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内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2017
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元のページへ戻る ►2017-05-20 ArtNo.45985(51/138)
◆How India can counter China's OBOR, One Belt, One Road, initiative

【New Delhi】China is making strong efforts to persuade India to join its ‘One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative. India has, however, not yet openly agreed to be a part of the project which aims to connect the Eurasian landmass and Indo-Pacific maritime routes through an overland ‘belt’ and a ‘maritime’ silk road. The project envisages the construction of a maze of road, rail and port projects through a number of countries to connect mainland China to markets in Asia and Europe.
○India must understand the challenge of China and not confront any neighbour
○China, India lead Asia-Pacific energy mergers and acquisitions deals in 2016
○India, Australia sign 6 pacts including anti-terror pact
○India to import LPG from Iran to meet rising demand(...続きを読む)
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45986(52/138)

【ニューデリー/イスラマバード】国際司法裁判所(ICJ:International Court of Justice)は、5月9日、パキスタン軍事法廷によりスパイ罪で死刑を判決されたインド国籍のクルブシャン・ジャダフの執行猶予を求めた。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45987(53/138)

【新德里/伊斯兰堡】国际法院(ICJ:International Court of Justice)于5月9日向巴基斯坦呼吁停止执行被巴基斯坦军事法庭(FGCM:Field General Court Martial)以间谍为由判决死刑的印度国民库尔布山・贾达夫的处刑。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45988(54/138)
◆International Court of Justice stays Jadhav’s hanging

【New Delhi/ Islamabad】The International Court of Justice (ICJ) today (09-05-2017) stayed the execution of Indian national Kulbhushan Jadhav, who has been sentenced to death by a Pakistani military court on charges of “spying”.
○India, Pak tension mounts over former Indian Navy officer’s death sentence
○PM Modi to take call on Universal Basic Income in J&K
○Manmohan, Yadav discuss proposed Kashmir conclave
○Kashmir conference likely soon as opposition leaders back Yashwant Sinha(...続きを読む)
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45992(55/138)

【コルカタ】草の根会議派(Trinamool Congress)のサディップ・バンディオパーディー国会議員が、ローズバレー詐欺事件に関与した疑いで1月3日に中央捜査局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)に逮捕されると言うセンセーショナルな事件からまる3ヶ月の小康状態が続いた後、カルカッタ高裁は、3月17日、複数のTMC幹部の関与が疑われるナラダ・スティング事件を調査するようCBIに求めた。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45993(56/138)

【加尔各答】基层国大党(TC:Trinamool Congress)国会议员苏提·班迪奥帕迪亚于今年1月3日因与玫瑰谷骗局(Rose Valley scam)有关而被中央调查局(CBI:Central Bureau of Investigation)逮捕引起大轰动后处于小康三个月。但是到了3月17日,加尔各答高等法院向CBI要求调查所谓的『那拉达圈套(Narada sting operation)』案件。那个案件牵连了TMC的几位顶尖领导人。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.45994(57/138)
◆CBI takes up at least 464 cases from Bengal CID

【Kolkata】Following the high drama on Trinamool Congress (TMC) Memember of Parliament Sudip Bandyopadhyay’s arrest by the Central Bureau of investigation (CBI) in connection with the Rose Valley scam in January 3, there was a three months lull before the Calcutta High Court asked the CBI to investigate the Narada sting operation case that implicated several top leaders of the TMC on March 17.
○War on black money cannot be concluded with one action: Venkaiah Naidu
○What happened in R.K. Nagar?(...続きを読む)
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46001(58/138)

【ムンバイ】インドの給与上昇率が産業界全体を通じて平均一桁台に落ち込む中、『商品サービス税(GST:goods and services tax)』専門職に限っては、トレンドに抗して高額の中間賞与やGST部門への移動に伴う昇給を手に入れている。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46002(59/138)

【孟买】尽管印度的薪金增长率、全体工业界的平均而言下降到百分之一位数,但是消费税专家反抗这种趋势,获得高额中期花红,而且随着移动到担任『商品及服务税(GST:goods and services tax)』的部门又得到大幅度加薪。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46003(60/138)
◆GST professionals getting huge salary hikes ahead of tax roll out

【Mumbai】As salary increments across Indian industries fall to, on average, single-digit percentage figures, goods and services tax (GST) professionals are bucking the trend, taking home hefty mid-term bonuses and increments for moving within the organisation into the GST team.
○SoftBank records $1.4 billion loss from India investments
○Nightmare on IT St: thousands to be sacked(...続きを読む)
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46004(61/138)

【ニューデリー】導入が提案されている『商品サービス税(GST:goods and services tax)』制度の下、様々な商品、例えば化粧品、ヒゲ剃りクリーム、シャンプー、歯磨き、石鹸、プラスチック、塗料や一部の耐久消費財が割安になる見通しだ。なぜなら大部分の品目の課税率はこれまでの28%から18%に引き下げられる。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46005(62/138)

【新德里】各种生活必需品,如,化妆品,剃须膏,洗发水,牙膏,肥皂,塑料,油漆和一些耐用消费品,在被提议引进的『商品及服务税(GST:goods and services tax)』制度下,将会较便宜。因为大部分品目被分类到不是目前的28%税率范围,而是18%税率范围内。
○GST制度将需要至少一年的过渡期,并带来初步的痛苦:NITI 学会副主席
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46006(63/138)
◆70% of all goods and some consumer durables to become cheaper under proposed GST regime

【New Delhi】A number of goods such as cosmetics, shaving creams, shampoo, toothpaste, soap, plastics, paints and some consumer durables could become cheaper under the proposed goods and services tax (GST) regime as most items are likely to be subject to the rate of 18% rather than the higher one of 28%.
○Transition to GST will take one year and will have some pains: Arvind Panagariya
○GSTN may ease eligibility for third-party service providers(...続きを読む)
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46010(64/138)

【ニューデリー】インド放送協会プラサール・バラティ(Prasar Bharati)は、インドの文化的アイデンティティーを傷つけるエリート・イングリッシュ・メディアの偏見報道や、例えば特定の指導者や政党にヒンドゥー・ナショナリストと言ったレッテルを貼るカウンタータームに対抗する狙いから、新しいデジタル・プラットフォーム、インターネット・チャンネルを開設することを提案した。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46011(65/138)

【新德里】印度广播公司普拉萨尔巴拉蒂(Prasar Bharati)提議設立有互联网渠道功能的一个新的数字平台以对抗精英英文媒体的偏见報道,如,有选择性地指某些领导人或政党是印度教民族主义。
2017-05-20 ArtNo.46012(66/138)
◆Modi government mulls launching digital channel that will be India's voice

【New Delhi】National broadcaster Prasar Bharati has proposed a new digital platform and internet channel to challenge the "biases of the elite English media that reduce India's cultural identity" and counter terms such as "Hindu nationalist" to selectively refer to certain leaders or political parties.
○Now, Narendra Modi Government to decide on how much you eat on your plate
○Centre releases Rs 23,000 crore for Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(...続きを読む)
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46016(67/138)

【ニューデリー】インドは,上海協力機構(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)に参加後、中国の域内における動向に対処する上で有利な地歩を固めた。
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46017(68/138)

【新德里】印度加入上海合作组织(SCO:Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)后,将更有能力应付中国在该地区的举动。
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46018(69/138)
◆The 21st century is the Asian Century: India and Pakistan join SCO

【New Delhi】India is better placed to counter China’s moves in the region after joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.
○Putin suggested Russia joining NATO to Clinton
○Left behind in race by China, India tries to speed up Myanmar projects(...続きを読む)
2017-06-26 ArtNo.46019(70/138)

2017-06-26 ArtNo.46020(71/138)

2017-06-26 ArtNo.46021(72/138)
◆Modi to meet Trump on June 26

【New Delhi】The Ministry of External Affairs on Monday(12-06-2017) confirmed that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would meet US President Donald Trump at the White House on June 26. The meeting is going to be the first top-level engagement between India and the US after the new administration took over in Washington.
○Grind begins for presidential election(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46043(73/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46044(74/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46045(75/138)
◆Lessons for India on why Israel leads in innovation!

【New Delhi】India and Israel both survive in a very hostile neighbourhood and with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's maiden visit to the Jewish country, the two democracies are seeing a new high in relations.
○IAN builds startup highway to Israel(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46046(76/138)

【ニューデリー/ハンブルク】中国/インド/ブータン三国境が交差するシッキムにおいて両国軍が対峙している最中、そして両国首脳の通りすがり対話(pull aside meeting)の可能性が双方により否定された翌日の金曜日(07-07-2017)、ナレンドラ・モディ首相と中国の習近平国家主席は、非公式BRICS首脳会議の会場で握手を交わした。
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46047(77/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46048(78/138)
◆Xi, Modi shake hands amidst border stand-off

【New Delhi/Hamburg】Amidst the ongoing military stand-off between India and China in the tri-junction region of India-Bhutan-China near Sikkim and a day after either side had rejected the possibility of a ‘pull aside’ meeting between their two leaders, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday (07-07-2017) shook hands on the sidelines of an informal BRICS leaders’ meeting.
○China will have to take military way if India doesn't listen(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46049(79/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46050(80/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46051(81/138)
◆PM Modi pitches for global deterrent action against terror at G20

【Hamburg】Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 7th of July called for a concerted global crackdown on nations supporting terrorism for their political goals and named Pakistan-based groups Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) among major terror outfits alongside the Al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) at the G20 Summit.
○Countering China: India, Japan, US' biggest warships to be part of war game(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46052(82/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46053(83/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46054(84/138)
◆Obor can lead to economic colonialism

【New Delhi】Since the start of this century, the world has seen a shift in power balance, courtesy China’s emerging economic might, which challenged a US-dominant unipolar world that had been in existence since 1991 when the Soviet Union was dissolved, officially ending the Cold War.
○India rolls out the red carpet for Myanmar military chief, with an eye firmly on China(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46055(85/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46056(86/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46057(87/138)
◆Gorkhaland issue not just restricted to West Bengal: Chamling

【Gangtok】Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Kumar Chamling on the 9th of July demanded urgent intervention of the Centre for early settlement of the Gorkhaland issue to safeguard the interest of Sikkim.
○Darjeeling unrest: Army reployed after fresh violence in hills(...続きを読む)
2017-07-19 ArtNo.46058(88/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46059(89/138)

2017-07-19 ArtNo.46060(90/138)
◆'Shall not let anyone eat' ; Tamil Nadu politics

【Chennai】The government leaders in Tamil Nadu are ‘eating’ every day at every opportunity.(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46073(91/138)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46074(92/138)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46075(93/138)
◆India Calls For Building Trust, Confidence Among Nuclear Weapon States

【United Nations】India has called for a meaningful dialogue among all states possessing nuclear weapons to build trust and confidence and for reducing the salience of atomic weapons in international affairs.(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46082(94/138)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46083(95/138)

2017-10-16 ArtNo.46084(96/138)
◆U.N. must call upon India to halt provocations, says Pakistan

【New York】If the international community wishes to “avoid a dangerous escalation between India and Pakistan”, it must call on India to halt its “provocations and aggressive actions”, Pakistan told the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on September 24, responding to Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj’s scathing attack on Islamabad’s promotion of Islamist terrorism.
○Surgical strikes were a message, says Army chief Gen. Rawat
○Pak violates ceasefire along LoC(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46085(97/138)

【ニューデリー】インド陸軍は、事前通告なしの越境攻撃、所謂外科手術(surgical strike)を実行しているとの非難に直面、対応に追われている中にも関わらず、9月27日早朝、ミャンマー国境地帯で、ナガランド・カプラン全国社会主義評議会(NSCN-K:National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang)の複数の兵士を射殺した。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46086(98/138)

【新德里】正当受到印度军队越过国际边界而实行『外科手术性袭击(surgical strike)』的非难而不暇应付之际,印度军队于9月27日早晨在印缅边界打死『那格兰全国社会主义委员会卡普兰派(NSCN-K:National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang)』的几名武装分子。
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46087(99/138)
◆Army ambushes Naga insurgents along India-Myanmar border

【New Delhi】The Indian Army on the 27th September shot down several Naga insurgents belonging to the NSCN-Khaplang or NSCN(K) militant group along the India-Myanmar border in the wee hours of morning even as it refuted claims of carrying out a ‘surgical strike’ or the Indian troops crossing over the international border.
○Digvijaya attacks Centre for not granting asylum to Rohingyas
○Don't deport Rohingyas: Open Letter to Modi(...続きを読む)
2017-10-16 ArtNo.46088(100/138)

【ニューデリー】ナレンドラ・モディ首相は、9月25日夜、2018年12月までに、新たに農村と都市の4000万世帯以上に電力を供給することを目指す、総額1632億ルピーの『首相家庭電化計画:Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Prime Minister initiated household electrification scheme)またはSaubhagya (Good luck)』に着手すると宣言した。
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2017
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