人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2016
【新德里】虽然‘英国退欧(Brexit)’是可以说,对全球化(globalisation)潮流成为最新的威胁,不过,印度政府首席经济顾问阿文德·萨勃拉曼尼亚却在于7月12日举办的印度政策论坛讲座上指出,从1980年代的18%上升到2008年的25%的出口导向型国内生产(exports-to-GDP),就是,超全球化(hyper-globalisation)时代毁灭的种子事实上已经在他所谓的‘西方削弱和其它地方上升(weakening West and the rising rest)’的过程中出现。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45808(102/129)
◆Why a slowing west means a dramatic shift in India’s strategy
【New Delhi】Though Brexit is the latest threat to globalisation, as chief economic advisor (CEA) Arvind Subramanian pointed out at the India Policy Forum Lecture on Tuesday, the seeds of the destruction of the era of hyper-globalisation—exports-to-GDP rose to over 25% in 2008 as compared to 18% in the 1980s boom—lay in the fact that this phase coincided with what he called the weakening West and the rising rest.
○Show me how inflation is low: Rajan on 'dialogues' by critics
○Jaitley questions high interest rates on savings
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45818(103/129)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45819(104/129)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45820(105/129)
◆Delhi's disastrous play in Kathmandu
【Kolkata】Policy flip-flops have put India on the global chopping block with respect to Oli's ouster from power. For a country that saw eight prime ministers come and go in 10 years, the collapse of Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli's nine-month-old government in Kathmandu shouldn't make big news. But it did.
○Avail Indus Water Treaty norms to resolve matters: India to Pak
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45821(106/129)
【スリナガル】全党自由会議(APHC:All Parties Hurriyat Conference)のサイード・アリ・シャー・ギーラニ議長は7月17日、中央政府がカシミールの安定を回復するために採るべき6項目の信頼回復手段を提起した。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45822(107/129)
【斯利那加】泛党自由大会(APHC:All Parties Hurriyat Conference)主席赛义德·阿里·沙阿·吉拉尼(Syed Ali Shah Geelani)先生于7月17日提议为了回复在克什米尔的和平中央政府应该采取的6项建立信任措施。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45823(108/129)
◆Syed Ali Shah Geelani outlines measures for return of peace in Kashmir
【Srinagar】Hardline Hurriyat Conference chairman Syed Ali Shah Geelani today (17/07/16) listed six confidence building measures that the Centre should take for return of peace to Kashmir.
○Curfew continues for 9th day in Kashmir
○Emboldened Opposition set to corner govt on Kashmir
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45824(109/129)
【ニューデリー】「中国はインドの『原子力供給国グループ(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)』加盟問題に関して一層の協議を望んでいるが、大方が予想するように反対している訳ではない。」在インド中国大使館の劉勤松臨時代理大使は、英字紙ザ・ヒンドゥーのスハシニ・ハイダル外交問題担当編集委員に、国連によるマスード・アズハールに対する禁令や南中国海における中国の海洋進出に対するハーグ仲裁裁判所の判決を含む、中印関係が、目下、直面する主要な問題に関して語った。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45825(110/129)
【新德里】“中国对印度申情加入核供应国集团(NSG:Nuclear Suppliers Group)的问题认为需要深入探讨,但跟许多人相信的恰恰相反地我们并不是反对。”驻印度使馆临时代办刘劲松于7月14日,接受英文《印度教徒报》外交问题编辑苏哈西尼·海达尔的采访,回答了关于目前中印两国关系面临的一些挑战性课题,包括,对马苏德·爱兹哈尔的联合国禁令和南海仲裁案。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45826(111/129)
◆India's NSG membership bid calls for in-depth discussion, says Beijing envoy to India Liu Jinsong
【New Delhi】"China wants to see more discussions on India’s membership at the NSG, but hasn’t opposed it, as many believe" Beijing's envoy to India Charge D’Affaires Liu Jinsong spoke to Suhasini Haidar, the Diplomatic Editor of English daily The Hindu, about some of the major issues challenging the India-China relationship at present, including the UN ban on Masood Azhar, and their divergence on the South China Sea Verdict.
○India, Japan ask Beijing to refrain from using strong-arm tactics in South China Sea
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45830(112/129)
【ニューデリー】ウルジットR.パテル氏(52)が8月20日、インド準備銀行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)の第24代総裁に指名された。任期は今年9月4日から3年間。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45831(113/129)
【新德里】尤尔吉特R.帕特尔先生(52)于8月20日被任命为第24代印度储备银行(RBI:Reserve Bank of India)行长,任期为从今年9月4日起3年。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45832(114/129)
◆Urjit Patel appointed as next RBI Governor
【New Delhi】Urjit R. Patel (52) was appointed on the 20th of August as the 24th Governor of the Reserve Bank of India for a period of three years with effect from September 4 this year.
○BBB should appoint top executives in state-run banks: Raghuram Rajan
○Raghuram Rajan for freeing up PSBs
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45848(115/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45849(116/129)
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45850(117/129)
◆PM's I-Day speech: I've tried to adopt strategy of reform, perform and transform
【New Delhi】As India celebrates its 70th Independence Day today (Aug 15), Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech stresses on self-sufficiency and the common man's progress. He also proposed three forms strategy, saying, "I have tried to adopt the strategy of ‘Reform, Perform and Transform’; tried to avoid populism."
○PM Narendra Modi looks back with pride on 70th Independence Day
○Modi's Independence Day address: one speech, two messages
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45851(118/129)
【コルカタ】去る8月9日に16年に及んだハンガーストライキに終止符を打ち、『軍事特別法(AFSPA:Armed Forces Special Powers Act)』に抗議する大衆集会に参加するために北インド、中央インド、西インド各地に旅立つ予定のシャミラ女史は、「マニプールの人々は、ハンガーストライキを止めた私を排斥するよりも、むしろ歓迎してくれた。それで私は今、生涯で一番忙しい時を過ごしている」と語った。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45852(119/129)
【加尔各答】沙米拉女士,-她于8月9日已停止16年之久的绝食抗议,并准备启动在印度北部·中部·西部参加大众集会以抗议武装部队特别权力法(AFSPA:Armed Forces Special Powers Act)的巡回活动-,说,“曼尼普尔州居民并不排斥她,事实上欢迎她决定停止绝食,所以我现在过着在我的生涯中最繁忙的日子。”
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45853(120/129)
◆Busiest days of my life, says Irom
【Kolkata】Ms. Sharmila, who had withdrew her 16-year-long fast on August 9 and is expected to go on a tour to address public meetings in north, central and west India against imposition of the Armed Forces Special Power Act (AFSPA), said that rather than isolating her, the Manipur society had in fact welcomed her decision to withdraw the fast, and thus she was having “the busiest days” of her life.
○I will not apologise for my remark: Ramya
○Cabinet clears surrogacy bill
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45857(121/129)
【アーメダバード】グジャラート州ダリット(不可触賎民)の『ガンジーアン(Gandhian)非協力運動』と彼らとイスラム教徒との提携は、右派を震撼させており、後者の牛保護自警団(Gau Rakshaks)は、面目失墜の脅威にさらされている。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45858(122/129)
【艾哈迈达巴德】古吉拉特州不可触种姓达利特(贱民)发动的“甘地不合作运动”,并他们跟回教徒携手的可能性,已经震撼右派,所谓的圣牛保护者(Gau Rakshaks)民团正面对丢面子的威胁。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45859(123/129)
◆The death of a cow, the birth of a movement
【Ahmedabad】The Gandhian non-cooperation movement of Gujarat’s Dalits and their move to join forces with Muslims have rattled the right wing, whose cow-protection vigilantism (Gau Rakshaks) now threatens to blow up in its face
○Backward vs Dalit war over new Karnataka chief secretary
○Our diaspora has a lot to offer
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45875(124/129)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45876(125/129)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45877(126/129)
◆Nawaz Sharif says world ignores South Asia tensions at its peril
【New York】Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif accused nuclear-armed rival India on the 21st September of putting unacceptable conditions on dialogue with Islamabad and said the world would ignore the dangers of rising tensions in South Asia at its own peril.
○Sharif tries to internationalise Kashmir issue at UNGA
○Pakistan PM consults army chief on Uri terror attack and Kashmir ahead of UNGA address
○OIC meet on Kashmir finds support from Turkey, Azerbaijan
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45881(127/129)
【ニューデリー】インド外務省は9月27日、テロリストのウリ兵営襲撃事件に伴うパキスタンとの関係の緊張状態に鑑み、ナレンドラ・モディ首相は11月にイスラマバードで開かれる南アジア地域協力機構(SAARC:South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)サミットに出席しない方針を決めたと発表した。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45882(128/129)
【新德里】印度外交部于9月27日宣布,考虑乌里恐怖袭击事件后的印度和巴基斯坦的紧张关系,总理纳伦德拉·莫迪已决定缺席于11月在伊斯兰堡举办的南亚区域合作(SAARC:South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation)峰会。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45883(129/129)
◆PM Modi to skip SAARC summit in Islamabad
【New Delhi】Ministry of External Affairs on the 27th of September announced that in wake of the strained relations with Pakistan following the terror attack in Uri, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to skip the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit in Islamabad in November.
○Pakistan isolated? Bangladesh, Bhutan, Afghanistan out of Saarc summit
○Saarc summit in Pakistan postponed after member states pull out
人物/人事 Personnal Affairs in 2016