通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2018
◆Draft e-commerce policy unites SoftBank, Sequoia Capital, Tiger Global
【New Delhi】Global investors such as SoftBank Group, Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global are planning to build a common front to take on the draft e-commerce policy, which they believe is tilted towards Indian founders of the firms they have invested in.
○Abolition of tax collected at source on e-commerce may be on cards
○Discounting logic: on e-commerce policy
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46340(52/90)
ハルマゲドンは、再臨するイエス・キリストの率いる天の軍勢が、神の権威に敵対する者どもを一網打尽に討ち滅ぼす世界最終戦争(黙示19:11-16)が行われる場所として、新・旧約聖書にただ一度だけ言及されている(黙示16:16)。ヘブライ語の『ハルメギッドーン(Har-Megiddo)』をギリシア語に翻訳したもので、メギドの山と言う意味だが、実際にはエズレル平原を支配していたアハブ王(869-850 BC)が築いた要塞を指している。同地は古来多くの戦闘が行われた古戦場だが、世界最終戦の場としては若干狭すぎるようだ。
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46341(53/90)
哈米吉多顿(Armageddon)是作为在世界末日时带领天军第二次来临的耶稣基督将一网打尽地摧毁那些反对上帝权威的势力的世界最后打战(启示录19:11-16)的战场而在《新约与旧约圣经》里,只一次出现的地名(启示录16:16)。本来把希伯来语的Har-Megiddo翻译到希腊语的harmagedon,就是米吉多(Megiddo)的山的意思,不过这个名字实际上指支配耶斯列平原(Plain of Jezreel)的亚哈王(King Ahab:公元前869-850)所建的要塞。这是一个古老的战场,自古以来许多战斗在这里被进行了,但是对于世界末日的最后对抗来说,也许太过狭隘。
2018-08-16 ArtNo.46342(54/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Armageddon)
Armageddon is a place name that is mentioned only once (Revelation 16:16) through the New and the Old Testaments as the heavenly army led by the second coming Jesus Christ will destroy those who oppose the authority of God in a literal end-of-the-world final confrontation. (Revelation 19:11-16) The word 'Armageddon' is transliterated to Greek from Hebrew 'Har-Megiddo' and means Mount Megiddo. However the name refers to a fortification made by King Ahab (869-850 BC) that dominated the Plain of Jezreel. It is an old battlefield where many battles have been fought since ancient times, but it might be too narrow for the end-of-the-world final confrontation.
○Rebuilding of the Faith of Second Coming
○The second coming of Christ who is the Alpha and the Omega
○Another reason for the Apocalypse was written
○The path to YunYan is going to be cut off.
○Fictitious name and Dharma title
○In living to work hard; in death to be at rest
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46352(55/90)
【ムンバイ】 インド国防研究開発機構(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)は、ジェット戦闘機用に開発したスーパーレーダー技術の販売目指し、国内業界に技術移転(ToT:transfer of technology)提案書の提出を求めた。
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46353(56/90)
【孟买】印度国防研究与发展组织(DRDO:Defence Research and Development Organisation)打算卖出去它开发的用于战斗机的超级雷达技术,它邀请印度工业界提交技术转让(ToT:transfer of technology)申请。
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46354(57/90)
◆DRDO wants to sell super radar technology for fighter jets to industry, invites applications
【Mumbai】India’s defence research and development organization (DRDO) wants to sell tech that it says it has developed for a `super radar’ for fighter jet aircraft and has asked the Indian Industry to submit proposals for transfer of technology (ToT).
○Pentagon official cautions India over Russian arms deal
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46361(58/90)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46362(59/90)
【孟买】奥马哈的神谕(the Oracle of Omaha)华伦·巴菲特(Warren Buffett)投资了维杰·谢赫·夏尔马(Vijay Scheker Sharma)的Paytm。对于通常避开互联网公司的这个人来说,一笔罕见的交易。对于印度人来说,这是一个重要的里程碑。夏尔马出生并长大在北方邦阿里格尔附近的小镇哈尔度亚伽杰(Harduaganj)。以下是他的成功故事。
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46363(60/90)
◆From Aligarh to Omaha, the incredible story of Vijay Shekhar Sharma
【Mumbai】Vijay Shekhar Sharma's Paytm got Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Omaha, to invest in his firm, a rare deal for a man who typically avoids internet firms. For India's man of the moment, it is major milestone. Here is a story of Sharma who has brought up in the small town called Harduaganj near Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
○eMudhra plans U.S. digital certifying foray in 2019
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46364(61/90)
◆Niti AayogのAI国策立案の取り組みは、インドのAI需要の現れ:シーゲート
【ニューデリー】アジア太平洋地域では、人工知能(AI:artificial intelligence)の導入が非常に旺盛で、大部分の組織が、情報技術(IT)、サプライチェーン、ロジスティクス、研究開発などの分野にある種の形式のAIをすでに実装してる。
○Kotak、ナスコム、iSPIRTと提携してUPI 2.0 Hackathonを開始
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46365(62/90)
◆Niti Aayog制定AI政策的努力显示印度的AI需求:希捷
○科塔克与NASSCOM和iSPIRT合作推出『UPI 2.0黑客松』
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46366(63/90)
◆Niti Aayog efforts for national policy on AI points towards India's appetite to embrace AI: Seagate
【New Delhi】In Asia Pacific, artificial intelligence (AI) adoption is already so robust that a vast majority of organisations have already implemented AI in one form or another within areas such as information technology, supply chain and logistics, as well as research and development.
○Kotak launches UPI 2.0 Hackathon in partnership with Nasscom, iSPIRT
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46367(64/90)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46368(65/90)
2018-09-08 ArtNo.46369(66/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Walk on Vairocana's head)
Jesus said, "Blessings on those who are alone and chosen, for you will find the kingdom. For you have come from it, and you will return there again." (Thomas 49)
○Faith of Atonement and The baptism of The Holy Spirit
○Aphoristic teaching
○The Holy One
○God's one and only Son
○Walk on Vairocana's head
○Fighting with real swords
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46397(67/90)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46398(68/90)
2018-10-07 ArtNo.46399(69/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Non-attained Buddha)
The followers said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning, then, so that you are seeking the end? For where the beginning is the end will be. Blessings on one who stands at the beginning: That one will know the end and will not taste death." (Thomas 18)
○The origin of the gospel
○The Gospel of Mark
○The Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John
○Parallel verses in the Gospels with 'Q source'
○Jesus' doomsday prophecy
○Christian Zionism
○Criticism of 'the Gospel of Thomas' on Christian eschatology
○The Parable of the Conjured City
○Non-attained Buddha
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46415(70/90)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46416(71/90)
【新德里】总理纳伦德拉·莫迪计划在从10月28日起两天的访日期间与日本首相安倍晋三讨论各种双边问题。孟买-艾哈迈达巴德高速列车项目的第二批官方发展援助贷款(ODA loan)预计将在讨论期间最终确定。
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46417(72/90)
◆Modi to discuss second tranche of loan for bullet train project during Japan visit
【New Delhi】Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to discuss a wide range of bilateral issues with his Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe during his two-day visit to Japan starting October 28. The second tranche of ODA loan for the Mumbai-Ahmedabad high speed train project is expected to be finalised during the discussions.
○Pune to host country's first Urban Mobility Lab
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46418(73/90)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46419(74/90)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46420(75/90)
◆The imperative of impact assessment for Aadhaar judgment
【New Delhi】Legislation and policies in the country are often passed with inadequate scrutiny and assessment. Increasingly, the 'rush towards law' results in policies and legal frameworks that are mostly reactive and seek to offer quick-fix solutions to complex problems. As a result, both law-makers and citizens are frequently blindsided by the unanticipated impact of these moves and the laws often run aground on issues of implementation. Ultimately, the time and effort it takes to undo and resolve the issues caused by such hasty law-making can compound the problem that the law was intended to resolve, making the entire exercise of 'fixing' the issue futile.
○Aadhaar Judgment: Supreme Court has done well to place restrictions on the unique identifier
○Too much dissent on Aadhaar
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46421(76/90)
【ニューデリー】電気通信局(DoT:Department of Telecommunications)は、最高裁判所の命令に基づき、通信事業者にアドハー(Aadhaar)による生体認証を停止するよう求める通知を行う。
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46422(77/90)
【新德里】电信局(DoT:Department of Telecommunications)根据最高法院命令,将不久向电信运营商发出通知,要求停止以阿达尔(Aadhaar)为基础的生物识别认证。
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46423(78/90)
◆DoT wants telecom operators to stop Aadhaar-based biometric authentication
【New Delhi】The Department of Telecommunications (DoT), in accordance with a Supreme Court order, will soon come up with a notification asking telecom operators to stop biometric authentication on the basis of the Aadhaar.
○1 bn records compromised in Aadhaar breach since January: Gemalto
○Now, Aadhaar to check truant government doctors
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46424(79/90)
【ニューデリー】インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)が国内で発生したすべての支払いデータを10月15日までにインド国内に保管することを義務づけた規則の期限は月曜日に満了したが、アメリカン・エキスプレス、ビサ、マスターカード、アマゾン、ペイパル、ウェスタン・ユニオン等の主要国際企業は、間に合わなかった。
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46425(80/90)
【新德里】印度储备银行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)使结帐组织负有义务到10月15日前把在印度境内结帐的所有支付数据保管在国内的期限,在周一到期了,但美国运通(American Express),维萨卡(Visa),万事达卡(Mastercard),亚马逊(Amazon),贝宝(Paypal)和西联汇(Western Union)等主要国际公司未能满足它。
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46426(81/90)
◆Data localisation: RBI may not penalise cos for not meeting deadline, for now
【New Delhi】With the Reserve Bank of India's October 15 deadline for storing all payment data generated in India within the country coming to an end on Monday and major international firms such as American Express, Visa, Mastercard, Amazon, Paypal, and Western Union, failing to meet it.
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46427(82/90)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46428(83/90)
2018-10-29 ArtNo.46429(84/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Five Trees in Paradise)
Jesus said, "Blessings on one who came into being before coming into being. If you become my followers and listen to my sayings, these stones will serve you. For there are five trees in paradise for you; they do not change, summer or winter, and their leaves do not fall. Whoever knows them will not taste death." (Thomas 19)
○Similarity between 'the Gospel of Thomas' and 'Q source'
○Subtle differences in parallel articles of Gospel of Matthew and Luke
○The composition of conflict between Hebraists and Hellenists
○Source of teachings of wisdom
○Kitchen pantry and Three gates
2018-11-17 ArtNo.46457(85/90)
2018-11-17 ArtNo.46458(86/90)
2018-11-17 ArtNo.46459(87/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Guiding and Aiding Living Beings)
Judas Iscariot is synonymous with 'betrayal' that he handed Jesus over to the Romans and crucified him, but there are many mysterious points about his treachery. Typical examples are the following three points.
○The story of Judas is contrived: a retired bishop of the Episcopal Church
○High Priest Caiaphas' ambition
○Jesus' debut to the religious society of Jerusalem
○Roles of the twelve apostles in groups of four
○Background of Judas Iscariot
○A red herring for James the Less?
○Guiding and Aiding Living Beings
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46484(88/90)
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46485(89/90)
他说「任何人发现了这些话的意义,将不会尝到死亡的滋味。」耶稣说「追寻者不应该停止追寻,直到他们找到为止。当他们找到,他们将要受动摇。当他们受动摇,他们将会惊奇,然后支配万物。」(托马斯 1-2)
○止观(samatha vipasyana)
2018-12-07 ArtNo.46486(90/90)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The secret sayings of Jesus)
These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded. (Thomas Preface)
And he said, "Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death. Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. (Thomas 1-2)
○The secret sayings
○Samatha vipasyana
○Buddha had a secret saying; Kasyapa didn't conceal it.
通信/情報技術 Telecom/IT in 2018