企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2016
◆I do not want India to become a digital colony, it's the last frontier
T V Mohandas Pai, who was CFO, HR head and board member at Infosys BSE 0.53 %, is today one of India's most prominent angel investors.
○Chinese investors betting big on India's Web & mobile. Is that a good news for start-ups?
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45791(52/78)
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45792(53/78)
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45793(54/78)
◆India well prepared to deal with Brexit impact: Jaitley
【New Delhi】Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on the 24th of June said India is well prepared to deal with the short and medium-term consequences of Brexit and continues to be a good option for investors. Jaitley, who is on an official tour of China, stepped in to soothe domestic investors and talk up markets that are registering significant volatility after the UK referendum showed that a majority wanted to leave the European
○How Brexit may have birthed a windfall for India
○So, who is virtually immune from Brexit carnage in India? Here’s who and why ?
○Brexit may bring new opportunities for Indians in UK
○Dream home in U.K. may turn reality for uber rich
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45800(55/78)
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45801(56/78)
【孟买】高度曝光在英国和欧洲联盟的印度公司的董事会被预料都以严峻的心情看到英国退欧(Brexit)的现实化。塔塔汽车,塔塔钢铁欧洲,Motherson Sumi,塔塔咨询服务公司以及印孚瑟斯技术有限公司都被预料面临英国退欧(Brexit)的冲击,由于它们都高度曝光在该地区和汇率的波动。
2016-07-03 ArtNo.45802(57/78)
◆Brexit aftermath: Bear shadow on India Inc
【Mumbai】It was a sombre mood at the boardrooms of Indian companies with a lot of exposure in Britain and in the European Union (EU). Tata Motors, Tata Steel Europe, Motherson Sumi, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys are expected to face the brunt of Brexit, due to their exposure to the region and volatility in currency values.
○How Brexit wrought carnage for India’s UK linked companies
○How Brexit pushed fund managers into corner, cost India $92 mn
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45809(58/78)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45810(59/78)
○TCS是印度IT业最大的雇主: Nasscom
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45811(60/78)
◆IT’s getting tough
【New Delhi】The first set of earnings reports from Indian IT majors indicates that conditions are likely to get extremely difficult from here on and companies need to seriously reconsider their growth strategies.
○TCS top employer in IT industry: Nasscom
○VSoft develops app for instant transfer of money
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45812(61/78)
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45813(62/78)
【新德里】美国国防企业巨头洛克希德·马丁公司已敲定基于“印度制造(Make in India)”倡议只在印度制造其标志性F-16战斗机的最新版本。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45814(63/78)
◆In exclusive deal, India to get ‘most advanced’ F-16 fighter jets by 2019-20
【New Delhi】US defence major Lockheed Martin has firmed up its plans to produce the latest version of its iconic F-16 fighter jets only in India under the ‘Make in India’ programme.
○India woos Tesla with land offer
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45815(64/78)
【ニューデリー】インド商工省は、鉄道省に仏教徒の巡礼路(Buddhist Circuit)沿って『パレス・オン・ホイールズ』をモデルにした豪華観光列車を運行させるよう提案した。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45816(65/78)
【新德里】印度贸工部向铁路部提议仿照“皇宫列车(Palace on Wheels)”巡行佛教名胜的豪华列车。
2016-07-29 ArtNo.45817(66/78)
◆Luxury train mooted to draw Buddhists from China, Japan
【New Delhi】The Commerce Ministry wants the Railways Ministry to consider running a luxury train, modelled on the ‘Palace on Wheels,’ on the ‘Buddhist Circuit.’
○Health Minister to visit China to woo investors
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45845(67/78)
【ニューデリー】『鉱工業生産指数(IIP:index of industrial production)』の資本財部門は、今会計年度第1四半期に18%下降したが、産業政策振興局(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)が発表した最新データは、投資環境改善の兆しを暗示しているようにも見える。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45846(68/78)
【新德里】虽然在工业生产指数(IIP:index of industrial production)下的资本货物,在这财政年第一季下降18%,根据工业政策与促进署(DIPP:Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion)发表的最新数据似乎显示投资季侯正在开始复苏的迹象。
2016-08-31 ArtNo.45847(69/78)
◆Signs of a revival in investments?
【New Delhi】While the capital goods segment in the Index of Industrial Production (IIP) contracted 18 per cent in the first quarter of the current financial year, new data from the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) suggest that the investment climate in the country may be on the cusp of improving.
○Mobile handset makers set for ‘record-breaking’ September quarter
○PC shipment grew 7.2% in Q2 2016, HP leads: IDC
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45860(70/78)
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45861(71/78)
◆跨国公司垄断印度国内最佳IT & ITeS工作场所
【新德里】根据一项调查,Adobe系统印度,谷歌印度和微软印度是在全国50个最佳信息科技与信息技术化行业(IT & ITeS )工作场所中排在最领先的3间公司。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45862(72/78)
◆MNCs dominate, startups shine among India's best IT & ITeS companies
【New Delhi】Adobe Systems India, Google India, and Microsoft India are among the 50 Best IT & ITeS workplaces in the country, according to a survey.
○IITs change placement course after Flipkart fiasco
○Double intake in PG diplomas, IIMs told
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45863(73/78)
【ニューデリー】インド情報技術(IT)業界の代表組織『ソフトウェア・サービス会社全国協会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)』は3年前、コワーキングスペースやプラグ・アンド・プレイ・オフィスがインドのスタートアップのエコシステムにおける流行語になる以前に、最初のその種のセンターをスタートアップ・ウェアハウスとともに、カルナタカ州バンガロールに開設した。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45864(74/78)
【新德里】印度信息技术业的代表机构,“软件和服务公司全国协会(NASSCOM:National Association of Software and Service Companies)”早在3年前,就是,在“合作工作空间(co-working spaces)”和“即插即用办公室(plug-and-play offices)”成为在印度起业生态系统中的流行语之前,已经在卡纳塔克州班加罗尔设立这种中心与“起业仓库(Startup Warehouse)”在一起。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45865(75/78)
◆How Nasscom 10K program has been empowering India's growing startup ecosystem
【New Delhi】Before co-working spaces and plug-and-play offices became the buzzword in the startup ecosystem in India, industry body Nasscom had opened one of the first such centres in India three years ago with its Startup Warehouse in Bangalore.
○Xiaomi to bring crowdfunding platform to India
○IT sector slowdown to hit mid-caps worst
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45869(76/78)
【シュリーハリコータ】インド宇宙研究機構(ISRO:Indian Space Research Organisation)のPSLV C-35ロケットは、人工衛星8個を異なる2つの軌道に打ち上げることに初めて成功した。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45870(77/78)
【斯里哈里科塔】印度太空研究机构(ISRO:Indian Space Research Organisation)的火箭PSLV C-35被发射后第一次成功地把一共八颗卫星送入两个不同的轨道。
2016-10-09 ArtNo.45871(78/78)
◆In a first, PSLV puts 8 satellites in two different orbits
【Sriharikota】In a first, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)'s PSLV C-35 rocket launched a total of eight satellites, into two different orbits.
○Cabinet clears merger of Railways and Union Budgets
企業動静 Corporate Affair in 2016