムの開発/製造/販売を手掛けるモジュラーマイニングシステムズ(MMS:Modular Mining Systems, Inc.)はインドに完全出資子会社Modular Mining Systems India(MMSI)を設立、鉱山業関連情報技術(IT)市場の開拓に乗り出した。(...続きを読む)
◆Komatsu's IT arm sets up a subsidiary
【Kolkata】Modular Mining Systems, Inc(MMS), Arizona based mining IT solutions arm of Komatsu group, is floating a wholly owned subsidiary called Modular Mining Systems India(MMSI) for making inroad into the mining IT space in India.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38776(277/292)
【コルカタ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は、西ベンガル州Burnpurと同州DurgapurをベースにするIndian Iron and Steel Company Ltd(IISCO)とAlloy Steels Plant(ASP)の近代化計画に1万クロー(US$22.23億)を投資する。(...続きを読む)
◆SAIL invests Rs 10,000 cr in IISCO upgrade
【KOLKATA】State-owned Steel Authority of India Ltd plans to invest around Rs 10,000 crore for modernising the Burnpur-based IISCO Steel Plant and Durgapur-based Alloy Steels Plant.
【加尔各答】国营的印度钢铁管理局公司计划投资1000亿卢比而现代化属下的印度钢铁公司和Alloy Steels Plant。两个钢厂都在西孟加拉邦州。前者在Burnpur,后者在杜尔加布尔。
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38790(278/292)
◆Uttam Galva、住商と提携し米国市場開拓
【ムンバイ】地元の主要亜鉛鍍金鋼メーカーUttam Galva Steels Ltd(UGSL)は住友商事の米国子会社Steel Summit Internationalと手を組み米国の小売りジャイアンツHome Depotに付加価値建築用鋼材を納入する。(...続きを読む)
◆Uttam Galva ties up with Sumitomo to develop US-market
【Mumbai】Uttam Galva Steels, the country's major galvanised steel manufacturer, has tied up with Steel Summit International, the US subsidiary of Japan's Sumitomo Corporation, to supply value-added construction grade steel to American retail giant Home Depot.
【孟买】在印度主要的镀锌钢制造企业乌塔姆镀锌钢公司跟住友商事的美国组公司Steel Summit International合作供应美国零售大企业Home Depot建筑用增值钢产品。
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38791(279/292)
◆Essar Steel、自動車用鋼材製造に注力
【コルカタ】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)は自動車産業が必要とする様々な等級の熱間圧延/冷間圧延鋼材を商業生産する能力を培った。
ESLのM. Venkatraman副社長とJ. K. Tandon取締役(プロジェクト担当)はこのほど当地で催された『金属会議(Metals Conclave)』の席上、以上の報告を行った。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Steel works hard to make materials for auto ind
【Kolkata】Essar Steel Ltd has developed its capacity adequately to commercially produce various grades of hot-rolled and cold-rolled materials used in the auto industry. The company's Vice-President, Mr M. Venkatraman, along with Mr J. K. Tandon, Director (projects) of Essar Steel, has submitted a paper to the Metals Conclave which was recently organized here.
【加尔各答】埃萨钢公司已经成功地发展多种等级的汽车工业用热扎钢材和冷轧钢材。该公司的副总经理Mr M. Venkatraman和项目主任Mr J. K. Tandon在这里举行的『金属研讨会(Metals Conclave)』上发表的报告里这样说。
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38799(280/292)
【北京】中国中鋼集団公司(Sinosteel Corporation)とその中国パートナーはインドにおける鉄鉱開発/製鋼総合プロジェクトに少なくとも2億米ドルを投資することを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆Sinosteel in talks on $200 mn India project
【BEIJING】China's state-owned Sinosteel Corp and its Chinese partners plans to spend at least $200 million on an integrated iron ore and steel project in India.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38800(281/292)
◆Tata Steelは値上げ、JSW Steelは値下げ発表
【ニューデリー】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)とJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は12月に入って揃って製品価格に見直しを加え、前者は条鋼を値上げ、後者は鋼板を値下げした。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel raises prices, JSW Steel cuts prices
【NEW DELHI】Tata Steel Ltd and JSW Steel Ltd on December 1 have revised their prices. The former increased the prices of its long products but the latter cut hot-rolled coil prices.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38801(282/292)
◆Hindustan Copper、3%値下げ
【ムンバイ】国営銅精錬会社Hindustan Copper Ltd(HCL)は12月1日より各種銅製品の暫定価格(provisional prices)を3%引き下げた。(...続きを読む)
◆Hindustan Copper reduces product prices by 3%
【Mumbai】State-owned Hindustan Copper Ltd (HCL) reduced the provisional prices of its products by 3 per cent, effective December1.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38802(283/292)
【ムンバイ】最高裁により指名された専門委員会が10月にプロジェクトの実行を認める判断を示したことから、3600クロー(US$8億)を投じてオリッサ州Kalahandi県にアルミナ製錬施設を設けることを計画するVedanta Resources plc(VRP)は間もなく最後のハードルをクリアできそうだ。(...続きを読む)
◆Apex court's panel gave green light for Vedanta refinery
【Mumbai】As a panel appointed by the Supreme Court gave its approval to the project in October, the Vedanta group's Rs 3,600-crore alumina refinery in Orissa's Kalahandi district is likely to clear the final hurdle soon.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38811(284/292)
【ムンバイ】Ispat Industries Ltd(IIL)は5日、マハラシュトラ州政府と、2000クロー(US$4.445億)を投じて同州Raigad県Dolviの総合的鉄鋼プラントを拡張する覚書を交換した。(...続きを読む)
◆Ispat to invest Rs. 2,000 cr.to expand its Dolvi steel plant
【MUMBAI】Ispat Industries plans to expand its steel-making capacity at its integrated steel plant at Dolvi in Raigad, Maharashtra. The company on December 5 signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Maharashtra Government for this.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38812(285/292)
◆Tata Steel/日本郵船、海運合弁会社設立
【コルカタ】Tata Steel Ltd(TSL)は日本郵船株式会社(NYK Line)と出資率50:50、資本金1000万米ドルの合弁会社を設立し、海運ビジネスに進出する。(...続きを読む)
◆Tata Steel forms shipping JV with NYK Line
【Kolkata】Tata Steel is diversifying into shipping business by way of 50:50 joint venture which will have a capital of $10 million, with Japan's Nippon Yasen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK).
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38823(286/292)
◆Essar Steel、Hazira工場拡張計画完了
【アーマダバード】Essar Steel Ltd(ESL)はグジャラート州Haziraに設けた複合施設の鉄鋼年産能力を240万トンから460万トンに拡張する工事を完成した。(...続きを読む)
◆Essar Steel completes Hazira unit expansion
【Ahmedabad】Essar Steel has completed the expansion of steel manufacturing capacity at its Hazira complex in Gujarat from 2.4 million tonnes to 4.6 million tonnes.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38838(287/292)
【コルカタ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は、ジャールカンド州Chiria鉱山の低コストな鉄鉱石を採掘する権利を手に入れるため同州に大型鉄鋼プラントを新たに設けることを提案したが、Madhu Koda政権の前向きな回答を引き出すには至っていない。(...続きを読む)
◆Jharkhand no word on SAIL's Chiria mine offer
【KOLKATA】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL) has proposed to set up a mega greenfield venture in Jharkhand in order to secure access to the priceless Chiria iron ore mines of the state but the proposa is yet to evoke a response from the Madhu Koda government.
【加尔各答】印度钢铁管理局公司为了拿到奇里亚矿山的开采权而提议在贾坎德州兴建超级大型钢厂,可是Madhu Koda首席部长领导的该州政府没有积极的回应。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38850(288/292)
◆Panel on iron ore export couldn't reach consensus
【New Delhi】The committee consisted of secretaries from the ministries concerned looked into the issue of iron ore exports but has not been able to reach a consensus on whether export of ore having 64 per cent or more iron content should continue or should be restricted. It has left the Government to work out a policy framework for iron ore exports.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38856(289/292)
【ニューデリー】インドの工業生産指数(IIP:Index of Industrial Production)は10月に6.2%の伸びを見たが、前年同期の9.8%、前月(2006/9)の11.4%を下回り、今会計年度に入って以来最低の伸びになった。
◆Index of Industrial Production growth dips to 6.2% in Oct.
【New Delhi】The growth in industrial production slumped to a low of 6.2 per cent in October, the lowest this fiscal year, down from 9.8 per cent in the same month last year and sharply lower than the 11.4 per cent in September. This is down from the record high of 12.4 per cent in July.
【新德里】今年10月的工业生产指数成长率降低到这财政年开始以来最低的6.2%,比不上去年同一月的 9.8%和上月的11.4,何况7月的今年来最高记录12.4%。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38857(290/292)
◆Core infrastructure sector grows 9 pc in Oct
【NEW DELHI】Buoyed by petroleum refinery products' strong performance, the index of six core infrastructure industries - electricity, coal, steel, crude petroleum, petroleum refinery and cement - grew by a robust 9% in October 2006 compared with 7.4% in the corresponding period in the previous fiscal.
【新德里】以石油提炼业的好转为后盾,6个骨干基础设施产业(原油•石油提炼•石炭•电力•水泥•钢铁) 在今年10月成长了9%,超过去年同一月的7.4%。
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38859(291/292)
【ハイデラバード】Jindal Steel Works Ltd(JSW)は、アンドラプラデシュ州Visakhapatnam(Vizag)県Sabbavaramにおける第1期計画だけで4000クロー(US$8.89億)が投じられるアルミナ製錬事業を、同州Vizianagaram県に移す方針だ。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW may shift alumina plant in Vizianagaram
【Hyderabad】Jindal Steel Works Ltd (JSW) is all set to move the controversial alumina smelter project, with a phase one investment of Rs 4,000 crore in a refinery, to Vizianagaram district from Sabbavaram village of Visakhapatnam district.
【海德拉巴】京德勒钢厂有限公司计划把被议论的矾土提炼项目(第1期工程耗资400亿卢比)从维沙卡帕特南县 Sabbavaram村移到维齐亚纳加兰县。
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38873(292/292)
◆JSW Steel、年産200万トンの鋼帯工場計画
【ムンバイ】Sajjan Jindal氏に率いられるJSW Steel Ltd(JSL)は、2000クロー(US$4.46億)を投じ、カルナタカ州の既存工場付近に年産200万トンの熱間圧延鋼帯製造施設を設けることを検討している。(...続きを読む)
◆JSW Steel to set up 2-m ton hot strip mill in K'taka
【MUMBAI】The Sajjan Jindal promoted JSW Steel is going to invest Rs 2,000 crore to set up a 2-million tonne hot strip mill near its facility in Karnataka.
金属/鉱物 Metallurgy/Mining in 2006
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