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解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2014
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元のページへ戻る ►2014-06-27 ArtNo.45145(51/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Messiah's way)
【Review】Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32) Jesus wants us to return to the Word, which was with God, and was God in the beginning (John 1:1), and to remain on it. Doing so, the truth comes into our field of vision by itself and release us from all of bitter grief in this world. This exactly is the pith of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
○Who can be baptized with the Holy Spirit?
○Robbing function
○Messiah's way(...続きを読む)
2014-07-04 ArtNo.45170(52/87)
2014-07-04 ArtNo.45171(53/87)
2014-07-04 ArtNo.45172(54/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Spread the virtues of Wu across the world)
【Review】I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.(John 14:6)
○Spread the virtues of Wu across the world to eradicate war
○Azuchi Seminario
○House of Deus
○Gate of Hades(...続きを読む)
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45173(55/87)
【ニューデリー】インド人民党(BJP:Bharatiya Janata Party)の選挙キャンペーン・スローガンは、『今度は、モディ政権(Abki baar, Modi sarkar)』だったが、国民会議派議会リーダーを務めるアビシェーク・マヌー・シンヴィ氏は、国会本会議場においてアルン・ジェートリー氏に「実際は『今度は、ジェートリー政権(Abki baar, Jaitley sarkar)』ではないのか」と皮肉った。(...続きを読む)
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45174(56/87)
【新德里】虽然印度人民党的大选口号是“莫迪政府时代已到(Abki baar, Modi sarkar)”,印度国民大会党领袖阿比舍克·马努·辛维先生在国会大厦向阿伦・杰特列先生谈吐诙谐地说,“实际上‘杰特列政府时代已到(Abki baar, Jaitley sarkar)’是不是?”(...続きを読む)
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45175(57/87)
◆Modi's Chanakya
【New Delhi】The Bharatiya Janata Party's campaign slogan may have been Abki baar, Modi sarkar(The Modi government in this time.), but, as Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi jocularly told Arun Jaitley in Parliament's Central Hall, the reality is "Abki baar, Jaitley sarkar". (...続きを読む)
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45197(58/87)
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45198(59/87)
○象征(Typos)和形象(eikon) = 御名
2014-07-15 ArtNo.45199(60/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Name)
【Review】Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name. (John 2:23)
○Secret of the baptism of the Holy Spirit
○Typos and eikon = The Name
○Your name is Hui Chao
○The thousand sages have not transmitted the single word before sound(...続きを読む)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45212(61/87)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45213(62/87)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45214(63/87)
◆Tax proceedings against Swiss account holders: Jaitley
【New Delhi】Tax proceedings have begun against Swiss bank account holders, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Lok Sabha Friday.
○Modi govt committed to lower taxes: FM
○Jaitley's fiscal deficit target of 3% by 2017 an audacious bet on high growth in the years ahead(...続きを読む)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45221(64/87)
【プネ】パリ拠点の国際コンサルタント会社マザースがこのほど発表した『2014年度インド自動車産業展望調査(The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014)』によると、インドの2014-15会計年度の国内自動車販売は4%の成長が見込まれる。
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45222(65/87)
◆2014-15年的轿车销量成长率4%: 玛扎尔预测
【浦那】本部设在巴黎的国际咨询公司玛扎尔最近发表的“2014年印度汽车业展望调查报告(The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014)”预测2014-15财政年的印度国内轿车销量成长4%。
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45223(66/87)
◆After a sluggish start, car sales to consolidate at 4% in FY15: Survey
【Pune】The domestic car sales in India is expected to consolidate at 4 per cent in financial year 2014-15, said 'The Indian Automotive Industry - Expectation survey 2014' published by Paris based international advisory firm Mazars.
○Heavy CV sales up after 2 years
○Top 10 best selling cars in June 2014(...続きを読む)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45224(67/87)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45225(68/87)
2014-07-25 ArtNo.45226(69/87)
◆The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Sanctification)
【Review】My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. (John 17:15) Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. (John 17:17) For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. (John 17:19)
○Truth That's Never Been Spoken
○Spiritual rebirth: Prerequisite for baptism of the Holy Spirit
○Sanctification: Prerequisite for spiritual rebirth(...続きを読む)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45254(70/87)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45255(71/87)
2014-08-05 ArtNo.45256(72/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Circular Figure)
【Review】Jesus, who had driven all merchants from the temple area on the day of the Passover feast and had gone out to the Judean countryside and started to baptize with the Holy Spirit, decided to go through Samaria and return to Galilee (John 4:3) after an argument had developed between Jesus' disciples and John's followers.(John 3:25)
 When Jesus rested by Jacob's well at a town called Sychar in Samaria (John 4:5-6), his disciples urged him, "Rabbi, eat something." But he said to them, "I have food to eat that you know nothing about." (John 4:31-32) "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Do you not say, 'Four months more and then the harvest'? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together. (Jhon 4:34-36)
○Simultaneous pecking eggshell by a chick and the mother hen in hatching
○I am the Alpha and the Omega
○Circular Figure
○Chan's Circular Figure & Gnosticism's Uroboros(...続きを読む)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45284(73/87)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45285(74/87)
2014-08-19 ArtNo.45286(75/87)
◆Review:The baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mind seal)
 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.
○True worshipers
○The workings of the Iron Ox
○The Patriarchal Master's Mind Seal
○The superfluous(...続きを読む)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45323(76/87)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45324(77/87)
2014-09-05 ArtNo.45325(78/87)
◆Review:Jesus and Gnosticism--The Origin of Zen Buddhism (1)
 With the east expedition of Alexander the Great, Greek philosophy fused together with religions and cultures of Judea, Egypt, Persia, India and so on and then the tide of Gnosticism occurred. In a broader sense, the Mahayana Buddhism movement might have been a part of it. Diaspora of Jews and Persians around the world played a major role in the tide of Gnosticism. And Bodhi Dharma and Kumarajiva might have been two of them.
○Q Sayings and Gnosticism
○Background of the Twelve Apostles
○2 groups who call themselves "Children of the Light"
○3 close aides of Jesus
○Brothers of the Lord(...続きを読む)
2014-09-26 ArtNo.45353(79/87)
2014-09-26 ArtNo.45354(80/87)
2014-09-26 ArtNo.45355(81/87)
◆Review:Jesus and Gnosticism--The Origin of Zen Buddhism (2)
 Gnostic group such as Thomas, Philip, etc. seems to have been shy away from the idea with strong political color as such "calling back the scattered children of God, to bring them together and revive Israel" from the beginning.
○Jesus' different instructions
○Establishment of the Primitive Church
○Integration of Gnostic, Nazarite and Paul
○James the Less and Paul
○Gnosticism and the Baptist
○The Origin of Zen Buddhism
○Uroboros and Circular Figure of Zen Buddhism(...続きを読む)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45362(82/87)

2014-12-12 ArtNo.45363(83/87)

【斯利那加 - 新德里】印度-巴基斯坦和印度教徒-穆斯林基本上是复合的一个问题。这项三者(印度/巴基斯坦/克什米尔)之间的一个象征性关系有时表露,不过在政策层次有看到刺目现实的厌恶感。(...続きを読む)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45364(84/87)
◆Kashmir outcome may provide Mufti, Modi with new opening

【Srinagar-New Delhi】India-Pakistan and Hindu-Muslim are basically one complex of issues. That there is a symbiotic relationship between the three becomes apparent every now and then. But there is, at policy levels, an aversion to see the glaring reality.(...続きを読む)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45392(85/87)

○SEAnews eBookstore開店
 SEA Researchは、『第三部:聖霊のバプテスマ(禅宗の起源)』を増補した電子書籍『キリスト教の起源』第二版をこのたび上梓、同時にSEAnews eBookstoreを正式オープン致しました。

村上厚(SEA Research社主)
シンガポール 2014年11月 (...続きを読む)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45393(86/87)

○SEAnews eBookstore开张
 SEA Research 增补《第三部:圣灵的施洗(禅宗的起源)》 加入已经出版了第二版《基督教的起源》。 于此同时,SEAnews eBookstore 正式开张。

村上厚(SEA Research社主)
2014-12-12 ArtNo.45394(87/87)
◆The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Origin of Zen Buddhism)

○SEAnews eBookstore opens
 SEA Research now publish the second edition of "The Origin of Christianity" with an additional article, subheaded "The part 3: The baptism of the Holy Spirit (The Origin of Zen Buddhism)" and start to sell the book through the SEAnews eBookstore which has officially opened.
 This is a turning point of the era for the whole world and people are suffering the pains of labor, just as did also the people in the Mediterranean coast and Western Asia around 2000 years ago.
 It is a pleasure to see this book help people overcome this turbulent era and realize their spiritual rebirth.
Atsushi Murakami
(Owner of SEA Research)
November, 2014 in Singapore(...続きを読む)
解説/論評 Interpretation/Commentary in 2014
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