内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2006
【ムンバイ】マハラシュトラ州政府が鳴り物入りで宣伝した総投資額4万8000クロー(US$106.69億)以上、1万2500MW(メガワット)の独立電力供給業者(IPP:independent power producer)プロジェクトはほとんど進捗を見ていない。
◆M'rashtra's independent power pacts have resulted in little progress
【MUMBAI】The Maharashtra government's much touted independent power producers (IPPs)programme to add generation capacity of 12,500 mw with an investment of over Rs 48,000 crore is progressing at a snail's pace.
2006-12-01 ArtNo.38777(352/369)
【ムンバイ】インドが計画する2万2000クロー(US$48.9億)の貨物専用鉄道『フレート・コリドー(freight corridor)』プロジェクトに三菱商事/伊藤忠/Bombardier Transportation/Siemens/General Electric Co(GE)/Alstom等の企業が強い関心を寄せ、特殊会社(special purpose vehicle)への出資やインフラ開発関連契約の獲得を目指している。
◆Global giants show keen interest on freight corridor projects
【Mumbai】India's proposed Rs 22,000-crore dedicated freight corridor projects have caught the eye of international transport majors such as Mitsubishi Corporation, Itochu, Bombardier Transportation, Siemens, GE, and Alstom. They are keen on being a part of the special purpose vehicle for the dedicated freight corridors or supplying of infrastructure items.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38789(353/369)
【ニューデリー】国営重電機会社Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd(BHEL)と国営火力発電会社NTPC Ltdは、手を携えてウルトラ・メガ発電(Ultra Mega Power)プロジェクトに入札することで合意した。
◆BHEL, NTPC to bid for UMPPs jointly
【NEW DELHI】State-run 2 companies, Bharat Heavy Electrical Ltd and NTPC Ltd have agreed to jointly bid for Ultra Mega Power Projects.
2006-12-04 ArtNo.38796(354/369)
◆The slackness of the Govt is the biggest impediment :SemIndia
【Coimbatore】The slackness of the Government in announcing a firm package of incentives is probably the biggest impediment to the growth of the semiconductor industry in India. Industry sources are hoping to hear some positive announcement very soon.
2006-12-06 ArtNo.38806(355/369)
◆Gujarat Govt inked MoU with 21 IT cos
【Ahmedabad】21 Information Technology and IT-enabled Services companies on December 1 entered into Memoranda of Understanding with the Gujarat Government to investments to the tune of Rs 11,067 crore and promising to create 3.25-lakh new jobs.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38813(356/369)
◆Govt to allow 74% FDI in air cargo operations
【NEW DELHI】The government plans to raise the foreign direct investment ceiling in air cargo, non-scheduled airlines, helicopter and seaplane operations to 74 per cent from the current 49 per cent, by 2007.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38814(357/369)
【コルカタ】Tata Motors Ltd(TML)の小型乗用車プロジェクトの用地収用を巡る紛争は4日、草の根会議派(Trinamool Congress)党首Mamata Banerjee女史が無期限のハンガー・ストライキを行い、これを支持するために現地の西ベンガル州Kolkata近郊Singurに急行したインド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)のRajnath Singh議長が、州政府の指示で出動した警察に拘束される中、最高潮に達した。
西ベンガル州のBuddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席大臣はこの日、TMLに12月中に用地を引き渡すことを確認するとともに、「小型車プロジェクトは州政府の全面的な支持を受けるだろう」と声明した。
◆The land acquisition row over Tata's small car project in Singur hot up
【KOLKATA】The recent land acquisition row over Tata's ambitious Rs 1 lakh small car project in Singur on the outskirts of Kolkata, hotted up on December 4. Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee was going on an indefinite fast. And Bharatiya Janata Party President Rajnath Singh who was backing her, was detained on his way to Singur as the state government had imposed a prohibitory order under Section 144 CrPC at Singur for an indefinite period. Then West Bengal chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee confirmed on this very day that his government will hand over land to Tata Motors at Singur in December itself. He said, the company will receive the fullest cooperation from the state government in setting up its Singur unit.
【加尔各答】最近在西孟加拉邦州加尔各答郊外Singur发生的征用农地纠纷12月4日加热至沸点。塔塔汽车公司在那里兴建小型汽车厂。基层国大党主席Mamata Banerjee女士那天开始绝食抗议,支持她的抗议而去Singur的印度人民党的Rajnath Singh主席被捕,因为州政府引用刑事手续法144条款发布在Singur禁止令。该州Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee首席部长当天声明说,他的政府在这个月内把工厂用地交给塔塔汽车公司,州政府将全面支持该公司的小型汽车项目。
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38815(358/369)
【ブーバネスワル】オリッサ州政府はTata Motors Ltd(TML)に同州Ganjam県Gopalpurに小型車工場を設けるよう提案した。
◆Tatas can set up car plant in Orissa:The state's minister
【BHUBANESHWAR】The Orissa government has suggested that Tata Motors Ltd could set up its small car project in Gopalpur, where they had already possessed land.
2006-12-08 ArtNo.38818(359/369)
【ハイデラバード】アンドラプラデシュ州のY.S. Rajasekhara Reddy首席大臣は5日Manmohan Singh首相に対し、早期に半導体政策を発表するよう求める陳情書を提出した。
◆State's plea to PM for Fab policy
【Hyderabad】Andhra Pradesh chief minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, on Decembet 5 submitted a plea to the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, requesting for early announcement of semiconductor policy.
【海德拉巴】安德拉邦州的Y S Rajasekhara Reddy首席部长12月5日向Manmohan Singh总理提出请愿书而要求尽早发表半导体政策。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38822(360/369)
【ニューデリー】Ratan Tata氏を長とする投資委員会は、州政府や関係当局の決定を待機する総額400億米ドル余、1ダース以上のプロジェクトが存在することを確認した。
Pawan Kumar Bansal大蔵担当国務相は8日の国会下院会議の席上、以上の消息を明らかにした。
◆$40-b projects awaiting govt clearance : Tata panel
【New Delhi】In a written reply to the Lok Sabha on December 8, Minister of State for Finance Pawan Kumar Bansal said the Ratan Tata-headed Investment Commission has identified more than a dozen projects that entaile total investment of $40 billion and are awaiting action by state governments and corporate bodies.
【新德里】财政部政务部长Pawan Kumar Bansal12月8日在国会下院在书面回答说;拉坦•塔塔为首的投资委员会证实1打以上总共400亿美元的投资项目等待州政府和有关当局的批准。
2006-12-11 ArtNo.38832(361/369)
◆16 bids for Sasan, Mundra ultra mega power projects
【MUMBAI】The Centre has received 16 technical and financial bids from 11 corporate majors for the two 4,000 mw ultra mega power projects to be set up in Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. But ten pre-qualified bidders have stayed out.
【孟买】中央邦州 Sasan和吉吉拉特州Mundra的4000mw超级大型发电计划已经从11间大企业受到16套建议书。可是已经通过资格预审的10间公司没有投标。
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38835(362/369)
◆3 sites in East Coast spotted for new shipyard
【Chennai】The Ministry of Shipping which plans to set up an "international size shipyard" in the East Coast, has short-listed Tuticorin and Ennore in Tamil Nadu and Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh as potential building sites.
2006-12-15 ArtNo.38838(363/369)
【コルカタ】国営Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL)は、ジャールカンド州Chiria鉱山の低コストな鉄鉱石を採掘する権利を手に入れるため同州に大型鉄鋼プラントを新たに設けることを提案したが、Madhu Koda政権の前向きな回答を引き出すには至っていない。
◆Jharkhand no word on SAIL's Chiria mine offer
【KOLKATA】Steel Authority of India Ltd(SAIL) has proposed to set up a mega greenfield venture in Jharkhand in order to secure access to the priceless Chiria iron ore mines of the state but the proposa is yet to evoke a response from the Madhu Koda government.
【加尔各答】印度钢铁管理局公司为了拿到奇里亚矿山的开采权而提议在贾坎德州兴建超级大型钢厂,可是Madhu Koda首席部长领导的该州政府没有积极的回应。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38846(364/369)
【ニューデリー】北部のNew Delhiと西海岸のマハラシュトラ州Mumbaiそして東海岸の西ベンガル州Kolkataを結ぶ総投資額2万2000クロー(US$48.9億)の貨物専用輸送システム『freight corridor』プロジェクトは1年内に着手される見通しだ。
◆Work on Rs 22,000 crore freight corridor project to start in a year
【New Delhi】Construction of the proposed dedicated freight corridor from New Delhi to Mumbai and to Kolkata at a cost about Rs 22,000 crore is expected to start in a year's time, the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, said.
【新德里】 Manmohan Singh总理说,估价2200亿卢比左右的『德里-孟买-加尔各答专用货运通道』计划会1年内动工。
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38850(365/369)
◆Panel on iron ore export couldn't reach consensus
【New Delhi】The committee consisted of secretaries from the ministries concerned looked into the issue of iron ore exports but has not been able to reach a consensus on whether export of ore having 64 per cent or more iron content should continue or should be restricted. It has left the Government to work out a policy framework for iron ore exports.
2006-12-18 ArtNo.38855(366/369)
◆More reactors are planned to boost nuclear power capacity
【NEW DELHI】For increment of the country's nuclear power capacity, more reactors are planned during the 11th five-year Plan and beyond.
2006-12-20 ArtNo.38866(367/369)
【ムンバイ】インド政府は水力発電プロジェクトのための『VGF:viability gap fund(実行能力不足補填基金)』と、電力部門全体のためのベンチャー・キャピタル基金(VCF)の設置を準備している。
◆India plans to promote VCFs for the power sector
【MUMBAI】India's central government is paning to float a viability gap fund (VGF) for hydro-power projects and promote venture capital funds (VCFs) for the power sector as a whole.
【孟买】印度政府考虑通过适应性补偿基金(viability gap fund)融资水力发电项目,也通过创业基金融资整个电力项目。
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38872(368/369)
【ニューデリー】インド政府は、日本との間でその開発が合意された『産業回廊(industrial corridor)』をデリー・ムンバイ貨物鉄道(Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor)と黄金の四辺形ハイウェー網(golden quadrilateral)に沿って設ける方向で検討している。
◆To develop industrial corridor on Delhi-Mumbai route
【NEW DELHI】The Government is considering to promote industrial corridor, of which development India and Japan have already reached an understanding, along the proposed Delhi-Mumbai freight corridor and golden quadrilateral route.
2006-12-22 ArtNo.38874(369/369)
【ニューデリー】インド政府が25%の資本補助に応じないならSemIndiaの35億米ドルの半導体ファブ事業が離陸しないばかりでなく、ATMP(Assembly Test Mark Plant)施設さえも国外移転を強いられる恐れがある。
◆SemIndia possibly shifts ATMP from India
【NEW DELHI】If the government fails to provide the demanded 25% equity support, the proposed $3.5-billion SemIndia chip fab project may not even start an ATMP (Assembly Test Mark Plant).
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2006