解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2018
◆From dollar to e-SDR: It's an opportunity that should not be missed
Of course, the Triffin dilemma can be avoided, and America’s outsize influence over the monetary system reduced. All that is needed is a major reserve currency that is not issued by a national authority.
○Govt launches Cyber Safe India initiative in partnership with top tech companies
○Government moots 6-point formula to boost digital payments
2018-06-01 ArtNo.46274(52/129)
2018-06-01 ArtNo.46275(53/129)
早期基督教在中东和小亚细亚离巢起飞后,在第一和第二世纪之间迅速蔓延同时分出多种变型或异体。这些变型或异体后来被学者分成以下三大类,『犹太基督教(Jewish Christianity)』,『格诺西斯派(Gnosticism)』和『正统派(orthodoxy)』。除了『正统派』之外的这些变型或异体最终被宣判『异端』并被视为假基督教。
2018-06-01 ArtNo.46276(54/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Practice of Sramana)
Early Christianity, which had taken off throughout the area of the Middle East and Asia Minor, began to spread rapidly in the first two centuries along with alterations and variations of what Christianity was. Scholars of the time created three general categories for the types of Christianity, that is, Jewish Christianity, Gnosticism, and orthodoxy. And these alterations and variations were eventually dubbed "heresies" by the Orthodox Church and were considered false Christianity.
○Teachings of Wisdom
○Truth without deception
○Parable of groom (original self) and bridal suite (kingdom)
○People may possibly think it's strange.
○The head is three feet long, the neck two inches.
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46286(55/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46287(56/129)
【新德里】随着数字化,自动化和人工智能的进步改变了工作环境,大约3亿7500万人,约占全球劳动力的14%,可能到2030年前将被迫转换工作岗位。 麦肯锡全球研究所的一份报告『失业和创造就业:自动化时代的劳动力转型』如上述警告。
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46288(57/129)
◆Ready for Industry 4.0?
【New Delhi】As digitisation, automation and advances in artificial intelligence disrupt work, some 375 million workers — or roughly 14 per cent of the global workforce — may switch job roles by 2030, forecasts a McKinsey Global Institute report, Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained: Workforce Transitions in a Time of Automation.
○India's 40 lakh IT workforce needs to reboot to survive or get the boot
○Future of Jobs in India: Only 30 % will remain relevant
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46295(58/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46296(59/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46297(60/129)
◆India lags behind in the development of smart cities: McKinsey
【Mumbai】India may be a global tech hub, but its cities fare poorer than even their Latin American and African counterparts when it comes to adoption of technology for smart cities, according to a new McKinsey report.
○948 smart city projects are under implementation
○IndiQube raises Rs 100 crore from WestBridge Capital
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46298(61/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46299(62/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46300(63/129)
◆Telecom Services Q4: Industry revenues fell 7% q-o-q
【New Delhi】Indian telecom revenues fell 7% q-o-q in Q4FY18 led by an 11% drop in ARPU.
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46301(64/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46302(65/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46303(66/129)
◆Automakers’ capex pegged at Rs 58,000 cr for next two years:Crisil
【Chennai】Manufacturers of commercial vehicles, passenger vehicles and two wheelers are expected to incur a total capex of about Rs 58,000 crore over the next two fiscals – 2018-19 and 2019-2020. This capex will be 30 per cent higher than the preceding two fiscals.
○With rising awareness, carmakers see a surge in demand for airbags
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46307(67/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46308(68/129)
2018-07-02 ArtNo.46309(69/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Always be serious about this)
After the Greek version of Old Testament was compiled in Alexandria, the leading cultural center of the Hellenistic world, under the tide of Syncretism (cultural fusion of east and west) which occurred following the east expedition of Alexander the Great in the late 4th century BC, Judaism spread to not only Asia Minor and North Africa, but also remote areas of the Roman Empire, such as the Iberian Peninsula and Britain Islands, as well as India and China at the eastern end of Silk Road, even possibly to Korea and Japan due to the missionary activities of enthusiastic evangelists, such as the members of the Synagogue of Freed Slaves. Therefore, ecclesias (churches for the non-circumcision gentile believers, who could not formally attend Synagogue) seem to have formed in many places around the Mediterranean Sea from far before the advent of Jesus Christ.
○Origin of Gnosticism
○The evidence of children of light
○Realization of the kingdom of God
○A stem of rice plant and a stack of millet
○Not fall into ZhongShu (衆数)
○I've always been serious about this.
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46313(70/129)
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46314(71/129)
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46315(72/129)
◆Will Imran Khan’s win further set back Indo-Pak ties?
【New Delhi】Several issues account for the dismal state of India-Pakistan relations: the wounds of Partition, the chronic Kashmir issue, four armed conflicts, jihadi terrorism against India, the increasing radicalisation of Pakistani society, water-related differences, Islamabad’s nuclear posture, the military-civilian equation in Pakistan and the Army’s control over policymaking towards India.
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46322(73/129)
○コックハーCEO案件はビジネスに悪影響:ICICI Bank
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46323(74/129)
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46324(75/129)
◆When a 'revered' CEO is accused
【New Delhi】A CEO could evoke reverence from his board of directors for many reasons. It could be any of the 5Cs: Competence, clan, connections, charisma or a combination. The phenomenon is not rare.
○Allegations against CEO Chanda Kochhar can affect business: ICICI Bank
○Mistry approaches NCLAT against his removal from Tata Sons
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46325(76/129)
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46326(77/129)
【新德里】印度政府似乎打算放弃处理国家银行危机的好主意,却选择不好的选项。创造所谓的『坏银行(bad bank)』--就是从银行的资产负债表中消除受压资产(stressed assets)的资产管理公司--来试图压低印度国有银
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46327(78/129)
◆'Zombie' power plants: A financial time-bomb that may torpedo Indian banks
【New Delhi】Government seems intent on abandoning good ideas for dealing with the country's banking crisis and encouraging bad ones. The latest terrible proposal for dealing with the bad loans weighing down India's state-owned banks, which control more than two-thirds of deposits, is to create a "bad bank" -- an asset-management company that would take stressed assets off their balance sheets.
○Oriental Bank invites i-bankers to sell shares acquired through SDR
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46334(79/129)
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46335(80/129)
【新德里/班加罗尔】政府计划在12月之前向国会提呈『个人数据保护法案(personal data protection bill)』。由BN斯里克里希纳(BN Srikrishna)法官为首的委员会已把该法草案提交,所以在与不同的政府部门,行
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46336(81/129)
◆Data protection bill may be tabled in winter session
【New Delhi/Bangalore】The government plans to table the draft personal data protection bill submitted by Justice BN Srikrishna committee in Parliament by December after holding consultations with different ministries, industry representatives and the public.
○63% of Indian firms struggling to comply with EU GDPR: Report
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46340(82/129)
ハルマゲドンは、再臨するイエス・キリストの率いる天の軍勢が、神の権威に敵対する者どもを一網打尽に討ち滅ぼす世界最終戦争(黙示19:11-16)が行われる場所として、新・旧約聖書にただ一度だけ言及されている(黙示16:16)。ヘブライ語の『ハルメギッドーン(Har-Megiddo)』をギリシア語に翻訳したもので、メギドの山と言う意味だが、実際にはエズレル平原を支配していたアハブ王(869-850 BC)が築いた要塞を指している。同地は古来多くの戦闘が行われた古戦場だが、世界最終戦の場としては若干狭すぎるようだ。
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46341(83/129)
哈米吉多顿(Armageddon)是作为在世界末日时带领天军第二次来临的耶稣基督将一网打尽地摧毁那些反对上帝权威的势力的世界最后打战(启示录19:11-16)的战场而在《新约与旧约圣经》里,只一次出现的地名(启示录16:16)。本来把希伯来语的Har-Megiddo翻译到希腊语的harmagedon,就是米吉多(Megiddo)的山的意思,不过这个名字实际上指支配耶斯列平原(Plain of Jezreel)的亚哈王(King Ahab:公元前869-850)所建的要塞。这是一个古老的战场,自古以来许多战斗在这里被进行了,但是对于世界末日的最后对抗来说,也许太过狭隘。
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46342(84/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Armageddon)
Armageddon is a place name that is mentioned only once (Revelation 16:16) through the New and the Old Testaments as the heavenly army led by the second coming Jesus Christ will destroy those who oppose the authority of God in a literal end-of-the-world final confrontation. (Revelation 19:11-16) The word 'Armageddon' is transliterated to Greek from Hebrew 'Har-Megiddo' and means Mount Megiddo. However the name refers to a fortification made by King Ahab (869-850 BC) that dominated the Plain of Jezreel. It is an old battlefield where many battles have been fought since ancient times, but it might be too narrow for the end-of-the-world final confrontation.
○Rebuilding of the Faith of Second Coming
○The second coming of Christ who is the Alpha and the Omega
○Another reason for the Apocalypse was written
○The path to YunYan is going to be cut off.
○Fictitious name and Dharma title
○In living to work hard; in death to be at rest
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46358(85/129)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46359(86/129)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46360(87/129)
◆India expected to to surpass Britain next year: FM
【New Delhi】India may overtake Britain to become the fifth largest economy in the world by next year and place itself among the globe's top three in a decade or two, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said on August 30.
○Growth outlook: India’s GDP growth likely to hit 7.5% by end-2019
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46364(88/129)
◆Niti AayogのAI国策立案の取り組みは、インドのAI需要の現れ:シーゲート
【ニューデリー】アジア太平洋地域では、人工知能(AI:artificial intelligence)の導入が非常に旺盛で、大部分の組織が、情報技術(IT)、サプライチェーン、ロジスティクス、研究開発などの分野にある種の形式のAIをすでに実装してる。
○Kotak、ナスコム、iSPIRTと提携してUPI 2.0 Hackathonを開始
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46365(89/129)
◆Niti Aayog制定AI政策的努力显示印度的AI需求:希捷
○科塔克与NASSCOM和iSPIRT合作推出『UPI 2.0黑客松』
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46366(90/129)
◆Niti Aayog efforts for national policy on AI points towards India's appetite to embrace AI: Seagate
【New Delhi】In Asia Pacific, artificial intelligence (AI) adoption is already so robust that a vast majority of organisations have already implemented AI in one form or another within areas such as information technology, supply chain and logistics, as well as research and development.
○Kotak launches UPI 2.0 Hackathon in partnership with Nasscom, iSPIRT
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46367(91/129)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46368(92/129)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46369(93/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Walk on Vairocana's head)
Jesus said, "Blessings on those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again." (Thomas 49)
○Faith of Atonement and The baptism of The Holy Spirit
○Aphoristic teaching
○The Holy One
○God's one and only Son
○Walk on Vairocana's head
○Fighting with real swords
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46394(94/129)
【ムンバイ】ミューチュアル・ファンド(MF)の短期コマーシャル・ペーパー(CP)を通じた非銀行金融機関(NBFC:non-banking financial companies)に対するエクスポージャーは、2016年以来3倍上昇した。
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46395(95/129)
【孟买】共同基金(MF:Mutual fund)通过短期商业票据(CP:commercial paper)对非银行金融公司(NBFC:non-banking financial companies)的敞口(exposure)自2016年以来增加了三倍。
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46396(96/129)
◆In 6 months, 41% of NBFC debt papers due for refinancing: Credit Suisse
【Mumbai】Mutual funds' (MFs') exposure to non-banking financial companies (NBFCs), through short-term commercial papers (CPs), has risen three times since 2016.
○NBFC woes hit stocks of rate-sensitive sectors
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46397(97/129)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46398(98/129)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46399(99/129)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Non-attained Buddha)
The followers said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is the end will be. Blessings on one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death." (Thomas 18)
○The origin of the gospel
○The Gospel of Mark
○The Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John
○Parallel verses in the Gospels with 'Q source'
○Jesus' doomsday prophecy
○Christian Zionism
○Criticism of 'the Gospel of Thomas' on Christian eschatology
○The Parable of the Conjured City
○Non-attained Buddha
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46403(100/129)
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2018