内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2020
◆Imran offers to help India with Covid-19 fallout by sharing details of govt's cash programme
【Islamabad】Prime Minister Imran Khan on June 11 offered to assist India with the fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic by sharing the details of the government's Ehsaas Emergency Cash programme.
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46806(102/180)
【伊斯兰堡】伊姆兰·汗总理于6月11日表示愿意通过分享其政府的以撒斯紧急现金(Ehsaas Emergency Cash)计划的细节来协助印度应对冠装病毒19大流行的影响。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46808(103/180)
【イスラマバード】『公共部門開発プログラム(PSDP: Public Sector Development Programme)』は、2020-21年度、一時ゲームチェーンジャーと称された『中国パキスタン経済回廊(CPEC:China Pakistan Economic Corridor)』事業に約210億ルピーを割り当てている。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46810(104/180)
◆Game changer CPEC gets Rs21 bn for 2020-21
【Islamabad】The Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) for the year 2020-21 contains around Rs21 billion allocation for projects under China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) - once considered a game changer for Pakistan.
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46809(105/180)
【伊斯兰堡】『公共部门发展计划(PSDP: Public Sector Development Programme)』在2020-21年度拨款约210亿卢比用于中国巴基斯坦经济走廊(CPEC:China Pakistan Economic Corridor)下的项目,该项目曾被视为巴基斯坦的游戏规则改变者。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46811(106/180)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46813(107/180)
◆President says Central Bank failed in its duty to supervise ETI Investments
【Colombo】President Gotabaya Rajapaksa said the Central Bank has failed in its duty and cannot evade responsibility for the alleged irregularities in ETI Investments, the Presidential Media Division said.
○Another revelation on ETI misleading the public
○TFC shareholders last in line to be settled under liquidation process
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46812(108/180)
【科伦坡】据总统府媒体部门的发表,戈塔巴亚·拉贾帕克萨总统说「中央银行没有履行其职责,它不能对ETI投资(ETI Investments)的违规行为回避责任。」
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46814(109/180)
【カトマンズ】ネパールのビドヤ・デビ・バンダリ大統領は、同国連邦議会上下両院を通過した『2077年憲法第二修正法案[Constitution (2nd Amendment) Bill, 2077]』を批准した。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46816(110/180)
◆Nepal updated its map and Coat of Arms
【Kathmandu】Nepal President Bidya Devi Bhandari has authenticated the Constitution (2nd Amendment) Bill 2077, after the Bill was passed by both the houses of the federal parliament.
○India and Nepal's relation came under strain after a new road inaugurated by India
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46815(111/180)
【加德满都】尼泊尔总统比迪亚·德维·班达里(Bidya Devi Bhandari)批准了在该国联邦议会两院上已通过的《2077年宪法第二修正案》。
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46817(112/180)
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46819(113/180)
◆The budget falls short to be Covid-19 responsive
【Dhaka】The fundamental objective of the budget for the next financial year (FY21) should have been to resolve the unparalleled health and economic threats raised by the Covid-19 pandemic, and to restore economic stability. Though the budget has acknowledged the context, it falls short to be a Covid-19 responsive budget.
○Health sector
○Social safety net
○Revenue target
○The stimulus package
○GDP growth rate
○In conclusion
2020-06-24 ArtNo.46818(114/180)
【达卡】下个财政年度(21财年)预算的基本目标应该是应付冠状病毒19大流行带来的空前未有的健康和经济威胁,并恢复经济稳定。 尽管政府发布的预算已确认了这个宗旨,但仍不足以成为响应冠状病毒19预算。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46826(115/180)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46828(116/180)
◆India-China Corps Commanders hold talks for 15 hours
【New Delhi】India and China Corps Commanders held talks for 15 hours on July 14 as both sides worked to finalise details of the next phase of disengagement.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46827(117/180)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46832(118/180)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46834(119/180)
◆19 rebel Rajasthan Indian National Congress MLAs face disqualification from assembly
【Jaipur】Rajasthan Speaker has issued notices to Sachin Pilot and 18 other rebel Congress MLAs after the party sought their disqualification from the state assembly.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46833(120/180)
【斋浦尔】拉贾斯坦州议会议长受到国大党寻求取消该党造反州议员(MLA)的议员资格后,已向萨钦·皮洛特(Sachin Pilot)和其他18个该党MLA发出了通知。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46835(121/180)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46837(122/180)
◆BJP involved in horse-trading:Congress
【Jaipur】The Congress on July 17 demanded that a case be lodged against BJP leader and Union minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, accusing him of being involved in horse-trading of Rajasthan MLAs.
○BJP ally targets Vasundhara Raje over Rajasthan political crisis
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46836(123/180)
【斋浦尔】国大党于7月17日指责印度人民党(BJP)的联邦部长加延德拉·辛格·谢哈瓦(Gajendra Singh Shekhawat)参与了收买拉贾斯坦州议员(Lajasthan MLA)活动并要求对他提起诉讼。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46844(124/180)
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46846(125/180)
◆Lucky Imran Khan!
【Islamabad】Prime Minister Imran Khan should consider himself lucky that without doing much his government is under no serious threat except problem within and his allies.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46845(126/180)
【伊斯兰堡】伊姆兰·汗(Imran Khan)应该认为自己很幸运,尽管他并未付出多大努力,他的政府除了盟友的内讧之外没有受到严重的威胁。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46847(127/180)
【ディガマドゥーラ】ディガマドゥーラ選挙区ポツビル地区の『全セイロン国民会議会議(ACMC:All Ceylon Makkal Congress)』と『スリランカ・イスラム会議(SLMC:Sri Lanka Muslim Congress)』の支持者から成るグループは7月15日、ポツビルで催された式典の席上、『国民会議(NC:National Congress)』およびその指導者A.L.M. アサウラ前地方政府/州議会大臣を支持することを誓った。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46849(128/180)
◆ACMC, SLMC supporters join National Congress
【Digamadulla】A group of All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC) and Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) supporters of the Pottuvil area in the Digamadulla Electoral District pledged their support to the National Congress (NC) and its leader, former Local Government and Provincial Councils Minister A.L.M. Athaullah on July 15 at a ceremony held in Pottuvil.
○Only the SLPP can build a progressive nation, dignified before the world
○Victory of the people our ultimate aim
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46850(129/180)
【ニューデリー】中国の習近平国家主席は8月1日、ネパールとの関係の継続的発展を促進したいと語り、与党ネパール共産党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)の内紛を背景に、親中派のKPシャルマ・オリ首相の権力掌握を支える北京の一貫した姿勢を確認した。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46852(130/180)
◆President Xi shore up pro-China PM K P Sharma Oli's grip on power
【New Delhi】Chinese President Xi Jinping on August 1 said he wants to push for a continued advancement of ties with Nepal amidst Beijing's sustained forays to shore up pro-China Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli's grip on power in the backdrop of intra-party feud in the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP).
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46851(131/180)
【新德里】中国国家主席习近平于8月1日表示,他希望推动与尼泊尔的关系不断发展,从而在执政的尼泊尔政党共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)内部发生争执的背景下承诺北京不断采取行动以支持亲中国沙尔玛·奥利(KP Sharma Oli)总理的掌权。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46853(132/180)
【カトマンズ】与党ネパール共産党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)書記局は7月18日当地で重要会議を催したが、シャルマ・オリ党共同主席兼首相ともう一人の共同主席プシュパ・カマル・ダハル氏に及び上級幹部マーダブ・クマール・ネパール氏に率いられるライバル派閥の意見の相違を調整することに失敗した。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46855(133/180)
◆Oli refuses to quit as PM, party co-chair
【Kathmandu】A crucial meeting of the ruling Nepal Communist Party (NCP) Secretariat held here on July 18 failed to reconcile differences between party Co-chair and Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli and the rival faction led by another Co-chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal and senior leader Madhav Kumar Nepal.
○Both Co-Chairs of the party visit the president
○Relations with India and China
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46854(134/180)
【加德满都】执政的尼泊尔共产党(NCP:Nepal Communist Party)秘书处于7月17日在这里举行关键会议,但未能调和党的联合主席和总理卡德加·普拉萨德·夏尔马·奥利(KP Sharma Oli)与另一位联合主席普什帕·卡麦尔·达哈尔(Pushpa Kamal Dahal)以及高级领导人马达夫·库马尔·内帕尔(Madhav Kumar Nepal)领导的敌对派系之间的分歧。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46856(135/180)
【ダッカ】バングラデシュ民族主義党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)のミルザ・ファクルル・イスラム・ アラムギール総書記は、「国民はバングラデシュの保健システムを信頼することができなくなった。なぜならそれは既に完全に崩壊しているからだ」と語った。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46858(136/180)
◆Bangladesh's health system has collapsed: BNP Secretary General
【Dhaka】Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has alleged that people now cannot have their confidence in the country's health system as it has completely collapsed.
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46857(137/180)
【达卡】孟加拉国民族主义党(BNP:Bangladesh Nationalist Party)的米尔扎·法赫鲁尔·伊斯兰·阿拉姆吉尔(Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir)秘书长声称,由于该国的卫生系统已经完全崩溃,人们现在对他们的卫生系统不再抱有信心。
2020-08-03 ArtNo.46848(138/180)
【迪加马杜拉】迪加马杜拉(Digamadulla)选区波图维尔(Pottuvil)地区的『全锡兰-马克卡尔会议(ACMC:All Ceylon Makkal Congress)』和『斯里兰卡穆斯林会议(SLMC:Sri Lanka Muslim Congress)』的支持者于7月15日在波图维尔举办的集会上宣誓支持『国民会议(NC:National Congress)』及其领导人,前地方政府和省议会部长A.L.M.阿撒拉(Athaullah)。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46862(139/180)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46864(140/180)
◆First economic contraction in 4 decades: India GDP shrinks 23.9% in Q1FY21
【New Delhi】The economy of India - the world's fastest-growing large economy until a few years ago - contracted by 23.9 per cent in April-June -- the worst performance since quarterly measurement began in 1996 and probably the first contraction since 1980 and worse than what was expected by most analysts. The Indian economy has shrunk, in absolute terms, back to the size it had last seen 22 quarters ago when Prime Minister Narendra Modi took charge of governing the country.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46863(141/180)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46877(142/180)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46879(143/180)
◆Federal govt 'incompetent', 'incapable' of running country: CJP
【Islamabad】Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Gulzar Ahmed said on September 1 that the federal government was neither competent nor capable of running the country.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46878(144/180)
【伊斯兰堡】巴基斯坦首席法官古尔扎尔·艾哈迈德(Gulzar Ahmed)于9月1日表示,「联邦政府既无能力也不恰当(无资格)管理国家。」
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46880(145/180)
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46882(146/180)
◆Poor planning, poor governance, poor monitoring flood Karachi
【Karachi】It does not always rain in Karachi during the monsoon. When it does, it floods. Many parts of Karachi went without electricity for 50 hours, prompting Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah to ask, "What kind of service is this?". Internet and cell phone networks were disrupted all over Pakistan's largest city.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46881(147/180)
【卡拉奇】季风期间,卡拉奇并不总是下雨。 但如果下雨,它就会泛滥。卡拉奇的许多地方都停电了50个小时,促使信德省首席部长穆拉德·阿里·沙赫问道「天啊,这到体是什么服务?」 巴基斯坦最大的城市的互联网和手机网络在全区遭到断绝。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46883(148/180)
【コロンボ】注目を集めた先月のスリランカ総選挙は、マヒンダ・ラジャパクサ前大統領が率いるスリランカ人民戦線(SLPF:Sri Lanka People's Front)の圧勝に終わった。SLPFは、全国会議席の三分の二近い145議席を獲得した。
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46885(149/180)
◆New Dimensions in Sri Lanka's Foreign Policy
【Colombo】A much-anticipated General Election in Sri Lanka last month ended with a resounding victory for the Sri Lanka People's Front, which was spearheaded by former president Mahinda Rajapaksa. The party secured 145 seats – obtaining a near two-thirds majority in Parliament.
2020-09-10 ArtNo.46884(150/180)
【科伦坡】备受高度瞩目的上个月的斯里兰卡大选以前总统马欣达·拉贾帕克萨(Mahinda Rajapaksa)率领的斯里兰卡人民阵线(SLPF:Sri Lanka People's Front)的巨大胜利而结束。SLPF赢得了145个席位,几乎占国会全席的三分之二。
内政法律軍事 Political/Law/Military Affair in 2020